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S07.E09: Driving Miss Siggy

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20 minutes ago, Sarcastica said:

I just can't with Kathy and Rosie. Go away....

That scene in barnes & noble, holy awkward. 

If I wanted to make peace with a family member, I wouldn't just show up at her book signing. I would have talked to her in private, away from cameras, and outside people. But that's just me. I'm not trying to be on a reality tv show. 

  • Love 20

Kathy & Rosie trying anything to get camera time (the Wakiles need $ to pay for that house).  Not sure why they think the Guiduces want them in her lives, especially if they couldn't be bothered to be in contact with them before filming started. So fake.

Have to say, it warned my cold heart to see the Gorgas & Guiduces presenting a united front in previews.

Slightly off topic but I can't believe that the Manzos have a show.  Ughh.

  • Love 18
57 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

i  was waiting for siggy and her ex to tell the kid they bought him the car and now all he has to do is make the payments

The Gunvalson method - buy your children expensive items then tell them they need to pay for them.  Well played, Jaybirdz

Desperation oozes from Kathy and Rosie.  They want to be on the show so much.  Unfortunately for them Kathy is boring and her husband brings creepiness to a whole new level.  When your behavior stands out among this crowd, you really have a problem.  Rosie has the same relationship to alcohol that Joe Giu enjoys.  Drink, drink, drink, make a fool of yourself, with even the slightest (imagined) prompting go into a rage-filled fit.  The less I see of these two, the better. 

  • Love 12

This whole thing is going to blow up in Delores and Jacqueline's face. I believe those two and Tre have a long history of friendship, it seems like they were a real close trio at one time.  Although both Jacq. and Tre seem to have remained close to Delores throughout their rocky relationship. Now, they couldn't stop Rosie nor Kathy from going to the book signing,  but the fact that they were over Kathy's house sticking their noses in the "Gorga" family issues, then staying mum about it and not giving their long time friend Tre a heads up, I think that's the stuff that rubs Tre the wrong way. Just mind your own business on that front, let it work itself out.  Bottom line, you are not family, you are suppose to be Tre's close friends, but you're not family. Also, Tre didn't ask for your help, if she did, then I'd say she asked for those two to meddle.  Their loyalty should be to her, not going around, above, nor behind her back to talk stuff out with her somewhat estranged family members.  They probably don't even know all the history, just what we've all heard on this show, which is what pissed Tre off in the second place, behind the fact that Kathy and Co. are on this show in the first place. 

Milania is going to make an excellent nurse, she's a sweet child. The children are the most interesting people to watch on this show. Watching Melissa's daughter's reaction to her parents' discussion on her mother working, with the extended family and there reactions was interesting. Gabriella's face was also interesting  as she watched Nicholas, I'd loved to know what kind of observations she was making. 

And yes Tre, your kids are smart and know exactly what "camp" is and it ain't where kids go on summer vacation.

Also, whether you're a bad person or not..."camp" is a place for people who DO bad things Tre, own it.  Does it mean you can't redeem yourself and be a person that goes forward to do good things, no, you can. We'll see if you do.

Edited by represent
  • Love 17

Well, I'm on the other side of the room.  I really like Kathy.  I always have.  I hope Victoria is ok.  I want to see more of her new home.  Yeah, Rich not so much but in reality is he any worse than the 'Joes'?

How can you talk to someone privately when they don't acknowledge you?  How can you try to resolve anything when they don't answer your texts.  Tre was total BS in that whole scene.  Rosie can be overly emotional to say the least but I do think she wants the family to be in a better place.  I was surprised at Joe's reaction to Rosie.  I really thought that they were close in the past.  Kind of sad.  I feel the most sad for their mom, Maria.  She had it toughest of all of them all.  I'm looking at you Joe and Tre's dad.

Best line of the night:  They knew where you were.  They're not stupid.  Hello reality check Tre from your husband.

Sorry but that obnoxious kid didn't deserve a brand new jeep.  And Siggy needs to back off on the over love and start parenting.  You're worse than Caroline Manzo.

