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S06.E23: Making Waves

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I love how when they were schlepping everything down to the beach for their "grill-out", they all had their hands loaded, but Cate still made sure to not waste a beat before opening that box of Cheez-Its. Sure she was carrying a boogie board, food, etc. etc, but no time like the present to start gnawing down on some Cheez-Its!

That looked like the best trip ever...Maci jumped into the pool on an inflatable swan y'all! What wacky hijinks! Oh, and Tyler making a goofy face for the picture at the end...I just can't get over the wittiness & cleverness of this group. 

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The after shows aren't live, but are filmed pretty recently, usually the weekend before the show airs based on past travel schedules when the girls said they were going to film after shows. It might vary some, but with this crew live is definitely now a good idea.

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4 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I love how when they were schlepping everything down to the beach for their "grill-out", they all had their hands loaded, but Cate still made sure to not waste a beat before opening that box of Cheez-Its. Sure she was carrying a boogie board, food, etc. etc, but no time like the present to start gnawing down on some Cheez-Its!

That looked like the best trip ever...Maci jumped into the pool on an inflatable swan y'all! What wacky hijinks! Oh, and Tyler making a goofy face for the picture at the end...I just can't get over the wittiness & cleverness of this group. 

I forgot about the Cheez-Its! Don't get me wrong, I love them too (the spicy ones!) but I can at least wait until I get in the house to eat them. I really want to cut Cate some slack with the trashy upbringing, coerced adoption and whatnot, but she makes it so hard...  

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I would love to know the reason that they didn't show them going to eat at any of the local restaurants.  It was so obvious that there had to be a reason.  I would joke that most people like to do something "different" on their vacations, such as eating out, and since these people live off of takeout just about every meal maybe they thought it would be a novelty to buy and cook their own food. 

Matt stuck out like a sore thumb, so awkward.  Ick!

I was glad that Maci brought up the Ryan issue.  SOMEONE has to - we've been talking about it here for years!  It's about time it gets addressed.  Girl is really stirring the pot this season.  I guess she has to come up with something for a story line.

I've noted before that Farrah can act gracious and intelligent with "strangers".  I've seen it with other shows she's been on, with Dr. Jenn and the Doctors and Dr. Phil.  It's with her family and Simon that she lets the rage out.  I'm sure that she was ever so relieved that she didn't have to endure that trip with her cast mates.  It was a win-win situation that she didn't go. 

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@butterbody good for you! I meant to comment earlier on you make-over. 

5 hours ago, poopchute said:

Ha! Stepping away to compose themselves is what normal people do but these people run away crying for more attention, I think. I don't think for one second any of these fools think, okay I am getting emotional, let me walk away and take a breath and come back when I can act like an adult. They just have zero coping skills so they always just flee the scene like lunatics.

The way you worded this is so funny. Lunatics is exactly what Amber and Cate are when they have their crying moments. 

When Amber was talking during their cook-out, Cate and Tyler both interrupted and talked over each other. Then, Amber continued to talk. It was one big three-way gabfest without anyone missing a beat. None of them stopping to hear what anyone was saying. It gave me a headache hearing all three of them cackling. 

1 hour ago, gunderda said:


Cause she really is in a tough place with it all.  He's Bentley's dad so she does have to care for his well being to a point but she was probably trying to not cross any boundaries...*snip* 

Maci is not responsible in any way for Ryan. He is an adult who is responsible for himself just as Ryan wouldn't be responsible for Maci drinking too much Bud Lights. When they ceased being a couple, they ceased that responsibility for one another. As if Ryan ever cared for Maci. That doesn't mean Maci doesn't or shouldn't care for Ryan's well-being, but it is not her place. Just because she has a child with him doesn't make her his caretaker or the one who should be pushing him into rehab. That brings me to my other point.

No one can be forced to seek help. An addict has to want to receive help. If they are forced or pushed, they won't do the program. Look at Butch. He isn't sincere in his sobriety which is why he fails. Ryan would surely fail because he has not yet reached that moment where HE is ready to do the work that comes with getting clean and sober. All Maci can do is sever all visitations as a way to lay down the boundary for her son's sake and safety. Whether it would be a wake-up call for Ryan, that remains to be seen. Maci wants to be the martyr because she thinks so fucking highly of herself. 

