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S07.E13: Breaking The Wall / S07.E14: Deja Vu

Tara Ariano
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

I agree, @Tatum, and I also think their lot has a distrust of educated people. Jeremy didn't want to go to therapy to see "some guy with a PhD" (he said derisively). While I can understand Corey's feelings to an extent, I do think sometimes he and Leah think they "know better" what's best for Ali. Than a specialist. And they...Don't. 

Well we know Leah sees the value of education.  She asked that realtor if the schools were well so it's clearly important to her.

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8 minutes ago, SuzyLee said:

My five-year-old niece "graduated" from daycare last August and is attending kindergarten now.  If she weren't so cute, I may have heckled from the audience.  There were actual caps, gowns, and little diplomas and they weren't even in kindergarten yet.

boy-child graduated from pre-school in 1996 on a night when Mister & I had Styx tickets (Paradise Theater revival, what what!!) Anyway, I opted out of said concert to go to the graduation, and Mister opted to GO to the fucking concert with his friend because "he's only graduating from day care."  That wasn't my favorite thing that ever happened....

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Filming dates and twitter/Instagram pics that match this episode/timeframe is April.  The reunion for the end of Season 7 was filmed around April 24th. The girls had their first t-ball game on April 16. They were at practice at the end of March. Kail's first jump is dated on Instagram as May 9. Isaac's graduation picture is dated June 3rd. Anyway, that's all I could find for now. On Aug 1st Kail posted the pic of the boys hugging Javi when he comes home. So, it's around May/June more than likely. 


Also so wanted to share this pic on Leah's Instagram. It's dated Sept 1st.  I guess Ali got a replacement chair. This one is white. It isn't her pink one. 


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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

I just don't think a father would receive the same scrutiny for doing something like this. JMO.

Gary from Teen Mom OG gets similar comments in regards to his needing to lose weight, but fair point.

Edited by TaxNerd
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3 minutes ago, TaxNerd said:

Gary from Teen Mom OG gets similar comments in regards to his needing to lose weight.

second only to Corey, GarBear's the best dad we've got!  He needs to stick around!!!

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10 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

My favorite is actually Andrew because we've hardly ever had to see him.

Out of the scumbag dads (Adam, Nathan, etc.), Andrew is the best. He KNEW he was a scumbag and didn't foist that on his innocent kid. And lord knows Jace has enough scumbags in his life. 

My favorite dads ranked:

Cory, Gary, Cole, Jo,Taylor, Javi, Germy, Ryan, Tyler, Andrew.....Nathan/David/Adumb tied for being such colossal wastes of flesh. Am I missing anyone? 

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On 12/23/2016 at 11:33 AM, Mkay said:

Isn't this season 7B instead of Season 8?

MTV says you are correct, but lots of places are calling it Season 8 (I'm looking at you, Wikipedia and Reality Tea).  7B explains the continued appearance of Adam.  Even if he did actually quit, he is contractually obligated to film through the end of Season 7 (nap time or no nap time).

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Upon re-watching, it seems what Jenelle was trying to say is, she saw the cup in Jessica's lap area right before Jenelle turned around to run away.  As for Jessica, she is lying about sitting in the car. I believe Jenelle when she testified about Jessica taunting her. If they were there to pick up Nathan's clothes, as she testified, why would she be in the car while Nathan picks up his clothes? It makes sense she would have gotten out of the car to help him and then take the opportunity to say some shit to Jenelle. I don't have sympathy for Jenelle reacting the way she did, that was an assault. I just believe Jessica and Nathan are not innocent and they both lied about what really went down. They used this assault to get back at Jenelle, not to seek justice.


The one time I was selected for a jury (I'm an attorney so usually I'm immediately eliminated), it was an assault case where the victim was a man and the defendant was his ex-girlfriend.  She claimed self-defense because he and/or his friend (can't remember) had driven away with her arm caught in the car door prior to her hitting him, and she had road rash pictures from a hospital to prove it.  He and his friends all trotted up to the stand to say they had no-way no-how ever touched her and she just randomly went off on him.  Riiiiight.  We knew they were lying so decided we couldn't trust anything they said and acquitted her.  Probably a similar situation in the jury room for this one.

Oh, except the people of Dallas, TX got to foot the bill for not just 1 but 2 prosecutors wasting their time on this case instead of Deputy Dawg trying to take care of business.

