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S19.E01: Season Premiere (Part 1)

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I hate Paul, so I was not happy to see him. I find him tedious.  That being said I don't hate everyone yet. I thought it was an interesting group overall. I didn't mind Cody. He was very even tempered, but he had some pretty funny lines and he wasn't impressed with Paul. 

Christmas seemed pretty awesome. I was surprised she didn't choose competition, but she clearly made the right choice.

Cameron seemed pretty awkward. I wonder if he was more so with the girls, and whether that also influenced votes. 

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Wow. That was quite a first episode! I am so glad BB is back! 

I like Paul and so glad it is him returning and not Frankie! Friendship. 

Right off the bat, I like Kevin, Alex, and Christmas.   That may change by next week.  I was glad Cameron was voted out.  He was annoying.  But so is Josh. 

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I am just watching now PST.   I love reading this as I am watching.  Having lived my entire life in EST I am still adjusting, though it has been 2 years now.  

I am voting for Cody, he clearly hates Paul.  That is all the criteria needed. 

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4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I am voting for Cody, he clearly hates Paul.  That is all the criteria needed. 

I have enough room to hate them both  :)

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend............

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1 minute ago, helpmerhonda said:

I really hated the necessity of everyone coming in the room individually to kiss Paul's ass. For some reason, that really rubbed me the wrong way. Like he was holding court. Screw that guy.

The whole way he was "anointed" as this quasi-HOH coming in from the outside is annoying.  Pauli will never be "my boy".  Ugh.

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I felt like Kevin was a ringer and was predetermined to be the first sacrifice. So he made it through tonight but I doubt he'll last long in the house. And is he a retired gangster or something? I notice his BB bio doesn't mention a career for him other than stay at-home dad and he's got that "friend of ours" swagger.

Funny how they seem to be taking the mostly hidden bribery going on between houseguests last season and bringing it above board. And I'm so glad the  houseguests didn't form 147 overlapping alliances right off the bat like they did last year.

Not sure how I feel about Cody. He has an attitude that may not get him far if people perceive it to be standoffish. I think he might try to get into a showmance to help his image.

Hope they're not planning to use Paul as the in-house emcee or Greek chorus. I didn't find him exceptionally entertaining last year. A little bit of him goes a long way AFAIC.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

I'm trying to imagine what the conversation would even be now that they established each other's age. Heh

Paul will yell friendship 36 times! Gah! 

Josh is hanging from the dumb tree imho, he trusts Paul? Paul chose people he can manipulate.

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I've been feeling this cast since the reveal and they didn't let me down. I thought this was like the best first impression of a cast I remember in a long time. I especially appreciated how nobody seemed lost in the DR. Even somebody like Cody, who's somewhat monotone, stood out because he immediately hated Paul with a fiery passion. 

Of course, it wouldn't be Big Brother without some horrible twist that will likely ruin a major portion of the season. You guessed it. Paul. With friendship bracelets and a Pendant of Safety. All they need to do now is give him a Coup D'etat ring to round out the ensemble of potential season-ruining jewelry.  

Edited by loki567
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When Paul appeared on screen, the husband immediately put his hand up for a high five and yelled, "Friendship! It's our boy, Callaphera!" I had really hoped that pre-show rumour was false but as soon as "fan favourite" was mentioned, I knew. I hate it admit it but Paul is good television. I may be annoyed and dislike the little turd a lot but clearly fans like him. 


2 hours ago, zibnchy said:

I forgot about Cody being ex-military with several tours in Iraq (I think). Maybe his eyes are dead for a reason. I think I'll give him another chance.

Yeah... I can't. Dude seriously looks like he's been smacked in the face with a 2x4 and is just wandering around dazed like he isn't sure where he is or if that name on his underwear is really his. His first DR made me shake my head and say "Somethin' just ain't right with that boy." It's not that he's dead in the eyes. He's vacant in the eyes. 

