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Season 6 Talk

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3 hours ago, NYCNJbear06 said:

but MJ  Asa is scum of the earth and disgusting.

There, fixed it for you.  

Here's the thing.  I think MJ's issue is that she thought she and Asa were real friends.  Asa asked MJ about IVF, but when Asa got pregnant, she pretended that it just "happened naturally."  I guess Asa felt that her spirituality caused her pregnancy to happen.  Asa is scum because she gaslights people.  While she met with religious leaders, she had her "friends" go out into the street and interview random people; then when they had bad experiences, she accused them of not being "open."  No Asa, there's a difference between interviewing religious leaders and getting them to pose for a photo op, and interviewing random people in the street, some of whom probably didn't like the idea of cameras in their faces.  

  • Love 21
6 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I was looking at Reza and Adam when they were getting the results of their semen testing. Thinking, ok, after they find a donor egg, who's sperm are they going to choose?  Sadly Adam has some misshapen sperm (at this time...he wore underwear don't ya know) so medically I'm sure that the MD would suggest that they use Reza's. Personally I don't think that would be bad if they conceived a boy. With his strong facial bone structure, I just don't think it would be as becoming on a baby girl. She would, however, be likely to emerge with a full head of dark lux hair. However it plays out I'm confident that their child will want for nothing. 

Adam's plan is that their surrogate has "twins", 1 from Reza and 1 from Adam. 

4 hours ago, NYCNJbear06 said:

Why do these people think they are friends?  I get whiplash from all the talking behind each other’s backs and general negativity that they show for each other.  By no means do I think Asa is a saint and readily admit that she is a self-centered fake woman but MJ is scum of the earth and disgusting.  MJ is unhappy and mentally unhealthy.  She will probably blame it on her father’s health but the truth is that she was like this before he took a turn. 

Why does it concern any of them that she wants to keep some items of her personal life personal? Yes they are all on a reality show but I don’t think you have to sell your soul to do so.  They all comment on how they “put it all out there” and Asa should do the same.  Well they don’t need to “put it all out there” and that is their choice. Just because their threshold for wanting fame at any cost is so low that they will resort to anal bleaching,  gyno exams and any host of other things that shouldn’t be on tv just shows to me, that with all Asa’s faults she at least has a line she is not willing to cross.  

I’m also curious as to what their end game is for being on the show.  We all know that these reality show is breeding ground for people’s business or rise to be a reality tv celeb but what is MJ’s?  Asa has her many “businesses” to promote which helps by being on the show.  Mike as well.  Shervin, I think, is pretty wealthy so it’s not like he needs the money.  I think he is on the show to raise his bachelor profile.  Rez is trying to go the route of reality tv personality that he can segue into other opportunities.  GG even has a couple of business that she focuses on every now and then. But what about MJ, what’s her endgame for being on the show?  

Asa is the one that called out MJ and Mike at the last reunion for not being "honest" and not showing their "real lives", so she has no one to blame, except herself, for them calling her out for being the most secretive of them all. Asa is not some special snowflake that needs to be treated with kid gloves, pregnant or not. Without this show, there would be no Asa caftans/jewelry line and as soon as she is off the show, both lines will disappear, MJ wisely invested her money in real estate and that will bring her steady income long after this show cancelled. 

5 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

There, fixed it for you.  

Here's the thing.  I think MJ's issue is that she thought she and Asa were real friends.  Asa asked MJ about IVF, but when Asa got pregnant, she pretended that it just "happened naturally."  I guess Asa felt that her spirituality caused her pregnancy to happen.  Asa is scum because she gaslights people.  While she met with religious leaders, she had her "friends" go out into the street and interview random people; then when they had bad experiences, she accused them of not being "open."  No Asa, there's a difference between interviewing religious leaders and getting them to pose for a photo op, and interviewing random people in the street, some of whom probably didn't like the idea of cameras in their faces.  

I agree and would add that Asa didn't bother to invite her friends to that meeting and then sends them out to stick a camera in their faces in a neighborhood she knew nothing about.....nothing! Talk about setting your friends up to look bad on camera!

