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S21.E08: Week 8: Hometown Dates


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11 minutes ago, PhysNerd said:

 She would have to find a man who is significantly more wealthy than her in order to be fine with her excessive shopping. There is no way Nick could make enough money to support Corinne's lifestyle and while Corinne may be perfectly fine being the breadwinner now, I think she would find unattractive with time.  

These are exactly my thoughts as I posted earlier. She may think she's in love right now but I don't think once the Bachelor effect wore off it would take long for her to tire of that. Especially since her dad is basically taking care of her now and if that were to go away with her marriage she would definitely tire of it sooner rather than later. It would take a very wealthy (and patient) man to keep her happy.

  • Love 4

Guess I am not your typical gal.   Spending the day shopping like that would bore me to death.  Just made me think she really does nothing but kill time by spending money.  That's a typical day?  Not running the business SHE manages?

Didn't like her dad either and was surprised he was willing to give his blessing.  Would he really want to see his beloved spoiled immature daughter marrying this star-wannabe kind of guy who really has no ambition? Doubtful.

Just not buying any of these relationships as lasting.  Vanessa's students love her more than shallow Nick ever could.

  • Love 8

I thought the scenes with Vanessa and her class were really sweet. Obviously they had permission to film them from guardians (no blurred faces) so I don't see how they were exploited. It's a part of her life and I liked seeing the interaction. It was very realistic that her family was asking practical questions about where they would live etc and they hadn't gotten to those yet. 

And I honestly think Vanessa has known she was the leader since early on. Several of their interactions involved code words for "it's you but we have to film this show." I think that's why she was suddenly concerned about the other women. I think some other conversations have been happening that would lead her to believe she has this in the bag. 


I thought the bog date with Raven was pretty cool. The whole day with her was good. They really do mesh well. And a nice normal family it seems. 


Rachel taking him to church I thought was excellent. I didn't think it was necessary for EVERY family member to ask if he has dated a black woman but some of those conversations about life in an interracial relationship were needed.


Corinne. I don't get it. She doesn't brush her hair. Lives at home with daddy and her Nanny - who I think we can all agree now is basically a maid or Alice from the Brady Bunch. Her idea of a great day in a fabulous city like Miami is shopping. I really don't understand why Nick hasn't run for the hills. 

  • Love 9

At the dinner table Rachael's mother asks Nick if he knows what everything is. WTF?  Loved Nick's response, I am not from Mars.  The meal was brisket, mac and cheese, beans and okra.  Can you imagine if Rachael had been at Nick's parents house sitting at dinner and asked if she recognized the food on her plate?   That was not cool. 

We learned that Nick knew that Rachael was a picky eater yet we saw no conversation between them about this! I have been wanting production to show normal getting to know you conversation since season one.  GAH!  

I loved Corinne's dad!  He brought up the obvious, of course!  I was shocked that Raquel did not have better command of the English language.  Dinner did not include cheese pasta but what a lovely spread! I would take that over brisket and okra with a bunch of people giving me the side eye, no contest.  

So Rachael has never watched this show.  Good god. 

  • Love 13

Vanessa is so pretty, but I can't stand the sound of her voice. Her voice makes me shudder, not in a good way.

It may have been all staged, but I love that Nick was pretty-womaned by Corinne. Corinne's dad is adorable and Corinne's family seems like happy people. When her dad asked her what he plans on doing, her response "He used to sell software...UM.." said everything. It's never going to work with Nick. But not gonna lie, *I* fell a little bit in love with Corinne during her hometown date. LOL.

Edited by waving feather
  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, wings707 said:

At the dinner table Rachael's mother asks Nick if he knows what everything is. WTF?  Loved Nick's response, I am not from Mars.  The meal was brisket, mac and cheese, beans and okra.  Can you imagine if Rachael had been at Nick's parents house sitting at dinner and asked if she recognized the food on her plate?   That was not cool. 

We learned that Nick knew that Rachael was a picky eater yet we saw no conversation between them about this! I have been wanting production to show normal getting to know you conversation since season one.  GAH!  

I loved Corinne's dad!  He brought up the obvious, of course!  I was shocked that Raquel did not have better command of the English language.  Dinner did not include cheese pasta but what a lovely spread! I would take that over brisket and okra with a bunch of people giving me the side eye, no contest.  

