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S06.E01: Chapter 1

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23 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I was not super familiar with Adina Porter, but she really NAILED her tiny part as Real Lee. Hope we see a lot more of her!

I hated Tara's mom on True Blood. It kind of carries over to Adina herself, which I suppose is a testament to her acting. I have a hard time seeing her as anything but Tara's crazy mom.

  • Love 5

Ooh, I thought it was excellent.  Tell me a scary story, Ryan--I know you can do that without slicing, dicing, drilling, lip stitches or poking sharp stuff into eyeballs while someone screams in agony.  Right??

In fact, I'm worried it may be a little too good, since I DO live in the woods, miles away from the next person.  (I reluctantly gave Blair Witch a pass because someone said she'd never walk past a tree again, and I can't afford to be spooked about trees.)

Lots of silly details made me snicker.  You want a midnight dip in the your hot tub?  Take mosquito repellent, not wine.  The ten million moths swarming that vapor light will immediately flutter into your face, and don't forget to sieve out all the frogs and snakes and little drowned dead creatures before you hop in.

Bonus points for keeping a really good flashlight in the car.


7 hours ago, LocimusPrime said:
  • Lots of peeps in the country get dogs. Why - they scare off critters, coyotes, snakes ect.  They also serve as alarm systems for intruders and are good at protecting/ defending your home. More Importantly, in horror movies they can sense demons and ghosts.  Get some if you live in the woods.  
  • Buy a gun please 
  • Get a priest to come out and bless your place  

High five.  I'm isolated because of the dogs instead of the reverse, but I have them in double digits, plus the gun.  I think ghosts are drawn to chandeliers and crown molding; crappy 1980's particle board repels them.

3 hours ago, SimoneS said:

 Something about the casting and the formatting of the mockdocumentary struck me as being off. The supposed "real" characters are so much younger than the characters in drama playing out. Usually it is the reverse so it must mean something. I expect the two casts will merge at some point and the terror will hit the film crew and the "real" characters.

Hmm.  I thought we were hearing the story from "actors" and seeing the "real" characters as the events were unfolding. 

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, candall said:

Hmm.  I thought we were hearing the story from "actors" and seeing the "real" characters as the events were unfolding. 

Nope. It was the opposite. That's how these shows (the real ones) do it. They show the real people in the talking heads and then film reenactments with actors.  Which makes me wonder - at some point will we actually see the actors and the "real" people interact? Like weird things start happening during the filming of the reenactments which causes the people to come together to fight it?

  • Love 4

I'm not sure we'll see the "real" people outside of their talking heads. I don't know if Lily Rabe is still busy, but I know they were only able to get her for an episode or two in Freakshow and Hotel. Maybe she was only available for a short period of time, so they put her in a role where she'd only have to do talking heads that could be filmed in bulk.

All the regular cast members seem to be playing the actors reenacting the events, so they're definitely sticking around. I agree that weird things start happening, but I think it'll only affect the actors - or maybe the "real" people will be killed off early.

  • Love 1

I thought this was interesting, and liked the slow build and lack of gratuitous gore compared with Hotel, but my big problem is that the format isn't sustainable as it is. All I kept thinking was that there were no stakes to what I was seeing, because we already knew (or were at least led to believe) that everyone survived what happened. Unless the format takes a turn and the characters are brought out of the documentary into real life, we'll always know the result before the story in each chapter unfolds--Shelby, Matt and Lee all live as far as we know right now, so it made all the hillbillies and stick figures and shady, misty, creepy characters much less scary in the moment.

  • Love 2

This episode seems to have a kind of "back to basics" approach, harking back to season 1. Couple moves to new place to start over after losing an unborn baby, sinking all their savings into a fixer upper? Check. Ghost story connected with American historical periods? Check. Introduce the main characters, and stick with them throughout the episode? Check. Ghosts start scaring the wife, while the husband is slow to believe? Check. 

I think this could be a very good thing, going back to just telling us a good, solid scary story, without all the pointless weirdness and gore for weirdness and gores sake. Ryan, you dont have to have a million characters and subplots and weird pointless creepy imagery to hold our attention. Just tell a good story with good characters. Thats it! 

