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S06.E06: Chapter 6

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I was right that they would all be together at that house, but damn that was even better than I predicted. I jumped out of my skin when the pig man grabbed the producer who was driving away. She came so close to escaping. I am just glad that they left the child actor who played Flora out of this craziness.

Edited by SimoneS
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Oh I don't know. This whole premise seems needlessly stupid. I guess we are Scream 3 now.

I did like that fake Shelby was British. Also Scream 3.

At least no one suggested going into the woods this week.

Edited by rustyspigot
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Evan peters hold the record for the most deaths on this series.   Knew something would happen to him. He was to relaxed and normal of a guy lol.  I enjoyed watching him and Sarah together.   So will Rory who played a ghost really become a ghost now? 

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Ok this is going to be fun.  I really enjoyed watching the "actors" and what happened to them after their big career boost.  I thought it was well done.  The show also explained why the real people would go back into the house.  Shelby thought it was a way to save her marriage and Lee her reputation.  

So far this section is shaping up to be a lot of fun.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I think Matt is going to be the only one to survive. Lady Gaga's character was infatuated with him and I don't think she will let him die. I was laughing so hard at Shelby's "Nobody is going to let us get hurt" when talking about the producers. I also laughed at the little wedding montage/video.  I have to say I really hope that either the real butcher or the fake butcher comes after the producer and kicks his ass. 

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I'm in. I just wished they hadn't ruined it for us by telling us everybody except one person dies. So who is the one person to survive? We know it's not Evan.

Sarah P. Does a horrendous Britsh accent. And is Kathy Bates really possessed by the butcher? We haven't seen the last of her I'll bet. 

I think this is going to be good. 

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I don't know if my nerves were wound tight, but I jumped a lot this episode.  The first time was when the ghost appeared to the producer in the road.  Too bad she tried the basic horror survival rules and failed at the first go.  I didn't quite see what caused her to freak out in the video, though.

The main producer is a real prick, can't wait to see the butcher get him. 

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Those nurses were even scarier the second time around, which makes sense. I am not sure how they are going to manage it, but I would like someone to kill the producer as well.

Edited by Arynm
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I won't be surprised if it turns out that the "found footage/one person survived" thing ends up being a false gimmick that Sidney came up with to lure in viewers. This season was so obsessed with meta-ness that I wouldn't be surprised if that's just one more layer of artifice.

As for Sarah Paulson's English accent - maybe it's intentionally cheesy? It seems like the British thing is all a big joke -almost every word out of her mouth is some ridiculously English phrase. I'm just waiting for her to call someone a daft wanker.

Edited by Blakeston
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As for Sarah Paulson's English accent - maybe it's intentionally cheesy? It seems like the British thing is all a big joke -almost every word out of her mouth is some ridiculously English phrase. I'm just waiting for her to call someone a daft wanker.

In Scream 3, Fake Sydney had a fake British accent.

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Ooh! I had completely forgotten about the nurses spelling out the word "Murder" from the names of the people they killed until they showed the fully spelled word.

Poor Rory. He was the funnest of the group by far. Though a sweet gig for Evan Peters. He was listed in the main titles since episode one, and was only in these past two episodes.

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I feel silly that I didn't connect R is for Rory until I saw the nurses again. I had forgotten about that! Of course he would be the first to die. I love all of the dramatic irony.

I was jumping at nothing, expecting mayhem at every turn. 

This is like AHS meets UNreal meets BB and I love it!

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I lmao when fake Lee and fake Shelby laughed at how pathetic real Shelby is. And I have to quote a post I saw online...

"'Baby, I was lonely! I would have never slept with him if you were paying attention to me.'

Girl, you fucked the actor that played your husband in the re-enactment of your life. That is Inception whoring."

Edited by ridethemaverick
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I wonder who the new ghosts are going to be? Obviously they can't use Kathy Bates, Lady Gaga or Wes Bentley. Finn Wittrock, anybody?

As someone else said "cautiously optimistic" is exactly how I feel about this second half. It seems appealing, but I hope there is more to it than just Scream meets And Then There Were None meets Final Destination. I'm fine with a bloodbath leading to a lone survivor. But I don't want the focus to be "omg who will be the next to go". I'd like to see the story keep a focus on the Roanoke ghosts. 

