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Seasons 1 and 2 Discussion

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On 4/25/2018 at 1:05 PM, smartymarty said:

It seemed incredibly reckless behavior for Bill, considering all the background they gave us on him. Once he decided to continue to follow her, despite letting her know he knew who she was, I knew he was a goner. But it seemed really stupid. Wouldn't an agent know not to get caught in the crowded club where he can't control his environment?

And shouldn't Eve have security about her now that they all know the killer knows her? What did the supervisor say, "but this is a department that doesn't exist." Fine, but then be more careful with Eve considering she has a target on her back. (And if the department does not exist, then either Villanelle's employers have someone in British Intelligence telling them about it anyway, or their knowing about it is a plot fail.)

For those who did not see Bill's attack coming, please tell me you did see the suitcase being stolen, putting together the "you lost your last suitcase" and "Bill, watch my suitcase" lines.

And yet, I'll keep watching because the story is very compelling.

You could add to all this, that someone could stake out a guarded crime scene by sitting at a table directly across the street for what must have been hours and hours without being noticed by the police.

  • Love 2

Plus he and Eve seemed to be careless, given that they know the killer is targeting Eve. It's hard for me to believe that Eve wouldn't have had a heightened sense of alarm and been searching her environment constantly.

I love this show and will keep watching it but there have been stuff that makes me shake my head and go, really, show, really? Like the fact that an extremely crucial witness in episode 1 had such skimpy security at the hospital. Or this week’s stolen suitcase. 

I presume the gay-for-the-stay American tourist is going to end up dead in a creative way.

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, Zoe said:

That was intense x_x

Totally saw Nadia's death coming lol

I knew she was a goner when she went to put the kite in the trunk. 

I thought this was an intense and great episode!

I will say that it's bothering me that we have no backstory or explanation as to why Eve has been so harsh to her husband. When she went off on him by telling him she was the only thing in his life, I thought, it felt like more than grief. I thought did something happen between them in the past? 

I can't believe we're halfway through the season! 

Oh, I like the name Villanelle more than Oksana. Villanelle suits her. 

Edited by JustS
Lovely typos
  • Love 6

So Frank's mother was actually a Russian intelligence agent? Or was that lady pretending to be (probably killed) Frank's mother?

I read that next episode is going to be crazy explosive, but this one was considerably tense. I love the nuances this show deals in--like how the speech Frank gives about Bill is so wrong/clueless.

Fiona Shaw in the butcher shop was also just great. Her concern for the sausages and that Eve keep well fed. Lol.

  • Love 7

Wow. Intense is the right word. And Eve wants to go talk to her?! After the suitcase? (Which was so creepy, except, I loved that she put Villanelle perfume in there.)

Great episode. Frank may be a dick-swab, but I was worried that Villanelle would drop him right in front of Eve. Not only would that be traumatic for her, right after Bill, but he should have to go back and answer for his actions.

22 minutes ago, taragel said:

So Frank's mother was actually a Russian intelligence agent? Or was that lady pretending to be (probably killed) Frank's mother?

I think that Frank is a serious traitor working with a Russian intelligence agent who pretended to be his mother, just as a cover story. I don't think she took over his house or anything. She made a warning call to him while he was inside the house, so I think they're just working together.

  • Love 13

That was so intense! I kind of figured that Nadia was toast, but that was brutal. Villanelle is a seriously cold chick. Manipulates her ex to kill her current boyfriend, and then just runs her over with her truck without a second thought. And her leaving Eve a bunch of nice clothes (and, of course, Villanelle perfume!) in the trunk with a "sorry babe" note was so perfectly twisted. 

Frank is clearly up to his eyeballs in shady stuff, but seems to be out of his depths. I was sure he was going to get shot in the meadow right in front of Eve, I was on the edge of my seat! 

I still miss Bill. Poor Bill. 

  • Love 13
45 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Frank is clearly up to his eyeballs in shady stuff, but seems to be out of his depths.

And dumb as a box of rocks.  If I knew some assassins were hot on my tail, and I bailed out of the car before their arrival, I sure as hell wouldn't hide 50' away from the car.  I would be making tracks anywhere that had dense foliage.  I did like Villanelle's reaction, though, as he was running down the road; "Seriously?"

