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S01.E05: Golden Era

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I think there is a question of when do you draw a line between excusing (not exactly want I want to say, but that's the closest word I can think of right now) someone for the things they did in CO$ because they were brainwashed and abused (Rinder), and saying that the abused has become the abuser and must now be held fully accountable for their actions (Miscavige). To my way of thinking, Miscavige is the top guy. No one is telling him what to do or threatening him. The only other person in the cult who can say that is Tom Cruise as long their scary 'friendship' doesn't sour. Everyone else is a victim. 

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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

 On another topic I was channel hopping and I came across King Of Queens.   This was most definitely a show I ignored in the past but watched it for a bit.   Not to my tastes.  That being said Leah Remini is genuinely funny.   Was she still a scientologist when this was filmed?  

Kirstie Alley did an odd guest spot on the show, and it never made sense to me until learning about them both being Scientologists.

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2 hours ago, estellasmum said:

I wasn't aware of this show until Sunday night, when flipping through the channels, I watched it because there was nothing else better on. Wow that was raw for me. I knew Scientology was crazy, but somehow never put the two and two together to realize how much it has in common with the Jehovah's Witness religion, which I left. The stalking, getting a hold of information, the IRS battles for tax exempt status, fake propaganda, fake statistics, enforced "meetings", the basic slave-labor status of those at headquarters compared to the higher-ups, cutting off of family contact after you leave, empty showcase buildings, repeated pleas for money just punched me in the gut. When Leah was being followed, it brought back so many memories, because when I left, I was followed home from work, so my family could find out where I lived, and then JW's kept showing up outside of my work, and at my door to the point where I would have to be escorted out of the building, and my boss finally found me another job somewhere else, because it was too taxing on everyone to have to deal with the harassment, and I had to break my lease and move out in the middle of the night to not be followed. So many of the things the married couple talked about rang true, like the wife always ratting out the husband (better to have the negative attention on someone else, not you) and Leah saying all she wanted growing up was a friend and to ride her bike just kicked me in the gut. I hope Leah has the courage to keep up the negative press on this organization, and wish that other controlling cults had celebrities that would shine the same light on them. It amazes me what can be done in the name of religious freedom.

I hope you are doing well, Estellasmum. Stay strong. This show is extremely triggering and not just to Scientologists. People who have had run-ins with other authoritarian groups know the scene well. I have long been in a family situation with someone who lives with "the word" while the rest of us are sucker punched on a regular basis. Whatever the theological veneer, the core is the same. A cult is about earthly control. There's nothing divine going on. 

37 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

I think there is a question of when do you draw a line between excusing (not exactly want I want to say, but that's the closest word I can think of right now) someone for the things they did in CO$ because they were brainwashed and abused (Rinder), and saying that the abused has become the abuser and must now be held fully accountable for their actions (Miscavige). To my way of thinking, Miscavige is the top guy. No one is telling him what to do or threatening him. The only other person in the cult who can say that is Tom Cruise as long their scary 'friendship' doesn't sour. Everyone else is a victim. 

This is tough. I always felt sorry for Patty Hearst because I couldn't believe she had any plan to become a bank robber, but I never felt sorry for Christian Scientists like the David and Ginger Twitchell, who let their son suffer and die from a medical condition that could have been fixed. As a true "goat," one who is not easily led, I still fell sorry for the sheep. Do I trust them, however? Uh, not easily. Joining a cult and inflicting it on other people creates a debt that has to be paid. There's no blanket pardon in my world, but there is a possible pardon if it is earned. 

We are now in a time when facts are malleable and truth is up to the highest bidder. We'll see more of this cult stuff. It looks religious, scientific, social, political, and anything else. Still, it's all about a charismatic human with the skill to control and profit from other people and the will to do it. 

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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

On another topic I was channel hopping and I came across King Of Queens.   This was most definitely a show I ignored in the past but watched it for a bit.   Not to my tastes.  That being said Leah Remini is genuinely funny.   Was she still a scientologist when this was filmed?  

My family and I contend that it is the only version of the fat husband/hot wife sitcom that ever really worked. Kevin was great at making Doug a charming sweetheart at his core. Meanwhile, Carrie was short tempered and a bit of an asshole. You could tell that she was smart and ambitious, but somewhat resentful that her lack of education prevented her from getting better jobs. The show felt balanced. Carrie weaknesses. Doug had weaknesses, but his strengths compensated for her weaknesses and vice versa.

