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S11.E19: Reunion Part 1

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I can't even say how badly I want gross, disgusting liar face Icky to be gone. Just for the satisfaction of having it happen, having some of,these other evil witches outlast her. Not a Tamra fan at all but if would still take her over Icky. Anyone, even dumb azz Kelly. Would be so happy to never see her or her kin again. Might even pay to get bravo again...

  • Love 18
3 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Shannon is doing herself no favors by pulling out all this post filming evidence that Kelly's fiancée was actually married and having an affair at the time.

...but apparently Kelly thinks that the "married man/fiance`" was having the affair with her.  SHE couldn't literally have an "affair" with him because she was separated.  I once heard a friend say that SHE wasn't the one committing adultery in her affair with a married man because she was divorced...HE was committing that sin.  Maybe this is some explanation learned in Confession.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 9

Kelly got points for admitting to watching the show and then binge watching the seasons she missed when she got the contract. It gets on my last nerve when people come on these Housewives franchises, or any reality show for that matter, and act as though they've never watched. As if they are above watching because that's so much worse than actually being on it, please. 

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Jesus on a Popsicle stick!

Vicki and "her" show for eleven years. She is so deluded that she does not realize Bravo has been giving her peanuts to dance like an organ grinders monkey.

Kelly is just beyond dumb, a good fit as Vicki's seasonal BFF. I too was distracted by her flour sack boobs.

Vicki needs to talk to Jill Zarin about thinking the show "belongs" to any one Housewife.

  • Love 18

Once again Kelly's inability to correctly observe a situation allows her to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Tamra talking about Michael's 730 exam seemed to be heading to an argument that Michael might have been misdiagnosed and that would explain why Michael has improved. Kelly, ever the idiot, belligerently asks Tamra if Tamra is a psychologist.

And then when Tamra was trying to explain that the two of them got along just fine before Ireland, Kelly just kept fixating on Tamra having issues after Ireland. I still think she has some really strange cognitive processing issue.

I think the reason Michael was so controlling was because he finally took Kelly to a work function. I'm sure she was dropping her corny jokes, drunk, vulgar, and indiscrete. I'm sure Michael monitored her phone, emails, and social media because he was afraid what she was saying to his colleagues.

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

I'm not buying what Shannon is selling, I think she is a big shit stirrer then likes to play all innocent

I enjoy Kelly cause she calls Shannon and Heather on their shit and isn't afraid to play dirty. Is she awful in other ways? yes but seriously I love her not taking their shit LOL

I agree. I'm so sick of Shannon's " I don't lie", or "That's just not me" or "I would never do that". Sure you would, Shannon. And have. 

Part 1 is over and Heather barely said a word, Andy directed no questions towards her. Must be killing her.  I like it. 

  • Love 16
4 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Kelly was trying so hard to be 'cool' with the 'calm down Shannon'.  Yeah, Kelly.  Know that game and know what you're trying to do.  Kelly fights dirty...and that's ok according to her.  Hmm....  And ya know, she was in the corporate world and therefore you do your research. 

Didn't Kelly previously claim she's never seen this show before she was hired to be on it?

3 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Wasn't it in one of the first episodes of the season that Vicki said she would still be with Brooks if he hadn't broke up with her and that she was crying in the street when he left? That does not sound like someone who was duped. I would think most people would be pissed if their significant other lied to them about having cancer and be the one doing the breaking up, not the other way around. Vicki being too busy working to notice Brooks did not have cancer. Bahahahaha! Bitch please, you still cannot keep your lies straight. Oh and Vicki, I would be extremely happy if you got fired from "your" show. This show was never called "Vicki Gunvelson and these other women". I was glad and a bit surprised that Andy shut Vicki down when she did not want to talk about Brooks. Vicki, you lied about your boyfriend having cancer so you could get some casseroles, I think it should be brought up in every interview you ever have. I wish Vicki's cancer scam charity would get discussed.

Kelly is such an idiot. Did she actually say moot point, because I thought I heard mood point? I was probably hearing things. She regrets how she treated her husband? Interesting, since I thought she came on the show to reveal that her husband was an ass for a possible divorce. Kelly, Shannon was not pouring drinks down your throat. She ordered you a drink. It was up to you whether you drank it or not. If Shannon did not order a drink for you would say you were not included and if she did, she was pouring drinks down your throat.

Yes, Vicki said she was crying in the street when Brooks left her. I remembered he was the first person she called after leaving Shannon's 1970's party and rolled my eyes.


Yes, Kelly used the term "moot point" incorrectly.

  • Love 8
56 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

The B List-

Giving lace a bad name. 

I guess this where you end up when you screw up the Reunion.

These women really look frightening, especially Lizzie.  Common thread other than lace?  All these bitches sucked on the show, or in the case of Gretchen, took up with Slade and sucked on the show and were fired.  Please let this be a clue that Kelly and Vicki have joined that club.  Also, Vickis boobs are disgusting.  Her eyes arent the only thing re done.  She got those awful "high profile " implants.  

Losers, all of them.  Man it has to burn Vickis biscuits to be reduced to hanging out with the C team.

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, TazDevil said:

Andy tells Kelly that she is the most polarizing housewife and she says "oh, thank you!"  LOL!!!  She's such a dumbass.

