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High Profile Scientologists: Tom, Travolta, and More!

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Jenna Elfman seems okay and "normal," compared to some of the others:  She's had a long marriage and a successful career.  She's probably one of their best representatives.  Wonder why she stays?  She must be "clear" by now.

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So I guess the Church of Scientology's stance on homosexuality doesn't apply when it comes to Kirstie Alley's openly gay friend, eh?  Or is it okay that he is gay only because he's not a Scientologist?  Does she still think it is something he would be cured of with auditing????  

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On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 1:43 PM, fastiller said:

I would like to propose that we refrain from calling their facilities 'churches'.  Since (I think, anyway) churches are buildings wherein religious devotional (& other) activities occur, and since Co$ is not a religion, I think 'facilities' is a better term. There, that nit's been picked, thankyouverymuch!

I prefer marketplace.

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5 hours ago, Wavy said:

Jenna Elfman seems okay and "normal," compared to some of the others:  She's had a long marriage and a successful career.  She's probably one of their best representatives.  Wonder why she stays?  She must be "clear" by now.

5 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

I think Jenna Elfman stays because she believes in Scientology.  She believes she's seen that it works.  I think she thinks all the naysayers just don't get it and are suckered in by the manufactured drama.  


Jenna Elfman is almost as bad as Kirstie Alley. In the past, she's compared criticism of Scientology to torture and rape, killings of early Christians by the Roman Empire, and the Holocaust. The reason we don't hear much about her views on Scientology is because she's not famous enough to warrant reporting on her viewpoints. She's also just as shrill as Kirstie.

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I saw her at Disneyland with her husband and entourage...she seems insufferable.  Very negative and dismissive-better than u vibe.  She wasnt being bothered by other park guests, so it wasnt that...after I learned that she was a Scientologist I made sense...she was surrounded by SPs

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I'm reading Tom Cruise: An Unathorized Biography by Andrew Morton. I'm not sure if it's just 20/20 hindsight, but I can see why he's into Scientology after reading about his childhood. It's quite interesting. For instance, his father was pretty hard on him, so Tom learned from a young age to take care of issues himself. IMO it's obvious to me based on this why the COS promotion of your psychological/spiritual/physical health being completely in your own hands would appeal to him. He has always been very focused and willing to work hard and make sacrifices to achieve a goal. Again, these are traits that are perfect for the COS. TC appears to be the poster boy for Scientology in more ways than I ever imagined. His arrogance has also been with him from childhood, which I found amusing. 

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3 hours ago, bubbls said:

I'm reading Tom Cruise: An Unathorized Biography by Andrew Morton. I'm not sure if it's just 20/20 hindsight, but I can see why he's into Scientology after reading about his childhood. It's quite interesting. For instance, his father was pretty hard on him, so Tom learned from a young age to take care of issues himself. IMO it's obvious to me based on this why the COS promotion of your psychological/spiritual/physical health being completely in your own hands would appeal to him. He has always been very focused and willing to work hard and make sacrifices to achieve a goal. Again, these are traits that are perfect for the COS. TC appears to be the poster boy for Scientology in more ways than I ever imagined. His arrogance has also been with him from childhood, which I found amusing. 

Wasn't he also surrounded by adoring females growing up?  I believe he was raised by his mom along with multiple sisters.  They even joined CO$ in lock step with Cruise.  Their entire financial lives revolve around Cruise, and his mother and at least one sister lived on his compound.  They are the people who actually raised Isabella and Connor, because Cruise was gone all the time.  Nice guy - deprive them of their mother, and then willingly deprive them of their father.  Asshole.

I remember recent talk regarding Tom's mother being MIA.  I never followed up, but I wonder if she developed dementia and they had to hide her away.  Shouldn't being an OT whatever prevent that?

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On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 5:00 PM, maraleia said:

This is what happens when you retain some cult like thoughts http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/nicole-kidman-thinks-its-about-time-americans-support-donald-trump_us_5877d16de4b06df924cb6751

Say what you will about Katie Holmes but she fought for her daughter and left before someone could get their grips on Suri. Nicole could've hired the best attorney to get custody of her kids but she didn't and that's telling.

