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S21.E08: Week 8: Hometown Dates


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Fair enough. Howver, I also always try to remember how much this show is highly edited to whatever narrative they're telling at the time. Just like I completely doubt race was the only thing discussed during Rachel's HTD dinner with her family but they sure made it seem that way.

And do we really think Rachel's family wasn't just as curious about what they would do if Nick picked her considering she has a very impressive life and career in Dallas? But Rachel's narrative was clearly the race issue and Vanessa's was "well you live in different countries". Because unsurprisingly Vanessa's sister posted online that there were a lot of light hearted conversations and jokes shared with Nick, and not just a family interrogation. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3
On 2/20/2017 at 10:26 PM, TheFinalRose said:

The brother-in-law was a little smug, or something. Couldn't put my finger on it.

I think you nailed it. He had that, "I did it. I married a black woman. I know...I'm amazing!" look on his face. Get over yourself buddy. You're the extra in a shitty movie starring a has-been famewhoring actor. I wonder if he's secretly thrilled that Rachel won't be marrying Nick so that he can continue being the special case in the family.

  • Love 10

My biggest take away from this episode was that Corrinne was the only one of the final 4 to "spider monkey" Nick at the beginning of the dates (running up to the man and jumping on him with both legs wrapped around his waist). I don't have the exact stats handy, but I would guess that it's usually 75%-100% spider-monkeying on previous seasons. Now, is that because the women are more mature than in the past or is it a sign of them not being as into Nick?

I always thought it was the most ridiculous thing in the world because, seriously, who does that on a regular basis, but now I feel kind of bad for Nick ;)

I admit Corrinne was slightly more tolerable this episode, but I found her Dad pretty obnoxious. All he did was talk about or elude to how rich he is. If you're giving someone good whiskey, don't sit there and lecture them about how good (and expensive) it is for 5 minutes...just let them enjoy it. I have a feeling that family spends a lot of time focusing on how much better they have it (and not in a thankful way, but in a "how DO those poor people survive?" way). 

  • Love 10
19 minutes ago, the eskimo said:

My biggest take away from this episode was that Corrinne was the only one of the final 4 to "spider monkey" Nick at the beginning of the dates (running up to the man and jumping on him with both legs wrapped around his waist).

I liked when she did it the second time and he hugged her and then let go and she just literally hung there.

  • Love 8

I enjoyed the shirtless mud rolling and the genuine emotion from Raven and her dad, but I don't really see anything real between her and Nick. She can't say she loves him because she doesn't. I also thought it was sad that she was worried about losing Nick because she hasn't said ILY yet. I know we hear that every season, but seriously now, have some self-worth! A man should love you and want you for you, not because you're throwing yourself at him more aggressively than others. As long as you think you can make someone love you if you just do this or do that, then you'll keep attracting a-holes.

I liked meeting Rachel's family, they're all so articulate and willing to talk about the elephant in the room. On one hand I wish they hadn't gone on about race so much, since I don't think it helps people see it as a non-issue if even people in multiracial households still treat it as an issue, but then again, it was probably only a few minutes of a date that lasted hours. The editors choose what to show and that's what they decided to focus on with Rachel. I'm not gonna assume her family is obsessed with the topic. They might've even been encouraged to bring it up. I did like Nick saying that he's not colour blind, because most people aren't and acting otherwise comes off a bit fake. I do think he really likes and admires Rachel for the person she is, but I'm not sure how much romance I see between them. Potential for a great friendship yes.

Corinne's dad was hilarious. He seemed fine with the idea of Corinne supporting Nick as long as she's fine with it. Nick seemed insulted by the idea though, as most men would. His face when the dad brought it up was priceless as was the "I wish better for myself". Corinne just seems like such a child still and a very spoiled one at that. Nick may have fun goofing around with her, but I doubt he's looking for a spoiled little princess who spends her days shopping and being nannied. I did feel a bit sad for Corinne though when she told her dad that she never thought she could get a man like Nick. I mean I like Nick, but how low is her bar? She really seems to think she has nothing to offer except her body and money. If dating Nick taught her to aim higher, then I guess it wasn't all in vain. (Now watch her get engaged to Chad in Paradise.)

I liked meeting Vanessa's students and seeing how much they love her. Nick also seemed like a natural with them which was nice to see. The bikini kissing pics made me a bit uncomfortable as well though. I mean I get the reason behind the scrapbooking, since they'd made a scrapbook for Nick before filming plus it was a fun interactive way of showing them what she's been up to while gone, but the bikini pics felt a bit much. At least they were all adults.

As for Vanessa's family, I also get the feeling that we saw what the editors wanted us to see, angst and doubt and more angst. Make of that what you will. I doubt the whole evening was quite so tense. I also suspect her family expected her to be gone for a few weeks and come back with some exciting stories, and instead she came back seemingly in love with Nick and ready to get engaged. They were probably freaked out by the prospect of losing her, hence all the moving talk, or if not, seeing her devastated. Neither outcome probably excited them seeing as they're so close. I also think Vanessa has a reason to feel confident and we just haven't seen it thanks to the awful editing this season. And I can see why hearing Nick's been asking blessings for a week would burst her bubble.

