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S02.E15: Exodus

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2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Really? REALLY?!? I can't imagine. I mean, I'm guessing he had shorter hair and was less buff before he became Hercules.

As somebody who watched too much GI Joe, I would've been happy with Jeremiah-as-bad guy until the finale, and then he'd turn the tables and reveal that having Cadmus run amok was part of the plan. Duke's plan, that is. Okay, it would be J'onn's here, but he'd have to be knocked into another coma first.


Story goes he auditioned and (at least according to him )was offered the part and then they changed their minds a couple of days later and gave it to Dean .

Then a few weeks later he got Hercules

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4 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Really? REALLY?!? I can't imagine. I mean, I'm guessing he had shorter hair and was less buff before he became Hercules.

Say what you will about Sorbo but the man is definitely more physically imposing than Dean Cain.  He dwarfed Teri Hatcher in the last shot and is about the same height as Christopher Reeve.

It would have made for a decent arc if Kara hadn't been able to stop the ship.  She would have been pissed off enough to reduce the Cadmus facility to a pile of smoking rubble and she might have blamed Maggie for helping Alex out.  Plus, Hercules and Lois Lane would have had some leverage on her or Mon-el (we'll use our spaceship to rescue those folks if you do what we ask).

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I particularly liked this episode - especially given the political messages. Limited Mon-El with a dash of Luthors really helped.

What is the big deal with Mon-El being the Prince (with the exception that he lied to Kara about his true identity)?

Perhaps TPTB decided that, without Cat Grant, they would prefer to jettison Jimmy, Snapper and the Catco set and spend their production money elsewhere?

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3 hours ago, yellowfred said:

For the record, though, if I had to start somewhere, the part where she said that she doesn't need to be who she is now that she has a boyfriend was really kind of gross, and it's sad that only having one really gross relationship thing is such a vast improvement over the past two episodes with them.

Wasn't, "Supergirl is what I can do, Kara is who I am" a transliteration of an old Dean Cain line?

Speaking of which, "You're the only Superman we need" to Jeremiah was yet another fun callback.

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6 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I wish Jeremiah's motivation was more complex than "Cadmus threatened my girls so I have to do their bidding." Even if one of them wasn't Supergirl, how does it make sense that empowering Cadmus to kill numerous humans and aliens is worth the lives of two people? I know it's TV but I would love it if someone did the moral math and say "It sucks that you're going to try to hurt or kill my girls, but I'm not going to participate in your hurting and killing thousands more."

Those "two people" happen to be his daughters.  Would you seriously throw one of your own children to the wolves "for the greater good"?  That would make you a parent with the parenting instincts of Lillian Luthor herself.  Nearly any other parent's first and overriding instinct would be to protect his/her children at all costs.

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Snapper's journalism advice is interesting because -- while all valid -- it can be contradictory. Snapper didn't really care so much about the actual truth when it came to reporting on Guardian potentially being a bad guy or Lena Luthor being mixed up in Cadmus. Catco went with the apparent story and didn't seem particularly interested in digging deeper than the low-hanging fruit story that they were accused of wrongdoing. 

No question that it would be better to get multiple sources on Supergirl's "Cadmus is kidnapping aliens" story. And no question Supergirl could have handled her interview better.

But there's no denying that what Supergirl said was newsworthy a) because she's friggin' Supergirl and b) the notion that there are mass kidnappings of aliens. Actual journalism would involve writing a story basically saying "Supergirl is claiming that Cadmus stole a registry of aliens from a top-secret government agency and is using that information to kidnap aliens for an unknown purpose. Supergirl, however, did not provide specific details of how she knew these things. Attempts to get government confirmation of Supergirl's claims [yielded these results]. A bunch of experts had these things to say about Supergirl's claims. Remember, Cadmus attempted to detonate a bomb that would have destroyed all alien life, according to authorities."

As to Mon-El being the prince, beyond the lie, Kara was initially prejudiced against Daxamites and Daxamites were prejudiced against Kryptonians. It's one thing for him to be from the Planet of the Douchebags. It's another for him to be Prince Douchebag. 