I don't think you're fairly representing what happened.  When they first divorced, Nicole and Tom shared custody.  Rathbun, as directed by Miscavige with Cruise's approval, conspired to make Connor and Isabella hate Nicole through daily auditing.  They totally mindfucked those children.   The children not only started hating her, they feared her because they were taught her very existence endangered them.  For a time Nicole continued to spend time with the children, but not through pap strolls like Tom was wont to do.   They were still in her life when she married Keith Urban ten years ago, because Isabella was in the wedding party - but you could see the misery on Isabella's face.  At some point, the children got old enough that Nicole could not force them to be with her.  They hated her, and thought she was evil and dangerous.  She couldn't attempt to use family counseling, because the children thought that was evil, too (plus the children would have been trained to hate her psychologist father as well).  So she backed off, let it be known publically that she loved and supported them, and has never spoken against their father or their "church" in fifteen years.  Nicole would have acted much more aggressively if she had even a clue this was happening, IMO.  Instead, she was dealing with being publically dumped without a warning, Cruise's affair with Penelope Cruz (which started during their marriage, per Cameron Crowe), and her miscarriage, which Cruise lied and denied paternity of.

On the other hand, Katie was front and center through a lot of this alienation.  It's my opinion that Katie even participated in it.  As I've previously posted, after an interview in which Nicole said it saddened her that her children addressed her by her first name, Katie quickly gave an interview bragging that Connor and Isabella call her mom.  That was no accident, and it was cruel.  So when Katie took her head out of her ass and figured out her own biological daughter may receive the same treatment, her father figured out how to prevent that.  Katie had the benefit of seeing it first hand, so that gave her the benefit that Nicole never had.  And since Katie claimed those children to the world, and raised them for 6-7 years, it could be said that Katie abandoned them, too.  Katie never made a public comment about these children who called her mom after the separation.  And while I'm sure it hurt for Katie to lose the purse/bag/coat carrier that trailed behind her and Princess Suri, I'm pretty sure she didn't even try to contact the children.  After seeing what the "church" did to the children's legal mother, why would she bother?

*My vitriol isn't really aimed squarely at you, Maraleia, but rather years of hearing people say similar things.  I didn't really care much for Nicole prior to this mess, but grew to greatly admire her and feel compassion for her.  I cannot imagine what it feels like to have your own children hate and fear you.  For your older two children to refuse to have anything to do with your younger two children.  And then to have much of the public say it's because your older children were adopted, and you've lost interest because you now have bio children.  It must be soul destroying. 

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4 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I don't think you're fairly representing what happened.  When they first divorced, Nicole and Tom shared custody.  Rathbun, as directed by Miscavige with Cruise's approval, conspired to make Connor and Isabella hate Nicole through daily auditing.  They totally mindfucked those children.   The children not only started hating her, they feared her because they were taught her very existence endangered them.  For a time Nicole continued to spend time with the children, but not through pap strolls like Tom was wont to do.   They were still in her life when she married Keith Urban ten years ago, because Isabella was in the wedding party - but you could see the misery on Isabella's face.  At some point, the children got old enough that Nicole could not force them to be with her.  They hated her, and thought she was evil and dangerous.  She couldn't attempt to use family counseling, because the children thought that was evil, too (plus the children would have been trained to hate her psychologist father as well).  So she backed off, let it be known publically that she loved and supported them, and has never spoken against their father or their "church" in fifteen years.  Nicole would have acted much more aggressively if she had even a clue this was happening, IMO.  Instead, she was dealing with being publically dumped without a warning, Cruise's affair with Penelope Cruz (which started during their marriage, per Cameron Crowe), and her miscarriage, which Cruise lied and denied paternity of.

