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S04.E20: The Reckoning


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Ragnar's interest in the world outside of his is part of what attracted me to this show. His general interest in how the Christian faith operated, in an effort to learn that everyone would be in church on Sunday so that would be a great time to pillage, for instance, kept me drawn in to see what he was going to do next.

Realizing that I'm supposed to care about the son's, I tried to pay more attention to them. But Bjorn, who I liked well enough, was hateful to his wife, slept with his mother's lover to prove he could (according to that interview; I certainly didn't take it from the show), and diminished my like of him greatly.

Ivar has never been interesting to me. I know that historically he was a tyrant, and the actor certainly portrays it well, but I find him meh on the show. He wants to destroy everything in his path and that is predictable and I'm not finding it that enjoyable to watch. Floki proclaiming how smart he was to figure out they would go after the boats didn't do it for me either. If anything, I would have thought that would be Bjorn's determination, based on past episodes. Instead, the show is telling me Ivar is as smart and clever as Ragnar, but I'm not seeing it.

Vikings and I may have reached an impasse. I'll certainly turn in for a few episodes next season, but the finale is complete, and I haven't enjoyed it like I have past episodes. Ragnar was never meant to be the focal point, I know, but he was a bigger part of it for me than I realized. Him becoming a drug addict so he would become a loser irritated me until I realized it was setting up his death, on his terms, so I accepted it. If I knew that one of Ragnar's other sons was going to kill Ivar, I might stay interested, but as it is, I've lost interest in a show that was appointment viewing and I watched and rewatched episodes several times in the past.

  • Love 9

As much as Ivar is psycho and I should be disgusted with him for killing his brother, the truth is, I just don't give a flying flip about Sigurd (or Hvitserk for that matter, but at least Hvitserk's actor has some kind of potential), so his death was just a big ol meh for me.

Helga though. :( My poor Helga. She's been the only female character that I've consistently loved. Floki's grief was just so heartbreaking.

Heh, I love that Ecbert got in one last screw job on the Vikings. And I'm thrilled that Aethelwulf got away unharmed. Now if only we could get rid of Judith...

It occurs to me that I didn't miss the action in Kattegat one bit (except for maybe finding out the fate of Torvi, but I'm thinking that she really is dead). Funny, I used to love Lagertha, and now, I like the show better without her.

Edited by Silverglitter
  • Love 11

I am not shocked that Ivar did that to Sigurd - this is the same guy who killed an innocent little boy as a boy himself. Poor Sigurd though, he was a bit of a non-entity with bad hair, but still he didn't deserve this.

Poor Helga,  sadly I expected this outcome.  Bye Floki.

Ecbert left us the same way he came in - in the bath. 

Hello, Johnny, bent as usual I see.

Personally I am rooting for Aethelwulf, Alfred, Aethelred and the Saxons from now on.

Edited by magdalene
  • Love 11

Siguard, you just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you?  Not that Ivar is any bargain but he just proved that you shouldn't throw stones at cripples.

Really good episode.  The opening battle was spectacular and this was a great episode for Obi-Wan Ecbert.  Seriously, he was just like Ecbert.  Liked him and the Bishop just hanging out and drinking.  Good for Aethelwulf to finally get the crown but I feel bad for his first son, who is barely an afterthought.  "Take care of your brother for he is special too."  After heaping all that praise onto Alfred.

Poor Helga but that's what she gets for delving into crazy white lady territory.  I felt bad for Floki and Skarsgard did a great job.  I could barely recognize him with his face cleaned up.

I'm very interested in seeing the direction for the characters from here.

  • Love 5

I expected King Ecgbert's death, I'm surprised they let him chose his manner of death and that death scene was tastefully done. I'm assuming because he gave his son the kingship, the deal with the Vikings was not valid? 

Helga! I'm sorry she's gone, she was one of my favorites. I was surprised they killed off Sigurd, and I'm pretty sure he's dead, I watched very carefully for blinking eyes and I didn't see that. Ivar is a psycho! I'm surprised Ubbe didn't avenge him, but I guess if it's a brother who murders your brother you can't do that. 

so who is Jonathan Rhys-Meyers suppose to be and what was on the sword at the end? I can't wait until next season starts! 

  • Love 2

This episode felt strange.  It would have been better as a series finale, rather than a season finale.