4 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Those "two people" happen to be his daughters.  Would you seriously throw one of your own children to the wolves "for the greater good"?  That would make you a parent with the parenting instincts of Lillian Luthor herself.  Nearly any other parent's first and overriding instinct would be to protect his/her children at all costs.

I'm not a parent, but at some point I would like to think that if I were I would realize several things. 1. there's no guarantee that the bad guys will keep their word 2. the life of my children (or my siblings, parents, dog) are not worth the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

I'm sure there would be instinct to do whatever one can to save one's family. But when the choice is between something as stark as "help kill thousands up to millions" or "risk the lives of your two children (even putting aside that one is a super-powered alien and one is risking her life every day)" I would like to think that people would rise above instinct.

I'd rather be accused of parenting like Lillian Luthor than be guilty of murdering like Lillian.

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12 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

This show has never been very subtle in their political messages (see Cat Grants many speeches on feminism), but this story line has REALLY turned things up on the preachy scale. I half expected the message to actually start blinking on the screen, or they would have Kara or Alex suddenly break the fourth wall, and directly address the audience, like "See what we`re doing here audience? Do you see the parallels? Do you guys get it? We have a power point...". That being said, at least they actually HAVE a point to make. Much better than the recent Very Special Episode on gun violence Arrow just did. Yeah, the show where violence is the answer 89% of the time did an episode abut gun registration. And their big message? "Guns...are a thing." Very profound, Arrow.

The intent of the message about journalistic integrity was good and it was a lesson that Kara needs to learn if she intends to be a real journalist, but yelling "fake news" throws it off.  His President is Lynda Carter, a pro-alien amnesty kind of leader, and is not our current leader who uses phrases like "fake news".  The entire point could have been made more easily without throwing us out of the Earth-38 universe (or whatever their number is). 

Basically, I'm will to accept the world building to watch shows like these and I don't expect that the rules will be totally the same as here in the real world, but I do expect that when doing something topical, the writers remember it's a different world.  At least on Arrow, guns are topical for them as well as for us. 

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Honestly as someone who was never all that fond of the idea of "journalist Kara," too much like her aping Clark's thing imo, I'm not all that sad at seeing CatCo potentially go.  I mean Cat is what really made that place fun, and she's not around now.

Kara carrying Lena in her arms bridal style, and apparently they go on "dates."  OK, they're doing this intentionally now, they have to be.

Chyler and Melissa continue to be awesome.  As for Winn and Lyra.

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38 minutes ago, Bats27 said:

Honestly as someone who was never all that fond of the idea of "journalist Kara," too much like her aping Clark's thing imo, I'm not all that sad at seeing CatCo potentially go.  I mean Cat is what really made that place fun, and she's not around now.

As much as I like the show, my biggest issue since the beginning has been that they're not trying to give Kara her own stories, they're redoing ones Clark had in the comics (Bizarro, red kryptonite, the black mercy). Making her a reporter, like her cousin, just makes it more obvious. Supergirl has plenty of stories of her own they could draw from, why aren't we seeing more of those?

Also, I really miss Cat.

41 minutes ago, Bats27 said:

Kara carrying Lena in her arms bridal style, and apparently they go on "dates."  OK, they're doing this intentionally now, they have to be.

I can't imagine it's accidental, but they're probably meaning it to be more of a joke.

James was actually in this episode and somehow had very little impact. He was just there mostly to react to Winn and his girlfriend. Which, I guess, at least means Mehcad gets a paycheck.

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15 hours ago, Lantern7 said:


I know Supergirl is . . . well . . . Supergirl . . . but pushing on a ship really, really, REALLY hard to keep it from going Voyager?

All she had to do was the reduce the ship's speed until the engines ran out of fuel.  This kept the ship from rising high enough to initiate FTL. 

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I'm thinking one way to bust up (temporarily) Mon-El and Kara is if something happened to James as a result of Mon-El being the Prince.  And James could decide he wants to recuperate in Metropolis or something, and that could be a way to write Mehcad off the show and end The Guardian.

Not sure if Catco is gone permanently, but did anyone else think that maybe Lena would be interested in Kara as a publicist or personal assistant, and Kara can glean info about Luthercorp as a trusted employee.

