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S01.E11: The Right Thing to Do

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The NBC affiliate in Boston changed channels recently.  The old channel (7) is showing news. I rescanned twice but my TV won't get the new channel (10?). "Watch live" on their site is not available in this area. Guess I'll try to watch on line tomorrow but I'd prefer to see future episodes when they air. Suggestions?  

TIU is the only show I watch on NBC so I was not aware of the problem until today.

Edited by Driad

Toby is alive! Olivia has bad hair! Jack took off his ring to lie to his dad about being a punk to get some cash because he did amount to something and didn't want his father to figure it out! (I think.)

This was really a Jack centric episode because outside of The Big Three moment and Randall seeming he will help his "bio Dad who's only half gay" die, the kids weren't given much.  Which is fine.  I'm not sure if I like the trope that he's the best dad ever because his dad wasn't. 


 I rescanned twice but my TV won't get the new channel (10?). 

I'm sort of in the same boat as even though I'm in Canada, my satellite uses the feeds from Boston as well so I wasn't aware of the NBC change until just before the new year.  It's still a bit of mixed bag as it's operating on three small transmitters and depending where you are, you may not have full access to it yet. I believe that is being worked on. 

  • Love 3

Hot damn "This is Us"....the things you do for your children. At first I thought Jack was going to get the money from a woman when he took off his wedding ring, but when I saw that his Dad opened the door......I was busy doing laundry but has it been confirmed that his Mom is deceased at this time?

The flashback scenes were far stronger than the current day scenes.

Edited by Scarlett45
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

Hot damn "This is Us"....the things you do for your children. At first I thought Jack was going to get the money from a woman when he took off his wedding ring, but when I saw that his Dad opened the door......I was busy doing laundry but has it been confirmed that his Mom is deceased at this time?

The flashback scenes were far stronger than the current day scenes. 

Hot damn "This is Us"....the things you do for your children. At first I thought Jack was going to get the money from a woman when he took off his wedding ring, but when I saw that his Dad opened the door......I was busy doing laundry but has it been confirmed that his Mom is deceased at this time?

The flashback scenes were far stronger than the current day scenes. 

Didn't Jack's mom knit the Big 3 sweaters?

I noticed how they didn't show the third baby when Rebecca was imagining the future. Nice touch.

i really thought Toby would die. Give Chrissy Metz something to sink her teeth into.

I love Jack ?.

  • Love 14

There were so many layers to this...hilarious lines...great scenes with Randall and William...The scene with them facing off about William's chemo was amazing..and it showed where Randall gets his strength....their relationship has been the most developed out of all of the characters on this show.

The flashbacks were really good...and just got me...I am so glad this show is back...

  • Love 19

Well, I figured that Toby was alive when more promos began coming out. And ok, I like Toby now that I'm understanding him more, but slow down on marriage, you two. I know Toby went through a life or death situation, but you two haven't even dated for six months. Let's just take it easy before jumping into any serious proposals. Luckily, it didn't seem all that serious.

So, now is Olivia gone for good? It seemed like a very final way to end her story, maybe because the showrunners wanted Olivia/Kevin to last longer, but the majority of the audience's reaction was very negative toward her caused them to get rid of her sooner. Plus, she didn't seem very changed at the end there. Also, not a good wig at all. I totally expected her to rip it off her head once Kevin rejected her romantically and professionally. But now, it looks like some trouble is heading toward Kevin with Sloane. I'm hoping that they'll work it out, and I imagine that they will. 

I knew the house that Jack was working on was going to be their house from the moment Jack asked his co-workers to clear the room. Still, it was a very sweet ending. The flashbacks were stronger this time around. I appreciate that they deliberately kept the third triplet out of the dream sequence with Rebecca, although it actually would have been more powerful to show him. 

The Randall moments were pretty good. I'll have to accept that William is going to be the perfect saint figure until he dies. Sure, he had troubles in the past, but in the present day, he's a saint. Ok, show. You got me. I'll accept it into my life that he's a genuinely good person now. I did love Beth more than I ever have this episode. I love that she kept Randall grounded about his fearful feelings about William and Jesse. Plus, I did enjoy Randall's awkwardness at trying to connect with Jesse. 