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, voiceover said:

Wow.  My affection for Asa has plummeted like it's got a freakin' rock attached.  I always thought: "Lovable kook!"  But what's with this self-congratulatory bullshit -- all for doing something a polite 4th grader with a school project due might accomplish (getting 4 local religious leaders together for a photo op)?  And co-sign everyone who posted about the editors hating her.  "My friends need to support me!"/"Asa you look great!"...I hope Andy grills her about it on WWHL* tonight.

I get that MJ is stressed but I'm okay with Reza voicing his concerns.  Do we know why they haven't hired a maid?  Hell, I'd have regular help if I could afford it; maybe Reza could pay for a one-day cleaning, esp since he's the one razzing (reza-ing, ha) her.

*eta: Ugh, the WWHL is making Asa look worse.  Stiff-arming her friends, then griping that they aren't nice to her?  I just. Don't. Get it!

She was horrible on WWHL..

i too have always been fond of Asa...but this season? Nope. No bueno..

did you happen to notice..(while AC was talking..the show was going on...) she was looking at herself on the monitor...and said "damn..my hair is long..."

who does that???!!!?

im so disappointed...Asa...so narcissistic...

  • Love 6

I really don't want to hear any of these selfish gits talk about how much they want to be parents. Asa, who has morphed for me from a harmless hipster doofus to something much more malevolent, is the only one I would trust a baby to and that has more to do with her strong family support than herself. GG, Mike, Reza, or MJ with a baby, an actual human being whose needs supersede theirs?! No way. If this is going to be the running theme all season, I'm out. Million Dollar Listing and Flipping Out have the whole baby angle amply covered this season. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Is there a market for the type of Art that Asa is doing?

Yes. Her film could have been entered into a film festival. Netflix carries documentaries. IFC, Sundance, and PBS will sometimes show them. SnagFilms and Curiosity Stream carries documentaries too. Her photographs could be shown in a gallery. Marina Abramovic is one of the most famous performance artists in the world. She's had gallery shows. The biggest problem with Asa's art isn't that there is no market for it. The problem is that her art is terrible.

There are lots of people who are quite successful and work across multiple mediums like Mariko Mori. There are others like Liza Lou and  Raúl de Nieves who do big hyper colored slightly surreal works. Someone who I'm blanking on did this fantastic thoughtful toile wallpaper that was just slavery scenes. It might have been Kara Walker. Kehinde Willey paints Black people in the style of the old masters. Shirin Neshat is an Iranian feminist artist who works in photography and film. She's known for her calligraphy work where she puts Persian poetry and Arabic text usually on women in burkas.

11 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Her muumuu are really pretty and it is nice to see her develop a family business.

Sorry but all of her psycho babbles ring false to me. She can't be serious about that priestess persona.

She has the prettiest head of hair. So lush and thick. Lucky woman.

Her kaftans are quite nice and they have developed into a decent business for her. The rest of the Asa-ness is completely insufferable.

  • Love 10
27 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

I really don't want to hear any of these selfish gits talk about how much they want to be parents. Asa, who has morphed for me from a harmless hipster doofus to something much more malevolent, is the only one I would trust a baby to and that has more to do with her strong family support than herself. GG, Mike, Reza, or MJ with a baby, an actual human being whose needs supersede theirs?! No way. If this is going to be the running theme all season, I'm out. Million Dollar Listing and Flipping Out have the whole baby angle amply covered this season. 

Jeff managed to have me bawling like a toddler. That birth story is one of the best thing ever aired on Bravo, imo.

i don't think that Asa is able to show her baby. She mentioned that she would like to show her baby on insta.

Her relationship with Jermaine junior is plenty odd, imo.

Her mama can watch my non existent baby at anytime. She is a sweatie and her bicolor hair was one of the highlight of the show last night.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Here's the thing.  I think MJ's issue is that she thought she and Asa were real friends.  Asa asked MJ about IVF, but when Asa got pregnant, she pretended that it just "happened naturally."  I guess Asa felt that her spirituality caused her pregnancy to happen.  Asa is scum because she gaslights people.  While she met with religious leaders, she had her "friends" go out into the street and interview random people; then when they had bad experiences, she accused them of not being "open."  No Asa, there's a difference between interviewing religious leaders and getting them to pose for a photo op, and interviewing random people in the street, some of whom probably didn't like the idea of cameras in their faces.  