I thought the kids were very cute with Nicholas.  Nice to see another side of Melania.  Hey, it's Gabriella.  Love that kid.  I think she was ok with watching Nick and the other kids.

Grow up Joey Gorga.  The truth is that Melissa is probably earning more money from this show than you do from your business.

PS    WWHL -  Apparently Caroline and Dina are over according to Caroline.  Dina then tweeted that she's been sick for seven days and is tired of the shit.  I don't like Caroline but I dislike Princess Dina even more.

Poll question was who side are you on.  Kathy and Rosie got 53% to Tre's 47%.

  • Love 12
12 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Grow up Joey Gorga.  The truth is that Melissa is probably earning more money from this show than you do from your business.

PS    WWHL -  Apparently Caroline and Dina are over according to Caroline.  Dina then tweeted that she's been sick for seven days and is tired of the shit.  I don't like Caroline but I dislike Princess Dina even more.

Poll question was who side are you on.  Kathy and Rosie got 53% to Tre's 47%.

I feel like Melissa wanted to say that so bad.  Like no asshole, you bring in crumbs.  Maybe he used to bring in the big money but that was probably before the 2007 crumble.  I'm sure he doesn't make anywhere near what he did.

Jesus with Dina and Caroline.  That family fights a lot.

Glad the poll was not in Teresa's favor.  Maybe it's about time people like Andy realize that no one is on her side!  Criminal!  People don't like that.  She's got her idiot hardcore fans, but normal, thinking people dislike her shtick.

  • Love 8

Theresa, Kathy and Rosie have much more that genetics in common. They don't listen, they are always the aggrieved party and they will always do the most awkward thing that sets the relationship back even further.

I think Dolores just stated the history Victoria has with brain tumors and that it returned once before not that she has it. I hope the fainting spells are nothing, Kathy's demeanor said a lot as to what it could mean. I hope that she is doing well.

That said, I hate the exterior of the Wakilie's new house. It looks like it has the pox. I do think a major part of why they built it was to get back on the show as a housewife and it didn't happen.

A little Siggy goes a long way with me, she is exhausting and never shuts up.

I like Delores and her family.

It is good to see this side of Miliana. I think if they showed more of that behavior and not the other we would have had a more balanced opinion of her at the beginning.

  • Love 15
28 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Well, I'm on the other side of the room.  I really like Kathy.  I always have.  I hope Victoria is ok.  I want to see more of her new home.  Yeah, Rich not so much but in reality is he any worse than the 'Joes'?

How can you talk to someone privately when they don't acknowledge you?  How can you try to resolve anything when they don't answer your texts.  Tre was total BS in that whole scene.  Rosie can be overly emotional to say the least but I do think she wants the family to be in a better place.  I was surprised at Joe's reaction to Rosie.  I really thought that they were close in the past.  Kind of sad.  I feel the most sad for their mom, Maria.  She had it toughest of all of them all.  I'm looking at you Joe and Tre's dad.

Best line of the night:  They knew where you were.  They're not stupid.  Hello reality check Tre from your husband.

Sorry but that obnoxious kid didn't deserve a brand new jeep.  And Siggy needs to back off on the over love and start parenting.  You're worse than Caroline Manzo.

I thought the kids were very cute with Nicholas.  Nice to see another side of Melania.  Hey, it's Gabriella.  Love that kid.  I think she was ok with watching Nick and the other kids.

Grow up Joey Gorga.  The truth is that Melissa is probably earning more money from this show than you do from your business.

PS    WWHL -  Apparently Caroline and Dina are over according to Caroline.  Dina then tweeted that she's been sick for seven days and is tired of the shit.  I don't like Caroline but I dislike Princess Dina even more.

Poll question was who side are you on.  Kathy and Rosie got 53% to Tre's 47%.

Okay.  The BEST.  Every single thing you said here, THE BEST.  The bestest ever.  Yes.  I am too lazy to articulate any of this but you did it for me.  For that I thank you.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I replayed what Kathy said regarding Victoria three times and pumped up the volume and still couldn't figure out what she said.  It's tough getting old.  Can anyone clarify?