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, MsPH said:

I did feel a bit sad for Corinne though when she told her dad that she never thought she could get a man like Nick. I mean I like Nick, but how low is her bar? She really seems to think she has nothing to offer except her body and money.

That is the problem I've always had with Corinne, and it's not really her fault, but it's still really difficult for me to watch. I am always very uncomfortable with young women who seem to think the only way someone will love them is if they have sex with them. She was so determined to fuck Nick because she wants to "win". In her mind, that was the only way she was going to get his attention and it's really sad and uncomfortable to watch because she seems so emotionally young.

I don't hate Corinne so much as I hate the show for featuring her so heavily, and I fear, featuring her in one very specific way and feeding into her misguided believe in what she has to do to get a guy. Because she seems so much more childlike and naïve than many of the other fame whores it was really gross to me. I think it may have finally cured me of this show once and for all because I don't really need to see sad, insecure people being used by the machine. I know, took me long enough. lol

  • Love 11

Wings wrote: "Though she escaped assault and battery charges because her ex did not file, the fact remains she beat him with a stilletto to the head. That is not what they look for." Any woman who beats her cheating ex with a high-heel shoe after knocking him off of the woman he's in the middle of screwing is all right in my book. Team Raven, all the way. And by that, I mean all the way away from Nick and to some guy who actually deserves her. As for Rachel, I wouldn't be happy being dragged off to church and being made a public spectacle there unless I had warning to dress accordingly. Poor Nick looked like he was dragged from his homeless box under the bridge. But the church was great fun. I've been to several "revival-type" churches and have really enjoyed them, so different from my strict (and boring) religious upbringing. So, yeay Rachel.

  • Love 5

Add me to the fairly short list of people who found the muddy make-out session inexplicably hot (and simultaneously not at all, because no way would I do any such thing myself. I could not be in the moment, knowing that I was that filthy and wondering about what else might be lurking in the mud with us...). It did fall a little short, though, and I think the lack of chemistry is the culprit. When one of them's lying down and the other is over top of them, you expect some serious passionate lip-locking, but instead, there were just chaste little smooches. It was weird.

Rachel's date was definitely interesting. The church thing was probably a useful experience for a white dude to have — that inkling, at least, of what it feels like to be overwhelmingly in the minority. Between that and the fact that it was probably quite different from his own church experience, I don't blame him for looking a little deer-in-headlights in there, especially at first. I think he ultimately relaxed into it a little, though. And I liked that his reactions to some of the questions from Rachel's family indicate that those issues are some that he has thought about and that he and Rachel have actually talked about. If we didn't already know the outcome, this would seem like a very promising date.

Corinne... Yikes. Whoever upthread said that he dad effectively offered to buy Nick for her I think nailed it. The whole thing just creeped me out a little. Corinne does seem like a reasonably decent human being, but she's been raised in such a way that she's just... hard to take. There's no way this relationship would last long. She might say she's OK with being the main breadwinner, but I don't think she would be. Unless she grows up a lot, she's someone who will expect to be taken care of. And not at subsistence level, either. A woman who's prepared to drop thousands of dollars on a track suit on a whim (even if it was sponsored, I think she'd do it regardless) is not going to adjust well to having to shop at Walmart. And as generally friendly as her dad seemed, at the end of the day, I don't see him ever truly warming to a man who can't provide for his daughter in the manner to which she is accustomed.

As for Vanessa's family, I'm sure they're lovely, and they're just trying to take care of their girl and all that, but oh my god. After 20 minutes of listening to them go on and on about the possibility of heartbreak, I just wanted to shake every one of them and point out that heartbreak is a distinct possibility in every single relationship. Are they going to wail about it every time she starts having feelings? Oy.

  • Love 7

I actually liked Nick on these dates better than I've liked him all season. I think he has anxiety issues in groups where he has to be the focus, but in these dates he was able to be himself a little more. He still was in groups, but didn't have to pay attention to groups of women, just the woman he was with.

I don't find Corinne adorable like most of you do but I don't hate her either. She acts like a teenager and the living and working in the condo with her parents would so not be my thing. I really wonder how much dating experience she has had, she seems so young. I'm sure Nick agreed to the dress up at the store as part of the show, but wanting to be controlled and kept by a teenager in an adult body is not attractive. 

Rachael has been my favorite of the women; she is pretty in a girl next door kind of way, and seems to be smart and has the ability to have fun. I don't really see a spark between her and Nick and considering how long ago they must have been thinking about the bachelorette, it may never have been there. Raven seems sweet but I can't forget her Single White Female thing,and I don't find her attractive. 

