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S11.E18: Vicious Lies And Broken Ties

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52 minutes ago, kdl88 said:

The only thing I took from that Kelly tweet is her use of the word "pussy."  She's so gross.

Yeah, but putting three smiling punkins after it sort of takes the sting out.  Oh fuck it.  Kelly is a crass, unhinged creepy crawler.    Keep it up though.  Stoke that fire and burn your shit down.  And take Vicki, too.  Bitch already looks melted.  

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, The Solution said:

Kelly's only crime is that she gets drunk and/or upset and then starts spewing the truth about these broads.

The other women do it too but when they're sober.  Like when they were at the spa and started chatting about David's girlfriend and her cozy relationship with David's mom and sister.  Seems like everybody has stuff they don't want brought up and it always gets brought up.  The list is endless on every HW show.  These women should know by now that nothing's sacred and there's no point in getting pissed about it, it just makes it worse.

Chateau Dubrow.  Lots of white, black and gray, sleek, modern.  Not my style but it is a style.  Especially don't like the carpets.

IMO Vicki and Kelly will both be back.  The ratings were good this season, especially the ones that Vicki and Kelly were featured in. 

UO but I like Kelly and find her very entertaining to watch.  She's the only HW this season that showed any growth, mostly in her relationship with her husband Michael.  It was really sweet to see them so happy at the party, with him being very protective of her.  Also like the bright blue sport coat.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Sai said:

How cool was it when Vicki was planning her escape and Heather says all calmly "don't move".  Ha!!

Seriously, who the f does she think she is?? Heather is the worst of these women, and that is saying a lot. Condescending, smug, and has become a caricature of herself. Shannon is terrible too, totally unfunny and a mean girl. Please get rid of both of them. 

Edited by ilovetrashtv
  • Love 18
6 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Why was Vicki taking a metal cake/ service stand with her as she was leaving from the bar area?

Because she brought it with her to the party and Shannon said they're done as friends, so she wanted to take it home.  Steve carried it in when they arrived.

I'm pretty sure Meghan said "Hallow" not "Callow", though it's not much of an improvement for a child's name.

So when Vicki meets up with Brianna and her decorator (who apparently stole Jeana's wig), Vicks is driving some bland Ford and said something about her other car (the Maserati, I suppose) getting dinged in San Diego.  I call cover up; she rented that Maserati for one ep, taking a page out of Slade's book.

I'd held out not minding Brianna for a long time, but tonight's obvious shoe horn into the wrap party and her use to facilitate a last ditch fight between Tams & Vicki just pushed me over the edge  She knows what she's doing but she does it with no finesse and, like Vicki, needs to go.  I don't really care for Kelly, but I could see her reconciling with the rest of the group next season if she plays the "I was bamboozled by Vicki" card, because Tamra and Shannon could both buy that excuse.

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, nexxie said:

Is that what Meghan said - Callow? Maybe it means something else in Ireland, but seems it means "cold hill" in old England. Not cute.

I've only heard it used in "Try to Remember" - a song from the play "The Fantasticks":

"...Try to remember the kind of September

When grass was green and grain was yellow.

Try to remember the kind of September

When you were a tender and callow fellow...."

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

That was my whole problem with this episode and it wasn't just Vicki. It is all of them. You have Shannon vowing she never wants to see or speak to her but she has Vicks and Kelly in her house because she has to - not because they were on Tammy's guest list like she was excusing. As if Tammy had any choice about it. It is always been that way but this season it seemed particularly egregious since we have 2 wives on the outs with practically everyone else. Then we have to have all the contractually mandated confrontations. But oops, Vicki is leaving before getting into it with Tammy, better have Brianna play interference.  It was just all so by the housewives 101 playbook and it wasn't even that interesting giving that Vicks didn't lose her shit and she was begging anyone to be her friend. 

Vicki's 'apology' letter is essentially about how wonderful her life is now. Jeez. This woman will never have any emotional intelligence because she does have a personality disorder. I don't believe Bravo will ever get rid of her because they love that trait about her. 

The ridiculousness of it all was also just too much.  I kinda hate everyone to varying degrees except Meghan. Send Help!

