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S19.E05: Live Eviction #1; Head of Household #2


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You know, he's so out to lunch and knows nothing about the show, I wonder if he understands he's voting to evict, and not to keep. Because from the prerecorded stuff he was clear he was voting to get rid of Christmas.

From the shitty, entitled way Paul went off on the Bros and the Babes - never mind the fact that he took the temptation and kept it a secret from them - you would think they would have seen Cody's point of taking away as much power from him. What a dumb bunch of sheep.

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, willco said:

I think every season is like high school ! I've watched BB every season since the beginning, and the older I get, the more annoying the people seem. I do get a kick out of it when an arrogant, muscle-head like Cody doesn't get his way, but the price is that Paul gets WAY too much protection at the beginning of the game. It's kind of like that season with the "mentors', and then they put them in as players, when they had no risk of leaving at first. I didn't think it was fair then, and I don't think it's fair for Paul to safe for so long now. That may be, though, because I really got sick of Paul last time.

Yes....all of this...exactly how I feel. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Wow, Cody couldn't even give Christmas the reason why he put her up. Just a lot of vague sentences.

[Jozea] Scenarios! [/Jozea]  

Cody looked livid after the vote. I love it! He nominated 1/3 of the house and still didn't evict someone he wanted gone. *snerk*  His voice reminds me exactly of someone but I just can't place who he sounds like. 

As much as I dislike most of the cast (except Kevin, who deserves his own show), I'm kind of loving this season. Usually week 1 is boring filler with an obvious boot but this season is  batshit!

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 17

Well, you would be hard pressed to find a more obvious piece of cannon fodder than Jillian. There was but a single diary room clip of her from the top of the hour until eviction. Even Julie Chen was clearly bored with her and couldn't muster up even any pretend interest in the interview and basically gave her the bum's rush.

Not enough Alex!!

Speaking of which I would have died laughing if when Cody bolted out of the HOH room and away from Jessica he ran down to Alex but alas he went into the yard.

As long a Cody is squarly aligned AGAINST Paul then I have no beef with him. They are all idiots if they let him coast through the end of the game...they need to wake up and see that Alison Grodner is doing her level best to grease the way to crowning him a winner. Where the hell are the FCC investigators when you need them? Paul acting like the victim after the veto was repulsive given how Alison and her producers are moving heaven and earth to place him in one of those final two chairs in September.

Tell me why again Kevin and Ramses are talking up space in this game?

Elena picking her nose on live tv was unfortunate.

Screw Josh and Kevin for breaking up what was shaping up to be an epic cat fight between Jess and Christmas...damn it that was Money Shot of the night and they ruined it. I bet even Julie was pissed because the end of the fight left her to break away to unenthused interview.

Every year I pray for the end of the antics and theatrics in the hallway during the live vote...every year God remains silently in his tub.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 8

never mind the fact that he took the temptation and kept it a secret from them

Why would a temptation winner (who was getting three weeks of immunity) tell a single person about it?  It would negate having the immunity in the first place.  No one is going to bother putting someone on the block if they know he has immunity.  

Edited by Gemma Violet
  • Love 16
3 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

 Paul acting like the victim after the veto was repulsive given how Alison and her producers are moving heaven and earth to place him in one of those final two chairs in September.


In all fairness, I'm pretty sure he said he was going to purposely play the victim so people would turn against Cody. It's just strategy.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Chenbot has a spontaneous chip!  When she made her little quip about Christmas and the audience laughed she was able to make an off-the-cuff comment!

Probably my second favorite part of the night.  Of course, my most favorite part was the look on Cody's face when Jillian was evicted instead of Christmas! :)

1 hour ago, The Companion said:

I can't say I will miss Jillian. She seemed nice but so boring.

According to her friends and family, she's annoying but boring.  She actually has a lot of personality, apparently.  I'm betting she was just forced to dial it back and keep her head down to not be a target.  Wouldn't surprise me, at least.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Jessica you heifer do not presume to call Julie Gorgeous.  Because while she is indeed so, it's a little familiar for you to call her that. 

Almost as bad as Elena's "Hey girl, hey!" Um. Nope.

As cliche as it sounds, Jessica is just such a basic bitch. There's nothing 'to' her.

Most depressing interview between Jillian and Julie Chen. Girl was simply shocked. 

  • Love 10

Heh, the Codybot's user interface starts to glitch when he's being confronted by a woman. All he could do was sputter.