I thought she said she fainted again, something to that effect like that may have been cause for concern that the brain tumor may be back. She didn't say anything about her getting testing, but I assumed that is what must be going on. But I don't think I heard her say definitively that the tumor had come back.

  • Love 2
33 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I replayed what Kathy said regarding Victoria three times and pumped up the volume and still couldn't figure out what she said.  It's tough getting old.  Can anyone clarify?

Went back and watched again.

Kathy said "Every day is a gift. Today, Victoria fainted twice. This is not fair and all this other bullshit means nothing." Then Delores went on to narrate and said "Kathy is now dealing with Victoria because her daughter has had a brain tumor that came back and had to be removed again." The rest of the conversation was about their feud with Theresa

Victoria first had a brain tumor removed when she was ten. The second time, she had surgery in April of 2014 because it grew back. So now apparently in 2016 Victoria fainted two times on the day of filming and Kathy's mind isn't focused on Theresa it's on her daughter. Of course Kathy would be nervous and worried but then why even film?

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 6

I was shocked Kathy didn't bring her self proclaimed, famous canoli to the book signing. Yeah, Kathy & Rosie are desperate to stay on the show. But, it seems all of the HW's are this season. I just can't with Dolores and Siggy. They and their children are trying way too hard. It definitely feels like they, especially Dolores' kids, are auditioning for a spin off. I now fast forward through all their scenes.

Also, the Melissa and Joe Gorga's  "fight" scenes are so badly acted.

This show is just not even fun to watch anymore. Even in the trainwreck sort of way.

Edited by rags
  • Love 5

I can't believe Tre thought the girls STILL believe she was in "camp" for work, lol! As Joe said, they have the internet. Not to mention friends, school, neighbors, friends' parent, etc., who may have mentioned it not knowing Tre would have made up a story about "working at camp". Props to her and Joe though for actually saying the words prison and jail several times this ep rather than "camp".

UGH to Kathy and Richie. What a pair of pathetic hangers-on! She's still trying to ride Tre's coat tails. If Tre wasn't still "famous" and still on this show - which Andy revolved around HER schedule making it clear he considers her the star - Kathy would have zero interest in making up with Tre and being a family again. My though is she and Richie built that unnecessarily large monstrosity because they thought they would continue to be on the show and wanted to keep up with Tre and Melissa when on camera. I bet they were counting on that paycheck to continue to pay the cost of living there. Too bad, so sad, Kathy. Obviously Andy and TBTB decided the viewers just aren't feelin ya and cut you back to very small appearances, haha! I do feel for Rosie.  I think she truly does want a relationship with Tre and Joe for real and not just for camera time. I think she felt torn between loyalty to Kathy and her want of a relationship with Tre and Joe and ultimately sided with Kathy - until Kathy had to swallow her pride for camera time. I felt so bad for her when she apologized to Joe and her acted like a dick. Disgusting that Kathy used Victoria's tumor, which was years ago, to try and garner sympathy from the audience. Although she didn't directly say anything about the tumor she alluded to it with the fainting talk (why was that even a necessary comment, Kathy?) and knew Dolores would mention the tumor. She also knows that long time viewers of the show know Victoria's history. Loved how Richie was only allowed about 15 seconds of camera time, lol.

I'm sick of the fake Melissa story. She doesn't have a real job, real business, that will continue after filming and expecting the audience to buy that is insulting. Couldn't they come up with a better story for them?? If Mel really wanted to work she does have a teaching degree. Why not put that to use? The Caveman Joe from the 1950's thing is getting sooo old.  TBTB must not know that WE know that Mel's income as a HW is funding their lifestyle. Mel is the one bringing the cake and Joe the crumbs. Judging from the family dinner it looks like Mel got all the good looks in that family. And damn this show for always making me hungry!

Has there been one episode this season where Jac hasn't cried? Milania was so sweet with Nicholas. Kinda points to the fact that she really is a sweet kid but her family situation/parents bring out the devil in her.