Tamra of all people telling anyone to stop talking about people is a universal needle scratch. All the STFU she was screaming - was she quoting scripture?  And from which one? The necronomicon- the book of the dead? 

Tammy Sue, much like the vampire, thine enemy is sunlight. During the episode there was a scene of her in profile with the sun directly hitting her face and she looked to be in her early to mid 60s.

Shannon's comment that her marriage was solid - felt like some famous last words. David has been putting in the work but I feel it is a facade on his part that is not sustainable over a long period of time. I feel like he is doing the Mario (of RHONYC). Sticking around until the youngest child is off to college - if he can even last that long.

To hell with the hairs on Shannon's chinny chin chin can she please stop wearing that black polish? She has been wearing that shit since she first appeared on the show. Is it permanently affixed to her fingers and toenails?

Terry Dubrow bragging on his new  'sick'  house with a 21 seat movie theatre to a party guest. Ugh!!!

Heather really is a non-factor. 

I really liked Meghan's Milwakee home. Jimmy and her family actually have a nice chemistry together. But Da hell did she have on at the party?!?! It looked like something Edina Monsoon would wear - accessories and all. 

Those Louis Vuittons were basic and not cute to me

Meghan played her position well this season. I've barely if at all had to utter STFU Meghan this season. She really is very good at reading people and a room and giving her opinion, which I have agreed with for the most part, in a matter of fact way without being overly dramatic. I think it is official - bye Felicia is no longer a cool phrase and needs to be retired.  

I'm all about the black nail polish.  I can't help it.  I love it.  

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Lucelu said:

Brianna has Lupus... maybe she will be too stressed out to do this show then. Or maybe she will quit her ER job to do the show instead?  Her husband is "stuck" in OK? I think he is "stationed" in OK.

Yes, the last time I looked, we have an all-volunteer military, and Ryan isn't some kid who recently enlisted without knowing what the Marine Corps is all about.

Dear RHOC producers:  There are far, far worse places to be assigned, but of course none of you clowns would have any clue about serving in the armed forces.

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
  • Love 20
8 hours ago, nexxie said:

For those of you who think Vicki likely suffers from narcissistic personality disorder (I think so), how much do you think she understands? I've read that the hallmark ego preservation tactics (and neural pathways) are so entrenched that those with npd really don't get what they've done to make others walk away. I'm never sure how much they understand, but it sure is sad for all involved!

My vote for " Vicki's biggest issue" is, and will always be, she's an idiot.

  • Love 17
6 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

As far as Vicki and Kelly go, I sick of seeing their old, saggy too big boobies hanging out of their tops.  

You got that right.  Kelly needed to zip that dress up.  What an example for her daughter.

There were some side shots of Tams that weren't very flattering. 

I feel bad for Brianna having to deal with Lupus & Vicki.  Stress isn't good for any disease.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

Because she brought it with her to the party and Shannon said they're done as friends, so she wanted to take it home.  Steve carried it in when they arrived.

I'm pretty sure Meghan said "Hallow" not "Callow", though it's not much of an improvement for a child's name.

So when Vicki meets up with Brianna and her decorator (who apparently stole Jeana's wig), Vicks is driving some bland Ford and said something about her other car (the Maserati, I suppose) getting dinged in San Diego.  I call cover up; she rented that Maserati for one ep, taking a page out of Slade's book.

I'd held out not minding Brianna for a long time, but tonight's obvious shoe horn into the wrap party and her use to facilitate a last ditch fight between Tams & Vicki just pushed me over the edge  She knows what she's doing but she does it with no finesse and, like Vicki, needs to go.  I don't really care for Kelly, but I could see her reconciling with the rest of the group next season if she plays the "I was bamboozled by Vicki" card, because Tamra and Shannon could both buy that excuse.

Lol.  I think Vicki did rent the Maserati.  Just like  when Crooks took money out of her purse and rented a mangy fur for her.   

Tamra was looking mighty scrag.  I blame it on the weight loss from the fitness jamboree.  Even young fitness/body builder competitors look pretty aged around competition time.  I'd recommend Tamra staying in great shape, but putting on a few pounds and not getting all dehydrated for a shitty trophy.  