I can't figure out Vanessa. I don't really see anything between her and Nick, but her behavior seems to indicate they have more of a relationship then we have been shown. I did think she was sweet with her students, and I think when a teacher is on a show whether it is the Bachelor or Jeopardy, the students get excited and want to participate it some way. I agree the bikini photos shouldn't be shown, but the show may have decided that.

I miss having the rose ceremonies, I really like seeing who is kept and who is sent home  and wondering about the relationships. This season they have taken all the fun out. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, the eskimo said:

I have a feeling that family spends a lot of time focusing on how much better they have it (and not in a thankful way, but in a "how DO those poor people survive?" way). 

Yes, I'd like to introduce Corinne to my store brand olives and have her sit with me while I try to make Walmart's dressing room my kingdom.  We could wait a few hours for anyone at all to show up, until security came in to see what we were trying to steal.  I agree with the people who think she's good natured and would be fun to hang with, but her happy attitude has probably never been tested much.  What, really, does she have to complain about other than the odd vazheen rejection? I think she might be happy with Nick as her toy boy for a little while, but I also think she would have high expectations in the form of rose strewn baths and whipped cream games, night after night.  Nick would soon need a big allowance just for the Viagra supply.

  • Love 7

Being in the bubble and getting sucked in by the competition aspect is one thing.

But even giving credit for the shitty editing for Nick's season, haven't the women seen enough that they should be ewwww I hope he doesn't end up picking me????  

Rachel is probably glad she got away.

After two F2 appearances you would think that Nick would be more prepared thinking through what a proposal is going to mean but he didn't look prepared at all.

Who would even want to leave their family and friends to go live with him a few months no matter how much of a famewhore they are.  Talk about having no depth. At 36 years old what does he have to show for himself.  Would you even want him to be the father of your baby?  Or in other words, it isn't only Corrine that would end up supporting him.  He looks like the type that any women he ends up with is going to end up supporting him. 

It would make the season memorable at least if all the women decide to walk away and leave him alone at the end, again.

  • Love 6
On 2/20/2017 at 10:48 PM, Artsda said:

Ugh Andy and the tone she said hello? Nick should have closed back the door.

He should have told her to GTFO in no uncertain terms. I've found her utterly sanctimonious and bitchy since Juan Pablo's season, and the only reason I tolerate her at all is because her season gave us Nick and his scarf phase. 

I always thought Andi was the woman who truly broke Nick's heart, and as a big Nick fan, I was mad at her for that. Not to mention her choosing mimbo Josh who we all could tell was just the worst of the worst. What could she possibly bring to the table besides her grumpy cat pout? Nick is doing just fine without her. I know she's not trying to toss her hat in the ring this late in the game, so I find myself completely uninterested in anything she has to say next week. 

Edited by thesupremediva1
  • Love 2

The brother-in-law was a little smug, or something. Couldn't put my finger on it.

I swore I was hearing things when he said to Nick "You're a white" but I was reading another site yesterday and saw multiple people heard that too! It was very weird!


With Brad, you can tell at that certain point it was Emily. 

Not to talk about other seasons or anything but maaaan I thought Chantal was so fun and great and full of personality, I'm still broken up about that. 

  • Love 5

Corrine was SO focused on getting the hometown date, and she really enjoyed it.   I don't think she has any true interest in marrying Nick, I saw a lot of "acting"  from her family. They know there's no way Corrine and Nick are going to be together and run the family business.  The little comment thrown in about how he could stay home and raise the kids?   Uh huh. 

I think Corrine was bored and wanted to be on tv.  she wanted her lavish lifestyle to be shown, she wanted a camera crew to follow her around.  Dressing up her "boyfriend"  in expensive clothes  was part of it.  (and really, Nick isn't some poor schmuck who never bought expensive clothes before!)   She fancies herself a blond Kardashian, , or a Paris Hilton,  and would LOVE a reality show of her own about her life.  This whole gig was a weird sort of audition for her.

ETA - throughout the whole season, though, I kept thinking about how a woman like her could be so clueless about how awful her hair looked.  Maybe she has someone wash, dry, and style it for her all the time, and without her stylist she had no idea how to use conditioner?

Edited by backformore
  • Love 8

Though she escaped assault and battery charges because her ex did not file, the fact remains she beat him with a stilletto to the head.

 And THAT is the only reason I like Raven.  I'd have beat the snot out of both cheaters.

What I don't get was how worried Vanessa's family was about Vanessa if Nick didn't choose her.  FFS, Vanessa's 29 years old, not 16, and they've only been dating 6 weeks (not even exclusively since he's been "dating" all the other women, too).  

I've certainly never grown crying to my family about any of my many break ups, even in high school.  Grow up, Vanessa or get on anti-depressants or something.

As for Corinne's hair, she probably has a stylist or Raquel do her extensions/weave on the regular.  Sadly, she couldn't bring that person with her on the show and has no idea how to take care of her purchased hair.  I don't believe nanny Raquel is Greek - it's definitely not a Greek first name.