Siggy still gets on my nerves. I ff'ed through her first segment and most of the second one.

Edited by happykitteh
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, happykitteh said:

UGH to Kathy and Richie. What a pair of pathetic hangers-on! She's still trying to ride Tre's coat tails. If Tre wasn't still "famous" and still on this show - which Andy revolved around HER schedule making it clear he considers her the star - Kathy would have zero interest in making up with Tre and being a family again. My though is she and Richie built that unnecessarily large monstrosity because they thought they would continue to be on the show and wanted to keep up with Tre and Melissa when on camera. I bet they were counting on that paycheck to continue to pay the cost of living there. Too bad, so sad, Kathy.


Kathy and Richie have put themselves in a financial hole with that house.  First, Kathy was downgraded to "Friend of HW" and then Teresa went to prison for a year during which production shut down.  I think Kathy and Richie thought Teresa's going away would mean the show would go on without her and Kathy would be back to her old "full" HW status.  They thought they would be able to profit from Joe and Teresa's legal issues.  They did not consider the possibility that Andy would wait for Teresa.  They definitely did not figure that Joe and the girls would get a multipart spinoff while Teresa was in prison. Kathy and Richie gambled and lost big time.  

As for Kathy, she is really unstable.  How many times do we have to see her act out in a violent rage befor TPTB realize that she is not funny or charming she is mentally ill.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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6 hours ago, Giselle said:

I am amazed at how clueless Theresa is regarding her daughter's knowledge of her being in prison.

Yeah, right?  And I'm glad Joe didn't sugar coat things.  The book signing .... OY.  I feel sorry for Kathy and Rosie (and I may be in the minority).  Tre's gonna punish them and continue to punish them.  I didn't get what Theresa was saying about family stabbing her in the back and saying mean things while she was away at camp/college.

They flashed back to Kathy and Rosie's mom saying something to the effect - When you do bad things it catches up with you.  Theresa's panties are all in a bunch over that?   Pfffft.  Give me a break.  What Rosie's mom said is true, no?  Kathy and Rosie showing up for the book signing was super desperate but desperate times call for desperate measures.  Theresa was ignoring them so I guess they decided it was worth a shot showing up at the book signing.

The way Joe treated Rosie was a little shocking I thought.  

Edited by beesknees
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3 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Melania can switch off 'harridan mode' and be a sensitive and sweet little girl ... Who knew?!! 

One of my sons has multiple disabilities, including autism, so that scene was extra lovely for me to watch.

Floved me some Melania this episode.  She has redeemed herself in my eyes.  The genuine caring and sweetness with Nicholas and of course the episode where she was sitting on the kitchen floor in the fat sumo wrestler outfit saying she couldn't get up has reeled me back in.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 10

Siggy cracks me up. Her family dynamic is very interesting. I like that she and her ex, and his new family, can all go out to dinner to celebrate Josh's birthday. That's nice. I do think her kids are a bit spoiled, though. She cracked me up when she was listing all the things they had and then said, "I had a smurf collection!" This is what happens when people want their kids to have more than they had....and get carried away. But hopefully a lot of the smugness we see with her two is partly due to the nervousness of being on TV for the first time. I just hope Josh doesn't crash that car. He seemed way too excited to be driving home that night!

Frankie seems like a really good kid, to me. It's pretty normal to want to be with your friends all the time at that age. But he pointed out that he does well in school and is being safe, not getting into trouble. I think Dolores is just lonely. Siggy as well. It's hard to see your kids grow up and not need you anymore. 

Gorga is a real condescending prick with his crumbs and cake analogy. That's nothing new. He needs to realize that it's not about the amount of $$$ Melissa is bringing in, but that she wants to do something for herself. However, I do think that if they started their relationship with some agreement as to the roles, he has a right to be frustrated when things are shifting away from that. They need to find a happy medium. Joe needs to support Melissa doing something with her time, now that the kids are all in school. But Melissa needs to balance better. There hasn't been a home cooked meal around there in months? Not good. Can't she open the store after dropping the kids at school, and have someone else work the afternoon/evening and close? I mean, no one is saying Joe is more important than you, but he does have a point that his job pays the bills and he can't be missing out on bids because he's running around picking up the kids. Compromise. 