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12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Out of the scumbag dads (Adam, Nathan, etc.), Andrew is the best. He KNEW he was a scumbag and didn't foist that on his innocent kid. And lord knows Jace has enough scumbags in his life. 

My favorite dads ranked:

Cory, Gary, Cole, Jo,Taylor, Javi, Germy, Ryan, Tyler, Andrew.....Nathan/David/Adumb tied for being such colossal wastes of flesh. Am I missing anyone? 


Didn't Keifer play afternoon dad, once?

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15 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Out of the scumbag dads (Adam, Nathan, etc.), Andrew is the best. He KNEW he was a scumbag and didn't foist that on his innocent kid. And lord knows Jace has enough scumbags in his life. 

My favorite dads ranked:

Cory, Gary, Cole, Jo,Taylor, Javi, Germy, Ryan, Tyler, Andrew.....Nathan/David/Adumb tied for being such colossal wastes of flesh. Am I missing anyone? 

Damn. That's a lot of dads for 4 women. Not to slut shame but holy shit.

Mine would go: 

Cole, Gary, Corey, Taylor, Jo, Javi, Ryan, Tyler, Jeremy, Nathan/David/Adam tied. I don't count Andrew because I don't give him props for leaving just like I wouldn't give a mom props for leaving, they just don't count as a parent.

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8 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I guess I was the only fuddy duddy who thought "Single mothers do not jump out of airplanes"? To me, yeah, there's a very, very small chance that something goes horribly wrong, but it's enough of a chance and the consequences are so ultimate that there's no way I could get around it: that small chance is the small chance that my kids are orphans, and split between two dads, because of something I chose to do, not an unforeseeable circumstance. it just seems really slef-centered. Especially with young kids, incapable of navigating the world on their own, I'm sorry, but to me you have to accept that there are limits on what you allow yourself to do. You can't bring home a stream of sexual partners, you can't go get drunk on a Wednesday night until 4 AM, you can't jump out of airplanes. It's just irresponsible behavior, (ETA once you choose to have children) even if nothing DOES go wrong. 

I hate when these girls complain that they get no "me" time to unwind. Welcome to fucking parenting. 

Really common misconception. A tandem skydive is extremely safe by just about any standard. Skydiving itself is a fairly safe sport that can be dangerous if you're dumb about it, but by and large, your five minutes in the air as a tandem passenger is probably safer than the hour drive out to the dropzone. Now, if she had gotten her license and, say, started swooping or wingsuiting or BASE jumping without proper instruction, you may have a point, but really this is just a case of overestimating the danger in tandem skydiving. 

I skydive with a ton of parents, single and married, and it's a calculated risk. If you cut out everything that has a small chance of killing you because you're afraid you may die, you'd never leave the house.

Kail's done a lot of dumb things in her life, but this isn't really one of them.

Edited by monagatuna
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I will slam Kail not for skydiving but for driving while taking a photo of a latte in her hand as she drives 40 m.p.h. That was illegal AND could have been deadly not only for her, but for any innocent person on the road. No doubt she does that a lot.

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A quick look at her twitter reveals she went to Skydive DelMarVa (it's possible that it was a different DZ using DelMarVa's plane, which is unlikely considering there aren't that many in the area), which has an excellent safety record. I couldn't actually find any tandem incidents at this DZ. This is actually probably one of her better decisions.

ETA: Kazu, you're probably right about her driving habits. The risks of texting/IGing while driving are probably higher than your average, run of the mill tandem jump.

Edited by monagatuna
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I know I posted this last season but I am flabbergasted at how Catelynn from Teen Mom OG and Leah from Teen Mom 2 both seemed to give birth to the same child. I could not differentiate between Adderall and Chevy Nova in a lineup. They both also always look unkempt and vaguely sticky. 

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Jenelle said that she intended to "throw water" in Jessi's face and the mason jar slipped out of her hand, so it was an accident, right? Right??? So that makes it all OK, right? If I was forced to waste my time with a case like this, I would be infuriated. A JURY had to hear this? People took time off work to do this, probably had to arrange child care and drive somewhere inconvenient. These people act like children and then expect the cops and the courts to referee their childishness. If I was Judge Judy of the world, I'd charge Jenelle and Jess both with wasting the court's time. 

