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S13.E07: Why Try to Change Me Now?

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2 hours ago, deaja said:

Bailey is a terrible chief.  I didn't watch most of last season so I have no idea how she ended up with the job, but she's not up to it. Her leadership skills are abysmal from what I've seen this season. Not to mention the conflict of interest of being married to a resident.  Of course sending around a vague e-mail is just going to stir things up around the hospital. 

So new consultant/doctor is going to be Arizona's new love interest, yes?  They really made that one hard to decipher. (eye roll)

Can Amelia and Owen just..... leave? Seriously. There is nothing interesting or compelling about either of them any longer.  Actually, I don't think there ever was with Amelia. 

Amen to ALL of this!

Miranda Bailey really is a shitty chief. Going behind Richard's back is inexcusable and that's like the 10th messed up thing she's done since she got promoted. Of course, she'll never get called out on it. I really hate what they've done to her character.

The consultant is so obviously going to be Arizona's new love interest, which kinda sucks because I don't like the character. So far, at least. She does seem like she could be Arizona's type, though. 

The fact that they've decided to rehash the whole "Owen is married to someone who doesn't want children" storyline is mind-boggling. Like, seriously??!

This was the second episode in a row with very little Meredith in it, and I must say I'm liking it.

They've got to be writing Jo out of the show at this point, right? I don't think even George had such treatment.

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28 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

They might as well put Alex and Meredith together. They already act like a married couple.  If not Meredith, then put him with Amelia. Everything is on the table and they're interesting together (and she talks to him LOL). 

I didn't mind the consultant. It was amusing that the list was just a misunderstanding. I'm guessing that she's going to be Arizona's new love interest. 

I really wish that Bailey had told Richard that Kathryn was the one who wanted to overhaul the resident program. It would have saved everyone a lot of unnecessary drama. 

Its not even that Alex and Mer are a married couple.  Its that Alex is the Alice/Mrs. Garrett to Maggie, Meredith and Amelia.  I'm not even kidding when I say that I can totally see the series ending with the four of them living together in that house Golden Girls style.  The gals will have their adventures in dating and surgery, reminisce about the great loves that they each got to have, maybe each have a kid or two, and Alex will clean up the mess, watch the kids and give them pep talks when they need it.  He doesn't need any kind of life of his own when he has his FAMILY!!!!!!  I wish I were kidding with this, I truly do.  

Also, how stupid are these doctors that they can't recognized alphabetical order?

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23 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

The gals will have their adventures in dating and surgery, reminisce about the great loves that they each got to have, maybe each have a kid or two, and Alex will clean up the mess, watch the kids and give them pep talks when they need it.  He doesn't need any kind of life of his own when he has his FAMILY!!!!!!  I wish I were kidding with this, I truly do.  

Don't forget about the waffles! 

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4 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

Does anyone else think the new doctor or whatever she is will be Arizona's new love interest? Because she knew of her, and I got the vibe.

Of course she is, because in the world of Grey's, if two lesbians meet they are immediately attracted to each other. Oh those lady loving ladies, they just can't keep it in their pants. 

Also DeLuca's big save was clamping an artery.  If a room full of surgeons cannot think of using a clamp Seattle Grace Mercy Death's body count must be in the millions. 

Edited by Muffyn
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I hope Amelia tells the truth to Owen and they can work things out. I also will never understand why people think it is creepy or strange that a man wants to have children or enjoys being around children. Both men and women can want children and there are so many kids who are growing up without a dad, that tv needs to show more men comfortable enough to love kids. I hate the idea that any man who likes children is some kind of obsessive pedophile, but the same would never be said of a woman.

I agree the show needs new material. There are lots of stories which could be explored including Amelia struggling with her sobriety while being under pressure and trying to work at a new marriage, Alex getting anger management help and exploring his past issues, Jo and her mystery husband, on and on. And Tv also gets it wrong with consultants. On TV, consultants come in and immediately are fully in charge of the staff, order people around and make massive changes. IRL, a consultant does not interact directly with staff, usually observes and then makes suggestions which may or may not be implemented. I cannot imagine any hospital that doesnt want to be sued, allowing a consultant to barge into a surgery and make changes to what the existing surgeon is doing. I think it would also be quite harmful to the teacher/intern relationship because the consultant is telling the intern the surgeon is wrong in what they are doing and teaching. 

