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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I just finished up being a part of a very prestigious theatre world in affluent Virginia suburbs. A LOT of first borns (including mine) and an ENORMOUS amount of ego. These were children who had tremendous amounts of positive reinforcement. Marjorie was very familiar. Not a lot has gone badly in her life, and she's been well liked in a good way (as opposed to a hidden away because she's so "precious to us " kind of way.).

You don't say....

I find enormous egos to be hilarious (in a terrible way) and extremely and utterly off putting at the same time. I respect humility and those who don't brag. So far, I find Marjorie to be confident and nice rather than a braggart. Time will tell. But, her personality might be good for Michelle. I think Michelle sort of pulls off liking Jana in that "hidden" way you mention. But with Marjorie, there may be little escape from her. I can't wait to see if Michelle loves it or if it seems like she gets on her everlasting nerves. I also want to know which of the children and adult children Marjorie gets on with. Will she entertain the little ones? Will she connect with Jana and pull her personality out?

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I raised a theatre kid, so I love them. Bring on Marjorie!

My younger two are theater kids as well! Went to a performance last night (ages 6 to 10). So stinking cute! My son was one of the few boys in the group (he loves it - his sisters have a huge influence on him). I loved seeing how happy the kids were, the initial hesitancy on stage morphing into confidence... Such an esteem builder.

You go Marjorie!

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I think the younger Duggar girls must really like Marjorie. She seems to be a lot of fun, and having younger sisters of her own, she's used to playing with them. I wonder, though, if Josiah prefers to hang out at her house vs. Marjorie hanging out at his house.

17 does seem young to be thinking about marriage but I guess it's not unheard of in these families. My own 17 year son is getting ready to go on his first date to the prom next month..he and his friends have pretty much just starting dating this year, as seniors in high school , no one has yet had a serious relationship. 

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I don't really care what we call them.  If  I don't see some tongue wrasslin' and heavy petting out of one of these couples  I'm going to be hard pressed to keep watching this.


How many chaperoned grown ups do they really expect me to watch??

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 These were children who had tremendous amounts of positive reinforcement. Marjorie was very familiar.

Your post just reminded me of what kind of kid Marjorie reminds me of.

    The ones who audition on American Idol who can't sing a note.

  They've been told how great they are by their parents all their lives. They really really stink at singing, though, and have no clue. Makes me kind of sad, because IMO opinion they are wasting time on something they are no good at.

    I don't dislike Marjorie, BTW (and thought her announcement was cute.)

 I'm not saying she's not talented in whatever, but that's who she reminds me of, if that makes sense.

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It may be too soon to tell how Marjorie really is, but the short clip was a child who is possibly overly confident, overly bright (shiny, outgoing), and too "on."  I hope my first impression was right that it was how she thought her performance should be and it was just a bit too much performance as inexperienced performers will do.  

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Margie has confidence, something the older Duggar girls had drained out over the years as they raised the children their parents kept having. At first I thought she was coming across famewhorish, but the reality is that she is just an excited 17-year-old girl. When is the last time the Duggar girls were able to be excited? Or, had the time to be excited? Have we ever seen Jana excited? No, the girl has shit to do and children to raise.

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I'm not getting my hopes up too high, but every person that a Duggar child has married projects a very passive personality -- Anna, Derek, and "Bin" -- and so despite any differences in their own upbringings, they were willingly to accept every crazy Duggar idea.   Derek and Ben both acted like they were willing to be mentored and shaped by Jim Bob.  A healthy ego and confident personality might help Marjorie, if she doesn't agree with the entire Duggar lifestyle.  There's a big difference between typical Christian conservative homeschoolers and Gothardites.  It doesn't reflect well on her family if they are trying to marry off their daughter to a Duggar at age seventeen, but they may merely be allowing her to "court"/date whom she wants at an age when it's normal to have a boyfriend.   

