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Downward Dog - General Discussion

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More dog, less people. 

The work storyline isn't really cutting it. There's nothing terribly interesting or amusing about Nan's job or her co-workers. I still enjoy the gimmick of the dog's perspective, but I'm afraid eventually his voice is going to drive me nuts. Using "like" every other word is annoying as hell. I've read reviews that describe this manner of speaking as "millennial style" but the truth is, people have been talking that way for eons. The difference is that a good teacher will correct it. It's under the umbrella of speech impediments. If teachers nowadays are letting kids graduate when they talk that way it's a sad commentary on our educational system.

(I guess, for a dog it would be amusing, but it's such an affectation that I'm keenly aware of how deliberate it is.)

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I liked Allison Tolman in Fargo, but the writing for her here isn't really working.

41 minutes ago, MortysCleaningLady said:

Hire a reputable and responsible dog walker for your adored pet instead of your gross, unemployed, unkempt druggie boyfriend.


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I am enjoying the show so far but am not a fan of the work segments. Same old thing: person is underappreciated at work, does something amazing against boss's wishes, gets recognition for it...on and on. 

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I thoroughly enjoyed the show.  I've always loved dogs and I love Allison from Fargo.  I loved the fact that they didn't use the typical hairy dog that TV seems to be enamored of and I loved seeing the dog's view point on his mistress' life.

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I'm afraid eventually his voice is going to drive me nuts. Using "like" every other word is annoying as hell.

I thought I was the only person who felt this way.  I may have to stop watching this show simply because of this annoying habit.  It is like nails on a chalkboard.  

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On 5/18/2017 at 1:34 PM, proserpina65 said:

It actually sounds like the kind of thing that Cesar Millan talks about: dogs are pack animals and they need an alpha to dominate the pack.  It lines up with real dog behavior.

Actually, science has proven that dogs don't need alphas to dominate the pack.   Cesar is wrong about that.   

Lots of links here about dominance here:


However, Cesar is right that dogs need exercise and routine, which poor Martin wasn't getting.  Most dogs also need to use their brains through training, tricks, nosework, having a job ("go to your mat", "pick up your toys," "sit when the doorbell rings," "sit before you go outside..."). 

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The 'like' stuff doesn't bother me; I find it funny. I probably, like, say like too much myself sometimes.

I loved Alison Tolman in Fargo and I still find her appealing and relatable here, if a little too woe is me, especially with the job. And I don't find Jimmy, I mean Jason gross at all.  I wouldn't want him for a boyfriend, due to the lack of job and lazing around popping weed gummys all day, but he seems sweet and sweet ON her, and he's cute, and they obviously have a fairly long history. It's hard to let go sometimes, especially when you still have feelings for each other, which clearly they do.

I like the job stuff, to an extent, but I find myself relating uncomfortably to the asshole boss sometimes: Just what ARE they selling?

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2 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

That being said, it was still a pleasant way to spend 20 minutes.

I'm still sweet on Martin, so yeah. Scenes of him sprawled out blocking the front door are enough for me.

But it does seem like he's the star and main protagonist, which makes Nan's life the incidental B plot. So far, I don't care about her struggles and that makes the show feel weirdly off kilter. Am I supposed to be drawing parallels each episode between Martin's life lessons and Nan's? If so, I can't be bothered.

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I, too, think Martin is the real star of the show and wish they would build more story lines around him.

The main reason I like Nan is because she looks like a real woman.  Not beautiful and skinny, who could probably get any man, but a woman who's come to appreciate the fact that the one being in this whole world who will love her unconditionally is Martin.  Nan probably let Jason hang around so long because he was convenient when she wanted to use the "sex room" (as Martin called it - ha!).  But in order to have that she had to kind of keep him around when all she really wanted was to relieve sexual tension every now and then.  After that, she was done until the next time.  She knows her field to pick from will be scarce just because she isn't one of the bold and beautifuls.  Perhaps I'm going deeper with this than the show intends.

All in all I've enjoyed the first two episodes and am glad the boy-toy is gone.  I don't know where the writers are taking this show, so I'll have to wait and see.  I  gave up on Making History on the 4th episode (and it's been canceled, so it's not just me).  I'll go with this show as long as it holds my interest and makes me laugh out loud at least one time per show.  

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Lucas Neff is a series regular, tho, he's not gone. And I don't think Nan only keeps him around for when she's feeling an itch. She loves him, or has loved him, and wants him in her life. 