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

You got that right.  Kelly needed to zip that dress up.  What an example for her daughter.

There were some side shots of Tams that weren't very flattering. 

I feel bad for Brianna having to deal with Lupus & Vicki.  Stress isn't good for any disease.

When Kelly did zip up the dress, I actually thought it looked (gulp) kinda cute; so of course she zipped it down further and it went right back into sleazeville...

  • Love 13

Vicki is so exhausting. She continues to "apologize", but her apologies aren't shit. Her card to Shannon? She never says, "I'm sorry for saying/doing ____". It's all vague - "Sorry for anything I MAY have done that hurt you". No accountability. And I love how she found the space to cram her "wonderful" new guy into the card. 

Vicki is very predictable. When she's single and lonely, she's desperate to get back with the girls. Gets a new guy? Okay, now she can start being a bitch again because she has her man by her side. 

But, of course, even after she "apologizes" she doesn't quit. She keeps telling everyone how worried she is about Shannon. That's really shitty right there. She is giving the impression that there is something to CURRENTLY be worried about, instead of just that one incident from many years ago. I'd be done with her too. But then again, I'd have been done AGES ago. 

I did laugh when Briana was all, "I don't need this negativity in my house" and Vicki says they need to sage it. Too bad we can't sage the world of Icki Vicki. 

Kelly is annoying as well. She really needs to stop playing off what she did as just repeating what Vicki said. It doesn't matter where the rumor originated. You don't repeat it. On camera. I still believe that Kelly was ganged up on in Ireland and I didn't care for ANYONE'S behavior there, save Megan. But it was quite clear she was using private information to lash back at the women and it wasn't cool. I get it. Vicki said all this shit, then sits back and hangs out with the girls while Kelly is getting piled on. Kelly wanted Vicki to suffer as well. But you just don't go there. Whether Shannon is/was being hurt by her husband is not for anyone but Shannon to reveal. 

I'm not too fond of Tamra's behavior either. Ever notice she gets meaner when her gaggle of hens is around her? Where was her outrage right when they got back from Ireland? She seemed to have already chalked everything up to "Vicki being Vicki", as she didn't call her out on the phone call. She invited her to the fitness thing. She invites her to her party....then ignores her the entire time. Look, I don't care about VICKI herself being ignored. She's a shitty person and deserves every slight that comes her way. But Tamra is not a good person either, nor a gracious host. If you invite someone, you don't ignore them the entire time. Period. If you're that hostile to them, don't invite them. I abhor Vicki, but I also abhor girls sitting around in cliques and acting like they're too good to talk to other people at the event. 

Also, "elephant in the room" isn't calling anyone fat. Dumbass. 


By the end of the season, Megan is the only one I appreciate. She has had her issues over the seasons, but I do like how she will be friends with someone, but still call them out on their BS. She straight up told Kelly that the ways she lashes out with low blows isn't okay. She also told Heather that she meddles too much. (Interloper! Word of the night!) I actually kind of hope she does decide to be done with the show and just raise her baby in peace. 

  • Love 8

Like it or not, it is Vicki's show.  She's not going anywhere.  And Kelly was the only reason this entire season wasn't watching Shannon, Heather and Tamra clink champagne glasses and blow rainbows up each other's asses.  Kelly has mental issues and Vicki is insane, but the other three are so delusional and pompous, I can't help but root for Kelly/Vicki.  And somehow Meghan became the voice of reason this season.

Shannon's multiple declarations about how she and David are in love forever and their love will never die will probably be embarrassing in 18 months when they are in the middle of a rancorous divorce - and you know the Beador divorce will be a shit show that will make Tamra's divorce from Simon look like a cakewalk. 

I wish Vicki had pushed back harder on these women, but she had the perfect shade for Shannon - "I worry for Shannon".  What's worse, lying about cancer, or beating your wife?  Brooks is a scumbag but none of these women believed him in the first place.

Based on social media, I have a feeling Vicki will be back next season, with Gretchen and Lizzie joining Kelly to give her backup.  I hate Gretchen but she's way more stable and calculated than Kelly, and she knows where the bodies are buried with Tamra, so maybe it's time for her to return and go head to head with Shannon/Heather.  Their fake fancy pants Mean Girls party needs to end.  