I don't think MJ ever thought they were real friends. They've always had this oppositional dynamic because Reza loves to pit them against each other. I think she thought that Asa wouldn't lie about real stuff. Asa keeps Jermaine off the show because he doesn't want to be on tv. She has never denied dating him if someone asked her. However, this is lying about real stuff and mostly for no good reason.

  • Love 4

I had to turn off WWHL because Asa was so smug and nasty.  She thinks she is so much better than MJ, not spiritual at all.  What if one of HER parents had a stroke?  What if Jermaine left her for a younger woman and wanted to take their son?  What if their son grows up and either falls in love with someone like MJ or becomes someone like MJ?  Asa needs to realize that Karma is Karma, and she's not immune to bad things happening.  LOL at the WWHL viewers who sided with MJ while Asa was on the show.  No one believes this chick is sincere.

Right now, all Asa is, is lucky.  She had a baby, she doesn't have a nasty mother like MJ.  That's not because of anything she did, that's luck.  And I can't stand people who don't realize that.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, tardistravler said:

If I were Asa and dealing with Jacksons, I would get a hand written will as to who takes of baby if anything happens to Asa.  Then again I wouldn't trust anyone from the Jackson family. 

Even if it may not be binding, Asa needs to get her shit witnessed and notarized by disinterested parties. Those Jacksons are crazy. This kid is going to be 4th generation in their dysfunction. Also, she needs to amend her will and put her parents in charge of any money that might go to her kid. Ideally, she'd create a trust and make her kid a beneficiary of the trust.

  • Love 1

Eating crow here. While I've been defending Asa's right to not disclose how she got pregnant to the gang. I now completely understand why MJ is upset. If Asa, wants her life to be private, that's fine but she doesn't have to ask MJ about her fertility journey. She should have just kept quiet.

That said, Asa and MJ are both pretty cruel to each other. MJ's is just more obvious. I think Asa using MJ's doctor and not telling her was rather mean spirited.

  • Love 6
32 minutes ago, Miss Slay said:

Eating crow here. While I've been defending Asa's right to not disclose how she got pregnant to the gang. I now completely understand why MJ is upset. If Asa, wants her life to be private, that's fine but she doesn't have to ask MJ about her fertility journey. She should have just kept quiet.

That said, Asa and MJ are both pretty cruel to each other. MJ's is just more obvious. I think Asa using MJ's doctor and not telling her was rather mean spirited.

MJ is more honest about her feelings whereas Asa is slick/sly about hers. 

  • Love 2
On 9/11/2017 at 4:15 PM, Neurochick said:

I had to turn off WWHL because Asa was so smug and nasty.  She thinks she is so much better than MJ, not spiritual at all.  What if one of HER parents had a stroke?  What if Jermaine left her for a younger woman and wanted to take their son?  What if their son grows up and either falls in love with someone like MJ or becomes someone like MJ?  Asa needs to realize that Karma is Karma, and she's not immune to bad things happening.  LOL at the WWHL viewers who sided with MJ while Asa was on the show.  No one believes this chick is sincere.

Right now, all Asa is, is lucky.  She had a baby, she doesn't have a nasty mother like MJ.  That's not because of anything she did, that's luck.  And I can't stand people who don't realize that.


Asa is the perfect example of the person who "woke up on third base...and thinks they hit a triple"...

good fam...boyfriend with a known name...(more than just a known name..really...).

she will do whatever to keep Jermaine...(marriage or not/mistresses or not/cohabitation or not/etc) because that is her one and only shred of true relevance. All the other BS she throws out there is bogus and feeding her ever-so-high opinion of herself...

kinda like ppl related to the Kennedys...they're also a household  "name" that give the attached (blood/marriage) person credence (weird but true)...validation by association..

so redic!!!

eventually the person's true self shows...


priestess...my ass...

Edited by Shellbell59
  • Love 6
On 9/11/2017 at 7:53 AM, NYCNJbear06 said:

Why do these people think they are friends?  I get whiplash from all the talking behind each other’s backs and general negativity that they show for each other.  By no means do I think Asa is a saint and readily admit that she is a self-centered fake woman but MJ is scum of the earth and disgusting.  MJ is unhappy and mentally unhealthy.  She will probably blame it on her father’s health but the truth is that she was like this before he took a turn. 

