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S33.E11: About To Have A Rumble

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I liked Ken a lot until tonight.  That was just embarrassing, a total deer-in-the-headlights panic stricken meltdown.  I thought for a minute that he was making a completely selfish play to try to get both sides to vote out Will, but I don't think his move was even that strategic.  I would've at least given him SOME credit for that.  All he managed to do was make it harder for Will to take his side.  And I guess in a roundabout way, he did get the other side to shift their vote to Hannah, but there's no way that was his plan.  I took Ken as the guy who seemed to remain the most calm amidst all the craziness, but I think I was wrong.  With his back against the wall, he completely lost his mind.


I don't really like moves in the game that are solely intended to build a resume.  It feels hollow.  If you're playing the game with a purpose, your resume should take care of itself.  Getting rid of Zeke may have been the right move for Will, but his presentation was wrong from the very beginning.  

  • Love 13

Ken, why do you have to destroy my ability to enjoy your hotness by being so self-important. It was so pure and innocent. Dammit. 

I do think Jay and Adam are the two guys that stand out for me as far as gameplay goes. Even if I don't care for Jay most of the time, I can appreciate his ability to wriggle out of the hot seat. 

Damn, Hannah. I want to like you, but declaring you're the one probably going home every five minutes prevents me. 

I love that David outlasted Zeke. Survivor builds 'em up and then she knocks 'em down. I love it. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, cleo said:

I've never posted first before! I must be heartless bc I hate the weepy loved ones visit.  The only one with legit  reason to cry is the guy whose mother is dying. And dude seriously what are you doing in survivor with your mother at stage 4?


You're not heartless.   The crying and lamenting and gnashing of teeth was beyond nauseating.   What is it Tony Soprano used to say?  "Whatever happened to Gary Cooper?"

I hate all of these soft, spoiled egomaniacs.  I swear they were trying to out-cry each other.  It was torture sitting through that loved ones visit, with Probst and his stupid questions, "Tell us what's going on with this relationship" and moronic commentary, such as describing Survivor as "one of the harshest experiences a person can face."   Ever been homeless, asshole?   Or facing a serious illness?   How about Survivor: Aleppo?  STFU already.

It's rough that Adam's mother was terminal but I still think he's an arrogant little shit.   His wailing on the beach when stuck was ludicrous.  What a display.   I've seen preschoolers with more composure.

There's nobody to like this season.   Ken comes closest, but then he goes and begs pathetically during the loved ones visit. 

By the way, it looked like Will was drinking a beer at the reward.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, millennium said:

There's nobody to like this season.   Ken comes closest, but then he goes and begs pathetically during the loved ones visit. 


You're right on that. Ken was pointing at himself like Jay has no other choice but to pick him being so self absorbed like others didn't want to spend time with their family members. When you do that it makes people NOT pick you. Begging is pathetic. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Lingo said:

And some of you are STILL rooting for him to win?

I'm not sure if anyone is really rooting for him, just rooting for him to stick around to look at. I don't think anyone is expecting him to win (except with those who are playing lazier than he is)

He didn't seem offended to me, just confused (since he probably was dead set on thinking it was David). I can think of numerous people who overreacted to being voted out. I mean, not many get told beforehand but plenty of men throw hissyfits. Ken just had a mental break with his information. I can understand how all logic went out the window at that point, I doubt if Will said it was Hannah he would have done anything. Maybe he was trying to get the other side to vote Will? Who knows. It was strange. 

While I don't like anyone on the other side, I'd actually be fine with Jay winning. He's the dumb surfer like Taylor was, but I actually think he's relatively smart and with it. 

Will, I get you want respect. You are technically an adult. However, you are still a child. You stamp around wanting to be respected and whine about no one trusting you to make decisions (that's not because of your immaturity, it's because of who you're playing with). You're not helping yourself. 


Ken comes closest, but then he goes and begs pathetically during the loved ones visit. 

Eh, they were all begging, Probst mentioned it. Some more outwardly (Ken and Adam were both vocal/physical) but they all mostly were. Pointing to yourself isn't exactly cause of shame, there have been people in the past crying and verbally begging to get chosen. 

Edited by weightyghost
  • Love 15
Just now, Rachel RSL said:

She was correct both times so you can still like her :)

I know, but it just seems like she says it a lot not just at tribal. Like, maybe, it's her way of dealing with the anxiety, just declare it out loud and gain some small amount of control. This game can make a zen master paranoid, I can only imagine her heightened sense of dread.  

