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S04.E13: Ain't No Thang Like A Chicken Wing

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Landon and Kathryn's Key West apology sends shockwaves through the gang in the Season 4 finale. Also: Chelsea and Austen struggle to define their relationship as Craig and Naomie decide the fate of theirs; and old tensions are renewed at JD's party.

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Kathryn has all these women bamboozled.  "Oh poor little me."  And they fall for it.  Why?  Because Kathryn is a mother?  Somehow having children makes her a good person?  I don't get it.  Kathryn needs to get off TV in order to get and stay sober and sane.  

Is Shep perpetually wasted?

Landon is right, Kathryn is going to have to deal with Thomas forever...ugh, makes me feel bad for Kathryn.

I think Naomi wants a certain type of relationship with a certain type of man, Craig isn't that type of man so Naomi is upset, she wants the frame (situation) and really doesn't care about the picture (the person.)  

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8 minutes ago, bosawks said:

I'm not going to lie, getting picked up at the ER by a party bus seems embarrassing but also totally AWESOME.

I am so ashamed.....

It happened to me once. It was awesome.

Thomas isn't all that he thinks he is. 

Kathryn, we know what's coming. You're not fooling us with your coca-colas.

Kathryn giving relationship advice is hysterical!

She needs to wear a bra. A twenty-something-year-old should not have tits down to her waist.

Edited by Major Bigtime
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Geez I know that NayOhMie*e has a point about Craig, so why is it that I'm so tired of her? 

Maybe if she'd been honest up front she wouldn't be so resentful now? IDK

And oh yeah, "apologizing" while still calling someone a jerk kinda cancels out your apology,

Edited by ivygirl
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So Naomi left the island.  What's the big deal .. They aren't married.

Katherine is giving out advice now?  Funny .. Her life is one big wreck.  She still belongs in rehab.  

And, what happened to Landon?  From a shy, quiet girl who came back home, she became a loudmouth, and a nasty one at that.

I don't recall never seeing J.D. Or whatever his name is, without a drink in his hand at any time.

Too much with Craig & Naomi already.  Looks very scripted.

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Watching Craig writing before Naomi came home it was no surprise  to me that Craig is left handed. Lived with one for 16 years and they do tend to march to their own drummer. (No offense to any left handers out there, just my opinion).

Edited by mbaywife123
Because handers & handlers are two different things.
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10 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

Watching Craig writing before Naomi came home it was no surprise  to me that Craig is left handed. Lived with one for 16 years and they do tend to march to their own drummer. (No offense to any left handlers out there, just my opinion).

None taken...we march differently because everything seems backwards or like a mirror image...dance team and trying to learn guitar was fun.  

Craig is stupid if he just wants someone to blow smoke up his ass and not call him out on his bullshit.  Naomi is just not mature enough yet to do it tactfully, but I'm glad she told Craig that she wouldn't put up with his disrespecting her.

I hope Chelsea and Austen work out.

I don't need more Landon.  I would be fine if she didn't return.

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Is it just me, or did anyone else think something was won't with Elizabeth's face? It looked bruised on the right side. 

I agree with those who think Shep needs rehab. His family isn't doing him any favors by not getting him some help. An intervention or something. 

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I just love Cams mom. She's supportive without being overbearing. And sweet without being sappy. Plus she's funny!

In fact if she and Giz want to look into having their own spin off, I'd support that. 

I did that tandem parasailing last time I was in Key West. It's so much fun! 

Katherines entire look at the final dinner was simply horrific. For a woman as pretty as she is, she surely manages to fug up her wardrobe/makeup/hair about 90% of the time. 

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Who was this Katherine tonight?  Nobody I know.  Geeze, I thought Thomas was going to rip her clothes off right then and there.  Feeling her clothing  and sweet talking her.  LMAO.

Naomi making an about face.  Was that the same person that was knocking Craig all season?

Guess they are all coming back next season, except Cam, maybe.  

Patricia looked totally out of place with all the young ones at the wind up party.  Age wise I mean.

cant wait for the reunion.  Everything was messed up tonight.

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6 minutes ago, cincivic said:

Is it just me, or did anyone else think something was won't with Elizabeth's face? It looked bruised on the right side. 

I agree with those who think Shep needs rehab. His family isn't doing him any favors by not getting him some help. An intervention or something. 