So glad there's no longer the nearly unanimous votes like in recent seasons--at least not so far. Tonight was a bit of a nail biter until it became clear most of them decided to keep Christmas.

Cody was PISSED after the eviction vote! And stunned to realize his own gang turned on him. It was glorious. He's looking more and more to me like all hardware, no operating system.


Elena's chest is so far out of proportion to the rest of her it's unsettling.

Her lips too.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 10

I'm not reading too much into everyone treating Paul with kid gloves. I mean, they just found out he's immune for two more weeks. I can't imagine that impotently stewing and sowing dissent against an un-nommable HG would be great strategy. I think (hope!) he will be booted shortly after exiting the sphere of riggable protection.

I've seen every episode of this goldanged show, and am liking this season so far. No unanimous votes yet, some fluctuation of alliances, and seemingly no seriously horrible displays of bigotry. How sad that when Jessica and Christmas were fighting, "phew, two Caucasian women going at it!" actually ran through my head. Setting the bar low!

  • Love 5
On 7/6/2017 at 3:31 PM, dizzyd said:

I've never seen so many fugly fake eyelashes before and they're all in this house. I don't live in a closet or a cave, so I'm very confused by this. Can someone tell me if this is a new in thing? And if so, why?!!!

Cody's chick - one of the Js? - has the worst eyelashes I've ever seen... and I say that as someone who gets extensions so frequently I actually had to stop for a while because my own eyelashes decided to rebel and break off. Trust me, I know from bad eyelashes!

Edited by leslieo54
Eyelashes don't beak - unless that what you call what Jessica's do O_O
  • Love 5
17 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:


Same reaction here.  I was figuring the vote to go 7-5 to evict Jillian, but I was expecting Kevin to be a vote against Christmas.  When Kevin said Jillian's name, it was pure reflex - my fist went in the air and I shouted "LOCK!!!"  Scared the hell outta my kids (they came over for dinner tonight).  :D


17 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Why was Jessica calling Christmas a coward after the eviction ?  Did we even see what triggered Jessica to go off.

Jessica felt attacked by Christmas' pre-vote speech, and was seething that she (Jessica) wasn't permitted to immediately respond.


17 hours ago, mojoween said:

Chenbot has a spontaneous chip!  When she made her little quip about Christmas and the audience laughed she was able to make an off-the-cuff comment!

TPTB tweak the CPM* firmware a little every year, but they have to be careful about it - one year they turned up the Friendly setting too high, and she ended up pregnant.


* Chenbot Personality Module

Edited by Nashville
Typos! Typos everywhere!
  • Love 14

"But... But... It was supposed to be a TIE! I'm not even supposed to BE here today, Julie!" Hah. Best and worst exit interview ever! And no messages for her either!

I thought Cody was just going to lay waste to all of them when that silicone chip inside his head gets switched to overload.

Too bad about Christmas' foot, that's going to impede her in certain comps but I'm so glad she stayed for the upcoming melee. All those grinches couldn't stop Christmas!

  • Love 12

Thinking back on it, I have so many questions about Christmas's foot.

If she was on Jason's back (and if I'm his wife you can be damn sure I have a problem with that) how is Christmas the one who got hurt? 

Why did she lay on the ground for so long without someone coming to help?  

Why were the house guests the ones to help her inside and not a trained professional?  

She first said she felt for sure it was broken, then said she most likely tore ligaments, was she actually evaluated by a physician?  

On an unrelated note, someone help me remember which one is Matt and which is Mark.

  • Love 5

The episode showed, from what I recall, that they fell over and Jason might have rolled on her. The camera shot was from a distance.  For your other questions, reading the Live Feeds thread may help. (I can't talk about their content on this thread.)

Matt is the guy with a thick head of gray hair who hangs out with Raven. Mark is the muscle-bound guy with short darker hair and hangs out with Elena. Mark is often shirtless; Matt usually has a T-shirt on.

Edited by Lamb18
There are not two Matts in this show.

(Shallowness commences)

Not to be a traitor to my gender and all, but I find Jessica so unattractive.  Elena looks like a gag gift you'd buy for a bachelor party come to life, and Raven is the Childlike Empress from Neverending Story.  Major side-eye to the guys in the house who started showmances with these three.  

Alex, Dominique, and Christmas are all total smokeshows. 