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4 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I hope Amelia tells the truth to Owen and they can work things out. I also will never understand why people think it is creepy or strange that a man wants to have children or enjoys being around children. Both men and women can want children and there are so many kids who are growing up without a dad, that tv needs to show more men comfortable enough to love kids. I hate the idea that any man who likes children is some kind of obsessive pedophile, but the same would never be said of a woman.

I don't think it's about that at all. Of course it's perfectly natural and normal that men want to have children, too. I really don't think anyone is saying that Owen is weird because of that or likens him to a pedophile, God forbid. It's just that that particular side of him has already been beaten to death and we've had an angsty, drama-filled storyline about his inability to have children with the woman he loved. We don't need it again.

Honestly, I don't think it would be any better if it was a storyline about a woman wanting children and her partner disagreeing. 

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Owen wanting children is one thing, and mainstream TV focusing on a man liking and wanting kids is great. Owen wanting children in the particular way that we've been shown is quite another. If I'm not misremembering, he insta-bonded with some kid whose father was in a coma, and basically decided to foster/adopt him behind Cristina's back. He behaved absolutely abominably towards her with regards to her pregnancy and abortion. Yet on the other hand, he broke up with Emma, the woman he dated and contemplated moving in with, the same day she explicitly told him she wanted to have children. He has made no effort to foster, to adopt, to find a surrogate, or even to start seriously looking for like-minded girlfriends with the intention of starting a family. In fact, it seems he despises women who want to focus on family (Emma, whom he purportedly broke up with for this very reason, as well as his original fiancée, whom Teddy derided for wanting to stay home with the kids rather than further her career, "has she no ambition?!"). He's attracted to career-focused, competitive women who are not at all about keeping the home fires burning; aside from Cristina, he's been into Teddy and Amelia who, albeit to a lesser degree, are both supposed to be brilliant and ambitious surgeons.  But then once he's actually dating them, he can't handle that he and the relationship with him aren't the centre of their world, and starts demanding children; starts to try and get them suitably "barefoot and pregnant". A rather mean-spirited interpretation, I'll admit, but not really all that implausible given his rather consistent behaviour patterns.

Edited by tapplum
missing word
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Owen did not try to adopt or foster the boy; he bonded with him in the hospital. The forum talk was that he was going to kidnap him because it is so creepy to actually like interacting with children. In Grey's universe, you pretty much can only date fellow doctors, so he didnt stand much of chance of finding a non-medical wife. There are also different opinions on what he and Christina experienced. I personally feel that he should have a say in his wife's decision on abortion while the final decision is of course up to her. In regard to Amelia, they have not shown any scenes with Owen demanding she get pregnant. Amelia said Owen looked happy when she said she thought she was pregnant. Perhaps she shouldn't have told anyone before taking the test.

You will have to show me any instances where Owen asked a woman to quit her job and be "barefoot and pregnant". He specifically told Christina he would take a leave of absence to raise their child. Again, this seems to be a case where a man who wants to have children is somehow wrong and creepy. As for the comment upthread that any woman wanting children would be talked about the same way: Not that I have seen .April had her child without asking permission from Jackson, and several women on the show have children with no comments on creepiness. YMMV of course. 

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4 hours ago, Biggie B said:

With two of the actresses pregnant, I do wonder how the writers will accommodate their absence from filming.

Maybe Amelia can go off on a medical fellowship, hotshot surgeon that she is. As for Jo, will we really notice if she's off the canvas for awhile, given her lack of real storyline these days? They wouldn't even try to explain her absence-we just wouldn't see her.

Alex sounds like a broken record. Every other line out of his mouth is "I'm going to jail" or "I won't be here" or "I'll be gone soon." Enough already. I wish they'd get this storyline over with. 


Even if she is a doctor, couldn't she theoretically been fired/had her license suspended/talked to sternly for deliberately nicking the artery in that surgery to - prove a point to Richard? What if - despite her great proclamations that there were four (five, now!) capable surgeons right there and the patient wasn't in any danger, what if something had gone wrong and that patient had died? What would Minnick have to say about that?!

