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S04.E12: In-Laws

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With the experiment almost coming to a close, the couples spend time with each other's families on Mother's Day. Will they get along with their in-laws on their first holiday together?

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This is an episode thread for discussing things that happened in this episode.  Many posters in the episode threads prefer to remain unspoiled re: social media posts, Unfiltered, Confessions, etc.   This is not a lot to ask, so please follow the rules.  

If you want to post any reference to something you heard outside of the actual episode and aired preview, please take it to the appropriate thread.  

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1 minute ago, belladonna77 said:

Anyone else notice how much sexier Sonia is dressing now that she's not living with Nick?  That's an interesting choice.

Yes, and she is not wearing her wedding ring which the camera panned to half a million times. 

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Oh poor Tom.  He doesn't want Lily to spoil their relationship by coming home upset because she lost clients.  So, she's spoiling his fun?  What .. Marriage is all about fun all the time?  I still haven't seen him going to work these past 5 weeks.  Does he even work at all?  He seems selfish to me.  I'm thinking he's not ready to get serious and have a family at all.

I don't like Nick at all.  He didn't come on this show with the right intentions.  Sonia is in la-la land.  How could she even look at him after what he said a couple of weeks ago?  They are both following the producers instructions.  And don't get me started on those "experts".   Did they get their degrees in bullshit?  I'm going to say it again.   Sonia gets on my nerves.   Have some respect for yourself girl.   I say zero for three.

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Derek and Heather.  Stop beating a dead horse! Geez!

STFU Dr. Pepper! Why is she practically harassing Sonia to move back in with Nick and NOT addressing the reason she moved out in the first place: that Nick said he wasn't attracted to Sonia and didn't like her? The other two 'experts' don't bring up that fact either. And they are all making it sound like if Sonia doesn't move back in it's her fault if the marriage fails, which I'm pretty sure it's going to fail anyway.  Watching them do those dumb assignments, talk to her Dad and play golf is so awkward, they don't even hold hands or nothing. Hard to believe this couple had sex. 

They both keep saying things between them are getting better but I'm not seeing how unless there's stuff happening off camera they aren't showing us. 

The Mothers Day celebration with Tom, Lilly and their Mom's was really sweet. That's all I got on those two. 

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My theory-

Tom and Lilly knew each other before the show. The show offered them a free wedding if they would go on it and pretend. The reason would be so that the " experts" would have a winner

Nick and Sonia- maybe they really hit it off from day one but the show needed drama so they gave them a script to follow because Nicks words do not match his actions

they haven't touched or held hands during this episode while he's going on about how he wants this to work so badly

ha! Heather looked like she was wearing a bra while talking to her friend  she loves to show those " girls"

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1 hour ago, Lion18 said:


ha! Heather looked like she was wearing a bra while talking to her friend  she loves to show those " girls"

What was up with that outfit? Who dresses like that when a friend comes over? Her friend is in jeans and a tank top and Heather looks like she is wearing her wedding night negligee.

I sure do hope Sonia doesn't decide to stay with Nick. He never speaks about how he wants to care for or about his wife. Instead he says things like, "I just want to come home and joke around."  Mr. Chips and I have been married a very long time. We enjoy joking around but the real commitment comes from our desires to nurture one another even when life isn't fun. Tom and Lillie have a better grasp on that. (Yet, I don't see them lasting either. I think she will tire of his free spirit.)

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I think Lily and Tom are done. Tom's lack of his own ambition and his irritation at not taking precedence over Lily's work will be the final nails in the marital coffin.    His mom told Lily how needy for attention Tom is, so fair warning.

Nick is playing the game well now, but he said what he said. I have an inkling, though, that  Nick and Sonia will opt to stay married.

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2 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I think Lily and Tom are done. Tom's lack of his own ambition and his irritation at not taking precedence over Lily's work will be the final nails in the marital coffin.    His mom told Lily how needy for attention Tom is, so fair warning.

If his mom is saying that than maybe Tom has more daddy not being around issues than he realizes. 

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Nick can't even like, uh, send Sonia flowers????  That guy lacks empathy to the extreme.  I can see where Sonia's emotions could tire a person out but Nick's mixed signals would mess up anyone's head and put them on an emotional roller coaster.  Also Sonia really seems to like Nick a lot and he knows it and I think he uses that to manipulate her in the relationship.  With those head games he plays it doesn't seem like she will ever get to be truly happy if they stay together.