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2 hours ago, KirkB said:

Also, I really miss Cat.

There have been some scenes/storylines this season that I think, "What would Cat have to say about that?"

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Snapper's not completely in the right here.  When Supergirl goes on the record, it's a story, even if it's just "Supergirl made allegations but offered no evidence for claims."  You absolutely do not kill the story.  Especially since, well it's freaking Supergirl.

If Kara gets her job back, then I wouldn't be surprised if that's the justification for doing so.

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I love Alex, but she was being reckless this episode, and it's not like this is the first time.  If anyone should have been getting a speech about the difference between being right and being lucky, it's her.  And, as much as I appreciate Maggie's "ride or die" attitude, J'onn was clearly the one actually looking out for her well-being, so it kind of sucks that he was the one who had to apologize.

Agreed - the climax of this episode was Supergirl trying to slow down the alien ship but all I could think was none of this would be happening if Alex hadn't set it all in motion. Lillian wouldn't have launched the ship prematurely, Lena had already figured out where Cadmus was - the DEO could have taken out this whole operation and Alex blew it by rushing in there against orders. I don't get how everyone wasn't pissed off at her when it was all over.

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13 hours ago, Humbugged said:

Story goes he auditioned and (at least according to him )was offered the part and then they changed their minds a couple of days later and gave it to Dean .

Then a few weeks later he got Hercules

If the story is coming from Sorbo, I would take it with a grain of salt. The man in known for being an asshole of epic proportions with a huge ego.

9 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

As to Mon-El being the prince, beyond the lie, Kara was initially prejudiced against Daxamites and Daxamites were prejudiced against Kryptonians. It's one thing for him to be from the Planet of the Douchebags. It's another for him to be Prince Douchebag. 

Then there's the fact that he hand't even finished telling his bogus story when Kara started going off on how awful the Royal Family of Daxam was and how their son was the "fratboy of the universe". "The Prince of Daxam" had a horrible reputation that even Mon-El wasn't able to dispute with a straight face.

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If the story is coming from Sorbo, I would take it with a grain of salt. The man in known for being an asshole of epic proportions with a huge ego.

Cain confirms Sorbo was at least a finalist.  Skip to about the six minute mark to hear him talk about it. 


3 hours ago, JapMo said:

I'm thinking one way to bust up (temporarily) Mon-El and Kara is if something happened to James as a result of Mon-El being the Prince.  And James could decide he wants to recuperate in Metropolis or something, and that could be a way to write Mehcad off the show and end The Guardian.

Given how little Kara and James have interacted this season I'm not sure I see that doing it unless Mon-El deliberately hurt James.  Now, if Alex is hurt thanks to Mon-El then he'll be lucky if she doesn't roast him on the spot. 

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I love Alex, but she was being reckless this episode, and it's not like this is the first time.  If anyone should have been getting a speech about the difference between being right and being lucky, it's her.  And, as much as I appreciate Maggie's "ride or die" attitude, J'onn was clearly the one actually looking out for her well-being, so it kind of sucks that he was the one who had to apologize.

Agreed - the climax of this episode was Supergirl trying to slow down the alien ship but all I could think was none of this would be happening if Alex hadn't set it all in motion. Lillian wouldn't have launched the ship prematurely, Lena had already figured out where Cadmus was - the DEO could have taken out this whole operation and Alex blew it by rushing in there against orders. I don't get how everyone wasn't pissed off at her when it was all over.

They might have recaptured Lillian and rescued Jeremiah, too.

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On 3/6/2017 at 7:33 PM, Lantern7 said:

I know Supergirl is . . . well . . . Supergirl . . . but pushing on a ship really, really, REALLY hard to keep it from going Voyager? So if there's a deadly meteor storm, would she push the Earth out of the way?

Theoretically, she could.  There is no known way to adequately measure the limits of Kryptonian strength, so yes, she probably is strong enough to move Earth out of its orbit (although she'd more likely be tackling the meteors before they even have a chance to menace Earth).

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23 hours ago, sskrill said:

And Chyler really owned that ass-kicking-in-the-cell scene.  Jesus that was intense.

No kidding.  Alex probably really does know half a dozen ways to torture someone just using her index finger.  I sure as hell wouldn't want to make her mad!