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On December 31, 2016 at 1:58 AM, DeeReynolds said:

When I hear these stories of Miscavige beating up his followers, my mind goes to the scene in Elf when Peter Dinklage goes across the table to attack Will Farrell. Just me? Sad but true!

Call me elf one more time. 

I said the same last week. 

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On 12/30/2016 at 2:40 PM, walnutqueen said:

It may matter very much to his wife, though; perhaps this is something he takes into consideration.

It doesn't. Let's just say I used to work for a boss who had mouse ears, and he would show up with his wife and boyfriend on vacation frequently. Let's just say that perhaps I used to work in a very specific area of this place that gave all of the VIPs tours. When a celebrity guest likes you, you become their tour guide every time they visit, so let's just say I've actually seen this in person due to a coworker being JT's guide.

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6 hours ago, FreetheGirlses said:

It doesn't. Let's just say I used to work for a boss who had mouse ears, and he would show up with his wife and boyfriend on vacation frequently. Let's just say that perhaps I used to work in a very specific area of this place that gave all of the VIPs tours. When a celebrity guest likes you, you become their tour guide every time they visit, so let's just say I've actually seen this in person due to a coworker being JT's guide.

My eyes are popping out of my head!!!!

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16 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

JT sexuality is no ones business.  If he is gay and wants to stay in the closet for the whole of his career that is his right.   My only side eye comes when someone who is gay publicly demonizes gays.  From what I understand JT does not so I don't care one way or the other.   


Isn't scientology as a whole, anti-gay?

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8 hours ago, FreetheGirlses said:

It doesn't. Let's just say I used to work for a boss who had mouse ears, and he would show up with his wife and boyfriend on vacation frequently. Let's just say that perhaps I used to work in a very specific area of this place that gave all of the VIPs tours. When a celebrity guest likes you, you become their tour guide every time they visit, so let's just say I've actually seen this in person due to a coworker being JT's guide.

So much for the happiest place in the world ...

His sexuality really isn't anyone's business, as far as I'm concerned.  If he chooses to explain it to the world, fine, if not, that's fine with me, too.

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

His sexuality became public business when he gave millions to an organization that regards homosexuality as an illness that can be "cured" and punishes their LGBTQ members. 


This! Just like former Congressman Aaron Schock co-sponsoring anti-gay legislation and then illegally using donor funds to pay his boyfriend to photograph his official trips.

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16 hours ago, FreetheGirlses said:

It doesn't. Let's just say I used to work for a boss who had mouse ears, and he would show up with his wife and boyfriend on vacation frequently. Let's just say that perhaps I used to work in a very specific area of this place that gave all of the VIPs tours. When a celebrity guest likes you, you become their tour guide every time they visit, so let's just say I've actually seen this in person due to a coworker being JT's guide.

I read this as: your mouse-eared (male) boss, his wife and his boyfriend went on vacation.

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9 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I read this as: your mouse-eared (male) boss, his wife and his boyfriend went on vacation.

I read it that way the first time too, lol !

Edited by Diane Mars
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On 1/3/2017 at 8:54 PM, HunterHunted said:

My family and I contend that it is the only version of the fat husband/hot wife sitcom that ever really worked. Kevin was great at making Doug a charming sweetheart at his core. Meanwhile, Carrie was short tempered and a bit of an asshole. You could tell that she was smart and ambitious, but somewhat resentful that her lack of education prevented her from getting better jobs. The show felt balanced. Carrie weaknesses. Doug had weaknesses, but his strengths compensated for her weaknesses and vice versa.

+++1.  I still watch this on reruns.  I don't know if this show was ever really popular, and I admit I didn't watch it when it was current.  But there's some fantastic and very funny acting on this show from all the players, but especially Kevin and Leah.  To me, they were always believable as a couple.

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On 1/4/2017 at 6:03 PM, CofCinci said:

His sexuality became public business when he gave millions to an organization that regards homosexuality as an illness that can be "cured" and punishes their LGBTQ members. 


