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S07.E18: Heartache

Tara Ariano

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Can I post a sneak peak here? 



Once Adam said to get the camera out of his face I believe I would have reminded him of the contract and made him give his pay back   Ill be so happy when he isn't on anymore. 


  • Love 4

Oh, this is the one I've been anticipating since Chelsea got pregnant! "For my wedding I will look FATTTT-UHHHHH!"

Is it just me, or has she been acting a lot more secure this season? After several seasons of, "Cole, do you like me? Do you reeeeeally like me? Aubree, aren't you happy that Cole is breathing the same air as us? Are you really happy?" she seems to have chilled out a little. The way she and Cole have interacted this season reminds me of normal humans, though I still don't think they have chemistry. 

And lord, am I squealing in delight over Kail and Jenelle's proposed segments!!!

  • Love 10

Oh, man Isaac's little face and voice just make my heart break. Damn Kail and Javi for not putting the kids first and then fighting so bad in front of them that Jo's helping him processes it hours later. Kudos to Jo for not only explaining stuff to Isaac, but for not losing his cool and reaming those two idiots out. If someone made my kid that upset, I'm pretty sure there'd be hell to pay.

  • Love 21
5 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Do not watch the "Jo explains the hard truth to Isaac"'clip without Kleenex nearby.


Damn! Well ya warned me! I do think Jo will make the effort. I thought I saw a short clip of both the boys and dads at a pizza party.

  • Love 3

Jo is coming from a place where he knows about the pain of divorce. His parents divorced a few years ago. Jo knows how painful divorce can be for anyone at any age. I am sure that comes into play with what his son is going through. When I watch Jo speak to Isaac, I can hear Janet in his words. Janet had many words of wisdom in the early seasons. He is so calming and soothing in that conversation. Jo's demeanor makes me feel so relaxed. I need that when I am watching the news of the day about a particular person who leads our country. I need Jo's number stat!

6 hours ago, poopchute said:

While I think mostly Jo handled that well, I don't think he should be saying "Javi isn't going anywhere, you are still going to see him, I promise."  

Maybe the wording is not right, but he may be trying to convey in simple words how as long as Jo is alive, he will ensure Javi is not pushed out of Isaac's life the same way Javi and Kail tried to do that to him.

  • Love 23
On 1/27/2017 at 0:59 PM, ChocolateAddict said:


Isaac just broke my heart when he said "I wasn't ok" about when they were fighting.  That right there is why adults need to keep adult business out of the kids lives.  They had the perfect opportunity when Javi picked up the mail to talk about Isaac having his own room, what their relationship will be like (Javi wants friends, Kail wants strangers) and how they are going to work out custody.  But noooo Kail had an urgent Starbucks appointment and now Isaac is paying the price. 


This goes back to these people not being adults (regardless of how old they are, they never learned to actually function as 'adults' before they did as 'television star overestimating their own importance because of their army of toadies.' They're not adults, and have no idea how to BE adults (not ACT like an adult, which is apparently purchasing houses, leasing luxury cars, and abandoning your kids to go on varied vacations). 

Last week, my wife and I were at 6's and 7's over something that was not insignificant, but wasn't the end of the world, either. We knew we would have an argument about it, and she's a brooder while I'm more of an "attack issue until it's resolved" type. She wanted to wait to have a discussion until our two kids, eight and ten, were asleep, and I thought that sounded stupid. First, they've heard us have arguments before, medium and small. Second and more importantly, isn't it important for them to realize that mom and dad fighting, without name calling, and putting issues to rest, doesn't mean there's something WRONG with mom and dad. People argue. It's nothing to be afraid of, if it's done by rational and respectful adults. This is how kids learn what conflict resolution looks like. It's not fun, or ever easy, to stand up for what you think, especially to someone who you love that completely disagrees with you, but you have to do it. No one else will, and not doing it will only mean one of you resents the other. I'd rather argue for five hours than resent something silently forever. So we sat at the table while they sat in the living room, hashed it out both sides, and while we didn't necessarily arrive at a mutually satisfactory conclusion, we got through it, kissed and made up. As a child of divorce, I was totally blindsided by it, because my parents never, ever argued in front of us. 

Granted, I don't hit my wife, I don't vague-tweet my grievances, I don't curse at her, I would never think of calling her names and being disrespectful to her. The same can't be said for any of these jackasses. 

  • Love 14

Jo's parents divorced?  



