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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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7 minutes ago, jade.black said:

This producer or whoever is responsible for this mess has done permanent damage to his life.

I think he should sue her. I think they all should. She wasn't even there! I wonder if Corinne would have though of herself as a victim had her producer friend not put that bug in her ear. I just feel like it all started with the producer, I just wonder what her actual agenda is. Not Corinne's wellbeing because this doesn't seem to be painting her in a great light.

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Mabinogia said:

I just feel like it all started with the producer, I just wonder what her actual agenda is. Not Corinne's wellbeing because this doesn't seem to be painting her in a great light.

That is certainly an interesting question.  In my experience, you can always find a "why".  But I agree that, on its surface, this doesn't seem to have been smart play by the crew-member if they weren't honestly concerned.  Although we don't really know exactly what this crew-member did, when, and to whom.  There have been reports of "Complaints", but no explanation of what that means.  We've heard the crew-member didn't show up for work the day after (presumably Monday), but that filming continued until sometime on Tuesday (or possibly Wednesday).  The initial report said that Warner Brothers pulled the plug, but since then I've read that ABC is investigating.  

I think the only thing we know for sure is that this crew-member (or crew-members) have burned a bridge with Fleiss & Co, probably ABC, and possibly with the industry generally.

  • Love 3

Honestly this seems to be like a bad episode of UnReal then BIP.  I think there is plenty of blame to go around.  The Producers push these narcissistic  fame whores to keep pushing the envelope.  They have allowed situations to get out of hand and now they are stuck in a horrific situation.  They should have stopped the situation but then again the two adults could have not drank so much either.  This was waiting to happen - they push the booze and now a situation has spiraled out of control.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Slakkie said:

Honestly this seems to be like a bad episode of UnReal then BIP.  I think there is plenty of blame to go around.  The Producers push these narcissistic  fame whores to keep pushing the envelope.  They have allowed situations to get out of hand and now they are stuck in a horrific situation.  They should have stopped the situation but then again the two adults could have not drank so much either.  This was waiting to happen - they push the booze and now a situation has spiraled out of control.

Absolutely and now what they got is what they got!  Check please!

  • Love 2
On 6/14/2017 at 6:34 PM, gigiann said:

Can Nick sue Corrine for sexual harassment/assault when she threw off her bikini top and grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts?  Or when she put whip cream on her breasts and showed them to Nick to lick?  Or when she straddled him in the bouncy house humping on him?

Good point.  If whatever happened is her worst nightmare, why drink so much so that she had no way to defend herself?  Come on lady, you are an adult .  Take responsibility for putting yourself in a bad position.    And thanks for ruining Carly's big day.  She probably had a special wedding sharpie to draw her eyebrows on with.

ill see myself out. 

  • Love 15

Seeing these videos of DeMario, I 100% believe him. We all know the man CAN'T LIE!! At first, the fact that we know he's untrustworthy from his ex confrontation made me question him a bit. But he's completely steady with conviction and his story hasn't wavered. With the ex drama, he couldn't go a half sentence without changing his story, his voice going up three octaves, getting loud, and flailing all over the place. He states with complete conviction that the tapes will exonerate him. He's pulling a full Comey: "Lordy, I hope there are tapes!"

  • Love 9

I'm sick of them all. Chris Soules,drinks, has an  accident, kills someone, runs away. Not his fault, aww poor Chris couldn't handle jail. Corinne/DeMario get drunk off their faces, trashy sex, not their fault. I don't feel sorry for any of them, they honestly need to own what they do!

Imagine if you will, if this was one of us, we wouldn't get the same treatment, nothing special that's for damn sure!

I think I'll boycott the sleazy show! 

1 hour ago, Artsda said:

I feel bad he lost his job. 

Corinne doesn't need to worry about things like that, she has daddy.

I don't like he lost his job, he's a grown ass man though, did he need to get that drunk??? 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

Perfectly said. They are victims of themselves. Hell, no one forced them to be on this morally corrupt show that they had both already been on and therefore understood. I feel like they understand what this show is more than most so they, more than most, should have known that the producers were going to let them go as far as they wanted. For Corinne to pretend these people were supposed to parent her is ridiculous. She gave them exactly what they wanted because she KNEW exactly what they wanted. It blew up in her face.  To say the show took advantage of her is to ignore the fact that she was using the show for her own reasons and put them in a position that cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. A soft core porn is not something production would have wanted. They could never have used the footage.

