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Russ and Paola: You're the Only Juan for Me

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I think Paola didn't like that Russ's job as a field engineer would take him away for weeks (months?) at a time, leaving her alone in a new country. I think he thought his family would provide the needed support while he was away. Anyway, she knew the situation when she married him, but he was head over heels to keep her happy.  

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Refreshing my mind here. Russ' mom was totally jealous of how Paola looks.  The jealously was oozing from her pours. She did nothing at all to make Paola feel welcomed in her home.

Well, that's certainly how the situation was portrayed on the show. Paola seemed like a nice woman to me, and Russ was apparently smitten. Mom should be overjoyed if this works out. Paola would help Russ make some cute grandchildren for her.

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I just watched the first season on Youtube and was delighted to see a couple that was actually hot for each other.  All the celibacy that the other couples practice is just.so.boring.  Pao is a knock-out and I was surprised and delighted that Russ actually moved out of the kiddie bedroom into a real apartment to get it on with that stunner!

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3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I absolutely laughed at the tractor comercial she did. Great that she's finding work in unusual ways, but someone's got to pay for that apt. I find it hard to believe Rus cannot find a job as an engineer anywhere. Is he tied to his Mommy in OK or something and refuses to move?

Not only a job as an engineer but a job period. He has a degree. I am sure he can find some desk job, manual labour job or any type of job in between of looking for an engineer job. 

Paola stuck with her man but why not move to a big city if he can't find a job?

That's what I thought, too! MOVE, Russ! Move to where the jobs are! I'm sure Pao would appreciate the culture of a bigger city.

So far I'm liking Pao a lot more this season. She came off pretty selfish during Season 1 and it really seemed like she was just using him. Nice to know that there's probably genuine love between the two of them!

  11 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

Paola stuck with her man but why not move to a big city if he can't find a job?

Maybe the oil fields is all he is trained in.  I guess they could move to Texas or wherever else they are drilling?

It amazes me that this has not yet occurred to Russ. They definitely need to leave Oklahoma!

On 12/09/2016 at 1:40 PM, Major Bigtime said:

I absolutely laughed at the tractor comercial she did. Great that she's finding work in unusual ways, but someone's got to pay for that apt. I find it hard to believe Rus cannot find a job as an engineer anywhere. Is he tied to his Mommy in OK or something and refuses to move?

IF I remember, they moved from Tulsa to Oklahoma City (away from his family) when he changed jobs right before his wedding.

On 12/09/2016 at 5:59 PM, Adeejay said:

I feel sorry for Paola.  She must really love Russ to still be there, because clearly she can do better.  She has never been back to Colombia, so I can't help but wonder if this is due to finances or if she has yet to receive her green card. 

Not correct. There was a follow up show right before the premiere of season 2 (aired 20141019), where she convinced him to let her go back to Colombia for two months ("I will make it up to you. You know how that works."). Don't know whatever happened to her shoe company, though.

On 12/09/2016 at 8:24 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Seems odd Russ cannot get a job if he has international experience with natural gas and oil, there are huge fracking booms in many places in this country. Something is off there I wonder if he lost his job for personnel issues. 

He needs to lose that haircut and go on some interviews! 

As someone who has had multiple periods of being out of work for a VERY long time (once right after grad school, and the others due to company reorganizations / shutdowns), I have a lot of sympathy for Russ, and am not going to offer any advice based on what little was revealed in the episode that aired Sunday. Some other comments:

The energy industry is quite depressed at the moment. I don't know if his expertise and experience is in exploration or production (and fracking would not require the same skills as offshore drilling), but the number of operating rigs in the United States has fallen from over 1600 two years ago to 414 last week. That is a lot of layoffs.

I am going to assume that he is more capable than I am of evaluating his situation as far as the costs and benefits of relocating or changing careers. There aren't that many oil companies, although his pool of employers is probably larger than if he were say, an aeronautical engineer (especially one with very specific experience).

It is far from clear to me that getting some unrelated job is a net benefit. Potential employers don't like to see deviations from a "career path" (although there is a tradeoff - employers also don't like to see long periods of unemployment either, although they will understand that it takes a long time to find a job in the current environment).