Also, if I ever buy an old house, especially in the middle of nowhere, I am getting myself  a guard dog, a gun, a few holy relics, and am having an army of priests/pastors, rabbis/anyone else of any faith system I can find, bless the holy hell out of my house. Just to be safe. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Okay, it was pretty spooky. Last season I couldn't get through the first episode, absolute torture porn, as mentioned by other posters. We will see how far and how fast this season devolves. 

I must say the dual character schtick is annoying as hell to me, yeah I get that it is supposed to be mimicking a reality show. Couple of things wrong with that. At this point it is affirming that the 3 main (so far) characters have lived to tell the tale (again, so far). And maybe it's just me, but it almost seems like Ryan Murphy is doing his part to somehow keep his stable of favorite actors working. I can't help it, that was my first thought and it is distracting.

One thing I did like, it seemed like the earth was heaving when Shelby got lost in the forest. It reminded me of this phenomenon  in Nova Scotia. Really interesting, but I would be terrified lost at night in the woods and this happened.


Edited by SoSueMe
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3 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

 but I think one of the best things about the show is that it is More  or less unpredictable.

I think the show is very predictable in that it drops plotpoints helter skelter, ramps up the gore, and loses steam quite early.  

However this  premeire is "quieter" and less flashy, and the Blair Witch Project setup is different for AHS, can they maintain interest in that for upteen episodes with enough suspense and plot twists is the question.

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Yes, there are many out there who will see the creepy house and still buy it with all their savings so that they cannot just move.  It is a running joke in my circle when watching the eyewitless accounts of a family's ordeal with the paranormal which always have me screaming at the TV.

That trope's been around since The Amityville Horror: A young couple gets in over their heads financially to finally afford a house and start their family life, so when the flies and blood and teeth rains start up they can't just bail.

Which is fine and all, a story needs a reason for the protagonists not to just yell PEACE OUT and take off, but how come nobody ever gets a lawyer? Demands their money back? Tries to break escrow before it closes? This isn't some kind of trade of baseball cards on the playground where there's some kind of "no takesy backsies" rule. Papers were signed at some point! 

  • Love 4

Despite the fact that the story is set in North Carolina, and North Carolina is currently facing backlash for its anti-LGBT legislation, and Ryan Murphy happens to be gay, I'm sure the fine folk of North Carolina will be shown in the best of lights. I look forward to learning much about them. So far I've learned they dislike interracial couples, only recently got rid of the Confederate flag, have poor dental hygiene, and enjoy macramé.

  • Love 8

Yes I agree with someone who said we know the end result right now because of the format. Everyone is alive and fine. That could change, I guess but for the time being, the end result is that these three people are alive and survived their nightmare. That can change. I hope it does, otherwise aside from the jump scares, I'm not activity frightened. I know they survived this nightmare because they are telling us about it.

13 hours ago, TudorQueen said:

Waiting for Wes Bentley, of course. But also Denis O'Hare and, to my great surprise, Evan Peters, who completely won me over last season as Mr. March.

I saw Wes Bentley in the woods, at the end. I thought Gaga was one of the women who walked through the hallway, but I must have been wrong.

I actually liked it. I also flashed back to the OJ series, when I realized that Sarah Paulson was matched with Cuba Gooding. 

I'm still not sure what the theme is, though. We saw the teeth falling, and there's a farmhouse - I liked the teaser that had the farmhouse, and it had a The Hills Have Eyes/Texas Chainsaw Massacre feel to it. 

I love the house. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, MrPissyPuppy said:

Hey - it's Algie from The Knick as the "real" Matt! 

That's one show I've wanted to watch, but I don't have the channel it's on, and I watch too many other things. 

I also noticed Tara's mum from True Blood. Sarah Paulson said she was playing a real person; I guess she is, even though that person is fictitious.

