Juliegirlj March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 Erika and her glam squad are nasty bitches. The way she responded to Eden's gift shows her true colors. Her non apology shows who she is. Dorit was nervous about possible drama at LVP's party, so PK stood up for her. Don't really like him, but good for him. Rinna is off her rocker. Yuck. I kinda loved Kyle for taking those junky kitchen shears and chopping off the bottom of her pantsuit. # shortgirl problems!! Jaggar is adorable! Anyone see LVP on WWHL?! She had some work done...... 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127338
HunterHunted March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 (edited) 31 minutes ago, whydoievencare said: From your previous comment, it didn't seem that you were, that's all. That's OK. My barb really hinges on familiarity with Lydia and Melbourne. Lydia's behavior was so egregious that it prompted an Aussie viewer to create a twitter account which slammed Lydia for treating her housekeeper like a slave. I'm sort of curious about how Rinna is planning on justifying her behavior in the the reunion. Going into the finale, it's clear she's doubling down on this "my heart was in the right place" and "I'm calling out the hypocrisy" message, but that's fundamentally not true. She's thrown out all sense of nuance and is just mucking up the waters so that no one realizes how messy she's been. Edited March 29, 2017 by HunterHunted 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127339
noveltylibrary65 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 The Glam Squad really should be called the Drag Squad. Hey more power to drag queens, but please not to her! 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127342
Popular Post Normades March 29, 2017 Popular Post Share March 29, 2017 I liked Dorit's gold leaf look for the party. I think she is a beautiful woman with some great fashion sense and she can really wear clothes. After seeing the "looks" Erika's squad turns out for her, I think she is jealous of Dorit. Erika just looked completely pathetic at that party. That stupid cheap looking wig and the dress was horrible. It's so crass to show up at a party when the host has asked for certain dress and completely disregard the request. If you don't want to follow the request --- DON'T SHOW UP!! Manners are in place to ensure a level of comfort for the guests and the host(s). I also believe LVP's wedge request was an effort to not damage her lawn or the ladies' shoes. To show up in black (yes I know it had sparkles) and heels was just plain rude. Erika is about Erika all the time. And yes, I know Erika is not the only culprit on the dress code and all those who did not comply were rude. Kyle showed class, making every effort to follow the request of the host. That apology was pathetic. I did appreciate that she worded it in a way that took responsibility, but to me it was simply insufficient. She gets away with that all the while demanding apologies from Dorit and PK and stating that they must be sincere. Where was the sincerity in hers? Also, it seemed that Dorit tried a few times to start to apologize at that table, only to be yelled at, insulted and shut down. I'd quit at that point, too. Dorit did seem sincerely sorry for hurting Erika, but Erika would never accept that, even if Dorit had been allowed to state it. Also, Erika reveling in LisaR's actions really shows me how low and disgusting she is. PK has every right to address this issue on his wife's behalf. His wife has been repeatedly attacked and accused and his children have been jeopardized by those vile comments from LisaR. CPS investigations can be started from innuendo like that and I cannot think of anything lower than throwing out such information just because you feel someone is not listening. Should people start calling LisaR a pedo if they feel she doesn't listen? Words have meaning and repercussions can be very long term. On a lighter note, I thought the exchange between LVP and Bobby Lee was cute. He really knows his stuff and that party looked amazing! Plus straight to bed really cracked me up! 29 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127351
ElDosEquis March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 29 minutes ago, queenjen said: And can you IMAGINE the teeth gnashing finger pointing hysterics if EJ had a party at her place and one of the other hos arrived contrary to her explicit instructions??!! She'd be howling about 'disrespecting her husband's home' to the moon and back. Again, money talks, wealth whispers. EJ is a shrieking parvenue, applauded all the way by her 'glam squad'. I've gone from enjoying her and 'you go, girling' to GTF off my screen. I'm dizzy. Unfortunately for racist Australians like Lydia, mongrel is INDEED a pejorative term for multiracial people. Lydia is a low class embarrassment to Australians everywhere, but wait until you meet Julia from RHOAuckland, who used the term 'boat n****r' in the company of one of her castmates of Indian descent. That was the alltime low for me. I want Lydiot sacked also. I took one of those DNA tests and I laughed at ALL the different races in my background. That and I DO ACT like a dog at times? Just saying................ 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127356
queenjen March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 36 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said: It infers/refers to: Mixed race. Dog not human. see my comment above. Seriously, this word is used in this offensive racist context in Australia. it absolutely has no place being used as such, but the despicable reality is that it still is, including by Lydiot on international television. For which she should be sacked at the very least, for this and for her other 'casual' racism during the many interactions that are filmed with her and her housekeeper Joanna. I find it particularly disgusting and infuriating that the Australian producers of this franchise, far from condemning this behaviour, actually seem to find it amusing and continue to film these scenes and encourage it. This word is quite commonly used by racists here and racism is on the rise in this country. Far from the 'Lucky Country' that we used to tag ourselves, Australia is now the 'Ugly Country'. RHoSydney has a ho who is the wife of a politician from the racist 'One Nation' party which is on the rise again. It is a terrifying state of affairs here. It's embarrassing and it makes me sick. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127360
