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S11.E18: Vicious Lies And Broken Ties

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Scene: Brianna & overly involved icky touring renovations in Brianna’s house

overly involved icky:  blah, blah, do this, blah, blah, do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, do this, do this, do this, do this

Brianna: This is not the energy I want in this home.  

overly involved icky: I know, we have to stage it or sumthin’

What pharmaceuticals would you need to share space with, even briefly, with overly involved icky?

At least I have the remote....

  • Love 14

Random thoughts I could remember:

  • I laughed at Meghan talking about her baby being like some little creature, just as a couple cartoons for the Trolls movie ambled across the bottem of the screen.
  • I think I hurt my eyes hearing Vicki claim she's been doing nothing all season but saying "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!". Bitch, puhlease!
  • I thought we already knew the sex of Meghan's baby? I swear they discussed it earlier. I hate those things!
  • Vicki's "apology" card. All about her!
  • Vicki's fake laughing way too hard about the "liar" tshirt gift.
  • Did anyone get the feeling this was Kelly and Vicki's "goodbye"?
  • I laughed at the news about Kelly not attending her anger management classes.
  • Love 22

That was ugly.  All the way around.  Except for Meghan.  Who has now moved into "Housewife I like " category.  Otherwise I think they were all horrible.  Tamra, Heather and Shannon were spoiled mean girls.  Hateful, spiteful and high up on horses.  Vicki and Kelly were  Vicki and Kelly.  That says it all.

Oy.  The facial hair.  Get.  Over.  It. Stop being so freaking defensive or get your hairy chin to the waxologist pronto.  You can afford it.  I just have no patience for the pearl clutching over facial hair.

  • Love 15
Just now, dosodog said:

That was ugly.  All the way around.  Except for Meghan.  Who has now moved into "Housewife I like " category.  Otherwise I think they were all horrible.  Tamra, Heather and Shannon were spoiled mean girls.  Hateful, spiteful and high up on horses.  Vicki and Kelly were  Vicki and Kelly.  That says it all.

Oy.  The facial hair.  Get.  Over.  It. Stop being so freaking defensive or get your hairy chin to the waxologist pronto.  You can afford it.  I just have no patience for the pearl clutching over facial hair.

I don't know, she had the ugliest hair ever at that party. I think the high horses were legit tho. Kelly will often go low with some kind of physical insult. The chin hair wasn't the first time. She just does it to be nasty and play on their insecurities. Imagine her reaction if they did that to her? 

  • Love 15

I think they need to reboot the cast on this show. Everyone hates Vicki and Kelly. I don't know how many times these women will sort of forgive Vicki like they did this season but I don't think they will again. She needs to go.

Kelly was too crude or something, she never fit in. Megan sounds like she's done. 

I'm sorry Brianna has Lupus but she brings nothing to this show. 

I wanted to see Heathers house too. So this was a very lackluster season for me. Disappointed because the reason I started watching real housewives shows was this one and season one was so fun. How low they have fallen! 

  • Love 19
2 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

Very unfortunate update about Briana at the end. I gasped.

I laughed when Vicki said she didn't get why Tamra invited her if she wasn't going to talk to her. It's like Vicki forgot that every season has a finale party and the housewives are expected to attend. In the real world, there's no way Kelly would have been allowed on the property.

Oh no I missed it! I always accidentally zone out during the updates. What happened with Briana?

  • Love 1

I would be curious to see Kelly return.   I think Megan's a goner and fingers crossed this is it for a Vicki.  

Her faux concern for Shannon was to transparently b.s...  She was just told to knock it off with regard to comments regarding Shannon and it had zero effect on her.


i honestly think Brianna is worried that her Mom's days our numbered on the show...thus Brianna's days could be numbered too.  I think Brianna wants to keep a check.  Tamara & Shannon aren't going anywhere and if Tamara won't take Vicki back, Vicki's screwed.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, Lucelu said:

Brianna has Lupus... maybe she will be too stressed out to do this show then. Or maybe she will quit her ER job to do the show instead?  Her husband is "stuck" in OK? I think he is "stationed" in OK.

