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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Just now, Lokiberry said:

That's not what's happening. I'm watching MSNBC and they're playing as just a fight. There's a lot of commentary about how his rallies always have an air of violence about them.

And every article on my FB is mocking it. Well, all the comments are mocking it and no one is convinced it was real, but staged by him and his sycophants.

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5 hours ago, Landsnark said:

Interesting statement.   Trump IS actually very similar to Hitler in the way he divides and uses propaganda.  Actual facts, phrasing, philosophies, tactics, patterns between the two can be observed and correlated.  Trump promotes himself as a totalitarian strongman.  Comparing Trump to Hitler or garden variety totalitarian strongmen is a supportable position to hold, to a degree. 
Satan isn't real... so we'll say that Hillary is entirely corrupt and bent on... I dunno.. "bad things."  That's actually not true.  She used a private email server.  Satanic?  Corrupt?  She doesn't trust the press, so she can be reserved and circumspect with her energy.  Satanic?  Corrupt?  She was Secretary of State when there was a terrorist attack.  Satanic?  Corrupt?  Her husband, former President of the United States, helps manage one of the best global charities ever.  Satanic?  Corrupt?  Her efforts made her wealthy.  Satanic?  Corrupt?
They hate her because she's a woman.  She's an attorney.  She's Ivy League educated.  She's ambitious.  She's "elite."  She's worked in government and is a traditional politician.  They've been told she rigged the game and is out for herself.  She's not like them; their provincial lives are unfulfilling.  They HATE her for those reasons. 
The sentence quoted could be better written, "They're stupid, and Trump is dangerous."

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This is an extremely relevant quote from Santayana who wrote it (in The Life of Reason), 1905. The parallels one can draw between the rise of Adolph Hitler and Donald Trump are too similar to dismiss. Adolph Hitler was actually elected by popular vote of the German people. He had no intention of abiding by the rules of democracy. He intended only to use those rules to legally establish himself as dictator as quickly as possible then begin the Nazi revolution. Does anyone really think that Donald Trump intends to abide by the rules of our democracy? So far, he hasn't given even one instance in his policies that would indicate he would abide by any of our laws. He would fire all the generals, nuke our enemies, abolish the EPA, build walls and isolate our country from the rest of the world. Not a good idea. He's seeking the power that a dictator holds. And if he's elected, there's no doubt his path for the country will follow along the same lines as Nazi Germany. Destruction of those who oppose, installation of those elites who will carry out his orders, elimination of ethnic groups, isolation from free trade, bankruptcy of the government and threatening the use of nuclear weapons on foreign countries that oppose him.

Edited by HumblePi
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6 minutes ago, gatopretoNYC said:

No, don't say that!

I'm sorry that's the first place my brain went.  But someone on another board pointed out Drumpf wants the spotlight at all times, no matter the circumstances.  Steve Schmidt always points out that whoever is being shown is losing.  HRC wins when the story is about Drumpf.  

I'll take that.  



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14 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Was it too obvious you think to use a Mexican or black guy?

LOL!  You just had to go there, didn't you?

8 minutes ago, Lokiberry said:

That's not what's happening. I'm watching MSNBC and they're playing as just a fight. There's a lot of commentary about how his rallies always have an air of violence about them.

I've only seen one oddball claiming Drumfp looked "presidential" because of this incident.  But, nearly everyone is either laughing at it and reminding viewers that Drumpf incites or inspires violence at his rallies.  Someone even compared it to the suspicions that the Kim Kartrashian robbery was staged to get Kim some attention.

MSNBC didn't spend a whole lot of time on it and moved on to other matters, including the whole FBI fuckery, Ghouliani's slipperiness, and the various GOTV events being held for Hillary.

Edited by MulletorHater
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1 hour ago, Kromm said:

We are going to see this mainly played out as Brave Donald Trump almost being mowed down by the Evil Status Quo, desperate to defeat him.

I'm hoping he will finally overplay his hand.