Lillian needs to get a grip.  Good lord, every little bump in life isn't a crisis.

Heather should've had the divorce papers with her when she met with Derek and Rachel.  And she should've brought the city clerk and the judge and a wooden stake and silver bullet and whatever else it takes to put this zombie relationship in the ground once and for all.

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Sonja's body language when on the couch between her father and Nick:  Legs crossed, arm across her body, leaning away from Nick.  To me, that said it all.

Lily:  When Tom's mother straight up tells you that the worst thing you can do to Tommy is to ignore him, and that you need to put everything aside, specifically your job, in order to pay proper attention to Tommy, and that nothing and no one takes a back seat to Tommy, and the only thing he likes to do is play, and that he needs someone to take care of him, believe her.

Heather and Derek:  Please, put them out of their misery, and ours, show.  Just let them go off in to the sunset, separately.

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46 minutes ago, Paddywagon said:

Nick can't even like, uh, send Sonia flowers????  That guy lacks empathy to the extreme.  I can see where Sonia's emotions could tire a person out but Nick's mixed signals would mess up anyone's head and put them on an emotional roller coaster.  Also Sonia really seems to like Nick a lot and he knows it and I think he uses that to manipulate her in the relationship.  With those head games he plays it doesn't seem like she will ever get to be truly happy if they stay together.

Lillian needs to get a grip.  Good lord, every little bump in life isn't a crisis.

Heather should've had the divorce papers with her when she met with Derek and Rachel.  And she should've brought the city clerk and the judge and a wooden stake and silver bullet and whatever else it takes to put this zombie relationship in the ground once and for all.

This is SO good!  

I find it mind-boggling that Nick doesn't get what her problem is, why she doesn't want to move back in.  Why on earth would she move out when they committed to six weeks?  It's not as if he did anything wrong.  Wow. What an idiot.  

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2 hours ago, Lion18 said:

 Heather looked like she was wearing a bra while talking to her friend  she loves to show those " girls"

Heather's just advertising.  Attention local men, this is what I bring to the table...and not much else.

I didn't even watch last week, barely skimmed this week.  This show sucks.

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Not to pat myself on the back or anything but I posted this about Tom in last week's thread:


It may be me, but I have a hard time with men who want their women to drop everything including their work because they have to be the center of attention. 

Plus, the way he keeps whining in his talking heads about some mysterious "bad times" between them that somehow have never ended up on camera shows me just how high his expectations are.  Unless the show is messing with us, what bad times?  As far as we have been shown, Lilly has been exceptional.  Tom is self centered and selfish while Lilly is a more giving person, although she is not a martyr and would not sacrifice her goals and her sense of self to revolve around him the way he probably would like her to   Good for her.  Even if they stay together I foresee problems. 

Nick is so clueless he can't figure out why Sonia isn't moving back in.  He thinks it's because she's not all-in but can't see his own part in any of it.  Sheldon Cooper anyone?  The motives he ascribes to her show how out of touch he is with where people are coming from.  It's like he lives in his own little solipsistic pre-Copernican universe where everyone is an offshoot of his own ego.  People are judged based on how well they please him and if they don't it must be something they're doing wrong.  This is all that matters.  Like zero empathy.  Way to go, "experts", matching a guy with no empathy with a super-empath like Sonia.  Not going to work, and I'm sure Sonia's gut is preaching that to her every minute of every day, which is why she's not moving back in.  It just boggles me that Nick is acting like Sonia is the one that isn't invested when he flat out said he wasn't attracted to her.  How invested must he be to make a hurtful comment like that?  Neither he nor the experts address that outburst and what that meant about his commitment, meanwhile he's allowed without any challenge to bitch that Sonia is the one that's not invested.  Plus the experts only seem to confirm that by insinuating that Sonia is the one standing in the way of things working out by not moving back in.  Like WTF?  Nick is the one who sabotaged things, not Sonia!  After hearing her father's little speech I can see that she's not throwing in the towel to make good on her obligation.  I just hope she doesn't allow that sense of obligation to compel her to stay with that jerk.  I still don't even trust his motives in acting like he wants her to move in.  He is so messed up I don't trust anything out of his mouth at this point.