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I laughed at that, too, except I laughed because I thought that Vicki was the one who called Tamra and begged to come to the party asked Tamra if it was okay if she came to the party.  I guess she forgot about that phone call, just like she's forgotten about how horrible she's been all season.

Vicki reminds me of a cousin of mine who called me not long ago and informed me that my son is a heroin addict (!). They happen to both live in the same city, around 2,000 miles from me and so she knows. Over the course of several phone calls over a few days she changed her story every time; oh no, she never said he's an addict (BS), but his friends!!! (whom she's never met). Oh no, it's not his friends who are fine but I just don't understand how horrible and dangerous his work is and he's in the (legal) drug industry and it's so awful and it's all a cash business and I just don't understand and she's just soooo worried about him. Her story changeswi th her mood and whichever way the wind's blowing.

Okay, my son is a highly trained, with a degree in his field, in demand glass worker of a number of years standing and works full time in his field. He does work--sorta in the drug industry--making custom scientific pieces for completely legal research in the medical/pharma/educational/oil industries. It's a highly technical job, requiring intense concentration with virtually no margin for error; hardly the sort of job an addict could maintain for years on end. And yes, he also has made high end bongs--all completely legal. His paychecks, taxes with-held, in this 'all cash' business are auto-deposited in his completely legal bank account.

Oh, and he's vehemently against hard drugs.

Fuck you Cuz, Vicki's soul mate. Just sayin'--she's not unique.

Edited by Beden
  • Love 11
10 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I was wondering why Brianna went to the party with Vicki when Vicki had a date, and, why Vicki was leaving without her date, but, I guess it was to set up the last scene.  And then she left without her date.  

I also wondered where he disappeared and why didn't he leave with Vicki and Brianna.  Vicki's new 'love tank filler', Steve 'Chavez' Lodge, has his own controversial past. http://www.realitytea.com/2016/06/06/vicki-gunvalsons-new-man-sordid-past/

It also appears that Vicki is done with the philanthropic cancer thing. She has already shut down her last project, 'KillAllCancer', and is now announcing a new project. Vicki is teaming up with Mini Mani Moo with special “WooHoo” nail polish.



9 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

Meghan's hair is always awful.  She really needs to find a top notch, extremely skilled hairdresser and say, "Fix me!"  She's a cute girl, but that hair is a hot mess. I pray to the Bravo gods that this is Icki's last season.  She is beyond repulsive and a POS pussy who has to bring her daughter to the party to be her body guard.  I thought Tamra looked old tonight.  And I thought Loubitan (sp?) shoes always had red soles?  As for the baby cake idea, the Duggars did that on Good Morning America (or some other morning TV show) 8 or 10 babies ago.  Lol

I thought everyone's hair looked awful, it must be because the house is right on the water and the humidity got to it. Tamra's little judgements made on everyone's  t-shirt was just not nice. Yep, Vicki is a lying liar that lies but was it necessary to print that on the front of a t-shirt and give it to her in front of everyone? Ever since Tamra opened up her mouth in Vicki's face like she was about to breathe out a river of fire as she screamed "F******UCCK  YEEEEWWW!!!" I was disgusted with her. She looks awful, as you said she looked a lot older.

Heather looked older too, I hear her house is 'over the top' but she's not planning to show it all during the series, just some selected areas. Heather doesn't believe she's ever wrong. She feels she's the sophisticated grown-up in the bunch and entitled to lecture them on their behavior. I think that she's trying to channel a combination Norma Desmond and Jacqueline Kennedy in her personality. Just once, I want to see the camera catch her with the back of her dress caught in her underwear in public or throwing her head back in her laugh and have a big green piece of kale stuck in her front teeth.

The reunion should be interesting. I used to enjoy watching RHOC but this season was too hateful and genuinely so. I don't know how they'll do another season with the same people. It will be painful.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Giselle said:


from what  I've seen of Heather's house it looks like a mausoleum.


YES. Don't like anything I've seen so far. It seems so cold and sad. 


