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LIVE CHAT: Election Night 2016 (11/8/2016)

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2 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

You guys, CA, OR and WA are still voting. Those three give H. Clinton 74 more. It's not first to 270.

Exactly, don't panic!  Trump will go up to the 170 electoral votes quick and easy and then up to a surprising 210 electoral votes, that's his ceiling right now
210 electoral votes, HIS CEILING!

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Just now, HumblePi said:

Exactly, don't panic!  Trump will go up to the 170 electoral votes quick and easy and then up to a surprising 210 electoral votes, that's his ceiling right now
210 electoral votes, HIS CEILING!

I hope!

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Yes, but CA, OR and WA are expected to go Hillary, that's not the question.  The problem is that Trump is breaking records in rural areas in swing states and it's not entirely clear that Hillary has enough votes in Democratic areas (although she's outperforming Obama in many) to hold off the surge.  This is not good.  Not good at all.

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They're talking about the future of the Repubican party on PBS right now, and saying that Trump doing better than projected is going to give that (hate-filled) wing of the party more power.  Lovely thought.

Here is what pissed me off all along about my friends who were skipping through fields of daisies content in the knowledge the polls projected easy victory for Hillary.  That was NEVER going to happen.  Significant swaths of this country are absolutely unhinged in their irrational hatred for her, and just as many have an "eh, I just don't like her" attitude towards her.  So the second group was going to look at those polls and stay home (or cast a protest vote), figuring that they could avoid a Trump presidency without having to hold their noses and vote for her because the rest of us would take care of it.

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2 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Exactly, don't panic!  Trump will go up to the 170 electoral votes quick and easy and then up to a surprising 210 electoral votes, that's his ceiling right now
210 electoral votes, HIS CEILING!

What do you mean?  

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This should never have been a contest.  I can't accept that it's this close.  I'm sorry, Americans, but I don't think it speaks well of half your fellow countrymen if so many are willing to vote for someone like Trump as President. 

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Trump is horrifying. But I think what is even worse is what he represents. All the hateful xenophobes, racists, and sexist bastards will be endorsed, proving that that behavior is acceptable. And it's not, damn it.

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2 minutes ago, Silly Angel said:

Not entirely

FL is always the last one fully counted.  The FL GOP has made it so fucking difficult to vote in the Dem areas of the state that they have people in line for HOURS after the polls close.  I was hoping that we wouldn't even need FL, so it wouldn't be necessary to go through the FL roller coaster again.  

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It looks like the following has to happen:

Clinton has to hold MI... or... 

If she loses MI then she has to win one of the following combos:

NH + NC + VA  
NV + NC + VA

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A friend reminded me that in 2008 and 2012 it was this close as well. I am going with what she said since a.) she's a doctor and way smarter than me; and b.) I am pretty drunk right now and prone to freaking out. 

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4 minutes ago, millennium said:

What do you mean?  

Solid Republican states are 160 for him, winning both NC and FL makes it 210 for him, rounded numbers of course. So that would be 250 for Clinton - 210 for Trump, the other 120 electoral votes are contested, not secured for any, that's the projection. If he wins Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona, or steals California and Pennsylvania, that's when you should start to worry

Edited by HumblePi
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Just now, theredhead77 said:

The differnece in some of these races is what Gary Johnson and/or Jill Stein have. I'm trying to reassure myself that these voters never either have not voted or voted for Trump but fuck them anyway.

NC, FL and VA all that's true.

We could get Hitler 2.0 because of the damn 3rd party.

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Keepin' It 1600 is talking about Supreme Court appointments. Side note since there aren't too many developments... I would love to have an another awesome pro-choice lady judge on the Supreme Court because I was recently freaked out to learn that RBG is one of the older (and yet appointed later than some of her younger counterparts) judges currently serving.

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1 minute ago, Giant Misfit said:

WHAT IS GOING ON??!!!?!?!?!? 


The cat just brought in a mouse, dropped it at my feet, the mouse ran UNDER THE DOG, who's asleep and doesn't seem to have noticed.  The cat left, I don't really want to move my feet and wake up the dog and between the EC count and the rodent situation, I am now experiencing TOTAL SENSORY OVERLOAD.

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5 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Hillary has NM.  VA tightening.  She can still lock it up.  

MN is not enough.

VA stops being enough if she loses MI.

In fact it's not even CLOSE to enough. If she wins VA, loses MI, Trump still wins on either NV or NH. With their dinky little 6 and 4 electoral votes.

EDIT - Wisconsin is also FAR from firm. Same disaster if she loses that (even if MI got reversed). 

UGH as I typed that the numbers for WI changed.

It's done. Florida isn't even enough now.

Edited by Kromm
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Look, I'm not saying don't panic. Anything can happen, obviously. But this is also a case of rural areas being counted earlier than densely populated city areas, and so far only expected states have been called for both candidates.

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Enjoy your fucking protest votes

Right?  Look, I am way over to the left.  I do not agree with Hillary on some key things, and I thus have some significant concerns about how her presidency would play out.  But come the fuck on!  I damn near skipped to and from my polling place to vote for her.  There was no question.  No nose-holding.  She is an EXPONENTIALLY better option than anyone on the ballot.

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1 minute ago, HumblePi said:

Solid Republican states are 160 for him, winning both NC and FL makes it 210 for him, rounded numbers of course. So that would be 250 for Clinton - 210 for Trump, the other 120 electoral votes are contested, not secured for any, that's the projection

Except he's leading in swing states ....

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2 minutes ago, lyric said:

Smugness?  Speaking only for myself, I had CONFIDENCE that the majority of our country wasn't bigoted, misogynistic, hateful bullies. It appears I could've been very, very wrong.

This. Absolutely. 

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