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The show has done an impressive job of casting members of the "Super" family. Now they need to find an excuse for Ray Palmer/Brandon Routh to visit Kara's universe. 

How is Kara going to able to afford that sweet, sweet loft?

Edited by xaxat
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I knew Kara was strong but damn, applying enough counter force to keep the ship from moving until its engines overheat? That's impressive. I'm not sure whether that or picking up Fort Rozz last season required more strength. 

Kara's power levels vary to meet the writer's needs.  She can stop a starship from going into warp, but a "B" lister like Live Wire tosses her around like a rag doll.  Go figure.  Btw - Hercules...Hercules!!! (said in my best Eddie Murphy "faux old lady" voice).

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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On 3/7/2017 at 0:58 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

Very few people would have been in Supergirl's presence long enough to get a close look at her face, let alone also have the chance to observe Kara. Most of those are already in the know. 

But I would have thought for sure that Snapper would noticed -- since he's now spent time up close with both Kara and Supergirl

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2 hours ago, xaxat said:

The show has done an impressive job of casting members of the "Super" family. Now they need to find an excuse for Ray Palmer/Brandon Routh to visit Kara's universe. 

How is Kara going to able to afford that sweet, sweet loft?

Maybe the influx of aliens, metas and other problems have depressed National City real estate prices such that Kara's DEO salary (if she gets one) is enough to keep things moving. :)

More seriously, she interacted with Ray during the cross-over, although that took place on the Flash/Arrow/Legends side of things. I assume at some point they will collapse Earth-Supergirl and Earth 1.

48 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

But I would have thought for sure that Snapper would noticed -- since he's now spent time up close with both Kara and Supergirl

We have the advantage of a) knowing that Supergirl and Kara are the same person and that Supergirl has a secret identity and b) being able to have an objective view of Supergirl.

I can easily buy Snapper's emotions of disdain/contempt for Kara shades how he perceives her and grudging respect for Supergirl probably shapes how he sees her, up to and including what physical characteristics he might pick up on.

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Kara is subject to HR, thus she's getting paid. She is also doing the equivalent work of a whole lot of very expensive search and rescue gear - It's not so much the crime-fighting, it's the medevac, firefighting, ect. So she's likely paid the highest scale the government legally can. Meaning; GS-15. That doesn't make her a millionaire, but that apartment isn't out of line for someone on the pay of a department head or senior diplomat to a major nation. 

Also, if she cared about money, the number of ways for her to use her powers both legally and ethically to be a millionaire are just about endless. 

TLDR: She can afford that place. 

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6 hours ago, Izeinwinter said:

Kara is subject to HR, thus she's getting paid. She is also doing the equivalent work of a whole lot of very expensive search and rescue gear - It's not so much the crime-fighting, it's the medevac, firefighting, ect. So she's likely paid the highest scale the government legally can. Meaning; GS-15.

Love it.  Beats the hell out of any civil service job I've ever held.  On another topic, maybe I'm missing something, but why couldn't Kara have posted the blog either anonymously or using a pseudonym?

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7 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

On another topic, maybe I'm missing something, but why couldn't Kara have posted the blog either anonymously or using a pseudonym?

Because it would've seem like any other random conspiracy theory blog. For it to have any credibility, she had to sign her own name to it, which people associate with one on one interviews with Supergirl. 

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I don't disagree, but they still could have just shot a YouTube video featuring Supergirl giving the PSA. Then Snapper would have needed to run an article on it. My personal fanwank is that in Kara's head it became important to her to attach her Kara Danvers name to Doing The Right Thing, and she got a bit blinded to other possibilities as a result.

Someone upthread mentioned that they were actually kind of disappointed that Kara managed to stop the spaceship from blasting off. Now wasn't the right time for it, but I would love to see something similar in the future. Imagine Alex getting punted halfway across the galaxy and Kara having to set out on an intergalactic road trip to find her. Oh, the possibilities! I wouldn't want it to last for more than 3-4 episodes but that could be so much fun--built-in bottle episodes that are also a change of pace.

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I liked this one better than "Homecoming".  At least less "stupid pills" were being taken by most of the cast of characters this week.

