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S21.E06: Week 6: St. Thomas

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9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Jake Pavelka. Not on the show itself, but in his "break-up special" with Vienna. And to his dance partner on DWTS. But I agree, Flapjack was vile. 

I've seen clips of the "break up special" but didn't watch Jake's season so he didn't immediately come to mind. Which makes me realize that there's been quite a few worse than Nick.

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20 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

I've seen clips of the "break up special" but didn't watch Jake's season so he didn't immediately come to mind. Which makes me realize that there's been quite a few worse than Nick.

At least there was still a modicum of authenticity in the show then.  Yes Jake was a dopey-never-got-any- dweeby guy who was easily taken in by the aggressive not-nice girl..  but the show was actually still about finding the "one".  Not this circus act.    Nick acts like he could care less,  probably because it is such a farce now

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17 minutes ago, seasick said:

At least there was still a modicum of authenticity in the show then.  Yes Jake was a dopey-never-got-any- dweeby guy who was easily taken in by the aggressive not-nice girl..  but the show was actually still about finding the "one".  Not this circus act.    Nick acts like he could care less,  probably because it is such a farce now

To me, Jake was totally using the show for his own career aspirations. His crying on the balcony scene as an audition, his picking the girl most likely to go along with his fame whore aspirations, DWTS, are just a few examples. Of all the Bachelors, I dislike him the most. 

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5 hours ago, seasick said:

And the second 2 on 1 was also a predetermined elimination.  They actually thought we'd give a crap and be 'shocked' when he sent Danielle packing when they assumed we were so full of hearts and flowers over 'their connection' (wrong!)  Thus Nick's crying jag that follows in the "Script". ('If I could send her home--someone with whom I thought I had this great connection, will I EVER find love???   BO-hooo )

I usually don't pick up on things, but when Nick replied to Whitney's question as to whether Danielle is ready for a relationship with (paraphrasing) "This isn't about her, it's about us" I knew Danielle was being eliminated as well.  As for the crying jag, what you put in parentheses is exactly how I interpreted it.

5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

As for the bathing suits, I personally hated all of them except Rachel's. I hated Vanessa's bathing suit so much. Like it irrationally offends me how ugly I find it lol.

I personally didn't pay attention to Vanessa's, but *small voice* I liked Danielle M's suit, I thought the top was really cute.

6 hours ago, jumper sage said:

OMG!  I am turning 55 and just recently started feeling middle age.  I work out and eat healthy, no fast food EVER and eat clean.  I thought 40s were one of the best eras of life.  You have more money, you are more settled and can sit back and enjoy yourself on your terms.  At 42 you should be ripe and enjoying life.  I have never wanted to go backwards.  Teen years?  Hell no!  20s? All that angst and paying your dues, sure college was fun but most of us had to work and go to school so only fun one night a week.  30s?  Ok, better, raising your family getting finances prepped for a good life, the lack of sleep because of kids........  40s?  Awesome!  50s?  Not bad, need a little more work with health to keep healthy but doable.  I am going to 100, easily.

Awww, you're my heroine, @jumper sage!  You made me feel not so bad about my turn to 49 this July :)

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8 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

The Josh-man who wants to control and direct his woman,  and the Nick-man who wants a  woman to motivate him, correct him when he's wrong, and comfort his tears  are both looking for unhealthy "parent/child" relationships.  Ideally we find an adult/adult partnership where we love and encourage each other, but neither one has to lead the other.

I was thinking this very thing as I was posting earlier but couldn't express it as well as you @JudyObscure. As I was posting that I thought Nick's sensitivity and being aware of his feelings was a good thing, as opposed to a Josh type personality, I also realized that those types run the risk of being too indecisive and weak. My thoughts were it would be ideal to find a nice balance. Someone who could be strong, mature and dependable but at the same time not afraid to show his feelings and be sensitive to others feelings as well. Somewhat like the Lorrie Morgan song, "He Talks To Me".

Edited by yorklee2
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3 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

 I get the fact that without the bachelor pretending to be into everyone, there will be no show. But for god sake someone please amend the script for just one season.