These girls claim to be having a panic attack every time they get upset. Like these are the Magic Words ('monkey!') that signal everybody to tiptoe around them cuz they are such a special snowflake. Like it's everybody else's job to manage their emotions for them. For people who actually DO have panic disorder or chronic anxiety, it's insulting and infuriating. It's like pretending to be handicapped when you aren't so you can park in the best spot.

I remember when they got the first wheelchair for Ali and the girls were so excited about it. You could see that Ali felt kind of special with her zoom-zoom chair. By now her parents' attitudes have shown her that using the chair makes her a failure in some way. I wish they would quit taking the most negative interpretation of her illness. Since it's inevitable, why not focus on what she CAN do rather than what she can't?

This whole circus bugs me more and more as time goes on. When these kids were little, the shitty parenting wasn't as sickening, but now I see these kids as little individuals, actual people who are affected by the fake drama around their parents. I really hate it and I really believe in time these kids will suffer more because of it than any of us can know now. And I help make that happen because I watch the show.

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I would put Corey, Gary and Jo my top 3 just by virtue of what they've had to put up with over the years. Corey's had to deal with Leah becoming a damn drug addict; Gary had to deal with Amber going to jail, getting out and going back to being shitty self and on top of that, adding a con man into the mix and Jo had to deal with Kail filing false charges against him, consistent attempts at parental alienation and just having to deal with Javi in general.

Taylor and Cole round out the top five, followed by the three assholes, Javi (actively going along with Kail's attempts to alienate Isaac from Jo), Tyler(likes the idea of kids, just not actively parenting them) and Ryan(Stevie Wonder can see her resents Bentley and deals with him to please his parents)

AND then there is the scumbags....

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9 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I guess I was the only fuddy duddy who thought "Single mothers do not jump out of airplanes"? To me, yeah, there's a very, very small chance that something goes horribly wrong, but it's enough of a chance and the consequences are so ultimate that there's no way I could get around it: that small chance is the small chance that my kids are orphans, and split between two dads, because of something I chose to do, not an unforeseeable circumstance. it just seems really slef-centered. Especially with young kids, incapable of navigating the world on their own, I'm sorry, but to me you have to accept that there are limits on what you allow yourself to do. You can't bring home a stream of sexual partners, you can't go get drunk on a Wednesday night until 4 AM, you can't jump out of airplanes. It's just irresponsible behavior, (ETA once you choose to have children) even if nothing DOES go wrong. 

I hate when these girls complain that they get no "me" time to unwind. Welcome to fucking parenting. 

Exactly. I would really hate to see the as true single parents. My daughter is about to turn 20 and her father has never seen her or been around. No child support, no teen mom here, but it was and still is rough. From the time she was one until six my parents lived in Germany and my sister in another state. It was just me and my daughter, I had no family to drop off my daughter with. I would drive 45 minutes away to work everyday and worked 8 hrs a day. I still came home and cooked dinner, I didn't have the money for vacations, going out, jumping out of airplanes, tattoos, coloring my hair, botox, plastic surgery, or expensive houses or cars. Once I found out I was pregnant all selfishness stopped, everything stopped, I was now responsible for my child and I still don't have the money for all that crap because I would rather spend my money on my daughter. So as they all complain about having no me time, they can bite me, they have no clue.

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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Damn. That's a lot of dads for 4 women. Not to slut shame but holy shit.

Mine would go: 

Cole, Gary, Corey, Taylor, Jo, Javi, Ryan, Tyler, Jeremy, Nathan/David/Adam tied. I don't count Andrew because I don't give him props for leaving just like I wouldn't give a mom props for leaving, they just don't count as a parent.

To be fair, this includes the OGs so it's amongst 8. 

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


To those asking about what career Jenelle is talking about, she is referencing the "medical" career. She had just graduated from that school a few months before and she was seeking a job. Now, I know she wasn't committed to this whole career thing because this was around the time she was balling about being ill and having 89,502,098 symptoms of some disease.

yeah she was ill from her first pregnancy with Uncle Creeper and probably was pulling a Maci because she was totally fine to go out and party this time last year and last Valentines day, but then was whining about being so sick. Just like Cate and Amber she sure does pull out her sicknesses when it suits her but is always well enough and not anxiety enough to go party and shit 

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8 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I bet that's more interesting than whatever the girls are doing, but then we're creating an infinite regress and potentially a universe-consuming singularity :).  I've thought this was a good idea since I saw the infamous "Kristy" episode of Intervention.