I'm a fan of a site called Old House Dreams. I've seen houses on there for what would be considered a steal, but the huge ones like that are usually still in the higher, unaffordable-for-me, numbers. A woman I know also said that she would be afraid they were haunted. :) I wouldn't mind being in the middle of the woods, but I would mind the hillbillies.

I had something else to say, but I can't remember what it was. Oh: I'm not a hate-watcher. I didn't like most of last season, but I didn't mind Freak Show (I was in the minority). I stopped watching the paranormal shows like the ones this is based on (so far), and don't like the crime re-enactment shows either - I used to watch them, but with the paranormal ones, they did seem overblown. 

So this it was the internet has learned me.  *I'm using learned very loosely because I don't care enough to double check*

1) Even though our interracial couple is in North Carolina, the husband keeps having to go to Raleigh for business. The name of Roanoke's founder?  Sir Raleigh.

2)The theory behind the disappearance of those settlers was that they went to live with the Croatoan Indians.  Apparently, Croatoan is the word that our girl used Season One to summon the Pig Man!!!

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Ha ha, I know that's the point. I wasn't trying to argue about it, it was just one of those things I could never deal with. It runs in the family, My mom, for instance, hates the song "Jolene" because she strongly dislikes the sound of the name itself. She's never known anyone named Jolene or anything. No nasty husband snatcher in her past-she just doesn't like it so she can't listen to the song. 

The creepy stick figures, a la Blair Witch hooked me too! Just the visual of them strung up in the trees and at the house had me spooked. I enjoy little simple things like that. That creeps me out much more than jump scares or gore. 


Scarier "instant" visual: stick figures or clown? I say stick figures. Happening upon them in the forest, like after the HighwayBatesEncounter is one thing... but imagine actually finding them strung around your entire home like that? NOPE. (Then again, this is coming from the person whose most scary movie moment was a dude standing in a corner, so...)

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Texas Gal said:


Scarier "instant" visual: stick figures or clown? I say stick figures. Happening upon them in the forest, like after the HighwayBatesEncounter is one thing... but imagine actually finding them strung around your entire home like that? NOPE. (Then again, this is coming from the person whose most scary movie moment was a dude standing in a corner, so...)

right? I keep seeing people here and there posting that Blair Witch was boring, that this episode was boring, but this kind of slow burn, ramped up tension thing is what tends to scare me the most, much more than gore and overt violence. And that visual at the end of Blair Witch terrified the bejesus out of me too.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, mirrorrim said:

But only 3 bedrooms! Thought that was a weird design decision. 

Maybe they aren't counting the servants' quarters and the slave whipping room(s)?

14 hours ago, lulee said:

Homicidal ghosts drive down property values.

I'd imagine angry backwoods hillbilly clans aren't great for resale value either. I know I wouldn't be shelling out my life savings to live next door to the Robertsons.

14 hours ago, ShadowHunter said:

Hmm imagine Evan was one of the rednecks or the pig dude lol. At this point who knows lol.

Maybe it was Gaga? She probably already had the pig head mask from her concert performances.

  • LOL 1
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15 hours ago, luna1122 said:

Not sure lily rabe could be called less attractive than Sarah Paulson on any planet. They're both stunning. 

I felt like maybe since Ryan was going for a spoof of the paranormal or true life tv shows he was choosing actors for the reenactments that look very similar were a bit more safer looking or had more presense, in his mind. All the leads are attractive. I don't want to argue. 

Well, I appreciate the fact that they're trying something different this season. It was certainly less campy than the last several seasons, but I'm not sure it's working. The whole thing felt very derivative and I was kind of bored by it. 

I'm not sure how well the mockumentary format works either; I'm a big ID watcher so I understood what they were going for right away, but the problem is that re-enactments are usually very short, just brief clips of pertinent moments - not entire scenes that go on for five or ten minutes. I also feel like it's a waste of Lily Rabe's talents. It might have worked better if they had cast unknowns to play the talking heads and limited them to introducing the story lines at the start of the show.


When Matt went from from 25,000(?) to 40,000, I was like  No,no no.... just go up gradually because eventually the hillbilly boys can't afford that much.

I know, right? What does he think this is, Flip or Flop?