Generally, when you voluntarily sign up for the military , you exchange your work and service for pay and some damn good perks.  Ryan signed on, therefore he is not stuck.  He is fulfilling a mutually beneficial contract. He's not stuck there, he's probably enjoying hanging out with his peers.   Fuck these lame people from the Midwest who think they are too sophisticated for Oklahoma.  Fucking Vicki is the very walking definition of a closed minded rube.  Who wears stupidly designed dresses, and walks like Caitlyn Jenner in her first pair of heels.  Caitlyn got the hang pretty quickly, and Vicki still stumbles around like a drunken bear all these years later.

i am sorry , but whoever styled Megan needs their prescription changed immediately.  She looked like a complete idiot.   And did K Dudd countour her boobs?  Freaking whack adobo.

that cape dress was the most  flattering thing I saw all season on Shannon.

im sorry to hear about Briannas illness.  I'm thinking that's why she sucked it up and came back.  She probably won't be able to work part time even for awhile.  However, the stress of dealing with Vicki has to be hard on her.   On the other hand, she buys a new house and hires an interior designer, so she can't be hurting that badly financially.     But fuck Vicki for taking advantage of her.  

  • Love 15
8 minutes ago, Sai said:

There was some really funny scenes in the beginning of the show.  Both Eddie and David, on separate occasions, joking about being gay.  Then when Heather had the loose hair and Tamra pulled it off and said it came from Heather's chin.  Those were some light hearted  and funny moments.  My friend and I do that also.  Someone spread a vicious rumor about us and it was so ridiculous that we joke about it all the time now.

Meghan looked terrible at the party.  Part of her hair in a bun right on top of her head, flowered dress with fishnet stockings and giant chunky necklace.  Waaaay to busy.  Cripes.  Her baby cake idea was really cool though.

My most disappointing moment of the night was when the woman were screeching and the camera didn't show Eddie eating.  They flashed to him quickly but he wasn't eating when all the arguing was going down.  Bummer!  

Oh, Just wanted to add how sad it is that Brianna has been diagnosed with Lupus.  That sucks!

Meghan's hair is always awful.  She really needs to find a top notch, extremely skilled hairdresser and say, "Fix me!"  She's a cute girl, but that hair is a hot mess. I pray to the Bravo gods that this is Icki's last season.  She is beyond repulsive and a POS pussy who has to bring her daughter to the party to be her body guard.  I thought Tamra looked old tonight.  And I thought Loubitan (sp?) shoes always had red soles?  As for the baby cake idea, the Duggars did that on Good Morning America (or some other morning TV show) 8 or 10 babies ago.  Lol

  • Love 7

I'm not sure I understand Shannon's end game here. It's public record that David was arrested and plead guilty for battery or something similar. It would make more sense to admit it, say it was a dark time (or not as serious as the charges imply), and that they've worked through it. I get that she wants to keep it off the show, but you have to know that EVERYTHING is going to come out when you're putting your life out there on national television.

  • Love 23

For those of you who think Vicki likely suffers from narcissistic personality disorder (I think so), how much do you think she understands? I've read that the hallmark ego preservation tactics (and neural pathways) are so entrenched that those with npd really don't get what they've done to make others walk away. I'm never sure how much they understand, but it sure is sad for all involved!

  • Love 14

I was waiting for Vicki to compare herself to Jesus again.

Bet she has a total meltdown and someone finds her crammed into the manger scene in front of a church.

I am out if she comes back. I should of been out this season.

My hope is that she is convicted of some kind of crime involving her business. The closet women's prison is CCW. She will be hanging out with the  Manson women and Betty Broderick.   Now, she was a real housewife !