Edited by uoflfan
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, the eskimo said:

My biggest take away from this episode was that Corrinne was the only one of the final 4 to "spider monkey" Nick at the beginning of the dates (running up to the man and jumping on him with both legs wrapped around his waist). I don't have the exact stats handy, but I would guess that it's usually 75%-100% spider-monkeying on previous seasons. Now, is that because the women are more mature than in the past or is it a sign of them not being as into Nick?

I always thought it was the most ridiculous thing in the world because, seriously, who does that on a regular basis, but now I feel kind of bad for Nick ;)

I admit Corrinne was slightly more tolerable this episode, but I found her Dad pretty obnoxious. All he did was talk about or elude to how rich he is. If you're giving someone good whiskey, don't sit there and lecture them about how good (and expensive) it is for 5 minutes...just let them enjoy it. I have a feeling that family spends a lot of time focusing on how much better they have it (and not in a thankful way, but in a "how DO those poor people survive?" way). 

OMG dying here--the spider monkey--i still remember when on jasons season, melissa would do that to him and it was gag worthy!! LOL that is such a bachelor thing!!!! remember Grant used to call his pick "monkey" because of it. LOL.

  • Love 1

I have had hair extensions in the past and I found myself not brushing my hair much when I had a full head of them, either. I could never sleep well the first couple nights I had them because my scalp was so tender, and brushing tended to make my scalp feel uncomfortable the entire time I had them.  Also, I didn't brush my hair if I wasn't in front of a mirror or I could inadvertently make my hair extensions more visible.  I mean, my fine hair barely covered all the new hair.    Corrine may also imagine that her hair looks like a glorious, sexy mess.  ( I think that's what I imagined.)  

I wouldn't get extensions again unless I were the first non-celebrity contestant on Dancing With the Stars.   

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Magic said:

Being in the bubble and getting sucked in by the competition aspect is one thing.

But even giving credit for the shitty editing for Nick's season, haven't the women seen enough that they should be ewwww I hope he doesn't end up picking me????  

Rachel is probably glad she got away.

After two F2 appearances you would think that Nick would be more prepared thinking through what a proposal is going to mean but he didn't look prepared at all.

Who would even want to leave their family and friends to go live with him a few months no matter how much of a famewhore they are.  Talk about having no depth. At 36 years old what does he have to show for himself.  Would you even want him to be the father of your baby?  Or in other words, it isn't only Corrine that would end up supporting him.  He looks like the type that any women he ends up with is going to end up supporting him. 

It would make the season memorable at least if all the women decide to walk away and leave him alone at the end, again.

Well he seems to have supported himself just fine up to this point and had a 10+ year career in software sales before his little gap year (or two). I've read in a couple of a places that he's launching an online men's grooming product business soon with a partner, so he's not exactly unemployed, rather an aspiring entrepreneur. Whether the business will succeed is obviously yet to be seen, but I don't see Nick as unambitious by any means.

  • Love 8

Corrine's mother as she's sitting on her lazy ass: "I couldn't do a lot of things without her (Raquel)" What? Like pour that glass of wine that Raquel was serving you as you said that? Prepare your own plate of food? What is it that you couldn't have done without your servant? Raise your own kid perhaps? It was nice of them to let Raquel sit at the same table with them at dinner btw.

Corinne's dad was wearing a red string like Corinne's.

I'm loving how Corinne and her dad talk about Corinne as if Corinne isn't there and isn't in fact Corinne herself. 

Having said that, I believe that she really loves Nick. I'd rather he pick Corinne than Vanessa. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, MsPH said:

Well he seems to have supported himself just fine up to this point and had a 10+ year career in software sales before his little gap year (or two). I've read in a couple of a places that he's launching an online men's grooming product business soon with a partner, so he's not exactly unemployed, rather an aspiring entrepreneur. Whether the business will succeed is obviously yet to be seen, but I don't see Nick as unambitious by any means.

Nick graduated from University of Wisconsin and is an account executive at Salesforce. He seemed pretty taken aback when Corinne's dad told him that she's willing to be the breadwinner. I thought that was an odd think to say but I digress. I don't think it would bother him for his wife to make more money but I am also pretty confident that he has full intention of working. 

On another note, has anybody noticed how Vanessa leans her head all the way back when she kisses? It is very annoying. I've never seen anyone do that before. Usually the woman gets on tiptoes but Vanessa makes Nick put chin to chest so they can smile kiss. She smiles during kissing. Also annoying. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

Nick graduated from University of Wisconsin and is an account executive at Salesforce. He seemed pretty taken aback when Corinne's dad told him that she's willing to be the breadwinner. I thought that was an odd think to say but I digress. I don't think it would bother him for his wife to make more money but I am also pretty confident that he has full intention of working. 

Yeah, I don't think it's inherently emasculating for a woman to be the breadwinner — Rachel, for example, if she's a lawyer, stands a good chance of making more money than he does, and I think that would be fine. I think what was so demeaning was the implication that Nick can't be the provider. It was just kind of icky, in the same way it's icky when someone just assumes that a woman will stop working when she gets married.