2 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I'd held out not minding Brianna for a long time, but tonight's obvious shoe horn into the wrap party and her use to facilitate a last ditch fight between Tams & Vicki just pushed me over the edge

I feel the same way. I've sided with Brianna for a long time, because I feel like being raised by Vicki would do a lot of damage to one's psyche. But good gracious. She has her own family now and she should stop letting herself be manipulated by her mother. She has herself too entwined in the shit that goes on and it's not cute. ,

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, HumblePi said:

I was wondering why Brianna went to the party with Vicki when Vicki had a date, and, why Vicki was leaving without her date, but, I guess it was to set up the last scene.  And then she left without her date.  

She didn't leave without him. After Tamra goes back inside and Vicki and Brianna are going to their vehicle, you see Shannon letting Steve out the door to join them. This proves, to me, that Vicki's first "exit" was never intended to be an actual goodbye in the first place. It was all orchestrated to get Tamra out there alone. Once that blew up, Steve was summoned so they could actually leave. 


2 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Tamra's little judgements made on everyone's  t-shirt was just not nice. Yep, Vicki is a lying liar that lies but was it necessary to print that on the front of a t-shirt and give it to her in front of everyone

Oh yes, forgot about that. And Vicki tried so hard to pretend it was funny. But it wasn't. Vicki is a liar and everyone should call her out on it. But if you're making shirts for EVERYONE, in the spirit of being tongue in cheek about each other's flaws, you can't just make one mean shirt. It's so infantile. Heather really got a pass on her shirt - "being too fancy"? That's pretty much a compliment to Madame Dubrow. 

  • Love 11
14 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I thought Tamra said Louboutin, too, but what she actually said was "Louis Vuitton".  And, yes, Louboutin's always have red soles (and Tamra has a few pairs).

Tamra has a few pairs of Marshal's shoes, whose soles she painted red ;)

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 10

As awful as Tamra, Shannon and Heather's little gaggle of hens is, Vicki and Kelly are disgustingly worse. Vicki keeps repeating that she is worried about Shannon ( presumably because of the rumor that David beat her), which is not only a lie- because if she were worried about her then running her mouth would be the last thing she'd do but also, unforgivable because any information Shannon shared with her was confidential. 

Apparently there is public record of an arrest of David after an argument gone wrong. There is never an excuse to get physical but I do not believe David beat the shit out of Shannon as Kelly claimed. Shannon does not seem at all intimidated or frightened by David, like she would if he had beat her. (No matter how I worded this it doesn't come out right, but y'all know what I mean, right?)

sorry Briana has Lupus, but still don't care to see her on the show. She has a smugness about her I find irritating.

Kelly is a vacuous, ignorant, nutcase, and could fall off the face of the planet for all I care. 

So now it is Vicki's show?! If Andy doesn't get her fired after that comment, we know she has an irontight contract ( emphasis on CON). 

  • Love 14

Vicki was a piece of shit for trying to get someone to engage in the conversation about her being "so worried about Shannon". She was just dying for someone to ask her for more details. And Tamra was a very good friend to Shannon for not giving Vicki what she wanted and asking her why she was so worried. She just walked away, denying Vicki the opportunity to say more on camera. I don't think anyone came away from the season looking very good, but Tamra, Shannon and Heather are very good friends to each other. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

Lol.  I think Vicki did rent the Maserati.  Just like  when Crooks took money out of her purse and rented a mangy fur for her.   

Tamra was looking mighty scrag.  I blame it on the weight loss from the fitness jamboree.  Even young fitness/body builder competitors look pretty aged around competition time.  I'd recommend Tamra staying in great shape, but putting on a few pounds and not getting all dehydrated for a shitty trophy.  

None of the women looked good up close during the outdoor party.  Tamra really looks to have aged at least a decade with the diet/exercise regimen.  Heather looked pretty bad also - too skinny and her features were more sharp than ever.  I can't imagine any of them are happy with their looks last night.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

Does Tamra not know that "elephant in the room" is an expression? Because when Kelly said it, Tamra said she was calling someone fat.

Seriously, she said it with such fake concern too LOL. Idiot. 