Maybe, she really doesn't say it as much as I feel like I'm hearing it. I am glad she along with David outlasted Zeke. 

  • Love 3

What was ... I don't know what word to describe it, so I'll say "interesting" ... was when Ken was talking to Jay and then Will came up and then all the members of Zeke's alliance appeared and started arguing, and Ken just ... walked away. I don't know, I just think if I were in that situation I'd stay and eavesdrop in on that as long as they'd let me. But he just decided he'd heard enough I guess.

Man, the exasperation on the face of Ken's alliance members when he told them about his "test" ... I have a smile on my own face just thinking about it. I know a lot of these players are big fans of the show but I don't think Ken is. (And I'm pretty sure Michaela wasn't either.)

  • Love 22



all voted together to vote against Zeke, correct?  And Zeke has himself, Sunday, Brett, and wow, I forgot about Jay there.  And he DID have Will but Will flipped.  Is this all correct.  If so, when did Adam splinter apart from Zeke?  Is it really because of Will's grand master plan today?  And how did Jay find himself in league with Zeke's crew?  Didn't he hate Adam and thereby Zeke?  This stuff is the hardest for me, trying to keep this shit straight.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 1

I may have to go back and rewatch but I am boggled as to how Will retained (or seemed to retain) his standing in the Zeke alliance after being outed by Ken on his flip.  Did his "I just want it to be seen that I can make a big move" defense really mollify them as much as it seemed to do? I was half expecting the Zeke alliance to turn on him instead, especially the Machiavellian Zeke. (Ah, Zeke, liked you and then loved to hate you, glad you're gone but I'll miss you.) He might have thought of this as well as he finally sided with the David alliance. (On the other hand, his disgusted face after Sunday's boneheaded comments at tribal indicate that that might have been a deciding factor, who knows.)  He also displayed the classic "swing vote power rush to the head" syndrome that so many players seem to get - don't they realize this is usually the kiss of death? Nobody trusts a flip-flopper very far. 

Of course, Adam pretty much flopped back and forth between some of the earlier alliances as well, and earned much mistrust from various people, but didn't outwardly show the arrogance that Will is exhibiting now. He also made some good moves to solidify himself with his current alliance and just basically lucked out as well (I was predicting him gone a couple of weeks ago). He seems to be settling down as a player and I am liking him more. I was impressed that he won the immunity, he probably managed it from thinking about doing it for his mom, which is wonderful but makes me very sad. I lost my dad to cancer a few years ago and I can feel his pain.

Sunday in my opinion is not a mere goat, she is a pile of goat turds on a rock. She can stop boring and annoying me on my TV screen any time now.

I am officially rooting for David for the win. He's made mistakes but also many good moves, has sucked at challenges but also done better and even won immunity, and been afraid of many things but not afraid to play the game. And has a great personality.

  • Love 13

I have to admit, I had a nervous ball in my gut through the last 10 or 15 minutes of that episode, from the point Ken went to Jay until the end of tribal council. I don't remember ever  having that physical reaction to the show before.


Leading into the loved ones visit, I told my husband, "Adam should say, I'll give the advantage to whoever wins if they take me." That would allow him to get the target off his back. Then when Jay won, l said, "Jay should offer to take Adam in exchange for Adam giving Jay the advantage." Neither did exactly as I predicted/suggested, yet the end result worked out exactly the same. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I have always hated these "loved one" episodes and this one was especially cringe-worthy

Me too.  I don't get it.  Nobody goes away to college, or gets an apartment on their own?  As an adult, aren't you used to not seeing your parents or siblings for a month or more?   They act like they're off fighting a war or something, or on some noble endeavor like the Peace Corps.   It's  a GAME.

  • Love 8

How many more episodes do we have this season? It seemed like a lot of people left to have the loved ones visit- 9 total? Usually it's when there are only about 6 players left.

I'm thinking it has to be either Jay, David or Adam that wins. I'd be really surprised if it's anyone else at this point. Agreed with whoever said upthread that Will is really too young to play. For a show like this, I just feel 21 is about the youngest you can play , since by that time most people have experienced work, school, relationships outside the family, etc. An 18 year old is probably still relatively sheltered .

  • Love 3

I feel like this episode confirmed all my bad thoughts about Ken. There had to be a reason that a guy who looks like that and apparently has some actual surviving skill, is on the outside of all the group dynamics. You get that feeling that he takes himself way too serious and that amount of seriousness usually comes with a big dose of self-righteousness.  

