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S06.E10: The Flag House

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Oh Max, why didn't you listen to Carrie? It isn't looking good for you. Dar didn't look happy that the guy is creating a smear campaign aginst Quinn. No doubt Dar will turn against his allies because of it.

Finally, Carrie gets that Dar was behind her losing Frannie. 

Saul attempting to run was ridiculous.

Peter has found the bad guys, the pay back time is almost here.

  • Love 7

"Hey, Mira, I'm telling you where I'm disappearing to, so don't tell anybody else!" That seems....like bad tradecraft. I mean, he could have told her about all the techniques they'd use to get her to talk, without confirming where he'd go. Or, he could go somewhere else she doesn't know about. Now, of course, all of this is moot, but, jeez. Saul's a good spy. Let's stop making him suck at this.

WALL OF CRAZY IS BACK! I was even happier to see it than Saul was!

  • Love 14

I had little trouble keeping up as all the main characters of the season -- Carrie, Quinn, Saul and Keane (and even Max) have all now pieced together in their own way what Dar has been up to. Carrie's wall of string, Quinn's direct approach to find the BHG especially after the attack on the lake house, and Dar's manipulative behavior, and the truck, Max's hitting the bull eyes with Dar's presence, Saul realizing that Dar had thrown him to the wolves long before, and Keane figuring out that Dar is a major problem she needs to deal with even before she becomes POTUS. I can't wait to see how all of this comes together, which I guess is next week, so the showdown with Dar is the season finale.

ETA: If Rupert Friend doesn't get an Emmy nomination for his work this season, it would be a massive injustice. What a phenomenal job he's done!

Edited by theschnauzers
  • Love 12

First of all, I don't know how I'm supposed to get into the right mental state for the work week when Sunday night television is so riveting...

1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

Oh Max, why didn't you listen to Carrie? It isn't looking good for you. Dar didn't look happy that the guy is creating a smear campaign aginst Quinn. No doubt Dar will turn against his allies because of it.

I know.  I thought Dar would spot Max.  He didn't, but it's just as bad.  Glad he got the message out to Carrie/Saul.  I do like the idea of Dar objecting to the Quinn smear campaign.  Gives me a glimmer of hope about Dar.  Perhaps he'll die (and, yes, he must die) sacrificing himself for Quinn.  

37 minutes ago, attica said:

"Hey, Mira, I'm telling you where I'm disappearing to, so don't tell anybody else!" That seems....like bad tradecraft. I mean, he could have told her about all the techniques they'd use to get her to talk, without confirming where he'd go. Or, he could go somewhere else she doesn't know about. Now, of course, all of this is moot, but, jeez. Saul's a good spy. Let's stop making him suck at this.

WALL OF CRAZY IS BACK! I was even happier to see it than Saul was!

I thought that maybe he was feeding Mira wrong information so that she would seem genuine when giving that info to the Feds. I do like that she talked him out of running away. 

I laughed at the pride in Saul's face when he realized that Carrie was connecting the dots.

It's strange, but of all the bad things Dar has done, smearing PEOTUS's son has made me the angriest.  We never even met the guy, but that's the thing for which I most want Dar to pay.  

I really enjoyed Saul's attempt to shake any tails.  I watched that part through my hands, because I was a little worried that he might be assassinated.  It's the time in the lifecycle of a TV series for another main character to die--Brody was season 3.  

Quinn  mentoring the young boy "next time, ask for half up front" made me chuckle!

Edited by nara
  • Love 9
1 minute ago, nara said:

I thought that maybe he was feeding Mira wrong information so that she would seem genuine when giving that info to the Feds. I do like that she talked him out of running away. 

I also thought that Saul was deliberately misleading Mira, knowing that she would break and give the security services the wrong info about his intended destination. She just happened to point out to him how ridiculous it was to run because he was afraid of some bad publicity.

  • Love 5

I thought the Quinn parts were very confusing - who was that waitress?  Those men?  I assume he was having a flashback, but what?  Was he undercover? I hope some recap (or comments) clarifies it.