So Rachael has never watched this show.  Good god. 

I always kind of chuckle at this. 

My response is, "Wait, you've obligated your life to something that there are literally hundreds of hours of film on and you decide the smart play is to watch NONE of it!!!!  Moron."

Probably not the response they're looking for.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

However, she is 29 years old and should've learned how to cope with breakups ages ago seeing as how this isn't her first relationship.  It is a major red flag when someone is pushing 30 and their family is that concerned about having to pick up the pieces after a breakup.  It makes you wonder exactly how much does Vanessa fall apart after a relationship ends? Perhaps I'm being cruel, but I expect some emotional resiliency at her age.

Funny enough this actually reminded me a lot of Nick's HTD on Andi's season. His sister Maria was very protective and almost hostile in telling Andi not to hurt him and his mom got emotional, as did Maria and there were a lot of references to his past breakup. So much so that Andi used that as a red flag to wonder if Nick had downplayed the past relationship and the breakup. She actually confronted him about it on their F3 date and he said that yeah it sucked and hurt and he was embarrassed to tell people he barely wanted to get out of bed for six months after. I remember all this very well because I also remember it was one of the many things people who didn't like him latched onto to say he was a creepy, obsessive stalker. 


Also, I can't believe that Vanessa only just now realized that Nick may have feelings for other women.  Sorry Vanessa.  While being a special needs teacher is admirable, it doesn't make you a special snowflake (nothing does in fact). 

I don't think her being a special needs teacher is what has made Vanessa so confident. I firmly believe there is a lot between those two that just wasn't shown. Yes, it's still naive of her to have completely ignored the possibility of his building just as serious relationships with the other women but I have a feeling there is a legitimate reason she felt as confident as she was. 


I have absolutely no idea what this sentence means.

I assume the poster is basically saying that in many parts of the country racism is still very much alive and well just like it was back in the days of segregation. And I'd say the poster is right. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 7

I think Corinne's dad seems like a pretty fun guy. I saw a strong physical resemblance between him and his daughter and had to chuckle when I imagined what Corinne might look like in 30 years: shaped like her dad, but with straggly blonde extensions framing her Shrek-like face.  I thought Vanessa's dad was kind of badass-- quietly menacing and protective. I would not want to get on his bad side. Vanessa's little brother is going to grow up to be an attractive, soulful-looking man (and I feel dirty for even thinking in this way). Rachel's mother was understatedly elegant and lovely-- best prospective mother-in-law in the bunch. I didn't pay much attention to Raven's visit to Dogpatch.

  • Love 1

Nick you tramp!  You should never let your date buy you really expensive gifts, they'll start to think you owe them, "fiancé things" in return and you might start to feel obligated.    Well at least, for the first time this season, I thought you looked really and truly happy during the shopping trip.  Not frightened like you looked on the mud bike, or uncomfortable like you did with all those parents asking embarrassing questions about your "job."  I think you should choose Corinne.  She and her father will be able to keep you in the manner to which you  would like to become accustomed, and Raquel can go with you to your new beach front condo. 

Vanessa: I don't think your students, special needs or not, really want to see pictures of their teacher in her tiny bikini wrapped around a man, kissing him.  Because boundaries, or something.

Vanessa's sister and father:  The time to go all, "Anyone who  hurts Vanessa gets killed! We can't stand to see her get  hurt!" was before she went on a show that's all about 29 out of 30 women being rejected.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 24

I like raven the best out of the 4.. she has a very down to earth personality and I actually thought her date looked like the most fun . The other dates looked like they dragged ( seriously , bringing nick to a black church was only designed to bring up race for the 464th time , nothing else . ) that's why I don't want her to be the bachelorette . Every season has its story line .. with Ben he was unlovable , with nick he got dumped 10 times on the show , but in every day life there's so much talk about race that I need a break from it when I'm watching what should be a fun idiotic show . 

Corinne is gonna be gone now that Raquel was finally shown . There is no way in hell nick would have taken her further than night 2 if not for being producer driven . I really don't get how she thinks she has a chance . 

The whole time they were shopping I kept thinking about the show trying to show off Corinne having a lot of money , yet them clearly getting the clothes for free for promoting it . 