1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

This shit's gotten so surreal I imagined Trump staging the whole thing.

I'd bet money on it.

1 hour ago, Kromm said:

It's like a plotline from a bad political thriller.

Isn't it though! My exact thoughts when I saw the news clip.

24 minutes ago, kassa said:

Which is weird, because his supporters are in favor of everybody taking their guns everywhere, aren't they? So shouldn't calling out "gun" make them smile and high five each other or do the wave or something?


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The footage I saw was kind of strange. I know the SS are prepared to risk their lives and its a very tough job, but there's no way with that slow response time, I'd feel very safe. It would seem a lot better to stand somewhere near the candidate.

Trump just looked kind of confused, weak and compliant--as probably anyone would & should be in that situation--but certainly nothing impressive or special. (I'll bet his supporters inc Ghouliani will spin it otherwise though). I thought it would look staged and have a minority as a villain, so was relieved to see SS leading away a tall, thin, balding middle aged white guy wearing a hoodie.

There was no gun, but it figures that, per HuffPost, Donald Trump Jr., and Dan Scavino Jr., the campaign’s social media director, both retweeted a post calling the incident an “assassination attempt”

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8 hours ago, Padma said:

National Enquirer Paid $150,000 to Silence a Trump Mistress

The agreement between Ms. McDougal (the 1998 Playmate of the Year) and AMI ... gives [Enquirer publisher David Pecker, a Trump friend & supporter] the rights to “any romantic, personal and/or physical relationship McDougal has ever had with any then-married man.” The document says AMI is entitled to damages of at least $150,000 if she discloses her story elsewhere on social media or gives interviews about it.

I hope Bruce Willis got his tetnus shot, and all of his other shots, after dating her after Trump did.

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1 hour ago, Pixel said:

They keep stressing on MSNBC that it was a whole lot of nothing. 

Breitbart and maybe even Fox, and certainly the conspiracy and alt-right sites and youTubers will all claim it's the Liberal media covering up "the assassination attempt". 

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If nobody noticed, in just the last two days, Hillary Clinton has had Bernie Sanders, President Obama, Jay Z and Beyonce, Katy Perry, Pharrell Williams, Joe Biden, Marc Anthony, JLo and possibly others stomping with her in rallies. On the other side, Donald Trump has had, um..... himself. That's because Chris Christie backed out from attending because of the scandal over Bridgegate and the guilty verdict of his two right-hand people. And Paul Ryan cancelled his appearance at a rally he was supposed to attend with Trump tomorrow. So who's left, Chachi?

Edited by HumblePi
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5 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

 So who's left, Chachi?


Well, there's...Jagger.

Yeah, a WHOLE CHUNK of my tween and teen heart BROKE when I saw that those two were for this monster.  I can never watch Happy Days again when he's on screen. I just fast forward. Or Diagnosis Murder.

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11 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


Well, there's...Jagger.

Yeah, a WHOLE CHUNK of my tween and teen heart BROKE when I saw that those two were for this monster.  I can never watch Happy Days again when he's on screen. I just fast forward. Or Diagnosis Murder.

How do you think I feel knowing Bruce Willis is a Trumpanzee? This has ruined my formative years. I can only hope it's not true.  

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6 minutes ago, Pixel said:

How do you think I feel knowing Bruce Willis is a Trumpanzee? This has ruined my formative years. I can only hope it's not true.  


please tell me you're joking!

Damn you Willis!!!



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8 minutes ago, random chance said:

Yippee kay yay motherf....*sobs*

I'm not joking. I've Googled the shit out of it and can't find anything refuting it. I hope it's not true. 

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I also watch Diagnosis Murder, GHScorpiosRule.  And Dick Van Dyke is a progressive, so we can enjoy the show without disgust or guilt!

6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I don't want to be that person, but I watched that interview with Chris Matthews and Nosferatu, and though I could see the 'are you kidding me?' On his face, he didn't manage to shut him up or catch him in a lie.