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A "Setup" by the producers and "experts" to save face !  Third Season and it's a bust again.  Are they kidding?   Nick, who said he wasn't attracted to Sonia and doesn't like her is all of a sudden interested to have her live with him again and give it another go?  Nick is a pompous ass.  When he talks, I don't even understand what he is saying.  He doesn't even know what he is saying.  He's moping the floor with Sonia and she's letting him.  Pfitt.  You could see already Tom has had enough of Lilly and her ambition.  He wants to live in that truck, go surfing, and she should hold the towel for him, dry him off, and then have some sex.  Yeah, right.  Heather  and Derek .. I just don't know already.   They are just commenting to take up air time.  

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   Tom really really really wants to just live on the bus and go from surfer town to surfer town - it's all about Tommy having fun.  He is not ready for marriage and is way too needy if he doesn't understand and respect Lily's career commitments.  They should not stay together because she will just eventually realize he doesn't want what she wants.

   If Nick had ANY attraction to Sonia at all, wouldn't he have shown her how to golf by standing close behind her, helping her get the right grip and stance? That's how they do it in the movies.  But, no, he does not want to touch her so that would never happen. 

  I hate those little tests they "experts" want them to do.  Nick had about as much interest in discussing anything personal with Sonia as he would with dancing naked at a strip club.

  I hate that they are making us watch Heather and Derrick, but at least Heather is hating it as much as we do.  It is all just because of a dumb contract, they have no choice.  And maybe Derrick should just go back with his ex-girlfriend since she seems to really like him.

   And, do we really have to see all the same scenes all over again every week?  We know the premise, we've all seen the weddings, we KNOW it is "all or nothing".   Nobody is tuning in this late in the game without having suffered thru it all these weeks. 

   Thank God it is almost over.

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Tom/Lily - Just when I thought that my initial impressions of Tom were wrong, I think we are now seeing his true colors where his opinion is always the correct opinion.  His comment, and I am paraphrasing, 'Lily is going to have to work at this marriage' insinuating that he is the only one working on the marriage is telling.  And yeah, the reason why you don't take your work home with you is the nature of your business compared to hers.

Nick/Sonja - No way these two stay together....he is clueless on how to have human empathy and emotions.  With one week left and she still hasn't moved back is all we need to know

Derek - The martyrdom of Derek continues by asking an ex girlfriend...one where the relationship failed because he was not ready for commitment (in other words, she was into him more than he into her)...to do this stupid exercise to justify his and Heather's continuing appearance on the show.  That was like a setup to show the world that 'see....women think I am a GREAT catch....so what I asked someone that is still clearly into me'.....narcissist

Heather - My real time reaction as the events unfolded 'Hmm...well I would agree that she comes across as being pretentious and over analytical.  Certainly some good points there by the friend'  Shirt opens with cleavage showing 'Heather...is...correct...about...everything...ever...she...is...infallible'  Sigh...I'm pathetic.

The Show -it just keeps on getting worse.  This was clearly the most boring episode not only of this season but all the seasons.  A complete snoozefest.  The production is intrusive and the music is godawful and they seem to be cranking it up with every scene.  My girlfriend got me into the show during season 1 when there was a marathon of it and I was over her house.  While at first, I was a reluctant watcher, I quickly became fascinated with it.  Now, my girlfriend has given up on the show and honestly, the only reason why I watch is this community which is a LOT more fun than these six trainwrecks.  

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I haven't watched this episode, and honestly I don't know if ever will. The show has become so redundant and boring, it's like what's the point? Heather/Derek will continue to be tortured with discussing their 2-day marriage. Nick will keep saying he wants things to work with Sonia, while barely coming within 10 feet of her. And Sonia will continue to say how confused she is about what to do. Tom/Lily will continue to play their "happiness" to the camera, while Tom reveal what he really wants in his THs - a surfer girl. And the "experts" will top it off with their ridiculous commentary  and advice. This has pretty  much been the show for the past 5 weeks. Even the comments on this board have turned redundant, but at least this board is way more interesting and entertaining than this farce of a show.


1 hour ago, cinsays said:

    I hate those little tests they "experts" want them to do.  Nick had about as much interest in discussing anything personal with Sonia as he would with dancing naked at a strip club. 

I think he'd have interest, if it was gay male strip club.