Edited by Dawn16
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I loved seeing how happy the kids were, the initial hesitancy on stage morphing into confidence... Such an esteem builder.

You go Marjorie!

It's so true that it builds confidence. I recently talked my very shy (like me) 13 year old granddaughter into auditioning for her school play. She got a part as a king in Aladdin (not too many boys tried out) and it has done so much for her self-esteem.

   After the play, she recently tried out for cheer-leading and got on the team (and this kid worried way too much what everyone thought of her before.)

   So, good for Marjorie, and how sad none of the Duggars will ever get a chance to do anything like this.

Edited by ChiCricket
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I seem to be in the minority. I remember Josiah as a know-it-all who annoyed me because he seemed to have misogynist views already at 12. That said, people change, and I stopped watching a few years ago until I started again with the two girls courting (damn you TLC your plan worked). If he has got more personality now, then I think Marjorie seems like a good choice. She seems like she has a lot of confidence and spunk and might actually *gasp* want to hold his hand before engagement. I just hope it doesn't blow up in their faces. I still don't really understand the difference between dating and a courtship. If a courtship goes bad and they realize that although they 'purposed' to get married, this person wasn't right, haven't they still 'lost part of their heart?' 

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Margie has confidence, something the older Duggar girls had drained out over the years as they raised the children their parents kept having. At first I thought she was coming across famewhorish, but the reality is that she is just an excited 17-year-old girl. When is the last time the Duggar girls were able to be excited? Or, had the time to be excited? Have we ever seen Jana excited? No, the girl has shit to do and children to raise.

I like Marjorie's confidence and exuberance.  That personality doesn't seem like it would fit with the Duggars.  Have the Duggar girls had their confidence drained by raising children and house work or is this how they raised them to be?  I know an Evangelical christian family and they believe it is unseemly for girls to draw attention to themselves.  

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GEML, that's why I don't understand this courtship. If Marjorie's parents think she can marry Josiah and ride off into the sunset, they're nuts. Boob is still very much in the driver's seat. You can't do much writing when you're trapped on the stink bus with kids crawling all over you.

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I think she is very much in love with him. You can be very much in love with someone at 17. And I think he might be very much in love with her parents and choices they have made. A father with a white collar job. A vivacious, affectionate mother who let's her children explore the arts.

That's my armchair read.

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I agree with GEML. I also think that because Josiah is a male, he might be given a little more latitude as to whom he may hitch his wagon. It's also possible he might have been pretty straight forward with the 'Rents and made it clear that he was going to pay court to Miss Marjorie regardless of their opinion; so get on board and get some PR and TV time. We'd never see the footage of THAT conversation though!

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I believe they're attracted to each other, I just think Marjorie is young and naive enough to think she has things figured out when she really doesn't. She may believe she can have the best of both worlds yet under-estimates how much control Boob has over his adult children. Hopefully I'm proven wrong.

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My point is that I think Marjorie has a lot of inherent confidence that will serve her well. I also think she has some GENUINE talent as a writer (which she may lack as an actress) so it's not all just fluff. She's someone whom, in another few years, if she'd been allowed to grow up and mature, might be a real and genuine "catch" in their world.

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My point is that I think Marjorie has a lot of inherent confidence that will serve her well. I also think she has some GENUINE talent as a writer (which she may lack as an actress) so it's not all just fluff. She's someone whom, in another few years, if she'd been allowed to grow up and mature, might be a real and genuine "catch" in their world.


If she has genuine talent, and is allowed to grow up and mature, then she would NOT be a catch in their world; she'd be a liability. Likely to LEAVE their world. That's the reason to be married off at 17, don't you think?

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My hope is to see Josiah and Marjorie go to college together.


My pipe dream is to have them go to college together, then open their own graphic design business along with Marjorie's dad, and then bring on any Duggar who wants to learn as an apprentice or intern.