Josh can just... go away now, please. There's something so off putting about that man child. And no, you're certainly not our boy. Both him and Paul with those delusions of grandeur. Kevin is definitely Diet Boogie to me, at least looks wise. And Elena needs to lay off of that deep red lipstick. Her lips look massive with that colour when she's talking.

It's actually kind of a promising start. There are those I hate off the bat but there aren't many of them. I have hope for this season. How long until you think I eat those words?

ETA: And I expect this but when someone says their crocheting, don't show them with a giant knitting needle in hand? 

Edited by Callaphera
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I wonder what the backup plan was for shoehorning Paul into the game if nobody took the 25K. I know, zero chance of that happening, but still, they had to have a contingency for that.

My jury's still out on most people but I'm already sick of meathead Josh. Ramses isn't on my bad list (yet), but his little tic of kicking up his heels and flashing his taint over every little thing needs to stop, like, yesterday.

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31 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

I wonder what the backup plan was for shoehorning Paul into the game if nobody took the 25K. I know, zero chance of that happening, but still, they had to have a contingency for that.

My jury's still out on most people but I'm already sick of meathead Josh. Ramses isn't on my bad list (yet), but his little tic of kicking up his heels and flashing his taint over every little thing needs to stop, like, yesterday.

Flashing his taint.  Brilliant and hysterical.  

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I think Kevin did the smart thing.  It seems that the rule of thumb for the most part (barring Jerry in season ten and Kent in season two) is that the old guy is either the first or second to go on Big Brother.  While the older woman is usually the first to go on Survivor (the hardly ever cast older women on Big Brother).

I am not a fan of Ramses or Josh thus far and I have yet to form an opinion on of the other new players.  Ramses sort of reminds me of Frankie, not because they are both gay, but because they both seem to want all eyes on them all of the time.  Josh to me is way too cocky and he sort of reminds of Russell from Jeff and Jordan's first season.  What I mean by that is I can see him getting into heated arguments with other contestants.  Granted I might be reading both Josh and Ramses wrong but that is how I feel thus far.

Glad to see Cameron gone, I was not a fan.  I am not sure why but I just found him to be a tad bit off putting.

 Why did they have to bring Paul back?  In the words of Paul, I was pissed when I saw him.  I mean they couldn't get Michelle or Victor back from last season.  I guess I have to be happy that it was not Mike Boogie they decided to bring back.

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Cody looks like William Mapother to me. I love that he didn't care one whit about Jillian's sob story.

Thank God Cameron the Diary Room shouter went bye-bye.

Why Paul? What have we done to deserve season 2 of Paul?

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I think we're off to a decent start.  This looks like a decent cast, the houseguests seem to come from different parts of the country rather than mostly New York and L.A., and I like the ethnic diversity -- two black houseguests (Ramses and Dominique), two Hispanic houseguests (Josh and Jessica), and one Asian houseguest (Alex).

But as most of you have pointed out, the big downside to this season is the return of latest Grodner pet Paul.  Ugh.  I hated this guy all through BB18 and I think the hate will continue this season.  I honestly feel sorry for the two of you who actually like him.  There's NOTHING to like or adore about him.  At all.

The temptations twist is pretty good, and I think Kevin was smart to take it since the older guys are rarely taken very far in this game.  Why not just cash in now on some good money?  Though it did come with Paul entering the house, so . . . there's that downside.

Very surprised to see Paul save Kevin, Ramses, Elena, and Dominique.  Not surprised by him saving Raven, Mark, Jessica, and Jason, though.

In any case, I would've hated Cody being safe at the Safety Competition.  But given that he hates Paul as much as I do, I'm okay with him staying around so long as he plans to lead a charge to get him out.  If he's suddenly besties with him, though, then I'll have no further use for him.  For this reason, I like the Alex/Jillian/Megan/Ramses alliance since none of them seem to trust him, either.