Tamra was trolling HARD for a fight. She does this like fakey fakey nice voice then turns into a vicious troll in 2 seconds 

ITA with those who are sick of the Shannon Tamra and Heather coven. I thought Kelly held it together fairly nicely with Heather-( on Kelly Standards) Asking her why she was interjecting and also calling her out for being a huge bitch on the bus. They cornered her again and tried to get her to flip out. 

I am glad Vicki didn't give them the huge drag out blow out fight they were looking for same with Kelly. Had Tamra treated me like that ( walking away from Vicki all awkwardly like making a huge point of being a mean girl the second vicki entered the party) I would have turned around and left.

Fuck this show for making me secretly  root for Vicki and Kelly JUST because the Coven ( Tamballs Heather and Shannon) are so bitchy mean and annoying. LOL. I don't like watching this outright mean girl behavior. Just recast . its too far gone. Ive seen the worst in these people and im over it. lol

I do love Meghan this season mainly because she is objective while also Not giving a fuck. I liked her politely calling out heather for her bad behavior. 

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I'm not too fond of Tamra's behavior either. Ever notice she gets meaner when her gaggle of hens is around her? Where was her outrage right when they got back from Ireland? She seemed to have already chalked everything up to "Vicki being Vicki", as she didn't call her out on the phone call. She invited her to the fitness thing. She invites her to her party....then ignores her the entire time. Look, I don't care about VICKI herself being ignored. She's a shitty person and deserves every slight that comes her way. But Tamra is not a good person either, nor a gracious host. If you invite someone, you don't ignore them the entire time. Period. If you're that hostile to them, don't invite them. I abhor Vicki, but I also abhor girls sitting around in cliques and acting like they're too good to talk to other people at the event. 

I totally agree with this.  Yes, Tamra is a great reality TV star but she's duplicitous and two-faced.  I wish she would pick a lane as far as Vicki is concerned.  She revels too much in treating people like crap and has no empathy for others.  Her black eyes shine with delight anytime someone is degraded, humiliated or broken -- especially if the damage is done by someone else, not her. So she can watch the destruction and not get blamed. Gross.

Vicki and Kelly will be back next season, I think, because they bring the drama. Vicki may have a personality disorder but her lack of emotional intelligence often delivers the funniest moments of the entire franchise.  I also give her credit because she knows how to make fun of herself -- something Madame Dubrow would never do. 

Kelly is vulgar but highly watchable.  And at least she has a legit BEACH HOUSE which is so much prettier than the Olive Garden McMansions (Vicki), all-brown Coto de Caza townhouses (Tamra) and the Shopping Mall monstrosity (Heather) that we are used to seeing. 

If they bring Vicki back next season, it will be interesting to see what her storyline will be. Her new boyfriend is a former police detective and current city councilor who has made it clear that he will NOT be filmed on RHOC. That just leaves her with Brianna's illness and whatever conflicts she has with the Three Stooges (Heather, Tamra, Shannon). 

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, Gaily said:

I totally agree with this.  Yes, Tamra is a great reality TV star but she's duplicitous and two-faced.  I wish she would pick a lane as far as Vicki is concerned.  She revels too much in treating people like crap and has no empathy for others.  Her black eyes shine with delight anytime someone is degraded, humiliated or broken -- especially if the damage is done by someone else, not her. So she can watch the destruction and not get blamed. Gross.

Vicki and Kelly will be back next season, I think, because they bring the drama. Vicki may have a personality disorder but her lack of emotional intelligence often delivers the funniest moments of the entire franchise.  I also give her credit because she knows how to make fun of herself -- something Madame Dubrow would never do. 

Kelly is vulgar but highly watchable.  And at least she has a legit BEACH HOUSE which is so much prettier than the Olive Garden McMansions (Vicki), all-brown Coto de Caza townhouses (Tamra) and the Shopping Mall monstrosity (Heather) that we are used to seeing. 

If they bring Vicki back next season, it will be interesting to see what her storyline will be. Her new boyfriend is a former police detective and current city councilor who has made it clear that he will NOT be filmed on RHOC. That just leaves her with Brianna's illness and whatever conflicts she has with the Three Stooges (Heather, Tamra, Shannon). 