6 hours ago, Kbilly said:

I swore I was hearing things when he said to Nick "You're a white" but I was reading another site yesterday and saw multiple people heard that too! It was very weird!

I also heard it. I assumed it was a joke, making fun at people who unironically refer to "the blacks" and "the gays" and so on. But I also think that he's not as witty as he thinks he is, so it fell kinda flat.

5 hours ago, backformore said:

ETA - throughout the whole season, though, I kept thinking about how a woman like her could be so clueless about how awful her hair looked.  Maybe she has someone wash, dry, and style it for her all the time, and without her stylist she had no idea how to use conditioner?

This. I usually don't get too much into critiquing these women's looks, if for no other reason than that there are usually plenty of other things to rag on them for. But her hair just always seemed very incongruous to me. Someone who lives the life of a pampered princess the way she does seems like someone who would always want to have fabulous hair. But I think maybe you're right. She has absolutely no idea how to achieve fabulous — or even merely OK — hair on her own.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

Nick graduated from University of Wisconsin and is an account executive at Salesforce.

From what I gather he's not working for Salesforce anymore. He took a leave of absence after Kaitlyn's season and never went back. I think he's been dabbling in all kinds of stuff in LA up until the Bachelor and is now starting his own business with someone. I'm not even sure where it's based. But he definitely has ambition and I don't buy the notion that he's planning to just stay in Hollywood and famewhore for the rest of his life. He's been having fun while single and carefree, but I think he knows full well that it's only temporary.

  • Love 4

If I was Nick, I would absolutely choose Corinne.  She's been growing on me for the last few weeks and I loved her hometown.  It was probably my favourite hometown date ever on this show.  I want to marry her!  Although I have to agree that her mom is a little scary looking.  As someone mentioned up thread, for someone who is obviously spoiled, Corinne is actually remarkably charming and generous.  Not 100% self aware about how she comes across, but not the worst I've ever seen on this show.

Seriously, though, I'm going to speculate that Nick will choose someone in the end, but he will not stay with that person.  Other than Corinne, he has no chemistry with any of these women.  And Corinne will quickly dump his old ass.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, MsPH said:

From what I gather he's not working for Salesforce anymore. He took a leave of absence after Kaitlyn's season and never went back. I think he's been dabbling in all kinds of stuff in LA up until the Bachelor and is now starting his own business with someone. I'm not even sure where it's based. But he definitely has ambition and I don't buy the notion that he's planning to just stay in Hollywood and famewhore for the rest of his life. He's been having fun while single and carefree, but I think he knows full well that it's only temporary.

If he's starting an online grooming products business, the only way that business has a chance of succeeding is if Nick continues to famewhore, accrue Instagram followers, and have other Bachelor Family famewhores shill for the products. That's a highly competitive market and his fame is the USP.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Canada said:

If I was Nick, I would absolutely choose Corinne.  She's been growing on me for the last few weeks and I loved her hometown.  It was probably my favourite hometown date ever on this show.  I want to marry her!  Although I have to agree that her mom is a little scary looking.  As someone mentioned up thread, for someone who is obviously spoiled, Corinne is actually remarkably charming and generous.  Not 100% self aware about how she comes across, but not the worst I've ever seen on this sh

Was I watching the same thing?  They went to try on clothes which I wouldn't choose as a date knowing that most men aren't thrilled with the idea. They bought him an outfit which she made a big show of buying it even though it was obvious the show made arrangements with the store. They didn't go see the ocean which was  block away. 

The went back to her family's condo which was nice, if not cramped with a bunch of furniture that didn't fit the space. He had an awkward conversation with the housekeeper. The mother was awkward.  The father couldn't wait to tell nick that Corrine could support him even though it is unlikely that she works. 

I don't think I would call Corrine spoiled, I just don't think she wants to grow up and her parents seem to be encouraging her failure to grow as a person. I don't  even think she went away to college. 

She should first work on gaining some independence and then a relationship. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Lemons said:

I don't think I would call Corrine spoiled, I just don't think she wants to grow up and her parents seem to be encouraging her failure to grow as a person. I don't  even think she went away to college. 

I agree with all of this but if I had to pick one person out of the four ladies to hang out with, Corinne would be that one, no question. She doesn't take herself or life that seriously and it's fun. The way she said goodbye to him was adorable. 

That sequence of them trying on clothes and shopping, they were trying to mimic similar scenes from Rom Coms. And Nick appeared to be enjoying himself and you can usually tell when he is uncomfortable because he doesn't have a good poker face. He has also admitted a few times he likes the finer things in life. Fashion seems to be more his speed than rolling the the mud. If you look at his Instagram, he cares about his image a lot (nothing wrong with that).

He's not in love Corinne or is going to choose her in the end because they are not in the same stage of life. She should enjoy her early 20s anyway. But I do think he's fond of her like a younger sister. 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Corrine's mother as she's sitting on her lazy ass: "I couldn't do a lot of things without her (Raquel)" What? Like pour that glass of wine that Raquel was serving you as you said that? Prepare your own plate of food? What is it that you couldn't have done without your servant? Raise your own kid perhaps? It was nice of them to let Raquel sit at the same table with them at dinner btw.