On the other hand, Katie was front and center through a lot of this alienation.  It's my opinion that Katie even participated in it.  As I've previously posted, after an interview in which Nicole said it saddened her that her children addressed her by her first name, Katie quickly gave an interview bragging that Connor and Isabella call her mom.  That was no accident, and it was cruel.  So when Katie took her head out of her ass and figured out her own biological daughter may receive the same treatment, her father figured out how to prevent that.  Katie had the benefit of seeing it first hand, so that gave her the benefit that Nicole never had.  And since Katie claimed those children to the world, and raised them for 6-7 years, it could be said that Katie abandoned them, too.  Katie never made a public comment about these children who called her mom after the separation.  And while I'm sure it hurt for Katie to lose the purse/bag/coat carrier that trailed behind her and Princess Suri, I'm pretty sure she didn't even try to contact the children.  After seeing what the "church" did to the children's legal mother, why would she bother?

*My vitriol isn't really aimed squarely at you, Maraleia, but rather years of hearing people say similar things.  I didn't really care much for Nicole prior to this mess, but grew to greatly admire her and feel compassion for her.  I cannot imagine what it feels like to have your own children hate and fear you.  For your older two children to refuse to have anything to do with your younger two children.  And then to have much of the public say it's because your older children were adopted, and you've lost interest because you now have bio children.  It must be soul destroying. 

Point taken and absorbed. Thank you.

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RedheadZombie, so why doesn't Nicole speak out now or even a little before now?  Isabella and Connor are long lost to her.  The only hope she has of having any sort of relationship with them is if they see the light.  When that day comes, mightn't they appreciate it if Nicole has been advocating against the insanity?  At this point staying silent seems cowardly.  I mean, when you've got Leah Remini staring David Miscavige in the eye via a television camera and telling him, "It's on, buddy", it kind of makes you look twice at disaffected celebrities who are keeping quiet.  (I give Katie Holmes a pass because she still has her minor child in her custody.  I can only assume that if she violates a gag order she runs the risk of a custody battle.)

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On 1/14/2017 at 2:30 PM, Wavy said:

Jenna Elfman seems okay and "normal," compared to some of the others:  She's had a long marriage and a successful career.  She's probably one of their best representatives.  Wonder why she stays?  She must be "clear" by now.

Jenna is FAR from normal. Any mention of Scientology and she completely loses it in really sick ways.

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My personal opinion of why she doesn't speak out is because it is one final gift to her children.  She loves them and doesn't want a battle that will force them to participate in what we know will happen.  I think her not speaking does not show cowardice, but in her situation it might show great strength.  I have an amazing amount of compassion for Nicole Kidman and what she has gone through.  

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4 hours ago, Meadow said:

RedheadZombie, so why doesn't Nicole speak out now or even a little before now?  Isabella and Connor are long lost to her.  The only hope she has of having any sort of relationship with them is if they see the light.  When that day comes, mightn't they appreciate it if Nicole has been advocating against the insanity?  At this point staying silent seems cowardly.  I mean, when you've got Leah Remini staring David Miscavige in the eye via a television camera and telling him, "It's on, buddy", it kind of makes you look twice at disaffected celebrities who are keeping quiet.  (I give Katie Holmes a pass because she still has her minor child in her custody.  I can only assume that if she violates a gag order she runs the risk of a custody battle.)

I second what others have said Upthread.  But also, I greatly respect Leah's courage and badass aggression, but her child is with her and safe from CO$.  Part of Leah's strength is due to her family leaving with her. 

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2 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I second what others have said Upthread.  But also, I greatly respect Leah's courage and badass aggression, but her child is with her and safe from CO$.  Part of Leah's strength is due to her family leaving with her. 

I was just coming back here to say this. All of Leah's family left with her which I believe is highly unusual. 

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I was just coming back here to say this. All of Leah's family left with her which I believe is highly unusual. 

And in fairness to people with family in Scientology, I would like to see Leah more directly address this. Not because I think she needs to be called out, because she doesn't, but because her circumstances are so different from other scientologists.

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On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 6:11 PM, Tiger said:

Elfman has a new show debuting on ABC in April called "Imaginary Mary". I hope it bombs.

