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S34.E05: Dirty Deed

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J.T., what a liar! No one's going to roll over and play dead to let him win.  Go, Sandra, go!! Rats, J.T. found an idol. (Amazing Race commercial - there was someone who really sounded like Hayley from the dating season.)

A moment of silence for Malcolm before the Reward challenge.  Didn't they just use this set last episode? Is this Olympic gymnastics trials or Survivor? Now in The Amazing Race Small Talk thread there was extensive discussion of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I hope there's guava jelly there in tribute to Netfoot. J.T. proves incompetence on the beam - flash to Michaela's smouldering stare: "It should be me! I can take home the gold for my tribe!" It looks like Aubry stepped off early to me. Maybe they can step off once they're past the wooden platform.  I'm beginning to get an inkling of why Debby blows up later... She's going to take home nothing more than a lead nickel for her tribe.

Mmm . . . PBJ, cookies and milk... a reward kindergardners would fight over... Now why is Debbie pissed? She screwed up? Brad's so dictatorial - she said she has good balance and he tells her to go ahead and do it.  Sounds dictatorial to me!! Looks like grape jelly on that peanut butter to me.  Yellow snake . . . symbolic foreshadowing of a shadow alliance between Sarah and Troyzan?? No - it's about Troyzan lying about his idol.

Brad about Debbie: "Is she acting?"  Ha ha! What is Debbie so mad about? Oh because she's at the bottom because Brad (in her mind) put her at the bottom of the totem pole. Is Debbie delusional?? Haley dicked around and Debbie zipped across the balance beam? If I'd missed up the challenge I'd apologize and keep my mouth shut. But maybe she's going on the offensive to make the others defensive and to forestall criticism of her performance. Debbie's 8-pack looks like a rib cage to me. How can anyone keep a straight face during this?? But she used the word "wanker"!  I think she's pranking the tribe.

Sandra, how funny, eating up the sugar! Varner's loving it.  Now why is Michaela being close-captioned? I can understand her just fine. She is funny, too. Now where is this magic board?  Gosh, Debbie, gymnastics for 10 years? She's not pranking, she's just delusional. But she sure is happy when they win! Balance beams again!

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That squid or stingray means someone is underwater? Sandra is so funny - that look at the camera! I like Michaela much better than J.T. I guess J.T. is the tribe member underwater.  I wonder if that balance beam will be used for every challenge for the rest of the season and for the following two seasons. See now, Debbie needs to take humility lessons from J.T., at least fake humility lessons. Aubry is so over it. She's saying to herself: "Please let me go to Ponderosa and hang out with Malcolm!" Sarcasm: this tribal is really showing me why everyone on J. T.'s first season thought he deserved to win more than anyone else!" Now for the sad viola music.

Ha ha! And he's out with an idol in his pocket!!  But I'm really seeing now why people like Sandra so much.

This was a fun episode to watch. Only negative: the challenges are getting boring - can't we see something different?

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Glad Michaela finally got to show off her challenge poweress.  She is all sorts of awesome.  Wish she brought the empty sugar bowl with her and used her fingers to lick out the remnants.  

Also glad that Hali totally showed Debbie up in that challenge.  Especially since they had a lead.  I guess the show loves Brad enough that they are willing to play back a clip to show Debbie totally contradicting herself.  And....who took 10 minutes to get across the balance beam, Deb?  Hali didn't seem to have much trouble, aside from that first run.  What a sore loser.  I do feel sorry that Hali hadn't won anything at that point.  If anyone has any reason to throw a tantrum, it's her.  Debbie also realizes that the IC wasn't just about the balance beam, right?  She's a freaking lunatic.  She's not even good TV.  She can go next.  I hate all of NuMana, except Hali.

Hello Sarah!  Welcome to the game.  Totally forgot you were there.

We need to see more Varner.  Aubry doesn't seem like she's in a good spot.  

Idols have really ruined this game for me.

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Dammit!  I was bored with this season until tonight.  Can ANYONE STOP SANDRA?  As Aubry said, Damn, you guys are good.  I am in love with the threesome of Sandra, Michaela, and Varner.  Whoa, JT, you moron.  Voted out AGAIN with an idol in your pocket.


Also add that I despise Debbie and still cannot remember Sarah at all.  Sierra was impressive tonight.

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I wanted the team Debbie is on to lose so bad! I couldn't stand her on her season and I can't stand her crazy ass this one. Can't wait to see her get the boot!

I knew JT was gone when he didn't play that idol. I used to like Sandra and Michaela but I don't like how mean they've become. I know this is a cut throat game but I think they would be mad if they had been voted off and it was rubbed in with snarky remarks. Did JT. Deserve to be voted off? Yes. But they could have saved the hate, it made them look like petty mean girls. 

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9 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I totally saw that blindside coming but boy was it sweet. After that incredible fuck up last tribal, JT's dumb ass needed to go. Boy did Jeff and Sandra play him well to the point he left with an idol in his pocket (or did he even bring it with him). The moment Sandra and Jeff were being so open about likely voting for Michaela and siding with JT, I knew they were playing him to make sure if he had an idol, he'd feel so confident, he wouldn't play it. And my guess is they told Michaela the plan and she played along perfectly, acting like she even accepted her fate.

I actually thought it was the worst acting job, but then I remember that JT hadn't seen Michaela's original season, and knew she likely wouldn't be sitting quietly if she thought she was going home.  In addition, she must have learned something about going along with being a fake boot because she handled herself very well.  They seemed to be making it so obvious that i was beginning to think JT was going to write someone else's name down, play his idol, and blindside his whole tribe.