(Shallowness concludes)

14 minutes ago, mojoween said:

someone help me remember which one is Matt and which is Mark.

Matt is the silver fox and Mark is the meathead. 

Kudos to Mark for at least realizing you don't jump ship on an alliancemember (especially not one who's a comp beast and more likely to win HOH/POV comps than anyone else in the alliance) just because they didn't tell you their exact plan for a blindside of Someone Who Isn't You.    

3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

All those grinches couldn't stop Christmas!

You win everything.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

The episode showed, from what I recall, that they fell over and Jason might have rolled on her. The camera shot was from a distance.  For your other questions, reading the Live Feeds thread may help. (I can't talk about their content on this thread.)

Matt is the guy with a thick head of gray hair who hangs out with Raven. Matt is the muscle-bound guy with short darker hair and hangs out with Elena. Mark is often shirtless; Matt usually has a T-shirt on.

Mark is the muscle bound guy....

Okay. I'm over my Cody appreciation. At first I was kind of enjoy his DGAF attitude. I found it refreshing that he told people exactly why he was nominating them and didn't kiss ass and hold court in his HOH room. But after seeing the reaction to the Veto ceremony, I realized just how colossally arrogant he is, and how much his game sucks because of it. If you want to work with a group (especially such a large one), you need to consult them. Or have some charm. This whole thing reminded me why I started rooting for Paul last season. He's scrappy. He thinks. He is good with people. Cody just thinks he can make whatever decision and his group will follow him simply because they're in an alliance. He's not very bright. 

It all just became really clear when Christmas came down on him and he had nothing to say. Just stammering and stuttering. I get that he's had to put 5 people up, and that's no fun. But he clearly didn't read the situation well. It wasn't just his alliance members reacting badly to Christmas being on the block - although there was plenty of that - but many of them were upset that he put up Paul as well. And, look, I liked the IDEA of it. They SHOULD be trying to get out Paul. But this is why you need to TALK to people, to get them on board. Can he do math? If he wanted to flip the house on its head, he needed more people in his corner. Out of his group, the only people who seemed to not question him were Jessica and Mark. And even Mark had a change of heart. 

I think Mark is likely a good guy, but he's more of a follower. He likes to be told what to do. He doesn't like hard decisions. But ultimately his conscious won out. 

It just seems that Christmas is very well liked in the house, which is why it was such a bad move. And I actually liked seeing that members of Cody's alliance were questioning him and not willing to just follow lock step. Even the couples aren't all on the same page. Elena was very vocal about supporting Christmas, while Mark was wanting to tow the line at first. (And I just do NOT understand those two as a couple, but that's another matter.) I was glad to see some dissension, and not just Bachelor in Paradise up in there. 

Didn't care about Jillian, don't care that she's gone. When she got to speak for more than 5 seconds tonight, I found her voice very Nicole-lite. How did I not notice that before? Thanks Hamsters, for sparing us that the rest of the summer. 

That really sucks that Christmas got hurt, especially since her physicality is her best asset. But I have to say, I laughed my ass off at #christmasbreak

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Thinking back on it, I have so many questions about Christmas's foot.

If she was on Jason's back (and if I'm his wife you can be damn sure I have a problem with that) how is Christmas the one who got hurt? 

Why did she lay on the ground for so long without someone coming to help?  

Why were the house guests the ones to help her inside and not a trained professional?  

She first said she felt for sure it was broken, then said she most likely tore ligaments, was she actually evaluated by a physician?  

On an unrelated note, someone help me remember which one is Matt and which is Mark.

It looked like he slipped and her foot landed the wrong way, causing a hyperextension (similar to turf toe). I don't want to get too far offtopic from reading spoilers at the time, but my understanding is that she was taken to the hospital and properly treated. I found it odd that they glossed over that.

As far as appropriateness, we all have our threshold, but I don't find a piggy back ride to be particularly inappropriate. I don't think it would bother me. Seems more like goofing off than flirting.

I hate that Christmas is hurt. She has become my early favorite and I hope she can work it to her advantage. Maybe losing some of her physical prowess will reduce her threat level. 

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, Drogo said:


Kudos to Mark for at least realizing you don't jump ship on an alliancemember (especially not one who's a comp beast and more likely to win HOH/POV comps than anyone else in the alliance) just because they didn't tell you their exact plan for a blindside of Someone Who Isn't You.    


But Mark did jump ship on Cody. He voted to evict Jillian.