Yeah, I liked Saul engaging in tradecraft, and assumed he was giving Mira false information also.  It was nice to see her, and plotwise, I guess she's the only person (beside Carrie) who probably could have gotten him decide to stay.

My major disappointment is with Keane - I really had hoped she would prove to be a worthy opponent of Dal, but she doesn't seem too smart.  I understand she was of course appalled at that awful smear about her son - but why hasn't it occurred to anyone to get a speech analyst to see what he was actually saying?  I know (ugh, based on reality) that it is nearly impossible to counter false perceptions with the truth, but she has access to people who are also very good at dealing with PR and communications, and could help her go on the offensive.  Of course, that video from Max (and he better be ok!  I assume that was another phone that did not have the video on it, and he had ditched the other, maybe with the guy who seems to be his acolyte) should be ammo enough, especially in Saul's hands. 

  • Love 2

Dar fcuking Adal.

So is "Johnny" who Quinn was before he became a CIA agent?

The way Dar is using Frannie like a chess piece is stunning. What I don’t understand is why the social worker has kept doing his bidding. Is she getting paid?

The fake Alex Jones character's grotesque Southern accent continues to be grating to me. Wonder why they felt they needed to have a British actor play that role? The vaguely similar physical appearance isn't enough of a reason, IMO.

OMG, what a fortuitous moment for Saul to have broken into Carrie's house. The power rangers are about to unite.

  • Love 9

I'm going to need to see Carrie beat that social worker up or just go off on her. Get her fired also. She's playing Dar's game and not caring at all about Frannie, which is not what her job is. 

Dar needs to die too! Glad Carrie finally knows who is behind her losing Frannie and knows Quinn isn't under arrest. Did she really think he was in jail all this time and didn't even attempt to make contact? 

So Saul does all this cloak and dagger to his wife to meet up with her. Then he just hops a cab and is yelling Carrie's name outside her house? 

Carrie has a crazy room! Not even a wall like previous seasons, but a whole room! While she's on her meds too. My first thought when I saw the room, was if Carrie's off her meds. LOL 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 6

According to EW's recap, the waitress that Quinn runs into is a prostitute who services "the guys" in the black ops (?) safe house.

Such a good episode. I also thought it was a bit foolish of Saul to go to Mira like that.  Isn't ignorance bliss?  If they were to actually torture her, of course she would break and tell them that he had visited her.  What exactly was his objective here?  Just leave!  She won't be lying when she says that she hasn't seen him.  Duh.

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Such a good episode. I also thought it was a bit foolish of Saul to go to Mira like that.  Isn't ignorance bliss?  If they were to actually torture her, of course she would break and tell them that he had visited her.  What exactly was his objective here?  Just leave!  She won't be lying when she says that she hasn't seen him.  Duh.

Mira had no idea what was coming so Dar Adal's agents would have easily tricked the truth out of her. And Saul had a particular destination in mind, some small Greek island. But since Mira knew about it he had to get to her first.

I feel like Saul put on a theatrical production for her and I loved it. The double with the same clothes, the person at the door telling her where to go next, et cetera. Although it was all very tense I also think Saul was having a bit of fun at Mira's expense.

If you have an Apple computer and someone sends you an email with an attachment will the computer beep continuously and loudly until you open the attachment? I suppose we could say Carrie set it up that way.

I liked how the finished commercial was much more polished, with the soldiers' names and ranks, fancy fonts and backgrounds, all that slick stuff you'd expect from professional media manipulators.

Why would the special ops guys have a Medina Bakery van sitting in their garage? Just in case there are any other Muslim patsies they need to frame?

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Dar fcuking Adal.

So is "Johnny" who Quinn was before he became a CIA agent?

The way Dar is using Frannie like a chess piece is stunning. What I don’t understand is why the social worker has kept doing his bidding. Is she getting paid?