noveltylibrary65 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 5 hours ago, lunastartron said: A full(er) preview of Eden going off in the finale is up on Bravo's website: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/episode-18/videos/eden-sassoon-has-a-message-for-lisa omg that was AWESOME. Go Eden!! Finally, someone shut those lips up. It's about time it was brought up to everyone that she royally screwed Eden over with the whole Kim thing. Thanks for posting Luna:) 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127368
AndySmith March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 Quote this word is used in this offensive racist context in Australia Not just in Australia, sadly...I was called that once by someone in the US. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127369
Popular Post mochamajesty March 29, 2017 Popular Post Share March 29, 2017 7 hours ago, lilsadone said: That was the straw for me as far as liking Erika is concerned. I used to like her, but all season I've liked her less with each episode. This one sealed it for me. She's not introverted or closed off - she's just mean and cold. It was incredibly rude of her to start talking about the ring the moment after it happened. She's always talking about how real she is - but she sure as hell talked behind Edens back about that ring. Everyone knows Erika can afford her own stuff, so it's obvious Eden was just trying to be sincere. I agree with all of this. As a socially awkward person myself, I get why Eden did what she did. As misguided as her gift was, she wanted to fit in. They looked like a bunch of middle-aged Mean Girls talking about the awkward kid. And I won't go into pricing the ring. Just tacky. I still believe that Ericka was on something that night. Between her behavior at dinner and hiding her eyes the next morning - it makes you wonder. Ericka is a bitch. With a capital "C". 25 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127377
HunterHunted March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 4 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said: The Glam Squad really should be called the Drag Squad. Hey more power to drag queens, but please not to her! Lady Gaga was on the premiere of Rupaul's Drag Race. She was sincere and thoughtful about how she's been influenced by drag. She even called her performance style drag. I don't get the sense that if you called Erika Jayne drag that Erika would be pleased. Even if Erika did "accept" the comment that Erika Jayne is drag, I get the sense it would be in the same calculated insincere way she said she was over pantygate. It would come up again and morph into some insult that she was told that she looked like a man. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127380
lololol March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 10 hours ago, Jack Terrier said: And Erikas attitude after the gift from Eden is exactly why I'm over Erika. Yes, Eden can be creepy but you either accept the gift with grace or be a nasty bitch behind her back. Why would she act like that? So incredibly rude and hateful. As someone noted above; how hurtful that must be to Eden to see them all cackling like that. Shit, Eden gives me creepy vibes but that was ugly. I thought Erika only said "important shit". NOTHING ErICKa says is important. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127387
Primetimer March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 After the dinner interrupted by her outburst and cocaine is treated with retail therapy, of course. Goodbye, Hong Kong. We hardly knew you. View the full article Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/
queenjen March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 4 minutes ago, AndySmith said: Not just in Australia, sadly...I was called that once by someone in the US. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm frightened by the lack of furore over Lydia's racism on RHOM. It would NOT fly in the US. It's an indication of the troubling path this country has taken. Currently, the government (conservative) is trying to weaken our Racial Discrimination Act, by removing the word 'offend' from it: this will mean that technically, it is 'legal' or there are fewer consequences, for saying something that offends another person on racial grounds. So, if Lydiot's housekeeper Joanna was to try to take action for her employer's treatment of her, being 'offended' would no longer be enough to bring action. This is just one example of this country's troubling regression. Words like 'mongrel' have no place being used when referring to race. People here also use this word to describe anyone considered 'low life' also. It's quite a common word here, sadly. OT, I'd better leave it. But be warned, RH of Auckland and Sydney are troubling with respect to racism, along with RHOM. I hope Lydiot isn't returning, she was really outraged that she was criticised for her behaviour, because she is a nasty ignorant piece of work. It shouldn't be her choice. She should have been sacked immediately. And put in stocks also. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127397
mrsdeanwinchester March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 I'm pretty sure I heard Kyle remark that one of the dogs was a 'Mongrel'. And then say she had never heard of that breed before. Did anyone else hear this? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127427
Guest March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 12 hours ago, ElDosEquis said: An AUTHENTIC mongrel. Now, I am no MENSA member but I know what Mexico is really like, what a Chinese junk is and the breed known as "Mongrels" they are descendant from the Mon-Growl-ians of China. I love this! Still giggling! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127436