Why does it concern any of them that she wants to keep some items of her personal life personal? Yes they are all on a reality show but I don’t think you have to sell your soul to do so.  They all comment on how they “put it all out there” and Asa should do the same.  Well they don’t need to “put it all out there” and that is their choice. Just because their threshold for wanting fame at any cost is so low that they will resort to anal bleaching,  gyno exams and any host of other things that shouldn’t be on tv just shows to me, that with all Asa’s faults she at least has a line she is not willing to cross.  

I’m also curious as to what their end game is for being on the show.  We all know that these reality show is breeding ground for people’s business or rise to be a reality tv celeb but what is MJ’s?  Asa has her many “businesses” to promote which helps by being on the show.  Mike as well.  Shervin, I think, is pretty wealthy so it’s not like he needs the money.  I think he is on the show to raise his bachelor profile.  Rez is trying to go the route of reality tv personality that he can segue into other opportunities.  GG even has a couple of business that she focuses on every now and then. But what about MJ, what’s her endgame for being on the show?  

MJ has zero endgame...and NO business bringing a child into the world...

how is she going to keep a "newborn's schedule" if she can't even think beyond what outfit she is going to wear (arrange her ginormous teets) next time she leaves that FILTHY apartment!

mygawd woman! Get.your.shit.together....BEFORE you bring a child into your scummy/germy/dirty underwear ridden domicile...ugh...dog licking? How gross was that?...imagine a newborn in those conditions?

as I've posted...I've turned a 180 on my opinion of Asa (poseur)...but MJ could be worse..."Asa got preggers because I was supposed to have a baby"... horrible 

MJ is yelly of Asa...but too dumb to sit back and let Asa self-combust...IMESHO :-D

  • Love 6
On ‎9‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 0:27 AM, Miss Slay said:

Eating crow here. While I've been defending Asa's right to not disclose how she got pregnant to the gang. I now completely understand why MJ is upset. If Asa, wants her life to be private, that's fine but she doesn't have to ask MJ about her fertility journey. She should have just kept quiet.

That said, Asa and MJ are both pretty cruel to each other. MJ's is just more obvious. I think Asa using MJ's doctor and not telling her was rather mean spirited.

I've always felt like MJ's problem is that she can't keep her mouth shut.  She will tattle everyone's secrets and think nothing of it or the damage it will cause.   She's sloppy in all ways and that includes in friendships.  I don't believe it is intentional most of the time which is why she doesn't understand why people think she is a bad friend.  That said, I do think her and Asa have never really been true friends.  MJ has always taken it poorly that Asa and Reza got as close as they did and I don't think MJ has ever dealt well with it.  I feel like her and Asa have always had an unstated competition between them when it comes to Reza.  They've both taken cheap shots at each other and then played nice.  No one is innocent in their "friendship."  

Having said all that, I am aghast at Asa and her treatment of MJ on the fertility issue.  It is beyond cruel to ask a person going through fertility issues a bunch of personal questions all the while pretending that you have no idea.  It is an intensely personal and, in some ways, traumatic experience.  For Asa to pretend that this whole thing is new to her while not only going through it but also using MJ's doctor and then brushing off MJ's hurt because you were just asking so you knew MJ's personal feelings is awful.  I don't even have words for what an awful person I find Asa to be now.  No matter what MJ has done or will do gives Asa the greenlight to do what she did.  If she didn't trust or like MJ then she should've stayed out of MJ's personal business.  None of Asa's excuses make any sense and her attitude on WWHL was the worst part of it for me.  She still doesn't see anything wrong with what she did.  Her haughty attitude about being more spiritual just epitomized how delusional she really is.  Asa pleading the fifth on whether she would come back next season left me wanting to tell her one thing...."Girl, bye."  

  • Love 12

Well, that whole thing about whether Sherv did or didn't do the married chick sure did fizzle. I hope it stays that way. 

MJ lashing out at Tommy at Asa's party was uncomfortable. Tommy, when she says to leave her alone, she means it!

If GG really does have RA and this hearing problem, it makes me sad for her. She said she was made fun of in school with the hearing aids so she just took them out and said fuck it.  Looks like her sister is back next week and the fighting begins again. Her sister is very beautiful but damn what a bitch....

