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Briana DeJesus: Farm league promoted to the Majors

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High...high...ya boff high"

Javi always makes that dumb face in pictures (I call it "famewhore face 3"), but both of their eyes are a litttttle too low. 

Btw, speaking of high, last night I ate half of a pretty potent rice krispie treat at a concert & for a second thought Roxanne was two seats down from me...turns out she wasn't randomly at Hollywood Bowl to see Morrissey. 

  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Javi always makes that dumb face in pictures (I call it "famewhore face 3"), but both of their eyes are a litttttle too low. 

Btw, speaking of high, last night I ate half of a pretty potent rice krispie treat at a concert & for a second thought Roxanne was two seats down from me...turns out she wasn't randomly at Hollywood Bowl to see Morrissey. 

Fuuck youre so lucky both for the good edible AND Morrissey!!! 

But did u hear any high screeching followed by a cloud of newports and frizzy hair??  If not, than for sure it wasnt mother witch..

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, JuliesMommy said:

Fuuck youre so lucky both for the good edible AND Morrissey!!! 

But did u hear any high screeching followed by a cloud of newports and frizzy hair??  If not, than for sure it wasnt mother witch..

I went almost as a joke too, and he was fantastic!! Once I saw the girl face on instead of side profile, I knew that rice krispie was legit.

Update: On IG she has dubbed them "Javiana"...

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Mkay said:

It's so stupid when somebody stretches out the silent letter in a word. Sideeeee still just says side because the e is silent you stupid moron. I see it so much and it's a big pet peeve of mine.  Leah does it a lot with loveeeeee, which still just says love. 

I know it's petty as hell but it really bugs. 

  • Love 20
17 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Javi always makes that dumb face in pictures (I call it "famewhore face 3"), but both of their eyes are a litttttle too low. 

Btw, speaking of high, last night I ate half of a pretty potent rice krispie treat at a concert & for a second thought Roxanne was two seats down from me...turns out she wasn't randomly at Hollywood Bowl to see Morrissey. 

I want to be your bff and also marry you.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Javi always makes that dumb face in pictures (I call it "famewhore face 3"), but both of their eyes are a litttttle too low. 

Btw, speaking of high, last night I ate half of a pretty potent rice krispie treat at a concert & for a second thought Roxanne was two seats down from me...turns out she wasn't randomly at Hollywood Bowl to see Morrissey. 

LOL, how many great stories start that way...what was it that gave it away, was it the moment you were like "Wait, what are the chances she likes Morrissey?" :) Some of my best recipes started out with "I had a pretty potent brownie and decided I wanted..." 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, butterbody said:

I want to be your bff and also marry you.

Well people do say you should marry your best friend! ;-)


LOL, how many great stories start that way...what was it that gave it away, was it the moment you were like "Wait, what are the chances she likes Morrissey?" :) Some of my best recipes started out with "I had a pretty potent brownie and decided I wanted..." 

You know, when you think about it, Morrissey can be a bit moody & dramatic at times, so I shouldn't be surprised if Roxanne is a fan...but the woman was there with a man & they seemed to be chill & drama free. lol

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, Mkay said:

Oh my god.


16 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

And, Javi has a child and has been through a divorce. You'd think he was over that phase of his life and would have developed better habits about keeping his private life private. . 

You'd think he would have developed better habits about a lot of things....

22 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Javi always makes that dumb face in pictures (I call it "famewhore face 3"), but both of their eyes are a litttttle too low. 

Btw, speaking of high, last night I ate half of a pretty potent rice krispie treat at a concert & for a second thought Roxanne was two seats down from me...turns out she wasn't randomly at Hollywood Bowl to see Morrissey. 

That sounds super fun! I once subletted a friend's apartment while she was away. She left me a care package that included edibles (Swedish fish type things?) with a Post-it note winkface on top, assuming I would know what that meant, I guess. I'd never had edibles before and thought she was just being cute because I'm known to eat a lot of candy. I ATE ALL SIX OF THEM. Was out of my mind for several days. Luckily, I was on school break. The thing I most remember is sitting eyeball to eyeball with her one-eyed cat.

  • Love 14
19 hours ago, Maharincess said:

It's so stupid when somebody stretches out the silent letter in a word. Sideeeee still just says side because the e is silent you stupid moron. I see it so much and it's a big pet peeve of mine.  Leah does it a lot with loveeeeee, which still just says love. 

I know it's petty as hell but it really bugs. 

PREACH! I hate this as well. Do they not realize the sounds the individual letters make? I just shake my head....

  • Love 6

My initial thought was that there are so many marriage proposals on this forum that there should be a mass wedding and invite all of us to it. But now, with Javi and Briana making everyone weep for humanity, we may need a cave to weep in first, then use the wedding to perk up. When Javi and Briana marry, we'll be all too bad, we did first and we did it better with multiple spouses and lots of food and it will all be videotaped by deercams. 