I had ALL those same thoughts! I actually thought it was weird that she served them as they sat (like a waitress or maid) then sat at the table (like a family member). I mean if a "mom" or "dad" did that we'd think "what a bunch of entitled kids" instead of them setting the table, etc. 

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, uoflfan said:

Though she escaped assault and battery charges because her ex did not file, the fact remains she beat him with a stilletto to the head.

I'm on Wings' side with this.  It's not just that I tend to dislike people who beat  people, in Raven's case, she was so extremely proud of it, right down to telling us about  seeing the other woman's private parts.  Sticking live frogs with forks?  Also not endearing. Raven just always seems fake to me, like she's playing to a stereotype in her head of the feisty redneck woman who loves her beer, guns and mud.

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Nick graduated from University of Wisconsin and is an account executive at Salesforce. He seemed pretty taken aback when Corinne's dad told him that she's willing to be the breadwinner. I thought that was an odd think to say but I digress. I don't think it would bother him for his wife to make more money but I am also pretty confident that he has full intention of working. 

On another note, has anybody noticed how Vanessa leans her head all the way back when she kisses? It is very annoying. I've never seen anyone do that before. Usually the woman gets on tiptoes but Vanessa makes Nick put chin to chest so they can smile kiss. She smiles during kissing. Also annoying. 

OMG!!! I noticed that for the first time on the plane date. I have never seen anyone kiss like that and i hate it!! LOL!! I love that I am not the only person who notices those very odd things......I love this board. but yeah the lean your head back smile kissing is very odd.

I see Raquel as a true "Alice" from brady bunch--a servant but part of the family. It was very sweet.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Canada said:

If I was Nick, I would absolutely choose Corinne.  She's been growing on me for the last few weeks and I loved her hometown.  It was probably my favourite hometown date ever on this show.  I want to marry her!  Although I have to agree that her mom is a little scary looking.  As someone mentioned up thread, for someone who is obviously spoiled, Corinne is actually remarkably charming and generous.  Not 100% self aware about how she comes across, but not the worst I've ever seen on this show.

Seriously, though, I'm going to speculate that Nick will choose someone in the end, but he will not stay with that person.  Other than Corinne, he has no chemistry with any of these women.  And Corinne will quickly dump his old ass.

actually for those bachelor/bachlorette historians best HTD ever was meridith and lanny. OMG!!

21 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

I see Raquel as a true "Alice" from brady bunch--a servant but part of the family. It was very sweet.

Perhaps, but I felt uncomfortable with it. It seemed like the show was making fun of her all season, and that continued with how they did that camera pan from the Corinne's family looking out their window to Raquel cleaning up the table. I also thought the sit-down conversation between Raquel and Nick was in poor taste. She was clearly not in on the joke, and it made me uneasy. I suppose it could be argued that it wasn't a joke, but I find that hard to believe. There just isn't a legitimate reason for the bachelor to sit down for a one on one with the housekeeper.

  • Love 5
23 hours ago, the eskimo said:


I admit Corrinne was slightly more tolerable this episode, but I found her Dad pretty obnoxious. All he did was talk about or elude to how rich he is. If you're giving someone good whiskey, don't sit there and lecture them about how good (and expensive) it is for 5 minutes...just let them enjoy it. I have a feeling that family spends a lot of time focusing on how much better they have it (and not in a thankful way, but in a "how DO those poor people survive?" way). 

I loved Corinne's dad!   He is enjoying his wealth and clearly dazzled by it.  He was not pretentious; I found him delightfully genuine.  I also got the impression that his business experienced a surge recently and he has more money now than he has had in recent history.   Their condo reflects wealth but not the millions that would put him in Forbes magazine. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I'm on Wings' side with this.  It's not just that I tend to dislike people who beat  people, in Raven's case, she was so extremely proud of it, right down to telling us about  seeing the other woman's private parts.  Sticking live frogs with forks?  Also not endearing. Raven just always seems fake to me, like she's playing to a stereotype in her head of the feisty redneck woman who loves her beer, guns and mud.

Yes. Perfect profiling!  I think we will see her on BiP along with Corinne. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

I see Raquel as a true "Alice" from brady bunch--a servant but part of the family. It was very sweet.

I agree. But then I'm also not one to think people having nannies or even maids means they're disgusting, entitled, evil people, so I have a different perspective on the whole Raquel thing than many here.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Lemons said:

Was I watching the same thing?  They went to try on clothes which I wouldn't choose as a date knowing that most men aren't thrilled with the idea. They bought him an outfit which she made a big show of buying it even though it was obvious the show made arrangements with the store. They didn't go see the ocean which was  block away. 