I really really HATE when Jaq treats Nick like a puppet. When people come over, don't make him say "hi", don't make him pass out roses. Let HIM decide how he wants to interact with others. Melania with Nick was EVERYTHING. That little ball of sass is a real sweetie underneath. She was so kind and patient with him, I hope they get those two together more often. 

I cannot believe Tre STILL thinks her little kids didn't know why she was gone. Delusional! I'm sorry, but they are all old enough to be told what is going on, even if on different levels based on their maturity. Hiding things from kids only makes them scared. This is a woman who does not appear to talk to her children. If you are afraid of honest, open conversations you're going to end up with pregnant teenagers and worse. TALK TO YOUR KIDS. 

I really could have gone without the Kathy/Rosie segments. They're just coming off so desperate and unhinged. All parties involved, Tre included, have done crappy things to each other, so whatever. But if it's true that Kathy and Rosie didn't reach out at all while Tre was in prison, but are NOW wanting to reconcile, now that the cameras are rolling, I'd be brushing them off as well. It was odd that Juicy seemed so cold with Rosie, though. Is that all Tre based, or did something upset him as well? 

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I think maybe Kathy and Rosie tried to reach out to Tre while she was away at college but they got iced out just like Melissa did.  Joe was really being a dick with Rosie and you could see just how hurt she was.  Rosie supported Joe while Theresa was away and he was all up for that but as soon as Tre came home he tossed Rosie to the side.  That has to hurt.

  • Love 7

If anyone didn't think Teresa was delusional before, this episode should have convinced them.  Good grief - she was surprised the girls (even Audrianna LOL) knew she was in prison, because she told them she was going to prison camp to write a book, which she did write, and she didn't want them to think she was in prison because people who go to prison have done something wrong.......

OK.  Where is that bridge I wanted to selll???

On the other hand, the scene at Jac's was nice.  Good to see them getting along for the time being, and Milania was especially sweet to Nicholas. 

The whole "Joe Gorga, Neanderthal" story - while I think he is one, I also think the whole story is scripted to give him and Melissa some conflict.  It seems too pat to me, and their acting skills, especially Melissa's leave much to be desired. 

Rosie and Kathy need to get over themselves (but I guess that doesn't happen because we have more of their whining next week, oh, and let's bring Richie into it because he is so loved by the viewers).  They treated Teresa horribly for a long time and if she doesn't want to reconcile, that's too bad.  All of a sudden they are all about getting back on the show family.

Teresa has said on WWHL that there was alot that was said and done off screen (pertaining to the Wakiles and Rosie).  I tend to believe her.  I read someplace that there was a video on YouTube (since removed) of Kathy and Rosie totally trashing Teresa at Lauren Manzo's wedding.   True or not, I think there's more to the story because (a) Teresa didn't even want to have lunch with them (awkward, but I think she was trying to say no in a nice way), and (b) even Joe Guidice who normally doesn't play into the drama seemed to have an issue with Rosie.

Teresa did reconcile with her brother and Melissa, but he is her brother.  I wonder how close she was to the Wakiles to begin with.

Siggy - new car for the son; Delores - something about the gym.  I don't mind either of them, I just don't find them particularly interesting yet. 

  • Love 12

Not sure why Joe blew off Rosie's apology other than maybe it was on camera and at the book signing which was not the place to bring it up.  Why not call him when he was at home without cameras rolling.  Maybe that why Joe was acting the way he did.  He is not one for producer driven storylines and maybe he was disappointed in Rosie for falling for it too.  Who knows.  But both Rosie and Kathy seem so desperate to get on Tre's good side. 