I found that whole scenario galling considering they seem to be trying to portray this new character as some kind of expert. Whatever happened to "do no harm?" That patient was in her 80s. I don't care how many doctors were standing around, that was willful negligence. Too bad the old lady doesn't know, she could sue their asses.


The bickering with Owen and him saying that she hasn't slept at home for 2 weeks also seemed lazy (and strange, considering we saw Owen & Amelia coming in together at the start of the episode). 

Heh, I hadn't thought about that. But maybe Amelia spent the night at the hospital, then ran home to shower and change before her next shift and she came in with Owen.

See how easy it is to explain things? Oh, wait. I cannot possibly fathom let alone explain why Bailey and Catherine are keeping Richard in the dark about this new consultant. There's no plausible explanation for it, it's just asinine writing. 


Of course she is, because in the world of Grey's, if two lesbians meet they are immediately attracted to each other. Oh those lady loving ladies, they just can't keep it in their pants. 

Geez, did somebody tell Minnick that Arizona was a lesbian? Or is her gaydar really that powerful? The blatant flirtation was ridiculous. She's never even met the woman. Slow down there, lady. 

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Owen did say he'd be the one to raise his + Christina's baby, and he was really upset that Christina never wanted to contemplate anything other than "No, my body, my decision, abortion." I don't even think Christina ever even took Owen's feelings under consideration other than "I'm sorry but I don't want to be a mother."  My feelings regarding abortion and everything aside - I honestly think that should never have been an issue - Owen's wanting a child didn't just "pop up" when Christina found out she was pregnant. Christina should have ended (the relationship) because it was a non-starter.

Never mind Amelia + Owen should have really should have gone through everything BEFORE HAND - but they did talk about kids/babies,  and Amelia said she wanted lots. (like Owen). and now SHE'S changing the rules of the game (now, if this is because she's scared about the baby having no brain at birth (repeating the story of April being scared that Harriet would have that Baby Buddha killing disease that Samuel had), that's fine - then SAY that. and again, here's an idea. HAVE A SURROGATE PREGNANCY. that's a story that's not been told. you had Adoption. (Meredith) you've had infertility (Meredith), you've had unwanted pregnancies (Christina x2), and you've had the My Friend is my Baby's Father (Callie + Mark). Have planned surrogate pregnancy. Hell, have a surrogate story where the Surrogate wants to take the baby/ Or Owen falls in love with the Surrogate. OR THEY JUST HAVE A NORMAL SURROGACY! (or someone Safe-Drops a baby and Owen takes her home). but just "Omg I don't want to have a baby THE END !!" is stupid. 

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For her maternity leave, I am thinking that Amelia could need some "time away" to re-assess her marriage and other pressing issues, such as whether or not to have a child. Hopefully they won't make her relapse into drugs or drinking and then have to go away to rehab - that would really be awful.

As for Jo...perhaps her mysterious abusive husband will somehow play into her maternity absence? Maybe he'll show up in Seattle and she'll bolt to get away from him (without telling anyone why, of course...putting DeLuca in the hot seat, because doesn't he know that she's actually married? But might not know the guy abused Jo).

36 minutes ago, tapplum said:

Owen wanting children is one thing, and mainstream TV focusing on a man liking and wanting kids is great. Owen wanting children in the particular way that we've been shown is quite another. If I'm not misremembering, he insta-bonded with some kid whose father was in a coma, and basically decided to foster/adopt him behind Cristina's back. He behaved absolutely abominably towards her with regards to her pregnancy and abortion. Yet on the other hand, he broke up with Emma, the woman he dated and contemplated moving in with, the same day she explicitly told him she wanted to have children. He has made no effort to foster, to adopt, to find a surrogate, or even to start seriously looking for like-minded girlfriends with the intention of starting a family. In fact, it seems he despises women who want to focus on family (Emma, whom he purportedly broke up with for this very reason, as well as his original fiancée, whom Teddy derided for wanting to stay home with the kids rather than further her career, "has she no ambition?!"). He's attracted to career-focused, competitive women who are not at all about keeping the home fires burning; aside from Cristina, he's been into Teddy and Amelia who, albeit to a lesser degree, are both supposed to be brilliant and ambitious surgeons.  But then once he's actually dating them, he can't handle that he and the relationship with him aren't the centre of their world, and starts demanding children; starts to try and get them suitably "barefoot and pregnant". A rather mean-spirited interpretation, I'll admit, but not really all that implausible given his rather consistent behaviour patterns.