Beat that Javi and Briana! No one cares that you are dating and it doesn't bring any joy or excitement to your dating life.

  • Love 7

Please let "the girls" be Briana's daughters. Please tell me the three adult women of the coven aren't all going to Delaware to visit Javi. It wouldn't surprise me if dating Briana meant every time you saw her, you were also getting Roxanne and Brittany 100% of the time in a package deal.  

I'd LOVE to hear what Mr. And Mrs. Marronquin think of Briana's trashy behind. Mr. Marronquin knew what was up with Kail's put behind years ago. What I wouldn't give to get the Marronquins, Janet, Barb, Germy's mom, and Doris together over some wine to snark....

  • Love 13

@CaliforniaLove Is is possible to love the Smiths  and  dislike Morrissey with a passion? Lol


Brianna started it and Vee finished it!  Jo and Javi are neighbors so if Briana moves to Delaware, she might not want to alienate Jo and Vee. 


Briana, you finally found a man who treats you right so does this mean you'll stop complaining?

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Hulk is MAD! Look at those laughing emojis. I see she is at it again with pointing out how she and Javi did things together. She also points out she "sent" him to the Cavaliers game. I guess that was her way of getting him out of her hair so she could hang out with her "friends." 

You know what incident I forgot all about until she mentioned this game she went to. Remember the time Kail got kicked out of the NFL game for a fight in the stands.  It was at an Eagles game I think.  Girl has anger issues for real.  Briana is coming to town and she’s stirring  stuff up, just like a witch coven would do.  Mehehehehehe

Oooh and just because we know she’s mad........ 



Edited by Mkay
  • Love 13

@Mkay that's right! I had forgotten about the football game. Here is the story. Remember, this is Kail's version of the events: https://okmagazine.com/photos/kailyn-javi-fight-eagles-game-teen-mom-2/

More information: http://www.realitytea.com/2014/12/16/kail-lowry-kicked-nfl-game-drunk-rude/

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

Briana is such trash but so is Kail. Why the fuck is she so desperate to antagonize and try to dominate javi? Those texts are so pathetic. You ditched him you fucked him out of the house took his kids his house his life you cheated on him and have already had another mans baby. Why the hell do you need to be texting him about his new girlfriend???? 

Also a little dissaponted in vee’s social media reactions it reads a bit vulgar and violent to me for such a public post but at same time I think  Vee had to hold her tongue so much with Kail stuff maybe she felt the need to smack Brianna down hard at the first sign of her trying to drag Jo’s name into her drama. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

@Mkay that's right! I had forgotten about the football game. Here is the story. Remember, this is Kail's version of the events: https://okmagazine.com/photos/kailyn-javi-fight-eagles-game-teen-mom-2/

More information: http://www.realitytea.com/2014/12/16/kail-lowry-kicked-nfl-game-drunk-rude/

Now I know Javi is a simp for  real . No self-respecting Eagles fan would ever marry a Cowboys fan.  She is lucky she didn't get her ass beat  for wearing that hat to Lincoln Financial Field. Seriously, the hate for the Cowboys here in Philly is unreal.  I don't even like football but I know I hate Dallas! Lol

  • Love 13

Javi is a band-wagon jumper! I’m a lifelong Bay Area resident and I’ve always supported the Warriors, even through the hopeless years. What is he jumping on our fandom for? Where even is he from? Somewhere in Pennsylvania? Just because he has mtv connects and reality show fast money he can get good seats at games and he thinks he’s all that. 


Eta: I wouldn’t care normally but Javi annoys me so I’ll take anything I can to roll my eyes at him. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Now I know Javi is a simp for  real . No self-respecting Eagles fan would ever marry a Cowboys fan.  She is lucky she didn't get her ass beat  for wearing that hat to Lincoln Financial Field. Seriously, the hate for the Cowboys here in Philly is unreal.  I don't even like football but I know I hate Dallas! Lol

Cowboy fan here. *ducks*

I loathe Kail for a lot of reasons which include being an abuser, racist, a big fat twat and a slew of other things, but man, knowing she once was a Cowboys fan (I say once because I think she was just jumping on the bandwagon), I feel like anything she associates with just makes it dirty. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, dabronx said:


Also a little dissaponted in vee’s social media reactions it reads a bit vulgar and violent to me for such a public post but at same time I think  Vee had to hold her tongue so much with Kail stuff maybe she felt the need to smack Brianna down hard at the first sign of her trying to drag Jo’s name into her drama. 

Yeah, it was a bit much IMO.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, it was a bit much IMO.