I think ghosts are drawn to chandeliers and crown molding; crappy 1980's particle board repels them.

And popcorn ceilings! You never have to worry about hauntings if your house has popcorn ceilings. That's just science.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, beaker73 said:

The two women that Shelby saw in the house looked like they were wearing nurses uniforms which reminded me of Murder House where we flashed back to the nursing students getting killed. Not that it necessarily means anything... 

I hope we see more on that, I was confused why there were ghosty nurses when it seems like we were going for lost colonists.  Maybe this is the first hint of the muddling to come with the storyline, or too many storylines.

I'm with y'all on why not get a dog, but dogs are always the first to die a horrible death in horror stories so please - don't get a dog.

It cracked me up that during the raining teeth scene, I could totally picture Lily Rabe in that outfit and with that hair braid more than Sarah Paulson.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Texas Gal said:


Scarier "instant" visual: stick figures or clown? I say stick figures. Happening upon them in the forest, like after the HighwayBatesEncounter is one thing... but imagine actually finding them strung around your entire home like that? NOPE. (Then again, this is coming from the person whose most scary movie moment was a dude standing in a corner, so...)

It's a personal preference and my original post was made in a lighthearted, poking fun at myself (and later my mother), manner. That's all. Just a joke. 

I actually thought the end of BLAIR WITCH was super creepy. Just seeing that guy standing there, not doing anything, and leaving it all left to the imagination was scary to me. The stick figures are also creepy, and they were in BWP. Waking up and seeing them outside the tent? I would've crapped. The symbolism, the meaning we put behind things, has a kind of psychological terror element to it. I am a horror aficionado. For years I lived in Nashville and worked in the music industry. Then I made an abrupt change and now work with the horror element. I think I've seen the majority of most modern horror movies-just about everything made after the 1960s. The ones that stand out to me as being "scary" are the ones that don't rely on much gore or heavy special effects. In fact, I watched one the other night on my computer (a horror movie from 2007 that, despite a heavy advertising budget at the time and release date, never got a release at ALL) and while there was zero CGI or technical effects I think it's the scariest film I have ever seen. And I no longer really get *that* scared anymore. 

I have some hopes for this season on AHS. I just don't want to get my hopes up *too* much and set myself up for disappointment. I like the story of the lost colony and have wondered why it hasn't played a bigger cinematic role in the past. So we'll see. 

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

It's a personal preference and my original post was made in a lighthearted, poking fun at myself (and later my mother), manner. That's all. Just a joke. 

I actually thought the end of BLAIR WITCH was super creepy. Just seeing that guy standing there, not doing anything, and leaving it all left to the imagination was scary to me. The stick figures are also creepy, and they were in BWP. Waking up and seeing them outside the tent? I would've crapped. The symbolism, the meaning we put behind things, has a kind of psychological terror element to it. I am a horror aficionado. For years I lived in Nashville and worked in the music industry. Then I made an abrupt change and now work with the horror element. I think I've seen the majority of most modern horror movies-just about everything made after the 1960s. The ones that stand out to me as being "scary" are the ones that don't rely on much gore or heavy special effects. In fact, I watched one the other night on my computer (a horror movie from 2007 that, despite a heavy advertising budget at the time and release date, never got a release at ALL) and while there was zero CGI or technical effects I think it's the scariest film I have ever seen. And I no longer really get *that* scared anymore. 

I have some hopes for this season on AHS. I just don't want to get my hopes up *too* much and set myself up for disappointment. I like the story of the lost colony and have wondered why it hasn't played a bigger cinematic role in the past. So we'll see. 

I now must know what that terrifying movie was. I often go see horror films that are described as really scary, and come away disappointed, even when I like them. Like you, it's the quieter ones, without the gore or fx, and/or rooted in some reality that really wind up frightening me most. 

I'm always terrified when I see an animal in a film or tv show with a dark bent, always horribly certain it will wind up mutilated or boiled or nailed on a door. I felt awful enuf about the pig on the doorstep, it'd kill me if it were a beloved pet. So I kind of hope they don't get any guard dogs. 