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One thing I'm confused on is how this is going to happen. Production is watching them so they would have seen Rory murdered. If he were murdered how is it not done right then and there? I mean getting evidence of a ghost murdering someone would put Sidney on the map forever so he should be fine with closing shop. I mean they're seriously going to watch people get picked off one by one but had the lawyer look into what if Lee murdered again and alcohol for Fake Lee?

Also after Rory went to go check out the person that scared Fake Shelby why did no one else go? I would think Fake Matt would have gone as well. Or at least when there's silence for over 5 mins maybe go check on him or show some concern he's not back?

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I really enjoyed this episode! I called the death-by-nurses thing so I'll allow myself a gloat there, but I thought he was going to die in the weird hot tub thing. I was also hoping Edward Mott would kill him, which would've been ironic. The nurses did look rough, but they're the real ghosts, not the ones from the re-enactment. I keep forgetting this is show-ception. It hurts my pea brain.

I, too, am glad they left Fake-Flora out of that. If they had taken her in there, someone would've called CPS. Real-Lee's attempt at chatting with Fake-Lee was interesting. I'm glad she kept her sobriety. Can't stand LB's Shelby, though. She's the worst. If she's last man standing, there is no justice in the world. I also liked that Fake-Shelby made fun of her. There was a lot of in-group/out-group stuff going on and I'm interested to see how that plays out as everyone tries to stay alive. But one thing I can't understand is WHY THE HELL WOULD SHELBY/LEE/MAAAAAAATT GO BACK TO THAT DAMN HOUSE! Reputation, marriage, none of that matters if you're deader than a doornail. And who wants to live with the Butcher for eternity?!?! (I wouldn't mind Wes Bentley, though...)

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33 minutes ago, MrsPatrickBateman said:

One thing I'm confused on is how this is going to happen. Production is watching them so they would have seen Rory murdered. If he were murdered how is it not done right then and there? I mean getting evidence of a ghost murdering someone would put Sidney on the map forever so he should be fine with closing shop. I mean they're seriously going to watch people get picked off one by one but had the lawyer look into what if Lee murdered again and alcohol for Fake Lee?

Maybe he didn't actually die. Maybe production set that up as one of their "scares" and later he'll come back and apologize to his wife for upsetting her so much. 

This is a lot of fun. I am really into the Paranormal Witness/A Haunting type shows and I figured, from what we'd seen and heard, that part 2 would be a found footage kind of slant. The fact that it's a cross between found footage and The Bachelor/Big Brother/Surreal Life, etc. makes it even better. Audiences are more involved than we used to be and we're "onto" what truly goes on in reality shows so these production companies have been trying to up the ante for awhile, mostly by breaking down that fourth wall and making the crew and audience part of the experience. For that reason, I am digging the kind of behind-the-scenes thing we have going on here. 

Evan Peters is a doll. Kathy Bates always does weird & psycho well. And kudos to Angela Bassett for directing. 

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Very entertaining episode. I only had two issues:

1. None of the characters are likable. I don't really have a vested interest in their survival, because they all kind of suck.
2. Even if I did care, we already know only one will survive. Don't know why they felt the need to tell us that.

But it still seems like a fun ride! And because this is AHS, I'm guessing we're still not seeing the real truth. I believe this is reality, but I don't believe the story being told. There will be some more major twist. I still think Shelby is behind all of this.

Also, I'm calling it right now: Sarah Paulson's accent sucks because it's fake. The character is a trainwreck so far, it wouldn't surprise me if she was lying about being British and she's actually from Nebraska or something.

Edited by Xazeal
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I think Matt is going to be the only one to survive. Lady Gaga's character was infatuated with him and I don't think she will let him die.

But that wasn't Matt-- that was Dominic, right?

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I liked this new twist to the season. I think it will stop the overall season from getting stale and maybe keep the season on track instead of going off the rails like AHS can tend to do.

I really hope this isn't the end of Evan Peters this season. Maybe he will come back as a ghost and help his wife fake Shelby(forget her name) survive? If this is it for him, what a waste... even Zombie Kyle from season 3 got more screen time then he has this season.