And I don't blame Tre for begging off the lunch right now since time is so short with Joe.  She probably knows the lunch will be irritating and rehashing she said she said and get no where.  And if its true that Kathy and Rosie trashed her at the Manzo wedding there's another reason to not want to share "even an hour" for lunch with those two.  Kathy, Rosie and Jac all do the same thing.  When all together they trash Tre but each tries desperately to get back on Tre's good side because its all about family.  Ugh.  They all need to take a seat and stop embarrassing themselves.

  • Love 13

If I wanted to make peace with a family member, I wouldn't just show up at her book signing. I would have talked to her in private, away from cameras, and outside people. But that's just me. I'm not trying to be on a reality tv show. 

Yes! They're insane; it's like:

  • Step 1: Badmouth, badmouth, badmouth, which then somehow turns to
  • Step 2: But why won't she be our friend anymore?
  • Step 3: Chase her her down (preferably in a venue that is not the place for The Talk) and annoy her. Oh, and also by no means simply accept the bland pleasantries she's offering in a civil attempt to not rehash (and also to politely convey that she doesn't care--if coldly, and full of baloney about cellphone issues); instead, by all means, push the issue right then and there. 
  • Step 4: Tell on her to her own husband, as if he's gonna be like, "Yeah, you guys, let's get her!"
  • Step 5: Repeat in yet another episode/season. 

Seems to me like these people's problems boil down to "Teresa doesn't do what we want her to."

Haha, I assume parts of the Kathy's kitchen convo were cut but, ooh, man, the show made it look like she went from quiet Kathy to banshee very quickly!

Also, Teresa: your kids know how to read. Your kids visited you at the correctional facility that presumably had a sign. They also go to school and talk to other people in the world. They also understand the recording on the phone when it says when a call comes from a prison. Therefore, it is probably a given that they know what was up. OK, maybe the little one has only a hazy idea, and maybe pictures prison like a cartoon version, but likely knows as well. And I'm sure Teresa knows all of this, so I wonder if Bravo thinks the idea that the kids don't know is interesting? I don't know but it's boring.

Also boring? Joe Gorga's pretend old-schoolishness. OK, I do believe he is like that in some ways but I don't believe he can't manage to assemble a sandwich, cook a dinner, or "babysit" his own kids. I feel like it's just a story line.


 She's got her idiot hardcore fans, but normal, thinking people dislike her shtick.

I'm a normal thinking person (i.e., not an idiot) and I like her just fine in the context of this show. (Sadly necessary preemptive strike, which should go without saying: that does not mean I don't think she deserved her prison time.)

I saw that Manzo show afterward;  don't know why--I just left the channel on. And lo and behold, they're still talking about Teresa on that show too (not tons from what I saw, but a little bit in a TH). I wonder if that pisses Caroline right off. I do admit that someone said something in the haunted prison episode that actually made me laugh though. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 15

Man, the desperation wafting off of Kathy was so palpable this episode, you could almost see swirling it around like smoke. I completely and fully believe that she is pushing so hard for a reconciliation with Teresa, because they need the money to pay for that monstrosity of a house her and Rich built, when they thought she was going to be a full time HW. What do two empty nesters need with that much space?! I remember when Teresa Checks In was on, both Joes appeared on WWHL, and Andy asked Juicy whether the Wakiles had reached out to him and the girls while Teresa was locked up, and he said he hadn't heard from them at all. I believe him, and I believe Kathy has said some shit too, behind the scenes. We've seen how  quickly she can turn nasty. Rosie on the other hand…I think she genuinely wants to have a relationship, with Juicy at the very least. No idea why he iced her out the way he did, but again, the countdown begins for his time at camp, so maybe he just didn't want to be bothered.

Speaking of camp, Teresa cannot be that delusional to think that her girls had NO IDEA she was locked up. They're not babies, they have access to the internet 24/7, there was no hiding the fact that you were up there doing time. I have to say, Tre looks great with the fairer skin aka no fake and bake tan. I hope she keeps that look (I doubt it though).

Tre's girls with Nicholas was very sweet to watch. I've heard the same thing about older girls being paired with younger autistic boys. My son has an incredible bond with his older cousin, and they are 16 years apart. It is really discouraging knowing that the drama is coming soon. With all of their BS, Jac and Tre seemed to have had a cute friendship.