Agreed. Waiting for it to air on the west coast but was wondering who Kelly sucked off to get into ASU, who she beat up to write her papers, and who she had to screw to get a diploma? Did she even graduate?

  • Love 7
39 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

These women really look frightening, especially Lizzie.  Common thread other than lace?  All these bitches sucked on the show, or in the case of Gretchen, took up with Slade and sucked on the show and were fired.  Please let this be a clue that Kelly and Vicki have joined that club.  Also, Vickis boobs are disgusting.  Her eyes arent the only thing re done.  She got those awful "high profile " implants.  

Losers, all of them.  Man it has to burn Vickis biscuits to be reduced to hanging out with the C team.

Wouldn't that be the Hanging Double D Has-been Hags?

Those heifers even have their own brand the Hanging Double D.

  • Love 5

I love how Vicki gets all upset that the Brooks/cancer shit is still being brought up, yet there she was, professing her desire to be with him in Heaven, as recent as the Ireland trip! Also, she thinks either of them have a shot at heaven? That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. 

Speaking of, Tamra makes me want to roll my eyes right out of their socket with her, "We all make mistakes" excuse. Yes, Christians are not perfect. But you're supposed to TRY. I get the impression that Tamra just does whatever the fuck she wants and thinks it will be okay because Jesus will forgive her. 

But back to Vicki - she truly is delusional, is she not? "Get off my show!" Haha, bitch you don't own shit. And you can't even utter a convincing "Bye, Felicia". She has no power. Vicki is still on, after all these years, because she's a fucking trainwreck and people like to watch. And she's desperate enough to cling to this show for over a decade, even though she hasn't come across looking even halfway decent for many years now. But if she walked away today, the show would still go on without her. 

Megan looked so awkward, to me. I'm not saying pregnant women need to wear a muumuu, but with the belly bursting out in the tight dress, I didn't think the boobs needed to burst out as well. It was all a bit too much. 

I still don't think Shannon set Kelly up at the 70s party. Most of what was said was snark while Kelly was in another room. It was just gossip, there was no big confrontation or anything. 

Kelly just really doesn't fit on this show. I'm not saying everyone else is so much better than her, but she doesn't know how to play the "game". She is scorched earth, all the way. 

I thought Heather came off the best. I love how she's not going to let this "Jews are funny" shit die. 

  • Love 24
6 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

And then when Tamra was trying to explain that the two of them got along just fine before Ireland, Kelly just kept fixating on Tamra having issues after Ireland. I still think she has some really strange cognitive processing issue.

Trying to explain anything to Kelly would be like talking to a wall. She really cannot follow a point from A to B. 

  • Love 24
8 hours ago, breezy424 said:


Megan looked like a woman radiant in pregnancy.  Ok.  The hair wasn't the best but she did look great. 

Agree on everything. My hypothesis on the hair is she isn't dying the roots during pregnancy, and that weird updo middle of the top of her head scene is to help disguise that. Maybe? 

  • Love 7

My hypothesis on the hair is she isn't dying the roots during pregnancy

That's my guess as well.  Kelly's dress was a sight.  And her hair looks like she slept in it.  Didn't anyone tell her how bad she looked?  Meh, it's a moot point.

I don't think Heather looks good in that color.  I think Megan needs to always be pregnant because it's a good look for her.  Vicki has had some good plastic surgery.  Gives me hope that the west coast Hos are able to find surgeons as good as the ones the east coast Hos. 

I don't think Kelly brings anything to the table so I don't care if she's gone.  I think that Bravo should put Vicki on friend status for a season.  I can stomach that much of her.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I love how Vicki gets all upset that the Brooks/cancer shit is still being brought up, yet there she was, professing her desire to be with him in Heaven, as recent as the Ireland trip! Also, she thinks either of them have a shot at heaven? That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. 

What kind of fucked up shit was that? I cannot even begin to understand!

  • Love 13
8 hours ago, Negritude said:

Kelly got points for admitting to watching the show and then binge watching the seasons she missed when she got the contract. It gets on my last nerve when people come on these Housewives franchises, or any reality show for that matter, and act as though they've never watched. As if they are above watching because that's so much worse than actually being on it, please. 

Yes, she does.  But at this point, she's so far in the negative that it's a "mood" point. Or a "moo point" - you know, a cow's opinion (according to Joey on Friends).  Sorry, no round of Final Jeopardy for you, Kelly. 

I hate Vicki like nuts in a brownie, but I must admit her hair looked great last night.  Kelly's hair actually looked better than the rat's nest she sported throughout the season, but unfortunately that dress ruined everything.  Everybody else looked fine to me.  I thought Megan looked adorable. 


4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The B List-

Giving lace a bad name. 

I guess this where you end up when you screw up the Reunion.

Ah, the Soon-to-be-Gones and the Wanna-be-Backs.  That filter is working hard.   

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, Muffyn said:

Yes, I am right there with you and @Ghoulina. I think Andy was afraid she had done some wacky Shannon stuff and had them poured  in the foundation or something. 

Ha! I'm so with you posters that thought her eggs were somehow in her glass art instillation. I guess they'll have to move if the eggs are ever used, just like their reason for moving this time was an "planned" bedroom for Coco. Andy would be SO disappointed if she put her embryos into the glass or foundation. He's asked at least twice for her Jewish eggs and I think he's serious.

Edited by Almost 3000
Because eyes and eggs aren't the same thing.
  • Love 8

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