I'm willing to bet that British Intelligence has a damn good idea of who Villanelle is, and even that they contracted with her to kill Frank because of his defection to the Russian side.  However, after she ever so quietly threatened her handler, I think Villanelle's circle of trust is closing rapidly. 

  • Love 8

Eve: Everyone's going to think I'm the other woman.
Elena: They all think that anyway.

Konstantin: We need to talk. Can we go somewhere with no balloons?

Kenny: It's not good that [Villanelle] knows where you live.
Eve: Yeah, well, don't write your address on your suitcase in case it gets stolen by a psychopath.

Eve: Wow, that is a lot of sausages.

Carolyn: It is disappointing that the mole is the one who looks the most like a rodent.

Carolyn: We're not after blood, Eve. We're after information.

Carolyn: Stay nourished. Get some chops.

Villanelle: Have you checked the sights?
Diego: I shot a Dutch politician with it five days ago and he's definitely dead, so yes.

Diego: Okay, everyone had a pee? There won't be time to later.
Villanelle: I can hold it.
Diego: Okay, but you'll regret it.

Diego: What's going on, guys?
Villanelle: [Nadia] had a wasp on her nose.

Diego: They told me one of you doesn't matter. Don't make me guess.

Kenny: We've had some activity but it's strange. Someone just made a call to Frank's mobile from a landline. I've located him but the mobile's in the same house as the landline that called him.
Eve: What does that mean?
Kenny: Either this equipment is dodgy, which it really isn't, or it's just weird.

Nadia: I am not a pumpkin.

Eve: Frank, are you running or crying?
Frank: Running and crying.

  • Love 4

Eve's facial expressions during Frank's eulogy were priceless. I can't blame her for walking out. It was hard to hear someone as vivacious as Bill described by the most boring coworker who clearly didn't know him at all.

When Kenny said it wasn't good that Villanelle knows where she lives, Eve's DUH tone was everything.

I loved the gorgeous four tier cake that Villanelle had for Konstantin's non-birthday. I didn't blame him for tentatively touching it to see if it was really cake though. You never know with Villanelle. Loved her Konstantin mustache and beard.

Konstantin's version of punishing Villanelle cracked me up. Not only are you not allowed to go on kills by yourself anymore, but you have to sleep in a car instead of getting a posh hotel room.

When Kenny told Eve that he traced the phone calls and someone called Frank's cell phone which was in same house where the landline call was placed, I had Scream flashbacks. The call is coming from inside the house!

I knew that Diego wouldn't make it to the end of the episode as soon as he was introduced, but damn, Villanelle is cold enough to kill her ex too and then follow that up with "Oops!" I totally laughed at her exasperated disbelief when she saw Frank running and she said, "Seriously?" (Grey's Anatomy shout out?)

I loved that even while Eve was trying to save Frank, she was still annoyed with him. It was obvious that she wanted to reach through her phone and slap some sense into him and then force him to run.

I think this may have been my favorite one so far in the series. I loved Eve figuring out that Frank was the mole and all the tension of the ending.

Jody Comer mentioned in an interview that she has never eaten as much as she has while filming this show so I always notice when she's eating now. She's not quite at Helena on Orphan Black levels of eating but they do have her eating a lot.

Now I want to know more about Oksana and Nadia!

  • Love 11
On 4/23/2018 at 7:09 AM, attica said:

Apparently, fetish-surgery is a real thing. Which shouldn't surprise me, given, well, people, but there you go. There certainly is porn for it (Rule 34!), so finding real-life underground, um, dispensaries would be the next logical step.  Now I'm wondering if the writers had to research such a thing or if they were already familiar!

I imagine the writers came across this nugget when researching Berlin and could not resist using it. Too much fun.


On 4/23/2018 at 2:14 PM, Zoe said:

She sought out a slim American woman with wild curly hair vacationing in Germany because she wants to roleplay.

I had a bad feeling she was going to kill the American and dress her in Eve's clothes.

On 4/23/2018 at 5:54 PM, slf said:

What was in that box that Villanelle took out of Eve's suitcase? It looked like either medicine or a beauty product but Villanelle pouted and said, "poor baby."

I think I saw "Clearasil" on the tube, but I can't swear to it.