I'm with others who can't stand Vanessa . I know she's gonna win , but it'll only be by default . She's a pretty girl but her personality is very annoying . She just has no warmth to her and is very self centered . 


Oh how convienent that nick loves New York oh so much because andi happens to live there and can drop by .. as if it wasn't obvious that it was her walking to his room 

  • Love 5

I didn't see Nick's other seasons, so I don't know the extent of his various heartbreaks, but the fact that he continually name-drops Kaitlyn and Andi tells me that he's not over either of them.  Either that or he really has no persona other than the Bachelor Who Got Dumped, and he can't figure out how to play "himself" anymore.

I really don't see true, life-long chemistry between any of these women and Nick.  Raven and Rachel are both too good for him.  Vanessa seems too emotional for this type of set-up, and Corinne is looking for arm candy, IMO.

Can someone tell me why so many of the dramatic mother/daughter or father/daughter home-town conversations take place in a bedroom, sitting on a bed?  I find that very distracting.  They always seemed to be staged so awkwardly that I tend to not pay attention to the actual conversations.  I'm too busy wondering which of the families redecorated and repainted their rooms prior to the visit.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I didn't see Nick's other seasons, so I don't know the extent of his various heartbreaks, but the fact that he continually name-drops Kaitlyn and Andi tells me that he's not over either of them.  Either that or he really has no persona other than the Bachelor Who Got Dumped, and he can't figure out how to play "himself" anymore.

I don't see that. Aside from the show being heavily edited, the fact is that yeah, his "storyline" in this franchise is being F2 twice and so naturally a big part of this season's storyline is his fear that he will make the same mistake he made both of these other times. That is, believe he's in love when he's really not. I don't see any pining from Nick for any of these women because the narrative from him is that he was wrong before and so can he really trust his feelings in the environment. And the Andi mentions were excessive last night in my opinion because as we saw, she made her big "surprise" appearance. 


 I know she's gonna win , but it'll only be by default . 

Unless you have a situation like Brooks and Des, where the woman most think Nick really wanted eliminates herself, how would her win be by default when he willingly lets others go and chooses her?

Edited by truthaboutluv
23 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Loved Nick's face when Corinne's dad said that he'd talked with his daughter and she'd be okay being the primary breadwinner if this bachelor thing didn't pay off.

And when he replied that he hopes to be the breadwinner as well, I was hoping the dad would follow-up and ask him what his plans are in the long term for that. Is he going back to sales? Is he going to get a media gig? 

Edited by waving feather
  • Love 3

I’m a guarded person but I feel in this support group I can make a confession:  I forgot to watch the show.  I looked at the clock/calendar this morning and realized it was Tuesday.  Which means last night was Monday.  Which means the show aired hours ago and I’ve only just watched a copy.  Everyone’s schedule and priorities are different but consciously or unconsciously this lack of tension, anticipation, excitement etc. is mirrored by lack of same from the Bachelorettes.  Nick is the Ashes* trophy – a tiny nondescript trinket people lose their minds over without being able to rationally explain why.

*a biennial series of cricket matches between England and Australia



By now these ladies show zero sign of excitement or giddiness.  They can’t even be fussed to smile when he enters the room.  Instead, they look like family members of a hospital patient waiting for the doctor to deliver bad news.  ‘I don’t know what’s going to happen’…’I’m freaking out’…etc etc.  Not even the over-the-top suspenseful music can create, y’know, suspense.

‘That was a tough one,’ sez Nick.  Poor fella.  The ladies’ body language nearly screams aloud.  Raven has her Southern half-smile pasted on, the one reserved for individuals who are being less than truthful.  Rachel and Vanessa rest heads on hands, curl up in near-fetal balls and stare at the couch.  Only Corinne musters up some eye contact albeit a blank look.  Cue the reverb-drenched tinkly piano.  Vanessa:  ‘Nick shocks us.’  He does?!  Four people, four roses.  You’re a teacher.  Do the math.

Aside:  Chris Harrison was interviewed on Radio Row at the Super Bowl earlier this month.  Granted, they were guy-stuff sports-oriented shows but it was still telling` that Harrison spoke mostly about the ‘secret’ male Bachelor audience and their (whispered) mastery of minutiae from the show.  At no time did Harrison reference any of the current season cast members including kooky Corinne.  Either he is downplaying the lack of sizzle this season due to poor casting decisions (in which he participated) or he is whistling past the graveyard.