I have absolutely know idea how realistic or effective his job search is, how hard he is working at it, or if he is just taking it easy. Perhaps more will be revealed in future episodes.

On 12/09/2016 at 9:52 PM, Major Bigtime said:

I wonder if he lost his job due to this show? I remember him having trouble getting time off for filming. He definitely could get a job somewhere besides where he is, but he doesn't want to budge. He will drive Paola away for that very reason.

As I recall, he had to change jobs to get his wedding day off.

As I side comment, I really enjoyed earlier seasons (especially the first). There were enough challenges and interesting occurrences without all of the participants being train wrecks, as in the current season.

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There was a follow up show right before the premiere of season 2 (aired 20141019), where she convinced him to let her go back to Colombia for two months ("I will make it up to you. You know how that works."). Don't know whatever happened to her shoe company, though.

Paola said she hadn't seen her family in over two and a half years, and has a two year old nephew she has never met, so I can't help but wonder if she actually made it back. 

I like Paola.   She seems to be doing her best to keep up a good attitude in a bad situation, clearly swallowing her pride in order to put the nerf gun incident behind them.   Then she takes a sleazy modeling job to help pay the bills while her useless husband spends the day in a tizzy worrying about the men she might meet "if he's not there" (as if you'd be any kind of deterrent).

I feel bad for Paola too.   She's thirty.   Her dreams of better quality modeling and acting will probably never be more than just dreams.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 3

The tables certainly have turned. Russ was infatuated with Pao and was afraid she'd leave when they were engaged.  Fast forward a year, he's unemployed, and seemingly not giving a flying F. Pao had to apologize to him for his lame ass gift and tantrum --- if she didn't, she'd be subjected to more sulking and glares.  I get that people get depressed when they lose work, and Russ might be taking it extra hard, but he might lose her if he doesn't shape up.

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Agreed. I like Pao a lot and give her a lot of credit for getting out there and bringing home the bacon. Russ certainly seems despondent that he's not the king breadwinner these days. Can't he do consulting work or something? Anything to bring some money in? He's such a downer, with his long face and pouting. How about being brave and cheerful and supporting your wife who's out there hustling every day to bring some money in?

I love her. She's what the American Dream is all about, coming to a foreign country and making the best of it and earning a legal paycheck. 

Russ needs to get off the Internet and take a job at Lowe's or anywhere to help with expenses. I'm hoping this is all just part of the story and he's really working and not making her take the brunt of financial things.

  • Love 5

I feel so bad for Paola.  I think she's really terrific and obviously beautiful.  She may be too old to be a model, but she could still act/do commercials and the like.  It's her attitude and warmth that makes her really attractive and it comes across on camera.

Russ, here's a helpful hint: when you have bills to pay, you do what is necessary to pay them.  Take a temp job, if you must.  Get out and volunteer; you'd be surprised how often that translates into paid work.  Either way, you aren't just sitting at home and sulking.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I love her. She's what the American Dream is all about, coming to a foreign country and making the best of it and earning a legal paycheck. 

Russ needs to get off the Internet and take a job at Lowe's or anywhere to help with expenses. I'm hoping this is all just part of the story and he's really working and not making her take the brunt of financial things.

When Russ works out on the field, he usually averages $12,000 a DAY! He doesn't need to go out to find a meanial job. He has enough. It's drama for the show.

I wish the guy from the second season that married the girl with the terrible roots and Amy Winehouse eyeliner (Jason?) would get a job, any job, even at Lowe's so he can help his daddy pay bills and help pay for groceries and other expenses. Maybe even move out of his daddy's home.

Edited by Nutella
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On September 14, 2016 at 6:17 AM, WhoAmIReally said:

Maybe the oil fields is all he is trained in.  I guess they could move to Texas or wherever else they are drilling?

Things are just as bad in Texas. The oil and gas industry, where I work, started slowing down in mid 2014 and was down the crapper by early 2015. The jobs won't come back until mid 2017, if the current forecast is correct.

The assumption that an engineer can just go out and get a job sacking groceries is BS. I've known plenty of energy workers and engineers willing to do just that and they aren't even given the time of day by the employer. Professionals, as a rule, are not hired by retail or grocery outfits. 