  • Love 6

Jack's dad referred to his wife in the past tense.  Jack really didn't want his dad to know anything about his real life.  He was keeping a big secret about fathers, just like Rebecca.  This couple has lots of secrets from each other.  So much unexpected.  Toby and Kate to be engaged.  Her having surgery will result in a new Kate and big trouble in that relationship.  Kevin will need to win Solane back or the witch will put a spell on him and get him back.  It's never what I expect.  Loving it.

  • Love 5

Awkward Randall is priceless.  Watching him stammer over himself while he was talking to Jesse was so endearing.  

That last scene with William was a gut-punch.  I am not ready for him to go, but I give Randall credit for picking his battles and not encouraging William to stay on the chemo if it's basically ruining the quality of life he has left.  

Have to give respect to Jack for swallowing his pride and asking his asshole father for the money.  He did what he had to do for his family, and you could tell it wasn't easy.

I really thought Rebecca's mother was going to encourage her daughter to get an abortion, that moment seemed so ominous.  Like Jack and his father, I felt for Rebecca.  As it was, she was warming up to becoming a mother, but 3 babies on top of a small living space was a lot absorb at once.  It was a lose-lose situation; her new family would be under her mother's thumb, or they could live in a cramped space with no room to grow.

Glad Toby lived, and I actually thought Kate was being too hard on him.  It's different when you're the one in the bed going under the knife.  It's not easy to just say ok to something like that.  

I hope Olivia is truly gone, because her place in the story seems finished.  I don't think she learned anything on her sojourn, she basically tried to buy a life-changing experience.  She can change her hair, run with the bulls or howl at the moon, whatever.  She's still the same person who bailed on her responsibilities and treats people like morons.  Bye, Olivia.

Bad move, Kevin.  He needs a reality check.  Olivia doesn't deserve to be his safe choice, and he owes her an apology.  I hope they can move on from this, they're a nice couple.

  • Love 8

Jack's dad could have been referring to her in the past tense cause they're no longer together. Just a thought.

The tv foldout in our local Sunday paper and our cable guide spoiled Toby's survival for me. From their description it was obvioius he didn't die and this really pissed me off (that it was spoiled, not that he didn't die, although I was hopng that he'd go live somewhere off screen. Do not like him.)

  • Love 17
4 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

I actually thought Kate was being too hard on him.  It's different when you're the one in the bed going under the knife.  It's not easy to just say ok to something like that.

And she was too quick to be hard on him. I know it was for the drama that he had to choose right away, but he could have taken more than three minutes to think about it. And she could have listened to his fears and helped him decide rather than decide for him and get mad when he didn't agree. I would want a second opinion before going through such a major surgery.

  • Love 10

I thought Toby was going to die but it was nice that it wasn't hanging till the final minutes again. Of course, we had to wait 5 weeks to find out. LOL!! I also thought Rebecca's mother had suggested an abortion, too. It would have fit it with the times whenever that is. What exactly is the time frame of the Jack & Rebecca storyline? Late 70's? Early to mid 80's? I guess it doesn't matter but the smoking could apply to both. Randall cracks me up. All in all, a nice episode. I'm glad it's back. 

  • Love 5

Oh,  Rebecca's  mother controlled Rebecca's food intake by telling her what to do and putting her down. Rebecca stayed slim, so she tried similar methods with Kate with disastrous results to Kate's psyche.  A gallon of chocolate chip ice cream.  Is that a binge or just a pregnant Rebecca? Jack seemed so familiar with the request of a gallon it seemed like it wasn't anything new.  Did she a eating disorder in her past.

What would Randall say if he knew his dad kept him away from another grandfather, even if the man was abusive?  I hope we can keep seeing William after he is dead.  I still want to know him (William) better.  Young William and old William.  This show could last forever.......

Edited by Kira53
Wrote Kate instead of Rebecca
  • Love 13

Okay, I decided new year, new attitude about Toby prior to the episode in case he lived.  That was the quickest I've ever broken a new year's resolution.... Ever!! From the first word out of his mouth I remembered why I didn't like him, just everything he was saying in that first scene or so annoyed the bejezus out of me.  I then spent the episode thinking, okay....they are twisting us to make us believe he's gonna be fine and then he'll die because of the second surgery.  Oh, no, I don't get that, I getting a freaking "I'd marry you in a minute" moment.  I swear, I thought I was going to have a heart episode of my own if they had brought a preacher in to marry them at the hospital.