farmgal4 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 8 hours ago, LilaFowler said: Rinna admitted that she accused Dorit's guests of doing coke in the bathroom to try to "get her to listen." All basically because Dorit told her to shut it when Rinna kept trying to insert herself into Dorit's conversation with Erica. She just had to do or say something to make it all about her. What a stupid bitch. I do think that there's something wrong with her. She's pure evil, is what's wrong with her. If I'd been on that trip, I'd be sitting in a Hong Kong jail, because there's not enough self-control in the world to have kept me from slapping that smug look off her fucking face. I'm hoping her QVC crap tanks big time. 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127484
PhilMarlowe2 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 10 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said: I didn't have a problem with Erika's apology, or Eileen's acceptance of it. The difference between Erika's and LVP's was that Erika owned what she did. LVP on the other hand said "If I offended you blah blah blah" which is not an apology in my books. From what I remember that is all she ever said. FU LVP. And as far as I know Erika and Eileen are still friends as someone mentioned that Eileen was at DWTS last week to support Erika. Thank you. Eileen gets a lot of grief for not accepting LVP's "apologies," but all of LVP's apologies sucked. Even if we suppose that LVP didn't mean to get in her little digs with questions of "the affair" (which I don't believe for a second, but I'll put it aside for a moment), LVP showed zero initial concern that she had even inadvertently hurt someone she at that point cared about to some degree. She showed zero desire to hear Eileen out or to sort it out with her. She was immediately on the defensive, pretty much laughed at her and then said in a confused voice, "I'm sorry if I...asked too many questions [condescending chuckle]?" There have been times in my life where someone has misread or misunderstood something I have said. I don't laugh at them for it. While I might not apologize for anything that I didn't actually do, I'll still give them the respect of hearing them out with a straight face if it's someone with whom I have a good or even cordial relationship. And I will apologize if there is something I did to unwittingly contribute to their confusion. LVP, on the other hand, was pretty much, "Oh, you're being ridiculous" from the jump. And given that there are many viewers who also read LVP as being stealth bitchy to Eileen in that initial dinner, Eileen wasn't simply being ridiculous, there was obviously some room for different interpretations. Meanwhile, Erika actually acknowledges that she overreacted, lets Eileen know she has been a good friend and that she didn't deserve it, addresses the situation actually happened, and now Eileen is a pushover for accepting the apology? But she was a shrewish harpy for not accepting LVP's lame non-apologies? 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127495
Guest March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 5 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said: I get why Rinna said what she said to Dorit. I think she was all wrong in going about trying to show Dorit why fueling rumors about Rinna's alleged use of Xanax was so hurtful. And false. But she went about making her point in the wrong east of ways. Mileage may vary, as usual. I wholeheartedly agree. I don't think Rinna thought the guests were using coke, I think she was trying to show Dorit how it feels when someone tosses out rumors of drug abuse. Ditto on the YMMV. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127497
yogi2014L March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 6 minutes ago, Swim mom said: I wholeheartedly agree. I don't think Rinna thought the guests were using coke, I think she was trying to show Dorit how it feels when someone tosses out rumors of drug abuse. Ditto on the YMMV. Rinna started the rumors about herself by carrying a bag of pills around and saying she put Xanax in her smoothies! Its not like Dorit opened with man I really like a nice bump after I eat LOL Any way, Any love i had for Erika Jayne is gone, she is annoying looks like a drag queen and is rude af Love Kyle Lisa and Dorit this season, I think Dorit is so pretty! I think Erika is jealous- she thought she would be the young hot one, Dorit really accentuates how Erika is an old hag with the attitude to boot. 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127526
pbutler111 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 I like the idea of the gold leaf in Dorit's hair until I saw the final result. She looked like she'd put some deep conditioning treatment on her hair and somehow forgot to take it out before leaving for the party. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127533
noveltylibrary65 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 2 hours ago, ElDosEquis said: Is 'asshole' one or two words? And Rinna's so drug-addled she responds she could have said Oh you're a great mother etc.. you said one word, Loonylips! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127538
KungFuBunny March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 Ronnie Karam's audiobook recap called HenUltimate He has a picture of Viserys after the pot of gold is tossed on his head - LOL https://tttv.podbean.com/e/717-henultimate/ 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127541
ryebread March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 I've heard people refer to themselves as "a mutt". Meaning, of mixed nationality. "What nationality are you?" "I'm a mutt." Mutt = mongrel, yes? So many other things to be offended about these days. PK tries too hard. Least favorite husband. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127544