Last week, my wife and I were at 6's and 7's over something that was not insignificant, but wasn't the end of the world, either. We knew we would have an argument about it, and she's a brooder while I'm more of an "attack issue until it's resolved" type. She wanted to wait to have a discussion until our two kids, eight and ten, were asleep, and I thought that sounded stupid. First, they've heard us have arguments before, medium and small. Second and more importantly, isn't it important for them to realize that mom and dad fighting, without name calling, and putting issues to rest, doesn't mean there's something WRONG with mom and dad. People argue. It's nothing to be afraid of, if it's done by rational and respectful adults. This is how kids learn what conflict resolution looks like.

Yep. Conflict resolution is important for kids watch play out. Kids need to learn how to handle conflict in their lives and parents are the best example of showing them. If I may add, sometimes when your partner tells you she wants to discuss it at another time away from the kids, it might be her way of telling you she is just not in the mood to deal with the issue at hand. She may need a breather.  My husband and I have done that from time to time. I notice sometimes we get through the issue at hand a lot quicker when we decide to return to the conflict at a later time.

Kail is just a major asshole. No matter who she deals with, it is her rules, her way. If she isn't allowed to do what she wants, she throws a hissy-fit like the child that she is. This so-called adult cannot bother to follow the rules of the road.



Also, whenever they cut from Jo's place to Kail's I find it quite striking with the difference in mood.  Even though Kail would rather die than live somewhere so small, Jo's house always seems to be cosy and happy with Vee and Vivi playing or everyone just coexisting comfortably.  Kail's house seems so sterile and bleak, the mood is always so negative because she's always bitching about Javi.  I'd take Jo's little place over Kail's big Pinterest explosion anyday.


Kail is showing off her new bedroom - courtesy of some magazine - the purple is gone and it is now black and white. How quaint. Black and white to match her orca outfit as well how she leaves black and blue bruises on her victims.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Yep. Conflict resolution is important for kids watch play out. Kids need to learn how to handle conflict in their lives and parents are the best example of showing them. If I may add, sometimes when your partner tells you she wants to discuss it at another time away from the kids, it might be her way of telling you she is just not in the mood to deal with the issue at hand. She may need a breather.  My husband and I have done that from time to time. I notice sometimes we get through the issue at hand a lot quicker when we decide to return to the conflict at a later time

Hah, yeah, I've gotten that criticism a time or two firsthand Kazu! 

I think we both us eour best judgement as to what sort of arguments to have in front of the kids. For example, fighting about the behavior of one grandparent or another and how it pissed one of us off? That's not a "front of the kids" discussion, because there's no reason to needlessly blemish the love a kid has for their grandma, no matter how crazy that grandma drives one of the parents :). But when it's an argument about something smallish, I hate waiting, because it only makes me needlessly mad at my wife. My brain thinks "I don't want to be mad at her, why does she seem to want to be mad at me" and then things sort of spin from there. thankfully, not too often. Sorry, scenes from the life of Uncle and Mrs. Uncle Juice now concludes. 

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Hah, yeah, I've gotten that criticism a time or two firsthand Kazu! 

I think we both us eour best judgement as to what sort of arguments to have in front of the kids. For example, fighting about the behavior of one grandparent or another and how it pissed one of us off? That's not a "front of the kids" discussion, because there's no reason to needlessly blemish the love a kid has for their grandma, no matter how crazy that grandma drives one of the parents :). But when it's an argument about something smallish, I hate waiting, because it only makes me needlessly mad at my wife. My brain thinks "I don't want to be mad at her, why does she seem to want to be mad at me" and then things sort of spin from there. thankfully, not too often. Sorry, scenes from the life of Uncle and Mrs. Uncle Juice now concludes. 

Ha ha.

Yep, sometimes the kids don't need to hear the grown folk chatter especially when it is about relatives and their flaws.

  • Love 5

@Uncle JUICE completely agree, especially with what is a in-front-of-kids argument/discussion and what isn't.  My problem with Javi and Kail is that they don't have discussions or arguments, they have flat out power struggle fighting.  Even something as stupid as the car seat was all about Kail proving that she holds all the power (in her own mind at least) and that Javi needs to work around what she wants.

IMO the issue is that neither of them are good at resolving issues so they aren't modeling particular good behaviour (as you and your wife are) so much as How To Be Argumentative 101. Especially since Kail very clearly doesn't want a resolution to anything, she seems to be of the attitude that it's my way or the highway. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Booger666 said:

I'm glad Jo told Isaac Javi wasn't going anywhere. Kail should be having that conversation but since she isn't I'm glad that Jo said that he would would help him see Javi. Isaac needs to feel like he isn't being abandoned. 