I've noticed in past episodes that she has bad skin, so maybe she is having that dermabrasion (hope I spelled that right) where they take a layer of skin off to smooth it out.

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8 minutes ago, cincivic said:

Is it just me, or did anyone else think something was won't with Elizabeth's face? It looked bruised on the right side. 

I agree with those who think Shep needs rehab. His family isn't doing him any favors by not getting him some help. An intervention or something. 

elizabeth's face looked blotchy like she has a bout of acne.

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12 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

I just love Cams mom. She's supportive without being overbearing. And sweet without being sappy. Plus she's funny!

In fact if she and Giz want to look into having their own spin off, I'd support that. 

I did that tandem parasailing last time I was in Key West. It's so much fun! 

Katherines entire look at the final dinner was simply horrific. For a woman as pretty as she is, she surely manages to fug up her wardrobe/makeup/hair about 90% of the time. 

Katherine looked like she was going to a "Haunted Mansion" party.  Spooky.

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On 6/26/2017 at 7:14 PM, Denim Dreams said:

I hope Chelsea and Austen work out.

It will be interesting to see what they say regarding their "status" during the reunion. Chelsea dated someone else shortly after filming the season finale, while Austen partied it up Shep-style from the beginning of the year through the midseason. Now apparently, they're hanging out again. Maybe watching it all play it out on TV rekindled some stuff, who knows?

Edited by slowpoked
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Shep isn't fun anymore.  When you can't sober up to catch a flight, you've got a big problem.  So, Craig punched him in the knee?  Wow, Macho Craig!  That's, umm, just embarrassing. 

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43 minutes ago, Sai said:


Shep was acting like a total ass to Craig.  He tells him how he appreciates Craig taking care of him at the airport and then he totally tries to humiliate Craig by not even letting him speak and then trying to make Craig look dumb.  Cameron said in her TH that she was on Craig's side and she also thought Shep was being an ass.  Why didn't she say something when it was happening or even to Craig later?  I felt bad because Craig looked upset and if Cameron told him Shep was being an ass it might have made him feel better.  I don't think Craig did anything for Shep to treat him like that.   Cripes, the dude missed his flight just so he could stay back and take care of the old drunk ass.

Cam was trying to shush Shep when he was interrupting Craig.  That whole scene was so weird, I feel like we missed something.  Shep and Landon were egging each other on teasing Craig, which was annoying.   Craig has brothers right?  How did he never learn to just not let people see when their teasing bugs you because then they never stop?

But Craig was also like a dog with a bone trying to make Landon like Kathryn again some more which is just never going to happen.  Let it go dude.

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As annoying as drunk asshole Shep was being at JD's event, Craig's whining excessively to his drunk buddy and his pals that he's going to physically assault him, and then actually punching him in the leg at a fancy event?! He literally acted like an angry adolescent boy and I was more embarrassed for Craig than for Shep. Also, I think drunk asshole Shep had a point: Craig is the one with anger issues, not Shep. Not to insinuate anything, but I *really* hope he doesn't get physical like that when he fights with Naomi. His quick temper and catty put-down's are definitely showing a nastier side of his character.

Speaking of nastier...ugh...yes Kathryn, you and T-Rav are indeed both crazy. Not in a good way. And please don't ever wear that shade of dark lipstick ever again.

Thomas chuckling to JD that he would be treating Landon like a cocktail waitress...gross. Just when I think I can't help but like the dude, he makes degrading comments like that.

Who wants to take bets if Landon will be asked back next season? Her bridges all appear burned by now...her rental house is being sold...the other gals barely tolerate her anymore...even Thomas and Patricia seem over her...her website is still DOA...yeah, she's on really shaky ground, it appears.

Chelsea and Austen ended up winning me over this season after all; I like them both and thought the scene of them finally deciding to exclusively date was cute, even if it was just for the show. Nice additions to this cast indeed!

Strangely abrupt ending to the season, but hey, I've grown used to such oddly random endings since season 2 with this show. 

Edited by Sun-Bun
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2 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Thomas chuckling to JD that he would be treating Landon like a cocktail waitress...gross. Just when I think I can't help but like the dude, he makes degrading comments like that.

I feel the same. Just when I think maybe he's got some redeemable qualities and might simply be someone that makes poor life choices but is harmless enough, he says something awful like this and I am reminded that he's nothing more than an entitled douche.