What is confusing me now is, was anyone there? Or were these cameras that were just set up to catch whatever might happen. If there were people there, why wasn't Corinne's handler there? She is the one who should have stopped Corinne from drinking. She is not just her handler, but also her friend. She is the one, if anyone, who should have told Corinne to slow it down. She's the one who would have known just how much Corinne was drinking since it's her job to follow what Corinne is doing.

There is just so much about this that doesn't add up.

What's ironic is that Corinne's handler is the producer who filed the complaint against the show. She didn't see the incident firsthand and she did not see the video of it either. How could she then legitimately file a complaint if she just heard hearsay information from other people?  As the handler and the producer assigned to Corinne for the show, where was she on the very first night of filming when the whole incident happened with DeMario?

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Just because you don't remember what happened the next day doesn't necessarily mean that you were black out drunk.

Isn't that the very definition of blackout drunk?

I am stunned that Corinne is being blamed for sexual activity that apparently occurred when she was in fact unconscious. That's rape. That's sexual intercourse without consent - regardless of how  much breast flashing and mutual involvement went on before.

I can't think of any other reason they would shut down production, given two people got drunk and sloppy is the basic premise of the show.

She's a silly girl who probably shouldn't drink - much like Lace last season. But I am surprised she is copping the blame. It's like we're back in the seventies, when women were told they'd invited it by wearing a short dress or walking in the wrong part of town.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I am stunned that Corinne is being blamed for sexual activity that apparently occurred when she was in fact unconscious. That's rape. That's sexual intercourse without consent - regardless of how  much breast flashing and mutual involvement went on before.

Most of the reports are not saying she was unconscious. 

  • Love 8

I haven't read she was unconscious. Also that she was very sexually inappropriate and aggressive--something we saw with Nick, but Nick was sober enough and smart enough to avoid dangerous situations with her.

If DiMario was drunk, too, and --let's just say for argument sake-- she was very drunk and throwing herself at him (including initiating nudity or partial nudity in one version I read--something else we saw on Nick's season), does she bear NO responsibility for what an equally drunk DiMario might have done?

What's the level of personal responsibility between adults? "Consent" doesn't always happen with conversation, does it?

That said, my understanding is that a cameraman was there, not just    a camera. If that was true, s/he--as the sober one--had a responsibility to stop anything that was clearly happening because the two people were drunk.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Padma said:

does she bear NO responsibility for what an equally drunk DiMario might have done?

How can she be held responsible for the actions of another person, drunk or otherwise? DeMario is surely responsible for himself.

4 hours ago, Padma said:

I haven't read she was unconscious.

For example:

Warner Bros. is investigating the claim that one contestant allegedly committed sexual assault against another, on film, while one was too drunk to give consent.  ...

Other reports, including one from a contestant who spoke to People, indicate that two other contestants saw Jackson and Olympios together and were upset that the producers didn’t intervene. “They could have seen that she was drinking too much and that he was taking advantage,” the contestant told People. “They could have stopped this before it got this far.”

Later that day, sources close to Olympios tell TMZ that she was in a blackout state and did not consent to or remember the sexual encounter. ...

The crew member describes Olympios’s body going limp as she and Jackson were in the pool and says Jackson both appeared to have intercourse and oral sex with her as she appeared to be unconscious.


I think "unconscious" rather negates the possibility of giving consent. A little hard to "be responsible" for DeMario when unconscious, also. I don't know - I wouldn't want anyone treating my daughter, if I had one, or grandaughter, or any young woman  like that, even if she is an unpopular contestant on a reality TV show.

8 hours ago, wings707 said:

Fuck you, Corrine.  


  • Love 2
6 hours ago, backformore said:

Most of the reports are not saying she was unconscious. 


6 hours ago, violet and green said:

I think phrases like 'allegedly non-consensual hook-up' suggests she was passed out. Otherwise, with this class of show, what is the problem? Why would they shut down the entire production?

As has been mentioned before, I think a lot of the news outlets are confusing "black out drunk" where a person doesn't remember anything they did with "passing or blacking out".  In the throes of being black out drunk a person can speak or interact and not remember a thing the next day.  A former work acquaintance told me about a great party she went to.  Or rather she assumed it was great as she didn't remember all of it or how she got home.  She spoke to people afterwards and they said she never passed out.  And she never did find out how she got home.

So it could be an "allegedly non-consensual hook-up" even though she was conscious because of the amount alcohol in her system. 