Destination Hoxie, where stereotyping is not only permitted, it’s encouraged!  Apparently teevee people from the coasts believe that a) everyone in rural America owns an ATV and b) they are first choice for everyday transportation.  To be fair, when a silo must serve as Inspiration Point the choices are limited.  Brother Deputy Enos arrives with his body armor frayed and flapping in the wind.  And now…more ATV rides with Elvis’ entrance music playing….’I said C! CC Rider...’  Nothing says love like a bite from a copperhead in a swamp!  Understatement of the year to say these two are forcing it.  Raven is overwhelmed by Dad’s good health news and Novocain Nick is too numb to even manage a hug or a pat on the shoulder.  Basic human empathy is beyond his modest gifts.  Raven turns chicken (geddit?) over the L word and Nick’s ‘poker tell’ of lisping and looking at the ground when he’s uncomfortable returns.  Nick’s…excited.  He says.  Yay.  Hooray.

It’s surprising that Rachel can see Nick ‘beyond the surface stuff’ since the producers are bound and determined to focus exclusively on the surface stuff.  But Nick is already 100x times more responsive and alert with Rachel than with Raven.  The big Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner? moment is completely spoiled by…another white guy with his feet under the table!  And he’s married into the family already!  And they have a kid!  And the other white guy even has a lisp and an unattractive beard.  So much for culture shock.  Turns out Nick is old hat, much to the producers’ chagrin.  But that doesn’t mean all involved won’t beat the dead horse of race some more.  I feel actual sympathy for Nick – he wants to talk about Rachel’s personality and individuality despite the family’s repeated attempts to dwell on the superficial.  In the real world just outside, especially in large metro areas, mixed-race couples are mostly unremarkable, even commonplace.  Let’s move on.  Please.

Nick has another moment of clarity:  he acknowledges his relationship with Corinne is ‘based on our physical connection.’  Beyond casual hookups, Corinne’s specialty is superficiality.  Eva Gabor wasn’t this materialistic on Green Acres and she was playing a caricature.  When the centurion on Daddy’s Amex is crying blood every month, the least your sales gerbil can do is serve up some cheap champers.  After all, who doesn’t need a woolen peacoat in South Florida?  ‘Corinne doesn’t take herself too seriously.’  He may have a point.  If she can drop $8K on another load of rubbish she doesn't really need, how serious can she be?  And how seriously should Nick take a declaration of love from a spoiled princess?

Shouldn’t a fashion maven have a look in the mirror and admit that having an avoirdupois should preclude wearing jeans and a crop top that advertise it?  Meet The Parents..and The Help!  Aren’t you loving Mom and Dad’s honey-dipped Dixie accents?  Southern pecan delights, they are.  Nick passes the Olive Test.  Taylor beams just like any 14 year old girl would on her favorite subject of olives.  The Happy Music plays.  Hilariously, Corinne is at a loss to relate the details of Nick’s livelihood and the editors would probably delete any factually accurate reference to ‘reality TV glory hunter.’  Dad’s not having it – probably because he’s already obtained Nick’s Experian report.

Vanessa and her school are next.  I’m not familiar with the Canadian/Quebec system but aren’t some of these students far too old for school even if it’s special education?  And how many rhetorical questions will I ask here?  Nick’s on a cultural merry-go-round, meeting an Italian family in a Francophone province.  Vanessa’s sister gets to crying.  Nick’s a past master so he tears up instantly.  Vanessa has a Deep & Meaningful with her brother, Chachi.  Because peach-fuzzed adolescent lads are proper sages when it comes to long-term adult relationships.  The large gathering at Mom’s becomes a bucket brigade as they take turns pouring cold water on the relationship. 

Stepmother offers what masquerades as insight in AD 2017:  ‘It is what it is.’  Dad is not impressed.  He gives it the unvarnished Argumentative, Disdainful Frenchman routine and rightly so.  Nick is reduced to a stuttering mess.  Speaking of body language, Dad is leaning so far away from Nick that Dad nearly slips off the sofa.  A relationship just might not be at the proposal stage if one participant is forced to canvass for second-hand information about her potential spouse’s intentions.  But hey, they’ve got a reality show to tape here so direct communication is discouraged.