I appreciate the fact that Will went ahead with the move even with his reservations about Ken. Like the stupidest thing to me seems to be when somebody decides to make the big move, lays the groundwork and punks out at the last minute. If he didn't make the move, more than likely he's gone next. He might still be gone be next if he gets cocky, but still, this entire cast is gaming hard and I appreciate the hell out of it. 

But it is hilarious that the entire episode was, "I want to make the big move, I want to make the big move," and ADAM, who ruins everything in the best way possible, steals it from him. I don't think Adam has a shot in hell of winning but I like that he's moved into that, "goat who makes waves," position. 

I'd like Hannah or Adam to surprise but it's probably David's game to lose. I'm still surprised that Jay is kicking around. 

  • Love 12
56 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:



all voted together to vote against Zeke, correct?  And Zeke has himself, Sunday, Brett, and wow, I forgot about Jay there.  And he DID have Will but Will flipped.  Is this all correct.  If so, when did Adam splinter apart from Zeke?  Is it really because of Will's grand master plan today?  And how did Jay find himself in league with Zeke's crew?  Didn't he hate Adam and thereby Zeke?  This stuff is the hardest for me, trying to keep this shit straight.

Adam split from Zeke last week when Hannah did, basically, or possibly before. He had a good pre-merge relationship with Ken and Jessica, so my guess is that it was an easy choice for him to make. Jay ended up "in league with Zeke's crew" because he had a good pre-merge relationship with Bret and Sunday, I'd say, and at one point Sunday was the only person willing to work with him. I don't remember him ever hating Zeke. So Jay's alliance with Zeke is sort of second-hand, as is Adam's alliance with David.

  • Love 8

Will is finally becoming entertaining to me. His talking heads (which he had very few of prior to this episode) made me laugh so hard because he was like this enormous overgrown baby with that creepy deep voice yelling and throwing tantrums about nobody respecting his so-far pretty much nonexistent game. Nobody was actually taking credit for his moves because he pretty much did fuck-all but follow someone else up until tonight's episode. It was like wahhhh don't treat me like an eighteen year old kid, and I was thinking if he was really treated his age, he ought to be treated as a year and eight month old kid because that's about where his maturity level is at haha. Still, I hope he sticks around for at least a couple more episodes because he's pretty funny to watch.

Where Will is childish, Ken is childlike in a weird crotchety New Age old man kind of way. What with his ponderous carrying on about trust and blah blah blah like an extremely boring old hippie professor and then saying he needed to "test" Will. He panicked when he heard his name thrown out because he thought for sure that Zeke and his flying monkeys were gunning for David, like so many stupid players have done before, and went to directly confront people about it. So dumb, stop that Ken.

Hannah continues to have a good sixth sense about her name being put up, good on her.

Who is Sunday and Brett going to follow now? Because neither of them have likely ever had an original thought in their heads about what moves to make (except maybe for that time they agreed to vote for each other).

Loved ones' visit is always pretty boring to me, but I guess David crying again is just more evidence that he's this manipulative vile wretch who uses his tears to get sympathy.

I dislike Zeke but I wouldn't mind seeing him play again, he entertains me and it's fun rooting against him. I wouldn't say my feelings about him would qualify as strongly as "love to hate," but it's definitely "enjoy seeing his machinations backfire." I'm sure he'll get another crack at Survivor if he wants it, and I'm sure he and his huge ego does.

I've liked Adam from the beginning, even when he was making inexplicable boneheaded moves, and I like him more as the season goes on. He seems like a good guy and I just appreciate him as a person from what I've seen. His reaction in his talking head to Ken saying that he was testing Will was hilarious.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, blackwing said:

I have mixed feelings about Adam.  I have had family members survive cancer, and I have had family members succumb to cancer.  On the one hand, I feel for him.  On the other hand, his mom had stage 4 cancer and he STILL went on to the show.  I don't care if it was his dream or whatever to be on the show.  I would have stayed home and spent time with her, knowing that she was in bad shape.  He could always have asked TPTB to defer his appearance until some point in the future.  I particularly hated the weepy face reaction shot when Hannah said that her mom was a cancer survivor.  And then we got another weepy face reaction shot when Will and his mom hugged, because, you know, it's a mom and her son.  If he didn't want to spend all of his time worrying about his mom and not seeing her, he could have stayed home.

