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Joy and Austin: This One Time At Family Camp

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2 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

From what I can gather, it's only $595 per family of 5 with kid under 4 for free.  The dinning hall holds 200.  That's only 3 or 4 days per retreat so seems very cheap.  If horses, paddle boats, food are included it's a steal.  No wonder they don't provide linens.  It would cost a lot more to patronize the mission cations when yu factor in transportation per person.  They all have to go to each others rip offs to keep each other afloat.  All JB has to sell are cars.  Or renting warehouse space.  Seating space for 200 after a wedding would be a big Dugger deal.  They usually just have seatless parking lots except for the lucky ones invited to TTH afterwards, creating a class system for guests.  That would piss me off, but I'm not fundy.

And buy tracts printed by each other, attend each others churches ...

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23 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Is there anyone else who would rather watch paint dry than watch the courtship and wedding of these two?

Joy has little to no personality, and I guess the jury is still out on this Austin fellow, but if he was attracted to Joy then I don't hold out a ton of hope for him.

I can't even imagine Joy choosing colors for her bridesmaids..."ummmm, errrrrrr.....is vanilla a color?"  YAWN.

Given her affect in that little announcement I saw, I think even Joy may be in this category.  ; )

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7 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

From what I can gather, it's only $595 per family of 5 with kid under 4 for free.  The dinning hall holds 200.  That's only 3 or 4 days per retreat so seems very cheap.  If horses, paddle boats, food are included it's a steal.  No wonder they don't provide linens.  It would cost a lot more to patronize the mission cations when yu factor in transportation per person.  They all have to go to each others rip offs to keep each other afloat.  All JB has to sell are cars.  Or renting warehouse space.  Seating space for 200 after a wedding would be a big Dugger deal.  They usually just have seatless parking lots except for the lucky ones invited to TTH afterwards, creating a class system for guests.  That would piss me off, but I'm not fundy.

The price seemed very reasonable to me too. Sure, it's not roach motel cheap, but a nice hotel room price, not even top of the line price, and it sounds like you do actually get a lot for your money if the activities are all included. 

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On 12/23/2016 at 9:30 AM, laurakaye said:

Is there anyone else who would rather watch paint dry than watch the courtship and wedding of these two?

Joy has little to no personality, and I guess the jury is still out on this Austin fellow, but if he was attracted to Joy then I don't hold out a ton of hope for him.

I can't even imagine Joy choosing colors for her bridesmaids..."ummmm, errrrrrr.....is vanilla a color?"  YAWN.

YAWN is right!! IIRC, TLC had to caption a lot of her THs in "Counting On" because the poor girl can't even speak clearly.

Over the seasons of the show TLC managed to portray - or invent - some kind of personality for the older kids: Jill the devout/missionary, Jessa the spunky, Jana the household helper, Josh the Very Special Oldest, J-whatsit the photographer. I don't think TLC has much to work with along those lines, when it comes to Joy.

Girl's gonna have to up her game if she wants to keep working as a reality TV star. Although given her position in the Duggar loinfruit lineup, I suppose she'll keep getting some TLC checks if she marries Whosit and fulfills her assigned role as professional breeder by pumping out the babies. 

Edited by Jeeves
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Meh, we have at least a couple of episodes about Joy's mother and sisters trying to....encourage more femininity.  Remember when Michelle took time out of her schedule to  buy Jessa lunch and tell her to step up her emotional game?  Joy is going to get a three course meal. 

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12 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

From what I can gather, it's only $595 per family of 5 with kid under 4 for free.  The dinning hall holds 200.  That's only 3 or 4 days per retreat so seems very cheap.  If horses, paddle boats, food are included it's a steal.  No wonder they don't provide linens.  It would cost a lot more to patronize the mission cations when yu factor in transportation per person.  They all have to go to each others rip offs to keep each other afloat.  All JB has to sell are cars.  Or renting warehouse space.  Seating space for 200 after a wedding would be a big Dugger deal.  They usually just have seatless parking lots except for the lucky ones invited to TTH afterwards, creating a class system for guests.  That would piss me off, but I'm not fundy.