Nick thinks NYC is romantic.  Yes, the home of car horns, immobile crosstown traffic, JFK airport, decrepit bridges and tunnels, and $50/hr parking.  It’s not quite Paris, is it?

Fair dues to those who predicted an Andi appearance.  And she’s just as pleasant as ever which explains why I missed her season entirely. 

Next week’s preview:  a helicopter.  And snow.  Is it too much to hope they’ve marooned Nick on an ice floe?  No, we know from the season preview that Nick will be meeting with the finalists in Finland.  Hey, maybe NYC isn’t so bad especially after choking down a meal of lutefisk...

Edited by Rainsong
  • LOL 1
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, wings707 said:

At the dinner table Rachael's mother asks Nick if he knows what everything is. WTF?  Loved Nick's response, I am not from Mars.  The meal was brisket, mac and cheese, beans and okra.  Can you imagine if Rachael had been at Nick's parents house sitting at dinner and asked if she recognized the food on her plate?   That was not cool. 


I also loved Nick's "I'm not from Mars" comment!

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Nick you tramp!  You should never let your date buy you really expensive gifts, they'll start to think you owe them, "fiancé things" in return and you might start to feel obligated.    Well at least, for the first time this season, I thought you looked really and truly happy during the shopping trip.  Not frightened like you looked on the mud bike, or uncomfortable like you did with all those parents asking embarrassing questions about your "job."  I think you should choose Corinne.  She and her father will be able to keep you in the manner to which you  would like to become accustomed, and Raquel can go with you to your new beach front condo. 

Oooh, can we get a My Fair Lady spinoff staring Nick and Corrine's family? They could hire a diction instructor for Nick who puts marbles in his mouth. "It's ay now ow, Nick. Oh not ooh, Nick!" Even when he announced they were having the rose ceremony in NY this week, I was like, where??? I couldn't recognize the words that were coming out of his mouth and I live in NY.

I've never worked with special needs kids, but years ago I worked with domestic violence survivors and their children. I've also worked with college students. The way that Vanessa interacts with her students violates all kinds of principles I was taught about working with vulnerable populations. She is supposed to be modeling boundaries. Everything about how she was telling them that she loved them to the way she was dressed to how she was hugging/touching them said red flags to me. If she was an unattractive women or man demanding hugs and telling vulnerable students that she loved them, people would pronounce it creepy. Plus, everyone in her life kept gushing about how selfless and martyr like she is and Vanessa would shake her head and agree. I feel like she lacks a sense of reality. Does she not know tons of special needs teachers who do what she does and more?

That said, I kind of understand her breakdown about Nick asking aaalllll the families for their daughters hand. I don't think she JUST realized that he could love other women because she apparently had a similar breakdown during the volleyball game in the previous episode. I think she periodically looks for signs that make her feel confident that she is winning and when she realizes the other women are also receiving those signs her confidence gets knocked and she looks for reassurance again and again. This happens every season. I think she's highly emotional and her accent is pretentious but I will give her this: knowing that the man she hopes to be her fiancé is preparing to propose to others people sucks. Thems the breaks on the Bachelor tho.

Yay, Andi's back. I still think Nick and Andi are attracted to each other and would probably date all over again if ABC made it happen so I like to watch their interactions. They have that: I used to be in love with you and now I just argue with you because I don't know what to do with this sexual chemistry thing down cold and I think it's hot!!!

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, JudyObscure said:

I think maybe it's a southern thing to think their food is unique to the area.  I lived in Georgia for three years and they kept explaining things to me like, "At the office picnic we'll be having something you probably never tasted, called watermelon."  I'm from West Virginia so I get it from both sides.  In the south I'm a damn Yankee and when we visit my husband's family in Minnesota they keep making "Deliverance," jokes.

I notice this on cooking competitions.  "I am from Georgia" so I know pecans, like they don't exist in every store nation wide, including Circle K!  

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, lids said:

Yay, Andi's back. I still think Nick and Andi are attracted to each other and would probably date all over again if ABC made it happen so I like to watch their interactions. They have that: I used to be in love with you and now I just argue with you because I don't know what to do with this sexual chemistry thing down cold and I think it's hot!!!

I think the same thing but they don't need ABC to make it happen.  She was not kind to Nick in her book, I heard, but don't remember what she said.  Maybe after his relationship with Vanessa tanks and he gets a job.  Lol! 