I think it is also important that Javi knows he has Jo to support him. It is one thing if Kail can't stand to be around Javi. It is another for Javi to feel welcome in Jo's home which seems to be the message Jo is sending. Kail may curtail Isaac from being with Javi, but Jo can use his visitation time to ensure Isaac, Lincoln, and Javi can also spend time together.

  • Love 17

Hahahaha ROFL about Jenelle's jealousy of Chelsea! She didn't even really try to deny it! I also love how she said, "we wanted to wait to find out the gender" first, before, "and be twelve weeks." It is sooooo obvious that the gender was truly the important part for her. 

I'm also laughing at the sheer look of panic that went across cole's face when Chelsea suggested postponing the wedding, quickly followed by a huge smile and, "yes, that is a FABULOUSSSSS idea!" Their scenes are always so awkward to me, like they're tiptoeing around each other. I would love to see Cole say, "well, can we talk about that? I was thinking maybe it would be a better idea if we ____."

my heart BROKE for Isaac. I can't even say anything else about bitchy Kail because she is so infuriating. 

  • Love 9

That trip into the woods really scared me. David wants them to live...there?

i have never cried during an episode of TM2, but I did twice in this episode...during the jo/Isaac conversation, and when Barbara and Jace were talking at the end. I feel so, so sorry for those two little boys. At least isaac's just going through temporary problems; poor Jace has to deal with Jenelle for the ref of his life!

  • Love 19
19 hours ago, Mkay said:

There is a person on twitter called Team Kail who started out nice and now is super aggressive.  I wish I could go there and point out all the things she claims is the truth, but I just can't with these crazy Kail fans.  It's insane what they think is ok. 

Don't bother. They will go in circles with you, repeat themselves to death, and just hate on Javi because he happens to be a guy and Kail cannot do any wrong. She gets passes for all her shit. Just like people in real life, ignore them. It will do you wonders.

19 hours ago, leighroda said:

i was going to say how could Barb not call Jenelle out for being pregnant when they were looking at the lake... until I realized that was probably the safest thing she could have done seeing as they were in the middle of nowhere.

That whole house in the woods near the lake idea just screams horror.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 13

How stupid is Jenelle? If you want to hide a pregnancy you don't wear skin tight clothing! And poor Jace, once again being asked to choose between Barb and Jenelle. What is wrong with these people? Grrr!

kail needs to get her priorities straight. She should think about getting the little boys settled with the changes because of the divorce before she starts a new life with husband number two. I think she's a selfish bitch. 

Kudos for Joe handling the situation with Isaac so well. My heart just breaks for that sweet little boy. 

Once again Adumb acts like the ass he is. I don't know why MTV wants him on the show, he brings nothing to it and doesn't cooperate with the producers or the camera people. Cut off the money and tell him to take a hike. 

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Janelle's jealously was awesome. Her having Watson the day after her must be even better. And Uncle Bad Touch living up to his name with butterflies in his britches about a child. Janelle sick of traffic. From her 9-5 job. Also Jace "Can run around without cars hitting him" as a river is flowing in the background. Obviously the better option. 


Leah definitely looks like she is still on drugs. You also can't just switch schools at the drop of a hat. 


Kail being a petty bitch. It aint just YOUR house. She is going to ruin sweet little Isaac. What she is doing to him is unforgivable. Can you really not refrain from having your side piece over a few days until he moves out? Javi just got back from deployment away from his wife and child, got served papers while deployed, isn't allowed in his own home, has to play with his child in a hotel room, and got yelled at when he didn't want his child hanging out with a strange man in his home. Putting Kail's atrocious approach to all this aside, there are only a few things Javi could have done to warrant this. From what we know, I'm not thinking it's any of those cases.

Kail topped herself from last week being an even bigger disgusting selfish pig!  Was her new bone moving in to her house?  

Leah is for sure doing something she looks awful sometimes I think I'm watching an episode of intervention.  Her sister couldn't even keep herself straight at the nail spa. 

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, Meisty said:

Kail topped herself from last week being an even bigger disgusting selfish pig!  Was her new bone moving in to her house?  

Leah is for sure doing something she looks awful sometimes I think I'm watching an episode of intervention.  Her sister couldn't even keep herself straight at the nail spa. 

Leah and her sister are  both very clearly on some hillbilly drugs. 

  • Love 20

Kail is a beast. She really doesn't seem to grasp what she's doing to Isaac. Yes, divorces do happen, but for someone who's written two books, she sure seems illiterate when it comes to the right words for Isaac.