pbutler111 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 (edited) 2 hours ago, Swim mom said: 8 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said: I get why Rinna said what she said to Dorit. I think she was all wrong in going about trying to show Dorit why fueling rumors about Rinna's alleged use of Xanax was so hurtful. And false. But she went about making her point in the wrong east of ways. Mileage may vary, as usual. I wholeheartedly agree. I don't think Rinna thought the guests were using coke, I think she was trying to show Dorit how it feels when someone tosses out rumors of drug abuse. Ditto on the YMMV. There's a difference between factually reporting something you actually saw and heard, which is really all Dorit did, and suggesting that you witnessed one of your co-stars and her guests all snorting cocaine during a dinner party. The fact that she first asked, "Were you in the guest bathroom doing cocaine" was bad enough, but then, after Dorit's exasperated denials, she followed it up with, "I just know what I saw". The question could -- by a really, really strenuous stretch of the imagination -- be considered as Rinna trying to make a point. But then to suggest that she actually saw this activity, that goes beyond any and all lines (so to speak). The more I get to know Rinna, the less I like her. And I didn't start out loving her. Edited March 29, 2017 by pbutler111 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127568
Popular Post LilaFowler March 29, 2017 Popular Post Share March 29, 2017 (edited) 6 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said: I get why Rinna said what she said to Dorit. I think she was all wrong in going about trying to show Dorit why fueling rumors about Rinna's alleged use of Xanax was so hurtful. And false. But she went about making her point in the wrong east of ways. Mileage may vary, as usual. 28 minutes ago, Swim mom said: I wholeheartedly agree. I don't think Rinna thought the guests were using coke, I think she was trying to show Dorit how it feels when someone tosses out rumors of drug abuse. Ditto on the YMMV. Tossing out unsubstantiated rumors? Like when Rinna accused Yolanda of having Munchhausen syndrome? Or when she accused Kim of not being sober and being close to death? Or when she accused LVP of throwing Kyle under the bus? This woman is vile. She starts more shit than the other women combined, but the minute she drags a huge bag of pills on camera and states that she adds them to smoothies (also on camera), she can't handle anyone else pointing out the obvious. I personally can't wait for PK to lay a smackdown next week. Dorit can clearly handle herself in an argument but she has been ganged up on the last few episodes. Husbands should defend their wives. Also, if Rinna wants to accuse Dorit and PK of hosting coke parties (and Erica chiming in agreement), then he is well within his right to castigate one or both of them and defend his own reputation. Edited March 29, 2017 by LilaFowler 33 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127574
ivygirl March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 (edited) 10 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said: Maybe if Lisa Rinna wants people to stop saying she's so awful then she should stop being so awful. Also, in my opinion she looks like shit in her dress and needs to stop trying to make Lola happen. Much like her daughters, Lola just doesn't have that IT factor. WRT Lola, "Stop trying to making fetch happen" is more than appropriate here, LOL Quote So it's okay for Rinna to say whatever she wants in order to get people to listen to her or if they make her mad? That was the gist of her rationalization, no? Yes. Yes, it was. My takeaway was that basically I can be pissed at someone who's not listening to me, and I'm justified in doing whatever it takes to get people to pay attention to me? Somehow I doubt that would fly in a court of law. Reminds me a bit of Shay from VPR taking off for a week without a word given to Scheana (also accused of never listening) in an effort to get her attention. However, instead of being supremely douchey and horrible, it would be a BLESSING to miss a week's worth of words from Rinna. Edited March 29, 2017 by ivygirl A little more context for those who don't watch Vanderpump Rules 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127613
seasquared March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 10 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said: Maybe if Lisa Rinna wants people to stop saying she's so awful then she should stop being so awful. Also, in my opinion she looks like shit in her dress and needs to stop trying to make Lola happen. Much like her daughters, Lola just doesn't have that IT factor. I floved Eileen's face when Erika was talking about how maybe Dorit and PK will apologize to her. Eileen was like WTF where's my apology? So it's okay for Rinna to say whatever she wants in order to get people to listen to her or if they make her mad? That was the gist of her rationalization, no? True dat on the not making Lola happen!! But also, when they showed Rinna in her kitchen there was a refrigerator covered with what looked like headshot/portfolio pics. But they were all blurred out. Do you think that was Rinna trying to make her daughter more visible in an effort to get her modeling gigs? But the producers weren't having it and blurred out the pics in spite of her efforts? 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127625
zoeysmom March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 29 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said: Ronnie Karam's audiobook recap called HenUltimate He has a picture of Viserys after the pot of gold is tossed on his head - LOL https://tttv.podbean.com/e/717-henultimate/ Thanks for the written version: https://www.trashtalktv.com/03/28/rhobh-recap-henultimate/408894/ 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127626