I like Raven the best of the final four, but she and Nick have nothing in common at all.  Nick likes to think that he's a "sophisticate", so marrying into a proud Hoxie, AR family would destroy his carefully-crafted self-image (he loves NYC more than any other place, remember?).

Rachel is the next Bacheloette, so she's out.  Plus, I think his relationship with her is more of a "look at me, I'm in an inter-racial relationship.  Isn't that cool and interesting and cutting-edge!", rather than anything "real" or lasting.  I do think that Nick and Rachel get along well, though, but it just doesn't seem all that romantic.  In fact, I think Nick likes Rachel more than any of the other women on the show; as a romantic couple, I just don't think they work.

I liked Corinne during her hometown date more than I ever thought I would.  In fact, it was the first time she seemed like a real human being aand not a bad TV caricature.  That date REALLY made Nick look bad, though!  Coriine and Dad agreed that Nick could never support her, so she would have to be willing to support him and his post-"Bachelor" thing (whatever THAT means!).  He came across as a wimpy loser, a trophy husband, whose job is to just sit around and look pretty while Corinne and Daddy take care of him.  It was probably the most emasculating segment this show has ever produced.  Having that talk with Daddy about Corinne taking care of him looked tough for Nick to take, but in the end, he DID seem to accept it.  His entire relationship with Corinne hinges on how willing he'll be to become a "kept man".  I'm giving her a slight edge in winning this season now.

I never liked Vanessa, but warmed up to her in this episode.  I assumed her students were a bunch or rowdy middle school students, but seeing her work with those adult students really impressed me.  She has a "real" job (i.e.- not an "Aspiring Dolphin Trainer", "Twin", or "Chicken Enthusiast" --all real job titles on this show) and doing important work with people who need her help.  I liked her family, who seemed dismayed that she was in love with some TV dude and hadn't even discussed basic issues like "where will we live" and "what job do YOU have", much less presumably bigger issues like kids, religion, politics, etc.  (I always wonder if these issues are discussed exhaustively each season between the star and the contestants, but it's all left out for broadcast because it would be too personal and not exciting enough.  That would be interesting.)  In any case, these two apparently don't know anything about each other, so I understand the family's hesitation and welcoming Nick into the brood.  

Summary: I think Vanessa is in the final 2 for sure.  Raven is In if Nick is picking based on personality; Corinne is In if Nick wants a steady allowance from his rich wife.

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, lids said:

Oooh, can we get a My Fair Lady spinoff staring Nick and Corrine's family?

I would watch the hell outta this!

I loved Corrine's family. They seemed like nice, fun people. And I really wanna try those olives.

Vanessa's 'teacher voice' when she was talking to her students was cracking me up. I go back and forth on Vanessa. Sometimes I think she seems awesome and then sometimes she just comes off like an insufferably arrogant person. Her family's questions made sense, but they came off so dour and dramatic with all of it. And I still just don't see Vanessa/Nick lasting at all. Hell, I feel like he'd have a better chance lasting longer with Corinne!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 13
6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I would watch the hell outta this!

I loved Corrine's family. They seemed like nice, fun people. And I really wanna try those olives.

Vanessa's 'teacher voice' when she was talking to her students was cracking me up. I go back and forth on Vanessa. Sometimes I think she seems awesome and then sometimes she just comes off like an insufferably arrogant person. Her family's questions made sense, but they came off so dour and dramatic with all of it. And I still just don't see Vanessa/Nick lasting at all. Hell, I feel like he'd have a better chance lasting longer with Corinne!



I was just talking to a coworker and we both love Nick & Corinne as a couple and hate him with Vanessa as she is just too much of a pretentious twat for our taste.   

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, CindyBee said:

I was just talking to a coworker and we both love Nick & Corinne as a couple and hate him with Vanessa as she is just too much of a pretentious twat for our taste.   

I honestly kinda like Nick/Corinne, too. He just seems to have fun with her. It kinda reminds me of how he was with Alexis (Shark girl) and I adored their interactions. Personally I think Nick fits better with Raven, Rachel, and Corinne than he does with Vanessa.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, CindyBee said:


I was just talking to a coworker and we both love Nick & Corinne as a couple and hate him with Vanessa as she is just too much of a pretentious twat for our taste.   