And I don't buy the "by drinking so much" means she voluntarily gave up the right of consent.  Does that mean it would be okay to touch her sexually if she was too drunk to consent?  Shouldn't touching another person without their consent be something that people refrain from because it is wrong?

(And yes, I know that if DeMario was just as drunk, the the lines aren't so black and white)

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, violet and green said:

How can she be held responsible for the actions of another person, drunk or otherwise? DeMario is surely responsible for himself.

For example:

Warner Bros. is investigating the claim that one contestant allegedly committed sexual assault against another, on film, while one was too drunk to give consent.  ...

Other reports, including one from a contestant who spoke to People, indicate that two other contestants saw Jackson and Olympios together and were upset that the producers didn’t intervene. “They could have seen that she was drinking too much and that he was taking advantage,” the contestant told People. “They could have stopped this before it got this far.”

Later that day, sources close to Olympios tell TMZ that she was in a blackout state and did not consent to or remember the sexual encounter. ...

The crew member describes Olympios’s body going limp as she and Jackson were in the pool and says Jackson both appeared to have intercourse and oral sex with her as she appeared to be unconscious.


I think "unconscious" rather negates the possibility of giving consent. A little hard to "be responsible" for DeMario when unconscious, also....

Hi @violet and green, i cant speak for others on this board, but I know i have read a LOT of the reports on this event, and generally find the one above less than completely credible.  If it is true, it is HORRIFIC. If Corinne was so drunk she was limp, she could not provide true consent even if she initiated the encounter and the show should have stopped filming.  

But that story, to put it gently, isnt very credible.  Ie, why wouldnt producers help a limp contestant? Why would someone who helps a limp contestant out of the pool then perform a sex act desinged for the "limp" persons pleasure alone? 

On top of that, other stories that have come out about the event make this even less credible: the producerwasnt there.  Hasnt seen the video.  Corinne and demario saw the video, but didnt immediately lawyer up, etc.  

We dont know what happened, but it sure seems like there is something fishy going on.  You may have a very different take and thats fine.  I just wanted to explain the tone here.   

  • Love 14

  James Callenberger, a reality TV producer has written a good article on Vulture, telling about how they encourage hook-ups during filming based on questions asked before the show starts like "Who do you find most attractive?"  He brought out a good point when he said the biggest mistake BIP made was stopping production, because the general rule is, "When disaster strikes, shoot the disaster."  He says the aftermath would have been reality gold if they had just kept filming.

Come to think of it,  it probably would have been.  We've seen many times just  how holier-than-thou this gang can be when it comes to passing judgment on others.  I thought it was hilarious how Jade seemed to turn Amish with her long dresses, no make-up and hair in a bun, just as if those porn videos on the internet never existed. While she and Tanner gossiped over the behavior of others. Hee.

The morning-after talk and interviews would have been priceless.  Carly and Ashley would definitely had something to say, that I would have liked to hear.  Corinne and Ashley could have cried buckets together and then dissolved in laughter.  I'm not completely insensitive to Corinne's feelings, but I honestly think Corinne is going to suffer more from being told she's A Victim than she would if she had been encouraged to see the event as just another day in the life of a wild and crazy sex-goddess.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, violet and green said:

Isn't that the very definition of blackout drunk?

I am stunned that Corinne is being blamed for sexual activity that apparently occurred when she was in fact unconscious. That's rape. That's sexual intercourse without consent - regardless of how  much breast flashing and mutual involvement went on before.

I can't think of any other reason they would shut down production, given two people got drunk and sloppy is the basic premise of the show.

She's a silly girl who probably shouldn't drink - much like Lace last season. But I am surprised she is copping the blame. It's like we're back in the seventies, when women were told they'd invited it by wearing a short dress or walking in the wrong part of town.

Not in the context that it's being used. You can be lucid in the moment but remember the nothing the next day about what happened, hence blackout drunk. You drink so much that you've literally blacked out your memories during the period of your drunkenness. Blackout drunk does not necessarily mean that you are physically unconscious throughout the duration of your drunkenness.

You're commentary is being based one version of events where the details of Corinne's drunkenness differ from all the other stories reported by sources, hence, the story you're running with is so far seen as the least credible and therefore no one wants to rush to allegation of rape when the only facts known are that the two people involved were heavily intoxicated. The word 'rape' shouldn't even be in the conversation right now because Corinne isn't the only party involved that needs to consent to sexual activity and there were sexual acts directed from both parties so label either party as anything at this moment is incredibly irresponsible.