I agree.  Stage 4 cancer is terminal, dude.   They stopped chemo because she wasn't strong enough?  GO HOME!  your mom is dying, and if you don't leave now you will regret it for the rest of your life.   Mom would want you to stay?  No,  mom will SAY she wants you to stay because that's what YOU want and she doesn't want to guilt-trip you into coming home. 

I didn't like when Hannah said her mom is such a strong person she beat cancer.  Yeah, some people live and some people die.  But calling someone strong because they beat cancer?  Does that mean only weak people die?  Sometimes beating cancer means you are lucky - to have the right diagnosis, doctor, treatment center, insurance.  It's great that her mom is a cancer survivor, don't get me wrong - but to say it's because she's "strong"  is just not right. 

  • Love 18

Wow, my comment last week that Ken is not the sharpest tool in the shed was disappointingly prescient! That was one of the dumbass-est moves of the season. I think it was Figgy (and/or Michaela) who took a lot of flak for being shocked that her name came up at tribal, but damn if Ken didn't do just the same thing. Don't get me wrong: I still think he may be the prettiest player to grace my screen in all the many seasons of Survivor and would not kick him outta bed for eating coconut (hell, I'd roll out the red carpet even if he were eating those slimy barnacle snail thingies), but that was a boneheaded - and as many have pointed out, incredibly hypocritical (re: Jessica) - move.

And then the icing on the cake was figuratively dragging Will by his ear back to his parents a la Dennis the Menace, only to walk away as the aftermath unfolds! Holy crow. Thank the gods he's so beautiful and seems to be a generally nice person. Hope he makes it to the end for my viewing pleasure, but also kinda hope the guy doesn't win (unless up against Sunday or Brett).

I might be the only one, but I don't find Will to be notably more immature then many other previous Survivors. (Someone like Abi Maria immediately comes to mind.) Maybe it's the deep voice, but I really don't see him as that different from the rest of the crew. That said, the guy's not gonna win, and I'm good with that.

So Sunday's first inclination is to throw out Hannah's name as the target? The only other woman remaining, now that her arch-nemesis Jessica is gone? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

I'm so torn on the emotional family visits. On the one hand, I sometimes giggle at the hyper-emotional reunions, and then wonder about who the hell I'd have come out were I a contestant. (Mom doesn't fly, dad is getting old, and I love my brother, but he's one taciturn muthaf---er. I think the only way I'd cry is if my two cats were there to jump on my shoulders and rub their faces on my glasses.) Would I pretend to cry just to not look like an emotionless asshole on national tv? On the other hand, the familial acceptance of the non-straight guys was heartening and sweet to see. Or maybe I've just watched too much Ru Paul's Drag Race.

  • Love 17
4 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

So Sunday's first inclination is to throw out Hannah's name as the target? The only other woman remaining, now that her arch-nemesis Jessica is gone? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

Yeah, that really struck me too when I was watching. It's almost as if Sunday is purposefully and personally trying to annoy me in a quickly escalating fashion. Because, yes, I am that important of course.

  • Love 11

Ken was acting like a tool to Will before Will told him his name came up. I'm not sure it was Ken's name coming up that made Ken go over and tell Jay what Will had said. I think he still would have done it if Will had said David's name instead, and Ken was being some sort of self-righteous jackass who somehow actually saw that as a "test." Jessica asked Lucy because she didn't believe Ken and did trust her ally Lucy (which I still think was reasonable if not correct). Ken on the other hand flat out blew up the swing vote for his alliance by narcing on a possible ally to people he wasn't allied with. WTF? 

I also noticed that when Zeke's group was trying to decide who to vote for, Sunday threw out Hannah's name. Granted, Adam was immune, so it was down to three options, but really? Hannah?

I'm not sure why people are left with the impression that Hannah is neurotic about people voting for her. Maybe it just sticks in the head? We've seen her say it twice now. Once before last episode's TC and once during this TC. Both times she was correct. She could be paranoid, but given most of the time she seems to have figured out which way the votes are going, I think she's actually just better at picking up body language hints and using logic to figure it out. I mean, she's a dork. Totally. But she ain't dumb.