Normades March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 37 minutes ago, yogi2014L said: Rinna started the rumors about herself by carrying a bag of pills around and saying she put Xanax in her smoothies! Its not like Dorit opened with man I really like a nice bump after I eat LOL THIS EXACTLY!! Dorit and PK did nothing that I ever saw to even suggest such an accusation. Again, I feel this is a vile far reaching suggestion and it imperils their young children. I would have a much harsher reaction than Dorit has had thus far, but I think she is really beaten down by those harpies. I also think overall she handles the arguments like a boss, especially for a rookie. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127644
Jamie Satyr March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 7 hours ago, zoeysmom said: Oh look Dorit's gold leaf shown with the cotton candy hair: Better on her head than on a pizza! Years ago I heard about a NY restaurant offering a $1000 pizza with caviar and gold leaf on it! YUCK! ;-( 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127659
PickleDeeDee March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 13 hours ago, Sai said: What a shitty ass apology Erika gave to Eileen after the horrible way she spoke to her. Eileen just accepts it? Just like that? Yet she made LVP apologize a zillion times and still didn't accept her apology. That's bull. It felt like Erika weighed the potential loss of her role via pissing off Eileen vs. apologizing to her. I imagine her money usually buys her a "just pass go" ticket to not groveling to anyone. I also noticed Eileen made a big emphasis on how Erika's script was late, almost like she was holding it over her head.... 13 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said: For the record, I don't think Rinna is a Xanax addict. Adderal, on the other hand... I have a relative with a major Adderall abuse problem, makes her very paranoid and super skinny. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127680
SweetieDarling March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 58 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said: Thank you. Eileen gets a lot of grief for not accepting LVP's "apologies," but all of LVP's apologies sucked. Even if we suppose that LVP didn't mean to get in her little digs with questions of "the affair" (which I don't believe for a second, but I'll put it aside for a moment), LVP showed zero initial concern that she had even inadvertently hurt someone she at that point cared about to some degree. She showed zero desire to hear Eileen out or to sort it out with her. She was immediately on the defensive, pretty much laughed at her and then said in a confused voice, "I'm sorry if I...asked too many questions [condescending chuckle]?" There have been times in my life where someone has misread or misunderstood something I have said. I don't laugh at them for it. While I might not apologize for anything that I didn't actually do, I'll still give them the respect of hearing them out with a straight face if it's someone with whom I have a good or even cordial relationship. And I will apologize if there is something I did to unwittingly contribute to their confusion. LVP, on the other hand, was pretty much, "Oh, you're being ridiculous" from the jump. And given that there are many viewers who also read LVP as being stealth bitchy to Eileen in that initial dinner, Eileen wasn't simply being ridiculous, there was obviously some room for different interpretations. Meanwhile, Erika actually acknowledges that she overreacted, lets Eileen know she has been a good friend and that she didn't deserve it, addresses the situation actually happened, and now Eileen is a pushover for accepting the apology? But she was a shrewish harpy for not accepting LVP's lame non-apologies? Part of the problem with LVP's non-apologies, is that for the first half of the season, she didn't even know what she was apologizing for. Eileen did not make it clear what it was that offended her. IMO, by the time LVP figured out it was the word "affair" she had had enough apologizing, having it seemingly accepted, only for it not to be considered sufficient or for the appropriate thing or sincere enough. 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127689
Popular Post PickleDeeDee March 29, 2017 Popular Post Share March 29, 2017 (edited) 14 hours ago, dosodog said: I'm not an Eden fan, but my heart kind of goes out to her tonight. Because that was unpleasant behavior from all the ladies. That had to hurt her feelings. Yes, Erika running to the other girls and telling them how pitiful it was that Eden bought her a ring was MEAN GIRLS 101. Then going even further to run after the sales assistant for the price and then laughing about how she insulted her by only paying $150 was just so terribly cold-hearted. I was saying I liked Erika two episodes ago, now I am done with her, too. Edited March 29, 2017 by PickleDeeDee Because grammar counts. 29 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127708
Normades March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 4 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said: Part of the problem with LVP's non-apologies, is that for the first half of the season, she didn't even know what she was apologizing for. Eileen did not make it clear what it was that offended her. IMO, by the time LVP figured out it was the word "affair" she had had enough apologizing, having it seemingly accepted, only for it not to be considered sufficient or for the appropriate thing or sincere enough. This whole sincerity thing gets so out of hand. I understand that someone just flatly saying "I'm sorry" (Erika) can look insincere, but when someone repeatedly tries to soothe your hurt feelings, but isn't using the words you'd like then they are insincere. How do you know what's in their heart? The only solution is to accept the apology like a grown up and move along. Then you can watch how they act toward you in the future to gauge their feelings. Actions always speak louder than words. Of course if you refuse to accept the offer of apology, then you never can move on to the next phase. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127723
Popular Post SweetieDarling March 29, 2017 Popular Post Share March 29, 2017 When Eileen was giving Erika the tour of her old dressing room, after she listed all the fond memories from the room, pointing out the spot where Jesse learned to crawl, I was waiting for her to point to the couch and say "And this is where the affair began" 30 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127738