I also don't think Nan' s romantic options would be 'scarce'.  Most of us aren't models, but we still manage to have lively and extensive love/sex lives. Nan is attractive and smart, even if not bold and beautiful. Sometimes those women find unconditional love too, and not only from their adorable pooches. But I agree, it's nice to see a leading character on t.v. who looks like you or your best friend or your sister, not like a movie star. 

I don't know where the show sees itself going, but I think I'll be interested in riding along for as long as it lasts. 

Edited by luna1122
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Well, I liked the pilot much better than the second episode, but because I just love Martin the dog so much I'll stick it out for a little while. I am a sucker for anything about a dog and I love the character Nan....she's a good actress, killed it in Fargo! 

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I agree with those who love Martin. I could totally see my rescue dog (bully-red tick coon hound mix) in this role, and he also knows how to give side eye ;) I read about this show and watched the first two eps. I was surprised how much I love this show. I hate sitcoms, generally, and the fact that this is more dramedy is appealing. The cat and Martin are killing it, and the humans are cool, too. Did not know Pittsburgh had MJ gummies, some law changes I'm not aware of? Curious too see where this show goes, and plan to watch as long as it's on.

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Well, I'm in. I loved the pilot, much more than the 2nd episode. But, now that they've connected dog and job, and!, set up some interesting possibilities between Nan and her boss... I'll be there. 

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I loved Martin at Nan's work. That dog is so adorable. I don't have a lot to say about the episode, but I enjoyed it. Her boss is not JUST a dick, he's got some layers, and Martin brought them out. I love how he loved a guy who is scared of dogs. Cats inevitably gravitate toward people who don't like them but in their case, I think it's out of slightly evil motivation. Dogs just want folks to love them. I loved his sense of betrayal when Kevin didn't throw the ball. Also loved his fantasy of he and Kevin at dinner, with Kevin giving him a gift: an RIP Pepper statue. Ha.

And my unpopular opinion continues that Lucas Neff's hair is awesome.

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"I mean, I think the gradual lowering of expectations is possibly the highest form of love": A++ line.


I don't like the way Martin speaks with the Kardashian vocal fry and the frequent "like" -- I can overlook the like, but the lazy, drawn-out, put-upon way of speaking annoys.

Loved Allison Tolman in Fargo and really got a kick out of her jerk-boss Kevin wearing a t-shirt on it with STUSSY on the front in his scene with Nan and Martin outside the office building. If you're watching this season of Fargo, you'll appreciate the reference/callback! Clever.

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I wondered if the Stussy thing was a deliberate shout-out to Fargo or if there's maybe some other meaning to it.

Still not crazy about the humans on this show. I can sort of relate to the dog, especially the "ball-tease" thing. And I admit it - I do that to my dog all the time. Yeah it's a total dick move but it gets him all riled up. But the gimmick of the dog's perspective is weighted down by how boring the human side of the story actually is. 

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This was the best episode so far. I actually didn't fast-forward through the work scenes, which is good since there were so many. Loved the R.I.P. Pepper gift. Glad I didn't give up on the show.

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This show has really grown on me - I didn't like the first episode much (though I cried at the end at Martin's memory of being rescued - I lost my beloved rescue dog a few months ago). But I feel it gets better each week - I loved their take on why dogs will try to win over the one person in the room who doesn't fawn over them.  My dog would 'cheat' on me with anyone who needed the comfort of a heavy, drool-y head on the knee.  But at the end of the day he'd always come back to me and head-butt the bathroom door open while I washed my face.

And how handsome is Martin???? Those light brown eyes kill me. He has officially replaced Detective Hoffman on Angie Tribeca as my TV dog-crush.

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On 5/31/2017 at 5:11 PM, ChiBurbsMama said:

 I don't like the way Martin speaks with the Kardashian vocal fry and the frequent "like" -- I can overlook the like, but the lazy, drawn-out, put-upon way of speaking annoys.

I liked the resolution with Nan and her boss... but even though the dog is cute and looks a lot like a dog I used to have... listening to it talk with that extreme vocal fry is absolutely brutal.  Like, I don't think that I can like, even watch this show, like anymore, without like, stabbing my eardrums.  

I would have to either mute the sound or FF through the Martin parts if I continue to watch... and I don't think the rest is appealing enough to bother watching... so I think I'm really out for good now.  Which sucks because there isn't much else on during the summer.

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Martin reminds me of one of my cats. He's a year old and he's grown into a big tomcat.  The problem is I don't think he realizes how big he is now and  he's not as agile as he was as a kitten.  This episode just made me chuckle because I could imagine my boy cat saying to me, "Look, I'm not perfect, but love me anyway." 