52 minutes ago, jamblastx said:

Nick/Sonja - No way these two stay together....he is clueless on how to have human empathy and emotions.  With one week left and she still hasn't moved back is all we need to know

That's what the show wants you to think, but I'm calling it now. Sonia will not move back in for the remainder of the show, making the audience thinks she's done. Then on decision day, she'll decide to continue with the "marriage" and "work things out" with Nick. It'll be the perfect "shocker" to the audience. Of course Sonia/Nick has a snowball's chance in hell at actually making it, but they'll at least stay together come decision day. After that it'll be over.

Edited by Enero
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What this show gives us is a Tom who is saying and doing all the right things.  I wish the show would give us the REAL story, it's probably a lot more juicy.  Of course, the hints at trouble in paradise probably speak to things said and done when the cameras aren't around.  The two "little" moms were cute, but huge red flags when Tom's mom's only advice was that Tom needs ALL your attention.  Whoa! 

Nick and Sonia remind me of the couple from last season (can't remember their names) - the guy with the beard and the girl who started out being really mean and cruel then tried to clean up her act in order to qualify for a spinoff.  Nick is the one trying to clean up his act to catch the golden spinoff ring and hopefully Sonia sees through that and is just humoring him to get through the 6 weeks.  I would love nothing more than to see her kick him to the curb on decision day. 

Heather and Derek, give it a break.  The viewers just. don't. care. 

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Just when I thought it couldn't get any more boring that last week, it did.

Nick and Sonia just need to call it a day. Since Heather and Derek were a bust, now we're stuck with Nick and Sonia dragging it out. And the worst part it, there really isn't anything to stark on. 

It is official, I miss Sean and Davina! At least that train wreck was fun to watch. They couldn't even get glow in the dark stars this season.

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I've never actually watched the show so I could be wrong, but this shit sounds like a scam. The "experts" aren't matching couples based on who they think might be compatible, they're matching them hoping for maximum drama. And if they are real professionals, they should be ashamed of themselves for selling out their ethics (and these people, even though they should know better too) like that.

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9 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I think Lily and Tom are done. Tom's lack of his own ambition and his irritation at not taking precedence over Lily's work will be the final nails in the marital coffin.    His mom told Lily how needy for attention Tom is, so fair warning.

Nick is playing the game well now, but he said what he said. I have an inkling, though, that  Nick and Sonia will opt to stay married.

I agree. I can't see Lilly and Tom's marriage work long term. He's a slacker surfer dude who wants to live in his bus and she's a motivated real estate agent who wants to make money, have a nice house, kids, all those things, and is willing to work hard to achieve her goals.

I think Sonia will opt to stay married at the 6 week mark, too. Unless Nick gets drunk again and tells her how he really feels before decision day.


7 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:


Plus, the way he keeps whining in his talking heads about some mysterious "bad times" between them that somehow have never ended up on camera shows me just how high his expectations are.  Unless the show is messing with us, what bad times?  As far as we have been shown, Lilly has been exceptional.  Tom is self centered and selfish while Lilly is a more giving person, although she is not a martyr and would not sacrifice her goals and her sense of self to revolve around him the way he probably would like her to   Good for her.  Even if they stay together I foresee problems. 

Nick is so clueless he can't figure out why Sonia isn't moving back in.  He thinks it's because she's not all-in but can't see his own part in any of it.  Sheldon Cooper anyone?  The motives he ascribes to her show how out of touch he is with where people are coming from.  It's like he lives in his own little solipsistic pre-Copernican universe where everyone is an offshoot of his own ego.  People are judged based on how well they please him and if they don't it must be something they're doing wrong.  This is all that matters.  Like zero empathy.  Way to go, "experts", matching a guy with no empathy with a super-empath like Sonia.  Not going to work, and I'm sure Sonia's gut is preaching that to her every minute of every day, which is why she's not moving back in.  It just boggles me that Nick is acting like Sonia is the one that isn't invested when he flat out said he wasn't attracted to her.  How invested must he be to make a hurtful comment like that?  Neither he nor the experts address that outburst and what that meant about his commitment, meanwhile he's allowed without any challenge to bitch that Sonia is the one that's not invested.  Plus the experts only seem to confirm that by insinuating that Sonia is the one standing in the way of things working out by not moving back in.  Like WTF?  Nick is the one who sabotaged things, not Sonia!  After hearing her father's little speech I can see that she's not throwing in the towel to make good on her obligation.  I just hope she doesn't allow that sense of obligation to compel her to stay with that jerk.  I still don't even trust his motives in acting like he wants her to move in.  He is so messed up I don't trust anything out of his mouth at this point.