Exactly this, you have described him perfectly.

28 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

He specifically told Christina he would take a leave of absence to raise their child. 

I think he was lying on that bench scene. JMHO  I did honestly liked him how he was with Ethan, but still he was too pushy, like he was almost angry his dad woke up from coma. I just have this feeling.

I think tapplum said it the best regarding his idea of fatherhood and kids.

Nevertheless, I think Shonda will go the surrogacy route and Omelia will have a biological child this way.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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13 hours ago, Bama said:

I've never seen the actress who plays Minnick before but Jesus wept.  She is a terrible actress.  Wooden and wide eyed and monotone and artificially perky all at the same time.

No thanks.

I agree, I cannot understand how she has been cast. She is Scott Foley´s wife, isn´t she? Has she even got some acting experience?

Edited by Nobodysfan
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I've never seen the actress who plays Minnick before but Jesus wept.  She is a terrible actress.  

Oh, man...she was pretty bad. She's cute, though (reminds me a little of a young Elizabeth McGovern). I think it would be some interesting drama if Minnick had some difficulties with Arizona being an amputee, but I can't see the show delving into something like that. I also hope Arizona gets her playa on, and hooks up with Leah, too.

Jackson's nachos looked so good, I had to make some makeshift ones.

Eta: I would've been pissed if Enid had died.

Edited by jaync
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 Owen's wanting a child didn't just "pop up" when Christina found out she was pregnant. Christina should have ended (the relationship) because it was a non-starter.

Cristina not wanting children didn't just pop up either. Owen admitted he thought she would change her mind didn't he? Owen shouldn't have married a woman while she was in the midst of battling PTSD and then expect her to change.  They wanted different things in life and not talking about it fully prior to marrying is on both of them IMO.  In the end Cristina was the one to end it.

Its on both Owen and Amelia now too. However, with Owen having lived through that experience once one would think he would be absolutely certain to make sure his next wife and he were on the same page in regards to children.  I think Amelia is terrified of being pregnant and something going wrong again and its not that she doesn't want any children. Owen knows she had a baby that died. She told him that much and I don't understand why he would never talk to her to find out what happened, etc.  It makes him seem like someone who never learns from his life experiences.


I read that as "reptilian Owen baby drama". No wonder Amelia's stayed away for two weeks.

 Hahaha! That may be season 16.

Edited by windsprints
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Nothing about Owen and Amelia makes sense. They have IMO zero chemistry. In fact they are like a chemistry wormhole. Everyone they get near suddenly becomes just as pointless and boring as they are. Why are they together? They barely dated then jumped into marriage apparently without having a single serious conversation about their wants and needs. Now they're married and Amelia is already staying away from home because she can't talk to her husband. Instead of talking through their issues they fight at work (because God forbid these two adults work through their issues in private) and Amelia moves out. Why anyone thought that watching these two emotional invalids drag each other through this quicksand of a marriage would be entertaining is beyond me. At this point they are both just dead weight.

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Ugh, I'm super conflicted by Minnick. I don't mind the idea of that character as a love interest for Arizona but I do mind that actress, she was terrible. I'm also super glad that Leah coming back was like a red herring, I definitely didn't want a re-kindling of her relationship with Arizona.  I just fear this terrible actress will, much like Penny, not be able to fake the chemistry. They clearly had a moment in this episode so we all pretty well know where it's going to go, I just hope the acting gets better while we're getting there. 

1 hour ago, flickers said:

Yeah, but without those the show would be no fun.

Yes there would not be a show but everyone there has either slept together, wants to sleep together, been married, been divorced, been cheated on by someone that works there.  Catherine asked why Leah blossomed elsewhere because she wasn't probably sleeping with attendings elsewhere.