I keep harping on season 1 since I recently saw it, and I have to say, maybe it was editing, but for whatever reason Alex dis a great job (IMO) of not seeming TOO into anybody.  It's sad, this actually used to be a good show, especially considering how weird and unnatural this whole process is.

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1 minute ago, yorklee2 said:

I was thinking this very thing as I was posting earlier but couldn't express it as well as you @JudyObscure. As I was posting that I thought Nick's sensitivity and being aware of his feelings was a good thing as opposed to a Josh type personality I also realized that those types run the risk of being too indecisive and weak. My thoughts were it would be ideal to find a nice balance. Someone who could be strong, mature and dependable but at the same time not afraid to show his feelings and be sensitive to others feelings as well. Somewhat like the Lorrie Morgan song, "He Talks To Me".

Can I jump on the bandwagon with you and @JudyObscure while waving at @ByTor?

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I forgot to mention...Josephine's exit did not surprise me, but I'm sad to see her go, I liked her for some reason.  I never minded her bug-eyed "who, me???" look she gave when she did get a rose, I assumed it was genuine, like "Why am I getting a rose, I know I'm a non-issue here and that you're not into me"  I don't think she was especially into him either, unless I zoned out (which is very possible!) I didn't see her do an exit interview...I'm guessing the producers couldn't make her cry, so why bother?

Edited by ByTor
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51 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I personally didn't pay attention to Vanessa's, but *small voice* I liked Danielle M's suit, I thought the top was really cute.

I loved Danielle M's top too, but I thought it looked really bad on her. It made her look completely flat chested in a bad way.

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There is a more than I just quoted here.  This might get very interesting.  Nuts, but better than what we have seen so far.  And it could be pure hype and not much happens.  I have reached the point where I don't care what happens so I am up for something other than Corinne.  And I like Nick.  



Everything is about to change on The Bachelor, according to host Chris Harrison. 

If you've felt like star Nick Viall hasn't had to make any truly tough decisions yet on this season of The Bachelor, you're not alone in thinking that. Chris Harrison agrees, but he also says that we're about to see things get much tougher for the (former) software salesman. 

"The next two weeks are massive," Harrison told E! News over the phone. "They are massive as far as emotion and the entire show changes and shifts in these two weeks. Nick has a very tough time coming up." 

Apparently, it's all thanks to a thrown wrench in the form of a date. 

"There's an extra date that we throw in, that we thought was a good thing," Harrison explains. "I think in the end it might be, but it definitely kind of rocks his boat a little bit. You'll see—there's a huge shift. He's kind of been cruising up to this point. He will be cruising no longer after this." 



Edited by wings707
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I personally like Nick. I think he seems so real and sensitive. And smart.  He's playful with Alexis, he's a good listener to Rachel and Kristina, he's introspective.  He's almost slightly different with each woman so it seems like he puts a lot of thought into each interaction.  The women aren't interchangeable to him.  I loved him showing emotion this episode.  I L O V E D the fact that he probably thinks Danielle L. is as idiotic as I do.  He doesn't want to lead any woman on or waste more of her time than he has to.  He's honest, he's straightforward, he's direct -- these are signs of major respect.  To all of the women, equally.  As soon as Jasmine freaked him out, she was gone. Simple.  No games.  He had always been so pleasant to Jasmine up to that point.  He didn't pay her major attention, but he treated Whitney the same way.  He's never forced a connection when there wasn't one, and he's not fake.   It sounds like a cliche but he's "In touch with his emotions".  He wears his emotions right on his face - "no poker face" somebody said.  For me, that's a plus.  If you're upset, act upset. If you're sad, act sad.  Don't make the person guess or be passive aggressive.  This is exactly my type of person.

He makes out too much for my taste but whatever that's his personal decision and that's kind of the point of the show.  He likes Corinne, but, he's a guy.  