To make it worse, it's replacing a show that is one of a few shows on tv with a gay lead character.  That show is pretty much gauranteed to come back next fall, but still . . .

If it brings you any joy, ABC cut the order for Elfman's show before it's even had it's premiere, which is a bad sign.

Honestly, I think that most of the celebrities that are already in Scientology are pretty much ride or die at this point. The "flagship" celebs like Tom, Travolta, and Kirstie are probably treated too well to leave and the lower level celebs are likely left enough to their own devices hat they don't feel the pinch. Even for Leah to leave it took the Church turning on her, not just turning on others. My best hope is that shows like Leah's make it that much more difficult for Scientology to recruit going forward.

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On 1/15/2017 at 4:26 PM, RedheadZombie said:

Wasn't he also surrounded by adoring females growing up?  I believe he was raised by his mom along with multiple sisters.  They even joined CO$ in lock step with Cruise.  Their entire financial lives revolve around Cruise, and his mother and at least one sister lived on his compound.  They are the people who actually raised Isabella and Connor, because Cruise was gone all the time.  Nice guy - deprive them of their mother, and then willingly deprive them of their father.  Asshole.

I remember recent talk regarding Tom's mother being MIA.  I never followed up, but I wonder if she developed dementia and they had to hide her away.  Shouldn't being an OT whatever prevent that?

Yes he was. I haven't gotten much further in the book. He just finished Taps. I did not know they too joined the COS. Wow! 

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I was never a huge fan of Tom Cruise.  Always felt he was overrated.  The only movie that he was in that I liked (and actually, LOVE, but his part in it isn't really large) is "The Outsiders".  I don't cry for movies or TV, but I will need at least 2 boxes of Kleenex for that book and movie.

Never liked Dharma and Greg, so I don't give a hang about Jenna Elfman.  Ditto on Giovanni Ribisi, other than his bit parts on The Wonder Years, one of my favorite shows ever.  Once upon a time, I liked Kirstie Alley, but gave up on her as she got mean.  I see John Travolta as a decent guy, but don't care much for his movies.  I did like Carrie - he has a small part in that.

A little disappointed about the Mastersons, and Laura Prepon, but they're not doing much since their show went off the air.  The rest of them?  Meh.  No big loss for me.

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2 hours ago, funky-rat said:

I was never a huge fan of Tom Cruise.  Always felt he was overrated.  The only movie that he was in that I liked (and actually, LOVE, but his part in it isn't really large) is "The Outsiders".  I don't cry for movies or TV, but I will need at least 2 boxes of Kleenex for that book and movie.

Never liked Dharma and Greg, so I don't give a hang about Jenna Elfman.  Ditto on Giovanni Ribisi, other than his bit parts on The Wonder Years, one of my favorite shows ever.  Once upon a time, I liked Kirstie Alley, but gave up on her as she got mean.  I see John Travolta as a decent guy, but don't care much for his movies.  I did like Carrie - he has a small part in that.

A little disappointed about the Mastersons, and Laura Prepon, but they're not doing much since their show went off the air.  The rest of them?  Meh.  No big loss for me.

Never saw Outsiders or D &G, just not my cup of tea. Once I found out about the other actors I just cut their stuff out. Won't get a dime of my money or a viewing tick on the meter.

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My Tom Cruise silly story.

Back when the last Harry Potter film and Les Miserables were still in the theater, I was a HUGE fan of both.  I admit it.  I saw both films 10 times (each) at the theater.  UNfortunately, this was about the time when the Mission Impossible trailers were running.  At almost every show, they ran that stupid trailer.  After the second time, I got to where I'd get up and go to the bathroom during that trailer because I was so disinterested in seeing his face on the screen.

To this day, whenever I see him on TV (or in newer movie trailers), my bladder starts giving me "let's go pee" messages.  There IS such a thing as muscle memory!  LOL.