Why does this make his sexuality the public's business? Being a hypocrite may be distasteful, but doesn't obligate him to anything or anyone. What he does with his money, what he does in his bedroom, the moral code he chooses to live by are all his personal business. None of have any right to presume to tell another person how to live, what to share, or what to do with the money they've earned. 

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If John is gay then that's between him and his wife. However, from the articles posted here it looks like he's being accused of being sexually inappropriate (battery/assault) with men. If that is true, it is other people's business just as it would be if he was sexually inappropriate with women. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
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31 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

He is a public figure, so people will comment on his life. No escaping that.

Oh, I agree. And I do it too, but the person I responded to made the argument that his hypocrisy in giving to COS obligated him to be open to the public about his sexuality. Maybe I misunderstood their point. However, he is not obligated to open up about anything for any reason barring a crime. I'm not defending his hypocrisy. I'm defending his freedom to be a hypocrite. 

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19 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I do find the fact that he pubicly supports and has probably given millions of dollars to an organization that is actively anti-gay to be problematic.

I do to but there is a line and Religion isn't really it.  Does that mean every public figure who is a Christian regardless of how outspoken and also gay deserves to be outted because Christianity doesn't have the best record with homosexuality either? If Travolts is abusing his partners or publicly speaking out then yeah he needs to be called on it but even public people have the right to some privacy.

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Someone upthread asked if that was Brandy they saw in one video. I just finished Leah's book, and Brandy was investigating Scientology for awhile but then drifted away. Great book, by the way. It was easy to read and fascinating. 

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

Who is Brandy?

She's a singer/actress probably most famous for the huge late 90's duet with singer Monica "The Boy is Mine", as well as the WB tv show "Moesha".  She was a huge star in the later half of the 90's.  

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2 hours ago, bubbls said:

Someone upthread asked if that was Brandy they saw in one video. I just finished Leah's book, and Brandy was investigating Scientology for awhile but then drifted away. Great book, by the way. It was easy to read and fascinating. 


1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

Who is Brandy?


48 minutes ago, Tiger said:

She's a singer/actress probably most famous for the huge late 90's duet with singer Monica "The Boy is Mine", as well as the WB tv show "Moesha".  She was a huge star in the later half of the 90's.  

When I read @bubbls statement I was thinking about the liquor, although I know who Brandy the singer is. I was wondering if Scientologist has some weird rules against brandy.

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Well, they (at least the higher-ups and Sea Org members) seem to frown on alcohol, despite having an annual Beer and Cheese party on NYE every year. Most eschew real beer for the icky non-alcoholic stuff, although there apparently IS beer on hand. I think it was Ron Miscavige's book that went into detail about these little shindigs. I recall that someone got drunk and was essentially ridiculed by Miscavige and his flunkees. 

But back to Brandy, I also assumed that Leah referred to "Moesha" (the role for which she's most famous). 

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Oh wait, I meant a blond singer. I saw a blond in the crowd who I thought was a singer. I'm totally confused now so.......however, Leah's book does talk about Brandy flirting with Scientology for a short period of time. I'll escort myself out now!

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Concern trolling is the worst. I'm going to discuss Tavolta's homosexuality until the mods say we can't. He sexually assaults men hired for massages. He gives millions to an organization that punishes and abuses gay people.  He's a terrible person -- not because he's gay but because he withheld much needed medical treatment from his son. 

Edited by CofCinci
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3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Concern trolling is the worst. I'm going to discuss Tavolta's homosexuality until the mods say we can't. He sexually assaults men hired for massages. He gives millions to an organization that punishes and abuses gay people.  He's a terrible person -- not because he's gay but because he withheld much needed medical treatment from his son. 

And that is the thing for me.  I feel badly for him as all reports say that he is the nicest man you'll ever meet.  Yet he did not seek appropriate medical care for his son which ultimately resulted in his death, and he has numerous reports of sexually assaulting male masseuses .    Don't get me wrong, I think Kelly Preston runs the family and we all know she is bat shit crazy for Scientology.  At some point, there has to be some personal responsibility.  He has yet to show ANY.

Edited by tabloidlover
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10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Well, they (at least the higher-ups and Sea Org members) seem to frown on alcohol, despite having an annual Beer and Cheese party on NYE every year.

There's strong evidence that David Miscavige is a drinker. Marty Rathbun once commented about how he drinks whiskey every night. (Here's the reference - with bonus Tom Cruise content.)