I thought it was a great sacrifice that Rebecca was going to make by being willing to move in with her parents in order to have room for her, Jack and the triplets.  Fortunately, St. Jack was able to make a deeper, more dramatic sacrifice to save the day.

Okay, so I think I still have some issues with the show that have apparently solidified over the break that I'm going to need to think about because those two storylines annoyed me and that's at least half of the show.

As for Kevin, I actually didn't see him as doing anything really wrong.  Of course Sloane hearing him talking about "doing the right thing" isn't optimal (to say the least), but he was torn between his feelings for two women, he didn't try to play them off each other, he didn't try to cheat.  I don't know, I give him a lot of slack for how he dealt with the whole situation.  I'm curious how this plays out, which is interesting to me as I thought his was the weakest story at the beginning of the series.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 15

That exchange between Rebecca and her mom made me think that Rebecca was in a few pageants back in the day. And the mom was a scary stage mom. I wonder what the dad is like. They seem well off. I hope that even during the flashbacks,  Rebecca's parents can evolve, not just stuck. I can see Rebecca's dad in a similar field as Randall, and may even encourage Randall to go to business school. 

I hope we see more of Jack's mom. Depression runs in the family and the mother's lack of self worth mirrors Kate's somewhat. Given how terrible Jack and Rebecca's parents are, the trio turned out pretty well. 

  • Love 3
52 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

I liked that when Jack came back up to the apartment because he forgot his wallet and heard Rebecca crying that he gave her the space to cry.  She needed that so badly.  And of course, that was the impetus for Jack to do what he very much hoped he wouldn't have to by going to his father for the money.  It was a very good scene.


I liked that scene as well, as it showed us how much Rebecca was willing to sacrifice for her family and tried to keep that sacrifice away from her husband.  

  • Love 7

A nice episode to come back to...it didn't blow me away, but I still enjoyed it.

My first thought upon Olivia's return was "What is that on her head?"  That was truly a terrible hairstyle (I'm pretty sure it was a wig, but it was still awful).  I do hope that we've seen the last of her now, even if Kevin was bit of dumbass in the whole "sometimes you have to do the right thing, even if you don't want to bit."  My inner Kev/Sloane Shipper is a little nervous right now..

I enjoyed Randall being awkward and not so headcase-y tonight.  The scene with Beth in the bathroom was perfect.  I will say, though, that the scene of the big three drinking coffee in the hospital is probably my favorite scene so far in the series.  *THAT* is what I've been waiting to see--the three interacting as adults siblings...and it was just as natural as I had hoped it would be.  I do hope we see more of that in the future.

Okay, unpopular opinion--I found the way Toby was handled to be anti-climatic.  That being said, he scenes with Kate were probably the sweetest I've seen between them (although I'm still not completely sure about that relationship). I do agree with whoever posted about that it seems like Toby isn't out of the woods yet--that all seemed too easy.

  • Love 15

Every single week, Randall and William gut me. I thought this would finally be the episode that I wouldn't cry but then that scene came on and I lost it. 

Jack going to his father for a loan was a nice surprise, especially that he had to act like a loser to get it. His dad sure is something...as is Rebecca's dad.

Im glad that Toby didn't die. I was afraid that the scene from the last episode was him coding on the table during the surgery.

Randall and Beth continue to be amazing together. Also, Kevin was finally being smart about dumping that bitch Olivia for Sloan but then he made that comment and screwed it all up. Hopefully those two can figure things out and Olivia is gone for good. 

  • Love 6

I absolutely hate the TV trope of a husband "surprising" his wife with a home purchase. Does it ever occur to anyone that the wife might like to have a say in choosing the home she'll be living in long-term?

Jack's relationship to his father is really messed up. Jack hates him to the point where he won't even tell him that he's married and about to become a dad, would rather have his father believe that he's a gambler, but he's happy to take money from him. It didn't seem like the first time, either. When Jack showed up, his father didn't seem surprised to be hit up for cash.