Contrast this with Ben who was a total boring idiot.  Just my 2 cents

Vanessa is just not my type of person.  She's done nothing offensive but she seems to take herself so seriously and I just think she's kind of annoying.  Rachel gets more attractive to me with every episode.  She's so fresh-faced.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

She's done nothing offensive but she seems to take herself so seriously and I just think she's kind of annoying.

You just made me realize why, though she was an early favorite, I'm just not feeling Vanessa as the show progresses. She hasn't really shown much of a lighter, playful side. I actually fell for Alexis, after first thinking she was absurd, because she seemed to be having a great time, not taking it all too seriously, and just being a goofball.

I'd say, at this point, Rachel and Christina are my favorites. I think Rachel is just a lovely person, smart, attractive, she seems to have a fun personality but also has a serious side. Christina is stunning to look at and seems like a really strong person.

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Plastic surgery turns me off big time, so yeah, one wouldn't think I would like Alexis (boobs) but her personality was just so fun and I'm the same as you; she won me over.  And her emotion was so real when she was cut.  She's young, real, vulnerable.  But she should find someone easily.

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3 hours ago, seasick said:

At least there was still a modicum of authenticity in the show then.  Yes Jake was a dopey-never-got-any- dweeby guy who was easily taken in by the aggressive not-nice girl..  but the show was actually still about finding the "one".  Not this circus act.    Nick acts like he could care less,  probably because it is such a farce now

The show was never authentic, it was created by the guy who created who wants to marry a multi-millionaire which got cancelled after one season b/c of public outrage, than came ABC and the Bachelor was born.

The contestant were more innocence back than b/c it was the beginning of the reality tv era but for the producers, this was never about finding the one. If I'm being honest, I don't think this was about finding the one for the earlier leads/contestants either. 

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3 hours ago, slowpoked said:

I think at some point during any season, the audience feels like the lead is "failing".

This. As I'm reading the mostly bad opinions of Nick I keep thinking of this. I thought last year Ben H. could not have been a more good safe choice as the bachelor but as the season went on in some viewers opinions he turned into this selfish manipulative jerk. I didn't see him as quite that bad. And as with Nick, if there is even a small part of authenticity to this show, I would think that it would be somewhat natural to have indecision and conflicting feelings. This show is set up to emphasize and expose everyone's flaws for the sake of drama. What bothers me is the leads and contestants that are arrogant and don't seem to care what others think. Ben F., Jake, Juan Pablo, Courtney, Vienna...etc. I've always wondered why any lead would put themselves through that. Fame and money are mighty alluring but for the ones who might have any sincerity at all I concluded that they must feel in the end that regardless of how they are portrayed they know their intentions, how they feel and confidence in how their choice feels are what's the most important.

I think Nick's biggest downfall is his apparent aversion to commitment and not being a take charge kind of guy. I think deep down he wants to commit but may need help to bridge that gap. But I have never seen the swarmy player who's totally in it for the fame that others have seen.

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5 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Vanessa's 29 (though I have seen online that she might have had a birthday during filming so she may be 30 now) and Rachel is 31. Vanessa's a special education teacher and Rachel is a litigation lawyer.

And they're both approaching middle age!

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I see a guy who is trying so very hard to do the right things and not hurt anyone's feelings that he is inevitably doing all the wrong things. I think the downfall of having done this show before is that he is too aware of the "show". That awareness is taking away some of his authenticity. I think the real Nick is seen in the lighter moments, almost any post credit scene with DolphinShark, his date with Rachel when they were dancing down the street, moments like those, when he seems least aware of the cameras. When he has one on one times with the girls he isn't really into he seems more aware of the cameras. His last meal with Danielle Nail Salon is a perfect example. He seemed like he would have liked to just cut her off and get it over with but knew that production wanted her to do her whole love speech and being a good little reality star he did what they expected of him at great discomfort to himself.

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3 hours ago, Stinamaia said:

To me, Jake was totally using the show for his own career aspirations. His crying on the balcony scene as an audition, his picking the girl most likely to go along with his fame whore aspirations, DWTS, are just a few examples. Of all the Bachelors, I dislike him the most. 

And the true Jake came out on DWTS when he was such a jerk and even made his partner cry once.  He's the worst.