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3 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


Maci is not responsible in any way for Ryan. He is an adult who is responsible for himself just as Ryan wouldn't be responsible for Maci drinking too much Bud Lights. When they ceased being a couple, they ceased that responsibility for one another. As if Ryan ever cared for Maci. That doesn't mean Maci doesn't or shouldn't care for Ryan's well-being, but it is not her place. Just because she has a child with him doesn't make her his caretaker or the one who should be pushing him into rehab. That brings me to my other point.

No one can be forced to seek help. An addict has to want to receive help. If they are forced or pushed, they won't do the program. Look at Butch. He isn't sincere in his sobriety which is why he fails. Ryan would surely fail because he has not yet reached that moment where HE is ready to do the work that comes with getting clean and sober. All Maci can do is sever all visitations as a way to lay down the boundary for her son's sake and safety. Whether it would be a wake-up call for Ryan, that remains to be seen. Maci wants to be the martyr because she thinks so fucking highly of herself. 


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Yes, it was strange how she was just saying Jen and Larry need to step back and Ryan should do more with Bentley, including overnights at Ryan's house but now she is saying she is worried Ryan could die in the near future. The timing of these episodes is confusing. Does anyone follow Ryan or Mack on SM in real time?  Any clues there?

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26 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

Yes, it was strange how she was just saying Jen and Larry need to step back and Ryan should do more with Bentley, including overnights at Ryan's house but now she is saying she is worried Ryan could die in the near future. The timing of these episodes is confusing. Does anyone follow Ryan or Mack on SM in real time?  Any clues there?

Mackenzie had labeled the criticism as "ignorant" and asked the fan-base to pray for them. 

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It baffles me that Larry and Jen seem to be more concerned about what other people may have to say or how Ryan's addiction/going to rehab will reflect on them.


Have they not been paying attention?  People have been talking for a looooong while now so they really need to move past public opinion at this point. Ryan is in DIRE need of an intervention.  

Edited by Tillshee
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3 hours ago, suzeecat said:

I would love to know the reason that they didn't show them going to eat at any of the local restaurants.  It was so obvious that there had to be a reason. 

I don't know, but I get the impression they genuinely would prefer to stay put.  Like the idea of going local didn't occur to them.  I mean, at least try the local beer!

On paper, that trip should have been fun.  Mid-20s (on average), carefree, tab picked up by MTV,  but it seemed awkward.  One producer said they were like cousins, and that was it exactly.  They were on vacation because their parents made them go and they hung out trying to have fun, but they have nothing in common.

Farrah is doing well, and she doesn't need MTV to invent a storyline for her.  Her segments were more interesting, even versus three girls teamed up.  SxSW is cool, and MTV didn't book that for Farrah.

Edited by TaxNerd
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7 minutes ago, TaxNerd said:


I was proud of Farrah, that she doesn't need MTV to invent a storyline for her.  Her segments were more interesting, even with three girls teamed up.  SxSW is cool, and MTV didn't book that for Farrah.

...you know, I mean, you all are right, and I respect scrappiness as much as the next guy, but, for real, if homegirl could stop being just such a colossal ASSHOLE...

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On 5/30/2017 at 2:14 PM, imjagain said:

I hate to judge people's looks,  but what the bloody hell did Amber have done in that surgery? She looks pretty much the same. We saw all those bruises from whatever the hell  they did to her, but  damn she looks just as big, no real difference. Except that dried out white/blonde hair she has going on. 

Drugs.  For Matt. Oops, I mean Jeff.

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4 minutes ago, teapot said:

...you know, I mean, you all are right, and I respect scrappiness as much as the next guy, but, for real, if homegirl could stop being just such a colossal ASSHOLE...

Lol, I edited the "proud of" part out, because I just can't go that far ?

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21 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Catelynn spelled out the brand of toddler diapers nonCarly uses: Huggies Crusiers. Yes, she misspelled "cruisers".

I gotta admit, when Cate was writing out "nap time at 1:00 p.m." I truly thought she was writing out her itinerary for Puerto Rico. 

Maybe Crusiers are some "fancy" diaper Tyler is going to slap fringe and leather patches on and try to sell to their braindead fans. 

The nap thing - so true. But there would be several more!