Exactly. What bad times? That she's not giving him 100% of her attention all the time? I have no idea what he's talking about, unless there have been some fights we didn't get to see.

I agree about Nick and Sonia, too. Nobody but Sonia is talking about how much he hurt her and everybody's putting the pressure on her to move back in. I haven't seen him really acknowledge what an ass he had been; I haven't seen him tell her, not just the camera, that he misses her; I haven't seen him tell her that he does like her and does find her attractive; it's all been just "I don't understand why you're not moving back in."

I didn't really get what Sonia's father was getting at, to be honest. She needs a warm, caring husband, not a cold fish like Nick.

All three matches have been bad, IMHO, regardless of the sexual success between Lilly and Tom (but that won't last long once the real-life issues take precedence over the bedroom).


1 hour ago, jamblastx said:

Tom/Lily - Just when I thought that my initial impressions of Tom were wrong, I think we are now seeing his true colors where his opinion is always the correct opinion.  His comment, and I am paraphrasing, 'Lily is going to have to work at this marriage' insinuating that he is the only one working on the marriage is telling.  And yeah, the reason why you don't take your work home with you is the nature of your business compared to hers.


Same here. I didn't like him in the beginning, and didn't understand why the experts had chosen him. Then it seemed like maybe he was actually a caring person, but now it's all about him, him, him. He keeps saying that he puts in 100% but Lilly only puts in 60-70%. He has an extremely high opinion of himself, and he wants to be the center of her attention and wants her to adjust to his lifestyle so they can go live in his bus and he can surf as much as he wants. Yes, you're not taking home your work, Tom, because you work (?) on building yacht interiors (allegedly), while she has to deal with clients all the time.

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Last week, I said that I thought Nick was a child.  I still think he is, that's his problem. 

Years ago I watched a "60 Minutes" segment where a man had a organization where he helped people get off welfare.  What he discovered is that, the reason some of his clients had such a hard time finding a job was because they lacked knowledge of certain basic skills, like how to dress for an interview, how to shake hands with someone, how to look them in the eye and speak to them.  So he realized he had to teach these skills in order for his clients to get their foot in the door.  I once saw another story where a woman was in a rehab where the residents had to do chores.  One week, the woman who was in her late forties, had to do the grocery shopping and she confessed that she had no idea what type of food to shop for, all her life she'd eaten nothing but junk food, fast food; she had no idea about buying meat and eggs and bread; it was like learning another language.  Some people just don't know things; most things in life aren't instinctual; you have to learn them.

I think that's how Nick is.  Nick had zero idea about what a marriage/relationship is.  He had no idea that relationships take work.  He thought the experts would match him up and that would be it, magic.  I have met people like Nick; they honestly have no clue; they saw no models of relationships; they might have been around couples, but they had no idea about the work that goes into marriage; they thought that when things get tough, you bail. 

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14 minutes ago, BunnySlippers said:

 I didn't like him in the beginning, and didn't understand why the experts had chosen him. Then it seemed like maybe he was actually a caring person, but now it's all about him, him, him. He keeps saying that he puts in 100% but Lilly only puts in 60-70%. He has an extremely high opinion of himself, and he wants to be the center of her attention and wants her to adjust to his lifestyle so they can go live in his bus and he can surf as much as he wants. Yes, you're not taking home your work, Tom, because you work (?) on building yacht interiors (allegedly), while she has to deal with clients all the time.

I didn't like him right away either.  I could tell his "caring" stuff was a facade for a selfish person.  He's only caring in so far as it strokes his huge ego to act that way.  Tom strikes me as a youngest child who was basically allowed to be the dreamer/slacker and indulged in his way all the time just because he might have been a surprise after mom thought she was done with parenting and she got lazy.  Judging from how old his mother and brother look, Tom might have been an "oopsie".  I dated a guy like that in college so I could spot Tom right away.

I also noticed Tom's attitude about not taking home work - Well, how lucky for him, but it reveals just how low down his position probably is that he doesn't have to worry about working around clients and their schedules, etc.  Like Fred Flinstone, when the whistle blows he goes home.  Again, I'm only confirmed that he has little more than a glorified construction position that he passes off as some kind of "artiste" thing.  Reminds me of a friend who worked in church organ building.  He thought he was some kind of artiste until the company went out of business and the best job he could get was as a laborer in a wood finishing shop.  Dude, you're just not that special.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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8 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

Heather's just advertising.  Attention local men, this is what I bring to the table...and not much else.