Aaaaand for my probably most unpopular opinion... I kind of understood where Will was coming from. David points out the four-person meeting that Will is not a part of. Will has tried to make moves (agreed to vote out Michaela with Jay, tried to vote out Jay when Tayls went home, outed Jay's idol), but either someone else is blamed/praised for it (Jay for Michaela) or other people unwittingly do things that negate his moves (someone who was supposed to vote Jay voted Taylor that TC-probably Sunday). So he sees that yet again he is the one not being consulted and he decides he's going to flip and take Zeke out, which isn't really a bad play for him. Then Ken effs it up in an amazing display of both arrogance and stupidity. So now Will has to try to explain why he would consider flipping to people who have mostly been dismissive of him. And when he gets to TC and matter-of-factly lays out the situation, Sunday pretty much proves his point with the way she talks about him. Jay is smooth, and I kind of wonder if he didn't want Zeke gone but without blood on his hands. They vote. Adam plays his idol. Will looks pissed, my guess because he realizes this means no one trusts him and his big move is yet again effed up by someone else. Zeke goes home.

I think most people in Will's shoes would have been frustrated. We pretty much only saw him say to Ken something like, "I have a choice between people who don't respect my opinion and those who do." That's rational and strategic, not throwing a tantrum. Anything else was in THs. Then Ken tossed him under the bus and he had to spend time trying to explain and cover his rear. But I don't think anyone, no matter what age they are, would like knowing they were bottom of their alliance. I don't think that makes him immature. Every player has pouted in some manner, imo.

Glad to see the bats every episode. I'm getting attached to those guys.

  • Love 21
4 minutes ago, simplyme said:

Aaaaand for my probably most unpopular opinion... I kind of understood where Will was coming from. David points out the four-person meeting that Will is not a part of. Will has tried to make moves (agreed to vote out Michaela with Jay, tried to vote out Jay when Tayls went home, outed Jay's idol), but either someone else is blamed/praised for it (Jay for Michaela) or other people unwittingly do things that negate his moves (someone who was supposed to vote Jay voted Taylor that TC-probably Sunday). So he sees that yet again he is the one not being consulted and he decides he's going to flip and take Zeke out, which isn't really a bad play for him. Then Ken effs it up in an amazing display of both arrogance and stupidity. So now Will has to try to explain why he would consider flipping to people who have mostly been dismissive of him. And when he gets to TC and matter-of-factly lays out the situation, Sunday pretty much proves his point with the way she talks about him. Jay is smooth, and I kind of wonder if he didn't want Zeke gone but without blood on his hands. They vote. Adam plays his idol. Will looks pissed, my guess because he realizes this means no one trusts him and his big move is yet again effed up by someone else. Zeke goes home.

I think most people in Will's shoes would have been frustrated. We pretty much only saw him say to Ken something like, "I have a choice between people who don't respect my opinion and those who do." That's rational and strategic, not throwing a tantrum. Anything else was in THs. Then Ken tossed him under the bus and he had to spend time trying to explain and cover his rear. But I don't think anyone, no matter what age they are, would like knowing they were bottom of their alliance. I don't think that makes him immature. Every player has pouted in some manner, imo.

I see what you are saying but the issue with Will is that yes, he was involved in all those moves but he was never the champion behind those moves (Michaela's vote was Jay's idea) and those strategic ideas he did contribute, people didn't listen to him (in episode 2 he wanted to vote Figgy as per his conversation with Michelle but Michelle convinced him otherwise). That's nobody's fault though. You have to be charismatic enough for people to listen to you in this game. It must be frustrating for him but that's life basically. Some people will get ahead by being more charming or charismatic. I don't know, his reactions just read very "young" to me and he is, in fact, still a teenager.

  • Love 3

So much terrible gameplay.  Adam playing an idol he ultimately didn't need to play, Will's big flip being totally negated by Adam's idol and so Will essentially flipped for nothing, and Ken almost blowing the whole thing by tattling on Will.

4 hours ago, Mabdul Doobakus said:

I don't really like moves in the game that are solely intended to build a resume.  It feels hollow.  If you're playing the game with a purpose, your resume should take care of itself.  Getting rid of Zeke may have been the right move for Will, but his presentation was wrong from the very beginning.

Probst's insistence that you need 'big moves' to win Survivor is beyond annoying, as is the fact that so many players mindlessly parrot it.   You know who had a lot of big moves on his resume?  Russell Hantz, and he didn't win because he was a dick. 

  • Love 18

Ken was acting like a tool to Will before Will told him his name came up. I'm not sure it was Ken's name coming up that made Ken go over and tell Jay what Will had said. I think he still would have done it if Will had said David's name instead, and Ken was being some sort of self-righteous jackass who somehow actually saw that as a "test." Jessica asked Lucy because she didn't believe Ken and did trust her ally Lucy (which I still think was reasonable if not correct). Ken on the other hand flat out blew up the swing vote for his alliance by narcing on a possible ally to people he wasn't allied with. WTF

Yeah, that's a great point. Ken did do that and was all, "you should have trusted me 100 percent." 