I just don't see the whole Reza and Adam baby thing. Reza is very social and likes to go out alot. He knows his life will never be the same. I'm not sure he's really sold on the idea. Adam continues to bug me this season and I still don't know exactly why.

Edited by bichonblitz

KittyKat133, welcome!  I wish you could talk to a woman I work with who has been a TOTAL PREGGERS GODDESS.  She's about to go on maternity leave (thank you Jesus!) and I have NEVER heard soo much personal, inappropriate info in my life!  There are days that I would slit my wrists with a butter knife than listen to the jabber but thankfully, I've managed to keep my mouth shut. Only 4 more friggng days! Whoop!

Back to Shahs stuff, I cannot imagine MJ having a baby! What with her own mommy issues, her yuk apartment and her doggie lip issues. No. Just NO.

Edited by goofygirl
Again with the typing while laying down!
  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

STFU, Asa, is not a victim.  She's a bullshit artist who thinks she's the first woman in the universe to get pregnant.

I also think Andy Cohen doesn't like her, especially after she acted like a common fool last week on WWHL.

I am so tired of her act. She even says that because Jermaine wants to keep things private the others should just respect it and leave her alone! She really expects them to protect her privacy even though she was calling them out about not sharing theirs at the last reunion. 

I guess the "Fashion Queens" are on WWHL, or Andy is showing something from them, about Asa's caftans, he might be as tired of her as some of us are. LOL

edited to correct that the FQs are on WWHL tonight, not the crew from the FP. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, tinaw said:

So basically Asa and mj had invetro at the same time. Now mj is mad because Asa didn't want to tell mj about it.

I have two words for this Who Cares.

Asa can do what she wants, but people can feel how they want about that

No, not really. Asa grilled MJ about egg retrieval/freezing as if she had no idea about the procedure when in fact she was doing it at the same time. MJ didn't volunteer the info, Asa went to her and asked all about it failing to share that she was doing the same dang thing at the same dang time with the same dang Dr.

Oh, and only Asa had invetro, despite her claims otherwise, MJ only had her eggs frozen. Asa had her eggs fertilized, then had the embryos frozen and finally had some implanted. Asa is a liar.

1 minute ago, Neurochick said:

When Asa was on WWHL, she was trash talking MJ, while being spiritual of course; then she dropped a bunch of F bombs.  Andy reminded Asa that they were on "live" TV.  It was also funny when the viewers took MJ's side over Asa's, and Asa was in the studio.

She really let her true colors show that night. She rarely swears on the show as if it is something she never does, this it is beneath her, but boy did those F bombs roll off her tongue with ease. She is such a fake!

11 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Asa is an absolutely horrible person.  "Jermaine is such a private person, I respect his wishes and don't discuss our private life.  On this reality show I apparently won't give up.  Why, I would never have discussed my pregnancy had I not been the first woman to ever have experienced it.  Speaking of my pregnancy, I have to pee constantly and eat.  I am also required, because of my pregnancy, to interrupt everyone and be incredibly rude.  Since I'm pregnant, I might as well mention, no one treats me very well because they don't understand pregnancy.  Like I am.  Pregnant, I mean.  Yes, it's true.  I'm pregnant.  Pregnant and private.  Don't ask me about it.  I won't discuss it.  To clarify, my pregnancy is not an acceptable topic of conversation.  Send me gifts."

How dare they not keep her held high in a plush gold chair suspended on their backs while some of them feed her food 24/7, How Dare They, she is PREGNANT after all! LOL

  • Love 11

I thought MJ only had her eggs harvested and Frozen.  Asa said her and Jermaine had several frozen embryos.  Tonight Asa said they both ad IVF at the same time.  I never heard that MJ had a failed IVF attempt. 

i am curious and conflicted about the frozen embryos.  It must be very difficult to decide what to do with them when you no longer want another child.   Legally what happens in event of Asa's death.  Could Jermaine have them implanted into other women.  The next Jackson 5 perhaps.  Who knows what that goofy family might do with them?

GG's parents seem so sweet.  I love the way Mike and Shervin are always watching out for MJ and GG.

Edited by Emmeline
  • Love 4

MJ's outfit: I could possibly have traumatic reactions to anything that is the color red FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. 

I was genuinely happy for GG when she received her hearing aids.