Ahhhhh.....Misty Kristy is often a topic in my house;)  I always wondered why the addicts don't have sheets.What do they have against sheets? Ohhhh. and funny too the flashback of Janelle yelling about jail.....in her jail made hairdo!

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Damn right Kail is putting herself at risk, but it has nothing to do with her skydiving. At least if that was all she did, she is only putting her life at risk. There is no fucking excuse for putting the lives of other people at risk while she is driving. I posted this information on the Kail thread back in September. I will post it again for those who didn't see it. If Kailyn leaves her children without a mother, it will likely be due to her driving. She will either be killed or she will serve time in prison for injuring or killing someone. A link to Kailyn Rae Lowry and her driving record according to the police and the courts which includes driving while using her cell phone (attached below) while vehicle is in motion.



Charged with driving while using her cell phone:


She did not yield the right of way to an oncoming vehicle as she turned left:



This one is very dangerous. She was charged with driving the wrong way. Imagine that? What the hell is wrong with this girl?



Here is the photo mentioned about her driving while taking a photo except she wasn't caught by police and this was after already being cited for driving while using her cell phone:



Kail has two other records which show she was cited for an unattended vehicle on private property, and the other citation was for an unregistered vehicle and a parking violation.

Kail doesn't like rules or the law. She and Adam should hook up.

As for the other cast members, Leah smokes cigarettes and we saw how she is a danger to her kids at various times while driving. Leah may take her own life along with her kids if she doesn't get lung cancer first. Cory loves his chewing tobacco. Nathan swallows his chewing tobacco. How long before they end up with some disease that shortens their life? Kaiser would probably be better off without DV Nathan around.

Edited by SPLAIN
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5 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Why does it always look like Jessi is wearing a wig? Something's not right with that gal (just look at her former partner).

Because Jessi is always wearing a wig.  I basically grew up in a hair salon (my mother and oldest sister were co-owners) and that chick has worn a wig in every single episode.  This latest one is pretty bad.  She looks 50 years old. 

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I wonder if steroids, hormones and body-building supplements caused Jessi's hair to fault out. Or, is that a byproduct of sleeping with Nathan - like when Nadine Cross slept with Flagg in The Stand. 

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3 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Exactly. I would really hate to see the as true single parents. My daughter is about to turn 20 and her father has never seen her or been around. No child support, no teen mom here, but it was and still is rough. From the time she was one until six my parents lived in Germany and my sister in another state. It was just me and my daughter, I had no family to drop off my daughter with. I would drive 45 minutes away to work everyday and worked 8 hrs a day. I still came home and cooked dinner, I didn't have the money for vacations, going out, jumping out of airplanes, tattoos, coloring my hair, botox, plastic surgery, or expensive houses or cars. Once I found out I was pregnant all selfishness stopped, everything stopped, I was now responsible for my child and I still don't have the money for all that crap because I would rather spend my money on my daughter. So as they all complain about having no me time, they can bite me, they have no clue.

These chicks who need all their "me time" when most of them split custody with the fathers, have tons of relatives/in-laws to keep the kids (for free) at the drop of a hat, and have TM money have NO IDEA what being an average parent is like. NONE. They can't even begin to imagine what your life was like @ToodyWoody. These chicks would not it make it through one week doing what most average parents do without multiple "panic attacks" and "medical issues." 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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18 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

These chicks who who need all their "me time" when most of them split custody with the fathers, have tons of relatives/in-laws to keep the kids (for free) at the drop of a hat, and who have TM have NO IDEA what being an average parent is like. NONE. They can't even begin to imagine what your life was like @ToodyWoody. These chicks would not it make it through one week doing what most average parents do without multiple "panic attacks" and "medical issues." 

I might not have been a teen mom, but their bitching about me time and single motherhood is bullshit and angers me. They don't have a clue and don't know the money problems that single mothers go through and how single mothers have to work to pay the bills, come home exhausted, still cook dinner, do laundry, help with homework, clean the house, and worry about daycare expenses, paying the rent and car payments. None know the hustle  teen moms,  real single parents, and mothers without MTV money in their lives go through. 

I work two jobs, have a bad back, today I hurt so bad I was in tears, but people like Leah have made it impossible for people who need the pain pills to get them. All the while she complains about how she's a single mom and so stressed that she has anxiety. Or the struggle it is when your insurance goes up and you can't afford the premiums and can't afford to go to the pain doctor to get the shots put back in your back. 