I am sure there is a surcharge for riding the horses.  Horses are expensive to manage and only the upper crust of this crowd could afford to ride.  (Although the Bates family apparently owns horses, but I wonder if that came after the TV money)

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On 12/24/2016 at 2:11 PM, Jeeves said:

YAWN is right!! IIRC, TLC had to caption a lot of her THs in "Counting On" because the poor girl can't even speak clearly.

Over the seasons of the show TLC managed to portray - or invent - some kind of personality for the older kids: Jill the devout/missionary, Jessa the spunky, Jana the household helper, Josh the Very Special Oldest, J-whatsit the photographer. I don't think TLC has much to work with along those lines, when it comes to Joy.

Girl's gonna have to up her game if she wants to keep working as a reality TV star. Although given her position in the Duggar loinfruit lineup, I suppose she'll keep getting some TLC checks if she marries Whosit and fulfills her assigned role as professional breeder by pumping out the babies. 

Joy has no personality and can barely speak coherently, but TLC has to be sighing in relief that they have a new angle to work with. Assuming they're willing to send a crew to Texas to film select episodes, the whole family camp angle is fresh material at least, unlike the yawn-fest that is Jessa plodding through her daily existence.

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Much easier for TLC to film at Fort Rock than Laredo, so I expect to see a lot more Joy than Jinger. They're probably also relieved, in a budgetary kind of way, that the Dullards are staying put. 

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55 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Joy almost comes off as special needs. Not just Duggar educated and isolated, but slow. 

The line between special needs and Duggar dumb makes it hard to tell the difference. In no way would I ever mock special needs, just noting the inadequacy of the Duggar Academy teaching methods.

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7 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

The line between special needs and Duggar dumb makes it hard to tell the difference. In no way would I ever mock special needs, just noting the inadequacy of the Duggar Academy teaching methods.

I agree and I'm not mocking special needs. If the average IQ is 100, then if some of the Duggars are more like 85, no suprise. 

Theres a difference in uneducated, miseducated, lower IQ and then the whole range of special needs. 

Josh, JD and Jana probably have the best educations of any of them, but Josh is so much more articulate than JD. Who knows if that is personality or intelligence, or types of intellignence. Josh has also made some really stupid decisions, where JD can at least discern right from wrong and learn to pilot a plane. 

 Jill wants to come off as studious and intellectual, but is dumb as a brick. Jessa seems bright but so miseducated, and she knows playing the system works better for her than trying to learn. 

Joe suprised me and may actually be the most well rounded of the bunch, coming off as book smart, people smart, and actually having some compassion, but then he's also dodged the cameras for the most part.

Then you slip down to Josie, and I can't tell if she has some unaddressed but treatable preemie needs, if she's just the baby and never made to do anything, or if she is feral. 

Back to Joy - bless her heart, she was always just....there. All Michelle cared about was Joy not being a tomboy. Forget teaching her anything else. 

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14 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:


Then you slip down to Josie, and I can't tell if she has some unaddressed but treatable preemie needs, if she's just the baby and never made to do anything, or if she is feral. 


Sadly I think Josie is all of the above.

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23 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

 Jill wants to come off as studious and intellectual, but is dumb as a brick. Jessa seems bright but so miseducated, and she knows playing the system works better for her than trying to learn. 

Yep, both spot on assessments.  All anyone can say about Joy at this point is bless her heart.  

I was disappointed by how dumb she really is.  Had high hopes for that one to have had some sort of life outside the Duggar circus. I guess everyone speculating about her tomboy ways caused them to seriously deprogram her into an automaton and crush what was left of her spirit.

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4 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Jessa's insistence on exaggerating her southern accent makes her seem far more stupid than she probably is.

She may have been coached to do this for TeeVee...TLC is known for inaccurate portrayals of people.

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Wasn't it Joy who had to get up and block the t.v. because something objectionable (possible boobies or clavicles) was on while there were boys in the room? And didn't she have trouble even then articulating why she had to do it?

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I'm really not interesting in her courtship or her. It's strange. For years, I did feel very sorry for her, she was always so brow beaten and unhappy. I thought she had potential and wished for her to be grown up so she could up and leave.

Fast forward, and she is of age and as dumb and interesting as a glass of water, grating on my nerves and seems highly annyoing. One really needs to congratulate her parents in their mission to crush every one of their children. That's the one thing they truly excel at.