Chris Matthews has one of the best WTF faces in the industry, but you're right, he didn't catch Giuliani in a lie.  Ol' Rudy was very careful in the words he used.  He very specifically said he didn't know Comey was going to do what he did or when he did.  And that's probably true.  What Giuliani was practically jizzing himself over was knowing that a rogue FBI cell was going to leak the existence of HA's emails on Weiner's computer, but Comey released his ambiguous letter before that could happen.  Giuliani also said he hasn't directly talked to current FBI agents, which again is probably true.  But since there's likely only one person between him and them, his denial is bullshit.  We know he's a lying liar who lies, and he knows we know.


2 hours ago, 33kaitykaity said:

Steve Schmidt always points out that whoever is being shown is losing.  HRC wins when the story is about Drumpf.  

I have come to respect Steve Schmidt and his clear and eloquent defense of democratic institutions.   He knows exactly the danger that Donald Trump poses to this country as well as the damage the orange one has done to American politics, and he isn't afraid to say so. 


1 hour ago, scriggle said:


Secret service has released the man. A republican holding a republican for trump sign.

But trump campaign quick to put out tweet calling is an assassination attempt.


He is so fucking pathetic. 

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57 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

If nobody noticed, in just the last two days, Hillary Clinton has had Bernie Sanders, President Obama, Jay Z and Beyonce, Katy Perry, Pharrell Williams, Joe Biden, Marc Anthony, JLo and possibly others stomping with her in rallies. On the other side, Donald Trump has had, um..... himself. That's because Chris Christie backed out from attending because of the scandal over Bridgegate and the guilty verdict of his two right-hand people. And Paul Ryan cancelled his appearance at a rally he was supposed to attend with Trump tomorrow. So who's left, Chachi?

Don't forget Ted Nugent!

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2 hours ago, HumblePi said:

If nobody noticed, in just the last two days, Hillary Clinton has had Bernie Sanders, President Obama, Jay Z and Beyonce, Katy Perry, Pharrell Williams, Joe Biden, Marc Anthony, JLo and possibly others stomping with her in rallies. On the other side, Donald Trump has had, um..... himself. That's because Chris Christie backed out from attending because of the scandal over Bridgegate and the guilty verdict of his two right-hand people. And Paul Ryan cancelled his appearance at a rally he was supposed to attend with Trump tomorrow. So who's left, Chachi?

That's what was so stark to me tonight on the coverage of the Trump kerfluffle on both CNN and MSNBC. They were showing a fair bit of the Katy Perry concert and Hillary yelling "love trumps hate" and hugging her and dancing along and the crowd was roaring as Katy sang Eye of the Tiger. Then they immediately cut to violence at the Trump rally. It epitomized to me exactly what the two campaigns are all about.

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2 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I have come to respect Steve Schmidt and his clear and eloquent defense of democratic institutions.   He knows exactly the danger that Donald Trump poses to this country as well as the damage the orange one has done to American politics, and he isn't afraid to say so. 

Agreed.  He's heartbroken, he was almost in tears a week or so ago on Bri-Wi's show.

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7 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

He is so fucking pathetic. 

I'm dreading turning on the news today. I know those fucktards in MSM are going to glamorize the "assassination" attempt in all the promos and then trivialize the facts, not an assassination, no gun present, Trump campaign lies about it.

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Have we discussed yet how closely Trump follows the Fair Game doctrine of Scientology? I'm rewatching Going Clear and the similarities are eerie.

Fair Game says that individuals or groups seen as threats should be punished and harassed by any means possible, including legal actions, private investigations and public character assassination. Anyone who speaks out in opposition is automatically characterized as an antisocial personality out to destroy and is fair game for retaliation.

L. Ron Hubbard's philosophy was: Don't ever defend. Always attack. Find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace. "If people attack Scientology, I never forget it. I always even the score."