Melissa and Joe's scene was painful to watch, mostly because of the bad acting. Their drama is completely producer driven. I remember back in season 3 when Melissa came on the scene, she quipped to her sister that they had a nanny for their kids because Joe worked hard and they could afford one, unlike Joe and Tre who always used her parents to babysit. Where is this nanny now? She could pick the kids up from school in the afternoon. I agree with Ghoulina, it's not about money, it's about wanting something for yourself. She married him right out of college, had babies back to back, and now that they're all in school, what's wrong with pursuing a career? That scene with her family getting together to have dinner was really nice though. 

  • Love 5

Teresa resisted her family being on the show for a long time.  Why not let everyone make money?  It is not as if they take her family's appearance fees out of her check.  The fake fight scenes between Melissa and Joe are barely watchable, so I can understand Teresa being embarrassed of those scenes.

Kathy's daughter managed to graduate from college this past May, good for her.  Her present health is good.  The family spent the weekend raising money for a brain tumor charity.

Teresa lack of reality with her daughters, regarding her prison stay, great parenting.  That had to have been act. 

Why is Teresa's attorney always hanging around?  I think Teresa may be a bit cold with the Wakiles as James Leonard was originally their attorney and brother Joey's negotiating their contracts.   The guy is the absolute poster child for fame whores:   http://www.leonardlawgroup.com/index.html

  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

Teresa has said on WWHL that there was alot that was said and done off screen (pertaining to the Wakiles and Rosie).  I tend to believe her.  I read someplace that there was a video on YouTube (since removed) of Kathy and Rosie totally trashing Teresa at Lauren Manzo's wedding.   True or not, I think there's more to the story because (a) Teresa didn't even want to have lunch with them (awkward, but I think she was trying to say no in a nice way), and (b) even Joe Guidice who normally doesn't play into the drama seemed to have an issue with Rosie.

I can buy it as well. When Tre went to prison, I can see Kathy and Rosie thinking they'd get brought on full time. Or angling for scenes on the Manzos show. Maybe they thought trashing Tre and upping the conflict was a way to do it. They clearly thought wrong. 

  • Love 9
52 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

Not sure why Joe blew off Rosie's apology other than maybe it was on camera and at the book signing which was not the place to bring it up.  Why not call him when he was at home without cameras rolling.  Maybe that why Joe was acting the way he did.  He is not one for producer driven storylines and maybe he was disappointed in Rosie for falling for it too.  Who knows.  But both Rosie and Kathy seem so desperate to get on Tre's good side. 

And I don't blame Tre for begging off the lunch right now since time is so short with Joe.  She probably knows the lunch will be irritating and rehashing she said she said and get no where.  And if its true that Kathy and Rosie trashed her at the Manzo wedding there's another reason to not want to share "even an hour" for lunch with those two.  Kathy, Rosie and Jac all do the same thing.  When all together they trash Tre but each tries desperately to get back on Tre's good side because its all about family.  Ugh.  They all need to take a seat and stop embarrassing themselves.


This! I have no idea why Joe was so cold to Rosie. He seemed to act like her apology and the reason behind it was no big deal than he booked it out of there. Of course, Joe usually does not have time for bullshit. Also, since he is off to prison soon maybe he just wants to spend time with Teresa, his kids, and the rest of his family before he goes and is not all that concerned about spending time with Rosie at this time. Also, Rosie and Kathy are upset about not being invited to Teresa's for New Years Eve? Sigh, just get over it already. 

Rosie, Kathy and Jaq seem to talk trash about Teresa when they are at parties or groups without Teresa there, but when they are at events where Teresa is they want to be friends. I am fine with Teresa being cordial to them and not wanting to go to lunch with them. It is the same cycle over and over. I feel like TPTB or Rosie and Kathy would get a reaction out of Teresa at the book signing and it did not happen.