The fake Alex Jones character's grotesque Southern accent continues to be grating to me. Wonder why they felt they needed to have a British actor play that role? The vaguely similar physical appearance isn't enough of a reason, IMO.


I don't think that social worker has any idea. I think dar had someone call the social worker to tell her that Frankie was sick. When Carrie backed off, he had someone call her back and say it was a mistake. 

  • Love 7

They hinted that Dar isn't on board with the guy killing Astrid and trying to take Quinn out.

So now the talk radio guy, in addition to running a sophisticated AstroTurf operation, is also running the black ops guys behind Dar's back?

Are some of the black ops guy some of Quinn's former colleagues but that main assasin is someone Quinn didn't recognize?  Or Quinn just suspected they'd be using the same house?  That doesn't look suspicious, a bunch of young men all living in a nondescript suburban house in a neighborhood full of families.

Also, I don't think they've ever shown Dar and Max in the same scenes.  Max and that other guy whom Carrie used to use in earlier seasons were supposedly contractors who didn't directly work for the CIA?  But if Max and Dar knew each other, why would he stick around?  If Dar spotted him, he'd be in trouble, even if he wasn't busted for having a phone.

Smart phones have changed a lot of things but couldn't Max have some more stealthy spying devices?  Of course he did have to send that video to Carrie and now that Max has been caught, they will find out he sent that video to Carrie.

It's still going to be far fetched that the national security establishment is going to be actively working to undermine Keane.  Or are we to believe only Dar and the talk radio guy are doing all this on their own?  No matter how much they hate Keane, it's hard to believe they'd orchestrate a fake terrorist attack on NYC which leads to casualties, kill an FBI agent, kill a German intelligence officer and kill a former CIA operative.

That's some 24-level of ridiculous conspiratorial bullshit -- even with some 24 producers also serving as producers on Homeland as well.

I think the assassin guy was new in the black ops, and he's the one who has been rogue with Dar.  Quinn certainly knew all the other ones.  "Johnny" Quinn was really familiar with the whole area, that waitress, how to get in to the house,  now the Van is definitely not for speculation anymore.  Good episode, Carrie was working the story all along.  

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, mjc570 said:

I thought the Quinn parts were very confusing - who was that waitress?  Those men?  I assume he was having a flashback, but what?  Was he undercover? I hope some recap (or comments) clarifies it.

Quinn's trace had led him to a house in the neighborhood where he and a team of similarly young, male agents had operated domestically in years past. They were likely all "Dar's boys."  The team used to go to the diner. The waitress there said the other team members had  disappeared and now there was a new gang. So it looks as if Quinn lost another family in his past. 

  • Love 3

Trent, you fucking snitch! If Max gets hurt because of your tattletale mouth, I am going to cut a bitch!

Loved Quinn tracing his steps back to where he had worked with a bunch of guys years ago and finding the guy who had been spying on Carrie and who planted the bomb. Man, Dar is really a creature of habit.

I also loved that Quinn taught that kid to ask for half the money upfront in the future.

Totally loved the look on Saul's face when he got into Carrie's secret room of crazy string. He was so proud and delighted. I'm glad that Carrie has learned that despite what she thought in earlier seasons, she can still figure this stuff out even when she's on her meds.

Now hurry up and rescue Max so you guys can concentrate on taking down Dar Adal!

I hope that Keane gets to see the full footage eventually.

  • Love 5

It's weird how prescient the writers were about how embedded Intel agencies would work to undermine an independent Prez! They just got the gender wrong. I understand why Saul brought his ex-wife into his planning, but the choice of destination and her knowledge of it is on him. Find a place she has no knowledge of and leave her out of it! I thought the "wall of crazy" was Peter's, not Carrie's. Isn't that locked room the part of the house he was staying in? I want to see Dar brought down, but, even more, the social worker. She is more intimately involved with the people whose lives she is destroying and still goes through with it. I believe Dar, though still obviously guilty, just does this stuff as if it were breathing.