What sane person would follow Ivar?  He just proved he can't keep a clear head and can't think beyond the moment. 
I definitely would have left with Bjorn to see new places.

Floki should have tried harder to remove the girl from his wife, Helga looked deranged dragging that girl through a raid.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, peridot said:

This episode felt strange.  It would have been better as a series finale, rather than a season finale.

What sane person would follow Ivar?  He just proved he can't keep a clear head and can't think beyond the moment. 
I definitely would have left with Bjorn to see new places.

Floki should have tried harder to remove the girl from his wife, Helga looked deranged dragging that girl through a raid.

Right? You'd have to be crazy after seeing that.  

And Helga did looks nuts,  wth was hell thinking?  Still, I'll miss her character.  Poor Floki.  

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, magdalene said:

And according to history this guy and men like him really existed. They were the precursors of the Knights Templar.  He is a full service bishop.

Reminds me of the Monty Python skit "The Bishop", and now I'd like to see JRM in that! I was so annoyed with Ecbert going through the whole passing on the Kingship thing, since who knew the Vikings would care about who held the rights to the land, ect.? Turns out I was wrong. And he got a nice bath in at the end, denying Ivar the blood eagling.

   The Sons squabbling at the table reminded me of my family. "Who axed YOU?"

 Looking forward to more JRM next season, and the immortal Lagertha.

  • Love 10

What I always liked about Ragnar was that he seemed smart and forward-thinking. His sons didn't inherit those traits. I liked Bjorn for awhile, but I think he's just a big lunk now. I think Ivar is crazy, but interesting. I feel like the other three brothers don't have much personality. To stake the show on this next generation, they really needed us to be invested in the characters. I'm not really. They are all too vanilla for me. 

Wasn't shocked about Ivar killing Sigurd. They've had issues for years. But where does the show go now? I don't care about the other brothers. Bjorn and the bad hair brother can go off to the Mediterranean. The two brothers whose names I don't know can share their wife on a farm in England. Ivar -- Is he crazy brilliant or just crazy? The show needs to do more to develop these guys.

I am so sad about Helga. What will Floki do without her? I don't want to see more of Astrid. Certainly not Bjorn and Astrid. The new bishop. Well, that was an entrance. Was that the new king's sword and suit on the chair?  I was confused.

I am looking forward to the bad hair brothers finding out their plan to take Kattegat didn't work. 

  • Love 5

I liked Sigurd much better than Ivar since they were children. Sigurd is the one who actually showed sadness over Siggy's death while Ivar mocked it and snickered with their drunk mother. (Sigurd also sassed his mother, which I enjoyed.) So needless to say I was not happy with his death (though not attached enough to the guy to really be upset about it; man, I don't care about Ragnar and Aslaug's sons at all.) 

Listening to Ivar whine at every opportunity about how he is Ragnar's son and Ragnar thought the most of him is beyond tiresome and I think I'll just dvr next season and fast forward his scenes. Is he supposed to be charismatic or clever? He's neither and the actor relies on the same few ticks and line deliveries. At least Travis Fimmel was creative and added interesting texture to his performance. This guy is pretty one-note.

I wasn't sad to see Ecbert go. Linus Roache did nothing for me and I didn't find his character deep or particularly care about his relationship with Ragnar, Judith, or his son.

If Jonathan Rhys-Meyers character is supposed to be an adult Magnus and they're writing him as being Ragnar's kid...it kind of works? I mean, keep in mind his mom was Kwenthrith, but yeah that actually works. Tho JRM has a history of doing the same three ticks thing the actor who plays Ivar does, so if he gets lazy this is going to get boring fast.

I used to love Helga but watching her mewl and paw over her slave daughter put me off in a big way. She kind of deserved to get stabbed? Like I felt worse for the little girl.

The only part of this episode I actually like was the nifty trick the Vikings did during the fight where they quickly slammed their shields together to form a ramp as one of their warriors ran up it and tackled Aethelwulf off his horse. Everything else was blah.

  • Love 8

I had to laugh at the wily and crazy as a fox Ecbert screwing over the Vikings even to his end - the agreement he made with them is worth nothing since he was no longer king when he made it.

Not so funny was the Vikings destroying all those precious scrolls.