I agree with your showmance thoughts. 

  • Love 2
Just now, Lamima said:

Kudos to Mark for at least realizing you don't jump ship on an alliancemember (especially not one who's a comp beast and more likely to win HOH/POV comps than anyone else in the alliance) just because they didn't tell you their exact plan for a blindside of Someone Who Isn't You.   

But Mark did jump ship on Cody. He voted to evict Jillian.

I agree with your showmance thoughts. 

He did join them in their vote so as not to ruffle the mob's feathers, what I meant was he at least realized that it was a bad idea.  The rest of the group seemed to think "By George, we'll just cut out Cody!  That won't isolate Jessica too and/or hurt us when he wins his next HOH and puts us on the block!"

8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heh, the Codybot's user interface starts to glitch when he's being confronted by a woman. All he could do was sputter.

Right?  I got the feeling he's not used to inferior wimmenfolk speaking to him in an unpleasant manner.  Total douchebag IMO.

Julie's interview with Jillian was such boring, awkward hilariousness.  It seemed like she wanted to say, "Whoa, don't bother putting your bag down, just keep it movin'...."  And asking if Jillian had any other thoughts to add.  "No." lol

I am really loving Christmas.  As much as Paul annoyed me last year, I think I'd like to see the two of them team up and go to the end.

And yes, can we please get back to just, "Hi, Julie!" and stop the cutesy crap?

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Mumbles said:

From the shitty, entitled way Paul went off on the Bros and the Babes - never mind the fact that he took the temptation and kept it a secret from them - you would think they would have seen Cody's point of taking away as much power from him. What a dumb bunch of sheep.

I think Cody would have had a better point if HE had been forthright with his group. But he can't whine about Paul keeping his Temptation a secret, when Cody didn't tell anyone he was putting Paul up. And then replaced him with much-loved Christmas. Maybe they have some doubts in Paul now, but they've got a lot of reason to doubt Cody as well. 


46 minutes ago, mojoween said:

On an unrelated note, someone help me remember which one is Matt and which is Mark.

I'm just really disappointed there isn't a Luke and a John in the house. 


25 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Not to be a traitor to my gender and all, but I find Jessica so unattractive.  Elena looks like a gag gift you'd buy for a bachelor party come to life, and Raven is the Childlike Empress from Neverending Story.  Major side-eye to the guys in the house who started showmances with these three.  

Alex, Dominique, and Christmas are all total smokeshows. 

Don't agree about Alex, but YES to the rest of your post. These pair-ups are so weird. I guess it's the boobs? Jessica and Elena both have big ones. But Elena just seems to overdone and loud-mouthed for a chill, athletic guy like Mark. Raven seems too "odd" for any of the bros. She's like a Cosplay character. I'd see her with someone like Paul before someone like Matt. I guess I'm probably being too stereotypical, but these match-ups just don't make much sense to me. 

  • Love 11
27 minutes ago, The Companion said:


As far as appropriateness, we all have our threshold, but I don't find a piggy back ride to be particularly inappropriate. I don't think it would bother me. Seems more like goofing off than flirting.


I'm ok with goofing around, I tend to be that way myself, but there is no universe where I personally would ever be ok with a woman my husband is locked inside a house with wrapping her legs around his back and riding him around.

I'm not saying I wouldn't trust him, just that I'm a jealous rage monster and it would irritate me to see it play out on national TV.

  • Love 9
54 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I'm ok with goofing around, I tend to be that way myself, but there is no universe where I personally would ever be ok with a woman my husband is locked inside a house with wrapping her legs around his back and riding him around.

I'm not saying I wouldn't trust him, just that I'm a jealous rage monster and it would irritate me to see it play out on national TV.

I'm with you. That's far too intimate for my liking. Maybe Jason knows his wife and knows she wouldn't care. I know some people who wouldn't. But my husband would know better, because he'd know I wouldn't be okay with that. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Thinking back on it, I have so many questions about Christmas's foot


She first said she felt for sure it was broken, then said she most likely tore ligaments, was she actually evaluated by a physician?  

@Lamb18 is luring me to the live feed thread, because this foot situation is messed up.  When the housemates carried her into the house and through the inner door, someone was already carrying the crutches Christmas was using when she reappeared.  I guess that was a do-over?  And by the time you're wearing a spiffy cast, someone will have told you exactly what your injury is.  What's the point of her being evasive?