Wait, she went back in time? I missed that too. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Nutjob said:

I thought this was interesting, and liked the slow build and lack of gratuitous gore compared with Hotel, but my big problem is that the format isn't sustainable as it is. All I kept thinking was that there were no stakes to what I was seeing, because we already knew (or were at least led to believe) that everyone survived what happened. Unless the format takes a turn and the characters are brought out of the documentary into real life, we'll always know the result before the story in each chapter unfolds--Shelby, Matt and Lee all live as far as we know right now, so it made all the hillbillies and stick figures and shady, misty, creepy characters much less scary in the moment.

This is exactly how I feel. I wasn't scared in the slightest, didn't flinch once, and that's a huge departure from how I feel about all of the other season premieres. Not at any one point was I worried about the safety any of the characters because we know that they all survive, at least until the story catches up to real time. 

I didn't dislike the season premiere but don't really think there was anything scary about it. Seeing somebody running around the woods screaming at a bunch of hanging stick figures just isn't doing it for me. 

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

I now must know what that terrifying movie was. I often go see horror films that are described as really scary, and come away disappointed, even when I like them. Like you, it's the quieter ones, without the gore or fx, and/or rooted in some reality that really wind up frightening me most. 

I'm always terrified when I see an animal in a film or tv show with a dark bent, always horribly certain it will wind up mutilated or boiled or nailed on a door. I felt awful enuf about the pig on the doorstep, it'd kill me if it were a beloved pet. So I kind of hope they don't get any guard dogs. 

Wait, she went back in time? I missed that too. 

I'd also like to know the name of the movie, if it's available to watch anywhere. 

I liked the idea that we're watching actors talk about what really happened to people, instead of the other way around (which could mean that they didn't survive). I guess that isn't the case, though. 

11 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

This is exactly how I feel. I wasn't scared in the slightest, didn't flinch once, and that's a huge departure from how I feel about all of the other season premieres. Not at any one point was I worried about the safety any of the characters because we know that they all survive, at least until the story catches up to real time. 

I didn't dislike the season premiere but don't really think there was anything scary about it. Seeing somebody running around the woods screaming at a bunch of hanging stick figures just isn't doing it for me. 

This. The only big jump scare for me was when Kathy got hit. The episode was good but yeah I have to say.. A little underwhelming. There was a point where I thought this season might just be anthology episodes. That would be kind of cool. Anthology episodes all on these ghost shows. That is unexpected and if the shows powers that be hadn't gone with the all promos but one are fake, then it would have been a cool idea. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 1

I have to agree with everyone - get a dog!  And I had to chuckle at the outdoor hot tub.  That thing had to have yucky with years of mosquito infested water.  So she is going to take a relaxing soak while all alone knowing there are some odd people living nearby?  Hmm, ok.

My biggest we question is this?  Why did both ladies gave their cell phones on vibrate??  Turn on the ringer!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, luna1122 said:

I now must know what that terrifying movie was. I often go see horror films that are described as really scary, and come away disappointed, even when I like them. Like you, it's the quieter ones, without the gore or fx, and/or rooted in some reality that really wind up frightening me most. 


Wait, she went back in time? I missed that too. 

Since the movie was never released for reasons that have become kind of urban mythology (seriously, it had a HUGE budget, posters were sent to theaters, etc. and then it was just PULLED) there is no legit way to watch it. With that being said, there ARE some ways to watch it...You Tube, for instance, has a few copies up right now. I can't be responsible for any uneasy feelings you walk away with, though, if you give it a shot. It actually bothered me. Send me a PM and I'll give you some details. :-)

I wasn't sure if she actually traveled back in time or if she was kind of looking into the past, if you know what I mean. I've read some articles today about how she was transported back, but as I was watching it I just got the feeling that she was looking in on a scene from before-kind of like a hologram of leftover energy. So I don't know. Either way, it looked cool! :-) 

1 hour ago, Anela said:

I'd also like to know the name of the movie, if it's available to watch anywhere. 

I liked the idea that we're watching actors talk about what really happened to people, instead of the other way around (which could mean that they didn't survive). I guess that isn't the case, though. 