Alex continues to shine in his series.  Especially so in this episode.  Loved her kicking so much booty in this one.   Pretty much back to her badass self of old.    And Mon-El wasn't as much of an arsehole in this one.  If fact, I kinda liked him pretty much throughout this episode.  He is definitely better as a background character taken in smaller doses.  Great seeing Lena appear again as well.  And a James sighting!  All for about 3 seconds, anyway.  ;)

I do have some nits to be picked tho.

Isn't Lynda Carter still President in this universe?  You would think she would take a dim view of what is going on with Cadmus and their abduction of aliens.  Especially since apparently she is an alien as well and stuff.  I would think Supergirl or Superman or someone associated with them could get word out to her about what is going on with Cadmus. 

And while I normally take Snapper's side (even when he is being a bit of an a-hole about it), I think he was wrong to fire Kara.  Yes, I could understand him being pizzed.  But he wouldn't go with the story over that one source thing.   Even though that one source was SuperfreakingGirl.   Whom he got a chance to interview personally.  I would think that would be a pretty big thing to get an exclusive interview such as that.   And to also get an exclusive story about what has happening to those aliens as well.  But he chose not to pursue it until Kara got another source.  So Kara went a bit rogue and posted the story online.  Perhaps she should have sent the story to Clark or someone she knew who some newsworthy credentials.  Heck, I thought Lena was there to perhaps to quickly provide another source for her story.  Anyway, in the end Snapper and Catco still wound up with a huge story.  Sure Snapper would be upset with the way she went about it.  But I would have suspended her instead of firing her.  And now he has no exclusive access to Supergirl.  Brilliant!

I am surprised the alien bar wasn't better protected.  You knew that had to be a huge target.   In fact, I thought when it was being attacked, it was supposed to be a trap for the bad guys.  I figured they'd capture the baddies and have them reveal where Ms. Luthor and Jeremiah and company were hanging out.   Oh well, at least it was good for a Guardian appearance, anyway.  :)

But overall, I thought it was a decent episode.   I had far less issues with it than last week's debacle. 

Oh and I miss Cat Grant too.  :(

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23 hours ago, Izeinwinter said:

Kara is subject to HR, thus she's getting paid. She is also doing the equivalent work of a whole lot of very expensive search and rescue gear - It's not so much the crime-fighting, it's the medevac, firefighting, ect. So she's likely paid the highest scale the government legally can. Meaning; GS-15.

I've never actually watched the show, but as a Kryptonian and, you know, Supergirl, wouldn't they be more likely to bring her in as a Title 42?

(Nerdy, esoteric joke is nerdy and esoteric.)

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1 hour ago, brgjoe said:

Isn't Lynda Carter still President in this universe?  You would think she would take a dim view of what is going on with Cadmus and their abduction of aliens.  Especially since apparently she is an alien as well and stuff.  I would think Supergirl or Superman or someone associated with them could get word out to her about what is going on with Cadmus. 

The President has to tread carefully here, since I don't believe that it's public knowledge that she's an alien.  If word of that got out, she'd be impeached so fast it would make your head swim, because she'd be the literal definition of a "not natural-born" citizen, unless that provision doesn't exist in the Constitution of the United States of Earth-38.

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9 hours ago, brgjoe said:

And while I normally take Snapper's side (even when he is being a bit of an a-hole about it), I think he was wrong to fire Kara.  Yes, I could understand him being pizzed.  But he wouldn't go with the story over that one source thing.   Even though that one source was SuperfreakingGirl.   Whom he got a chance to interview personally.  I would think that would be a pretty big thing to get an exclusive interview such as that.   And to also get an exclusive story about what has happening to those aliens as well.  But he chose not to pursue it until Kara got another source.  So Kara went a bit rogue and posted the story online.  Perhaps she should have sent the story to Clark or someone she knew who some newsworthy credentials.  Heck, I thought Lena was there to perhaps to quickly provide another source for her story.  Anyway, in the end Snapper and Catco still wound up with a huge story.  Sure Snapper would be upset with the way she went about it.  But I would have suspended her instead of firing her.  And now he has no exclusive access to Supergirl.  Brilliant!