I didn't even watch last week, barely skimmed this week.  This show sucks.

I just LOVE to get a guys perspective, seriously.

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10 hours ago, Jade Foxx said:

Ugh. 20 minutes in and I'm soooo bored. Starting to hate everyone involved with this SHAM ?

Of all the four seasons, this is by far the most boring. Big Fat Fail for the Miami version. I can't even watch  I keep getting distracted.

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2 minutes ago, operalover said:

Of all the four seasons, this is by far the most boring. Big Fat Fail for the Miami version. I can't even watch  I keep getting distracted.

Mr. Snarkle and I fell asleep half way through.  I had to rewind to see what I missed.  Mr. Snarkle told me to erase it, he has no interest left in this mess.  I'm sure he'll watch decision day though.

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11 hours ago, Lion18 said:

My theory-

Tom and Lilly knew each other before the show. The show offered them a free wedding if they would go on it and pretend. The reason would be so that the " experts" would have a winner

Nick and Sonia- maybe they really hit it off from day one but the show needed drama so they gave them a script to follow because Nicks words do not match his actions

they haven't touched or held hands during this episode while he's going on about how he wants this to work so badly

ha! Heather looked like she was wearing a bra while talking to her friend  she loves to show those " girls"

exactly...zero attraction. Nick is NOT attracted to Sonia and she is the kind of girl who needs and wants affirmation and affection...I really really hope she does not stay with him, it will be very lonely for her and that makes me sad:(

9 hours ago, VanSensei said:

She dressed like she wanted to fuck her friend! What's up with that?

hhahaha i just spit out my coffee. LOL

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I'm confused.  Sonia gets out of the bed in THEIR house, brushes her teeth in THEIR house and her TH said she still hasn't moved in.  I had to go back and rewatch it ( thought I had fallen asleep and missed the connection) this editing is awful

Heathers outfit!!!  Maybe that is what she thinks is hang out ( pun intended) lounge wear.  Perhaps she gave Derrick mixed signals?

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1 hour ago, Enero said:

I think he'd have interest, if it was gay male strip club.


That's what the show wants you to think, but I'm calling it now. Sonia will not move back in for the remainder of the show, making the audience thinks she's done. Then on decision day, she'll decide to continue with the "marriage" and "work things out" with Nick. It'll be the perfect "shocker" to the audience. Of course Sonia/Nick has a snowball's chance in hell at actually making it, but they'll at least stay together come decision day. After that it'll be over.

LMAO I agree that he probably would have interest in that. If the girl has any self respect at all, even just a little bit, she would tell him to go to hell and take his shirts with him. Which this is the only reason I think he is trying to act (not a convining one either) as if he does like her and wants her back, if he didn't turn it around and look like he was "trying" (HAHAHA!) it might hurt future sales on his rental or his clothing line. 

1 hour ago, withanaich said:

I've never actually watched the show so I could be wrong, but this shit sounds like a scam. The "experts" aren't matching couples based on who they think might be compatible, they're matching them hoping for maximum drama. And if they are real professionals, they should be ashamed of themselves for selling out their ethics (and these people, even though they should know better too) like that.

This is it. These "experts" are far from real professionals btw. The Pastor has been on another reality show already so to me doing this one screamed that he just wants more tv time and is hoping for his own show to shout and judge people. I can imagine the others wanted that as well. Now I am starting to wonder if Pepper was part of the idea for this show and its why her stupid have no clue about relationships ass is still around. She is one of the worse IMO and her bitterness on these people not doing whatever she wants is showing more and more. I don't think these people get that if they actually tried to match because of being compatible over the drama that they would still see issues pop up that could be the drama they seem to drool over. Yet they and the producers rather make sure they find the people that are messed up in some way, shape or form to bring the drama instead.

12 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Last week, I said that I thought Nick was a child.  I still think he is, that's his problem. 