They need to recast Heather and Tamra, IMO. They are just flat out vicious and very contrived. I was highly aggravated watching them lol

Like Kelly is at least authentic when she flies off the handle and says whatever comes to her mind first. With Heather and Tamra everything is so thought out and fake ( like inviting Vickie then being assholes to her) its just gross to watch. 

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Sai said:

How cool was it when Vicki was planning her escape and Heather says all calmly "don't move".  Ha!!

Oh i forgot about that. Heather really thinks she is queen bee!!! I totally believe she treats her employees like garbage. I mean, who talks to another adult like that??? Don't move? As if the is dictator of the world?  If someone said that to me my foot would be moving up their butt. LOL . 

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I thought it looked like a bunch of Christmas ornaments that were spray painted black and strung together.  I don't know where her style sense went, but that whole outfit was just bad....granny print body-con dress, fishnet stockings, huge, fugly necklace and a stupid half-bun on top of her head.  Usually, I think Meghan looks pretty good (I even liked her headbands last season), but that outfit looked like she got dressed in the dark!  

She really is trash (to quote Heather).  

Meghan's outfit reminded me of what Caroline Stanbury said about Caprice in season 1 of Ladies of London, "Pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to dress themselves."

  • Love 3

So what the hell was Ryan and Brianna's plan for the move back to the OC? He is still there because he can't leave the military due to disability right? So why move before they had a final determination from the military? Hell, why move just days after Brianna has had a surgery that she wasn't even fully healed from? Why move before the OK house is sold? Aren't they carrying 2 mortgages now? It is just a head scratcher as to why Brianna is living like a single mom, especially when she is in such poor health.

When Brianna and Vicki were touring her new home, Brianna was saying that she didn't want input from her mom. Well than Brianna, maybe you shouldn't have had your mom buy you a house and help you finance its renovations. Secondly, your mom is Vicki - inserting her unwanted opinion into everything is who she is. 

I don't have a problem with Heather defending her so-called friends, it is the way she does it that bothers the every living shit out of me. The gaslighting, hinting at mental breaks, the way she was caressing Meghan's face while whispering such nasty things. It is just all so .... soap opera villain bad. 

Satan's Concubine is back! I always knew that holy water baptism wouldn't take. The only surprise is that it took this long. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, DrivingSideways said:

Like it or not, it is Vicki's show.  She's not going anywhere.  And Kelly was the only reason this entire season wasn't watching Shannon, Heather and Tamra clink champagne glasses and blow rainbows up each other's asses.  Kelly has mental issues and Vicki is insane, but the other three are so delusional and pompous, I can't help but root for Kelly/Vicki.  And somehow Meghan became the voice of reason this season.

Shannon's multiple declarations about how she and David are in love forever and their love will never die will probably be embarrassing in 18 months when they are in the middle of a rancorous divorce - and you know the Beador divorce will be a shit show that will make Tamra's divorce from Simon look like a cakewalk. 

I wish Vicki had pushed back harder on these women, but she had the perfect shade for Shannon - "I worry for Shannon".  What's worse, lying about cancer, or beating your wife?  Brooks is a scumbag but none of these women believed him in the first place.

Based on social media, I have a feeling Vicki will be back next season, with Gretchen and Lizzie joining Kelly to give her backup.  I hate Gretchen but she's way more stable and calculated than Kelly, and she knows where the bodies are buried with Tamra, so maybe it's time for her to return and go head to head with Shannon/Heather.  Their fake fancy pants Mean Girls party needs to end.  

Well I don't like the idea it is Vicki's show.  It really isn't and her ability to create a firestorm every year and bounce back is getting really repetitious.  For the price of a Vicki they could get probably half a dozen new RH or bring back some of the ones in mothballs.  Vicki spent the first third of her tenure on the show eschewing new RHs.  Then when they didn't go away it was all about her failing marriage, then it was Tamra and finally Brooks and once he was gone it went back to tried and true Tamra conflict.  Tamra put her on notice early on this year that if Vicki continued to talk about her the friendship could not be revived.