I'm completely on Snapper's side on this one.  Kara gave him a highly inflammatory story citing a single source, with no verifiable facts to back it up. Then when he interviewed the source, she was highly evasive about where her information came from. Superhero or no, she was hardly credible. There wasn't nearly enough verifiable information in the story to run with it. And then, when Kara did an end-run around him, it hurt the paper's credibility, and no doubt breached Kara's employment contract. He had every right and every reason to fire her.

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On 3/8/2017 at 8:34 AM, Izeinwinter said:

Kara is subject to HR, thus she's getting paid. She is also doing the equivalent work of a whole lot of very expensive search and rescue gear - It's not so much the crime-fighting, it's the medevac, firefighting, ect. So she's likely paid the highest scale the government legally can. Meaning; GS-15. That doesn't make her a millionaire, but that apartment isn't out of line for someone on the pay of a department head or senior diplomat to a major nation. 

Also, if she cared about money, the number of ways for her to use her powers both legally and ethically to be a millionaire are just about endless. 

TLDR: She can afford that place. 

She had the apartment before she knew about the DEO, though; she was living in it in the pilot when she was just Cat's assistant.  Although it's never been mentioned onscreen, the producers & writers have said at various cons that the building is in a really bad part of town, which keeps the rent down.  Kara doesn't need to be afraid of that sort of thing, though, so...

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15 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

The President has to tread carefully here, since I don't believe that it's public knowledge that she's an alien.  If word of that got out, she'd be impeached so fast it would make your head swim, because she'd be the literal definition of a "not natural-born" citizen, unless that provision doesn't exist in the Constitution of the United States of Earth-38.

I get that part about her being an alien and doesn't want to reveal that to the general populous.   That probably wouldn't be a good thing.

But remember, she made some sort of declaration (executive order?) basically welcoming aliens and telling them not to be afraid to step out of the shadows.  So I'd think an entity that would advocate kidnapping and relocating aliens would definitely get on her bad side.  If for just policy reasons alone.

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So, after John (or how his name is written) in the last episode let Jeremajah to wander around the facility and dig through data unobstructed, he decided to test Alex's loyalty? I'm surprised that Mon-El did not have something to say to him about that, especially since he said a lot of things how they are stupid in the last episode...

Edited by Rushmoras
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Couldn't Supergirl get a Verified Twitter @RealSupergirl ID and just tweet the story?  It would be retweeted thousands of times in a few hours and reach more people than any blog post that Kara Danvers could write, and not jeopardize Kara's job.

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2 hours ago, Double V said:

Couldn't Supergirl get a Verified Twitter @RealSupergirl ID and just tweet the story?  It would be retweeted thousands of times in a few hours and reach more people than any blog post that Kara Danvers could write, and not jeopardize Kara's job.

And many people would still be challenging her to name her sources and dismissing her self-serving tweets as "fake news" when she refused to name those sources or provide links to solid, reliable evidence to back her claims up.  Snapper was right.  I mean, look at how many supporters of the current administration have the same reaction, even when they've been GIVEN links to the source of its criticism.

And if Kara had taken the story to Clark or Lois, they'd have only told her the same thing that Snapper did, since they've been trained, experienced journalists for far longer than she has.

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On 3/6/2017 at 9:15 PM, dippydee said:

How the heck did this episode not end with a Danvers sisters scene?!?! Come on now!

Cause it's written that every single Goddamn Episode MUST END with the Great DOUCHE-EL and Kara. I gagged at All she needs is her ability to help people and the boyfriend they changed her character for FUCK her sister, Winn, ,J'onn and Jimmy it's all about Mon-el. 

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On 3/11/2017 at 5:46 PM, legaleagle53 said:

And many people would still be challenging her to name her sources and dismissing her self-serving tweets as "fake news" when she refused to name those sources or provide links to solid, reliable evidence to back her claims up.  Snapper was right.  I mean, look at how many supporters of the current administration have the same reaction, even when they've been GIVEN links to the source of its criticism.



I'm not critical of Snapper.  I think he was absolutely right.  But this way Supergirl would be putting her personal crediility on the line, not CatCo or the Daily Planet if she went to Clark or Lois.