I'm surprised breaking a bone isn't an automatic ticket home.  So many water challenges, all those endurance trials, so much running.

Edited by candall
  • Love 1

And yes, can we please get back to just, "Hi, Julie!" and stop the cutesy crap?

Last season some of the houseguests started getting a tad too familiar with Julie and you could tell she was thinking, "Excuse me? You do know who my husband is, right?" Sure enough, that stuff stopped quickly. I suspected that word came down from on high to the producers to instruct the houseguests to cut it out. I bet it won't last long this year either.

  • Love 2

That might have been my favorite exit interview of all time. I'm so tired of the usual "Oh, I wouldn't change a thing! No regrets! Love everyone in the house, it's such an amazing experience!" Jillian was like..."I'm completely shocked. I had no idea it was coming. I'm not happy about it. I'm pissed. I was blindsided. Any final thoughts? No. I'm unable to form coherent thoughts because I am shocked. Shocked!" 

Probably the most honest interview ever!

  • Love 11

What difference does it make who her husband is?   Yes, I know who he is.  I have as much respect for her as I do her husband, which is to say, not much.

Whatever, I imagine she and/or her huband feel she should be accorded some respect as the big boss's spouse. That's not unusual. Note, for example, how the wife of the president has her own title and gets a certain amount of deference, or the husband of a queen usually has his own title and status. But regarding Julie in particular, if you ever watch The Talk it's apparent no one ever forgets that she's married to the boss because she maintains a touch of aloofness. I see her acting the same way on BB.


Pretty obvious how the vote was going to play out.  Cody looked all teary-eyed  just before the eviction vote started. 

I didn't think it was obvious at all and I thought Cody was kind of stunned. Maybe he'd been tipped off before the broadcast but I don't think that was apparent based on what was broadcast.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

What difference does it make who her husband is?   Yes, I know who he is.  I have as much respect for her as I do her husband, which is to say, not much.

I understand what you're saying on a larger level -- she merits respect regardless of who her husband is.  But if you are going to offend a woman, offending a woman whose husband literally controls the network and can (arguably) take your job away or make it very difficult is probably not a smart move. 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

"But... But... It was supposed to be a TIE! I'm not even supposed to BE here today, Julie!" Hah. Best and worst exit interview ever! And no messages for her either!

I thought Cody was just going to lay waste to all of them when that silicone chip inside his head gets switched to overload.

Too bad about Christmas' foot, that's going to impede her in certain comps but I'm so glad she stayed for the upcoming melee. All those grinches couldn't stop Christmas!

"And nobody's gonna go to school today,
She's going to make them stay at home.
And daddy doesn't understand her,
He always said she was as good as gold.
And he can see no reasons
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be shown?"

Now that the song is stuck in my head I thought I should share it with others. Carry on.

Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 3

I really hate it when they only start the HoH comp on the live show - and we're expected to wait until the Sunday show to find out who won. This is dumb for many reasons, the most obvious being that anyone even remotely interested in the show is going to go online and find out who won. Which means half the Sunday show will be spent on a competition we already know the outcome of. 

The shows are very poorly paced now and it's mostly because of these "to be continued" comps that start on the live show. Maybe they think it will motivate people to sign up for the feeds, but that's pretty poor planning. People who watch the feeds are going to watch them anyway, and people who don't want to pay for them will just look up the results in forums like this one, like I did.

There wasn't nearly enough time on the live show to cover everything that happened after the veto ceremony, which is probably why Jillian didn't even get her good-bye messages. It's gotten to the point where by the time the Sunday shows airs we already know who won HoH, who was nominated, who won Veto, and who the replacement nom is. The broadcast episodes are almost superfluous, and they need to schedule everything better so the stuff they air on TV isn't such old news by then.

I get people like these endurance comps but they should limit them to the first HoH which isn't live, Veto comps that aren't live, and final HoH comps when the feeds become irrelevant. Nobody is going to wait until the next aired episode to see who wins and they just keep wasting air time to cover the end of them in the next episode.


I think (hope!) he will be booted shortly after exiting the sphere of riggable protection.

I don't think he'll ever exit that sphere, though. Just you wait, the very first time he's in jeopardy, he'll "win" another new "temptation" that will save him. I know they've said once a HG wins a temptation they're out of the running for more, but Alison Grodner will just think up some other "twist."