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On 12/22/2016 at 7:26 PM, wings707 said:

I was reading up on this today.  Her dad took care of getting her the apartment and Tom did not know about it. He was blindsided with the divorce.  He was filming in Iceland at the time. The plans were laid out beforehand to do this when he was on location.  Her dad was the intelligence behind the details

Read the Vanity Fair article. It is interesting. Burn phones were involved.  Very cloak and dagger. 

I read it when it first came out and read again today.  I was on the hunt for details it didn't include.  How did she slip her handlers for one.  She and Tom had an apt in NYC so she didn't have far to move but Tom has people in all his houses and I know she had some around her, too. 

I thought I read that her apt was purchased under another name,  her fathers assistant or someone so no one would find out.  Her dad had spoken to a defector to get advice on how to get her out. She told him to denounce the church publically, then Katie would have to choose either her family or Tom.  ThAt plan was trashed, not safe.   It is a good read.  

I swear that I read somewhere that her NYC apartment was in a building with a Whole Foods on the street level, and that somehow she could use a stairway or elevator that got her into the back area of the store, and she then could use one of several doors which opened onto different streets to exit. Anyone else remember this?

On 12/26/2016 at 11:28 PM, Rlb8031 said:

I heard a story on a podcast- I think it was Adam Corolla talking about doing an interview with Tom and mentioning in passing that he (Adam) wanted to ride motorcycles.  He said Tom talked about some guys he trained with in preparation for the Mission Impossible movies. A couple of days later he gets a package and it's this fancy box and inside is an invitation to a driving weekend with this motorcycle trainer. All expenses paid from Tom Cruise.  He said it was one of the nicest things someone had done for him in Hollywood.

So there is at least ONE guy that likes him...

I'm sure the invitiation also included a trip to the Celeb Center to try a course. 

On 12/28/2016 at 9:33 PM, 3girlsforus said:

I have seen it said that you can but it doesn't seem possible to me, at least from a Christian perspective. Putting aside the cruelty, money grabbing, etc. even the supposed beliefs of  Scientology that revolve around training yourself to heal with your mind etc are really not compatible with Christian beliefs. And while I'm no expert, they don't seem that compatible with Judaism either. 

They just say that because it would be harder to rope people if you told them at the outset they would have to leave their faith.

On 1/1/2017 at 10:05 PM, dirtydi said:

Are Kirstie A's children scientologists?  I don't think her ex (Parker Stevenson) is.  I think she said, once in a Stern interview, that Parker doesn't speak to her.

OMG he was so dreamy in The Hardy Boys. 


On 1/9/2017 at 1:03 PM, Almost 3000 said:

The apparent transparency of the reports is interesting and that Leah would even know who wrote them is surprising.

Just because they said Katie wrote it doesn't mean she did. As much as they all admit they narc on each other, I don't think Davy is above fabricating some Knowledge Reports to serve his purposes.

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We watched Katie and Siri leave her apt to a sea of paparazzi many times with no Whole Foods in sight.  That is probably rumor.  

As far as the knowledge reports, the defectors that held a height rank may have been her source as to who and what they said.  I think they are all very careful to make sure they speak from fact to avoid a slander lawsuit.  Not that DM would not sue anyway but I trust any info Leah and Rinder report is based in fact. 

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6 hours ago, AZChristian said:

My Tom Cruise silly story.

Back when the last Harry Potter film and Les Miserables were still in the theater, I was a HUGE fan of both.  I admit it.  I saw both films 10 times (each) at the theater.  UNfortunately, this was about the time when the Mission Impossible trailers were running.  At almost every show, they ran that stupid trailer.  After the second time, I got to where I'd get up and go to the bathroom during that trailer because I was so disinterested in seeing his face on the screen.

To this day, whenever I see him on TV (or in newer movie trailers), my bladder starts giving me "let's go pee" messages.  There IS such a thing as muscle memory!  LOL.

Too funny.  Well go off singing:

"Do you hear the people sing

Singing the song of angry men

It is a music of a people

Who will not be slaves again ..."