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I am loving this show and it is growing on me.  This is the only comedy show that actually makes me laugh out loud.  I think the show is finding its footing.  What I liked about last night's episode was the short amount of time shown in the office.  The more they show Martin interacting with Nan, Nan's boyfriends and others is what makes this show funny - IMO.  Martin practicing his athleticism by running in the house while Nan was on the phone was hilarious.

I do wish they wouldn't show the dog's mouth moving when he's "thinking" though - it's distracting and it's a cheap shot.  Martin's expression during the voice overs is more than enough.

Whether he can communicate with other dogs remain to be seen.  I don't think the idea of all the dogs in the show being able to talk/think would be funny. Martin did sniff Hunter's butt when he first met him and that is what dogs do.

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I love that Timothy Omundson's Eric was basically a grown-up, boring, uptight version of Jason.  He was quite attractive, but so, so dull as a person.  Still, I could see why Nan was attracted to him at first.

Poor Martin with the natural raw food dinner.  I loved him racing around the house testing his athleticism.

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I agree that they need to stop with moving martin's mouth as he talks- it's just creepy.  It's way more effective with the VoiceOver and his super-expressive eyes.

i love his show but feel they may be over-thinking what dogs go through emotionally.  Would a dog really care if another dog seemed 'better' than them?  I've had dogs all my life and it seems more like their confidence level is a consistent thing.

also yeah that guy was a sucky trainer. Rule #1 is not to scold a dog for potty accidents way after the fact (and frankly I wouldn't have done it at all in this case since it was due to weird food and therefor not his fault)

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I love that Timothy Omundson's Eric was basically a grown-up, boring, uptight version of Jason.

It's King Richard from Galavant! Huzzah!

I felt so bad for the dog that was expected to "stay" the entire time his master was away at the gala! OMG - I'd never want my poor dog to have to sit in one spot the entire time I was gone from the house. He should walk around and stretch and look out the window and nap wherever he wants. I feel bad enough leaving him at home all day long while I'm at work I'd hate to think of him sitting in one spot looking at the door waiting for me to come home.

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5 minutes ago, iMonrey said:


I felt so bad for the dog that was expected to "stay" the entire time his master was away at the gala! OMG - I'd never want my poor dog to have to sit in one spot the entire time I was gone from the house. He should walk around and stretch and look out the window and nap wherever he wants. I feel bad enough leaving him at home all day long while I'm at work I'd hate to think of him sitting in one spot looking at the door waiting for me to come home.

Would anyone actually do that to a dog? I understand crating, but expecting a pup to just STAND there for hours seems abusive.

I didn't really know Timothy Omundson; he's handsome (tho I was shocked to see he's still in his 40s, he looks quite a bit older, to me) and I loved Nan's comment to Jason that he'd stolen his look. Ha. Nan has a type, for sure. I also loved that tho he was successful  and wealthy and cultured, that when she realized how very pedantic and humorless he was, a drive in burger with Jason sounded like a much better use of her time. And Martin's. I loved Martin ripping thru the house to show his athletic prowess. I kind of think Martin gulping the burger out of her hands at the end might not have been scripted; their reactions seemed a little surprised and very organic and funny.

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The show is still weird but continues to grow on me. Martin's thoughts and Nan's actions seemed to be better aligned this episode instead of the two of them co-existing in separate stories.

I agree everything is much better away from the office, which is too bad because I like Nan's co-workers. Her boss is the worst, though, and not even as a character but as an entire plot. Or maybe it's the actor who bugs? Something's not working for me there.

Martin's mouth moving doesn't bother me, but I really hope they dial down the number of "likes" as we go along. I guess the conceit is to deliberately mimic millennial mannerisms, but ugh. I also wonder if having Martin's ears flat during his camera interviews is an "acting" choice, because his reflections are often downbeat or sarcastic, but it kind of makes me think Ned the (actual) dog isn't enjoying this. Perk up your ears, dude!

Edited by Lord Donia
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In full agreement with those of you saying Martin's mouth shouldn't move. It's my only quibble. Just a close-up on that wonderful face will more than do the trick. And quite frankly it'll be easier for me to sell friends on a "dog's thoughts are out loud" show than a "talking dog" show.

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I simply love this show.  I'm in love with Martin.  The household I live in has five cats. Lost my dogs (they had long happy lives) a few years ago.  One of them, who happened to be a major mutt in looks, had the most soulful eyes. I'm almost positive she was separated from a sibling or mother. We found her almost dead wondering the streets after a hurricane. She kept trying to get back to where we found her, (she was a stray) but she would come right back to our home. It was like she was trying to tell this other dog she had found a great place to live.  I used to stare at her and wonder what she was thinking. ::sniff:: I'm positive she never forgot that street companion.