Hey, I saw an ad tonight on the History Channel, coming this Fall a series about the Knights Templar - synergy with coming story on Vikings.

Edited by magdalene
  • Love 11

You know what?   I'm pretty much unhappy with this series now!  In one episode, they have managed to kill off almost all my favorite characters.  Helga, and Ecbert, and to some degree, Sigurd.  He was probably my favorite son, because he was introspective. I just don't like the others--it might be a good parting spot for me as well.

Helga, losing her just broke my heart. From the very first show she was in, I've loved her.  She was the healer, the one who burnt, and wiped and cauterized and fixed booboos--She was always nurturing, and I will miss her for her greatly.   Floki's tribute was so primal and wonderful--he has not always been the best guy, but I'm glad I didn't have to watch him die tonight. 

Ecbert--you magnificent bastard, I'm gonna miss you.  Sneaky--but clean in the end.  Having renounced his kingdom, I don't believe his deed of sale to East Anglia will hold up in court. 

The bishop--I've hated since the first time I saw him--he was the one who crucified Athelstan, had Judith's ear removed, he was never a good guy except maybe tonight.  Tonight for a second I felt bad for him. Then I didn't care anymore.

The thing about Ragnar--he was the first couple seasons such a neat, complex character. Travis Fimmel is awesome, and because of that no one will ever be Ragnar for me personally. HE brought Vikings to the masses.  I parted company with his whole drug addiction thing with Yidu, but in the end, I'm team Ragnar.  He wasn't cruel for cruelty's sake--if you think about it.  He usually had a purpose, and while as king he felt he needed to behave in such ways--but his new generation--they just are mean! I do recognize Ivar as being supremely evil sociopath. Now he's just pissing me off.

Now I don't know who to root for--except this--Aethelwulf gained a friend tonight.  I never would have guessed it would be me. 


  • Love 8
1 hour ago, slf said:

I liked Sigurd much better than Ivar since they were children. Sigurd is the one who actually showed sadness over Siggy's death while Ivar mocked it and snickered with their drunk mother. (Sigurd also sassed his mother, which I enjoyed.) So needless to say I was not happy with his death (though not attached enough to the guy to really be upset about it; man, I don't care about Ragnar and Aslaug's sons at all.) 


If Jonathan Rhys-Meyers character is supposed to be an adult Magnus and they're writing him as being Ragnar's kid...it kind of works? I mean, keep in mind his mom was Kwenthrith, but yeah that actually works. Tho JRM has a history of doing the same three ticks thing the actor who plays Ivar does, so if he gets lazy this is going to get boring fast.


OMG--That totally works for me! Him being Magnus, and son of "Kwazie Kween Quenthrithithith"...   :)  makes it all right.  Actually, I really like the idea... 

Sigurd--I liked when he wasn't sulking.  He was one of the more notable brothers (I thought?), but being sagas and legends are just stories and maybe not always right, I guess Hirst is allowed to play fast and loose.   But I'm still sad for him. I spent an evening reading genetics--based on the blueness of Ivars sclera, and Sigurd's snake eye--I can't remember which syndrome or congenital disease it may have been, but they may have both suffered a defect, which is interesting.  

The end of this season, is like the end of innocence.  

8 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Ever since Ragnar was killed off, this show had been boring me. Guess I don't really care about any of the characters anymore. 

I'm with you there Auntie. Really, there's no one left I like.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, whoknowswho said:

f Jonathan Rhys-Meyers character is supposed to be an adult Magnus and they're writing him as being Ragnar's kid...it kind of works? I mean, keep in mind his mom was Kwenthrith, but yeah that actually works. Tho JRM has a history of doing the same three ticks thing the actor who plays Ivar does, so if he gets lazy this is going to get boring fast.

Sorry, he isn't Magnus - he is a bishop named Heahmund.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, magdalene said:

Sorry, he isn't Magnus - he is a bishop named Heahmund.

Oh, crud I was really liking the idea--when I saw the sword I thought of Albert's pilgrimage and the sword he received, and got the two kids mixed up.  I couldn't guess Heahmund's age...I wasn't watching at that point...