I like Alex a lot upon the start of the game, so I am so glad that she got a safe apple.  Glad that Megan got a safe apple, too.  Not happy that Josh did, though.  Matt being safe is . . . whatever.  For now, I neither like nor dislike him.

Was scared for Christmas (whose name is now accompanied by sleigh bells, apparently).  But I was glad to see her only get two votes.  Jillian only getting three was another surprise.  Cameron didn't bother me as much as others, but I was glad to see him go if only to show that the women were clearly thinking about the numbers and knew that having a nine-to-seven disadvantage against the men wouldn't be good.  Meanwhile, the men split the votes between Christmas and Jillian, and two of them even voted for Cameron, so he was gone.  I'm just wondering why Kevin and Ramses voted him out?

I'm voting for Cody to get the first temptation only to ensure that Paul doesn't get it.  If Paul's fans are stupid enough to get him only one temptation, though, then that still might work to keep him from getting any other ones.

Nice start to the season.  Hope the second night is just as good tomorrow.

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6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Damn, Kevin accepted the temptation for the money. Hot damn, that was a surprise.

Might as well; in truth, it's the only pragmatic choice.  You have sixteen people out there, each with a button under their thumb. 

Statistically speaking, it's virtually certain (99.9905%) at least ONE person out of the sixteen will go for the cash, which in turn means you're guaranteed to have to deal with the resultant backlash. 

So - since you're going to catch the penalty anyway, why wouldn't you take a stab at the money?


4 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

When does the live feed start?

Live feeds available after 9PM PST episode airs 6/29.



My thoughts:

  • At present, my favorites are Christmas and Matthew. 
  • Cody would have been pretty dern close to my #3 slot, until his appalling demonstration of a total lack of social game with Paul - but then again, that entire scene could have been the result of seriously crappy storytelling.
  • Fuck Paul, seriously.  What's the deal here?  Does AG love the way the beard tickles her inner thighs THAT much?
  • Cameron's number was up the moment the poison apple draw was finished and he was the only male among the three potential evictees.  Paul coming in meant a +1 imbalance in the House's M/F balance - and since nobody has yet had the chance/time to form any deep lasting bonds, preserving the House balance becomes as good a reason as any for an eviction vote.  Sorry, dude.
  • Double suckage; Cam didn't even get the courtesy of a Chenbot eviction interview.
  • Truth be told, I would have been just as happy if Jillian had walked, because I went from indifferent to Death on her with her use of a single word.  The D-word.  As in while lobbying to stay, Jillian said she deserved to stay in the House.  To which I reply, fuck that shit; Jillian didn't deserve a stay of execution one whit more than either of her fellow eviction nominees.
Edited by Nashville
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So the Temptation of 3 weeks free is for Paul, right? There is no reason for new players to keep any vets. They had their chance to play and now it's their turn. I just never understand that. The first chance they have they should get rid of Paul. Maybe, Cody will. He doesn't seem to like Paul. That said, his game play was awful with his one on one with Paul. At least, fake it.

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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

el kind of alone in my opinion that Kevin seems a bit creepy to me.

You're not alone. He's got weird hair too. Not crazy about Josh either, he doesn't seem like he's quite all there. Jessica "I'll use my looks" can go anytime as well.

I really wanted to like the older guy. I really did. But I find him completely creepers too. He reminds me of the actor John C. McGinley who played the gay cop in the movie "Wild Hogs". He almost always plays creepers and kind of has hair like Kevin's. 

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Well, I'm not super pumped after last night's episode. I just want to watch Big Brother. I'm over 50 million new twists every year. I don't hate Paul as much as a lot of people, but the way they brought him back was so ridiculous. I hated seeing him have his ego stroked by every damn fool in the house, and the handing out of "friendship bracelets" was so pathetic. Then I really really hated that the 3 people put on the block were not nominated, but ended up there largely by chance, and also sort of because of Paul - who did not fight for and win an HOH. I guess I'm just a purist, but I want the standard format. As long as you keep bringing back unique and interesting people, it shouldn't be a problem. You don't need to come up with some new spin every damn summer. 