Also, I don't take any of the dog training or things that dogs can or can't do very seriously on this show.  It doesn't strike me as a show about realism. It's just supposed to be weird set-ups that Martin can go into funny streams of consciousness on.  I don't even know if that makes sense. Eh, I'm  crazy about Downward Dog. Please don't get canceled.

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I did realize something about Martin saying 'like' like, a lot :-) I was watching last night's episode with the captions on and it somehow makes all the 'like's more obvious- Nan says it a lot when talking to her work friend (Jan?) and her friend did a little as well. 

It sort of makes sense- if our dogs were physically able to speak, they'd pick up the speech patterns of their humans.  Martin would talk like Nan.  And my dog would have had a Jersey accent and compulsion to sing showtunes. (He would actually howl when I sang- I thought he was complaining but maybe he was actually trying to harmonize?) 

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5 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

It sort of makes sense- if our dogs were physically able to speak, they'd pick up the speech patterns of their humans.  Martin would talk like Nan.  And my dog would have had a Jersey accent and compulsion to sing showtunes. (He would actually howl when I sang- I thought he was complaining but maybe he was actually trying to harmonize?) 

Showtunes! Love it! I would like to think that my dogs picked up my constant bad singing, but I'm afraid they most likely just talked like sailors on shore leave. :)

For some reason, I have not been bothered by all the "likes" that Martin and the others are saying. Shows you how much I love DD because that usually bothers me.

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1 minute ago, AlwaysWatching said:

Showtunes! Love it! I would like to think that my dogs picked up my constant bad singing, but I'm afraid they most likely just talked like sailors on shore leave. :)

For some reason, I have not been bothered by all the "likes" that Martin and the others are saying. Shows you how much I love DD because that usually bothers me.

My cats would swear like longshoremen too. I think they do anyway.

I'm not bothered by his mouth moving, but agree it's not necessary. And I'm not remotely bothered by the 'likes'. I say it too often myself, probably.

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16 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

As a former dog trainer, that idiot gave a poor depiction of how to train a dog.  Just sayin'.

This was my first time watching the show.  Question:  Is that a real dog?  I know it looks real, but ....

It's not Rowdy from Scrubs.....  Perhaps you missed all the athletic running practice he did.

Loved the knees up running that Omundson did with the trained dog.

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2 hours ago, AlwaysWatching said:

For some reason, I have not been bothered by all the "likes" that Martin and the others are saying. Shows you how much I love DD because that usually bothers me.

To me, the "likes" is just one of the funny aspects of his thoughts.  It doesn't bother me either.  It kind of makes this thoughts more real.  It's like (excuse the pun) he's trying to figure out how to say something.

When he was watching how those other dogs in the park were acting, turning around in circles, digging in the grass, etc. he was like (oh my gosh, now I'm doing it!) so funny!  He couldn't figure out what was wrong with them.  Yep, I'm like, loving this show.  There I did it again on purpose that time! LOL

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I love Timothy Omundson!! He was awesome on Psych and on Galavant. According to his Instagram, he recently had a stroke :( He is doing physical therapy. I hope he gets better soon. 

I like this show. Is light and funny. Martin is so cute and every time he is on the screen, I just smile. 

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6 hours ago, Suzy123 said:

I love Timothy Omundson!! He was awesome on Psych and on Galavant. According to his Instagram, he recently had a stroke :( He is doing physical therapy. I hope he gets better soon. 

I like this show. Is light and funny. Martin is so cute and every time he is on the screen, I just smile. 

I didn't know Timothy Omundson had a stroke. God I hope he's totally recovered now.  He had a small part on Lucifer recently.  I've been watching him since Xena : Warrior Princess. That was back in the late 90's, I think. Just not sure what years he was on the show. Xena ran from 1995 until 2001.

Oh, and yes, I have that same smile when Martin is on screen.

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I love this show so much I don't even want to snark on it and I'm the most critical person in the world.

It hits all my fuzzy weak spots. Dogs, cats, nice people. Of course I love Martin best and would watch if it was just him thinking about things from his point of view, like Nan driving around eight hours a day with the wind in her hair.  Then I love Nan who I think is so beautiful and natural.  I've loved her acting  since "Fargo."  I also like Nan's girlfriend and I think the boyfriend is sweet and kind and brings out the best in Nan.   Even our villain the boss is kind of loveable in his clueless jerkiness like the boss in, "The Office."

If this doesn't get ratings and they cancel it I'll lose all hope for humanity.

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