Edited by whoknowswho

I enjoyed this finale because so much happened in this one episode.  I agree w/posters above:   Fimmel drew us in with his phenomenal characterization of Ragnar.  I knew his absence would change the dynamics of the show, and now I feel more drawn to the story of these people.  With the addition of JRM and others (I'm sure), I look forward to seeing how the showrunners tell it.

Edited by Valmarmar
word change
  • Love 7

I read two articles about what to expect in season five that are posted in the media thread, and I think this episode will be my series finale. I don't post in this thread often, because I'm usually so behind with this show, but it has been fun reading here. PTV and the forums make television watching better. I didn't expect Ragnar's death to be the end of this show for me, but I just don't care about his sons. Bjorn has been ruined, Ivar is a psychopath who wants to kill everyone, and the other brothers exist, I think, but I'm not sure I could tell them apart. One died this episode, so the others will have to start their hairband without the bass player.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

I am so sad about Helga. What will Floki do without her? ...

A spoiler about Floki from one of the two Hirst interviews linked in the media thread.


Floki decides to build a boat and sail off and see what the Gods have in store for him.  Hirst said Christian missionaries back in Floki's day used to do it leaving their fate to God and though a lot most likely died some ended up on remarkable voyages and lived to tell the tale.  So if Floki is putting his fate in the hands of his Gods then why not the same?  Especially since he is a better boat builder and sailor then those guys.  Since we know the only main "Floki" in history sagas sailed off (albeit with his family) and ended up in Iceland I wouldn't be surprised if our Floki does too (albeit without a family).

13 hours ago, slf said:

I liked Sigurd much better than Ivar since they were children. Sigurd is the one who actually showed sadness over Siggy's death while Ivar mocked it and snickered with their drunk mother. (Sigurd also sassed his mother, which I enjoyed.) So needless to say I was not happy with his


I agree.  Sigurd was my favorite Ragnar son and his death was kind of the worse for me since Helga and Ecbert they were telegraphing their deaths for close to a half dozen episodes now.  So Sigurd's death was a shocker because it departs from history totally.  Wished if they offed one son it would have been Hvitserk.  Not only is the name hard to remember but this son has the least distinct personality.  Sigurd totally stood out as an individual and thought for himself as well.  Really really liked him.

9 hours ago, Christina said:

I read two articles about what to expect in season five that are posted in the media thread, and I think this episode will be my series finale

I read them too and had the exact opposite reaction.  I am really REALLY stoked for Season 5 now.

Edited by green
  • Love 7

Haven't read the other replies yet, so apologies if this is a bit repetitive. 

That was ... a little underwhelming. I liked the stuff with Ecbert and a little with the brothers, but other than that it was just the big battle scene (ah, so that's where the budget went - pity I'm not hugely interested at the sight of muddy/bloody men hacking at each other) and the Saxons evacuating. 

But the Ecbert stuff was great. He was clearly inspired by Ragnar to die on his terms, and so he did: saying his farewell to Alfred and Judith (oh, and um... the other grandson. He's special too!), giving Anglia to the Vikings (in a treaty that will probably be useless considering he's no longer the king, as he no doubt knows) and avoiding the blood eagle but insisting on suicide in his beloved bathtub. How else would he go out? Loved the echos of voices of the important people in his life: Athelstan, Lagertha (I'm surprised she wasn't discussed more when Ragnar visited), Alfred, Judith and Ragnar. 

It's waaaay too late for this opinion, but I continue to regret that Ecbert/Judith became a sexual relationship. It would have been so much more interesting if it had just been a meeting of minds and hearts over their shared regard for Athelstan. 

Poor Helga. As good as Ecbert's death scene was, hers was pretty stupid: killed by her terrified daughter-surrogate, mostly so Hirst can find a reason to get Floki into a solitary boat.

The brothers continue to squabble in front of everyone, which isn't particularly good for morale - though the moment Sigurd started baiting Ivar it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. I like that once again Ubbe tried to play the peacemaker (surely the world's most easygoing Viking) and even Ivar looked a little shocked when Sigurd collapsed at his feet.

But the look on Harald Finehair's face when Ivar kills Sigurd is the most I've ever liked him. Seriously, if you missed it, go back and look. It's hilarious! 

Not sure what to make of Jonathan Rhys Meyers' introduction. Okay, I do: it felt completely random, I've no idea what his significance is, and the whole "comfort a bereaved widow by screwing her" was as cliched as it was silly. Of all the ways this character could have been presented, this was possibly the weakest possible option.