Edited by loki567
  • Love 4

I don't think Adam is selfish or wrong to have signed up for the show. He's said in interviews that his mom encouraged him to do it, and that it was something SHE wanted - to see her son on Survivor. He also referred to it being something she could root for every week, something to keep her going. I really doubt that a guy like Adam, who despite being a bit annoying, seems like a salt of the earth kinda guy (hello, he manages a homeless shelter for a living!), went on Survivor just to win a million bucks - dying mother be damned! I think it's something he's wanted to do, and then felt motivated by his mom's request that he go for it. I've grown to really like Adam, and I'm rooting for him.

I never understood the crying for loved ones until I moved to Thailand last year. I've always been close with my family, but never emotional - we dont hug or get all lovey dovey or anything. But being on my own in another country, where I have A LOT of time to myself and my own thoughts, I've reflected a lot on my family members and what they mean to me. I would think that similarly in Survivor, it's not about being apart for a month, it's having time to really think about what these people mean to you. Having time to think about little things you love or miss about them. Because it's not like you're going to work, or studying or doing any of the 'real-world' things that would normally occupy your thoughts. So yea, I can understand the tears and the outpouring of emotion, "my dad is my hero", "I would do anything for you", "I appreciate everything you've done for me", etc.

Oh Ken. You lost me tonight.

I HATE Will. Despite him and his stupid voice, and his Cartman-esque pouting to be taken seriously. I'm gobsmacked that Zeke kept it cool and didn't immediately vote his ass out for wanting to flip. And in hindsight, he should have.

Zeke was a fun villain, but I was rooting hard for his demise. Still, I hope he's invited back. Jay is going to take this thing, and I wouldn't even hate him for winning. He's played hard, dude. Bro.

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, loki567 said:

I feel like this episode confirmed all my bad thoughts about Ken. There had to be a reason that a guy who looks like that and apparently has some actual surviving skill, is on the outside of all the group dynamics. 

Isn't that because he's an introvert? Completely natural, and preferable for one's sanity, to be on the outside of group dynamics for an introverted type.

  • Love 10

I think Jay is the most dangerous player now, and he still has his idol, which the others may have forgotten about.  I thought it was telling how easily he slipped from being all alone once douchenozzle Taylor was voted out to talking about "the five of us".

When they were talking about the previous tribal and Zeke's tribe was all "we had to draw rocks, it was the only way", someone, I think Brett, stupidly said, "it was a 50% chance".  No it wasn't.  Hannah and Zeke were exempt.  David had immunity.  Ken had an idol played for him.  The people possibly going home were the four on Zeke's tribe (Brett, Sunday, Will or Jay) or the two on David's (Adam or Jess).  So the odds were worse for Zeke's half and they still went that route.  They got lucky.  

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, blackwing said:

I think Jay is the most dangerous player now, and he still has his idol, which the others may have forgotten about.  I thought it was telling how easily he slipped from being all alone once douchenozzle Taylor was voted out to talking about "the five of us".  

Suddenly he seems like one of the influencers on Zeke's team, probably because Sunday and Brett are such followers. I also thought it was very smart of him to get the whole group together to talk it out when Ken came to confront him. At that moment, I could see the wheels in his head turning... whether to lie to Ken or not. It's good that he didn't take the sole responsibility of deceiving Ken, because that dude looks like he may hold grudges.

Also, during tribal, he turned around to look at and actually talk to Will, instead of talking about him like everyone else was doing. And to finish it off, telling Will to go with his gut and letting him know he will respect Will's decision. So now Will feels assured with newfound confidence... given by Jay.

So even though it seems like Jay's temporary "alliance" is down in numbers now, I bet he would find a way to align himself with others to survive.

  • Love 17
5 hours ago, backformore said:

Me too.  I don't get it.  Nobody goes away to college, or gets an apartment on their own?  As an adult, aren't you used to not seeing your parents or siblings for a month or more?   They act like they're off fighting a war or something, or on some noble endeavor like the Peace Corps.   It's  a GAME.

I think they were under the delusion that they're hostages being liberated after years of imprisonment, conveniently forgetting that they signed up for this and that they all stand a chance of walking away with a million dollars.   I thought their carrying on was grotesque. 