It wasn't until I saw that Toby was alive and back to being his obnoxious self that I realized how much I'd been hoping that he would die. Then I had a glimmer of hope when he decided to do the surgery, but still no luck. Oh, well. At least we got a Big Three hospital scene out of it.

Was Olivia still high on ayahuasca when she cut and colored her own hair? She looked deranged.

  • Love 21

Goddammit Kevin! You can't even Do the Right Thing right.  I like you kid, but for fuck's sake, I cannot decide which is worse: saying out loud that you have to do what's right in dating even if you don't want it or the fact that your idiot ass doesn't want Sloan (or maybe does but what's Olivia more? Ugh.  I repeat, idiot.)

Randall giving William emotional permission to quit Chemo broke me. 

I loved the hospital scene between the Big Three.  It was so cute with the perfunctory "Big Three" cheer and the sipping coffee.

I feel like Rebecca's relationship with her mother sheds a lot of light on the way she handled Kate's weight and eating.  As a person raised by a woman with serious food issues*, I recognized all of that.  I mean, I saw it before, but this adds another layer that fits.

*Speaking of, non-dairy cheese is an abomination. Just eat something else.  Meat substitutes are pretty good, but the cheese man... find a better way to diet. 


19 minutes ago, J-Man said:

Anachronism of the week: Rebecca's mom changed Rebecca's drink order from Coke to Diet Coke in a scene that took place in 1979 or 1980. Diet Coke wasn't introduced until 1982.

Did the mom say "Diet Coke" or just "diet/diet soda"?  Because I think Tab was a thing then. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I absolutely hate the TV trope of a husband "surprising" his wife with a home purchase. Does it ever occur to anyone that the wife might like to have a say in choosing the home she'll be living in long-term?


And he did it twice in one episode!!! Albeit only with a deposit (and pre-paid rent) for an apartment in the first instance that put them in a bit of a hole that led to the second instance of "Surprise...House...All Fixed!!" at the end.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 19

A thought occurred to me while this was on tonight: we started the season with three births.  We're not ending it with three deaths, are we?  It seems like the kind of poetic bookend thing they might do.

I agree with not fully trusting Toby's recovery yet.  The engagement feels like just the type of happy that sets us up for tragic. 

  • Love 5
Just now, LADreamr said:

A thought occurred to me while this was on tonight: we started the season with three births.  We're not ending it with three deaths, are we?  It seems like the kind of poetic bookend thing they might do.

I agree with not fully trusting Toby's recovery yet.  The engagement feels like just the type of happy that sets us up for tragic. 

Okay, William is almost a guarantee, Toby is a possibility...who else?  I guess there could be a flashback to Jack's death.  Yeah, I could see that.

  • Love 6

Also the double use of the phrase, "Sooner than later": William to Randall, talking about his impending death, and Olivia to Kevin at the end of the play.  Not sure what the connection is, but I don't think that was unintentional.  

In the play, it went-

Kevin: Just stay a little bit longer

Olivia: No. Our time is up. I'll see you sooner than later.

Maybe that both scenes are about parting ways, and one is trying to hang on, while the other knows he has to let go?

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, againstthewind said:

Didn't Jack's mom knit the Big 3 sweaters?



3 hours ago, againstthewind said:

I noticed how they didn't show the third baby when Rebecca was imagining the future. Nice touch.


3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

The flashbacks were stronger this time around. I appreciate that they deliberately kept the third triplet out of the dream sequence with Rebecca, although it actually would have been more powerful to show him.

I guess they thought it would appear morbid?

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I don't think he was happy to take money from him.  He saw how scared and miserable Rebecca was, and made the choice to grovel before his father rather than have her suffer.

By "happy" I meant "willing". In my book, if you hate someone and want nothing to do with them, you don't take money from them. It's hypocritical. I understand that he did it to make Rebecca happy, but it still doesn't sit well with me.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I see what you are saying, but at least Jack was able to extract something useful from his awful father, while protecting his family from any contact with him. An action can be both hypocritical and justifiable.

Jack's behavior towards his father essentially said "I hate you and don't want you in my life in any way, but I'm happy to take a large sum of money from you because I failed to prepare financially for starting a family". YMMV, but that's not right.

  • Love 9

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