Years ago I watched a "60 Minutes" segment where a man had a organization where he helped people get off welfare.  What he discovered is that, the reason some of his clients had such a hard time finding a job was because they lacked knowledge of certain basic skills, like how to dress for an interview, how to shake hands with someone, how to look them in the eye and speak to them.  So he realized he had to teach these skills in order for his clients to get their foot in the door.  I once saw another story where a woman was in a rehab where the residents had to do chores.  One week, the woman who was in her late forties, had to do the grocery shopping and she confessed that she had no idea what type of food to shop for, all her life she'd eaten nothing but junk food, fast food; she had no idea about buying meat and eggs and bread; it was like learning another language.  Some people just don't know things; most things in life aren't instinctual; you have to learn them.

I think that's how Nick is.  Nick had zero idea about what a marriage/relationship is.  He had no idea that relationships take work.  He thought the experts would match him up and that would be it, magic.  I have met people like Nick; they honestly have no clue; they saw no models of relationships; they might have been around couples, but they had no idea about the work that goes into marriage; they thought that when things get tough, you bail. 

I think he has always had mommy bailing his ass out of shit and dealing with issues for him. Something happens he has to call mommy up to handle it all for him because he was never allowed or able to do it on his own. So he has no idea that anything in life really takes work if he has had mommy there to deal with things for him. There are plenty of men and women out there like this. With the fact that his mom has had to tell him at the wedding to tell her she is beautiful and how she would have to talk to him about telling Sonia things (like the death of an Aunt, I think it was), to be that came off as he has to have mommy do it all for him. She never taught him any skills other than to depend on mommy for everything. I also have to wonder the kind of relationships he has seen his mom have too.

2 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

exactly...zero attraction. Nick is NOT attracted to Sonia and she is the kind of girl who needs and wants affirmation and affection...I really really hope she does not stay with him, it will be very lonely for her and that makes me sad:(

She would always have the dogs to keep her company. LOL

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24 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I just LOVE to get a guys perspective, seriously.

Check my earlier post...when I saw the cleavage, she could have murdered my family and I would have been like 'Heather, that wasn't nice but...boobies...I can't stay mad at you'. 

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Wouldn't it have been better for the participants to have done the naked truth (?) exercise with a trusted friend before they got married to a stranger?  You know, to avoid giving the impression/making those same mistakes with their new spouses.

Nick needs to ask Sonia to move back in, rather than telling her it's the logical thing to do.  That said, Sonia: move back in.

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10 minutes ago, stuckin60s said:

I'm confused.  Sonia gets out of the bed in THEIR house, brushes her teeth in THEIR house and her TH said she still hasn't moved in.  I had to go back and rewatch it ( thought I had fallen asleep and missed the connection) this editing is awful


I was about to post the same thing! I had to rewind that "scene". Sonya is "sleeping" in the same bed she's shared with Nick as she's letting us know that she hasn't moved back in. Then she proceeds to brush her teeth in the same bathroom where the dogs are bathed!!! Horrible editing, snoozefest of an episode, and forced dialogue between Nick and Sonya.

I feel bad for the parents who are dragged into this hot mess. They genuinely seem to care...wonder if they are given talking points as well.

I'm giving up on this show. I agree with those who say there should be no season 5.

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The editing is awful.  Sonia was wearing her ring half of the time and we never saw when she put it back on.  And where was she sleeping?  I think at the house.  I felt we were getting mixed messages.  

Heather likes showcasing her boobs.

Lilly and Tom- well, I see nothing wrong with not bringing work home.  I would rather make less money and have more time for enjoyable pursuits but that's because I am older, have had multiple losses in my family and know what is important.  I also understand those who do not feel the same way.  It is difficult for Realtors to have set hours but you can let some calls go to voice mail.  

I wasn't bored by the episode, guess my standards are low...lol.

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2 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

The editing is awful.  Sonia was wearing her ring half of the time and we never saw when she put it back on.  And where was she sleeping?  I think at the house.  I felt we were getting mixed messages. 

Speaking of the Frankenstein editing, I swear there was one talking head with Sonia where she started out her sentence indoors with straight hair and it was finished with her outdoors in curls.  WTF?  Seriously?  Who knows what she really said?  They can make them say anything!

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Anyone else notice how much sexier Sonia is dressing now that she's not living with Nick?  That's an interesting choice.

I  say no. The green shorts she wore for the golf driving range did her no favors.

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It seemed like the first season it was like OMG THEY ARE ACTUALLY MARRIED!! where now it is such a farce, like being married is so meaningless, cause getting divorced is no big deal. To me in the first season it just seemed very important and kind of cool that they were actually married. They totally failed on these pairings, AGAIN. I think there are some guys that would be VERY into Sonia's looks but not a skinny wimpy twerpy gay man.