...And then have them blow off Smuggar when he inevitably tries to muscle in and give advice.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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If she has genuine talent, and is allowed to grow up and mature, then she would NOT be a catch in their world; she'd be a liability. Likely to LEAVE their world. That's the reason to be married off at 17, don't you think?

Not sure. Some people like being a big fish in a small pond rather than taking the chance of being a small fish in a big pond. Even with genuine talent, maturity and drive, she has no guarantee in the secular world. In her world, she's positioned now to potentially do really well. Assuming she actually believes, she may actually want to stay.

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Well, I'm making the assumption that 17 year old girls often are in love. Having once been a 17 year old girl. :)

Or you know cus everyone likes to speculate the shit out of everything until it becomes truth around here.

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I just still wish and always will they could be normal whether its Josiah and Marjorie or Duggar kid and someone else if they want to date, they can date and see where things go. Not have the whole dating with we have to marry at the end of this hanging over them. That they could have a relationship develop naturally and let it go at its and their own pace. If it ends at the alter great and if it doesn't there's nothing wrong with that either.

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To be honest, I don't know if Josiah is in love with her or not. But I think he sees marriage as his way to adulthood and some chance at freedom. And I can see why he would be attracted to her family. But I think she probably is in love with him. He's sweet and thoughtful and for gentle than most 18 year old boys. That's going to be very attractive to many girls, and I'm betting, playing the odds, it's particularly attractive to one who is at least in some ways artistic herself.

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Well I think mars is a pretty girl and I wish her and josiah the best. I didn't get to be 16 or 17 so I don't know what it's like but I'm sure in their world they will be happy. Btw talking to our minister today I found out that church is fundy :-\ I didn't think it was bc we seem like normal ppl. Oh well learn something new everyday

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I agree about Marj's hair. But let me tell you -- wavy hair is the worst. To create those spiral curls all the girls seem to like, you really have to straighten it, then curl it. My hair was exactly like that when it was long, and it look way too much time to style. Maybe Marj is just over it.

Edited by Literata
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Do the boys have to make lists of everything that they want in a wife like the girls do? Because if they do the Margie seems to fit into the everythig that he is looking for. I think a huge plus is that they have known each other for longer than 6 months and have built a friendship vs. being put together by Boob.

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Well I think mars is a pretty girl and I wish her and josiah the best.

Thank you, I think she's pretty too. At that age, girls can still be vulnerable and hurt by people's words, at any age really. She also has only been on tv for about 2 minutes. This is only because she is possibly in love with someone who's parents decided to put his life on television. This to me is not her putting her whole life out there on tv for everyone to see. (Not yet anyway)

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We really don't know how well they knew each other before the voluntourism trip last December. Lots of Duggar kids went to the house for Spanish lessons. Who knows how visible Marjorie (or her sisters) were? Sure, they knew of one another, but I agree with GEML: she was the one who likely had the real crush. From what they've released regarding their relationship, it doesn't seem that Josiah had interest in pursuing her beyond the "casual acquaintance" phase until that trip. That said, the "get to know you" phase was pretty rushed. Don't forget, Josiah was in the Philippines for three weeks in February. If he communicated with Marjorie at all, it would have had to have been through a group text on his Flip Phone of Shame (now upgraded!). 

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I'm hoping that based on Ben and Jessa, they wait a year, a year and a half. I think Jim Bob might have waited even longer, but the Seewalds pushed the marriage, too. We'll see.

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I hold out NO hopes that this relationship will somehow liberalize Josiah. Not after Derrick. I also don't think it will fail. The Duggars have too much invested in their image for it not to work out 'perfectly'. Expect a free house and Job for Josiah. Maybe we'll see another 3 month courtship, 3 month engagement. They're young enough to go long with that.


Sadly I agree. I do not want to get my hopes up like I did with DerickDullard. Refuse to be that naive again. Besides Josiah is my favorite - I want for him whatever he wants for himself. To me, best case scenario is that Josiah and Marjorie, who both seem smart enough, are playing the game to gain their freedom. They'll court for a year minimum, engaged for 6 months, marry and then go their separate ways - or together even. They'll need the support. But they'll go and do what they want. Worst case? Court for 6 months, engaged for 3, a wedding and then a baby within a year. Sigh.