Former Scientology spokesman Mike Rinder on 60 Minutes about answering the press: "My position as the spokesperson was to evade the question or sleaze around some way..."

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CBC showed an interview this morning with the fellow who was tackled by SS and crowd members. He was holding a sign up that said Republicans against Trump. He was booed and shoved around but then someone shouted " Gun! "  He said he totally expected the boos but not the beat down. 

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm dreading turning on the news today. I know those fucktards in MSM are going to glamorize the "assassination" attempt in all the promos and then trivialize the facts, not an assassination, no gun present, Trump campaign lies about it.

Watched GMA today. They're playing it pretty straightforward as a "disturbance". They even interviewed the guy that was escorted out by SS, and he had a decent amount of time to explain what really happened.  Thankfully, they weren't following the narrative put out by the Trump campaign. 

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7 minutes ago, irisheyes said:

Watched GMA today. They're playing it pretty straightforward as a "disturbance". They even interviewed the guy that was escorted out by SS, and he had a decent amount of time to explain what really happened.  Thankfully, they weren't following the narrative put out by the Trump campaign. 

Thanks for the update. I refused to watch GMA.

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So, my aunt is a super right-wing Christian. She has also been fairly vocal in her disgust over Trump and her fellow Christians being so willing to overlook his many problems just because he's supposedly going to save the unborn babies and overturn gay marriage. She shared with me the current theory going around in her circles that compares him to the apostles Peter and Paul - as they had denied God and had been a murderer and God still used them. She said they are also conveniently forgetting "by their fruits you shall know them". She is having friends tell her she is being tricked by Satan, she is betraying the unborn, all this crazy stuff. I normally kind of write her off as a nut, but I really applaud her for standing up. 

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30 minutes ago, irisheyes said:

Thankfully, they weren't following the narrative put out by the Trump campaign. 

Unless Fox News is, no one seems to be doing that.

In fact, most of the coverage I've seen (admittedly skewed by my Twitter feed) seems to be hammering the fact that the guy was a protestor who the Trump fans attacked.

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55 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

So, my aunt is a super right-wing Christian. She has also been fairly vocal in her disgust over Trump and her fellow Christians being so willing to overlook his many problems just because he's supposedly going to save the unborn babies and overturn gay marriage. She shared with me the current theory going around in her circles that compares him to the apostles Peter and Paul - as they had denied God and had been a murderer and God still used them. She said they are also conveniently forgetting "by their fruits you shall know them". She is having friends tell her she is being tricked by Satan, she is betraying the unborn, all this crazy stuff. I normally kind of write her off as a nut, but I really applaud her for standing up. 

Pope Francis agrees with your aunt.


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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

Sadly, I fully expect the Catholics in my family to turn on Pope Francis over this.

They didn't over his "be nicer to the gays" stance?  Or the fact that a lot of the things he advocates are borderline socialism?

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10 hours ago, HumblePi said:

If nobody noticed, in just the last two days, Hillary Clinton has had Bernie Sanders, President Obama, Jay Z and Beyonce, Katy Perry, Pharrell Williams, Joe Biden, Marc Anthony, JLo and possibly others stomping with her in rallies. On the other side, Donald Trump has had, um..... himself. 

And he can make shit soup out of anything.

'Furthering his talk of a “rigged” election, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said it’s “almost like cheating” when celebrities like Beyoncé and Jay Z rally for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“On quick notice, we didn’t bring any so-called stars along ― we didn’t need them,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in Reno on Saturday. “The reason Hillary has to do that is, nobody comes for her. She can’t fill a room.”

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Don't forget Ted Nugent!

But I really, really want to. 

Last night I saw a cheesy anti-HRC ad meant to terrify voters with the shocking news that classified information was on Anthony Weiner's computer. I didn't catch the end, so I'm not exactly sure if it was Trump approved or put out by the NRA. It was very cheap looking and full of the scare tactics the NRA typically employs, yet it was filled with the kind of lies and vitriol of a Trump dropping. Either way, it was utterly infuriating. 