17 hours ago, mamadrama said:

My husband broke a bowl today. He blamed Jeff.

Good to know this show is good for something.

That is awesome. 

I homeschool, and one of the poems my boys learned in language is called Mr. Nobody. It's about a little man, quiet as a mouse, who does the mischief that is done in everybody's house. We made a joke out of it and started REALLY blaming everything on Mr. Nobody. But I'm about to dump that shit on Jeff now. He's probably responsible for my inlaws coming to visit early this year. (They're seriously due any minute now. Can *I* go to Puerto Rico???)

5 hours ago, gunderda said:


I kind of wonder if Maci was asked to keep the Ryan/drugs think under wraps and now she's tired that no one is trying to help him so maybe by her actually putting it out there on the tv show his parents and MacKenzie will have to wisen up and get him some help.


That's what I think. I think she's been going along with the secrecy for awhile now. But apparently whatever is going on has gotten worse, and I think she's trying to force their hand. I'm not sure if that's the right move, but I do believe she's legitimately worried about him. 

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Back then, he was a stoner during the work week and partied hard on the weekends.  We might have/had 'friends' in common in those years.  It's moved on from the weekends and his 3 or 4 hour runs to the bank.  He's driving to Lebanon those days, I suspect.  Allegedly

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Yea, I thin Ryan is a quiet, apathetic person by nature. But I do suspect some mild usage even back then. There is no doubt, in my mind, that his behavior the last few years has gone off the rails. This isn't normal "quiet dude" behavior. His eyes are bugging out of his head and he often appears to have trouble staying awake. It's not good. 

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19 hours ago, mamadrama said:

My husband broke a bowl today. He blamed Jeff.

Good to know this show is good for something.

I'm totally stealing this and I will use it, daily.  "Mom, did you do laundry?  I need underwear."  "No, Jeff needs underwear.  You need to clean your room."  It's going to be like an episode of Roseanne, all the time.  

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On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 8:14 AM, suzeecat said:

I would love to know the reason that they didn't show them going to eat at any of the local restaurants.  


I've noted before that Farrah can act gracious and intelligent with "strangers".  I've seen it with other shows she's been on, with Dr. Jenn and the Doctors and Dr. Phil.  It's with her family and Simon that she lets the rage out.  I'm sure that she was ever so relieved that she didn't have to endure that trip with her cast mates.  It was a win-win situation that she didn't go. 

MTV likely felt filming them eat at the local Burger King (photo is on Cate & Tyler thread) wasn't worth the screen time. They were right. 

Farrah doesn't act nice to strangers. Her ex, Daniel, did an interview and went on to describe how Farrah berated an employee at a fast food place. She also berated his mother and his friends. That was why he broke off the relationship with her. He felt her behavior to others is so demeaning and disrespectful. 


I hate to judge people's looks,  but what the bloody hell did Amber have done in that surgery?

@imjagain Amber has no problem judging others for how they look such as Farrah. The other girls are the same way. It's fair game in my book. Amber only gained massive boobage, but that fat transfer or fat removal thing she had done? Big fat (pun intended) waste of time. The fat removal surgery she should have is the one that will get rid of that parasitic twin named Matt. 

18 hours ago, MissMel said:

I'm totally stealing this and I will use it, daily.  "Mom, did you do laundry?  I need underwear."  "No, Jeff needs underwear.  You need to clean your room."  It's going to be like an episode of Roseanne, all the time.  

I blame Jeff for #covfefe. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 hour ago, poopchute said:

I'm just getting around to watching. What is up with the scene with Amber and Matt's dogs wanting to come inside and everyone just sitting around yelling and being mad at the dog?  Matt was like "I can't let him in right now" but why? And if he can't be inside (but why?) why not go outside and actually be with the dog? Do we ever see them interacting with the dogs? When I'm home I'm always with my dogs.  Near them, petting them, laying with them, playing with them, etc.  I don't really understand why they have dogs because they seem like they hate them.

They need to walk them.   Maybe they can get a hover round and take the dogs for a walk.  Hehe.   Oh!! Jeff needs to walk them. Dammit Jeff, do your job, man!