For some reason, although a bit messy, I like Mike being the voice of reason to everyone. 

Golnessa & Leila have some deeeeeeeep issues. I do believe GG is truly working on herself in a positive way. 

  • Love 17
4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

No, not really. Asa grilled MJ about egg retrieval/freezing as if she had no idea about the procedure when in fact she was doing it at the same time. MJ didn't volunteer the info, Asa went to her and asked all about it failing to share that she was doing the same dang thing at the same dang time with the same dang Dr.

Oh, and only Asa had invetro, despite her claims otherwise, MJ only had her eggs frozen. Asa had her eggs fertilized, then had the embryos frozen and finally had some implanted. Asa is a liar.

She really let her true colors show that night. She rarely swears on the show as if it is something she never does, this it is beneath her, but boy did those F bombs roll off her tongue with ease. She is such a fake!

How dare they not keep her held high in a plush gold chair suspended on their backs while some of them feed her food 24/7, How Dare They, she is PREGNANT after all! LOL

Is Asa pregnant?  I thought she had the flu.

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, Emmeline said:

I thought MJ only had her eggs harvested and Frozen.  Asa said her and Jermaine had several frozen embryos.  Tonight Asa said they both ad IVF at the same time.  I never heard that MJ had a failed IVF attempt. 

i am curious and conflicted about the frozen embryos.  It must be very difficult to decide what to do with them when you no longer want another child.   Legally what happens in event of Asa's death.  Could Jermaine have them implanted into other women.  The next Jackson 5 perhaps.  Who knows what that goofy family might do with them?

This is Asa trying to deflect her lies onto MJ. MJ only had her eggs frozen, it was Asa that had her eggs fertilized, frozen and then implanted. 

I agree, there is a big question as to what happens with any embryos not used. 

3 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Is Asa pregnant?  I thought she had the flu.

I know, I just happened to figure it out because she has been so quiet/secretive about it! LOL

  • Love 7

Do people really get in to screaming matches when they are invited guests at a holiday dinner? GG is a piece of work but she was trying to keep it together.  Her sister was wayyyy out of line. Just shut up about the hate and jealousy you have for your sister and be cordial, Leila. You're in somebody else's home, not your parents home where they put up with that crap. 

  • Love 17

I'm going to confess now that I cried when GG got her hearing aides. Ugh tore my Cold black heart up.

i would much rather have been at Shervin's house for thanksgiving than with Asa's family. Asa is just a stone cold bitch. Maybe the oh so private me Jermaine Jackson can convince her to get off this show.

so Reza lets the cat out of the bag and Asa still turns it into MJ's fault. 

Edited by bagger
  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, tinaw said:

Wasn't it mj last season that complained about Asa and others not communicating?

Asa is being annoying aboit being pregnant and acting like no one has ever been pregnant before. I still can't blame her for not trusting mj. 

No, it was Asa calling out both Mike and MJ about them not being honest/open about their real lives. Asa got mad at MJ for something Veda said about Asa on WWHL because MJ didn't berate her mother right there and then on camera for calling out Asa. She, Asa, was upset that Mike didn't own up to cheating on Jessica last season. Funny, Asa was pregnant at the reunion but didn't tell anyone, not even Reza, which means that she wasn't open/honest about her real life either, which is what they are trying to point out to her this season. Asa expects loyalty from all of them but gives no loyalty to any of them and she expects them to tell her all the details of their lives (both on and off camera) but refuses to do the same with them. 

  • Love 8

I like GG's parents (eh, except for Vida, I like all the parents), so tonight's sister-fight had me cringing on their behalf.  

Ohhh Leila! If you're showing up to make your dad happy, then STFU & make your dad happy!  You can pound GG into the ground *after* you leave.

And I co-sign @bichonblitz: you're an invited guest at someone else's house, ffs.  After. You. Leave!

Happier note: when GG's dad grabbed his wife in that moment when their daughter got hearing aids.  I almost bawled.

  • Love 17
14 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I wonder if you can get college credits for that blow job seminar.

Maybe at Ball State University???  