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19 hours ago, louannems said:

I thought the family camp Fort Rock place is right in Arkansas?


19 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

It is.

My mistake! That will make it much easier on the camera crew, then. And Joy won't be isolated as badly as I thought she would be. I looked it up and she'll be less than an hour from the TTH, close enough for frequent visits. But I have to admit, like some of you, it's finally starting to wear a bit thin with me. Joy is so dull that it's hard to muster much enthusiasm for this courtship. It really bothers me that they, like the Kardashians, are famous through absolutely no talent of their own.

Edited by becca3891
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4 hours ago, MunichNark said:

 One really needs to congratulate her parents in their mission to crush every one of their children. That's the one thing they truly excel at.

I believe they might thank you for the significant compliment, since I think that probably is their chief aim in life, and what they think of as life's highest purpose, too.

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8 hours ago, MunichNark said:

One really needs to congratulate her parents in their mission to crush every one of their children. That's the one thing they truly excel at

So much this!!!!  Evidence of their handiwork abounds, as in just about every time one of their spawn posts something ignorant or says something stupid on the show.

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On 1/8/2017 at 7:04 AM, becca3891 said:


 It really bothers me that they, like the Kardashians, are famous through absolutely no talent of their own.

At least the Kardashians don't present themselves as an ideal or model family.  

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4 hours ago, EAG46 said:

At least the Kardashians don't present themselves as an ideal or model family.  

This was one of the things that really irked me during Joshgate I -- the family line was something like "we never present ourselves as the 'perfect family.'" Of course they do, and I believe that they 100% believe that it is true -- pesky facts aside.

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11 minutes ago, Micks Picks said:

I am afraid that the Dillards may surpass the Duggars as soul killers.

Interesting post.  I'm not exactly sure how that could be possible, so please share why.  Other than Muffy being Boobs favorite and Derick being joyless?

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When you dig deep into the Dillards, you find....nothing.  We just get treated to Dill's bible quotes full of damnation, no get up and go, no ideas about the way people live, no compare and contrast, nothing.  His wife is a conversation non-starter who doesn't even seem know her own kid very well.  Boob ran for and won an elected office before he ran and lost, and Boob bought houses and industrial buildings and rehabbed them and rented them out.  He had a used car business.  He actually could support the family, although he chose not to since he funded his own failed campaign.  Dullards just can't cut it, no way, no how.

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They really are a pair of Dullards. Dull, boring, glum, joyless, and clueless.  Together, they are collectively about as interesting as a piece of dry toast. What do they talk about, other than quoting bible verses and Muffy asking Scruffy what she should think?

This assessment has nothing whatever to do with their looks, nut job beliefs, and their questionable parenting skills and personal hygiene practices...they're just soul sucking boring.

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Just realized we're in the Joy and Austin thread...this couple is so boring, I don't even want to visit the thread for fear I'll fall asleep.  In other news, Children of the Corn is on Scfy channel in case anyone just can't wait for the next installment of Counting Sheep

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If they think this courtship/marriage between two soggy standup cardboard cut outs of people will bring ratings, I think Scott Enlow is deluded. It will be Ben, in JimBob's office, asking Jessa to enter into courtship level awkward.

With a little refinement, elocution lessons, better makeup (less clump on the eyes), better styled outfits, and by biding her time until age appropriate potential husbands have graduated university, she could have done a whole lot better. 

The saddest spirit crushing will be Jackson and Johannah. She's now a j'slave conscript, and she's half of the j'slave army, too. 

Jackson is too spirited and outgoing for his dickhead parents (and the lord of the flies howler hierarchy) he's gonna be sent to ALERT for years. He'll be as popular there as he is with Justin. 

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11 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

With a little refinement, elocution lessons, better makeup (less clump on the eyes), better styled outfits,and by biding her time until age appropriate potential husbands have graduated university, she could have done a whole lot better.

With a little refinement, elocution lessons, better makeup (less clump on the eyes), better styled outfits, and shoes...and by biding her time until age appropriate potential husbands have graduated university, she could have done a whole lot better.