Jenelle is another beast. It's understandable some women don't want to blast out pregnancy news to all and sundry until they're further along or whatever, but c'mon not telling your own mother! Especially when you're  already showing like crazy. Obviously Barbara has eyes in her head and can see for herself, but to deliberately refrain from mentioning it is just plain stupid.  Plus it's very sad when a 7 year old knows about "court".

Now we know for sure UBT's on the deed for the land. He couldn't grab that pen  to sign his name fast enough in that lawyer's office. Boy will she be sorry when they eventually split up.

Adumb wins the prize for the biggest douchebag of the week for the shameful way he mouthed off to that producer. IMO, MTV should cease filming him immediately, not pay him another cent and sue him for breach of contract. They have lots of lawyers and deep pockets and could keep Adumb in litigation for a long time. Would serve him right. I, for one, could do without seeing him on camera ever again. 

Leah shouldn't advertise - that rotten to the core shirt doesn't help her any, though Corey probably liked it. She still looks like hell.

Aubree was so cute running the bases at her ball game, that was the bright spot in this weeks show.  

 Jo's maturity in stepping up to calm Isaac's fears was commendable, he's definitely the bigger person in that triangle.

Edited by Miss Chevious
Had to move my S.
  • Love 12

Chelsea:  God her scenes are boring.  But that's real life, right?   Let's be real, we all watch reality tv to watch other people's drama.  However, I consider her scenes to be like a pallet cleanser....between the other 3 and their drama.  Adam is the only drama there and IMO MTV should just fire him (cause I don't buy that he wants to quit) and be done with it.  

Kail:  What a shit show.  First, I just said it on her thread, but Jo has grown to be such a good man.  Poor Isaac.  He doesn't understand how fuckin' toxic Kail and Javi are together and just wants what he knows as his family.  That's so heartbreaking to hear.  It would be cool if Javi and Kail could come up with rules like grown ups.  I think my biggest complain to Kail is her telling Isaac not to cry.  I hate when parents do that.  Let your kids have their emotions.  I especially hate it when people do it to boys and teach them it is not manly to have emotions.  Fuck that.   As for the guy....it's clear she and Javi were both getting in on with others at this point, so I don't care about that.  I don't think Javi was wrong for taking Lincoln with him though.  It's not too much to know who is going to be around your kids.  

Jenelle:  She really is bothered that the haters aren't concerned about her and her pregnancy?  That made me literally cackle out loud.  Nathan sayin' Jenelle should A LOOP.  Nathan is so dumb.  I can't handle it.  Barb walking through the woods to Jenelle's land.  Comedy gold.  Also, if Jenelle didn't want to talk about being preggers with Barb...maybe don't wear a skin tight dress.  Barb should petition the court for permanent legal custody of Jace.  He's old enough that he can decide for himself and he needs something permanent and consistent and that's always been Barb.  And he clearly is so in love with her...and vice versa.  

Leah: I did crack up at Corey putting air quotes around "co-parenting" cause he knows it's bullshit.  Thank god for the family court for picking Corey as the most responsible parent.  What I also found funny is years ago Corey saying he would just agree with Leah out of fear....and now those roles are reversed.   If only Corey would listen to Ali's doctors....and not think she's magically cured because she can ride a bike or jump on a trampoline.  

  • Love 10

Oh yeah, had to laugh when Jenelle referred to "the haters". She sure seems to obsess about what strangers think about her. 

And when Babs said UBT keeps Jenelle to himself - red flag, classic abuser tactic was the first thing that came to mind. Also when Babs said they don't want her around anymore, I thought just wait till the baby gets here, Jenelle will be running to you for babysitting in no time. Because she's soooo stressed taking care of an infant. 

  • Love 6

That was rough, watching Issac. God.

Leah seems normal sort of this week. A tad boring but she wishes for weeks like this week.

I love Chelsea, the only interesting scene was watching Adam try to act like he isn't an ass, the show makes him one. With the producer explains how they waited to shoot with him, he didn't answer the door and then he drove away from them. Even though the night before he said he would gladly film with them when Aubree was over. Yup, damn those producers. How dare they expect Adam to wake up and keep his obligations of filming when he's not in the mood and how dare they not understand when he doesn't care and drives off. Probably not to see his daughters but to the gym or to get a pizza.

Jenelle gets points for saying that the online "haterzs" saying Chelsea did it right the first time make no sense because they are on this show for a reason. But have people been saying that? I didn't hear people condoning her for the teen pregnancy and she sort of got props for the second one only because she has her life together but whatever.