I do agree that volunteering would put Russ in touch with the outside world again and help with networking and help him feel better about himself. Engineering carries with it a liability, which is why many of them are reluctant to hang out a consulting shingle. Substitute teaching is another avenue to pursue. Many states allow degreed professionals like engineers to sub. Some find jobs as technical writers or they can get a part time or on call arrangement with a firm.

Paola seems like she genuinely loves Russ, but she's very homesick. Wives of oilmen better get used to the cyclical nature of the business. She doesn't seem too whiny or high maintenance, so that brings up her likability.

There's a lock box on their door. I guess he's put the house on the market? Maybe during the course of the reenactments, he got a relocation offer?

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13 minutes ago, lallalla said:

Maybe they could go prop up a tent..or even share the homestead...with the Alaskan Bush People folks.

Not much is going on in Texas either. Believe me, if we oilfield engineers could find a cushy office job in Florida or California for every one who wanted a job there, there would be a mass exodus. Russ is where he is, more out of necessity, because that's where his living is. And he's well paid for his profession when there's something for him to do. 

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Not much is going on in Texas either. Believe me, if we oilfield engineers could find a cushy office job in Florida or California for every one who wanted a job there, there would be a mass exodus. Russ is where he is, more out of necessity, because that's where his living is. And he's well paid for his profession when there's something for him to do. 

Russ worked on offshore drilling rigs, he doesn't have to live in Oklahoma. He lives there because that is where he always lived before Paola ca me he was living with his parents.

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On 9/26/2016 at 8:54 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

The assumption that an engineer can just go out and get a job sacking groceries is BS. I've known plenty of energy workers and engineers willing to do just that and they aren't even given the time of day by the employer. Professionals, as a rule, are not hired by retail or grocery outfits. 

A friend of mine has a master's degree, but was unable to find work in her field, but still had bills to pay so she tried all over the place to get a job at various stores.  She was told the same thing over and over....she was vastly over qualified.  It isn't fair, since she needed the money THEN, but that's how it is.  Though, from the store's perspective, they know somebody like them wouldn't be looking for the long term, so why bother hiring and training somebody that's always going to have one foot already out the door.

I can't blame Paola for not wanting to live in Oklahoma though, no matter how much she loves him.  It's a hard truth but sometimes love just isn't enough.

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On 9/19/2016 at 1:48 PM, Major Bigtime said:

I love her. She's what the American Dream is all about, coming to a foreign country and making the best of it and earning a legal paycheck. 


I dont know, I kinda disagree. I think a lot has been edited out. Paola seemed very comfortable whipping off her top in front of a photographer and national TV. She just seems very desperate for attention for her body from other people. She could have said NO. I think Russ's parents def wanted him to marry a sweet, humble-type girl from their small town, because I think thats what he would have been more compatible with. After the initial passion and all that fizzles out and $$$$ problems kick in, it is easier to see one's mistake in choosing their hot, firy spouse who may not be right for them. IMO, if Russ has a great job offer in Seattle, he needs to take it, and Paola should just do her modeling thing as a hobby on the side, cuz thats not whats gonna be paying the major bills in the end, and if she is not happy following Russ to a different city for work, then it means they are not right for each other. 

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, Matias130 said:

I dont know, I kinda disagree. I think a lot has been edited out. Paola seemed very comfortable whipping off her top in front of a photographer and national TV. She just seems very desperate for attention for her body from other people. She could have said NO. I think Russ's parents def wanted him to marry a sweet, humble-type girl from their small town, because I think thats what he would have been more compatible with. After the initial passion and all that fizzles out and $$$$ problems kick in, it is easier to see one's mistake in choosing their hot, firy spouse who may not be right for them. IMO, if Russ has a great job offer in Seattle, he needs to take it, and Paola should just do her modeling thing as a hobby on the side, cuz thats not whats gonna be paying the major bills in the end, and if she is not happy following Russ to a different city for work, then it means they are not right for each other. 

I kind of disagree with this, Paola came from Colombia to the US solely to be with Russ. As an off-shore pipeline engineer, it's not really a job specific to one location; they moved to Oklahoma because his family is there. From what I understand, he can basically be home-based anywhere and still complete his work. Even if the job in Seattle isn't an off-shore remote job, I wonder if he discussed with Pao what his options were and got her feedback on where she wants to live. Even if he's the breadwinner, her feedback on where she would like to live is important and should be treated as such. 