Well, my suspicions about DM's real purposes for recording Tom's confessions have been confirmed as warranted. I have recently learned from a very reliable witness that DM regularly held court with others in his personal lounge in the roadside Villas at the Int base, and while sipping scotch whiskey at the end of the night, Miscavige would read Tom's overts and withholds from my reports to others, joking and laughing about the content of Tom's confessions. My witness is unimpeachable in my eyes as his account contains too many accurate details from someone who had zero reason (or ability) for being anywhere near Tom's folders, videos and reports direct to DM. I also know he was a regular, preferred guest at DM's scotch night caps during that period.

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It sounds like he drank in private with his closest minions but definitely had a different attitude in front of the "regular" Sea Org members who attended the Beer and Cheese parties. There was a story his father told of DM and his buddies laughing at a guy who'd gotten drunk at one of these affairs. He definitely gave the impression that drinking (possibly to excess? he didn't elaborate) was frowned upon. 

It doesn't surprise me that DM is a massive hypocrite. 

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 0:49 AM, bilgistic said:

Explain to me what the forced abortions are about. I can understand the church not wanting the immediate problems of increased healthcare (costs) and another mouth to feed (not that they're hurting for money), but wouldn't that additional person, in their minds, eventually be another person in their ranks? I mean, they get them so young anyway, why not literally at birth?

Also, there are many instances where there is no statute of limitations on crimes against children.  This was even mentioned in one of the episodes, I believe.

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 1:02 AM, Quilt Fairy said:

I think the CO$ is more about money than minds. They'd rather keep their workers focused on their jobs.

I wish they had gone more into the background of all the bullshit statistics that were put into those videos. How did they come up with stuff like they lowered heroin addiction in Italy by 39% or they raised the grades of Detroit school kids from F to A+ in a few weeks? And how could people sit there and believe shit like that?

Stats can be manipulated as anyone sees fit.  They provide no data to compare it to.  I sometimes do surveys for Amazon or Paypal gift cards when I'm bored, and could use some money to buy something I can't justify spending "real" money on.  I will sometimes be asked to evaluate new packaging for a product, and any time a potential candidate says something like "80% more powerful than before!" or something similar, I will always downvote it.  When asked why, I always reply "As compared to what?  It's an empty stat".

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 8:40 AM, Neurochick said:

Spiderpig, you are correct, the problem is that if the government came down on Scientology, or $cientology, every religion in the US would be up in arms.  Why?  Because they'll say, "how do we know the government won't come after us for whatever reason?"  It's like the argument the NRA has with gun control, they're afraid that any sanctions will only be the beginning.  I think that's why the government won't go after them.  I think the government should because I'm reminded of the Jim Jones and the People's Temple; I mean the US government knew that Jim Jones was getting scores of people to leave the country and live in Guyana (over 900 died in the murder/suicide there) and they might have felt that their hands were tied because it was a religion.

The Government and a group of concerned citizens was in-process of handling it when it all went south, and fast.  But Jones was a master manipulator, and he had people on his side for quite some time - people in high places.

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 9:57 AM, Theredone said:

I think what fascinates me about cults is how deeply entrenched the brainwashing becomes so that even once you escape, so many of your actions are still dictated by what's been indoctrinated into you. 

Along those lines, I keep trying to understand why Claire had to escape on her own after Marc got out. What stops him from going to the police and saying, "they're holding my wife against her will, let's go get her"?

I can't imagine being in their position and what types of thoughts you're having. Does anyone know whether Marc addresses in his book why he didn't get the police involved to get Claire out?

He's in a no-win.  If his wife does want out and he sends the cops there, she'll of course say no, she doesn't, and they'll leave, and come back on him.  Meanwhile, they'll put her on lockdown because they figure that she either needs more training, or they'll suspect she really does want to go.  Absolutely no-win.

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 10:00 AM, LAFR said:

With regards to the forced abortions - I am amazed that the U.S. Congress doesn't go after them for this. There are hearings and reports that raise the issue of forced abortions in China and there are Members of Congress that frequently attack China on this one issue alone. I am amazed they aren't up in arms about ones happening in this country. Limiting access to birth control and then forcing those who get pregnant to have an abortion is disgusting and sick.