Maci and Chelsea don't piss me off like the others. Amber, Cate, Leah and Jenelle just piss me off with their excuses and ailments. If they weren't on this show, all would be having to work and would try to call in over anxiety, depression, stubbed toes and hemorrhoids. That shit doesn't fly in the not Teen Mom world. 

As for Kail and her bullshit, she needs to get over herself with her big house, big ass, expensive cars, bullshit vacations and me time excuses. Let's see her lose her job after 14 years then go to college while working nights at a convenience store so her kids can come up there or be right around the corner. Once she tries that shit then she can bitch about me time. 

So no, none of them know the struggles of not Teen Mom women. Hell none could handle working 60 hours a week, one day off a week, or any of our lives on here. They all would be crying about anxiety, not passing their drug tests, and me time is doing your running around on your only day off. 

I'm beginning to question why I still watch them. I've sworn off Teen Mom OG after Amber's bullshit and I might have to stop watching this group too because of their bullshit.

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23 hours ago, druzy said:

I was asking myself the same question regarding the police officer prosecuting the case.


No, it's not!  And I didn't understand this AT ALL. 

I am an appellate criminal defense attorney and have been for almost 15 years.  I have despised Jenelle since the animal abuse, but if she had been found guilty based on that jury "trial" I would gladly have offered to represent her on appeal for free. There are so many things wrong with that trial that seriously disturbed me. 

1) The fact that a police officer (who I assume is not an attorney) acting as a prosecutor. 

2) That Jessica was sitting at the prosecution's table. 

3) That Jessica and Nathan who were testifying in court were allowed in the courtroom to hear anyone else's testimony.  Not allowed EVER!!  The only witness who is allowed to hear all testimony is the defendant (Jenelle).

4) The "tell me what happened" questions. Witnesses are supposed to answer direct questions; they are NOT ALLOWED to give a summary of what happened with no pending question. 

I could go on and on for pages about everything wrong about that trial. 

I was dumbfounded while watching it and had to conclude that it was either recreated for TV, or was a civil trial rather than a criminal one. 

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1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

I might not have been a teen mom, but their bitching about me time and single motherhood is bullshit and angers me. They don't have a clue and don't know the money problems that single mothers go through and how single mothers have to work to pay the bills, come home exhausted, still cook dinner, do laundry, help with homework, clean the house, and worry about daycare expenses, paying the rent and car payments. None know the hustle  teen moms,  real single parents, and mothers without MTV money in their lives go through. 

I work two jobs, have a bad back, today I hurt so bad I was in tears, but people like Leah have made it impossible for people who need the pain pills to get them. All the while she complains about how she's a single mom and so stressed that she has anxiety. Or the struggle it is when your insurance goes up and you can't afford the premiums and can't afford to go to the pain doctor to get the shots put back in your back. 

Maci and Chelsea don't piss me off like the others. Amber, Cate, Leah and Jenelle just piss me off with their excuses and ailments. If they weren't on this show, all would be having to work and would try to call in over anxiety, depression, stubbed toes and hemorrhoids. That shit doesn't fly in the not Teen Mom world. 

As for Kail and her bullshit, she needs to get over herself with her big house, big ass, expensive cars, bullshit vacations and me time excuses. Let's see her lose her job after 14 years then go to college while working nights at a convenience store so her kids can come up there or be right around the corner. Once she tries that shit then she can bitch about me time. 

So no, none of them know the struggles of not Teen Mom women. Hell none could handle working 60 hours a week, one day off a week, or any of our lives on here. They all would be crying about anxiety, not passing their drug tests, and me time is doing your running around on your only day off. 

I'm beginning to question why I still watch them. I've sworn off Teen Mom OG after Amber's bullshit and I might have to stop watching this group too because of their bullshit.

@ToodyWoody, I am sorry to hear about your back and your pain. I have degenerative disk disease and osteoarthritis in my lower back and it is no fun. It does indeed suck that Rx abusers like Leah have made it so much more of a hassle for people who need Rx pain meds to get them.  

You're right that none of them could handle living the lives of most of us on here. Maybe there should be some form of a show like Wife Swap where they come try to live our lives for a week? They couldn't handle it and would realize how lucky they are. Except I wouldn't want some of them around my kids....and those TM ladies are the ones who need to see what average moms' lives are like the most....