The went back to her family's condo which was nice, if not cramped with a bunch of furniture that didn't fit the space. He had an awkward conversation with the housekeeper. The mother was awkward.  The father couldn't wait to tell nick that Corrine could support him even though it is unlikely that she works. 

I don't think I would call Corrine spoiled, I just don't think she wants to grow up and her parents seem to be encouraging her failure to grow as a person. I don't  even think she went away to college. 

She should first work on gaining some independence and then a relationship. 

It doesn't matter what you would choose as a date.  It matters if Nick and Corinne enjoyed it.  And they really did seem to have fun.  It was one of the few times Nick genuinely seemed relaxed this season.

  • Love 8

Never been a big fan of Nick's but I felt sorry for him this week with a lot of the situations production put him in. When Raven's folks were breaking the good cancer news you could see his internal monologue going something like:

Surely they're not gonna break bad cancer news like this are they?....no, phew, okay, it's good cancer news...it's a wonderful moment! I should try to convey how happy I am for the guy...but I don't know him at all...I know, I'll clap! I'll applaud the remission...ooh, no-one's really joining in, guess it's not a clapping kind of family...I know, I'll hug Raven...oh, the dad's going in for one, I guess I'll just sort of supportively rub her shoulder...hey the cop brother is right here beside me I'll turn to him with my happy face and maybe shake his hand or someth...nope, doesn't look like he's down for that...well...this is nice isn't it.

Then with the "Do you know what food is?" and the "Corinne's prepared to support you" and Vanessa's mother, sister, and finally her dad with the coup de grace. I mean, Nick's many things but he's not a moron. He surely knows as well as anyone that it's absurd to ask four different girls dads for their blessing in the space of a few days, but I thought it was understood that the production insist on having these scenes in (just like they insist on everyone using the official Bachelor-approved three-tier affection level rating system of "falling in love with...", "love" and "in love"). If I was Nick I would've just looked off-camera at the producer's and gone "guys, can we cut, this guy clearly doesn't get it? He thinks I'm literally asking for permission to marry his daughter..."

The poor guy really had to put in a shift on this one. His strong point as a screen presence is playing the deadpan, bemused straight-guy to a very big, eccentric personality: which is why he works well, and is funny, with Corinne but his scenes with almost everyone else are a snooze fest.

  • Love 11

I for one would never want to hang out with Corinne.  We have nothing in common.  I don't like to shop. Actually, I hate it. I don't drink very much. I could be superficially pleasant to her, but can't imagine how we would sustain a conversation past 15 minutes.  

My Godchildren grew up with a "nanny" so to speak. She adored them and could never say no to them. So, I have no resentment because of Raquel per se.   It's just that Corinne seems so babyish. By 24, the girls I know were living on their own and had jobs immediately when they got out of school.  They have interests, activities and lives where they take on responsibility.  Corinne says she runs a company, but I see no evidence that she does.  That's daddy's business.  I don't hate Corinne.  She just seems vapid. Of course she can be cute and endearing, but it's the same way a child is cute and endearing - not like an adult.

i just hope that in real life, she does t drink as much as she did on the show and isn't as self involved.

  • Love 5

just like they insist on everyone using the official Bachelor-approved three-tier affection level rating system of "falling in love with...", "love" and "in love").

Yes, and don't forget some vague "my heart is open to falling in love" as the stage that comes before those.  

I love the term "spider monkey hug".  I have never seen any adult woman do that in real life.   I'm waiting for the day a Bachelor falls over backwards from it.  Seriously, it's the way a 4 year old greets her daddy.  Otherwise, it just seems like a weird sexual invitation.  

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, hyacinth said:


I have had hair extensions in the past and I found myself not brushing my hair much when I had a full head of them, either. I could never sleep well the first couple nights I had them because my scalp was so tender, and brushing tended to make my scalp feel uncomfortable the entire time I had them.  Also, I didn't brush my hair if I wasn't in front of a mirror or I could inadvertently make my hair extensions more visible.  I mean, my fine hair barely covered all the new hair.    


I have a weave in my fine hair.  I love it and it's not that hard to keep my hair looking good.  Most people make the mistake of washing their extensions/weaves too often.  No more than once a week is enough if you use dry shampoo.  You do have to brush in front of a mirror to cover the tracks.  Corinne just has no clue.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I agree. But then I'm also not one to think people having nannies or even maids means they're disgusting, entitled, evil people, so I have a different perspective on the whole Raquel thing than many here.

I don't think anyone is saying that by virtue of having a nanny or maid means all that. No one has even implied that Corrine's family specifically is "disgusting" or "evil"; the "entitled" part, sure. I would say that this particular family--not everyone by proxy with a nanny or maid--certainly comes off as pretentious. Just the way the dad was showing off his scotch and saying Corrine would be the breadwinner came off like a pretentious jerk. Heck, even the way he was going on about his olives was a bit strange--and that's not even like a "fancy thing"! But, yeah, bragging about keeping your man in $3000 outfits and how as a grown adult you "need" nanny Raquel to bring you your daily cucumber slices. Come on! If THAT'S not the definition of pretention, then I don't know what is.