Yes, but there's that pesky "religion" tag, and also, that whole nastiness where the COS broke in to Government offices, etc.  I have a feeling they're just "looking the other way" where this is concerned......

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 10:25 AM, eskimo said:

The US government did go there to investigate the claims that people could not leave of their own free will.  Jim Jones put on a show of how great everything was there and that people could leave if they wanted to.  When some people decided to leave with the congressman, gunmen from the People's Temple met them at the airstrip and murdered a bunch of them, including Congressman Ryan.  At the very same time, he was mixing the Kool-aid back at the camp.  Jim Jones knew that when these people got back to the US the truth would get out and he was about to lose control.  So they did investigate, but it was far too late.  CO$ needs to be stopped before it gets to that point.  I could see DM talking many people into 'shedding their earthly bodies' before he loses his power.  He's that crazy and power hungry.   

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 11:14 AM, Neurochick said:

Yes,  I remember when that happened as I was in college then.  But I wonder if the government investigated Jones before Guyana; like what are you doing taking all these US citizens out of the country like that? 

Jim Jones had some good clout on his side, and I think that's why he escaped detection for some time.  He had people like Harvey Milk and Roslyn Carter in his wheelhouse, who all said wonderful things about him and his ministry.  Of course we all know how that played out....

I would hope enough COS people would say hell-to-the-no at mass suicide, but there was credible evidence that not all People's Temple members went willingly.

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 1:13 PM, rhys said:

I wish Marc had gone into more details about his job. I was hoping to hear something like: "70% of those audience members were paid actors." I dunno--I wanted more. Plus wouldn't an IUD or some other contraceptive be cheaper than paying for abortions?

If you don't have health insurance, IUD's are really expensive, require insertion by a trained GYN in their office, sometimes under light anesthesia, and can create health issues, and some downtime after insertion.  If they can't afford BCP's, they can't afford IUD's.

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 6:41 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

I'm really surprised to find that the CO$ has such substantial locations in the US. IIRC, the whole reason the upper echelon is called the Sea Org is that L Ron Hubbard figured out that running his "church" from a boat in international waters would get around a lot of pesky laws. 

IIRC, on another doc, it said he lived on his boat because he was wanted in several countries including the US, and that he'd sneak off the boat at times, but mostly lived on it.  Many ports refused him entry.

On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 0:22 PM, juliet73 said:

I went to Pinellas County FL tax assessor website and the property taxes for the Flag Service Organization (210 S Ft Harrison Ave, Clearwater) was listed as:  PAID 2016-11-16  $205,311.22 annually.  Another Flag Service building is listed as well (118 N. Harrison Ave) and it shows $0.00 taxes.  Another building is located at 503 Cleveland St was listed as: PAID 2016-11-16  $1,111.24.  Another building is listed as Church of Scientology (1057 Cephas Rd Clearwater), but according to the tax records, the business name is CSA Power Solutions.  It is listed as:  PAID 2016-12-14  $790.79. Another property is listed as a CO$ Mission (100 N. Belcher), but the property records list the owners at private indiviuals:  $8039.86 is due.  

Man.  $790.79?  I don't pay a lot less than that for my 1977 single-wide that I don't own the land on.  Sheesh.

On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 8:36 PM, bilgistic said:

Kirstie Alley did an odd guest spot on the show, and it never made sense to me until learning about them both being Scientologists.

Yeah.  Mr. Funky was all like "DaFuq?" with that odd-ball ep.  I said "Scientology" and he said "Gotcha".

On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 9:34 PM, bilgistic said:

It's one of my favorite shows. See username.

Dear Carrie:  You are nothing less to me than a bilgistic pile of love meat........

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21 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

Jim Jones had some good clout on his side, and I think that's why he escaped detection for some time.  He had people like Harvey Milk and Roslyn Carter in his wheelhouse, who all said wonderful things about him and his ministry.  Of course we all know how that played out....

I would hope enough COS people would say hell-to-the-no at mass suicide, but there was credible evidence that not all People's Temple members went willingly.

I think a huge difference was that back then there was no social media, no Internet, no 24/7 news channels, easier to fool people without smart phones and cameras on every corner, not impossible, but harder.  Look at this documentary, no one would have done something like this thirty years ago.  Before the mass suicide/murders, I didn't know much about the People's Temple or Jim Jones. 