Also that scene with Jace asking where he should live was heartbreaking too. Jace and Issac need to become pen pals or something.

  • Love 9

95% of the stuff Javi was saying was B.S. The last thing he said should've been the only thing he said... "She needs to stop worrying about other dudes. She needs to stop worrying about me. She needs to stop worrying about herself. She needs to just worry about Isaac because he's obviously having a harder time with this than we are." The other stuff he said was just dumb.

Leah looked rough in the daylight (or any other light) with her "I'm rotten to the core" t-shirt.

  • Love 5
On 1/27/2017 at 0:59 PM, ChocolateAddict said:

 Jo is the real MVP of this show.  He has actively fostered a relationship between Isaac, Lincoln and Vivi and is prepared to put his own feelings about Javi aside to make sure that Isaac is happy.

Could not agree more.  He is my favorite.

2 hours ago, shelley1005 said:


Chelsea:  God her scenes are boring.  But that's real life, right?   Let's be real, we all watch reality tv to watch other people's drama.  However, I consider her scenes to be like a pallet cleanser....between the other 3 and their drama.  Adam is the only drama there and IMO MTV should just fire him (cause I don't buy that he wants to quit) and be done with it.


Chelsea's story is a good palate cleanser!  It's the breather we need before the killer comes.

Janelle - Did I see David signing the papers WITH her?  So that means he will have a half interest in HER land.  She can not be this dumb!

  • Love 10
  On 1/27/2017 at 0:59 PM, ChocolateAddict said:

 Jo is the real MVP of this show.  He has actively fostered a relationship between Isaac, Lincoln and Vivi and is prepared to put his own feelings about Javi aside to make sure that Isaac is happy.

Could not agree more.  He is my favorite.

  2 hours ago, shelley1005 said:


Chelsea:  God her scenes are boring.  But that's real life, right?   Let's be real, we all watch reality tv to watch other people's drama.  However, I consider her scenes to be like a pallet cleanser....between the other 3 and their drama.  Adam is the only drama there and IMO MTV should just fire him (cause I don't buy that he wants to quit) and be done with it.


Chelsea's story is a good palate cleanser!  It's the breather we need before the killer comes.

Janelle - Did I see David signing the papers WITH her?  So that means he will have a half interest in HER land.  She can not be this dumb!

Yeah, you saw right; David's on the deed for the land and I'm sure for the house, too. SMH

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

 Nathan sayin' Jenelle should A LOOP.  

I seriously DIED laughing when I heard him say that. I pictured it as ELOOP but A LOOP works just as well! God. Does Nathan do this on purpose to crack us up?

Kail is a total knee. Why? Because a knee is lower than a cunt.

You know how I like to make fun of Kail's tacky jars full of sticks in her house. Well, they have apparently had enough of her bullshit and are walking out the door. I don't blame them one iota.


  • Love 18

Nathan is so dumb. Watching him talk with his little gym pals is hilarious. Also Jenelle and David are total losers but so are you Nathan and you are right behind them with 2 baby mamas.

Jenelles land is creepy and a future crime scene. I do not wish that on her even though she's garbage, but David is creepy. How long have they even been together.

Im sure Javi is not innocent but Kail is a total bitch. She just wants everything her way and she's decided she's done with Javi so that's it. She does so many things out of a spite and to just be a bitch. Also it's not fully her house yet. She was obviously also not filming and mad cause she totally got caught having some dude over. Take a break from the d and take care of your kids.

I like Chelsea's scenes. I think her and Cole are really cute together and just gonna be honest I find Cole attractive. I don't blame her for moving back the wedding. Who wants to be prego at their wedding? Doesn't seem that fun lol.

The show should just tell Adam to fuck off. He's such a POS and we don't need him on the show to have Chelsea. They don't even interact. He makes himself look bad not the show. His pathetic Mohawk is hilarious too. Dude you're bald just shave it all.

Edited by Marley
  • Love 15

First, "co-parenting" is horse manure. It's PARENTING. They need to stop using "co-parenting" because it makes them sound more obviously scripted.

Speaking of scripted, the whole talk with Jo and Isaac felt rehearsed to me. I think IRL the kid flipped out and I think Jo handled business, but putting that kid thru this crap for the cameras is horrible. It's no coincidence that Jo started looking good when Kail started looking full-on banshee. 

Based on the look at next week, Jenelle seems oblivious as to why Jace wouldn't be enthused with another baby. For his sake I hope things are straightened out soon and his life settles down.

  • Love 3

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