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I can enjoy the quirky and the weird, but Debbie has past her expiration date.  She's full out nuts. 

Jt did not even bring his idol. 

I thought Sandra and Michaela over sold it a bit ---  tried a little to hard to make JT feel confident he was safe.  I  thought JT might see that, and get suspicious.  But the fool didn't even bring the idol with him.  Tsk tsk.  Deserved to go for that reason, if nothing else. 

So, if someone finds that idol, is is still valid?  No one knew he had it, so they won't know to look, but  you could stumble on it, couldn't you? Or do they have staff remove the idol, if something like that happens? 

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Debbie is certifiably insane and I love the editors did a flashback of her saying how "good" she was at balancing.  Did I miss the part where Hali was the princess of that tribe? lol  

JT is a dumbass. I mean how dumb and cocky can you be to think you didn't need to play that idol.

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When JT found the idol, I went on Facebook and speculated that he would send it to Russell. That might actually happen. What a dope. He couldn't get his head out of his ass to tell that he'd get votes? See, this is why Stephen burned himself out trying to play the game . . . because he didn't want to known as the guy who didn't get a single vote against that tool.

I"m Team Debbie. She's a little delusional, she has a short memory,and she takes things too hard. On the other hand? Brad. Also, I like the idea of somebody gettin get bitched out during a challenge.

And Sandra remains queen, though it might have been better if she dug a hole and dumped the sugar. And I loved the face she made to the camera. Now the big question is whether she'll pack it in, especially since JT and Tony can't match her record.

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Maybe it is just me, but the editing seems off somehow.  Last week things seemed so rushed - which in retrospect made sense because of the epic tribal counsel - but tonight seemed wonky too.  The JT/Michaela stuff seemed to come from nowhere and the random Sarah stuff seemed misplaced.  The cast all seem either over it or a little too jaded and maybe they just aren't giving the editors much to work with ... just seems sloppy vs. the tight editing and narrative I've come to expect.

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I just kept saying "Stay away from seashells, Michaela!"

Wow, Sandra. #YASKWEEN, as the kids say.

I wondered why they were showing the strategize part of the challenge (which they never show), but it was to set up Debbie's meltdown. I hope it sends her home, but I fear it may have booked her goat ticket to the final 3. Then again, it's pre-merge, but still. The fact she actually said that to Hali, about her being up Brad's rear end (or him up her rear end, I can't remember) was so oddly...specific and graphic and at that point, I think she crossed a line from harmless ranting to borderline harassment.

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Michaela, so damn funny at TC, sipping that water and whipped her hair when JT was voted out. She's such a highlight.

JT suffers from dumbass-itis. Didn't bring his idol, is he fucking for real? He had to know that there was some target on his back. This also explains why Sandra has got to go, these guys don't realize the player she is. She was speaking like she was voting for Michaela but voted JT. Sandra is not a GOAT, this is a person you need to get rid of.

Debbie needed to STFU. She looked like Lady Tremaine, jealous of Cinderella Hali. It was just over the top, someone really should have found some Ritalin for her ass. How can she blame Hali for the balance beam when Debbie herself said she was in gymnastics and her 8 pack yet was completely worthless during the reward challenge?? She was mad at herself and just taking it out on Hali.

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1 minute ago, mishap said:

I can enjoy the quirky and the weird, but Debbie has past her expiration date.  She's full out nuts. 

Jt did not even bring his idol. 

I thought Sandra and Michaela over sold it a bit ---  tried a little to hard to make JT feel confident he was safe.  I  thought JT might see that, and get suspicious.  But the fool didn't even bring the idol with him.  Tsk tsk.  Deserved to go for that reason, if nothing else. 

I thought they played him perfectly--he was so sure that everyone agreed with his somewhat racist views of Michaela (she's lazy in camp; she mooches food) that he was blinded to her good points.

1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Exactly.  She accounted for the idol this time.  Even if JT had brought it he wouldn't have played it, because Sandra played him like a fiddle.  Aubry sounded so stupid that I thought she was in on it.  You moron?  You're DONE with Michaela AT CAMP?  What the fuck does that even mean?  It bothers you that she's not a coffee drinker?

Sandra played him like a fiddle.  I love it.  He didn't stand a chance.  She read him as an overbearing sexist who wold underrate all women and who thought he could not lose.

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I'm still puzzling over Debbie. Crazy or crazily clever? Totally paranoid bonkers or doing a preemptive strike to get everyone uncomfortable and tentative, trying to avoid her minefield of delusional craziness?

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Debbie's energy sure as hell wasn't needed during IC. She was acting like an ass and when Hali dropped a bag she scoffs like "Miss 8 Pack Gymnastics" would have done better. Imagine if they had loss, she would have blamed Hali again.

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10 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I'm still puzzling over Debbie. Crazy or crazily clever? Totally paranoid bonkers or doing a preemptive strike to get everyone uncomfortable and tentative, trying to avoid her minefield of delusional craziness?

I don't know what it is, but I just want her gone.

The NuMana 4 completely sucked walking into the RC with Debbie's stupid "all here" and their cocky little smiles.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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1 minute ago, MKL122788 said:

So, real talk, does anyone think Sandra's primary goal was to make sure there cannot be another two time winner?

Definitely.  And, I would really love to see Sandra on the jury.

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2 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

The NuMana 4 completely sucked walking into the RC with Debbie's stupid "all here" and their cocky little smiles.  

I didn't consider that cocky at all.  I'm no Debbie fan, but I took that as being happy that their tribe remained intact for at least a little longer, and that a real threat was eliminated.

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