Edited by Wellfleet
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From starcasm.  Scroll down for Jackson family picture.  A “special message” from Josiah and Marjorie will air during this week’s episode of 19 Kids and Counting. 

eta: ugh, there's a database error on the link.  posting picture here.




Handsome family - adorable kids. I'm wondering where the photo was taken. A church community or fellowship room? Doesn't look like home...

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I'm hoping that based on Ben and Jessa, they wait a year, a year and a half. I think Jim Bob might have waited even longer, but the Seewalds pushed the marriage, too. We'll see.

We now know the Church was rented a couple of months before the Benessa's marriage announcement. I can see why, at that point, Daddy Seewald pushed.


The show's not gonna wait forever for Josiah.

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I actually like Marjorie's blog - it shows a lot about her. She can write well and she seems approachable and social, characteristics I could not say about many of the Duggars (although probably Josiah more so than others). I think they're a good match for a teenaged couple. I just hope they delay the marriage thing. Maybe for at least five years. (Yeah, right.)

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So I've been thinking about this (probably way more than I should be), and while I agree that they are very young, I don't necessarily see a problem with them getting married.

While I grew and matured a lot between the ages of 17 and 24 (or whatever age is more appropriate for marriage), it was because of the experiences I was able to have- I moved away to college and graduated, I met a lot of people of differing viewpoints and backgrounds, I dated (not casually, but I did have more than one exclusive relationship), I got my first adult job, lived on my own, changed careers, etc.

I don't know enough about Marjorie's family to know whether she would have been allowed to do any of those things, but if her parents are willing to let her court so young, I'm guessing not. Or maybe they intend to help her have those experiences anyway, even after she's married. It's too soon to say.

But for Josiah...what was really going to change in his life between the ages of 18 and 25? He "graduated" high school already, he's not allowed to attend college (I don't think Alert counts), he's not allowed to move out and live on his own till he's married, and he's employed in the family business with no independent income. He's seen his older siblings frozen exactly where they are upon high school graduation until they get married. What else does he have to look forward to except getting married and finally having some free will in his life?

I don't know- normally I would be horrified if a 17 and 18 year old I knew we're seriously considering marriage, but with these two, what's the difference between getting married so young and waiting till their 20s? They're not allowed to do anything that might help shape them into adults until they say "I do" anyway. I just hope that they can grow together (as Josh and Anna have) and figure out their own path.

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I've noticed a bit of a push among mainstream conservative Christians to get married a little younger, or maybe it just appears that way since so many Americans are delaying marriage for a variety of reasons. Either way, the logic is that yes, you grow and develop a lot between 18 and 25 but why not do that developing together. The hazard of course, being that you might get to 25 and realize that the marital partner choice might not have been the greatest. I know one couple that fell into that category, several others that didn't (all in the last 10 years or so). I think 17 and 18 is still young even despite that, but hopefully their courtship will last long enough that they're both legal adults at least... Josiah's not that far from 19, so if the courtship lasts a year (which would be great), he'll be 20 or close. I don't recall seeing a birthdate for Marj, but if she's close to 18, they could be 19 and 20 at marriage, which is not quite as insane.


I agree with the post above that this is about the only ticket out of Dodge as far as the Duggar kids are concerned and if one is fortunate enough to meet one's life partner young - and we all know people or are people who just *knew* when they'd met the right person, regardless of age - then I can't fault them for going with it.

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Are there any links to the video of Josiah's reaction to Michelle's announcement that she was pregnant with Jubilee?  Wasn't that the one where he was obviously unhappy at the announcement?  Also any links to the video of JB's nastiness to him when they were  in some kind of outdoor competition (paintball?).  I'd love to view those again.

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