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8 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think a huge difference was that back then there was no social media, no Internet, no 24/7 news channels, easier to fool people without smart phones and cameras on every corner, not impossible, but harder.  Look at this documentary, no one would have done something like this thirty years ago.  Before the mass suicide/murders, I didn't know much about the People's Temple or Jim Jones. 

That too.  Plus, it wasn't unusual at that time for people to "get lost finding themselves", so it was kind-of accepted that someone might disappear into religion, etc.  We studied JJ in abnormal psych, and our professor said that cults were around before People's Temple, but in his opinion, they were the ones who blew it all wide-open, and put a lot more groups on the RADAR.  I got angry at the parents who fed the cyanide to the kids.  They were innocent and didn't deserve it. 

I know it's OT, and I apologize, but Jones recorded a ton of stuff, including the suicide, and the dialogue tagged "Miller" was an elderly woman who tried to talk some sense in to him.  Sad stuff. 


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On 12/28/2016 at 5:09 AM, spiderpig said:

...This cult makes the Spanish Inquisition look like pikers.  Isn't it time for you to do your job?  Or do I have to declare my own religion based on loving truffles and hating carrots so I can quit paying my ****ing TAXES?



I mean, if you need members...


*carrot-hating hand raised*

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On 12/29/2016 at 0:52 PM, juliet73 said:

Ask and you shall receive....  :)  

Anchorage Alaska
1300 E 68th Ave

Church of Scientology of Santa Cruz
LA Celebrity Center
Bridge Publications Inc
Youth For Human Rights
Hubbard College
Social Betterment Properties International
RTC Religious Technology Center
SMI Scientology Missions International
CSI Church of Scientology International
Building Management Services
Carroll Rees Academy and Art
Church of Scientology Mountain View
Church Of Scientology Los Gatos
Church of Scientology of South San Jose
Church of Scientology of Steven's Creek
Church of Scientology Orange County
Church of Scientology San Francisco

Aptos 345 Flume Rd.
Los Angeles 5930 Franklin Av.
Los Angeles 4751 Fountain Av.
Los Angeles 6331 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles 1954 Hillhurst Ave.
Los Angeles 320 North Vermont Ave
Los Angeles 6331 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles 6331 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles 6331 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles 6331 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles 6161 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles 6331 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles 3031 Angus Street
Mountain View 117 Easy St.
San Jose 650 Saratoga Ave.
San Jose 826 N. Winchester Blvd. 1
San Jose 1865 Lundy Ave.
Tustin 1451 Irvine Blvd.
San Francisco 701 Montgomery St

Hubbard College
320 North Vermont Ave Los Angeles Ca
Ventura Mission
Ventura Ca

Church of Scientology of Colorado
3385 S Bannock Street
Englewood, CO 80110

949 Whalley Ave

Washington DC
Founding Church of Scientology (Frazer Mansion)- 
Church of Scientology
L Ron Hubbard Museum/Library

Wash. DC 1701 20th Street
Washington DC, 1424 16th Street
Washington DC 1812 19TH ST NW

Church Of Scientology Flag SVC Org Inc.
Church of Scientology Religious Trust
Church of Scientology Mission of Clearwater Inc.
Church of Scientology Flagship Service Org Inc. 
Freewinds Relay Office
Chirch of Scientology Mission of Belleair
Church of Scientology Book Store Mission Belleair
Ybor Square Building Complex
Church of Scientology of Tampa, Inc.
Church of Scientology Flag SCV Org Inc.; Church of 
Scientology Flag Service Org Inc;
Hubbard Dianetics (they have it spelled Dienetics)
Ebony Awakening 

41 N. Ft. Harrison Ave.
100 Belcher Rd. N
503 Cleveland St.
2907 W. Bay Dr. Ste 101
2985 W. Bay Dr.
1901 N. 13th St.
3102 N. Habana Ave.
500 Cleveland St.
3102 N Habana Ave.

