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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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The irony that she's using her worries about her daughter's health issues to steer people away from the fact that she was part of conning everyone about her boyfriend's health issues.  She does like to garner sympathy for herself based on her loved ones' health problems (real or fake).  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 4

The irony that she's using her worries about her daughter's health issues to steer people away from the fact that she was part of conning everyone about her boyfriend's health issues.  She does like to garner sympathy for herself based on her loved ones' health problems (real or fake).  

Yes, several seasons ago Vicki made Briana's thyroid surgery all about Vicki.  She was actually fishing for sympathy from her own daughter as they were driving to the hospital. 

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Let's not forget that amazing scene a long time ago when Brianna donated blood, and Vicki proclaimed that since Brianna was donating blood, it meant that Vicki was also donating blood, because Brianna's blood came from Vicki. It was such a small, telling moment of how Vicki saw Brianna as a mere extension of herself and not as her own person.

  • Love 13

Good Lord, y'all are right. This is some truly disturbing shit. I wouldn't put it past her to start poisoning Michael, move him back into "the family home", and continue to try and play the part of the long-suffering caregiver. (All while monitoring his private nurse from the comfort of her Coto offices, of course. Because she WORKS, damnit. )

  • Love 6

I always thought Vicki would smell of some awful '80s perfume like Passion by Liz Taylor with an underlying sour odor.

Italian cedar, citron, green apple. Fuck you Dolce Gabanna and your Light Blue. Vicki can put her name on a shitty dupe and pretend she thought of it first. SHE WORKS!!! It's original!!! It must be the best, coming from a woman who invented pork flavored vodka and diamonds made from pet dander. The only really good idea she had was for Gretchen to take out life insurance on Jeff, but he was probably not insurance at that point.

Ok Vicki has never had a good idea. I wish she would just retire from life. Move to Mexico and whoop it up at Andales. I am so very tired of her.

  • Love 5


Vicki can put her name on a shitty dupe and pretend she thought of it first. SHE WORKS!!! It's original!!! It must be the best, coming from a woman who invented pork flavored vodka and diamonds made from pet dander. The only really good idea she had was for Gretchen to take out life insurance on Jeff, but he was probably not insurance at that point.

With respect, I'm afraid that I have to disagree with you here.


She signed up for a reality show a decade ago and has been living high off the hog for 10 years ever since--selling insurance be damned!

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Vicki is a frequent flier to Naples, Florida.  According to an old FB post, she has a high school friend who lives there.  Only Vicki knows the truth.  Anyway, speaking of truth, she told a Naples newspaper interviewer that “I’m a lot of things but I’m not a liar.  Do I fabricate the truth sometimes because I want people to feel sorry for me? Yes — we all do.”


Say what??  Most people have enough real shit going on in their lives that they don't need to make stuff up if they are looking for sympathy.  She is one sad Head Case.



  • Love 6


“I’m a lot of things but I’m not a liar.  Do I fabricate the truth sometimes because I want people to feel sorry for me? Yes — we all do.”

Yeah, okay--'fabricating things' is just another way of saying you're lying. And, no, we don't all do this to gain pity.


Deluded? Stupid? Out of touch? Take your pick.

  • Love 9

Apparently, Brooks is still making some money off of her...or, hoping to.



I think it is all legal fees that go to his attorney...unless he worked out a backdoor deal with him.


According to SH, Vicki is still getting her love tank filled by Brooksie:



Bad news for Vicki, aside from her air-ambulance ride out of the sand dunes.  The Department of Labor is imposing new regulations on insurance peddlers who call themselves retirement advisers.  The new rules are designed to protect owners of retirement accounts from advisers who "put their own profits ahead of their clients' best interest.”  So Vicki and her ilk won't have free rein to steer people into annuities that pay huge commissions but aren't really in the clients' best interest.



  • Love 3
On 6/8/2016 at 5:34 AM, Petunia13 said:

Apparently Vicki has a new man and story for next season. I didn't click the link or read the article because I am SO OVER her

It appears she's got herself another shady guy.  When he ran for Anaheim City Council in 2012, he tried to add "Chavez" to his name on the ballot, even though there were no prior records of him using that name.


Either Vicki has a "type" or there are slim pickin's in the OC...can someone really have that bad of a judge of character all the time?  I get there are some bad apples but once you have been burned once or twice you do your due diligence and look them up on line! 

Side note, Vicki's hair looked good in that photo.

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On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 6:19 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Either Vicki has a "type" or there are slim pickin's in the OC...can someone really have that bad of a judge of character all the time?  I get there are some bad apples but once you have been burned once or twice you do your due diligence and look them up on line! 

Side note, Vicki's hair looked good in that photo.

What decent guy would be interested in Vicki, an adulteress, a liar and her over involvement in her grown children's lives.  Sorry, the thirteen trips to Oklahoma in a year and Briana coming out a twice was kind of an indication there isn't a lot of room in her life for a healthy relationship.  Most of all she is a liarface. 

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

What decent guy would be interested in Vicki, an adulteress, a liar and her over involvement in her grown children's lives.  Sorry, the thirteen trips to Oklahoma in a year and Briana coming out a twice was kind of an indication there isn't a lot of room in her life for a healthy relationship.  Most of all she is a liarface. 

I've never been a fan of Vicki's, but I don't think visiting your daughter and grandkids once a month is that over the top. I think the visits were just a few days at a time. 

  • Love 3
On April 7, 2016 at 2:45 PM, Snarky McSnarky said:

Bad news for Vicki, aside from her air-ambulance ride out of the sand dunes.  The Department of Labor is imposing new regulations on insurance peddlers who call themselves retirement advisers.  The new rules are designed to protect owners of retirement accounts from advisers who "put their own profits ahead of their clients' best interest.”  So Vicki and her ilk won't have free rein to steer people into annuities that pay huge commissions but aren't really in the clients' best interest.



It's about time.  The average insurance agent has no business giving financial advice outside life and final expense policies.  

Regarding Vicki, she needs to date within her socioeconomic group.  Crooks probably has less savings than I do.   Vicki needs a good yenta to match make for her.  Someone who makes a comfortable 6 figures and can take her bullshit.  Yeah,. That's probably unrealistic.  

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

I don't even have words. Wow. 

She is counting on upping her insurance sales and nothing more IMO. Just when I think a Bravo HW can't sink any lower, Vicky does the impossible and does just that. She said on WWHL that she still has "business" dealings with Brooks, I wonder if he is a party to this scam as well?

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 6

Oh.  My.  God.  Vicki is using this "charity" for two reasons- (1) to rehab her image, and (2) to sell "cancer insurance."  And she literally calls it that-- "cancer insurance."  UNBELIEVABLE.  There are no depths to which this narcissistic, awful woman will not sink.  I do hope Meghan King Edmonds gets on this one, but I think she already decided on the pregnancy storyline, so she may not want to let Vicki's new scam steal focus from that.  But man, Vicki has found a new depth of awfulness and desperation.  Sad that she's dragging Michael with her.  

Edited by OhGromit
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When she isn't promoting her new (non) charity, she's contacting Radar Online to let them know what a great person she is.  Vicki's really trying to rehab her image.

“I reached out to Lauri this morning when I heard the news [about Josh] and let her know I am here for her if she needs anything,” she exclusively told Radar Tuesday.


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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No politics.  That means none.  Zero. Zilch. Nada. 
See the Primetimer Politics Policy

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