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1 hour ago, poopchute said:

I'm just getting around to watching. What is up with the scene with Amber and Matt's dogs wanting to come inside and everyone just sitting around yelling and being mad at the dog?  Matt was like "I can't let him in right now" but why? And if he can't be inside (but why?) why not go outside and actually be with the dog? Do we ever see them interacting with the dogs? When I'm home I'm always with my dogs.  Near them, petting them, laying with them, playing with them, etc.  I don't really understand why they have dogs because they seem like they hate them.

But, but, but they are rescue dogs, you don't have to take good care of them, you did a good dead just adopting them (that is complete sarcasm, I am a huge advocate for pet adoption and all of my pets have come from a shelter and I wouldn't do it any other way, it's just a statement on their need to always mention they are rescues).

I really don't know about the whole Ryan thing... I've been reading the different opinions for a while now, and I just don't know what to think. There was definitely a marked difference in his cognition and it seemed to have truly been since the accident he had, he could have suffered damage, or maybe has a drug problem related to pain meds following, I really don't know, maybe it's not related to the accident at all, if I remember correctly wasn't the show on hiatus when that happened? So it's hard to say definitively it's related, but it would make sense. He definitely had moments through the show and 16 and pregnant where he kinda had a "duh" look on his face, but he had more moments where he seemed clearly normal, and that isn't there anymore. I believe Maci has the right to be concerned, but I'm not sure talking about it on tv is the best approach. I know they put their lives out there so it's fair game... but sometimes I guess I feel like when it's something that could be detrimental (like a drug issue) they should be allowed the space and privacy to handle it (if they choose) and if they put it out there let it be their choice, not Maci's. Ryan has the choice to not be on tv so he is not innocent, if he wants privacy he could change that, so he has to accept the fact that as long as he is on tv people are going to talk and speculate, but I don't know that Maci should be the one discussing it with everyone on camera.

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1 hour ago, poopchute said:

I'm just getting around to watching. What is up with the scene with Amber and Matt's dogs wanting to come inside and everyone just sitting around yelling and being mad at the dog?  Matt was like "I can't let him in right now" but why? And if he can't be inside (but why?) why not go outside and actually be with the dog? Do we ever see them interacting with the dogs? When I'm home I'm always with my dogs.  Near them, petting them, laying with them, playing with them, etc.  I don't really understand why they have dogs because they seem like they hate them.

Matt hates those dogs as much as he loathes Amber. 

@leighroda good points. I find it rather hypocritical of Maci to discuss anyone's issues when she herself hasn't been upfront and honest about her life choices, particularly lying about the circumstances surrounding her pregnancies and her drinking alcohol while pregnant. 

On the other hand, you have Ryan who is accepting payment to be front and center on a television show. He has signed his contract. He leads people to speculate with his own behavior, not what Maci has been saying or doing. 

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18 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Matt hates those dogs as much as he loathes Amber.  

@leighroda good points. I find it rather hypocritical of Maci to discuss anyone's issues when she herself hasn't been upfront and honest about her life choices, particularly lying about the circumstances surrounding her pregnancies and her drinking alcohol while pregnant. 

On the other hand, you have Ryan who is accepting payment to be front and center on a television show. He has signed his contract. He leads people to speculate with his own behavior, not what Maci has been saying or doing. 

Don't be silly, he clearly hates Amber more than those dogs.   

Matt is a scumbag but Amber is, well... Amber

Edited by imjagain
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Did you all notice Nova playing with that artificial flower with the wire sticking up towards her eyes as Tweedledum Tyler tells her not to be playing with it? She then runs off with it and continues to play with it as the wire is right up in front of her eyes as her dad just ignored her as usual. 

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21 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Did you all notice Nova playing with that artificial flower with the wire sticking up towards her eyes as Tweedledum Tyler tells her not to be playing with it? She then runs off with it and continues to play with it as the wire is right up in front of her eyes as her dad just ignored her as usual. 

Hey hey hey! Father of the year did his job. He threatened to take it away...geez!

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19 minutes ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

Hey hey hey! Father of the year did his job. He threatened to take it away...geez!

Just like when he threatened her to get off the horse which was by the big glass window. But lets her play near the fan with no cover. Great job!

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12 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Mackenzie had labeled the criticism as "ignorant" and asked the fan-base to pray for them. 

Ok, Mackenzie. Where is that eyeroll emoji??? 