Carolina Girl March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 13 hours ago, racked said: I don't understand how someone as lovely as Harry Hamlin could be married to Lisa Rinna. She's approaching Bethenny levels of unbearable for me. When I'm at a dinner table and everyone else gets up, I assume dinner is over not that everyone got up to do coke and didn't ask me to join! Now I'm almost glad Kim got people wondering what Harry did. I don't hate Erika as pathetic and wrong as she is about pantygate. Sis has issues but she can still be likable at times. She is so so wrong here tho and her weird relationship with Tom is creepy as hell. Frankly, if I were at a dinner party and I left the table it would probably to get the eff AWAY from Rinna, after being stuck sitting at the same table with her. It's time for Rinna to get the Brandi treatment. Lisa and Kyle simply state that they refuse to film with her anymore. Dorit's refusal wouldn't carry much weight, but theirs would. Both have good reason to never want to deal with this walking turd again. I wonder if her appearance on RHOBH has impacted the selling of her garbage clothes on QVC. 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127739
Jel March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said: Thank you. Eileen gets a lot of grief for not accepting LVP's "apologies," but all of LVP's apologies sucked. Even if we suppose that LVP didn't mean to get in her little digs with questions of "the affair" (which I don't believe for a second, but I'll put it aside for a moment), LVP showed zero initial concern that she had even inadvertently hurt someone she at that point cared about to some degree. She showed zero desire to hear Eileen out or to sort it out with her. She was immediately on the defensive, pretty much laughed at her and then said in a confused voice, "I'm sorry if I...asked too many questions [condescending chuckle]?" There have been times in my life where someone has misread or misunderstood something I have said. I don't laugh at them for it. While I might not apologize for anything that I didn't actually do, I'll still give them the respect of hearing them out with a straight face if it's someone with whom I have a good or even cordial relationship. And I will apologize if there is something I did to unwittingly contribute to their confusion. LVP, on the other hand, was pretty much, "Oh, you're being ridiculous" from the jump. And given that there are many viewers who also read LVP as being stealth bitchy to Eileen in that initial dinner, Eileen wasn't simply being ridiculous, there was obviously some room for different interpretations. Meanwhile, Erika actually acknowledges that she overreacted, lets Eileen know she has been a good friend and that she didn't deserve it, addresses the situation actually happened, and now Eileen is a pushover for accepting the apology? But she was a shrewish harpy for not accepting LVP's lame non-apologies? I guess this really depends on where each viewer is coming from, because for me, being told to "shut the fuck up" and "Fuck youuu, Eileen" is so much worse than Lisa's initial, "offensive" question. And Erika's WTF non-sequitor made-up shaming would cause me to re-evaluate our relationship. Lisa's offense vs. Erika's are not even in the same league. The apologies, again, varying mileage. I thought Erika sounded sincere enough, but she immediately qualified it with "I had a meltdown" so I have to knock her down a letter grade for the slight explaining it away. And the fact that she waited until the return to the US to say anything was too long to wait to say sorry to someone she claims to love. A cynic might wonder if she would have apologized at all if it weren't for the upcoming soap opera gig. I know some viewers think that LVP's question was stealthy. I like Lisa and think it was just a nosy question, people who don't like her think it was more. Somewhere in there lies the truth. I also think that Eileen's upset about the question and the insufficiency of Lisa's apology (erm, apologies) had so much more to do with Eileen's own feelings about how her relationship with Vinny started than it ever did about her feelings about Lisa's nosy question. I do not think Eileen was a shrewish harpy for accepting Erika's apology, but I do wonder why Eileen is so desperate for Ericka's friendship that she's willing to apologize for something she didn't do, sit there and take verbal abuse, and then pretend that everything was okay and not say anything about it to Erika until Erika got around to mentioning it. This doesn't sound like the Eileen we have all come to know. Edited March 29, 2017 by Jel 24 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127748
Rahul March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 12 hours ago, HunterHunted said: Rinna is a garbage person. Hey now, let's not insult sanitation workers. Lisa Rinna is straight up steaming trash. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127749
Stinamaia March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 2 hours ago, noveltylibrary65 said: omg that was AWESOME. Go Eden!! Finally, someone shut those lips up. It's about time it was brought up to everyone that she royally screwed Eden over with the whole Kim thing. Thanks for posting Luna:) My favorite was the shocked look from Erika when Eden called Rinna a bitch. Come on Erika, you throw that word and worse out there and act all worldly and above it all when someone doesn't like it. Rinna dismissing Eden's feelings by laughing at her was so classic. I'm sure it was well intended and came from a good place. honestly these women say the vilest things and then get upset when it comes back around. I have to fast forward. I just want swans and ponies and dogs and the Eiffel Tower. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127778