Still, I don't feel as though the show is slowing down anytime soon (though it's certainly over the halfway mark). Still a lot of stories to be mined from the remaining characters before the curtain falls for good.

Edited by Ravenya003
  • Love 2

Outstanding finale from first to last!  Loved it!

Episode musing.  About Floki.  This is the second time he has seen a clergyman of another faith die quite bravely and at peace with himself.  This had to blow Floki's mind yet again.  We'd be talking about that impact on him if it wasn't for Helga's death immediately following.  That scene was heartbreaking and so was the simple and beautiful burial he gave her.  Next season he and Rollo and Lagertha will be the only ones left from their generation.  I'll miss Helga sorely.  Loved her character who was one of the few truly good ones as in she never gutted anyone and was indeed always the healer.

Leave it to Ecbert to outfox the sons then get to die in his hot tub softly humming "I did it my way" to himself as he expires.  Okay maybe he hummed it silently but I heard it I swear, heh.  I'll really miss Ecbert greatly next season as well. 

Though Team Saxon will be getting the warrior, religious zealot and sinner aka Bishop Heahmund next season.  Bishop Heahmund was a real, historical person as was his group of warrior priests.  But his way with the ladies is just Hirst being Hirst. And that group weren't the actual inspiration for the Knights Templar like Hirst likes to say but they do seem like a nice rough draft of same.  And Hirst says with the departure of so many major characters he needed to introduce another really major character to the show so get used to Bishop Heahmund becoming a big player next season.

Another death of sorts was the death of Ecbert's amazing library.  That really hurt.  All of Ecbert's work to save the past and all the hours Athelstan spent making translations of same up in smoke.  That was really really sad.  It won't be until the first rays of the early Renaissance before England starts getting back these Greek and Roman classics.

I mentioned Sigurd above.  I hated him being killed.  RIP, Snake-Eye.  You were the only one of Aslaug's brood that fearlessly called the crap on Ivar regularly.  You had an interesting, think for yourself personality.  You even had the only decent hair of the lot.  And now we learned you could play the lute too?  Damn, I'll miss you a lot.

Bjorn was back to being sensible, kind of a nice guy Bjorn in this episode.  Maybe keep him away from women and he can behave himself better.  But Bjorn, I wouldn't hop over the table to go hug Halfdan when he said he was signing up for your next Club Med vacation.  Halfdan is going to be a major fly in Bjorn's ointment I think. 

And you notice how Harald is totally taken by surprise when Halfdan announces his choice too?  I mean you can read his thoughts.  "But you are the only one I love, bro.  Who is gonna be around to put an axe in my next lady friend when I mess that one up too?"

The battle scene was totally, completely, wonderfully amazing in a major blood-shedding sort of way.  And poor Aethelwulf.  At least he survives, becomes king, gets to wear the crown for like 2 seconds before it gets pulled off his head before fleeing to raise a new army.  Who thinks a certain crazed bishop and his men will be part of it?  Yeah, that is a given.

I can't wait for Season 5 to begin.  When does it start?  Anyone know.  It will also be 20 episodes like this season Hirst said.  He also said plans for Season 6 are already in progress.  Awesome!

Edited by green
  • Love 13

Damn, can't believe the offed Helga.  Between her and Torvi possibly dying last week, Michael Hirst seems to be in the mood this season to kill off all of the characters played his daughter!  Floki seems to be completely broken now.  Even has cleaned up his face now!  It took a bit getting use to Gustaf Skarsgard without all that make-up and eyeliner.

Ecbert's death though, wasn't too surprising.  Had a feeling once Ragnar went, he would be following him soon after, and even if he didn't have the Lothbrok Bros after him, he already seemed to be on his last legs.  So, at least he kind of went out on his own terms and even found a way to screw the Lothbrok Bros in the process, since I'm guessing his deed isn't binding, since advocated the thrown to Aethelwulf.  And he got to do it in the hot tub!  Fare thee well, Ecbert, you smug, magnificent bastard!  Linus Roache was such a blast throughout this entire show.  I'll miss him almost as much as I'll miss Travis Fimmel.