  • Love 2

It's not Carrie and Saul that will need to be convinced with proof.  It is anyone they take it to.  The information isn't actionable without proof.

I am so worried for Max.  

I laughed that they didn't even bother to change the alarm code at that safe house after however many years.  And speaking of alarms, I was wondering why Carrie's didn't go off when Saul broke in.  Maybe she forgot to set it.

  • Love 4

Well, some things never change. Carrie's out of the CIA and she still has her Wall of Crazy. I love it! I had the same proud parent look as Saul's. 

And yes, just like Carrie, it took all of my willpower to not yell obscenities at that social worker. I believe Carrie had even more willpower, as she was giving her the dagger looks and that feel of tackling her to the ground right then and there, but of course she had to make sure she can hug and spend time with her daughter first. Carrie has come a long way from absent-mindedly almost drowning her daughter to putting everything else on the side, including matters of national security, to get to her daughter first.

Yet another character they brought back from the past. I never thought I would see Mira again, but I like how she was inserted into Saul's story, and of course, knock some sense into Saul. Saul has a point - Mira knows that secret, favorite place he likes to retreat to in Athens, and eventually they will get that info out of her. So better that Saul warned her first. Of course, now that he's no longer running away, Saul invariably also kept Mira safe from the inevitable interrogation that's coming her way.

This episode feels like a table-setter. Everything is being set in motion. I like how there are a lot of moving parts, independently, but you could see them all coming together eventually. Saul deciding to not run away on his own, Carrie not even aware that Quinn is no longer in custody and seeing him finally after awhile, Quinn finding out that the hitman has a connection to his past, Max finding out a very important piece of the puzzle, Keane recognizing Dar's manipulations on people. 

So let me get this straight - Dar Adal becomes this season's big bad villain just because he does not agree with the PEOTUS' policies of keeping the country safe? I feel like there's still something much bigger than that but it's taking a while to get there. Last episode implies that someone else is pulling the strings, not Dar. Could it be that Senator that Saul had a drink with in the first episode? 

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Pallas said:

Quinn's trace had led him to a house in the neighborhood where he and a team of similarly young, male agents had operated domestically in years past. They were likely all "Dar's boys."  The team used to go to the diner. The waitress there said the other team members had  disappeared and now there was a new gang. So it looks as if Quinn lost another family in his past. 

The trace led to the diner, as Quinn's gps said, "You have arrived at your destination."

After the diner, he went to the house on his own.  As he was driving, he was searching, trying to recall where the house was and even said to himself, "Come on, where is it?"

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

It's not Carrie and Saul that will need to be convinced with proof.  It is anyone they take it to.  The information isn't actionable without proof.

I am so worried for Max.  

I laughed that they didn't even bother to change the alarm code at that safe house after however many years.  And speaking of alarms, I was wondering why Carrie's didn't go off when Saul broke in.  Maybe she forgot to set it.

The Potus elect came by to Carrie's, then Carrie left before PE and her detail,  none of whom set the alarm.

  • Love 5

Captain E:


The trace led to the diner, as Quinn's gps said, "You have arrived at your destination."

After the diner, he went to the house on his own.  As he was driving, he was searching, trying to recall where the house was and even said to himself, "Come on, where is it?"

You're right! 

So this next generation of Lost Boys live in the same house, not simply the same neighborhood -- which suggests that the alarm system has never been upgraded, and the alarm code goes unchanged from team to team (instead of being cracked by Quinn: don't ask me how, but to me, it seems more probable). 

Edited by Pallas
Added quote
14 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

According to EW's recap, the waitress that Quinn runs into is a prostitute who services "the guys" in the black ops (?) safe house.

Such a good episode. I also thought it was a bit foolish of Saul to go to Mira like that.  Isn't ignorance bliss?  If they were to actually torture her, of course she would break and tell them that he had visited her.  What exactly was his objective here?  

I'm guessing he met with her because, on some level, he knew she would set his head straight. 