  • Love 23

Haven't seen it yet out on West Coast, but Tamra has been gunning as the OG for some time now.  I think she figured the Brooks thing would kick her up to first place and when that didn't happen she had to go another route.  She enlisted Heather, Shannon and Meghan.  Tamra  lucked out with Kelly coming in and becoming Vicki's friend.   It's going to be hard to Andy not to let Vicki go (of HER show), but if the other women refuse to film with her, what else can he do. 

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Meghan's necklace looked like a solar system mobile my brother had when we were kids.

I thought it looked like a bunch of Christmas ornaments that were spray painted black and strung together.  I don't know where her style sense went, but that whole outfit was just bad....granny print body-con dress, fishnet stockings, huge, fugly necklace and a stupid half-bun on top of her head.  Usually, I think Meghan looks pretty good (I even liked her headbands last season), but that outfit looked like she got dressed in the dark!  

12 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Kelly asking if her ugly black dress made her husband want to "motorboat" her. Yuck.

She really is trash (to quote Heather).  

  • Love 17
11 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

Very unfortunate update about Briana at the end. I gasped.

I laughed when Vicki said she didn't get why Tamra invited her if she wasn't going to talk to her. It's like Vicki forgot that every season has a finale party and the housewives are expected to attend. In the real world, there's no way Kelly would have been allowed on the property.

I laughed at that, too, except I laughed because I thought that Vicki was the one who called Tamra and begged to come to the party asked Tamra if it was okay if she came to the party.  I guess she forgot about that phone call, just like she's forgotten about how horrible she's been all season.

  • Love 19
6 minutes ago, Bluegirl547 said:

I'm not sure I understand Shannon's end game here. It's public record that David was arrested and plead guilty for battery or something similar. It would make more sense to admit it, say it was a dark time (or not as serious as the charges imply), and that they've worked through it. I get that she wants to keep it off the show, but you have to know that EVERYTHING is going to come out when you're putting your life out there on national television.

Maybe Shannon just thought it was horrible for Vicki to speak of it on the show and cause her children to have to think about it again (or for the first time if they didn't know).

  • Love 15
11 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I would be curious to see Kelly return.   I think Megan's a goner and fingers crossed this is it for a Vicki.  

Her faux concern for Shannon was to transparently b.s...  She was just told to knock it off with regard to comments regarding Shannon and it had zero effect on her.


i honestly think Brianna is worried that her Mom's days our numbered on the show...thus Brianna's days could be numbered too.  I think Brianna wants to keep a check.  Tamara & Shannon aren't going anywhere and if Tamara won't take Vicki back, Vicki's screwed.

Vicki kept saying that to anyone who would speak with her, just so that she could spread more rumors about Shannon and David.  She was literally dying for Tamra to ask "Why are you so worried for Shannon?"...so glad Tamra didn't take the bait.

But, I would bet anything that Andy will be bringing it up at the Reunion.  Vicki knows how to play the game.  Say something enough on the show, and if it isn't addressed then, it will definitely be addressed by Andy.

  • Love 12

Callow? Can we send Meghan a dictionary or is there another meaning I'm not aware of? She planned her exit strategy fairly early. I'm ok with that because I think last season she showed her true colors & this season was a conscious effort at a redemption tour

Mia is exhausting.

And Tamra once again putting christian behavior to great use by giving everyone the most passive-aggressive t-shirts ever.

  • Love 18
13 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Meghan's hair is always awful.  She really needs to find a top notch, extremely skilled hairdresser and say, "Fix me!"  She's a cute girl, but that hair is a hot mess. I pray to the Bravo gods that this is Icki's last season.  She is beyond repulsive and a POS pussy who has to bring her daughter to the party to be her body guard.  I thought Tamra looked old tonight.  And I thought Loubitan (sp?) shoes always had red soles?  As for the baby cake idea, the Duggars did that on Good Morning America (or some other morning TV show) 8 or 10 babies ago.  Lol

I thought Tamra said Louboutin, too, but what she actually said was "Louis Vuitton".  And, yes, Louboutin's always have red soles (and Tamra has a few pairs).

  • Love 14

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