zoeysmom March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 8 minutes ago, Jel said: I guess this really depends on where each viewer is coming from, because for me, being told to "shut the fuck up" and "Fuck youuu, Eileen" is so much worse than Lisa's initial, "offensive" question. And Erika's WTF non-sequitor made-up shaming would cause me to re-evaluate our relationship. Lisa's offense vs. Erika's are not even in the same league. The apologies, again, varying mileage. I thought Erika sounded sincere enough, but she immediately qualified it with "I had a meltdown" so I have to knock her down a letter grade for the slight explaining it away. And the fact that she waited until the return to the US to say anything was too long to wait to say sorry to someone she claims to love. A cynic might wonder if she would have apologized at all if it weren't for the upcoming soap opera gig. I know some viewers think that LVP's question was stealthy. I like Lisa and think it was just a nosy question, people who don't like her think it was more. Somewhere in there lies the truth. I also think that Eileen's upset about the question and the insufficiency of Lisa's apology (erm, apologies) had so much more to do with Eileen's own feelings about how her relationship with Vinny started than it ever did about her feelings about Lisa's nosy question. I do not think Eileen was a shrewish harpy for accepting Erika's apology, but I do wonder why Eileen is so desperate for Ericka's friendship that she's willing to apologize for something she didn't do, sit there and take verbal abuse, and then pretend that everything was okay and not say anything about it to Erika until Erika got around to mentioning it. This doesn't sound like the Eileen we have all come to know. Eileen said something after one of the brawling dinners in essence these women were exhausting. I believe she is of a make up that public verbal battles and hysterics are semi-traumatic for her and just wants the nonsense to end. The fact she was unwilling to accept an acknowledgement by LVP time after time and has been the Queen of demanding apologies may have sunk in. Short of going back and explaining why she so readily accepted Erika's "meltdown" her moving forward and focusing on a work commitment makes sense. They were a week away from finishing up filming and the lame Y&R scenes maybe she just wanted it to be over. Maybe, Eileen, who chooses her words carefully, looked back and realized she had been complicit in keeping the Pantygate crap alive. I don't see Eileen trying to put Dorit's gift of panties into perspective all that altruistic she just wanted to put it to rest. It may be admirable for Eileen to have these unconditional friendships with Erika and Rinna but given the environment, Reasonable Eileen comes off looking a little hypocritical. Short of a spectacular surprise performance at the Reunion, to me it seems Eileen knows her days on the show are numbered. It has been two seasons since she even made an effort to host a party. There doesn't seem to be a big return on Bravo's investment in Eileen. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127814
Natalie68 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 11 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said: Maybe if Lisa Rinna wants people to stop saying she's so awful then she should stop being so awful. Also, in my opinion she looks like shit in her dress and needs to stop trying to make Lola happen. Much like her daughters, Lola just doesn't have that IT factor. I floved Eileen's face when Erika was talking about how maybe Dorit and PK will apologize to her. Eileen was like WTF where's my apology? So it's okay for Rinna to say whatever she wants in order to get people to listen to her or if they make her mad? That was the gist of her rationalization, no? Lola is cute but she looks like she REALLY just wants a cookie. I have a feeling she is much better friends with the nice lady that works at their house. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127837
islandgal140 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 Rinna is just a trashbox. Brandi lite, but still Brandi-esque. I appreciate that Eileen is a loyal friend but even friends need to checked and counseled to do better. Throwing out an unfounded accusation of coke use just based on people getting up from a table is inexcusable and Eileen not appearing or voicing having a problem with that is problematic to me. I can see now why Erika doesn't have many female friendships. As the saying goes, if you think every woman you try to befriend is a bitch and catty maybe it is not them - its you. I did love the salesclerk's shade though. LOL! Wow! If Erika is an XL in Hong Kong than the only items of clothing I could buy and fit there is a scarf and gloves. I did like that they didn't go to Chanel or some other international luxury chain, as is their usual. There were some interesting pieces of jewelry and handbags at that store and they weren't super expensive either. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127842
SFoster21 March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 I just wish I had the money and friends to have a beautiful party like that! 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127865
HunterHunted March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 35 minutes ago, Rahul said: Hey now, let's not insult sanitation workers. Lisa Rinna is straight up steaming trash. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult or demean the very important people who collect our trash and recycling. They are useful productive members of society. Lisa Rinna on the other hand is a fetid golem of rotting trash animated by the Real Housewives contract shoved between her lips. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127870
SweetieDarling March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 Well said! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127892