I also can't get away from the feeling that the DRs have become more and more scripted. CBS, I promise you - real people are more interesting than this forced obnoxiousness. Please, take several steps back. 

Speaking of obnoxious, I'm really going to need to Ramses and Alex and Raven to tone it WAY down. 

I don't get why all the dudes thought Jessica was so hot. Other than her ginormous boobs, she seems pretty blah to me. Well, I guess I just answered my own question. 

Still too early to have an attachment to anyone, so I didn't really care who went home. But, for some reason, I didn't want it to be Christmas. I do have to say, I kind of loved how Cody didn't even TRY to kiss Paul's ass. He may end up winning me over. 

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I feel bad for Cameron and would have preferred him to Paul.  I've always disliked the first show because the intros are so lame: I'm blank and I'm going to (make up pun related to blank), but have they always been so obnoxious?  Maybe it was just Raven?  The "I'm so cute" crap is already old.  Alex we've seen before and so annoying.  Paul obnoxious and annoying.  I'm hate watching already.


On another note, I love the big girls, am one myself, but can you get them some clothes?  

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Happy Cameron is gone. He was very awkward. What was up with his tongue during the decision and voting?  Cody and Kevin give off creeper vibes to me. I like Matt. 


Mark reminds me of the young Josh in the movie Big. And Cameron reminded me of Jon Cryer. 

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6 minutes ago, Visby said:

On another note, I love the big girls, am one myself, but can you get them some clothes?  

It really looked like the bathing suit they gave Megan for the competition was several sizes too small. I felt bad for her. 

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5 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

Meanwhile, the men split the votes between Christmas and Jillian, and two of them even voted for Cameron, so he was gone.  I'm just wondering why Kevin and Ramses voted him out?

I think Ramses voted with his Oddball alliance.

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False advertising by CBS:  Paul isn't a "Fan Favorite".  The house would be stupid not to get rid of him.

No love lost with Cameron.  He would have been too annoying.

Edited by twilightzone
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40 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I do have to say, I kind of loved how Cody didn't even TRY to kiss Paul's ass. He may end up winning me over. 

That's what I like the most about Cody. Otherwise, I didn't really like him.

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How do we really know who voted for whom? That was another thing I hated. I haven't seen EVERY season, but I've been watching since season 1, and I don't remember them ever not showing the viewing audience the votes before. This isn't Survivor. What the hell? 

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I like Kevin but I get why some of you think he's creepy. He does come across that way. He could at least stand up straight.

More thoughts about Cody: He's a vet who had active duty in combat zones, right? Iraq or Afghanistan? I can see a vet who's had that experience - when every day you wonder if you'll be around the next morning (depending where you are) - viewing Paul as a big wanker.  I wouldn't mind all the exhibitionist stuff about Paul if he was a nice guy. But when he was HOH last year he was so arrogant and mean to house guests he thought were beneath him.

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1 minute ago, icemiser69 said:

They showed them.

When? When they went into the voting booth, they didn't show a single person say, "I'm voting for....." - did they show them after the fact? I'll admit I was nodding in and out, because I watched RHNY first and trying to stay up until 10 is pushing it for this "old" lady. So maybe I missed something. But they did not show what was said as the votes were happening like they normally do. 


2 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I like Kevin but I get why some of you think he's creepy. He does come across that way. He could at least stand up straight.

My jury is still out for Kevin. I want to like him because he's a family guy and he's kind of old school gangster, and I always have a soft spot for the "older" people. But he does have a weird, kind of creepy vibe about him. I wonder if he just feels really awkward and out of place. Time will tell. 