  • Love 8

So that's the issue with Corrine's hair?  extensions/  Weave?  (I have to admit I don't know the difference)   because the overall look is that her hair looks over-processed and bleached, AND uncombed. 

The shopping trip seemed like an opportunity for her to brag about her wealth and lifestyle, nothing more.  And she was willing to play the "villain"  to do it.  she wants to be famous, she certainly doesn't want to marry a guy Nick's age.  What she really wants is a reality show of her own.   Only she's not that interesting.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, zanderkane said:

Never been a big fan of Nick's but I felt sorry for him this week with a lot of the situations production put him in. When Raven's folks were breaking the good cancer news you could see his internal monologue going something like:

Surely they're not gonna break bad cancer news like this are they?....no, phew, okay, it's good cancer news...it's a wonderful moment! I should try to convey how happy I am for the guy...but I don't know him at all...I know, I'll clap! I'll applaud the remission...ooh, no-one's really joining in, guess it's not a clapping kind of family...I know, I'll hug Raven...oh, the dad's going in for one, I guess I'll just sort of supportively rub her shoulder...hey the cop brother is right here beside me I'll turn to him with my happy face and maybe shake his hand or someth...nope, doesn't look like he's down for that...well...this is nice isn't it.

Then with the "Do you know what food is?" and the "Corinne's prepared to support you" and Vanessa's mother, sister, and finally her dad with the coup de grace. I mean, Nick's many things but he's not a moron. He surely knows as well as anyone that it's absurd to ask four different girls dads for their blessing in the space of a few days, but I thought it was understood that the production insist on having these scenes in (just like they insist on everyone using the official Bachelor-approved three-tier affection level rating system of "falling in love with...", "love" and "in love"). If I was Nick I would've just looked off-camera at the producer's and gone "guys, can we cut, this guy clearly doesn't get it? He thinks I'm literally asking for permission to marry his daughter..."

The poor guy really had to put in a shift on this one. His strong point as a screen presence is playing the deadpan, bemused straight-guy to a very big, eccentric personality: which is why he works well, and is funny, with Corinne but his scenes with almost everyone else are a snooze fest.

Loving your post! I thought Nick's response, "I'm not from Mars" or something to that effect was so funny. One thing I like about him is that he doesn't seem to be so intimidated that he doesn't use humor or sarcasm. If someone can explain why Rachel's mother even asked the question, please do so. 

The olive eating scene was awkward. In my opinion, that wasn't the face of a man who just had the best olive he's ever tasted. I actually thought he was going to spit it out at first. And they were all staring at him while he ate it! What were they expecting him to do? It's just an olive, everyone! Calm the hell down.

  • Love 6

I think the HT dates are all scripted and stereotyped for whatever region the b-ette is from. I've been to Hoxie, Arkansas, many times, and on to WAY further south in that state, where I've spent a lot of time. Hoxie is in the NE corner of the state where farming rice is the main industry. Yes, rice, in flooded fields. Sticking frogs with a "fork" is called gigging frogs, and it's not regional. I have a frog gig, and I've been to ponds in the far north after frogs have been gigged and legs removed for someone's dinner. It's not a redneck thing. As for Raven liking to shoot guns, didn't Emily have a skeet-shooting date in Utah? I regularly shoot and trap varmints, and I'm not a redneck, plus I live WAY north of "redneck" country. So, I defend Raven. I also call foul on Rachel's family serving okra like no one north of the Mason Dixon line has ever heard of it. Please. I grow okra in my (far north) garden, and it's delicious fried in corn meal. I'm guessing they drew the line at serving Nick fried chicken and watermelon, thank god. And Corrine has been portrayed as Little Miss Richie Rich so of course her date was shopping. That left Vanessa with basically nothing except eating donuts at Tim Horton's, so she got the Family Disapproval edit. There's one of those every season. Yawn.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I'm on Wings' side with this.  It's not just that I tend to dislike people who beat  people, in Raven's case, she was so extremely proud of it, right down to telling us about  seeing the other woman's private parts.  Sticking live frogs with forks?  Also not endearing. Raven just always seems fake to me, like she's playing to a stereotype in her head of the feisty redneck woman who loves her beer, guns and mud.

I don't even think she did it. You can't "beat" someone with a stiletto. At worst you'd be "stabbing" with something that can't cut, which translates to violent poking. You can only beat someone with a flat shoe, and it has to be large enough that there's plenty of sole left after you've put your hand around it. "Beating your cheating ex with a stiletto" just sounds good.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Bugs Meany said:

I don't even think she did it. You can't "beat" someone with a stiletto. At worst you'd be "stabbing" with something that can't cut, which translates to violent poking. You can only beat someone with a flat shoe, and it has to be large enough that there's plenty of sole left after you've put your hand around it. "Beating your cheating ex with a stiletto" just sounds good.

Maybe she used the heel as a handle. 

  • Love 4

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