Executive producers and Bravo bosses do not kowtow to RH demands.  See Nene Leakes on RHOA.  Nene actually went to the producers and suggested the show and rounded up the original cast.  Vicki story has been told, she has never come up with a successful product, she is recycling jokes, her daughter's health, although unfortunate, really added little to the show this year.  I think the viewing audience has had their fill of Vicki's adult children continually to mock her with their hands out for either a Bravo check or mama's insurance agency money.

Vicki vitriol lies in making comments about worry about Shannon.  Hey Tamra tried that one Shannon's first season she was worried about Shannon's drinking and her marriage.  That card has already been played.  Outing confidences in the name of concern is "low base bullshit", always has been always will be.

For purely political reasons Heather is on the show as long as she wants to be.  Evolution Media has too much wrapped up in her.  Tamra there to stay be it a robotic baby, new found faith in Baby Jesus, or fitness competition she tells a story that can be easily demonstrated visually.   

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, DrivingSideways said:

Based on social media, I have a feeling Vicki will be back next season, with Gretchen and Lizzie joining Kelly to give her backup.  I hate Gretchen but she's way more stable and calculated than Kelly, and she knows where the bodies are buried with Tamra, so maybe it's time for her to return and go head to head with Shannon/Heather.  Their fake fancy pants Mean Girls party needs to end.  

Please please please let this happen. Especially if Gretchen doesn't bring Slade with her. Would love to see her vindicated against these evil shrews. And then she can decimate Vicki. Victor: Gretchen. Series over. {Insert Gretchen horse laugh.}

And Lizzie has my favorite boobs of any housewife.

  • Love 4

How cool was it when Vicki was planning her escape and Heather says all calmly "don't move".  Ha!!

Yes it was perfect because up to that point everyone was talking to Kelly and addressing Kelly's behavior and what does her friend Vicki do once again?  Excuse herself to the bathroom and be nowhere to be found.  Exit stage left!  Ha ha.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I believe recently Meghan's new baby name was reportedly "Aspen".

Please, please, please tell me the middle name is "Boulder"!

If I decide to do porn Aspen Boulder is totally going to be my nom de guerre.

Edited by bosawks
Needed to claim my "name" for future porn enterprises...
  • Love 10

I don't know whether to be thankful for missing the show due to Trick or Treating with our boys or sad that I missed out on Meghan's "notrocious" outfit and hair.  Ah hell, who am I kidding?  My sweet little boys dressed up as minions and scoring Mommy and Daddy candy wins all day every day!  

I usually watch episodes I missed OnDemand, but I might just skip this one.  Doesn't sound like I really missed much.  Can't wait for the reunion though!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, The Solution said:
8 hours ago, zulualpha said:

Chateau Dubrow.  Lots of white, black and gray, sleek, modern.  Not my style but it is a style.  Especially don't like the carpets.


The exterior in Photo 7 looks like the Beverly Hillbillies' house. Just sayin'.

I don't like it at all, it's cold. Yes, it's mansion-esque if you like ostentatious and pretentious. (lots of 'ous's). The rooms aren't warm and cozy. People will describe it to their friends as "Heather and Terry's house (estate?)" and not "Heather and Terry's home". Heather Dubrow annoys the crap out of me. She's too pretentious, too haughty and I wouldn't doubt it if she douches with Listerine. (just sayin) I even have a sneaky suspicion that Terry did something to her internally to prevent her shit from stinking.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, DrivingSideways said:

Based on social media, I have a feeling Vicki will be back next season, with Gretchen and Lizzie joining Kelly to give her backup.  I hate Gretchen but she's way more stable and calculated than Kelly, and she knows where the bodies are buried with Tamra, so maybe it's time for her to return and go head to head with Shannon/Heather.  Their fake fancy pants Mean Girls party needs to end.  

I hope you are right, Driving Sideways. I would love to see Gretchen and Lizzie come back.  Gretchen really knows how to push Tamra's buttons and make her feel ancient and creaky -- not like the so-called "hottest housewife in Orange County."  If the Vicki/Kelly posse features younger and better looking housewives, that will be enough to unnerve the Menopause Mafia of Shannon, Heather and Tamra. 

  • Love 7

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