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Not that I care for the "previously on Survivor," but for a two hour episode, the only thing Jeff mentions is the rock draw?  Also, they seemed to be moving right along.

Jeff glosses over the rock draw because he hates it. What he wants is for the contestants to grow a set and pick someone.

  • Love 3

I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds the "loved ones" reunion scenes over the top. My husband said if he reunited with me after a month of playing Survivor he would say "Hello!" and give me a high five (because he'd be stinky).


So Sunday's first inclination is to throw out Hannah's name as the target? The only other woman remaining, now that her arch-nemesis Jessica is gone? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

No kidding, that was annoying. Parvati would never.

  • Love 1

I don't think I'd like Jay IRL but he's playing a hell of a game.  He was seen as the leader of the millennials yet he's still there.  He's a challenge beast yet he's still there.  He's been able to move pretty seamlessly from side to side but he's still there.  His name never comes up.  People seem to like him and listen to what he says.  Sunday wants to adopt him.  Will idolizes him.  (No pun intended.)  Adam will be eternally grateful to him.  He has friends on the jury.  

When Ken confronted the other side I too thought for a minute he was jumping ship, which is something I would have hated but could understand.  "Anyone but me" mentality.  Should have known he's just not that smart.

7 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

If so, when did Adam splinter apart from Zeke?

Adam is gunning for anyone who could beat him.  I wouldn't be surprised if next week he flips again and goes after David.

3 hours ago, Sugar said:

I don't think Adam is selfish or wrong to have signed up for the show. He's said in interviews that his mom encouraged him to do it, and that it was something SHE wanted - to see her son on Survivor. He also referred to it being something she could root for every week, something to keep her going.

It's sad she never got to see him on the show.  :(

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 7

Well, I thought it would be pretty hard to have an exciting episode after last week's rock draw, but I really enjoyed this one as well. Overall, I am just loving this season so much. I think the casting is on point, and there have been some really new ideas at challenges that have kept things feeling fresh. What has really been fun for me is that, week to week, I keep changing my opinions on people. This has not been a boring or predictable game at all. People I was certain would be gone long ago are still there. People I thought would absolutely make it closer to the end are gone. One week someone is playing a shit game and the next week they're making great moves. And vice versa. There hasn't been one mega alliance taking people down from the get go. It's fluid, it's surprising. Nerds are dominating and jocks are going home. I am just enjoying it so much. 

I may be in the minority, but I actually almost always like the Loved Ones visit. I think it humanizes people, makes you remember that these are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters. They're real people with real lives and have flaws like the rest of us. But to see someone love them so much....to see all the emotion and tears...you can forgive some past behavior, because you realize how this game can stress people. 

There was some nasty behavior last week at TC, but this week was giving me all the feels again. I loved Adam making it clear from the get go that he was NOT going to use his advantage on THIS challenge. Because I'm sure that thing was hanging over all their heads as soon as the Loved Ones were announced. Likewise, I thought it was super classy of Jay to choose Adam because of that. Granted he wasn't chosen first, but Jay had made promises to people. And then he really seemed to consider what would be right, and I felt that was just right. Then Adam turns around and gives JAY the advantage! These two have been rivals most of the game, so it's really heartening to see them being bigger people and respecting each other, despite their differences. 

Watching Adam during the whole thing was really hard. When Will got to hug HIS mother...when Hannah announced HER mother survived cancer....just a punch in the gut. My heart really breaks for Adam, but I hope he has SOME peace, knowing how much this experience did for his mother during that rough time. This really was Adam's week. He got to spend time with his brother, made some good game moves, won Immunity. Good for your Adam. 

So it looks like Ken is going to take the "play a shit game" mantle for his side this week. First it was Adam, then Hannah, now my love, Ken. Ken, I still love you...but what in the ever loving fuck was your problem this week??? I spent all last week defending him as a smart and subtle player, and then he turns around and blows everything up. I can't tell if he was really just doubting Will(which is ironic, given that he was so offended when Jess didn't believe HIM) or if he is that arrogant that he thinks Jay owes him some explanation. I know it's hard to hear your name, but this is Survivor. 

He's (and their whole side) very lucky that Adam made the right Idol move (as opposed to David's waste last week) AND Will still voted for Zeke anyway. 