There, fixed it for you...Joy seems proud of her lack of education and being a barefoot, grass chewing rube.  I live in the South, and I have come across an astounding number of people who are proud of their willful ignorance. Otherwise, your laundry list of suggestions, particularly Joy waiting for a college guy are what most normal folk would encourage. Now come on, Koka, after Jeremy "giving away pieces of his heart" on the soccer field, can't allow Joy to marry into that.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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27 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Willful ignorance.  Oh my yes.  They are proud of that it seems.  Anything we say to the grandchildren, (2 boys, one girl) is prefaced with "after you graduate college", haha.  Not the Duggars.

Exactly...in my family,graduation was a requirement above all else. Then you could get married, travel to Europe, etc.

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What's his name may indeed be the big step up for her.  She already threw herself a party for joint passing high school for Duggar Academy along with a couple of brothers.  What else is there?  Jackson is the one I'm going to feel terrible about.  He was such a bright and eager kid, it's going to be dreadful to see him turn into a robot.

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21 minutes ago, Micks Picks said:

What's his name may indeed be the big step up for her.  She already threw herself a party for joint passing high school for Duggar Academy along with a couple of brothers.  What else is there?  Jackson is the one I'm going to feel terrible about.  He was such a bright and eager kid, it's going to be dreadful to see him turn into a robot.

It's not like the Duggettes get to look forward to too many life milestones, other than completing Duggar Academy, getting married, getting pregnant over and over again, and homeschooling the kids.

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30 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

It's not like the Duggettes get to look forward to too many life milestones, other than completing Duggar Academy, getting married, getting pregnant over and over again, and homeschooling the kids.

Don't forget the sloppy drippy ice cream sundaes on their birthday.

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35 minutes ago, Marigold said:

I rarely come over here because I have no opinions on Joy and have nothing to say.

She is boring and that's about it....

They are being coy.  Hopefully, we'll soon have something on this thread to talk about, or at least snark about.

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The new season starts Monday, I think I saw, so I assume we'll have some material to comment on at that point. I had a dream about Joy, in which I was kind of babysitting her. We were at some kind of museum and there was something she wanted to go back and see, but I knew we weren't going to make it back to their house in time if we did. I called Michelle, who said we could stay an additional five minutes. I wonder if there was some kind of hidden message there. It's rather telling that she was quite childlike in my dream.

I just have this horrible sense that she never wanted marriage, particularly early marriage, and endless babies and homeschooling, but what choice does she really have? Of course she's a legal adult, but her family is all she's ever known and it would be really hard to be the first one to break away. I also feel badly for Jana. I got the feeling she and Joy had gotten closer, and now the oldest sister in the joint bedroom will be Hannie.

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This is late to the reference, but I believe the title of this thread comes from the movie Romey and Michelle's High School Reunion.  With Lisa Kudro, and another blond girl (don't remember).  My older children are 37 and 35 and the 37 year old knew every line in the movie.  From then until now (this very second), when he's telling something that requires a background setup, he says "this one time?... at band camp?...."  He spouts off other little snippets from that as well.  But if I didn't have kids in that age range, I wouldn't have had a clue where the title came from.  I actually voted for it, just because of my kids.

if she marries him (as if there's any stopping THAT train) and works the camp with him, I would sincerely think she is ecstatic at the prospect.  She loves all things outdoors, right?  I mean, it's hard work for 6 months or so, but with a huge off season.  I bet she thinks she hit the jackpot!

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I thought the title of the thread was from American Pie. It's a movie about highschooler Jason Biggs trying to lose his virginity. He finally does at the end with his prom date Alyson Hannigan, after she tells him a zillion dull "this one time, at band camp" stories. Her final band camp story is "this one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute up my pussy". She sticks a trumpet up his ass in the (first of three) sequels. 

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

The off topic discussions have taken more twists and turns than a tornado in a trailer park. Lets keep it on Joy and Austin please. Thank you.

Believe me, we're  trying...but with no Instagram posts or FU Internet to feed our snark, there's only so much we can say.

It's crazy...we revile them for posting every little thing about their lives and complain when they post nothing...we can't have it both ways.

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All I can hope for with Joy is that she has a very long courtship. Maybe the next season will show her working at the camp- they could show something like horseback riding or other activities that they do there. I don't get the impression that we'll see the "crazy in love" talking heads that we saw from her older sisters, especially since she's known him most of her life. 

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