I don't think Nick would be like that.  He's from a family of 8 kids.  He developed, while growing up, his own method of getting attention in the crowd and it must have worked because he's still doing it.

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5 hours ago, LBS said:

All I really took from this episode is that Nick should be banned forever from buying, wearing, or even thinking of summer tropical clothes.   

Nick is definitely buying his summer clothes from the early 90s store. I laugh every time I see him him a swimsuit because of those color combos and patterns.

It confuses me because Nick isn't unfortunate to look at (tall, dark, and bearded is my thing) and he tends to dress pretty well otherwise, but those tropical clothes ... ah.

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Plastic surgery turns me off big time, so yeah, one wouldn't think I would like Alexis (boobs) but her personality was just so fun and I'm the same as you; she won me over.  And her emotion was so real when she was cut.  She's young, real, vulnerable.  But she should find someone easily.

I actually felt like she was trying not to laugh. 

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

And the true Jake came out on DWTS when he was such a jerk and even made his partner cry once.  He's the worst.

I always laugh remembering his fake blubbering of how he and Chelsie would be friends for life when they were eliminated and Chelsie standing silently by with a, "the hell we will" expression. And of course a few years later in an interview she confirmed that he was her worse celebrity and she hated that season.

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I can't put my finger on why Vanessa has not captivated me. I think she is pretty and I think she is smart.  From the start, my description of her was "haughty."  I am also going to be honest. I have been a Special Educator for a few years.  I hate how when people say that someone is in Special Education everyone assumes they are kind or doing the Lord's work.  I have no idea what type of teacher she is and I hope she is one of the good ones, but I can assure you that many of the people I have worked with are not.  I have never seen so much corner cutting, falsifying of information and just general disinterest in the kids.  Most of them will flat out tell you they like SPED because there is less attention on test scores, administrators don't supervise you as much, and they have more "flexibility."  Of course I am speaking on my experiences. I am confident there are really good SPED teachers out there that do a wonderful job, I have just only met a few.   Being one doesn't automatically mean you are a more caring or dedicated teacher than regular General Education teachers, that's all I am saying. 

 I don't like SPED teachers that call attention to their students or their efforts to help them.  I was responsible for helping kids get jobs and community experiences.  One of my teachers would take his students around to businesses asking for free items.  He had a whole racket, flowers, free pizza, day old bread, bagels, etc.  Just a variety of different things he would get for himself.  He would take them out two days a week and just get a haul.   When I changed their job site from the pizza parlor he confronted me about not getting his "free pizzas."  He really got mad when I made sure the next work site was not a restaurant or anywhere else he could get something for himself.  Some of my other people were supposed to be taking the kids to Target for work experience.  I found out they had asked the store for gift cards "for the kids,"  for Christmas that the kids never got.  I can't tell you how many times I had to report kids left unsupervised, not having their pull up changed, etc.   I felt some kind of way when I read about a book from Vanessa's  students and that they were included in her montage.  I honestly hope her love for her students is real, but it just doesn't belong on a reality show. 

I wanted to teach in Canada when I lived in Michigan.  Vanessa will have to re-certify to teach in the U.S and the school system is so different.  Who am I kidding?  If she is with Nick she has no intention of continuing to work.  She will live off of the social media attention, free wedding, and television appearances like the rest of them do. 

I am going to have to find the choking scenes.  Apparently they were hilarious.  Jasmine always got on my nerves, but then again, most of the women do for one reason or another, but not as much as Nick. 

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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I loved Danielle M's top too, but I thought it looked really bad on her. It made her look completely flat chested in a bad way.

As many have commented on the bathing suits the women were wearing I had to watch it back to see what was so bad about many of them. The only one I especially noticed while watching the show live was Danielle's because of the fact it so ill suited her. I agree it was a nice top but would have looked better on a more full chested girl. Not taking anything away from Danielle but when picking clothing you go with what accentuates your assets and deflects from your weaker areas. As for the others I agree Vanessa's looked good. Raven's top was cute but her bottoms didn't match. Rachel's was nice. For most of the rest it was eh or nothing that stood out but Corrine's was surprisingly plain for someone "wealthy" and I noticed in several shots that she is starting to get some fat rolls going. Better hold back on the full course meals Corrine.