Love how crazy Kathy Bates' character is in real life, lol.

Just wondering; Maybe I am tired and it was just me or did it seem to anyone else like the text they put up on screen flashed by fast. Like after the assistant gets killed in the car, they cut to commercial before I could finish reading what it was saying.

Edited by MadyGirl1987
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6 hours ago, MrsPatrickBateman said:

One thing I'm confused on is how this is going to happen. Production is watching them so they would have seen Rory murdered. If he were murdered how is it not done right then and there? I mean getting evidence of a ghost murdering someone would put Sidney on the map forever so he should be fine with closing shop. I mean they're seriously going to watch people get picked off one by one but had the lawyer look into what if Lee murdered again and alcohol for Fake Lee?

I think that the production crew thinks that the weird occurrences are being all staged by the wacky producer and the props guy. I think that this is why they showed us that the props guy put in all the mechanics to fake supernatural events. Also, I don't think that the production crew is watching the cast in real time since we have been told that the film was found after. Even if they were, they cannot look at all those cameras at the real time so they might not even be seeing the murders and even if they are seeing the murders, the crew would be convinced that this is part of the production.


4 hours ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

Love how crazy Kathy Bates' character is in real life, lol.

Agnes was hilarious, especially because I was totally buying her sane act. Ha.

Edited by SimoneS
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I'm guessing Finn will play the real Edward Mott, since he played dandy. And taissa farmiga will be the real Gaga witch? 

I'd love if Evan/Rory dying this quickly was a misdirect. He is so completely adorable. 

That was Chaz marrying them? I have to go back and rewatch. 

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This is what I thought the whole season would be, when I read a spoiler elsewhere (about a reality show), when the first episode aired. Then I watched, and saw what she meant. I also figured they would bring them all back to the house, though.

I liked that woman saying, "I am NOT stopping to find out who that is!" I wish I hadn't clicked on this thread before that happened, though, because it spoiled the surprise of the pig man getting her. (the first half was moving too slowly for me, so I clicked, and then regretted it.)

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8 hours ago, Blakeston said:

As for Sarah Paulson's English accent - maybe it's intentionally cheesy? It seems like the British thing is all a big joke -almost every word out of her mouth is some ridiculously English phrase. I'm just waiting for her to call someone a daft wanker.

Yeah, it was pretty bad, and the phrases...ouch, i.e. - "She is quite mad" - nobody would use that expression if they are truly scared. As an English person I can confidently say that 'quite mad' would only be used when scoffing/laughing at something, not when really frightened. When truly scared any average English person would be much more likely to say 'bloody mad/crazy', 'fucking mad/crazy' or maybe 'barking mad' of someone who's acting like that. A lot more common now is 'proper mad' - although that tends to be used more frequently by those under 30 with 'quite' and even 'very' often being replaced by 'proper' in a variety of phrases.

I even laughed at her use of "mental" because it felt so contrived, almost like they were trying to have her use as many perceived English cliches in as short a time as possible. It kinda took me out of the episode at times.

I like the idea someone else mentioned that maybe it's meant to be cheesy/bad because she's faking it and she isn't really English. (I live in hope!)

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And now the show has begun. Bit Scream 3 innit?

Seeing the real life actors - Audrey, Dominic, Monet and Rory interacting with Shelby, Matt and Lee in that house again was a good move.

Rory had to be the first to die. I did laugh at him and Audrey as a couple and Paulson's UK accent was something else.

The Lee and Monet scenes were really interesting as was the fact that Shelby actually had an affair with Dominic too. 

Sidney is every bit the sleazy, exploitative producer so it's going to be interesting to see how everyone else dies in the next four episodes.

I did have to laugh a little at Kathy Bates's Agnes getting a little too into her role as the Butcher though, 7/10

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7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Maybe he didn't actually die. Maybe production set that up as one of their "scares" and later he'll come back and apologize to his wife for upsetting her so much. 


This theory makes a lot of sense.  Rory wanted to break his contract because he got a call back for a Brad Pitt movie.  Maybe, the producer set this up as a condition that Rory could leave and go back to LA?  Perhaps, the surprise will be that someone who we think is dead, is actually alive and is the last survivor, sort of like


Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians.

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