Alex + Jo

Jo+ Delucca probably

Maggie+ Delucca

Maggie +Riggs

Meredith + Riggs

Bailey + Random Nurse

Bailey + Ben

Leah + Arizona

Leah +Alex

Stephanie + Jackson

Jackson + April

April + Alex

Meredith + Riggs

Meredith + dereck

Meredith + George

Callie+ George

George + Olivia

Alex + Olivia

George + Izzie

Izzie+ Alex

Izzie + Denny (her patient)

Callie+ Arizona

Mark+ Lexie

Lexie + George

Christina+ Burke

Amelia and Owen

Owen and Christina

Catherine and the Chief

Lexie + Alex

Dereck + Rose

Addison + Dereck

Addison + Mark

Mark+ Callie

Callie + Penny



and so many More... stop screwing around and do your work and less shit would go wrong

Edited by dmc
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53 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Cristina not wanting children didn't just pop up either. Owen admitted he thought she would change her mind didn't he? Owen shouldn't have married a woman while she was in the midst of battling PTSD and then expect her to change.  They wanted different things in life and not talking about it fully prior to marrying is on both of them IMO.  In the end Cristina was the one to end it.

Its on both Owen and Amelia now too. However, with Owen having lived through that experience once one would think he would be absolutely certain to make sure his next wife and he were on the same page in regards to children.  I think Amelia is terrified of being pregnant and something going wrong again and its not that she doesn't want any children. Owen knows she had a baby that died. She told him that much and I don't understand why he would never talk to her to find out what happened, etc.  It makes him seem like someone who never learns from his life experiences.

this is true. (neither one of them should have been married and I said so at the time as well. (I suppose I could see why Owen would think so because he saw her with Zola etc). that was a risky game etc to play and it should have ended way before the affair. 

Again I think the whole "whirlwind" thing - they did discuss having multiple children. so Amelia is changing the rules of the game on him (the way i see it). and I suppose for me he didn't push Amelia further out of respect. (again because Amelia also said she wanted to have kids (again). ).

To be fair though i may have forgotten a few things. i blank out on Amelia scenes.  

7 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

Does anyone else think the new doctor or whatever she is will be Arizona's new love interest? Because she knew of her, and I got the vibe.

A blind man could see the set up for those two. I'm mocking you, not the writers by the way. They have zero subtlety when they set up these love interests. Especially with their final conversation. 

I found this episode to be...interesting.  I like the idea of it, but I really hated Merrick's character.  Not only was she obnoxious, but her character just wasn't realistic.  Before we saw her we knew that she had a specialty in Sports Medicine and had published 50+ papers and it sounded like she had worked in several hospitals but (and I admit I'm not great with ages) she seemed about the same age as the residents.  I could get behind the idea of her being a prodigy...except Maggie is a prodigy and Merrick seemed much younger than her.  Plus, her idea of "observing" was too much for me to take.

Also, Merrick's teaching technique may be all the rage, but I would never, ever want to be in a hospital that used it.

At this point, I don't think it is possible for me to care less about the Owen/Amelia relationship.  First of all, it just seems like Cristina 2.0 and they beat the baby idea to death with her.  I don't have strong feelings about the characters individually, but I just can't stomach them together anymore.

I try not to get too into shipping characters (and despite all the shenanigans on this show, I've never really been invested in any Grey's relationships), but I realized I've fallen deep, deep down the Jackson/April rabbit hole.  I feel a little dirty about this--okay, really dirty--but I'm all there for it right now.  

On a side note, I'm still not sure how Leah got back to GSMH.  I thought, and correct me if I'm wrong, that Richard sent her off to a research lab.  Now, it sounds like he sent her off to some sort of remedial skills school.  


Speaking of which, is there a reason Richard didn't confront Catherine directly about all these new choices?  Bailey may be Chief, but Miranda is a main shareholder, not to mention his wife.  Does Richard think Bailey came up with all these changes by herself, and deliberately left him out of it?  Of course they could have just discussed all this before introducing Merrick, like adults.  Catherine was inconspicuously absent during the episode.

Yeah, I thought this was strange as well and rather crappy of Catherine.  I do understand separating personal and professional life, but Catherine only seems to do that when it benefits her.  I really felt for Bailey in that scene in the bathroom with Ben.


The reason the hospital sucks isn't the teaching it's all the affairs or personal relationships

This made me laugh...A few years ago, my mother had a medical emergency and was admitted to a teaching hospital.  She told me it as just like Grey's Anatomy, to which I replied, "You mean everyone is having sex in the supply room?"