4 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I think the real Nick is seen in the lighter moments, almost any post credit scene with DolphinShark,

I noticed on watching back that when Alexis was eliminated as she was walking up to Nick he had a smile on his face and said, "you know your awesome". I didn't see that with any of the others and I think is confirmation that they did develop a bond.

4 hours ago, gator12 said:

The show was never authentic, it was created by the guy who created who wants to marry a multi-millionaire which got cancelled after one season b/c of public outrage, than came ABC and the Bachelor was born.

I remember that show! It was called Joe Millionaire. I liked it and didn't realize it caused public outrage. Probably because it was based on dishonesty but it was a interesting concept. The guys name was Evan Marriott and the premise was to deceive the women into thinking he was a heir or owner (can't remember which) of the Marriott hotel chain. The experiment was to see if his final choice would still want him when she found out he was just a heavy equipment operator. None of the women were told until the end. I remember rooting for his final choice and the runner up (who was obviously a conniving gold digger) was enraged when after he didn't pick her she immediately exploded and showed her true colors...lol. He was very handsome in my opinion and him and his choice (who cared for geriatric patients, was struggling financially and still wanted to be with him after finding out the truth) were surprised at the end with money awarded to both of them.

Edited by yorklee2
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15 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

I remember that show! It was called Joe Millionaire. I liked it and didn't realize it caused public outrage. Probably because it was based on dishonesty but it was a interesting concept. The guys name was Evan Marriott and the premise was to deceive the women into thinking he was a heir or owner (can't remember which) of the Marriott hotel chain. The experiment was to see if his final choice would still want him when she found out he was just a heavy equipment operator. None of the women were told until the end. I remember rooting for his final choice and the runner up (who was obviously a conniving gold digger) was enraged when after he didn't pick her she immediately exploded and showed her true colors...lol. He was very handsome in my opinion and him and his choice (who cared for geriatric patients, was struggling financially and still wanted to be with him after finding out the truth) were surprised at the end with money awarded to both of them.



No, wrong show. Joe Millionaire was a fun show. This is the show:


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I think some of his 'breakdown' was that he let go of not just so many women but some people that he enjoyed and took his mind of being the Bachelor. That includes Alexis. He was obviously his buddy and they had a great time/laughs together. Not having that 'padding' from the potential 'serious' relationships hit him hard. As did, I think, having to let go the "gone flat" relationship he had with women he had high hopes for in the early-going. There's just nowhere to hide anymore as there are so few 'easy outs' left now. So yeah he seems to be flailing but I don't know about 'failing' actually. This week just sucked for him and he threw himself a little pity party. I was half serious when I said we need Corrine's vagine to save us, maybe a little roll in the sheets (or elsewhere) will kind of snap him back into shape and loosen him up a bit as well. Have some fun after a joyless week. Heavy is the head of he who wears the Bachelor crown... he needs to lighten up.

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5 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

Why pick a shlub like Nick?

Yeah, why pick a schlub like Nick whom we have seen FAIL over and over and over.   Does Chris Harrison have a management contract with him and wants to be sure Nick earns a lot?  Has he ever been without reality pay since he first came on the scene?

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5 hours ago, McManda said:

Nick is definitely buying his summer clothes from the early 90s store. I laugh every time I see him him a swimsuit because of those color combos and patterns.

It confuses me because Nick isn't unfortunate to look at (tall, dark, and bearded is my thing) and he tends to dress pretty well otherwise, but those tropical clothes ... ah.

No, he's definitely buying his "summer clothes" from Chubbies, which is a trendy/popular swimwear brand for guys in their 20s and 30s.  I thought he looked great.  He definitely has the body to pull off those shorts. 

Also... I just read a post referring to him as a "seedy middle-aged bachelor" or some shit, and that's ridiculous.  He's 36, not 50, and he doesn't look or come across as seedy to me.  The women whom he's shown genuine interest in are age-appropriate for him.  At this point I feel like some people here are nitpicking him just to nitpick.  