As for C & T telling Butch not to let Nova go to sleep before 9....  I also need the eyeroll emoji for that. I just pictured 8pm at their house, with Catelynn and Tyler smoking a bowl with their eyes glued to their social media. Every once in a while, one of them looks up and sees Nova drifting off or asleep. They poke her or make a loud noise or shout to wake her back up, then return to their cellphones and pot. Repeat and repeat until 9pm, when Nova is thrown in her crib.

I don't get how this lets them sleep in unless Nova is drastically different from my two year old. He's up no later than 8am (usually up before 7) no matter what time bed was (it's at 7:30pm) but even when we let him stay up longer or were doing something where he wasn't home to sleep, he was still up by 8am. To paraphrase Kat Williams: my son wakes up at 5:30 every morning. He could go to bed at 5:28 and he'd still be up at 5:30. 

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On 5/30/2017 at 4:31 PM, politichick said:

What drug is Farrah on and can I have some? She was almost pleasant!

This!  In both the show and the after show I found myself wondering if she had secretly had a lobotomy or something, as she was *almost* pleasant to be around, instead of her usual trying to out-talk anyone who dared speak to her.

I thought Cait and Amber were recovering from addictions.  Hard to tell what Amber was drinking, but Cait was certainly drinking wine.  And I truly believe that a lot of the tearful confessions were alcohol induced - there are happy drunks, mean drunks and this crew, which all seem to be the melancholy bunch.  Down a few and start revealing your demons, which opens the floodgate of tears. 

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7 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

Hey hey hey! Father of the year did his job. He threatened to take it away...geez!

Sadly, that is more than Butch ever did for him --- so Tyler thinks he is winning in the fatherhood department.

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12 hours ago, imjagain said:

Don't be silly, he clearly hates Amber more than those dogs.   

Matt is a scumbag but Amber is, well... Amber

Amber is a disgusting basketcase poser. Is it worth it Matt? He's been with her 3 years, he would have to hate her fucking guts by now. He deserves every minute of it.

Butch wanted to know how much money they were leaving, he had a eight ball waiting.

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5 hours ago, salvame said:

This!  In both the show and the after show I found myself wondering if she had secretly had a lobotomy or something, as she was *almost* pleasant to be around, instead of her usual trying to out-talk anyone who dared speak to her.

I thought Cait and Amber were recovering from addictions.  Hard to tell what Amber was drinking, but Cait was certainly drinking wine.  And I truly believe that a lot of the tearful confessions were alcohol induced - there are happy drunks, mean drunks and this crew, which all seem to be the melancholy bunch.  Down a few and start revealing your demons, which opens the floodgate of tears. 

Yeah! When I saw the episode I immediately pictured Maci being embarrassed. That was some drunkin' confessions. She became overly emotional and was super drunk.

Unfortunately I've witnessed plenty of family and friends say some off the wall stuff when drunk to wake up the next morning with a "what the fuck did I say last night???? Noooooooo!" Followed by a Ransacking of all their text messages, social media posts, and any other incriminating evidence of their drunkin stupor and stay depressed for the entire day with the aftermath hangover - not the hangover from too much alcohol but the hangover from the embarrassment of actions made.

Big reason why I don't drink to get drunk anymore as I was the "I love you so much guyyyyyyyyyssss....you're my best friends and I love you so much" type of drinker ???

Edited by Calm81
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8 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Amber is a disgusting basketcase poser. Is it worth it Matt? He's been with her 3 years, he would have to hate her fucking guts by now. He deserves every minute of it.

Butch wanted to know how much money they were leaving, he had a eight ball waiting.

I hope I won't get hate for this but I felt really uncomfortable knowing they left Nova with a relapsed grandfather to change and bath Nova. I guess I don't like the idea of any male but a girls father to change and bath them. Too many stories of Uncles, Grandfathers and moms male friend molest me stories that I got uncomfortable for Nova.

Let me make this clear, I'm not trying to say Butch would EVER sexually touch Nova, I'm just not comfortable with men bathing and changing little girl diapers unless it's THEIR own daughter. 

Ducks and hides.

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19 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I hope I won't get hate for this but I felt really uncomfortable knowing they left Nova with a relapsed grandfather to change and bath Nova. I guess I don't like the idea of any male but a girls father to change and bath them. Too many stories of Uncles, Grandfathers and moms male friend molest me stories that I got uncomfortable for Nova.