On 4/24/2018 at 9:24 AM, AuntiePam said:

Google's translator gave me the other, but yeah, same meaning.

Google Translate has improved over the years, but it is still not the Universal Translator we'd all love to have. I used to be fluent in German, but lost a lot of it when I moved back to the US, and used to use Google to help me out when writing my cousin. She finally asked me to just write in English. I had a far more humiliating experience with it when I worked for a German company, but that was well before the current, improved version of Google Translate.

On 4/25/2018 at 11:03 AM, attica said:

Since David Haig is gone, I would feel remiss if I didn't point out that viewers will remember him as randy groomsman (and second [randy] groom) Bernard in Four Weddings and a Funeral

Of course he is! I was shocked that they killed him off, especially since they started filling out his back story and made him really interesting. I figured (until the end) that his "Daddy is going to die" was toying with us. I still think it was - just in a different, twisty, way.

  • Love 5

The male assassin was a typical stereotype - must be the type that performs only from rooftops complete with the elaborate suitcase full of weaponry and not very bright. His style was really eye-roll worthy. So much noise and attention. Couldn't he see that the whole assignment was going to be messy with the 3 of them??? sent to terminate 1 person??? 

Also can anyone tell me why she was just walking behind Frank instead of running after him??? All the time I as shouting, 'He's a goner, for sure!!! Why should he survive when Bill did not"?? But alas, looks like he did. I also like the fact that Eve when she helped Frank over the fence, left the car door OPEN in anticipation that they wouldn't have much time. I hate in a movie, when there's a supposed getaway and the doors are shut while the occupants are sitting calmly waiting for that person to run up, breathing hard and then try to open the door, wasting precious minutes. While the people are sitting inside shouting ., 'hurry up!!! lool......................so stupid. 

Also wanted to add that I liked that she was missing her shots. It showed her style is more up close, unlike the 'pumpkin' guy. 

Edited by skyways
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

And dumb as a box of rocks.  If I knew some assassins were hot on my tail, and I bailed out of the car before their arrival, I sure as hell wouldn't hide 50' away from the car.  I would be making tracks anywhere that had dense foliage.  I did like Villanelle's reaction, though, as he was running down the road; "Seriously?"

I'm willing to bet that British Intelligence has a damn good idea of who Villanelle is, and even that they contracted with her to kill Frank because of his defection to the Russian side.  However, after she ever so quietly threatened her handler, I think Villanelle's circle of trust is closing rapidly. 

And he kept talking on the phone the entire time LOL!   You know its bad when you're rooting for the assassin to kill him because he's just too stupid to live.  Also, I am kind of rooting for the assassin anyway, at least sometimes.  I love Eve, but Villanelle is just so fascinating to me, when she mentioned her handler's daughter even he visibly paled.  I kind of want more of her backstory, but I also don't because I don't want some sob story that is going to explain away her exquisite sociopathy.  I've never seen the actress before but I think that she is doing an incredible job and I can't wait for her to go up against Sandra Oh!

I feel bad for Eve's husband.

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Zoe said:

Totally saw Nadia's death coming lol

Yeah, as soon as I saw Nadia attack Villanelle in the car, and they seemed to have a history, I knew she was toast. Seeing it play out was still cold as ice. I guess she killed Nadia and her boyfriend to send a message that she doesn't play well with others? Which...well yeah I could have told you that. Manic Pixie Dream Sociopaths rarely do. Her whole life is basically her first scene in the pilot, where she smiles at the kid then shoves the kids ice cream into her lap, for no real reason. She screws with people (or just kills them) because she thinks its kind of funny, or because it gets her stuff, and she does it to everyone. 

  • Love 5

Enjoy the way Villanelle takes everything too far...the ridiculous pink dress she wore to be scolded and reprimanded...the over the top multi tiered birthday cake, fantastic round balloons, her Konstantin costume...

Nico could have easily been a target but Villanelle had a train to catch and she was already late...

Between the HBO show Barry, movie Red Sparrow and now Killing Eve...looks like Assassins are my thing...

  • Love 4

The boxed product that elicited the "Poor baby" from Villanelle when she was going through Eve's suitcase was a tube of Canesten...

Yes, I froze the screen and stood on my head to get the correct spelling of the over the counter medicine...you can Google what it is for if you must know....