Lastly, I dont know if Nick has an actual speech impediment (I doubt it), but I have no trouble understanding him.  This whole "mumbling" thing is being blown out of proportion, IMO.

Edited by mack6986
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6 hours ago, mack6986 said:

No, he's definitely buying his "summer clothes" from Chubbies, which is a trendy/popular swimwear brand for guys in their 20s and 30s.  I thought he looked great.  He definitely has the body to pull off those shorts. 

I'm glad someone said this, I liked the suit (trunks?  does that make me sound old haha?) a lot...it gave me a Lilly Pulitzer vibe.  Nothing wrong with swimwear being vibrant, or even loud, as far as I'm concerned...but different strokes.

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6 hours ago, mack6986 said:

, he's definitely buying his "summer clothes" from Chubbies, which is a trendy/popular swimwear brand for guys in their 20s and 30s.

There is a men's swimwear line called, "Chubbies?"  Hee!  Do you suppose the brand intended to offset fear of shrinkage?  Just when I thought I'd heard everything, you  middle aged people tell me something that makes me spray my computer with old-people coffee.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I liked the suit (trunks?  does that make me sound old haha?) a lot...it gave me a Lilly Pulitzer vibe. 

That's a really good description of them, especially with the vibrant, almost busy pattern. Definitely Lily Pulitzer. 

It is interesting reading all the various opinions online. On social media, I've seen so many comments about Nick being the worse Bachelor ever because he got rid of Danielle L. There were comments on his own Instagram about how stupid and a loser he was for eliminating her. Of course in all these comments, all I read is how beautiful and hot she is. So Nick is a loser and an idiot, oh and let's not forget shallow, because he eliminated a woman who the only quality they seem capable of coming up for her is that she's hot. Oh the irony. And of course I'm of the opinion that his letting her go made perfect sense since other than being beautiful and nice there was virtually nothing deeper between them. 

I also have the seemingly unpopular opinion, at least on this board, of still liking Vanessa. Honestly, I feel like I've barely seen Vanessa and more importantly Vanessa and Nick's relationship since their one on one so it's fascinating to see the negative shifts on her character. It's why I can't help feeling like she's being criticized and judged less for what's actually being shown on the episodes and more for online gossip that's around. Because I can't see how Vanessa is acting like she's already won and is basically being coddled by Nick and whatever else when we're not even seeing them. Vanessa was on the haunted house group date and the most we saw was her and Danielle M. "communicating" to a ghost while staring into a mirror. 

As I said, I think the biggest failure of the season has been the editing. The producers sacrificed Nick's relationships and connections with some of the women (and yes I do think he has had them - particularly with Vanessa and Rachel) in favor of The Corinne Show. Nick is practically a supporting player in his own season. I mean when they are taking time from a 1 on 1 to focus on a contestant's antics, you know it's ridiculous. So viewers are left feeling like they don't really know the remaining women very well and don't really see or feel any genuine connection with Nick and any of them because it's not being shown.

I also think this is happening because unsurprisingly, considering his history, it's obvious the edit and storyboard for the season is the idea that Nick ends up alone again. So they're going to throw enough doubt to make that seem likely. Hell Caila and Olivia were on some show talking about the latest episode and they both said they don't see Nick proposing to anyone because they don't believe he's built any strong connection with any of the women. And why wouldn't they think that when the show is certainly not showing it. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I've always hated Nick's mumbling, which is just one of his many, MANY off-putting characteristics. However, I've never had trouble understanding what he was saying until he got this "bashler" gig and now have do a whole lotta of narrating, which he is ill-equipped to do. Well, at least we left that rooftop in "Atlanta." Heh.

I'm actually surprised that viewers haven't complained more often about Mr. Mumbles.

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Nick mumbles to cover up the lisp. Mumbling is not a speech impediment, but the lisp is one. I know he can't help it but I find it hard to listen to. Nick should be a guy I'm attracted to since he has all my usual requirements ( minus the lisp), but I find him boring, passive and too metro-sexual.