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1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

Oh me, Kathryn is living back with her folks.  Glad she is thinking of returning to school, but just no with a degree in psychology.

Maybe she meant a degree in psychotics?

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1 hour ago, Sai said:

Unpopular opinion but I don't mind Whitney.  My mother told me that you can tell how a guy is gonna treat his wife by how he treats his mother and Whitney is very nice to his mother.

How come they didn't show scenes for the reunion at the end of the show? I was looking forward to that.

Shep was acting like a total ass to Craig.  He tells him how he appreciates Craig taking care of him at the airport and then he totally tries to humiliate Craig by not even letting him speak and then trying to make Craig look dumb.  Cameron said in her TH that she was on Craig's side and she also thought Shep was being an ass.  Why didn't she say something when it was happening or even to Craig later?  I felt bad because Craig looked upset and if Cameron told him Shep was being an ass it might have made him feel better.  I don't think Craig did anything for Shep to treat him like that.   Cripes, the dude missed his flight just so he could stay back and take care of the old drunk ass.

I don't trust Whit's motives.  Bet he wants to stay in the will.  Does make me wonder just what kind of mother Patrish was.

OK, soooo Craigie & Ms. Mean Girl are still together?  Um, WTF?  Are we being played or what?  What guy in his right mind would wanna stay around her when she's ALWAYS so freakin' mean to him?  Was that just fake shit for the cams?  I get annoying when scripted crap makes no sense.  Why are these 2 still together when they both treat each other so miserably?  Maybe cuz all we've seen this season has been fake, fake, fake?  If that's the case, I'm annoyed as hell with both of them.

Why was skinny twit Craigie threatening Horseteeth?  I mean, seriously, Horseteeth could kick weakling wuss Craigie away with zero effort, even in his usual boozed up state.  Another annoying scene that made no sense.

So you want someone "privileged & honored" to be with you, eh, Thom-ass, the convicted felon, booze-hound, coke-head?  Oh man, thanks for the hearty, chuckle, Thom-ass!  Yeah, good luck finding that.

Just a guess why Danni fainted -- maybe she's eaten a half of a cookie in the last 3 years & has puked up everything else?  Just a guess.  She's gotta keep the sugar daddy interested.  But sugar daddies have no patience for illness, Danni, hun, so it's a good thing you fainted while not in his presence cuz that would be the end of the fancy luxury trips & houses.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Allow me to just add that despite the many, many, MANY delights that oral pleasures provide, cheese is among my favorite ever foods---so give me cheese or give me death. I feel ya there, Craig!

Also, I find it sad that Kathryn is never shown gushing over Saint the way she does Kensie; hopefully she's been able to bond with him a bit more despite his young age and her legal situation, but it's always "Kensie is such a model" or "Kensie and I do crafts"...

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13 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Allow me to just add that despite the many, many, MANY delights that oral pleasures provide, cheese is among my favorite ever foods---so give me cheese or give me death. I feel ya there, Craig!

Also, I find it sad that Kathryn is never shown gushing over Saint the way she does Kensie; hopefully she's been able to bond with him a bit more despite his young age and her legal situation, but it's always "Kensie is such a model" or "Kensie and I do crafts"...

Oral cheese or Oral sex?

Cheese please, wait until you are in your mid fifties ( post meno) and have done everything sexually you desired in your younger years.

Food wins over sex every time. let's get real!

No knocks on you Sun-Bun the alphabet game circle is still fun once and a while.

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Oh no, it's Cams, Charleston's resident yenta/budinski again, eh?  Why doesn't someone tell her to fuck off?  Cams, if you're finding it so hard to believe that Naomie is mean, mean, mean, mean, mean, then why don't you watch this season?  If she put on an act, then OK.  Otherwise, I have no explanation why Craigie would wanna stick around this extremely unpleasant, nasty, snide woman.  And the hint of settling for cheese instead of oral sex?  Run Craigie, run, run, run!  And mind your own fucking business, Cams -- you give really shitty advice.

Btw, Ms. Mean Girl, thanks for the admission that you were complicit in slimeball Craigie's lie to us about taking the bar.  You are just as slimy as he is, Mean Girl.  I suspect there's a LOT going on with these 2 we know NOTHING about.  

Nice parents like Cams' mom or Austen's parents don't belong on this show.  They just don't.  Patrish is another story.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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