I sent you a message with some links. :-) If you're into subtle horror, I LOVE the movie SESSION 9. I even went up to MA and explored the real mental hospital there after watching the film. 

I kind of dig this style of storytelling. I don't know how I will feel halfway through the series, of course. In one article it said that the theme was going to incorporate "children." I don't DO movies about bad things happening to kids. I just can't go there. Kids or animals. That part makes me a little wary. I DO like time travel, though, so if they incorporate that into it, as they kind of implied last night, that could be cool. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Anela said:

I liked the idea that we're watching actors talk about what really happened to people, instead of the other way around (which could mean that they didn't survive). I guess that isn't the case, though. 

I'm sticking with "real people moving around/talking head actors."  I haven't really seen any screen labels or other evidence proving the reverse, except everyone here says: "that's not the way it works."   It would be typically Ryan Murphy twisty to flip the script and laugh at the audience outcry when he kills Sarah, Cuba and/or Angela.

The show losing tension because the survivors are sitting right there talking to us . . . something wrong with that picture.


P.S.  The recap has a great screenshot of Hillbilly Bono.  He's PERFECT.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

I sent you a message with some links. :-) If you're into subtle horror, I LOVE the movie SESSION 9. I even went up to MA and explored the real mental hospital there after watching the film. 

I kind of dig this style of storytelling. I don't know how I will feel halfway through the series, of course. In one article it said that the theme was going to incorporate "children." I don't DO movies about bad things happening to kids. I just can't go there. Kids or animals. That part makes me a little wary. I DO like time travel, though, so if they incorporate that into it, as they kind of implied last night, that could be cool. 

I loved Session 9, too. That really creeped me out. I saw it years ago, and then watched it with my parents when it was on Netflix, on New Years Eve, a few years ago. 

So far, all we've seen is people losing their children in two different ways (miscarriage, and losing custody?), which are awful for the people who go through that. I can't think of what he might have up his sleeve - I remember the teaser with the teeth hanging over a crib. they already went the Rosemary's baby route, in a sense, in the first season. 

15 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

Why is TWC a week behind in airing the episodes? Series premiere is 9/21/16.  WTF?

Time Warner Cable? I have that, and recorded it last night (I wasn't in the mood for it). I had to search for it on the guide myself, though - the DVR didn't pick it up automatically. Are you picking up the repeat? 

10 hours ago, Pixel said:

Nope. It was the opposite. That's how these shows (the real ones) do it. They show the real people in the talking heads and then film reenactments with actors.  Which makes me wonder - at some point will we actually see the actors and the "real" people interact? Like weird things start happening during the filming of the reenactments which causes the people to come together to fight it?

Quoting myself here because I just read something (not a spoiler) that makes me think I've got it backwards. Did anyone notice a title in the talking head parts that said reenactment?

17 hours ago, joelene said:


It felt a bit cheap compared to previous seasons, too. American Horror Story: Budget Cuts. But since these True Story reality shows tend to look cheap anyway perhaps there was a point with that.

I don't mind that, to be honest. My biggest problem with Hotel (which I quit after 4 episodes) was that it was all style and very little substance. The entire premiere felt like a lavish music video. This was mostly substance, little style. I will take it.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

This. The only big jump scare for me was when Kathy got hit. The episode was good but yeah I have to say.. A little underwhelming. There was a point where I thought this season might just be anthology episodes. That would be kind of cool. Anthology episodes all on these ghost shows. That is unexpected and if the shows powers that be hadn't gone with the all promos but one are fake, then it would have been a cool idea. 

I watched it in a movie theater with the surround sound. He used a lot lot is sound effects and tricks and that made it more dramatic and intense. 

I have no idea who Lily Rabe is even after googling but she seems well cast. LOVE seeing Angela Bassett and Sarah Paulson again. I can't stand Cuba so meh, but the actor who plays the real him is cute so yay.

This was sufficiently creepy without any of the ridiculousness of last season which I stopped watching after episode 1. I'm in for the duration.

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