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Oh.  I just realized why Cameron might have been snippy about Kevin in his DR. Since his DR might have been after his eviction, if Julie told him about Kevin pressing the button and unleashing Paul into the house, Cameron might have been pissed enough at him to say what he did. Now I'm thinking about all his DRs and since I feel pretty certain that he would have had to do most of them after his eviction, I can see why he was a bit hostile and loud in them. 

It makes me feel sorry for the guy. Even though he was awkward and did give off a vibe that didn't settle with me, he lost his chance to be on the show.

As for Josh, for the sole reason that he's up Paul's ass and is wanting to keep him around, that makes me hate him. Nobody should want the only vet around. Cody not giving a shit about sob stories and Paul does earn him a lot of points with me. And if I take into account that he could have some PTSD from being in active combat from war for years, I know he shouldn't be on the show but he is, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt until he does something that changes my mind. Looking past the surface, he has qualities that align with mine for the show.

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9 hours ago, wings707 said:

I am just watching now PST.   I love reading this as I am watching.  Having lived my entire life in EST I am still adjusting, though it has been 2 years now.  

I am voting for Cody, he clearly hates Paul.  That is all the criteria needed. 

I wish I could live my entire life in EST but stupid EDT keeps happening.

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15 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

At the very end of the episode after Cameron left the house and when the show was ending with the contestants talking in the house..

Ah, okay, yea, I think I had passed out on the couch by that point, after fighting it for the last 30 minutes of the show. Haha! I still don't like it. Show the votes as they're happening. This isn't Survivor.

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16 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

At the very end of the episode after Cameron left the house and when the show was ending with the contestants talking in the house..

I actually liked this better than the usual format because there was some suspense during the reveal. I hope they keep it this way.

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Just now, poopchute said:

I actually liked this better than the usual format because there was some suspense during the reveal. I hope they keep it this way.

Unfortunately, they can't. This was the only non-live eviction for the season....I think (besides the one eviction later in the season). It was a nice change and I'd love for them to find a way to do it more, but I don't think they will. 

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Kevin seemed like a caricature of  every Sopranos, Goodfellas, Departed and The Godfather mobster all rolled into one.  He annoyed me.  I was really hoping the consequence of the person taking the 25K would be a immediate eviction.

I was soooo happy that there were no vets, and then Julie said Fan Favorite...I groaned.   On the plus side there is only 1 this year so it should be fairly easy to bounce his ass.

Mrs Boilergal was really happy to see normal size girls in the bikinis- it was a great change.   

Alex impressed me - she lost me in her pre-show interview , talking about what a big BB fan she was but didn't realize she was being interviewed by Jeff.

Ramses, Cowboy Clown and Raven seem to be camera hogs, the rest seem to be pretty normal.

Expecting Cody to be the first one to go postal.

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13 minutes ago, Boilergal said:

Kevin seemed like a caricature of  every Sopranos, Goodfellas, Departed and The Godfather mobster all rolled into one.  He annoyed me.  I was really hoping the consequence of the person taking the 25K would be a immediate eviction.

I was soooo happy that there were no vets, and then Julie said Fan Favorite...I groaned.   On the plus side there is only 1 this year so it should be fairly easy to bounce his ass.

Mrs Boilergal was really happy to see normal size girls in the bikinis- it was a great change.   

Alex impressed me - she lost me in her pre-show interview , talking about what a big BB fan she was but didn't realize she was being interviewed by Jeff.

Ramses, Cowboy Clown and Raven seem to be camera hogs, the rest seem to be pretty normal.

Expecting Cody to be the first one to go postal.

Cody does look intense, doesn't he? Maybe, he'll losen up a bit and have fun as it goes on.............if he makes it past that. LOL!!

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14 minutes ago, Boilergal said:

Expecting Cody to be the first one to go postal.