As a married woman myself and the secondary earner in my household, when hubby is up for a move (Department of State), a lot of consideration goes into which of the options present viable job opportunities for me. It is important to further my own career as I support him in his. Pao deserves at least that, the opportunity to pursue her goals and dreams (even if they're quashed) within her marriage. No woman should have to completely suppress herself to support her husband in 2016. 

As I've mentioned before, I don't even think wanting to live in Miami is really even about modeling, I think it's about feeling at least a tiny bit at home; south Florida is home to the largest Colombian community outside of Colombia. The least Russ could've done was  explore jobs in that area, to quell Pao's homesickness. I get a vibe from Russ that he's a bit jealous; isolating her from her own community is his way of making sure she doesn't wise up and leave him (though I don't think she will, I think she truly loves him). 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, ChaChaSlide said:

As I've mentioned before, I don't even think wanting to live in Miami is really even about modeling, I think it's about feeling at least a tiny bit at home; south Florida is home to the largest Colombian community outside of Colombia. The least Russ could've done was  explore jobs in that area, to quell Pao's homesickness. I get a vibe from Russ that he's a bit jealous; isolating her from her own community is his way of making sure she doesn't wise up and leave him (though I don't think she will, I think she truly loves him). 

I get that feeling from him as well.  Did Russ simply think Paola would forget about her culture and just become a female version of him?

And I get a bit annoyed when people imply that only "sweet, humble" women come from the midwest, from small towns.  I call bullshit on that, everybody has cable TV and the Internet today; people are ratchet all over the country.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

And I get a bit annoyed when people imply that only "sweet, humble" women come from the midwest, from small towns.  I call bullshit on that, everybody has cable TV and the Internet today; people are ratchet all over the country.

Idk.... maybe. I actually do know a lot of really sweet young women from areas of the South and also parts of Utah (areas where church life is strong) where being a stay at home mom is more common, and so the husband's best job offer dictates where the family will be living. They seemed to live about 40 years back and it seemed kind of nice in a way. Doesnt work for everyone, but it does work for some. More so in areas where people are not as "worldly", and grow up in small communities. Also a few Muslim men from my work are married to very sweet women who left their home country and are content with following their hubby where he needs to be for work. Just my observations ... 

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I'm born & raised in oil field country and it is a feast or famine business. 2 years ago the men in my family were making more money that they could spend. Now they're unemployed and waiting for the next boom (was 25 years between the last 2, so it could be awhile) or looking to go to areas like Alaska & Saudi Arabia to work. You have to go where they're drilling, so Pao should prepare herself for the fact that Russ will need to be flexible to stay employed in his field.

Regardless of employment status, Russ is a dud. Pao is too hot & fun for him. She wants to go to night clubs & kick up her heels. He wants to go to the early bird special at Denny's. She wants to sun worship on the beach. He needs SPF 100 to walk to the car (no offense to my fellow freckled peeps). She's a sexy, young fireball. He's a mild-mannered moper. This is a case of opposites attract. Which usually turns into a case of trying to change the other person. Russ is already on this path. It's a dead end.

Edited by J80134
mis-spelled words corrected
  • Love 8

I don't understand downing Russ; a lot of women would probably appreciate his quiet ways, & perhaps more traditional values, more than Pao does. She knew who she was marrying & came to his country & state to live with him. Maybe she should've thought that through better beforehand. So now she wants to go where she wants for a 'career' she doesn't even have & may never, & her husband has no say in the matter, even though he's trained & actually does have a career & is looking to get a job out of OK - for her.  She may have made a mistake in marrying him but she chose to. If she wanted to 'model', flaunt her body & party it up she had her chance - she's not 20 yrs old anymore. She's now 30, married, & has a responsibility to her husband to care about what he thinks. My opinion is she's being selfish, is acting ridiculous & needs to grow up. She has all kinds of opportunities with him wherever he goes - she can go to school & use her outgoing personality in much better, more productive ways that could nurture her marriage instead of destroy it.

But that's my own opinion.

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