Supergirl would just stand on her own reputation, which took some hits last season but is solid now.

To me it's about Kara putting Supergirl's credibility on the line and not CatCo's, Cat Grant's, Snapper Carr's, or the Daily Planet's credibility on the line.  She doesn't need anyone's permission to do that, and takes 100% of the responsibility for the consequences herself.

Those that doubt her, doubt her.  That's entirely fair.  Snapper Carr is right, but it doesn't stop Supergirl from sounding the alarm herself if she thought she was right, thought it was important, and took the responsibility.

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I agree with that. I also think it's a question of, what is really the objective here? If it really is just to get the word out to as many aliens as possible, then Kara should've tweeted or made a YouTube video or something, because even if some humans didn't believe her, chances are the alien population WOULD believe her and would go underground. (I know I certainly would, if I was an alien and my fellow alien superhero was saying I was in danger.) But I think in Kara's head (or maybe the writers'), "save the aliens" got muddied up with "paint Cadmus as a legit threat," etc as the real goal, especially when Snapper pushed back against Kara and then it became about outmaneuvering him.

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4 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

I agree with that. I also think it's a question of, what is really the objective here? If it really is just to get the word out to as many aliens as possible, then Kara should've tweeted or made a YouTube video or something, because even if some humans didn't believe her, chances are the alien population WOULD believe her and would go underground. (I know I certainly would, if I was an alien and my fellow alien superhero was saying I was in danger.) But I think in Kara's head (or maybe the writers'), "save the aliens" got muddied up with "paint Cadmus as a legit threat," etc as the real goal, especially when Snapper pushed back against Kara and then it became about outmaneuvering him.


I think that's right.  And I agree, I think most aliens among the population would have been more likely than not to believe Supergirl if she got the word out that they were in danger.

Those that wouldn't believe her, wouldn't believe her.  So be it.

For me, it's not about what percentage of people would or would not believe it.  It's about her putting her credibility on the line and not other people's credibility on the line.  I think Supergirl has more credibility than Kara Danvers to the alien population and to the general population. 

Did Kara post the story on the CatCo blog? Or her personal blog where she identifies herself as a CatCo writer?  I think for Snapper to fire her, she had to have done something improper with CatCo resources. 

But yes, a Supergirl Twitter post or a YouTube video (even better) would have got the word out, put the responsibility on Supergirl, and CatCo would have been out of the picture (and Kara would still have her job.  I think this was just a forced way to write CatCo out of the show.

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About the blog...it can't have been a CatCo one, because Snapper said it was a competing platform, but if it wasn't something that already existed and had followers, how were thousands of people finding out about the alien kidnappings pretty much immediately. How was just one person finding out. No one gets pageviews on a brand new blog within minutes of making their first post.  I guess it could have already been a thing she was doing, but still...seems odd that it would reach so many people. Other than that, I did enjoy this episode.

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Now that I think about it I'm not sure why Kara needed to write a story at all, other than to reinforce the fact she is supposed to be a reporter now, and simultaneously get her fired so she won't be. The important thing was to get the word out to as many other aliens as possible that Cadmus knew their names and addresses and that they should hide or protect themselves. Are you telling me Supergirl couldn't fly to one of the other news stations in National City and they wouldn't have put her on air, live? Sure, it might have caused a panic among the alien population, but so does Cadmus running around unchecked and shooting them.

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On 3/7/2017 at 6:58 AM, MarkHB said:

Wasn't, "Supergirl is what I can do, Kara is who I am" a transliteration of an old Dean Cain line?

Yup. And it made me so happy.

I'll say... Dean Cain is looking GOOD. It's nice seeing him here and not in another terrible lifetime movie involving dogs or cats or Christmas or something. 

I like this show. And I'm starting to really enjoy Melissa as Kara. It took me a lot longer than most people to warm up to her but I like her.

The one thing I'm not liking is ALL the aliens everywhere. They're doing that think that Buffy did around season 6 where they want me to suspend my disbelieve that non one realized that aliens (or demons) lived among us for YEARS even though they have blue skin or bulbish faces or secret hideouts for whatever.  

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