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, violet and green said:

I think phrases like 'allegedly non-consensual hook-up' suggests she was passed out. Otherwise, with this class of show, what is the problem? Why would they shut down the entire production?

Actually, no. Those phrases are based on media speculating the content of the complaint that was filed against production as the actual details of the complaint are unknown. The individual who filed the complaint was reportedly not there to witness the event. The individual who filed the complaint supposedly never returned to set (therefore did not view the footage) and supposedly filed the complaint based on second/third hand information. The second complaint filed is reportedly also by someone who was not at the scene at the time of the event.

The majority of reports include eyewitness reports from that night that describe both parties as being incredibly drunk but reports that Corinne was definitely conscious and responsive - at least one source claims that they went over to the scene in a ribbing sort of way to make both parties aware that they had seen their hook up and Corinne had responded to whatever the witness had said to them.

The most extreme version of the incident includes reporting that cast were upset that production didn't step in yet versions since (which include sources from the night) indicate that the perception was not that of one person being taken advantage of but more of two people being stupid drunk and hooking up. Maybe there was someone there that did perceive that Corinne was too drunk to realize what she was doing and they took exception. As much as we live in a society where there are people that still blame the woman for wearing her skirt too short, we've always lived in a society where no concern is given to whether a man has mutually consented to a sexual encounter when pursued when by the woman. It's very possible that there was no thought given to whether DeMario was in any frame of mind to even receive Corinne's advances to begin with (all reports suggest that the next level of their hook began with Corinne shoving her naked crotch in DeMario's face) so the fact that the only alleged concern is surrounding whether Corinne gave consent, doesn't mean that that there may not be an issue with whether DeMario gave consent.

Production was halted for the very obvious reason that a complaint was received that was very serious in nature and it would be at the detriment of Warner Bros if they did not at least temporarily halt production to look into matters. The other contestants were not sent home right away. It's likely that production was initially temporarily halted to see the nature of the complaint and the information available.  Given that the incident involves two very intoxicated people, the nature of consent by BOTH parties becomes a big gray area that Warner Bros realized cannot be thoroughly investigated in a day or two. Why would they continue to host 10-12 people, pay for all their expenses when they are unsure of when they would be able to complete their investigation and resume production? And given that contestants are only expected to schedule a maximum of like 18 days for the purpose of filming, they have to consider the obligations of the contestants outside of the show.

  • Love 4

These seasons, The Bachelorette and BIP, were supposed to integrate the franchise, add more diversity, possibly lead to a Bachelor of color. Wow, black men will run from this show like the plague. DeMario is getting railroaded for things other men may have done on the show in the past. He may receive worse repercussions than Chris Soules... and Chris Soules killed somebody. SMH.

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, violet and green said:

Isn't that the very definition of blackout drunk?

I am stunned that Corinne is being blamed for sexual activity that apparently occurred when she was in fact unconscious. That's rape. That's sexual intercourse without consent - regardless of how  much breast flashing and mutual involvement went on before.

I can't think of any other reason they would shut down production, given two people got drunk and sloppy is the basic premise of the show.

She's a silly girl who probably shouldn't drink - much like Lace last season. But I am surprised she is copping the blame. It's like we're back in the seventies, when women were told they'd invited it by wearing a short dress or walking in the wrong part of town.

That you.  It's truly bizarre, downright evil, to read people saying things like "she stuck her genitals in his face" when they have no idea whether that happened.  

Edited by Al Herkimer
  • Love 2
15 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

The fact that people have said that they aren't sure if DeMario being drunk is a legitimate legal defense, yet no one is talking about whether Corinne being drunk and shoving her naked crotch in a drunk man's face is a legitimate legal defense for her. Why shouldn't she also be in the conversation when we're talking about potential legal ramifications from the incident? Again, if both parties were impaired and people need to throw stones at who is more at fault, why wouldn't you start the conversation with the person who was the sexual aggressor?


  • Love 10
8 hours ago, violet and green said:

Isn't that the very definition of blackout drunk?

I am stunned that Corinne is being blamed for sexual activity that apparently occurred when she was in fact unconscious. That's rape. That's sexual intercourse without consent - regardless of how  much breast flashing and mutual involvement went on before.

I can't think of any other reason they would shut down production, given two people got drunk and sloppy is the basic premise of the show.