And imagine it as people marching en masse out of Scientology forever.  All cults eventually reach their breaking point.  They cannot sustain this crap forever.  They all fall in the end.

(I saw Les Mis in the theatre countless times, heh).

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15 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

Laura Prepon is one of the main stars of Orange Is The New Black....so, I personally wouldn't say she isn't doing much since That 70s Show went off the air.  It's been pretty gosh darn successful.

That's one that airs on a premium channel, so I have no clue about it.  I canceled my premium movie channels years ago when I realized I was dropping $50 a month on them and maybe watching one movie a month.  So ok, I'll take that statement back on her.

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38 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

That's one that airs on a premium channel, so I have no clue about it.  I canceled my premium movie channels years ago when I realized I was dropping $50 a month on them and maybe watching one movie a month.  So ok, I'll take that statement back on her.

It's a Netflix show, not on cable. 

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Just finished watching "Going Clear."  The "black turtleneck" interview with Tom Cruise was highly disturbing.  He doesn't even actually make sentences, he just mumbles non-sequiters, laughs maniacally and claps his hands as if to congratulate himself on his wit...when in fact he's making no sense at all.  He is his character in "Taps" come to life.  That toothy smile, meant to be charming, is truly frightening.

And reading through this thread, I have changed my tune on Nicole Kidman.  I used to think if my kids were out there, I'd fight like hell to get them back with me.  But I realize that it's 1000 times harder to NOT do that, in an effort to help make their lives in the COS easier on them.  Still, it has to weigh daily on her heart.  Between what she's gone through and what Katie's gone through, Cruise is just one fantastic piece of work.

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Question about COS celebs on twitter and other social media... I'm not up on all the celebs in this cult and if they are on social media, but if they are, do they not get some fan tweets speaking of the DM abuse and the Sea Org horrors, etc? And begging them to get out? I guess I can answer my own question that they probably just look away and stay deep in their mindset. But I would think eventually they might have to take a hard look at this.

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3 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Just finished watching "Going Clear."  The "black turtleneck" interview with Tom Cruise was highly disturbing.  He doesn't even actually make sentences, he just mumbles non-sequiters, laughs maniacally and claps his hands as if to congratulate himself on his wit...when in fact he's making no sense at all.  He is his character in "Taps" come to life.  That toothy smile, meant to be charming, is truly frightening.

And reading through this thread, I have changed my tune on Nicole Kidman.  I used to think if my kids were out there, I'd fight like hell to get them back with me.  But I realize that it's 1000 times harder to NOT do that, in an effort to help make their lives in the COS easier on them.  Still, it has to weigh daily on her heart.  Between what she's gone through and what Katie's gone through, Cruise is just one fantastic piece of work.

I remember when he filed for divorce, he made a cagey comment like, "She (Nicole) knows what she did". It was a really shitty comment and led to speculation that she cheated or that the child she miscarried wasn't his.  He knew what he was doing when he made that comment. At the time, he was wildly popular and well-liked by most of the public.  Her crime was pulling away from Scientology, yet I think he was purposely vague to make the public speculate that she must have done something terrible.  Even her own children want nothing to do with her, so she MUST be a terrible person.  He really is a calculating, awful person.  

I also believe that all of his generosity and gifts he gives to his costars and other celebrities is all designed to put the image out there that he's just a swell guy.  Not buying it.  

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22 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

I don't do Netflix either.  I know that's rare in this day and age, but it just doesn't appeal to me.

You aren't missing much. I know it's very popular with the audience and critics, I just never could get into it.  

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30 minutes ago, diana said:

Question about COS celebs on twitter and other social media... I'm not up on all the celebs in this cult and if they are on social media, but if they are, do they not get some fan tweets speaking of the DM abuse and the Sea Org horrors, etc? And begging them to get out? I guess I can answer my own question that they probably just look away and stay deep in their mindset. But I would think eventually they might have to take a hard look at this.

I think there is such denial and blinders on.  I went searching for a tweet from Leah where someone asked what can you do if you see or know someone who is a Scientologist.