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 5

Great episode!

How convenient the car key magically disappear and Eve and Elena decided to leave the guns home. 

If Villanelle wanted to really freak out the handler, she should have told him and his daughter's their birth dates.

Why did Elena cut off Kenny when he was about to reveal something at the cafe?

Good to see Frank's MI5 training kick in during this situation. He made them proud.

Edited by mxc90
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

The boxed product that elicited the "Poor baby" from Villanelle when she was going through Eve's suitcase was a tube of Canesten...

Yes, I froze the screen and stood on my head to get the correct spelling of the over the counter medicine...you can Google what it is for if you must know....

You made me look; hope you're happy.  :-(

  • Love 4

This show is incredibly good at never letting us get comfortable with Villanelle. One moment she's delightful - like her expression when Konstantin ripped the fake beard and moustache off her face, then her sweetly insisting he open his gift - the next we're reminded she's a psychopathic killer - "For your daughter. Did you think I didn't know anything?" Because while I never forget what she is I do sometimes get so charmed by her that when she does something like back over her ex with a van it's like, "holy shit she's cold."

Frank is deeply stupid but so lucky Eve is resourceful. I laughed when he tried to cling to her as he climbed over the railing and fell face first to the ground. Eve's face was hilarious.

Edited by slf
  • Love 11

It took me forever to catch on, but, Vilanelle has face blindness, doesn't she? She is obsessed with people's hair, and build, and clothes, and wants her kills to look her in the eye, but otherwise seems unable to process features (i.e. 'oh, your hair is longer now' when she finally registers Nadia before she launches herself from the backseat). Would also explain why she likes killing asthma sufferers because she can hear their distress even if she can't process it on their faces. 

A face blind psychoassasin would be so epic, I hope I'm right.

Damn, Konstantin got a harsh reminder that all of Vilanelle's playfulness is just looking for leverage on him. I wonder what short straw he drew to be her handler. Because eventually the bosses in charge are going to order him to try to put her down. And he knows perfectly well that he will probably lose and then she'll make tacos out of his family or something. His job suuuuuuuucks.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 20
On 4/30/2018 at 1:04 PM, Mumbles said:
On 4/30/2018 at 10:31 AM, Deanie87 said:

I feel bad for Eve's husband.

Yeah, I don't think this show has adequately set the tension between them up. I don't know where it's coming from. They had an interaction in Ep 3 about the suitcase, and then at the funeral she refuses to hold his hand. Weird.

A close colleague was murdered, and he knows Eve isn't telling the truth about it. Plus, he's been afraid for her from the get-go about working for Carolyn. There might be some other issues, but these explain at least some of the tension.

  • Love 7
On 4/23/2018 at 2:22 PM, Zoe said:

I'm a little disappointed that they telegraphed his death so hard in this episode.  Maybe if the baby had been in the previous episode or something it wouldn't have felt so sudden to humanize him a great deal before killing him.

It was classic BBC.  The minute he showed up with that baby, my husband said, "Oh, they're killing him.  This is how BBC does it."  It was funny. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 4

I think that there were 2 objectives that Konstantin and the other handlers wanted to accomplish (1) kill Frank and (2) have the assassins kill each other.  Seriously, that was a very volatile threesome and they were psycho nasty on their own.  I suppose the handlers would be okay with one assassin left standing and take care of the matter at a later time.  What does a handler do when their charge doesn't want to listen any more?  This was a great set-up.

  • Love 4

Feel bad for Eve's husband? I'm terrified for him. An assassin he knows nothing about knows where HE lives. I'm loving this show, but that Eve didn't immediately find somewhere else for her and her husband to live amazes me. But then, Eve also told Frank TO RUN ACROSS AN OPEN FIELD to get to her. And if she really gets out of the car next week to talk to Villanelle, putting everyone at risk, I think I'll have had it.

So was it just plot convenience that Villanelle is sent to kill Frank the same day that Eve figures out Frank's the mole, or is there yet another mole informing Villanelle's employers? (Did she get the order before or after Eve figured it out?)