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Just when I thought I'd heard everything, you  middle aged people tell me something that makes me spray my computer with old-people coffee.

Ha! The middle-age commentary has been more interesting than what was shown on the episode.

Maybe I didn't look close enough, but I was okay with all of the beachwear, including the women. I have a thing for male thighs and calves, and Nick has a nice pair of both. 

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11 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Maybe I didn't look close enough, but I was okay with all of the beachwear, including the women.

The only swimsuit that stuck out to me was, I think it was Raven, that looked like brightly colored Depends. I think it was the color, I am remembering solid turquoise but I'm "middle aged" so my memory isn't what it used to be. It mostly stood out because it was completely different than all the tiny little, I hope you got a wax, bikini's the rest of them had on. I less noticed the bikini's and more the bodies in a really envious way. I wish I could drink that much and still look hot in a tiny bikini. I also find it funny that Corinne, now the youngest, has the flabbiest midsection. Not fat, at all, none of them are, but the rest have very tight little bodies and hers is more thin but giggly. She's going to regret not working out more and eating the way she does when "middle age" smacks her upside the head.

Edited by Mabinogia
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36 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

The only swimsuit that stuck out to me was, I think it was Raven, that looked like brightly colored Depends.

This is what I thought, too! I liked the idea of her bathing suit but, like Danielle M's, it just didn't fit her well at all. The top was really cute though,

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Ok I went back and rewatched the episode:

The volleyball game?  He needs to learn to read a room.  None of the girls could play and it was super awkward.  Volleyball is not for everyone.  I played every sport I could and hated volleyball.  Bump, set and spike hurts!  He should have read the room, realized the game was a dud and quickly moved on to a beach party or anything else.  Where's Corinne was a pretty bad move too.

Jasmine - Holy shit!  Did she actually approach him with erotic asphyxiation?  I do not blame him on sending her home.

My shallow opinion - I liked Whitney's romper.

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4 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Jasmine - Holy shit!  Did she actually approach him with erotic asphyxiation?  I do not blame him on sending her home.

The best part was him trying to decide if she was just being playful, or if this was the day he was going to die! lol

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17 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I see a guy who is trying so very hard to do the right things and not hurt anyone's feelings that he is inevitably doing all the wrong things. I think the downfall of having done this show before is that he is too aware of the "show". That awareness is taking away some of his authenticity. I think the real Nick is seen in the lighter moments, almost any post credit scene with DolphinShark, his date with Rachel when they were dancing down the street, moments like those, when he seems least aware of the cameras. When he has one on one times with the girls he isn't really into he seems more aware of the cameras. His last meal with Danielle Nail Salon is a perfect example. He seemed like he would have liked to just cut her off and get it over with but knew that production wanted her to do her whole love speech and being a good little reality star he did what they expected of him at great discomfort to himself.

I think you nailed it right there. Whatever Nick's motives really are for doing the show, it's really hard to be that authentic (for anyone, really), if you're too aware of what's going on around. You gave a good example of his date with DLo - he's aware he needs to prolong it more to create drama and make DLo say the magic words of falling in love, when maybe deep inside he just wanted to get the hell out of there. I mean, sure, he's learning to do the acting thing in Hollywood, but he's not that good, and you could totally tell when he wears his heart on his sleeve and just really wants to be with someone, cameras present or not, like with Vanessa or Rachel. 

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22 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

I've seen clips of the "break up special" but didn't watch Jake's season so he didn't immediately come to mind. Which makes me realize that there's been quite a few worse than Nick.

OH boy Aaron and Helene's break up special was the worst..lol. I felt so bad for her, so glad that happened before the age of social media...

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Maybe this is just me, but it doesn't matter how much I like the Bachelor/ette before the season begins, I don't like them much at the end.  I think it's because the show forces them to be false in many ways.  Also over the weeks their vocal and physical tics become ever more annoying.  