The question asked and Leah's answer:

As for Netflix and OITNB, I am a fan of the quality of the network's original television and the show, Laura Prepon or no Laura Prepon.  

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Hi guys!  I'm new here on the board but fascinated with Scientology and glued to Leah's series!!  I have been fascinated since the break up of Nicole and Tom.  I was a huge fan!  Tom Cruise's mom used to live on the Island where I live in Florida (Marco Island).  It's a pretty small community where everybody knows everybody and his mom was very active in our social organizations and in the community in general.  Tom and Nicole used to visit all the time and so there were rampant Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman sightings around town.  And they were unanimously positive from what I heard.  My friend once babysat their kids and said both Tom and Nicole were adorable and sweet and the kids were really good (this would have been when they were quite young).  My mom was in a social organization with Tom's mom and really liked her.  Everyone had wonderful things to say about them who met them.  I read that Nicole almost got Tom away from Scientology completely when they were living in Australia for a while, very happily, but that David couldn't have that so he worked and worked to undermine their marriage until he was sadly successful.  After Tom's divorce, Tom's mom divorced her husband and left our Island to go live with Tom and the kids in the "compound."  I don't think they have been back since.  It just makes me sad, because I think that it could have all been different, and it's really sad how this cult can ruin people's lives.  

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Was watching an old "Seinfeld" rerun and recognized the actor Michael Fairman (Mr. Penske) from some of the Scientology commercials.  I Googled, and he left a couple of years before Leah.  He's now called a "Suppressive Person.'  Wonder what his story is?  Maybe Leah could interview him.

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21 minutes ago, JenTen1585 said:

Hi guys!  I'm new here on the board but fascinated with Scientology and glued to Leah's series!!  I have been fascinated since the break up of Nicole and Tom.  I was a huge fan!  Tom Cruise's mom used to live on the Island where I live in Florida (Marco Island).  It's a pretty small community where everybody knows everybody and his mom was very active in our social organizations and in the community in general.  Tom and Nicole used to visit all the time and so there were rampant Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman sightings around town.  And they were unanimously positive from what I heard.  My friend once babysat their kids and said both Tom and Nicole were adorable and sweet and the kids were really good (this would have been when they were quite young).  My mom was in a social organization with Tom's mom and really liked her.  Everyone had wonderful things to say about them who met them.  I read that Nicole almost got Tom away from Scientology completely when they were living in Australia for a while, very happily, but that David couldn't have that so he worked and worked to undermine their marriage until he was sadly successful.  After Tom's divorce, Tom's mom divorced her husband and left our Island to go live with Tom and the kids in the "compound."  I don't think they have been back since.  It just makes me sad, because I think that it could have all been different, and it's really sad how this cult can ruin people's lives.  

Hi Jen!!!  Welcome.   So happy to see you.  



On 1/15/2017 at 11:49 AM, bubbls said:

I'm reading Tom Cruise: An Unathorized Biography by Andrew Morton. I'm not sure if it's just 20/20 hindsight, but I can see why he's into Scientology after reading about his childhood. It's quite interesting. For instance, his father was pretty hard on him, so Tom learned from a young age to take care of issues himself. IMO it's obvious to me based on this why the COS promotion of your psychological/spiritual/physical health being completely in your own hands would appeal to him. He has always been very focused and willing to work hard and make sacrifices to achieve a goal. Again, these are traits that are perfect for the COS. TC appears to be the poster boy for Scientology in more ways than I ever imagined. His arrogance has also been with him from childhood, which I found amusing. 

Many have come from fathers who were hard on them and even more have been raised by women.  Why people get hooked on COS is for many reasons coming from very different lives. 


The bubble celebs live in because of their high profile is easy to understand.  The rules don't apply to them because COS need their money.  BUT, how can they keep their heads in the sand with this new wave of attention?


I loved Leah saying they cannot discuss the plan that is in progress.  It makes me excited beyond reason!  Her focus in on the children and I do think that is the ticket in.  