As for Will, I get what he's doing. I believe him, that people tend to discount his moves because of his age. Granted, I don't think he's done anything super impressive so far. But look at what Sunday said at TC. Will WAS the one to initiate working with David's side to get Zeke out, but it was assumed that THEY came to HIM. Will is now kind of fucked either way, because he's going to be seen as a flip-flopper. Cochran 1.0. But he might be able to get more longevity out of David's side, since they aren't going to be "burned" by his move. Zeke and them would use him only as far as they needed him and toss him straight to the side. He had no reason to go back to them. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 18
5 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:


So Sunday's first inclination is to throw out Hannah's name as the target? The only other woman remaining, now that her arch-nemesis Jessica is gone? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.


Maybe she is a Big Brother fan and wants to be the last woman standing like Nicole. But she's NO Nicole... and Nicole, even, wasn't all that (really disappointing outcome to that BB season).

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, mojoween said:

I thought the editing gave away Zeke going with his interview at the top of the show but then the editors threw in a monkey wrench of Ken interviewing twice about winning the million for his daughter so I was nervous up to the very end.

Yea, I was not sure at all. I'm not one who super analyzes the editing and I always feel like an idiot when other posters say they could see it coming a mile away. I actually think they've done a better job this year of just giving tidbits of conversations, so we're not entirely sure where certain people stand before TC. I though Ken having so much screen time, and all the talk about his daughter (has he mentioned his daughter before now???) spelled certain doom. I was pretty resigned to him going home. 


10 hours ago, princelina said:

I think there have been a lot - I don't have the good memory for seasons/episodes/contestants that some of you do, but I know it's been bitched about here many times :)

Oh gosh, yes. Every season there are plenty of people who are all - "ME?? Why are they mentioning MY name?? The nerve!" It's par for the course with Survivor. 


10 hours ago, princelina said:

Adam getting stuck made me laugh because every time that activity comes up in a challenge I realize that if I went on Survivor, I'd get stuck under the log, thinking my butt isn't as big as it is :)  But this is the first time I've seen it happen to someone!

Wasn't he kind of wrapped up in his rope as well? I was very distracted at the end, wondering if someone was going to go free Adam. 


10 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

His dad.  Also, Jay said something about his mom not being able to be there or come out.  Is there a reason?  I know Jay has said he's playing this for his mom and sister, and seems like he's very close to his family.

Speaking of which, I was kind of surprised we didn't hear or see more of the loved ones back at camp.  I know Adam was the more interesting story to follow (I hate saying that, given the circumstances), but I was kind of surprised that there wasn't much of the others back at camp.

I loved when Jay said his mother and sister were the two halves of his heart. I think they grew up without a father. I just love seeing a man who is close with the women in his life. I agree with you about the loved ones. I would have really liked to see more of Will and his mom, and the relationship between Jay and his sister. 

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, blackwing said:

On the other hand, his mom had stage 4 cancer and he STILL went on to the show.  I don't care if it was his dream or whatever to be on the show.

With Adam, I think the thing is it was her dream, for him to be on the show and I totally understand that because I know if I only had a few months to live and my son got picked for "Survivor,"  I would be all, "Go, go, go! I'll be thinking of you every minute (and maybe live long enough to watch MY son on TV.)  We know she didn't last that long, but he probably got home in time to tell her about it.  I also wouldn't have relished the idea of my boy having to sit bedside and watch me struggle for breath. 

I usually roll my eyes at the family sob fest, partly out of jealousy because, as a military wife, we were sometimes away for over a year, and our only communication was snail-mail  written in that secret code known as cursive.  My family would greet me with a quick hug followed by the usual,"What have you done with your hair?" and "The food must be good in England," sort of remark.  Still the show got to me this time, Jay and his sister, Adam and his brother, Hannah's little mom.  I misted up a little.

Candall:  You absolutely did the right thing, it would compound my misery to have my child quit her education. I hate that funeral person -- the nerve.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 20
7 hours ago, backformore said:

Me too.  I don't get it.  Nobody goes away to college, or gets an apartment on their own?  As an adult, aren't you used to not seeing your parents or siblings for a month or more?   They act like they're off fighting a war or something, or on some noble endeavor like the Peace Corps.   It's  a GAME.

Well, at college you can call your parents/siblings/etc. if you have a bad day. You're also not starving and mentally and physically exhausted. Well, maybe a bit, but not as badly as you would be playing Survivor. I don't begrudge people at all for getting emotional. You have to have your guard up constantly in this game, then you see one person you can just let go and be yourself with. It would have a major effect on me, I'm sure. 

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