1500 San Roy Drive Dunedin, FL 34698 

5395 Roswell Rd.Sandy Springs

7750 Crestwood Drive, Ste 3 Boise

Church of Scientology
6451 Rockville Rd
Indianapolis, Indiana

102 Huggins Rd

3524 Canal St. New Orleans

Criminon or Maine
204 Beath Rd Boothbay

Church of Scientology Mission of Baltimore
Ellicot City, MD

Beacon Street, Boston

43 Poplar St.
Battle Creek

31 N. Washington St.
Battle Creek

1 Griswold Ave.
Detroit, MI 48226

289 Gulfwater Drive

Church Of Scientology Of Missouri 
6901 Delmar Blvd 
Saint Louis, MO 63130 

Church Of Scientology Kansas City
2 E 39TH ST, 
KANSAS CITY, MO 64111-2288

Church Of Scientology 
843 Hidden Hills Dr 
Bellevue Nebraska

LAS VEGAS NV 89104-3017

Church of Scientology Creative Mission of Las Vegas
4850 W. Flamingo Rd Suite 10
Las Vegas, NV 89103

Church of Scientology

Church Of Scientlogy
64 Bethpage Rd
Hicksville, NY 11801 

1266 Dublin Road, Columbus

1315 Race Street

Celebrity Center

1112 8th Ave S
1114 8th Ave S 
1130 8TH AV S 

Church Of Scientology Texas
2200 Guadalupe Street Ste 2
Austin Tx 78705-5223
Status- non exempt. 2009 Net Taxable Value - $108,977.00
Account # 02120105070000

Church Of Scientology Texas
2200 Guadalupe Street Ste 2
Austin Tx 78705-5223
site address - 2110 NUECES ST
Status non exempt- 2009 Net Taxable Value- $50,556.00
Act # 02120110010000 

Church Of Scientology Texas
2200 Guadalupe Street Ste 2
Austin Tx 78705-5223

IRVING, TEXAS 750623954 

Church of Scientology Mission of Salt Lake City
1931 South 1100 East Street
Salt Lake City, Utah

Church of Scientology of Washington State
Church of Scientology - Mission of Seattle
Church of Scientology of the Eastside 
Church of Scientology Mission 

601 Aurora Avenue N. Seattle
300 W. Harrison Seattle 
7901 168th Avenue Northeast #200 Redmond

Applied Scholastics -1603 W 14TH AVE- Spokane


Here is the link from whyweprotest.net     https://whyweprotest.net/threads/scientologys-us-tax-exempt-properties.63297/page-5

So Tennesee  has a celebrity center??  Are there any country music stars that are scientologists?  Just curious if you know and thanks for the info.

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57 minutes ago, applecrisp said:

So Tennesee  has a celebrity center??  Are there any country music stars that are scientologists?  Just curious if you know and thanks for the info.

"... 1960s folk music legend Melanie Safka (known professionally as Melanie), country recording artist and songwriter Ryan Laird, bassist George Hawkins Jr., guitarist Regi Wooten, Grammy-winning composer, film scorer and musician Mark Isham, and producer-engineer-composer Tony Rockliff."



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8 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

"... 1960s folk music legend Melanie Safka (known professionally as Melanie), country recording artist and songwriter Ryan Laird, bassist George Hawkins Jr., guitarist Regi Wooten, Grammy-winning composer, film scorer and musician Mark Isham, and producer-engineer-composer Tony Rockliff."



I've heard of Melanie; used to like her stuff.  The others, dunno...

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18 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

I got a brand new pair of roller skates, you got a brand new key....

I will be singing that for the rest of the day, thank you very much.

Oh, I remember hearing that on Jimmy Fallon. I'm sure this Melanie was able to use the boost in iTunes sales to buy herself one more OT level. 

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On 12/29/2016 at 10:59 AM, fastiller said:

From the recap:

I really want to see a reputable source on how much property they own in Clearwater.  I work with someone from not far from there and he contends they don't own much, but a fairly pro-Co$ site says they're the highest property tax paying entity in the city.

On the second bolded section, I really laughed a lot at the "no, you go ahead" / "no you go ahead" thing that LR had going on.  I thought it could've gone on for several more minutes if all parties wanted it to.

I think she would have done it all day, but Rindahh pulled the ripcord.  He was right to do so.  They would still be sitting there now doing it.  It was too funny and she was having fun doing it.  She's a hoot.

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On 12/31/2016 at 1:22 PM, Brattinella said:

Was Jett Travolta denied medical care?

No. Although the scientologists disapproved, Travolta and Preston were having their son treated for his condition.

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