She's a silly girl who probably shouldn't drink - much like Lace last season. But I am surprised she is copping the blame. It's like we're back in the seventies, when women were told they'd invited it by wearing a short dress or walking in the wrong part of town.

Saying she was "in fact" unconscious is more than a bridge too far considering that none of the facts are actually known to any of us. There was ONE report, unsubstantiated and source unnamed, that indicated that she was unconscious, and that account is so markedly different than the dozen other accounts that say they were both drunk but seemed with it. 

Personally, I don't believe that every single member of the cast and crew that were present during this incident would ignore it if they saw things go down the way that account claims. As jaded and cynical as UnReal may have made viewers, I cannot believe that there is not one single person with any shred of human decency, which is what would be required for that version of events to be true. Even if the crew WERE horrible human beings, the awareness of liability alone would be enough to rouse their attention. 



You're commentary is being based one version of events where the details of Corinne's drunkenness differ from all the other stories reported by sources, hence, the story you're running with is so far seen as the least credible and therefore no one wants to rush to allegation of rape when the only facts known are that the two people involved were heavily intoxicated. The word 'rape' shouldn't even be in the conversation right now because Corinne isn't the only party involved that needs to consent to sexual activity and there were sexual acts directed from both parties so label either party as anything at this moment is incredibly irresponsible.


It's incredible to me that there is taped footage of this entire thing and yet no one who has seen it is putting a stop to the speculation swirling all over the internet. You can't unring a bell, so by the time this is actually settled, DeMario's name and reputation will already be (and is already being) destroyed even if it turns out to be nothing more than an extremely tacky display of public sexual activity. 

  • Love 10

Were these two alone on the island.  What about the twenty other BIP people that sat around and did nothing and now are granting interviews.

Doesn't somebody step in when they see something bad going do wn?

I can't believe all these people just let it happen while they watched and drank margaritas.  What a sad society we have become.

9 hours ago, violet and green said:

She's a silly girl who probably shouldn't drink - much like Lace last season. But I am surprised she is copping the blame. It's like we're back in the seventies, when women were told they'd invited it by wearing a short dress or walking in the wrong part of town.

Well my mom used to say that you can't expect to walk into a whore house and expect others to not see you as a whore.  Corrine has relished in her sexuality on the Bachelor.  It is beyond your description, of which I completely agree.  Should the Duggar girls be held responsible for their brother?  Absolutely not!  Corrine can't play the harlot on one show and then agree to play the same role on another show and come out squeaky clean.  IF she was unconscious, and she was molested, and the film crew were filming her then a whole lot of people need to be arrested.

ETA:  A theory:  She was "safe" to unleash herself on the bachelor because they did not film once a door was closed.  I think she may have not realized that BIP films everything and ran to daddy the next day.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Al Herkimer said:

That you.  It's truly bizarre, downright evil, to read people saying things like "she stuck her genitals in his face" when they have no idea whether that happened.  

But it's not evil to talk about a man performing sexual acts on a woman who was limp and unconscious when they have no idea whether that actually happened? Someone repeating information from the media about Corinne shoving her genitals in DeMario's face just makes her sexually aggressive in the eyes of the world. Someone repeating that DeMario performed sexual acts on a drunk and unconscious Corinne makes him a rapist, a predator and defamed character to the entire world...let's do the common sense math here. The only reason people are often bringing up Corinne's reported behaviour regarding this incident is to defuse conversation that is already labeling a man of being guilty of being a rapist and predator when the context and important details of the events is still unknown to the rest of us. With the information available, it's a huge and damaging double standard not to consider the behaviours of both parties and whether one or both of them are in fact victims in some manner. Anyone who feels that Corinne is largely being blamed for the incident is not separating the reality of the conversation - it's simply in response to any insinuation that may damage one person's reputation forever. If he's guilty, let the process prove it rather than assume that a drunk man somehow has more responsibility in the matter than the drunk woman does. IF it was commonly understood that DeMario was in a good state of mind and the incident still unfolded the way it did, GAME OVER...there would be no discussion about what level accountability he had in the incident - he would be seen as guilty.

Also, just thinking from a common sense standpoint, if the report was true that Corinne was limp and unconscious, there would have a been a number of bystanders that would have witnessed her being molested and potentially raped - doesn't it seem a little strange that not a single person there would have been smart enough to realize that they would be considered an accessory after the fact - if they stood by and did nothing? And if they were all so stupid and would have done nothing, then I guess we'll be seeing a lot of arrests.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 12

ETA:  A theory:  She was "safe" to unleash herself on the bachelor because they did not film once a door was closed.  I think she may have not realized that BIP films everything and ran to daddy the next day.