My vote is for Elena.  Since her job entails her running her mouth nonstop I can see her loosing it before Cody, who probably learned how to control his emotions while in combat.  Sorta like he did in the challenge when he said he was using his anger at Paul being there to win and be safe.  And he did.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I would much rather give the votes to one of the weaker contestants, someone who I think won't be in the game long and probably is a decent human being.  Granted, it is too early to know much about these people.  Still, I hope the person that wins the vote is one that is not a competition beast, and not a crap stirrer.

For that reason I gave 9 votes to Dominque. She seemed really in the shadows in premiere episode and maybe not making as big an impression as others. 

Kind of on the fence about Christmas. I want to like her and get behind her but I get mixed messages. She has an incredible resume but this think about being engages and having a wedding date, wedding registry, etc and not letting the viewing audience on it is unsettling. I feel like she has a promotional agenda. Promoting her newly released book and her brand. Not a bad thing , and something to hide from the other House mates but not us !!

But, I do want to see her sticking around awhile so I can watch her compete !!

Edited by missyb
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11 hours ago, zibnchy said:

That was surprisingly good. I'm sure that won't last. Here's my 2 cents:

Hate Josh. Cody seems like an OK guy but his eyes are dead. Feel kinda sorry for Cameron because he looked really devastated but I'm pretty sure I would have grown to dislike him AND I wouldn't be surprised if there's a chance for him to come back.

I feel kind of alone in my opinion that Kevin seems a bit creepy to me. He made a comment early in the show about (something like) "so many beautiful girls in the house" that came off as creepy to me.

I really like Christmas, Megan, and (to my surprise) Alex. I hope Jesus #1 Fan either leaves soon or tones it down. Did I mention that I hate Josh?

That Salvation show looks good. Cheesy dialog and a meteor about to destroy earth? Excellent summer fare.

Kevin makes my skin crawl.  He's got a total Christopher Walkin vibe and NOT in a good way.   He creeps me out, big time.

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2 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Kevin makes my skin crawl.  He's got a total Christopher Walkin vibe and NOT in a good way.   He creeps me out, big time.

I thought I was going to like him when I saw his picture. He was a good looking mature guy. Then I saw his interview(s) and now watching the show and I'm also creeped out by him. I'm hoping he doesn't last too long. I can't look at him without wincing.

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 Kevin makes my skin crawl.  He's got a total Christopher Walkin vibe and NOT in a good way.

Yeah, Christopher Walken in King of New York. It'll be hilarious if Kevin starts trying to work the houseguests like he's the BB capo.

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12 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Kevin makes my skin crawl.  He's got a total Christopher Walkin vibe and NOT in a good way.   He creeps me out, big time.

That's it!  Exactly!

I don't like Kevin at all, was really hoping he'd be the one to go.

Glad that if it wasn't Kevin, that it was Cameron who went.  Annoying little creep.

Disliking "cowboy", Josh, Ramses and Dominique. The only reason I dislike Dom is that she seems to be the resident religious nut. Not sure on the super-perkiness of Raven, and I'm getting a snaky feeling about the dog walker.

Liked last night's show, moved pretty fast.

Don't like the return of "friendship" Paul, but he had some good moments on BB18, so maybe he won't be as hard to take? Here's hoping.

When will we learn who gets the three week safety pendant?

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The first nominees of the season will probably be competition threats.  A 'no flies on me' move.  I would like to think Paul will be named because he had his chance.  

Jillian is irritating for the reason @Nashville stated.  Deserves to be there.  Oh good grief. 

Josh annoyed me right out of the gate and I don't see that changing.  

Cody intrigues me.  I am very curious to see how the others respond to him.  

What did Julie mean during the competition when she stated some of the apples were fake?   Did I hear her correctly?  

Matt is my clear favorite.

Edited by wings707
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Oh yeah, the dog walker/interrogator.  I was excited to learn she was an interrogator because that could be really fun to watch but she lost me with the "I hate girls/girls are terrible/I'm not friends with any girls" shtick.  I've met chicks like that.  They're by and large, obnoxious, and more often than not insecure attention whores.

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