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16 hours ago, fastiller said:

@MamaMax - I recall reading something about Katie Holmes living in a building that had a WF in it and that it had a back entrance/exit into the WF.  I think the store fronted onto another street from her building's main entrance.

Found it!!!

I would really love to believe that WF said OK just the ONCE because she was escaping from a cult. 

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17 hours ago, wings707 said:

We watched Katie and Siri leave her apt to a sea of paparazzi many times with no Whole Foods in sight.  That is probably rumor.  

As far as the knowledge reports, the defectors that held a height rank may have been her source as to who and what they said.  I think they are all very careful to make sure they speak from fact to avoid a slander lawsuit.  Not that DM would not sue anyway but I trust any info Leah and Rinder report is based in fact. 

Here is a shot of them right in front of the Whole Foods


And here is the building she lived in:


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Okay.  So she does have a front door that is not a whole foods door.  That is a swanky apt building that leases their first floor to business which is common in NYC.  The the original post's wording was confusing to me.  'Her dad rented her an apartment above a whole foods store,' conjured an apt owned by whole foods on their second story!   Semantics are everything sometimes!  Thanks for the correction. 

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5 hours ago, JenTen1585 said:

Hi guys!  I'm new here on the board but fascinated with Scientology and glued to Leah's series!!  I have been fascinated since the break up of Nicole and Tom.  I was a huge fan!  Tom Cruise's mom used to live on the Island where I live in Florida (Marco Island).  It's a pretty small community where everybody knows everybody and his mom was very active in our social organizations and in the community in general.  Tom and Nicole used to visit all the time and so there were rampant Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman sightings around town.  And they were unanimously positive from what I heard.  My friend once babysat their kids and said both Tom and Nicole were adorable and sweet and the kids were really good (this would have been when they were quite young).  My mom was in a social organization with Tom's mom and really liked her.  Everyone had wonderful things to say about them who met them.  I read that Nicole almost got Tom away from Scientology completely when they were living in Australia for a while, very happily, but that David couldn't have that so he worked and worked to undermine their marriage until he was sadly successful.  After Tom's divorce, Tom's mom divorced her husband and left our Island to go live with Tom and the kids in the "compound."  I don't think they have been back since.  It just makes me sad, because I think that it could have all been different, and it's really sad how this cult can ruin people's lives.  

Welcome.  They discussed their marriage in Going Clear.  Tom had drifted away from the "church" during their marriage, but was still in contact with Miscavige.  It was during the fifteen month shoot in London for Eyes Wide Shut, that DM totally freaked out at his inability to get to Cruise.  It was then that he gave orders to break up the marriage.  He was incidentally helped by Cruise's affair with Penelope Cruz.  Or maybe he began the affair when they started brainwashing him against Nicole.

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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

Welcome.  They discussed their marriage in Going Clear.  Tom had drifted away from the "church" during their marriage, but was still in contact with Miscavige.  It was during the fifteen month shoot in London for Eyes Wide Shut, that DM totally freaked out at his inability to get to Cruise.  It was then that he gave orders to break up the marriage.  He was incidentally helped by Cruise's affair with Penelope Cruz.  Or maybe he began the affair when they started brainwashing him against Nicole.

I think Tom generally gets too much credit with the idea that Scientology brainwashed him into dissolving his marriage.

If you read about his first marriage, he clearly used Scientology to extract himself from that marriage when he was already cheating with Kidman.  Scientology tried to stop his marriage to Kidman and Cruise put his foot down to the point that DM made a show of punishing the person he assigned to try to break them up before they got married to keep Cruise happy.

Scientology certainly didn't help matters, but I think Cruise was looking for an exit with Kidman.  If you read about the filming of Eyes Wide Shut, it sounds like that would have been as damaging to the relationship based on the way Kubrik worked as anything Scientology can cook up.

I don't think Cruise is brainwashed.  I think his involvement with Scientology is inversely related to his movie career.  The cooler his movie career gets, the more he looks for the ego stroking from the Co$.  And he hasn't had a hugely popular movie since the mid-90s.

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