No surprise, after painting the ground with Aethelwulf's army and causing him and pretty much everyone else in Wessex to flee, the Lothbrok Bros are quickly at each others throats again, and have already splinters or worse.  Bjorn is just going to go back to the Mediterranean (it's not like its going to raid itself) and is even going to be joined by Halfan (Harold so didn't like that), Ivar wants to keep laying waste to England, Ubbe and Hvisteck seem to just want to farm like Ragnar always wanted and Sigurd.... well, Sigurd's dead, yo!  He and Ivar just completely torn into each other like always, but Sigurd did slammed Aslaug, so Ivar just straight-up throw an axe into his chest.  Cold.  Ivar's gone full-blown psycho now.  Can't wait to see what kind of craziness he brings now that he's pretty much unleashed!

Surprised they didn't make time to check in on Lagertha at least once in this episode.  I guess she'll be back next season.  And Rollo!  I almost forgot Rollo is still around too.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is finally here, and he is playing some kind of bishop, who is also a warrior.  And likes to bang widows.  I see that Hirst is planning on at least keeping one tradition from The Tudors by having JRM in random sex scenes!

I do think the post-Ragnar episodes were a bit directionless and off in some ways, but I still find a lot of it intriguing.  Still curious about Lagertha's fate, wherever Bjorn will get his shit together, and the beginning of Ivar's true reign of terror.  I'm still excited at least!

  • Love 6

Ecbert, you magnificent bastard!  (I'm laughing that at least 5 other posters said the same thing.)  Not only screwing over the Vikings but arranging to die on your own terms.  Oooooh, Bjorn is going to be soooo mad when he realizes he was hoodwinked!  LOL  (Not that a piece of paper will be worth a damn to the Vikings when the East Anglians object.)

I know we aren't going to be rid of Ivar anytime soon, but I wish someone would slip a knife into that little psycho shit.  I agree the show has really lost momentum since focusing on the Ragnarson boys.  Not a one of them can hold a candle to Ragnar as a character or Fimmel as an actor in terms of being compelling.  They are a bunch of raping, murderous brutes.  Ragnar's intellectual curiosity and vision for a better way of life gave him so much depth.  He is greatly missed.   Count me in as Team Saxon from now on.

Bishop Heahmund looks like he will be an interesting foil for Ivar next season.  The caption didn't say if his scene was a time jump, did it?

2 hours ago, Ravenya003 said:

Not sure what to make of Jonathan Rhys Meyers' introduction. Okay, I do: it felt completely random, I've no idea what his significance is, and the whole "comfort a bereaved widow by screwing her" was as cliched as it was silly. Of all the ways this character could have been presented, this was possibly the weakest possible option.

I agree completely.  Instead of "comforting the poor widow" I wish the final image would have been Heahmund removing his clerical robes and suiting up in full battle gear.  That would have been more interesting.  A warrior priest.

RIP Helga and little girl whose name I never learned.  I wonder if we'll see Floki again or will the gods send him off on his voyages?

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, whoknowswho said:

OMG--That totally works for me! Him being Magnus, and son of "Kwazie Kween Quenthrithithith"...   :)  makes it all right.  Actually, I really like the idea... 

If you  will go to the Vikings in the Media thread and click on the article recently posted, you will see an interview with Hirst the writer and find out who Meyers is playing and get an inkling about the fate of Torvi.

Edited by Babalooie
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Lamima said:

Poor Helga. No Floki, don't give up.

Silly way to go, King Ecbert.

Dang, crazypants Ivor. Really, did you have to kill your bro? That's lowdown, man.

And the reason I came on here... was that King Henry Tutor actor... what's his name... at the end??? YES!!!

Jon Rhys Meyers I believe.  I know!  Exciting!  THAT will keep me tuning in (for a while at least).

This was mostly a very good episode. The battle scenes were crazy, but then I started to really feel for Aethelwulf. It was his pride and stupidity that got them trapped like that, but it can't be easy to see your men falling one after one like that. I know he really wanted to prove to his father that he could save their kingdom. And once the battle is over....and the victors take over the city, it's just depressing. All that waste. It's really hard to watch. I'm just glad most of the inhabitants got away. For now. 

I'm kind of pissed about Helga. She'd really gone off the deep end, so she needed to die, but I'm just kind of pissed that that's the ending she got. Helga has been my favorite female character for a long time, and I think she deserved better than turned into a loon and killed by a child that she kidnapped. Those final scenes with Floki were really beautiful, though. 