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Yes, after I posted that, I caught up and read that info about the magistrate.  I don't practice in South Carolina, but most of the "rules" (and by that I mean the US constitution) regarding criminal trials are federal, and don't vary by state. The fact that this was a misdemeanor leaves some room for differences in procedure based on the jurisdiction, but I've never, ever, ever heard of a non-lawyer police officer acting as a prosecutor and asking questions in court.  And, the rules of evidence, while not universal (depending on the state and whether it's a hearing, trial, or sentencing) are pretty much set in stone, again, based on the sixth amendment. 

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I have never seen or heard of a law enforcement officer act as a prosecutor either. Having worked in the courts, that came as a complete shock to me.  I suppose someone who has first hand knowledge of the Horry County Courts can offer an explanation.

@toodywoody I can sympathize with you on that back pain. Chronic back pain sufferer here. I know many others here can also sympathize. You are not alone.

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

I have never seen or heard of a law enforcement officer act as a prosecutor either. Having worked in the courts, that came as a complete shock to me.  I suppose someone who has first hand knowledge of the Horry County Courts can offer an explanation.

@toodywoody I can sympathize with you on that back pain. Chronic back pain sufferer here. I know many others here can also sympathize. You are not alone.

Husband was just diagnosed with degenerative disk disease.  Also a torn and collapsed disk. Until he sees a neurologist in two more weeks, he is only being prescribed Tylenol 3. He can barely walk some days. Tylenol3 doesn't cut it. It's a shame. 


I thought maybe they reenacted the trial for the show. I knew that mess didn't sound right. (Explain what happened? Really??)  

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13 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

So - no one with kids should ever sky dive? That seems extreme to me.

I have friends with three young kids, and they love to ride their motorcycles. I have seen several friends who are motorcyclists die in the past decade, very experienced riders. I wish my friends would stay off their bikes, or at least enjoy them on a track or something where they have less risk of getting killed on them. 

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6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I have never seen or heard of a law enforcement officer act as a prosecutor either. Having worked in the courts, that came as a complete shock to me.  I suppose someone who has first hand knowledge of the Horry County Courts can offer an explanation.

@toodywoody I can sympathize with you on that back pain. Chronic back pain sufferer here. I know many others here can also sympathize. You are not alone.

It reminded me of traffic court. The cops usually show up to plead their case against the poor schmuck who got caught in the speed trap ( my husband). 

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9 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

Kail  drives a BMW? I don't think I have ever even been near one! Holy cow! How much do those cost?

Not sure which X-Series SUV she has, but the low-end model starts at $33K and the highest-end model starts at $61K.  But most if not all of the flashy TM vehicles are probably leased, especially those driven by Kail, Amber, and Farrah, who change rides more often that their underwear.  Chelsea on the other hand has had the same Jeep for several years


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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16 hours ago, Calm81 said:

This! If I just started dating someone while they were still with someone they shared a baby with I'd be damned if I would come 5 feet of the other woman. 1. Out of respect for a relatively new break up 2. Emotions are stronger when there is a shared child that was a baby at the time 3. I wouldn't want to see my ex's new girl in my driveway without notice or an arranged meet and greet since we need to be civil for the child involved, so I wouldn't put another woman in that position.

Nathan and Jessica were looking for an altercation and they knew how Jenelle would react so they set her up. Jessica was NOT anymore of the victim than Jenelle was. They both suck and Nathan can suck it with his stupid "Morning Judge," butt kissing persona. Sit down. Violence is not the answer but instigating people is childish.

I disagree. Jenelle was the one who turned it physical by throwing a glass. Period.

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9 hours ago, toodywoody said:


"That shit doesn't fly in the not Teen Mom world." 


Too bad there isn't someone affiliated with the show who can follow these women around and say this every time one of them whines about how HARD their life is.  All they ever get in response to their sniveling is sympathy from Dr. Spray Tan and the suck-up producers.  They're living in a fantasy World compared to 99.9% of twenty-something teen moms/single parents.  Been there, done that, and every day is a fucking GRIND.  I cannot believe the constant praise heaped upon these women by MTV and their social media groupies when most of them don't even have to get out of bed in the morning if they don't want to.