And, figured she would have some explaining to do to her boyfriend down the line. 

Another thing totally unrelated...did the producers know she had a boyfriend and just not care because Corrine would get the ratings.

IF she does indeed have a boyfriend of course.

1 hour ago, lids said:

These seasons, The Bachelorette and BIP, were supposed to integrate the franchise, add more diversity, possibly lead to a Bachelor of color. Wow, black men will run from this show like the plague. DeMario is getting railroaded for things other men may have done on the show in the past. He may receive worse repercussions than Chris Soules... and Chris Soules killed somebody. SMH.

Fact! :(

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

The majority of reports include eyewitness reports from that night that describe both parties as being incredibly drunk but reports that Corinne was definitely conscious and responsive - at least one source claims that they went over to the scene in a ribbing sort of way to make both parties aware that they had seen their hook up and Corinne had responded to whatever the witness had said to them.

Not only that, but reports were that she made out with other guys in the hours AFTER the encounter with DeMario.  She was seen drunk, slurring her words, with her clothes on wrong - two hours after the pool situation.

Doesn't sound unconscious.  Corrine says she  doesn't remember her actions.  there was one report that said she was unconscious or "limp", but all other reports were that she partied on after the swimming pool encounter.

  • Love 10
47 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Were these two alone on the island.  What about the twenty other BIP people that sat around and did nothing and now are granting interviews.

Doesn't somebody step in when they see something bad going do wn?

I can't believe all these people just let it happen while they watched and drank margaritas.  What a sad society we have become.

I guess you're assuming that they thought it was "something bad".  Perhaps what they saw was two people who were both drunk and who both decided to have a good time.  Maybe they saw two people who decided to have sex in full view of everyone and didn't care who was watching.  I would have to believe that if they saw a woman who was passed out, that at least one person would have said something.

Also... much has been said in recent posts about the report that Corinne was "in fact unconscious".  How do we know that that one single report that says she was unconscious wasn't filed by her producer friend who very obviously is going to be on her side?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

Even if the crew WERE horrible human beings, the awareness of liability alone would be enough to rouse their attention. 

This. People seem to think that production was all excited about this happening but I would think they would be horrified if they thought Corinne was too drunk to conscent and would have stopped if not because it was the right thing to do, then because it was the least impending lawsuit costing us millions thing to do.

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

This. People seem to think that production was all excited about this happening but I would think they would be horrified if they thought Corinne was too drunk to conscent and would have stopped if not because it was the right thing to do, then because it was the least impending lawsuit costing us millions thing to do.

YES. there's no way that the crew would have just kept on  filming a man raping a passed-out woman. 

  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

This. People seem to think that production was all excited about this happening but I would think they would be horrified if they thought Corinne was too drunk to conscent and would have stopped if not because it was the right thing to do, then because it was the least impending lawsuit costing us millions thing to do.

I read an article by a former reality show crew member yesterday (can't remember if it was Bachelor or not).

They said that most crew members fear repercussions for stopping filming and failing to catch the "drama" than they do being accused of allowing something bad to occur. 

Obviously for rational, decent folks there's a line. But without being in the situation, with the particular pressures at play, and in a foreign country, I'm not sure the decisions are always rational and/or decent.

  • Love 4


Were these two alone on the island.  What about the twenty other BIP people that sat around and did nothing and now are granting interviews.

Doesn't somebody step in when they see something bad going do wn?

I can't believe all these people just let it happen while they watched and drank margaritas.  What a sad society we have become.


Everyone took group photos, selfies etc on their way home It was as if a) this was the norm or b) they knew nothing


We have become a sad society, and honestly ,watching this hasn't helped For myself, it has taken something like this, to say I don't need this in my life. Jmho, I only answer to myself...:) 

13 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I read an article by a former reality show crew member yesterday (can't remember if it was Bachelor or not).

They said that most crew members fear repercussions for stopping filming and failing to catch the "drama" than they do being accused of allowing something bad to occur. 

Obviously for rational, decent folks there's a line. But without being in the situation, with the particular pressures at play, and in a foreign country, I'm not sure the decisions are always rational and/or decent.

Yes, this is very sad. 