I never thought I would end up here but I love Corinne's family AND Corinne. I would love to see her as the bachette! Seriously.  I want her to bring every 1 on 1 date to her home for dinner and olives served with cocktails.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7
Just now, uoflfan said:

I have spent this entire season trying to figure out what is going on with Corinne's hair.  Does she have a bad weave or bad extensions?  With all her money, it seems she could afford better unnatural hair.

She definitely has bad extensions. You can see them sometimes. I would think she could get better ones too with the money she has.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, uoflfan said:

I have spent this entire season trying to figure out what is going on with Corinne's hair.  Does she have a bad weave or bad extensions?  With all her money, it seems she could afford better unnatural hair.

I agree. She has extensions.  I think she is purposely going for the messy, ratty look but missing the point on that trend. Maybe when she sees how her hair looks on TV she will re think this choice. 

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

I wish they would end these shows with the rose ceremony LIKE THEY USED TO

Amen.  This new trend of making us wait an entire week for last week's outcome is really annoying.

Unpopular opinion: I like Corinne.  I would hang out with her.  I like that she actually eats in front of the cameras.  She makes me laugh.

  • Love 6

Raven's date was so painful for me to watch. Everything just made me focus on the discomfort. Nick's painted on jeans and Raven's micro cutoffs already looked excruciating before they were drenched with swamp water. I kept wondering how he was going to pry those jeans off when he got back to the hotel. It gives me a panic attack just thinking about it.

Vanessa needs to get over herself. Why didn't she just go on the Bachelor Canada if she isn't actively looking to move to the US? I don't think we should be having people who currently live in another country on the show. Yeah she said she would consider moving but she isn't actively looking to do so- so why is she on the show? I guess it gives Nick an easy out. If he picks her he has a built in excuse for why the relationship didn't work out.

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2 hours ago, mingming said:

Vanessa needs to get over herself. Why didn't she just go on the Bachelor Canada if she isn't actively looking to move to the US? I don't think we should be having people who currently live in another country on the show. Yeah she said she would consider moving but she isn't actively looking to do so- so why is she on the show? I guess it gives Nick an easy out. If he picks her he has a built in excuse for why the relationship didn't work out.

Good point. 

2 hours ago, bethster2000 said:


Unpopular opinion: I like Corinne.  I would hang out with her.  I like that she actually eats in front of the cameras.  She makes me laugh.

You are far from alone. Many of us fell in love with her and her father last night!    

Edited by wings707
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I think Raven is done.  He just didn't seem into her anymore.  The splashing around in the swamp was so gross!  Riding the 4 wheelers looked like fun though. The cop being her brother was funny.  He and Rachel have a lot of chemistry and he seems comfortable with her.  Corrines date was fun.  I liked her family especially her dad.  Corrine is, spoiled but she's sweet. I didn't like the segment with Vanessa's students.  Felt like they were being exploited.  And yes I realize the students are adults but was it really appropriate for them to be seeing all these pictures of their teacher kissing nick and kissing Nick while wearing a bikini? I can't picture Vanessa moving to be with Nick. She's very close with her family and seems to love her job. For some reason Vanessa's sister reminds me of Celine dion lol. 

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9 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Kaitlyn was Canadian.  What's the big deal?  There's a lot I don't like about Vanessa, but her being Canadian is not one of them.  Geez.  Kaitlyn and Shawn have really made it work so far so I don't think her being from Vancouver was this disastrous thing.

I didn't say I dislike her for being Canadian. I said I don't think she should be on the US Bachelor is she wasn't already planning to move here.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Kaitlyn was Canadian.  What's the big deal?  There's a lot I don't like about Vanessa, but her being Canadian is not one of them.  Geez.  Kaitlyn and Shawn have really made it work so far so I don't think her being from Vancouver was this disastrous thing.

No one dislikes Vanessa because she is Canadian.  It isn't easy to relocate to the US from Canada.  You can live here but must return to Canada X amount of time each year, I think it is 3 months. There are legal procedures to go through to do that.  I don't know what is involved in getting a work visa and if Vanessa could teach over here.   Kaitlin and Shaun have worked it out, yes.  It takes a strong love and big commitment.  The sentiment is that it is something working against them rather than for them.  

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