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15 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I wouldn't rate Cole so high. He is a great stepdad, but has only been around a couple years. I'd put him in a "wait and see" trial spot after at least Cory and Jo. 

Don't Cory and/or Jo smoke (or chew)? That is just as dangerous in the long run as being overweight or sky diving. Possibly more.

15 hours ago, monagatuna said:

Really common misconception. A tandem skydive is extremely safe by just about any standard. Skydiving itself is a fairly safe sport that can be dangerous if you're dumb about it, but by and large, your five minutes in the air as a tandem passenger is probably safer than the hour drive out to the dropzone. Now, if she had gotten her license and, say, started swooping or wingsuiting or BASE jumping without proper instruction, you may have a point, but really this is just a case of overestimating the danger in tandem skydiving. 

I skydive with a ton of parents, single and married, and it's a calculated risk. If you cut out everything that has a small chance of killing you because you're afraid you may die, you'd never leave the house.

Kail's done a lot of dumb things in her life, but this isn't really one of them.

Great points! It's probably more dangerous overall to simply drive on a regular basis.

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15 hours ago, monagatuna said:

Really common misconception. A tandem skydive is extremely safe by just about any standard. Skydiving itself is a fairly safe sport that can be dangerous if you're dumb about it, but by and large, your five minutes in the air as a tandem passenger is probably safer than the hour drive out to the dropzone. Now, if she had gotten her license and, say, started swooping or wingsuiting or BASE jumping without proper instruction, you may have a point, but really this is just a case of overestimating the danger in tandem skydiving. 

I skydive with a ton of parents, single and married, and it's a calculated risk. If you cut out everything that has a small chance of killing you because you're afraid you may die, you'd never leave the house.

Kail's done a lot of dumb things in her life, but this isn't really one of them.

As I think about it more, what about parents who choose careers like the military or law enforcement that come with greater risks of harm than the average office job? Should they reconsider since they are parents?

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So have we seen CiCi or GiGi whatever her name is - Kail's friend- before?  Is that her new girl friend?  I only wonder because if one of my friends came over and tucked her nasty feet up under her while sitting on my couch With Her Shoes On, she better be putting out. And I'm straight. 

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15 hours ago, monagatuna said:

Really common misconception. A tandem skydive is extremely safe by just about any standard. Skydiving itself is a fairly safe sport that can be dangerous if you're dumb about it, but by and large, your five minutes in the air as a tandem passenger is probably safer than the hour drive out to the dropzone. Now, if she had gotten her license and, say, started swooping or wingsuiting or BASE jumping without proper instruction, you may have a point, but really this is just a case of overestimating the danger in tandem skydiving. 

I skydive with a ton of parents, single and married, and it's a calculated risk. If you cut out everything that has a small chance of killing you because you're afraid you may die, you'd never leave the house.

Kail's done a lot of dumb things in her life, but this isn't really one of them.

I acknowledged originally that yeah, it's an infinitesimal chance, but unlike say driving or the other hundreds of unexpected things that can kill you in a day, I think it's incumbent as a parent that you do not actively increase, even infinitesimally, the chance that something terrible happens to you. I understand this might be a safe activity, but  are your children safer without you actively choosing to add skydiving to your list of daily variables than they are without you doing so. Driving to work and getting killed is something that can't be avoided or predicted, provided you have a job (which in this case because she does NOT have a regular job, Kailyn's choice to skydive and thereby endanger the well-being of her children makes her choice to do it, by percentage, higher than most...she does not have 10 commutes per week to navigate, so that's ten less in her denominator for probability sake).

Another way to look at it from my perspective is if you get killed on the way to work, people say "What a tragedy, that lady was just trying to provide for her kid, just goes to show you never know what's going to happen." If you die skydiving, they go "Tragic...but seriously, what the fuck is she doing skydiving as a single mother, wow." Both are hindsight, sure, but that's the difference I'm talking about, not the idea of being afraid to die for your own sake. There's a long way between "I'm afraid of all the dangers most people accept as part of daily existence and therefore I'm going to be a shut in," and "I'd rather not increase my chances of dying by jumping off a bridge attached to a rubber band." The thrill of doing those things is BECAUSE you might die. It's just science, it's primal and adrenaline rushes, that's the center of your brain that activates when you do stuff like bungee jump (which I have to wait to do now until my kids are set and can take care of themselves, but I'll do eventually).  

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