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I'm finding this season to be really boring and it seems they are forced to do some real creative editing to even have a story. I have zero interest in seeing anything further with Heather and Derek. Heather doesn't want to be there, she is done, nothing further needed. I also don't need to see Dr. Pepper acting really upset that people arent just going along with a marriage they don't want. It's not your life, woman! I like Lilly and Sonia a lot, their husbands not so much. In Lilly's case, it seems she is trying her best to be a good wife to Tom and he is finding excuses to be mad at her. I still think he looks like he is 40 years old instead of in his twenties.

Nick either has no interest in Sonia or he has some serious emotional issues. Why weren't these picked up on by the so called experts?He doesn't touch Sonia or look at her in eyes. Their is no flirting at all. I think Sonia knows that Nick is not interested and she is being paid to play this out. They don't want another season of no marriages working out. There might be a small chance for Tom and Lilly, but it gets awfully hard to live with someone when you are walking on eggshells the whole time. Lilly is too smart for that. Personally, I don't find any of the guys attractive. Last season I thought Tres was handsome and I think most of the women are attractive, but the men, blah. 

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2 hours ago, Vinyasa said:

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more boring that last week, it did.

Nick and Sonia just need to call it a day. Since Heather and Derek were a bust, now we're stuck with Nick and Sonia dragging it out. And the worst part it, there really isn't anything to stark on. 

It is official, I miss Sean and Davina! At least that train wreck was fun to watch. They couldn't even get glow in the dark stars this season.

I will take Sean being "Christian Grey Sexual" by eating moon pies and assembling Legos with Davina over any of these jokers any day of the week.

I really do not understand how this show gets so many female participants when the quality of the men is so low.

Sadly, the two most earnest and sincere men since the first season, were Neil and David from Atlanta.  Unfortunately, they got paired with a cold fish and a weirdo.

I guess Heather and Derek's marriage is the romance of our generation because the show can not get over the tragedy of them not working out.

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For those of you who were confused about whether or not Sonia had moved back in with Nick because she woke up in their house and brushed her teeth in their bathroom, I think I can explain.  After the dog bathing scene (which I found to be amusing, having tried to wash my own dogs in the bathtub on occasion) Sonia seemed happy and was saying she might spend the night.  So she spent that one night, and then went back to her own place.

I agree with those who are bothered by the fact that no one is addressing the elephant in the room, which was that a drunken Nick blurted out what he really thought of Sonia, which left her hurt.  Who could blame her?  Why is no one else understanding this instead of practically demanding she move back in with him?  I sure wouldn't.   I would have bailed like Heather did.

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18 minutes ago, jjtvgal said:

am i the only one that thinks Nick isn't really into women? i see gay/bi or something else there ... maybe it's why he has such difficulty connecting with women and is so locked up emotionally

No you are not. It's been mentioned many times. The weird thing was he wanted to see Sonia's house because he wanted to know what her decorating style was, lol.

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After hearing what Tom's mom had to say.. He loves to play.  Tommy doesn't like to be ignored.  He has to have attention. You have to drop everything even your dog and give him all your attention.. OMG all I have to say is run Lily! RUN!  He sounds like an overgrown toddler.  I could describe my son exactly the same way but guess what.. He's two years old!  I had high hopes for you and lily but his little me me me fit at the anniversary dinner about lily running late and not writing her vows really makes sense now.  Tom will probably not be good with kids because they will come first before his needs and interfere with his play time.  He will such the life our if lily and interfere with her job because he will demand to be her first priority. .  


Pepper can jump off a bridge.  Nick is trying so hard.  Nick isn't doing shit.  Derek's ex saying he has a bad temper and needs to control it is very telling.  Especially not as Aww shucks great as he thinks he is.

Loved Heather's pineapple  analogy.  Cute.  I don't think she's as much of a bitch as her friend claimed.. I think production told her what to say.  

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Heather and her friend were both wearing swimsuits. I know any of my friends would have to promise me some sun/pool/whatever time after participating in that exercise. 

Tom's so much worse than I thought the first few weeks. He's so childish about their relationship. I think Lilly will stay with him, but I don't see them working out longterm because he doesn't actually respect her priorities. 

Edited by jenrising
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