  • Love 1

INTERESTING: http://www.wetpaint.com/bachelor-in-paradise-scandal-corinne-jasmine-1598270/ 

(It's sad how closely I am following this story in the media, someone find me a life.)

Basically Jasmine says that Corinne is no victim, went on to make out with FOUR guys following the incident (Derek, Nick/Santa, Alex, and a guy from Rachel's season- don't worry about being too spoiled because I'm sure no one expected him to make it far), said hi to Jasmine from the pool as she walked by, and was laughing with everyone (including Demario) the following day. She also says Demario is a sweet guy.

She goes on to say (apparently Corinne was being offered her own show following BIP), “Her best friend came up to her and basically told her … letting DeMario go down on her in public was going to make her look bad and that fooling around with so many other guys was going to hurt her image for the new show."

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Also, nothing they did was unprecedented for the show (assuming the reports about Corinne being coherent during the hookup, which I believe, are true). The cameras have never been above filming couples get it on in the ocean, disappear into bedrooms, allowing sex noise audio during Josh/Amanda scenes (ew). Lace and Chad were on the path to full on domestic violence in between making out, and they were both far more trashed than I believe Corinne or Demario probably were during this pool session. If the two of them had gone to a room for this fooling around instead of having the details caught on film, the show would still be running right now and I bet Corinne would still be there having a grand time throwing herself at men.

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7 minutes ago, jade.black said:

Basically Jasmine says that Corinne is no victim, went on to make out with FOUR guys following the incident (Derek, Nick/Santa, Alex, and a guy from Rachel's season- don't worry about being too spoiled because I'm sure no one expected him to make it far), said hi to Jasmine from the pool as she walked by, and was laughing with everyone (including Demario) the following day. She also says Demario is a sweet guy.

She goes on to say (apparently Corinne was being offered her own show following BIP), “Her best friend came up to her and basically told her … letting DeMario go down on her in public was going to make her look bad and that fooling around with so many other guys was going to hurt her image for the new show."

And nothing in that report is contrary to the Corrine that we saw on the Bachelor. 

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I think it's complete BS when certain people always blame the man in a situation like this.  And Corinne wasn't passed out or unconscious according to witnesses who were there.  Anyone deeming this to be rape, and basing their opinion (not facts) on media reports, is naïve and has issues.  Based on Corinne's past behaviours, and her response in the media, I feel sorry for Demario and any other person who gets caught up in the sad drama that is her life.  And I feel sorry for the bleeding hearts who will automatically defend her and enable people like Corinne to continue to exist.

Edited by Canada
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From the "Wetpaint" article re Jasmine's account:

Though the outspoken blonde says she doesn’t remember anything, the friend says the video “shows what really went down.”


I went back to see when we started talking about this -- we all seemed so young and innocent then -- except for @Rainsong who sort of predicted the whole thing -- but we have talked about this from page 8 to 15.  Most BIP episode threads are only 3 to 5 pages, so this just shows how much more interesting this scandal  is than the usual show.

I'm ashamed of myself for being obsessed with this, but it also makes me step back and realize what a tacky show I've been watching.  This may take the last little bit of romance out of the whole franchise for me.

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The only season of the Bachelor that I watched was an old one with Jesse Palmer and that's only because all of the Canadian channels were going crazy that a Canadian was the Bachelor. Even though that is my only experience with the show and the first season of UnReal, I've been fascinated with this story.

On one hand, I don't think someone's overt sexuality should cause people to demean Corrine, but on the other hand every report says that the two of them were incredibly drunk. Corrine may have been a victim of production not stepping in and people can talk about whether she is able to give consent when she's that drunk and doesn't remember anything the next day, but it almost seems sexist (actually it is) that DeMario's character is ruined when he was drunk and was pursued. It's almost like a woman has to give consent, but for a man it's a given because men are horny creatures who are always down for a good time. Let's say that DeMario didn't consent and that Corrine did all of that to him, if he claimed rape most people would laugh him off and say that he should just be blessed that a young an attractive woman stuck her vagina in his face. (On the other side, if a man did that to a drunk woman no one would laugh it off)

He lost his job and is probably going through a lot of hardships because whenever cases like this happen the narrative is that the woman is always a victim and the man is responsible, even if they are both drunk. (If he isn't, or she isn't and the other party is then that's a different story) Regardless of what happens with BIP, I do think this is an interesting conversation that came out from this.

I hope they show the tape for his sake and I hope he has a good support system, because if he didn't and all of this got to him...the show wouldn't be able to get back from this at all.

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