Edited by OtterMommy
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Maybe at some point the consultant will review the surgeries each resident has been given and figure out that Jo gets none at all.  If she is reviewing she should pick up on the fact that there are some residents not being taught at all.  I don't think she was even in the gallery when everyone was watching the surgery.  I find it annoying that Leah and Scott Foley's wife had more screen time in this one episode than Jo (and others) has had all year.

I am not a Jo fan so I typically don't notice if she doesn't get any surgeries.

However, she should be keeping track of the surgeries she gets to participate in, right? In ophthalmology we had a little book that they gave us at the beginning that we were supposed to track each surgery we observed, assisted with, and completed solo. There were numbers that we had to reach to complete the program.

Since I am not a general surgeon, I don't know if they do the exact same thing but I do know that if Jo is as far behind in surgeries as the comment section here indicates, the residency program has another problem that the consultant is going to have to address as well.

Also that artery-nicking thing, not OK. You figure out how people handle crises when they occur but you don't cause one just to see. If the residents were assisting in and performing enough surgeries, there would be plenty of nicked arteries for them to fix -- it is not an uncommon occurrence. But you don't put a patient at risk like that -- I would be uncomfortable with that surgeon in the future.

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I do wonder what they plan on doing with Amelia and Owen. Because.. this is really where Owens been before and the fact that they are rehashing the same story with the SAME character is beyond ridiculous.


Also.. really Amelia doesn't want kids now? I completely understand her wanting to wait a bit, what happened was awful but she said to Owen she wanted multiple children. It's just strange that the show is doing this now when they could have written in the actresses pregnancy and also that they've done this exact storyline with Owen before. I don't want to watch it again. 

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5 hours ago, windsprints said:

Cristina not wanting children didn't just pop up either. Owen admitted he thought she would change her mind didn't he? Owen shouldn't have married a woman while she was in the midst of battling PTSD and then expect her to change.  They wanted different things in life and not talking about it fully prior to marrying is on both of them IMO.  In the end Cristina was the one to end it.

Owen told her he thought she would change his mind, and was mad at her because she hadn't. She told him she didn't want kids and he didn't believe her. It was really crappy of him.

I wish we saw what happened after Amelia made her outburst to Owen. I'm sure he didn't ask why she changed her mind and she didn't explain, because that never happens on Greys. But did he tell her not to come home or did she just run off? 

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11 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Jackson and Arizona are both older than April and they obviously know how to use tinder without getting all flustered. 

Jackson might not be older than April. They took their boards the same year. And, according to Wikipedia and imdb, Sara Drew is 10 months older than Jesse Williams.

11 hours ago, dmc said:

April getting a ton of tinder dates...hard to believe since she sucks. 

They probably can't tell that from what little she would have put on Tinder. She's attractive enough. But, Tinder seems like an odd place for a 30-35 yo Christian who has only had sex with the ex-husband that she lives with to look for dates. 

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4 hours ago, mojito said:

I'd give the MVP of this episode to Stephanie. Except for the shitty thing she said to Warren, she was good comic relief. This episode showed just about all the doctors' immaturity. 

I thought Steph was really funny.  I also didn't even mind that her snark at Ben.  I did love her trying to pump Ben for information at first and he trying to explain the whole church and state thing and she says "Your happy little marriage can be adorable on a different day."

I also liked Arizona crying "Scatter!" after the consultant came out while they were all trying to stare into the room with all the residents.

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"Teaching" at Grey Sloan is only brought up as a plot point So whatever, show. Number 12 has never been brought up again to my memory after Richard's freakout. It's just another way to show Bailey"s ineptitude as Chief. Not that they needed one. She is God-awful. "It's MY decision!! I am CHIEF!" she says with a quavering voice and complete lack of confidence.  Back to being disgusted with her.

What happened to the surgeon having complete control of their OR? Why didn't ANY of these big shots tell the consultant to GTFO or STFU? I thought Meredith would but she caved to go bitch at Richard. The consultant nicking that artery for a "teaching moment" is pretty much indefensible. That everyone was okay with it is typical Grey's.  You don't risk a life for a "teaching moment" even if YOU think the risk is negligible.  You just don't, Enough people lose their lives at Grey Sloan as it is, you don't need to do that.

Owen has been pretty clear about his desire for children but Amelia was too, until she wasn't. As much as I dislike him he deserves an explanation.

The previews made me think we were going to get some movement on the Alex front but all we got was sad trombone. Disappointed.

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