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3 minutes ago, starri said:

They didn't over his "be nicer to the gays" stance?  Or the fact that a lot of the things he advocates are borderline socialism?

They don't like him, they hate that a "Hispanic" was made Pope. They hate that he's too liberal. They loved Benedict because he was so hard line and old fashion. They're die hard Trump supporters, so I suspect this will be the breaking point where they choose Trump over their religion. It's both fascinating and frightening to watch.

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Pope Francis has definitely been a long needed breath of fresh air for this Catholic. Of course he isn't  going to have undo everything, he is certainly trying to follow Jesus rather than the Church. 

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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41 minutes ago, starri said:

They didn't over his "be nicer to the gays" stance?  Or the fact that a lot of the things he advocates are borderline socialism?

You give Trump way too much credit for labeling him a 'socialist'. He is a fascist and although related in some ways to socialism, they are more like cousins to each other than twins. Socialism is defined as "Government with companies owning assests".
The widely used definition of Fascism is "Government with the basis of a powerful leader (Oligargy)" By the way, Bernie Sanders adopted the label of being a 'democratic socialist' which is far and away much different than socialism.

The use of ethnic stereotypes and exploitation of fear of foreigners is directly out of a fascist’s recipe book. “Making the country great again” sounds exactly like the fascist movements. Concern about national decline, that was one of the most prominent emotional states evoked in fascist discourse, and Trump is using that full-blast, quite illegitimately, because the country isn’t in serious decline, but he’s able to persuade them that it is. That is a fascist stroke. An aggressive foreign policy to arrest the supposed decline. That’s another one. Then, there’s a second level, which is a level of style and technique. He even looks like Mussolini in the way he sticks his lower jaw out, and also the bluster, the skill at sensing the mood of the crowd, the skillful use of media.

The fascist-Nazi axis, which I would say is where Trump fits in, merely extols leadership, leadership without purpose, program or direction, and power for power’s sake.Poorly educated white males feel that they have been left behind, and the country is not better for them, and there are enough of those people to make a huge difference. I don’t think there are enough of those people to elect a president, but they can make a powerful movement.

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Yes the guy is a registered Republican but against Trump. "The protester at Trump's rally that was beaten and harassed is a registered Republican. He was at the rally expressing free speech and only holding a sign 'Republicans Against Trump'. He was he was kicked, punched and choked, and feared for his life when the crowd turned on him at the gathering in Reno, Nevada."


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14 hours ago, Kromm said:

This is really bad news. Because apparently he was dragged off because someone had a gun.

I am going to make a prediction now. Someone, maybe not Trump himself, but likely some drummed up lackey away from the core, will start hard spinning this as Hillary sending an assassin.  The mainsteam media won't play that POV, but it will leak in through the sides a bit.

We are going to see this mainly played out as Brave Donald Trump almost being mowed down by the Evil Status Quo, desperate to defeat him. Short of him making some horrible mistake in the spinning, this will give him a bump. The question of why someone might want to kill Trump (if that's even what it was rather than some lone yahoo flashing a gun because he was drunk) will be ignored in favor of people lionizing Trump and saying he's a hero now.

It turned out nobody had a gun. But afterwards, Donald Jr. & somebody else with the campaign, along with a Pastor at the next stop in Denver, were spinning/talking about it like it was an assassination attempt. Junior even Tweeted about it--& either he was in a hurry or he doesn't know how to spell "secret"; he said "secrete service". Read at this link:


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9 hours ago, shok said:

That's what was so stark to me tonight on the coverage of the Trump kerfluffle on both CNN and MSNBC. They were showing a fair bit of the Katy Perry concert and Hillary yelling "love trumps hate" and hugging her and dancing along and the crowd was roaring as Katy sang Eye of the Tiger. Then they immediately cut to violence at the Trump rally. It epitomized to me exactly what the two campaigns are all about.

The song you called Eye of the Tiger is actually called Roar.

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