  • Love 4

Fascinating that the show presented the concept of a massive social media campaign/technology.  Cleverly configure a hidden set of servers, recruit a number of folks who just do not want to follow the old rules, and ... bingo ... you have those ubiquitous references to "reports have indicated...". You also get information "weaponized".  Yikes.  Are they taking swipes at Breitbart-like "news" outlets?  

Also, Carrie is back to her "thought wall"...but does this mean that she is starting to get bipolar again?  Does she still take meds for that?

What is Dar's play?  Is he trying to position the CIA as the ultimate source of intelligence, not to be confronted or doubted?  He is crucifying Carrie by interfering with the child care agency.   I do like what the PEOTUS said about "what is it with you intelligence agencies...?"  Once again, very contemporary. 

Finally, I just wish that Quinn would recover, stop limping, recover full use of his arm, and clear up that slur.  He is the absolutely best as the sharp end of the spear.  Should I be worried that I am rooting for a certified assassin?  


Finally, I just wish that Quinn would recover, stop limping, recover full use of his arm, and clear up that slur.  He is the absolutely best as the sharp end of the spear.  Should I be worried that I am rooting for a certified assassin?  

Quinn has always had this sixth sense about things with his abilities of observation and connections. Getting him off all those meds at the beginning of the season allowed that to come back. Hence his observations about the BCG once he was living his Carrie's basement. He may not ever fully physically recover, but intellectually, he already has. Somehow, he connected the ping of the cellphone to that diner with the house from the neighborhood (perhaps because he knew Dar's habits so well.) So stumbling across that bakery truck in the garage of that house was fortuitous. Just like Max being at that social media weaponized hack central, and seeing Dar show up. I honestly don't think Quinn will ever be 100 percent after the damage from the sarin gas; but a 98 percent, or even a 90 percent effective Quinn is still a better operative than just about anyone else out there. As to Carrie, I think she's been on a compliant meds regimen these past two seasons. Just like Quinn was this season once Carrie got him away from the VA, some professionals like to over prescribe meds since its easier for them, not the patient.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Saul was fleeing prosecution.  If Carrie testified about Dar Adul filing a false report about the Berlin shit from last season it would also throw Saul under the bus because he was the one banging the Russian spy and inadvertently giving her intel.

Wasn't everyone giving her intel though?  I thought she had the whole agency fooled and everyone knew about it. 

I was also confused when they killed her. What did people think happened to her?

14 minutes ago, Lemons said:

Wasn't everyone giving her intel though?  I thought she had the whole agency fooled and everyone knew about it. 

I was also confused when they killed her. What did people think happened to her?

Well, even if everyone was inadvertently giving her intel, Saul is still facing repercussions for sleeping with a fellow agent. Or someone under his command. I imagine that is a huge breach of ethics that Dar help cover up.

She was killed when she thought she was escaping to Russia.

3 hours ago, grommit2 said:

I do like what the PEOTUS said about "what is it with you intelligence agencies...?"  Once again, very contemporary. 

It's funny, my husband, while watching this episode, asked me, when they filmed this season of Homeland. Because he thought it was as if the DHS kept on calling the writers and said "We have NEW material for you this week!!!"

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, Lemons said:

Wasn't everyone giving her intel though?  I thought she had the whole agency fooled and everyone knew about it. 

I was also confused when they killed her. What did people think happened to her?

I don't know, I do not write the show and I'm not an expert in espionage laws.  I am just going by what was said by characters in the show last week and this week. Last week they specifically said that lying on an incident report to congress was prosecutable under the espionage act and that Saul would receive a pardon down the line implying that if they prosecuted Daul they'd have to go after Saul too).  Then Carrie and Saul had the fucking a Russian spy/fucking a guy in a suicide vest exchange.  This week when talking to Mira prison was mentioned (Saul said he could probably cut a deal) and then when Carrie didn't testify there was talk between the PEOTUS and solicitor general of cutting a deal with Saul for his testimony.  