The interesting thing to me is that I was pretty neutral on Nick, and I'm still pretty neutral on him.  I don't think he mumbles terribly.  Maybe that's from straining for years to understand the mumbling Andy Murray.  But maybe it's because I only glance at the screen intermittently and fast forward a lot.   I did rewind to catch the 'chokey" scene in full.  I appreciated Nick's "please don't try to touch me again" face. I hope Jasmine was really drunk or really egged on by producers.  Maybe an audition for BIP?

As for Vanessa, I don't feel I have any insight into her.  Rachel seems most simpatico to me.  Raven seems a bit dull although the door breaking stiletto stabbing incident seems to indicate drama queen temper.  I think I would be ok with her except for that.  What would we think of a man who did something like that?  

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20 minutes ago, Stinamaia said:

Maybe this is just me, but it doesn't matter how much I like the Bachelor/ette before the season begins, I don't like them much at the end.  I think it's because the show forces them to be false in many ways.

Yup, this exactly. No matter how "beloved" the lead was before becoming the Bachelor/Bachelorette, guaranteed by the end of the season, there are some who will sour on them. Some have certainly come out of it less disliked than others but no one comes out of it unscathed and let's face it, with how polarizing Nick was before even being chosen as a lead, it was a given that some would only hate him even more than they already did by the end. 


I don't think he mumbles terribly.  Maybe that's from straining for years to understand the mumbling Andy Murray. 

Andy mumbles? I've honestly never noticed. That's probably because I'm often too busy being irritated by his defeatist attitude and demeanor. 


I did rewind to catch the 'chokey" scene in full.  I appreciated Nick's "please don't try to touch me again" face. 

As much as he tries to do the neutral thing that all leads have to do, these are the times where so many have observed that Nick is not the greatest actor. Seriously, that was a pissed off Nick by the end of that scene. Like I got uncomfortable (well more uncomfortable because I was uncomfortable just from Jasmine's loud drunk rambling) because I felt he was this close to telling her to not touch him. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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49 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

Seriously, that was a pissed off Nick by the end of that scene.

That was a future* felon putting her hands on him.   The producers seem too desperate for "good TV."   (Again, this is the only episode I've watched this season)

*Immediate future, I'd venture.

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1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

Yup, this exactly. No matter how "beloved" the lead was before becoming the Bachelor/Bachelorette, guaranteed by the end of the season, there are some who will sour on them. Some have certainly come out of it less disliked than others but no one comes out of it unscathed and let's face it, with how polarizing Nick was before even being chosen as a lead, it was a given that some would only hate him even more than they already did by the end. 

Andy mumbles? I've honestly never noticed. That's probably because I'm often too busy being irritated by his defeatist attitude and demeanor. 

As much as he tries to do the neutral thing that all leads have to do, these are the times where so many have observed that Nick is not the greatest actor. Seriously, that was a pissed off Nick by the end of that scene. Like I got uncomfortable (well more uncomfortable because I was uncomfortable just from Jasmine's loud drunk rambling) because I felt he was this close to telling her to not touch him. 


1 hour ago, Stinamaia said:

Maybe this is just me, but it doesn't matter how much I like the Bachelor/ette before the season begins, I don't like them much at the end.  I think it's because the show forces them to be false in many ways.  Also over the weeks their vocal and physical tics become ever more annoying.  

The interesting thing to me is that I was pretty neutral on Nick, and I'm still pretty neutral on him.  I don't think he mumbles terribly.  Maybe that's from straining for years to understand the mumbling Andy Murray.  But maybe it's because I only glance at the screen intermittently and fast forward a lot.   I did rewind to catch the 'chokey" scene in full.  I appreciated Nick's "please don't try to touch me again" face. I hope Jasmine was really drunk or really egged on by producers.  Maybe an audition for BIP?

As for Vanessa, I don't feel I have any insight into her.  Rachel seems most simpatico to me.  Raven seems a bit dull although the door breaking stiletto stabbing incident seems to indicate drama queen temper.  I think I would be ok with her except for that.  What would we think of a man who did something like that?  

Who is Andy Murray? The only one I've heard of is a tennis player. 

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