As was Ecbert's death. Just really well done. Goodbye you ol bastard. You will be missed!

Bjorn is showing himself to really be the son of Ragnar. Ragnar told Ivar HE had the smarts and the wits to be a good leader, and for half a minute that seemed to play out, with his battle plans. But now I'm just not seeing it. Bjorn is being thoughtful and pragmatic moving forward. He's considering their future and what will best serve them if they're going to carve out a space in England. Ivar just wants to roam through the country killing and conquering them all. That wasn't Ragnar. He was curious. He wanted to see far off lands and learn their ways. And he wanted land for his people, good farming land to settle on. Bjorn seems to grasp that. Ivar is acting like a child psychopath. 

And poor Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, but I saw that coming. I feel like all the sniping between the two, Sigurd always calling him out on his weaknesses, and Ivar glowering at him - his death had been totally telegraphed. So I was not surprised at all. But it being so public, I wonder what consequences, if any, Ivar will see because of that. Will the other Vikings love his craziness and want to go raiding the countryside with him? Or will they think he's just a bit TOO crazy, and shun him? I know his history, but time will tell with show Ivar. 

Sorry, not a fan of the final scene. I just didn't think that was a good ender for a season finale. I felt it should have focused on the brothers. Most people knew JRM was coming, there's been such buzz about it. Tacking that random scene on to the end felt like a cheap ratings grab, to me. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Ravenya003 said:


But the look on Harald Finehair's face when Ivar kills Sigurd is the most I've ever liked him. Seriously, if you missed it, go back and look. It's hilarious! 


That look was everything. Finehair was like "Seriously? Can't we just have a nice dinner party where nobody takes an ax to the chest?"

Count me in with everyone who's disappointed Sigurd got the boot instead of Hivtserk. I think the former had much more potential to be an interesting character if the writers had taken the time to develop him properly.

I'm starting to lose interest in Ivar. He's shown glimpses of brilliance, but when it comes to long range planning he's very shortsighted. Bjorn wanted to keep Ecbert alive as a bargaining chip, Ivar wants to blood eagle him immediately. Kudos to Ecbert though, for getting in one last F.U. to the Vikings through that bogus land deal, and finagling a suicide in his beloved hot tub. 

I could care less about Helga's death or the Orphan Girl's. When the girl stabbed Helga and finally herself all I could think was "thank God, it's about time." I didn't miss Lagertha or Kattegat at all, which surprised me. I'm a huge JRM groupie, so his intro to the series at the end of the episode cancelled everything else out for me.

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4 hours ago, green said:

Wished if they offed one son it would have been Hvitserk.  Not only is the name hard to remember but this son has the least distinct personality.  Sigurd totally stood out as an individual and thought for himself as well.  Really really liked him.

I agree. Hvitserk just doesn't work for me. He seems like a child and looks like he could be in a boy band. 

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I haven't missed Ragnar. I expected to but I don't.

I may be alone in quite enjoying Ivar, but I would like to see him show cunning as he did in suggesting they change up their battle plan and spread out over a wide area. Since he was a cruel, ruthless leader in real history and apparently operated for quite some time, I think he needs to be shown as smarter than his brothers. So less with the knee jerk emotional reactions like killing his bro, and more with the long range planning. Maybe that's his ARC that they intend to show, from emotional reactor to calculated planner as he grows up.

Ditto loving Ecbert negotiating his way into dying on his own terms while giving the Vikings a worthless piece of paper. And anyway, what does a document matter to Vikings? It seems like in real life they would've just seized and claimed the land and continued to drive off anyone who tried to take it back. They were a verbal agreement type of people, not readers and writers, so a deed wouldn't mean anything to them.

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12 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

I look forward to the sons of Ragnar learning that the deed Egbert signed isn't worth the parchment it was written on since he was no longer king when he signed it.  Egbert -- a devious SOB to the very end.

The Vikings ended up staying though in reality.  There is the Danelaw created between them and Alfred.  

The most poignant, interesting thing about this episode was poor Floki's sorrow.  Yep, he made me cry.  I have enjoyed seeing flashes of insight in him and I hope the writers continue him on this path.  

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