  • Love 8

They mention her during the psych eval in this episode, although we don't learn much. The guy doing the evaluation asks, "So, Villanelle. Do you still have dreams about Anna?" Then he hands her the drawing she did of a faceless woman with wavy brunette hair. Villanelle says it's not Anna and makes a joke about it being her mother ("I'm joking. My mother has really thin, shitty hair"), but she's clearly rattled. It actually makes her fail the evaluation.

  • Love 6
On 4/29/2018 at 6:06 PM, mmccpp said:

Nadia, the dumb guy.  I figured Frank's mother was toast, too.

I really liked that she turned out to be a Russian agent in the end.

On 4/29/2018 at 6:37 PM, JustS said:

I will say that it's bothering me that we have no backstory or explanation as to why Eve has been so harsh to her husband. When she went off on him by telling him she was the only thing in his life, I thought, it felt like more than grief. I thought did something happen between them in the past?

I think they've been providing small hints from the beginning, with Eve describing her marriage in an underwhelming way (I forget exactly how, but it was clear she wasn't "he's the best thing ever!"), and her initial hesitation to join up, as she knew she'd get some blow back from him, her telling him it was office work, and now she is getting the blow back she was expecting. He's a nice guy, but he's a barrier between her and what she truly wants to do (even if she hasn't fully accepted it - but she's pretty much there now).

On 4/29/2018 at 11:11 PM, numbnut said:

Love this show. I stopped watching Barry cuz this assassin dramedy is so much better. (I'll catch up on Barry later.) This ep was intense. And that ending! Too much of a cliffhanger, if there even is such a thing.

I watch Barry too, plus the Americans, so there's a high body count on my TV every week, and three different stone cold killers.

On 4/29/2018 at 11:21 PM, tennisgurl said:

I still miss Bill. Poor Bill. 

I was watching this episode and thinking, I've seen characters I've watched for three seasons get killed off and haven't been as upset about it as this character I've only watched for three. Amazing job.

On 4/30/2018 at 5:16 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

When Kenny said it wasn't good that Villanelle knows where she lives, Eve's DUH tone was everything.

Which is why I don't put my address on my bags. Name and contact number only. (haven't been traveling for a while, so I'm not sure if it's required these days)

On 4/30/2018 at 5:17 PM, mxc90 said:

If Villanelle wanted to really freak out the handler, she should have told him and his daughter's their birth dates.

I thought he was sufficiently freaked. It was a nice, almost subtle, threat.

On 4/30/2018 at 7:01 PM, slf said:

This show is incredibly good at never letting us get comfortable with Villanelle. One moment she's delightful - like her expression when Konstantin ripped the fake beard and moustache off her face, then her sweetly insisting he open his gift - the next we're reminded she's a psychopathic killer - "For your daughter. Did you think I didn't know anything?" Because while I never forget what she is I do sometimes get so charmed by her that when she does something like back over her ex with a van it's like, "holy shit she's cold.".

I never feel charmed by her, but I do find her fascinating.

21 hours ago, smartymarty said:

So was it just plot convenience that Villanelle is sent to kill Frank the same day that Eve figures out Frank's the mole, or is there yet another mole informing Villanelle's employers? (Did she get the order before or after Eve figured it out?)

Since Eve got the information about a mole while investigating the Chinese guy Villanelle killed, I assume whoever ordered the murder is aware this information was transferred, and is cleaning up loose ends. So the timing works for me.

  • Love 3
On ‎05‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 12:01 AM, Souris said:

There's got to be some mole other than Frank. He's too stupid.

I LOL'ed at "How disappointing, the mole is the one who looks most like a rodent."

Still not over Bill.

Idk, that's perfect cover for a mole.  "Oh, it couldn't be him, he's too stupid", and then he shoots you in the head.

  • Love 4

This show is still killing it in the ratings: ‘Killing Eve’ Is A Word-Of-Mouth Ratings Sensation For BBC America

"The series has seen an increase in viewers every week since its premiere, growing a total of 33 percent in total viewers and 61 percent in adults 25-54 from its premiere episode on April 8 to the fourth episode last Sunday. Killing Eve is the only new ad-supported drama in more than a decade to show consecutive ratings growth over its first four episodes across total viewers and both key demos. Sunday night’s fourth episode delivered 892,000 total viewers and 386,000 adults 25-54 in Nielsen live+3 ratings."

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