 Elena looks like a gag gift you'd buy for a bachelor party come to life, and Raven is the Childlike Empress from Neverending Story.  

Not enough likes! Although I still think Elena looks like Janice the Muppet.

  • Love 5

First off, Scout wins the obscure reference prize for the season. Impressive. Of the three references there I last thought anyone would pick up the 'I Don't Like Mondays' ref. Well played!

4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm just really disappointed there isn't a Luke and a John in the house. 

That would of course be the best. alliance. evar. The Apostles!

3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

That's far too intimate for my liking.

I think this was a continuation of his rodeo 'act' more than anything. I'd rather see them horsing around than actually dancing together which she said they've been doing daily. Now THAT would have set of my jealousy meter!

2 hours ago, candall said:

And by the time you're wearing a spiffy cast, someone will have told you exactly what your injury is.  What's the point of her being evasive?

Actually with knee/foot ligament damages it's too early to tell once all the swelling is present what the real extent of the damage is. They have to wait a few days and check her again. So, she probably was just saying what her feeling on it was.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Drogo said:

(Shallowness commences)

Not to be a traitor to my gender and all, but I find Jessica so unattractive.  Elena looks like a gag gift you'd buy for a bachelor party come to life, and Raven is the Childlike Empress from Neverending Story.  Major side-eye to the guys in the house who started showmances with these three.  

Alex, Dominique, and Christmas are all total smokeshows. 

(Shallowness concludes)

You ain't alone, buddy, although I will say - when Raven pulls those sticky buns off the side of her head and dresses like something other than a late-20s hooker still trying to troll for jailbait johns, she can actually be very attractive.  And Alex is very nice-looking, but I wouldn't quite put her at smokeshow-level - although I'm certain she's one of the belles of the ball at every GamerCon she attends.  :)


4 hours ago, mojoween said:

I'm ok with goofing around, I tend to be that way myself, but there is no universe where I personally would ever be ok with a woman my husband is locked inside a house with wrapping her legs around his back and riding him around.

I'm not saying I wouldn't trust him, just that I'm a jealous rage monster and it would irritate me to see it play out on national TV.


3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm with you. That's far too intimate for my liking. Maybe Jason knows his wife and knows she wouldn't care. I know some people who wouldn't. But my husband would know better, because he'd know I wouldn't be okay with that. 

So long as nobody's drawing Debra Winger/Urban Cowboy parallels to the ride, I don't see why it should be an issue.  :>

  • Love 1

They have all sorts of goofy competitions in the house.  Are the house guests all of a sudden supposed to kiss Julie's feet when they start talking to her?

I just think some HGs get overly excited to be talking to Julie on the Live show, and try to make the most of their eviction vote, because they know it's live, whereas the rest of the week they don't know what's being aired and what isn't. I don't get bent out of shape if they get overly familiar with Julie - I'd probably be the same way if I was on The Amazing Race and got to actually talk to Phil. But I'd be making an idiot of myself in the process, probably - and that's a risk the HGs take when they address Julie in an overly familiar way.

4 hours ago, asabovesobelow said:

That might have been my favorite exit interview of all time. I'm so tired of the usual "Oh, I wouldn't change a thing! No regrets! Love everyone in the house, it's such an amazing experience!" Jillian was like..."I'm completely shocked. I had no idea it was coming. I'm not happy about it. I'm pissed. I was blindsided. Any final thoughts? No. I'm unable to form coherent thoughts because I am shocked. Shocked!" 

Probably the most honest interview ever!

Also liked that she blamed Paul. That's likely why Julie rushed her off.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Drogo said:

This was the first picture I saw and  I'm a sucker for a flower behind the ear.

Hadn't seen this pic before; in that instance, I see your point.  :)


55 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I just think some HGs get overly excited to be talking to Julie on the Live show, and try to make the most of their eviction vote, because they know it's live, whereas the rest of the week they don't know what's being aired and what isn't. I don't get bent out of shape if they get overly familiar with Julie - I'd probably be the same way if I was on The Amazing Race and got to actually talk to Phil. But I'd be making an idiot of myself in the process, probably - and that's a risk the HGs take when they address Julie in an overly familiar way.

I don't think hardly any of the chat stuff crosses the line - so long as the evictees stay hands-off when they exit the House for their Chenterview.  Who was it within the last couple of seasons that bear-hugged Julie's feet off the floor?  THAT would be a prime crossing-the-line example.

  • Love 2

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