But seriously . . . So GG is transformed by being able to hear well at last.  (I admit I teared up a little, too.)  And then she goes on to show her new, improved self by first taking Annalise outside to bring up the whole cheating thing.  Because . . . Thanksgiving.  Who wouldn't?  And then gives the most hostile toast I've ever heard.  Leila didn't come into the house spoiling for a fight, but GG made sure there was going to be one.  Because . . . Thanksgiving.  That's how you do Thanksgiving, I guess.

Also, I understand being private and not wanting to be on a reality show.  But your partner is eight months pregnant.  (Really?  She's pregnant?)  And again, it's Thanksgiving.  Jermaine really needs to get over himself.  He's how many generations away from the Jacksons we actually cared about?  (To be honest, Michael and Janet are the only ones were truly cared about.)  And you're so special you can't be with your ready-to-pop girlfriend and your almost-baby because you're Jermaine Jackson XVII or whatever.  I mean, Asa is a kvetch and a phony and a snake, but you picked her.  Plus, this is where she gets her paycheck.  So show up one time, you self-important fool.  I guess they're a good fit in at least that way.

  • Love 15
23 minutes ago, voiceover said:

I like GG's parents (eh, except for Vida, I like all the parents), so tonight's sister-fight had me cringing on their behalf.  

Ohhh Leila! If you're showing up to make your dad happy, then STFU & make your dad happy!  You can pound GG into the ground *after* you leave.

And I co-sign @bichonblitz: you're an invited guest at someone else's house, ffs.  After. You. Leave!

Happier note: when GG's dad grabbed his wife in that moment when their daughter got hearing aids.  I almost bawled.

Leila is allegedly the one with it together, but was an unhinged ill-mannered ass at Thanksgiving. It should have been obvious to her to zip it. But she's also the lawyer who seems to have to stopped lawyering so she can be a z-list celeb. I don't know why I expect sense or decorum from any of these people.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Maybe at Ball State University???  

But seriously . . . So GG is transformed by being able to hear well at last.  (I admit I teared up a little, too.)  And then she goes on to show her new, improved self by first taking Annalise outside to bring up the whole cheating thing.  Because . . . Thanksgiving.  Who wouldn't?  And then gives the most hostile toast I've ever heard.  Leila didn't come into the house spoiling for a fight, but GG made sure there was going to be one.  Because . . . Thanksgiving.  That's how you do Thanksgiving, I guess.

Also, I understand being private and not wanting to be on a reality show.  But your partner is eight months pregnant.  (Really?  She's pregnant?)  And again, it's Thanksgiving.  Jermaine really needs to get over himself.  He's how many generations away from the Jacksons we actually cared about?  (To be honest, Michael and Janet are the only ones were truly cared about.)  And you're so special you can't be with your ready-to-pop girlfriend and your almost-baby because you're Jermaine Jackson XVII or whatever.  I mean, Asa is a kvetch and a phony and a snake, but you picked her.  Plus, this is where she gets her paycheck.  So show up one time, you self-important fool.  I guess they're a good fit in at least that way.

I agree that Jermaine XVII thinks people care more about him than they do.  It's not like he's Tito XVII.

  • Love 15

Amongst my many bad parenting choices, my 15 year old son and I watch a lot of Bravo together. He's hearing impaired and is going through a phase where he doesn't want to wear his hearing aids (he's had them since he was 5 and it's only been an issue this past year). I kept pausing the tv to discuss what GG was saying moment by moment---"wow, she had trouble in school because she didn't wear hearing aids". "Oh, she's had trouble socially for a long time since she's been isolated by not clearly hearing what people are saying." Finally "seriously kid, do you want to end up like GG?" The last one is unfair of me because I do think she's trying to improve herself.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I thought MJ only had her eggs harvested and Frozen.  Asa said her and Jermaine had several frozen embryos.  Tonight Asa said they both ad IVF at the same time.  I never heard that MJ had a failed IVF attempt. 

i am curious and conflicted about the frozen embryos.  It must be very difficult to decide what to do with them when you no longer want another child.   Legally what happens in event of Asa's death.  Could Jermaine have them implanted into other women.  The next Jackson 5 perhaps.  Who knows what that goofy family might do with them?

GG's parents seem so sweet.  I love the way Mike and Shervin are always watching out for MJ and GG.


Love them! They are a cute couple who seem to really like each other. Wish they more prominent on the show. Very interesting back story. Received degrees in Iran, then came to CA for advanced degrees. 

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