Let me make this clear, I'm not trying to say Butch would EVER sexually touch Nova, I'm just not comfortable with men bathing and changing little girl diapers unless it's THEIR own daughter. 

Ducks and hides.

Nope. Not from me. My mother NEVER let me stay with any male relative. Didnt matter where they fell on the family tree. It just wasnt done.  

Now add a grandpa who likes to get high and certainly has malr buddies that he gets high with.  Yes, yes. Women can be abusers as well.

Edited by Brooklynista
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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I'm going to the taping of part 1 of the reunion on Saturday. The best part is on the requirements for coming to the show, they wrote that the audience members aren't allowed to have blue, yellow or any kind of colorful hair and everyone has to dress professionally... It actually made me laugh.  Look at who the cast members of the show are and what they look like.

They will make you sign NDA, but please make a burner gmail account and a burner PTV account to share the details with us. 

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I hope I won't get hate for this but I felt really uncomfortable knowing they left Nova with a relapsed grandfather to change and bath Nova. I guess I don't like the idea of any male but a girls father to change and bath them. Too many stories of Uncles, Grandfathers and moms male friend molest me stories that I got uncomfortable for Nova.

Let me make this clear, I'm not trying to say Butch would EVER sexually touch Nova, I'm just not comfortable with men bathing and changing little girl diapers unless it's THEIR own daughter. 

Ducks and hides.

No I don't hate you! I think though men are often not taught to be caregivers/provide grooming/care to elderly/sick relatives or children because of this reason when most of the time it isn't an issue. I don't think it makes a difference regarding if the child is male or female though. 

Of course I would never tell a parent not to trust their own instincts regarding their child but to me that attitude chains women to caring for babies/the sick because nudity is so sexualized in our culture. 

I don't think Butch would ever hurt Nova, and kids are molested by female relatives/Dads as well. 

1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

I'm sure Butch wouldn't harm Nova -- but he probably hangs out with some real scumbags. Remember, Catelynn posted videos of Nova nude and in the shower too...


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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I'm going to the taping of part 1 of the reunion on Saturday. The best part is on the requirements for coming to the show, they wrote that the audience members aren't allowed to have blue, yellow or any kind of colorful hair and everyone has to dress professionally... It actually made me laugh.  Look at who the cast members of the show are and what they look like.

That is the norm for any television taping. I know, I have been to many. They will also likely make last minute seat changes. I have been lucky to have been moved to the front while some chick gets pushed to the back row. It is usually due to what one wears. Bright colors will usually get you moved out of sight, away from the camera. 

6 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

They will make you sign NDA, but please make a burner gmail account and a burner PTV account to share the details with us. 

Yes! Please share the deets. 

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On 5/30/2017 at 9:35 PM, mamadrama said:

My husband broke a bowl today. He blamed Jeff.

Good to know this show is good for something.

Whenever I read about Jeff -- or any of the awesome comments as the above -- I can only think of the Shirley Jackson story.

[semi-spoiler alert  for the Teen Moms or anyone else who was too busy getting knocked up to go to seventh-grade English class (because their clearly documented intellectual curiosity obviously would lead them to immediately seek out an allusion to a work of literature with which they were unfamiliar, and that, coupled with their impressive inference skills, will now make the "surprise" ending totes obvious, and I hate to ruin that for them ;-) ) ] :

Jeff would only be More Awesomer if his name were "Charles."

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6 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I hope I won't get hate for this but I felt really uncomfortable knowing they left Nova with a relapsed grandfather to change and bath Nova. I guess I don't like the idea of any male but a girls father to change and bath them. Too many stories of Uncles, Grandfathers and moms male friend molest me stories that I got uncomfortable for Nova.

Let me make this clear, I'm not trying to say Butch would EVER sexually touch Nova, I'm just not comfortable with men bathing and changing little girl diapers unless it's THEIR own daughter. 

Ducks and hides.

No, don't feel bad. I was molested as a child and I always get SUPER weird about leaving my daughter around other men than my husband. I can't help it. 

I don't really see Butch being that way, but who knows? What if he invited some of his scuzzy friends over? Plus, I just worry about him getting high and not looking after her.

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