I think it was this one that sent her over the edge, it is one thing to say she will see Jo it is a whole other level to say she will fuck him. Vee is very aware that trash tabloids pick up this crap from social media and spin it and Jo and Vee normally stay out of the drama I don't blame her for squashing it early. Bri has done herself no favors by pissing Vee & Jo off considering they are on such good terms with Javi.

  • Love 16

I don’t know why I’m expecting these ladies to have any sense of pride or decorum BUT 1. why is Kailyn demeaning herself by discussing with Javi his dates with a new woman?!!! It SCREAMS “I have no life of my own I’m obsessed with yours”. 2. It would be one thing for Brianna and Javi to speak about this among themselves but why in the hell would she post this on Twitter?!! Why does she care what Kailyn thinks?? Why is Kailyn relevant to her ? They live for putting each other down, I always thought living well was the best revenge. 

  • Love 14

I know we keep talking about how dumb Bri is and while I think that's true it is clear she is smart enough to hide most of her low rent shit stirring petty bitchassness behind the sad sack Eeyore routine she plays up on camera. This girl is no hapless victim. She is a manipulative drama loving witch. I could look past the pettiness of posting Kail's texts because it's Kail but why stir up drama with Vee and Jo? WTF have they ever done to her?

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, TeeMo said:

I know we keep talking about how dumb Bri is and while I think that's true it is clear she is smart enough to hide most of her low rent shit stirring petty bitchassness behind the sad sack Eeyore routine she plays up on camera. This girl is no hapless victim. She is a manipulative drama loving witch. I could look past the pettiness of posting Kail's texts because it's Kail but why stir up drama with Vee and Jo? WTF have they ever done to her?

Brianna just loves drama and to be honest, she is a puta just like Kwhale is. No doubt Brianna would fuck any man who tells her she's pretty and shows interest. I can let her first tweet about seeing Jo go, but when it was suggested that she would fuck him she added fuel to the fire with her comment. If she had any morals or class, she would have shut that down by saying that was going too far and inappropriate. This is Brianna though and I think we all know that if Jo ever lost his mind and was willing Brianna would be on her back in an instant. 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Mkay said:


Am I missing something? Is this some sort of euphamism? 


ETA If not, is this really what young peolpe are tweeting to the people they're in relationships with? What the fuck is a dinner date conversation like? Is it about being on the show, who hates whom, and what products they're trying to secure free shit from? I swear to god this has to be the most boring generation. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She likes shrimp. He doesn’t. 

But most importantly, she wants Kail, Devoin and Luis to know that she and Javi talk about marriage. 

God I hope they get married. No one will come out looking good, except Jo and Vee. Again. What the fuck is wrong with these two? Talk about totally unaware people, it's amazing. 

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Mkay said:

When I go to her twitter page I can’t see any tweets. I guess I have to follow her. I don’t want to.  So I can only see the screen shots people share. I’m not sure if there was any conversation leading up to this picture. :/ 

You don't have to follow her to see her tweets. After she tweets despicable and embarrassing things she usually deletes her tweets and starts with a clean slate- so she thinks.

Edited by druzy
  • Love 9
10 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, it was a bit much IMO.

Vee is a better person than me because I would not have held back and I would have really put her on blast for mentioning my spouse and implying she will fuck him.

Bri has no boundaries. I would be telling her to never bring her ratchet mess into other people's lives, particularly my life, and calling her out as the puta that she is. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 17
14 hours ago, crazychicken said:



I think it was this one that sent her over the edge, it is one thing to say she will see Jo it is a whole other level to say she will fuck him. Vee is very aware that trash tabloids pick up this crap from social media and spin it and Jo and Vee normally stay out of the drama I don't blame her for squashing it early. Bri has done herself no favors by pissing Vee & Jo off considering they are on such good terms with Javi.

I think Briana is underestimating Vee. Although the Vee's reply was kind of vulgar, I kind of get why she responded that way because Briana only speaks vulgar. I probably would have replied with something worse. Vee has mostly shown herself to be a class act as far as the Kail-Jo-Javi-kids situation, but something tells me that if Briana got all up in Vee's face, Vee could take Briana down any day in a physical fight (and she wouldn't need her mom and sister to help). 

14 hours ago, TeeMo said:

I know we keep talking about how dumb Bri is and while I think that's true it is clear she is smart enough to hide most of her low rent shit stirring petty bitchassness behind the sad sack Eeyore routine she plays up on camera. This girl is no hapless victim. She is a manipulative drama loving witch. I could look past the pettiness of posting Kail's texts because it's Kail but why stir up drama with Vee and Jo? WTF have they ever done to her?

I REALLY wish this was the Briana we'd see on MTV - hood rat ho Briana in all her trashy glory.

Jesus God Leah, the Marronquins are gonna start missing Kail's puta ass if this ghetto dumpster fire marries into their family. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 17

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