  • Love 1

My major disappointment is with Keane

Yes. I just can't like her and new episodes have made her the worse for wear, not better. I also had the feeling she'd sell Carrie down the river to save herself, her presidency, and her son's reputation. In that regard, she's no better in my book than Dar.

This episode drove home the idea of mothers protecting their children (and maybe Dar on some level when he referred to Quinn as his child).

My first thought on seeing the wall of crazy back was I hoped CPS wouldn't make a surprise home visit. Saul yelling outside Carrie's apartment was cringey 'STELLA!'

Max had better be okay, show. I'm warning you now.

I've been on the internet forever and I'm still fascinated by the idea of an organized body of crazy posters. I've seen them everywhere, but have noticed an increase in number and vitriol over the years. I find it timely in the wake of TWOP and IMDB closing forums because of rampant trolling. Fake news indeed.

  • Love 5

I’m a couple of episodes behind so this question may seem out of place but in the episode when the CPS woman first meets with Carrie she originally asks if there is anyone else Frannie can stay with and Carrie says her sister, but she’s in France. It just made me wonder, are Brody’s other children aware they have a half-sister? Or even Brody’s ex-wife? Not that I’m suggesting they would take her but it just made me wonder if they kids know they have a little red-headed sister running around. And if they don’t know, has an explanation been given for why Carrie did not notify them?

Edited by double-elvis
  • Love 2

1-  Where did Quinn procure the phone tracking device that he used? Just happened to have it?


2- Why in the world would Carrie, who is constantly awaiting news on her daughter, have her phone off so she couldn't be reached by Saul?! Ridiculous! Also, great security install, Max...lol..not much use for cameras when you have piece of cardboard over the broken window..kinda a stretch by the writers this episode..but I still love the show! 

8 hours ago, double-elvis said:

It just made me wonder, are Brody’s other children aware they have a half-sister? Or even Brody’s ex-wife? 

I think they don't know, because Carrie hasn't told Franny that her father is Nicholas Brody -- which still begs the question of what the country has been told about Brody's life and death. When Adal came calling on Carrie at Franny's school, he made a point of noting that Franny has red hair -- implying that he could out Brody as the father, and that this news would not be embraced by the public. I imagine O'Keefe has a tape ready to go...in fact, that may be what the Quinn photo was part of: a rogue's gallery of Carrie's terrorist swains and German billionaire, refugee-loving, bleeding-heart patron.

And so the evil safehousekeeper was an evil safehousekeeper, after all. Keane's escape to New York was planned, a set-up for the housekeeper to manipulate Keane into finally talking about her son and his death in combat, which Keane acknowledged gave O'Keefe his opening. Adal never met a pressure point he didn't like. Particularly if he created it.

14 hours ago, WaltersHair said:

Max had better be okay, show. I'm warning you now.

I'm going to double down on my crazy idea that Max is working for Adal. No more Magic Nerd. Having already bugged Carrie's home, his job now is to lure her to the Sock Puppet Palace. I don't want it -- not for Max, not for Carrie -- I don't want it to be true. Almost so much that I don't want to be right...

This season is, more than ever, about family and betrayal. Carrie's due. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Pallas said:

I'm going to double down on my crazy idea that Max is working for Adal. No more Magic Nerd. Having already bugged Carrie's home, his job now is to lure her to the Sock Puppet Palace. I don't want it -- not for Max, not for Carrie -- I don't want it to be true. Almost so much that I don't want to be right...

I really, really, really hope that this isn't true. It would be heartbreaking.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

I really, really, really hope that this isn't true. It would be heartbreaking.

And his loyalty to Carrie is something else. I mean, as far as we know they don't have a working relationship anymore ever since Carrie exited the CIA. And Max wasn't too fond of Carrie after feeling like she didn't protect Fara enough from Haqqani. And yet, here they are, Carrie's first call to help her sort things out on this bombing and mysterious buildings and security setup was Max. And Max basically took care of Carrie's house whenever she's not there. 

So yeah, if Max is part of Dar's elaborate scheme, it would be heartbreaking.

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