Jel March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 30 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: Eileen said something after one of the brawling dinners in essence these women were exhausting. I believe she is of a make up that public verbal battles and hysterics are semi-traumatic for her and just wants the nonsense to end. The fact she was unwilling to accept an acknowledgement by LVP time after time and has been the Queen of demanding apologies may have sunk in. Short of going back and explaining why she so readily accepted Erika's "meltdown" her moving forward and focusing on a work commitment makes sense. They were a week away from finishing up filming and the lame Y&R scenes maybe she just wanted it to be over. Maybe, Eileen, who chooses her words carefully, looked back and realized she had been complicit in keeping the Pantygate crap alive. I don't see Eileen trying to put Dorit's gift of panties into perspective all that altruistic she just wanted to put it to rest. It may be admirable for Eileen to have these unconditional friendships with Erika and Rinna but given the environment, Reasonable Eileen comes off looking a little hypocritical. Short of a spectacular surprise performance at the Reunion, to me it seems Eileen knows her days on the show are numbered. It has been two seasons since she even made an effort to host a party. There doesn't seem to be a big return on Bravo's investment in Eileen. Poor Eileen always seems to get it just a little wrong. She could be at home wondering WTF? They busted me for not accepting one apology and now they are busting me for accepting another. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127905
LilaFowler March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 1 hour ago, Jel said: I do not think Eileen was a shrewish harpy for accepting Erika's apology, but I do wonder why Eileen is so desperate for Ericka's friendship that she's willing to apologize for something she didn't do, sit there and take verbal abuse, and then pretend that everything was okay and not say anything about it to Erika until Erika got around to mentioning it. This doesn't sound like the Eileen we have all come to know. Eileen is such a doormat when it comes to Erica. She was a dog with a bone after a perceived slight from LVP last season but when Erica literally yells at her and tells her to fuck off? She quickly accepts the half-assed apology that Erica issues days later and even makes excuses for her behavior. Eileen has always been like this with Erica, though. She's like a little fangirl. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127926
ElDosEquis March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 9 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: Eileen said something after one of the brawling dinners in essence these women were exhausting. I believe she is of a make up that public verbal battles and hysterics are semi-traumatic for her and just wants the nonsense to end. The fact she was unwilling to accept an acknowledgement by LVP time after time and has been the Queen of demanding apologies may have sunk in. Short of going back and explaining why she so readily accepted Erika's "meltdown" her moving forward and focusing on a work commitment makes sense. They were a week away from finishing up filming and the lame Y&R scenes maybe she just wanted it to be over. Maybe, Eileen, who chooses her words carefully, looked back and realized she had been complicit in keeping the Pantygate crap alive. I don't see Eileen trying to put Dorit's gift of panties into perspective all that altruistic she just wanted to put it to rest. It may be admirable for Eileen to have these unconditional friendships with Erika and Rinna but given the environment, Reasonable Eileen comes off looking a little hypocritical. Short of a spectacular surprise performance at the Reunion, to me it seems Eileen knows her days on the show are numbered. It has been two seasons since she even made an effort to host a party. There doesn't seem to be a big return on Bravo's investment in Eileen. Judging by the parties that are thrown - we have all hosted parties/get togethers that don't get the notoriety that a HW party gets? They ALL get some kind of catchy name that describes an event/asshole that made it memorable. I wouldn't let ANY of those nasty assholes into my personal space. --------------------- EJ is a collector. She collects things, people, compliments, glances......Basically? She comes across as a hick who effed her way to a bank account and can buy anything she wants. She really has no self awareness and doesn't know how much of a turn off her act has become. She can play it off with Daddy Warbucks and Mikey the Misogynist - they need her to kick around. She cannot separate herself from DWs cash and the hatred the sham squad has for women. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127949
HunterHunted March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 31 minutes ago, islandgal140 said: Wow! If Erika is an XL in Hong Kong than the only items of clothing I could buy and fit there is a scarf and gloves. I did like that they didn't go to Chanel or some other international luxury chain, as is their usual. There were some interesting pieces of jewelry and handbags at that store and they weren't super expensive either. Don't forget that there's jewelry too. Shanghai Tang is an interesting store. Many western luxury brands are inspired by Chinese fashion and style. There was no Chinese designer making higher end clothing that mixed Chinese style with western style clothing. Shanghai Tang was started to do just that. It's especially inspired by Chinese fashion and style in the 20s and 30s during the art deco period. For some truly breathtaking clothing, google Guo Pei. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127954
Boofish March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 Erika's apology was not Oscar worthy but it seemed sincere when it's coming from someone who is actually your friend and not your camera friend. Eileen don't like LVP so I get why the reception of the apologies can't be compared. If someone is my friend and I want them to continue to be my friend I would have accepted as well. If I want to remain friends and move on; that's what Eileen wanted. I can't stand that boiled egg Dorit lets hump her 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/55543-s07e17-from-dogs-to-diamonds/page/4/#findComment-3127974
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