I do not know why Teresa is so shocked that the girls knew that she was not away working, but in jail. I would think that for sure that Gia, Gabriella, and Milania would know where she was. I might be a bit shocked about Audriana knowing or understanding where she was, but that is about it. Siblings talk, so if one did not know I could see another telling them and they have the internet and probably people at school to mention it. Though maybe it was wishful thinking on Teresa's part.

Milania was great with Nicholas. I do hate Jaq making him give a rose to Audriana and stuff like that.

1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

I'm a normal thinking person (i.e., not an idiot) and I like her just fine in the context of this show. (Sadly necessary preemptive strike, which should go without saying: that does not mean I don't think she deserved her prison time.)

I am like you. I like Teresa in the context of the show. I do not like everything she says or does, but I would probably not be watching if she did not return, because I find her and her family (Joe and the girls) interesting to watch more than the other NJ housewives. 

  • Love 13

I cannot believe that Tre still thinks that the kids didn't know she was in jail. As Juicy said, "they gots compooters". I mean seriously, either she is straight up lying or in some kind of fantasy land. All those kids have access to the damn internet. And they effing visited her in jail!! Did she honestly think that they thought that the camp where you go to write a book has a barbed wire fence and armed guards and everyone who is there writing  book wears a green jumpsuit and can't use a cell phone? The kids were there for crying out loud. GMAFB

I still believe that the who Joe Gorga wants a stay at home wife storyline is totally for the cameras. Otherwise they got nuttin. 

Rosie and Kathy - desperate for a Bravo paycheck. I heard that they have restructured the way they do pay and contracts on RH. THat they only pay for 4 eps at a time and you have to bring it otherwise you are done quickly. I suppose to prevent the ones who decide they won't film with anyone to just sit back and collect the same paycheck. 

Siggy and Delores - FFed through their parts.  

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 5

If Mel really wanted to work she does have a teaching degree. Why not put that to use?

I've wondered that myself. I imagine she would have to go through getting her teaching certificate, but it wouldn't be that bad - and it certainly would be easier than trying to launch a singing career. Teaching is hard work, but she would have good benefits, stability, and she would have more time for her kids (since that's become a sticking point). And it's a career that she could keep up for as long as she wanted, because it wouldn't be reliant on her RHONJ fame. But, there's nothing "glamorous" about teaching.

I wish several of the women on this franchise realized that there's nothing shameful in going back to previous vocations if higher aspirations aren't working out. Like Kathy. I'm not Italian, don't live anywhere near Boston's North End, but it's not hard for me to find a cannoli. Is there any Italian confection more ubiquitous than that? Yet Kathy tried to hang her hat on mail-order cannoli kits and they built that monstrous house. I'd have more respect for someone like that who says "you know what? I know I can go back to cutting hair and now that the kids are out of the house, I've got the time to do that," rather than play out the Teresa feud for a living. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Giselle said:

Went back and watched again.

Kathy said "Every day is a gift. Today, Victoria fainted twice. This is not fair and all this other bullshit means nothing." Then Delores went on to narrate and said "Kathy is now dealing with Victoria because her daughter has had a brain tumor that came back and had to be removed again." The rest of the conversation was about their feud with Theresa

Victoria first had a brain tumor removed when she was ten. The second time, she had surgery in April of 2014 because it grew back. So now apparently in 2016 Victoria fainted two times on the day of filming and Kathy's mind isn't focused on Theresa it's on her daughter. Of course Kathy would be nervous and worried but then why even film?

NJ property taxes + hospital bills.    For the life of me I cannot remember what Kathy does when she's not making cannoli kits and saving babies but Richie is self employed.   There is zero insurance in that cipher for whatever St. Barnabas is charging to keep saving that child's life.   As bad as the optics are, I'd do it too.

2 hours ago, beesknees said:

Yeah, right?  And I'm glad Joe didn't sugar coat things.  The book signing .... OY.  I feel sorry for Kathy and Rosie (and I may be in the minority).  Tre's gonna punish them and continue to punish them.  I didn't get what Theresa was saying about family stabbing her in the back and saying mean things while she was away at camp/college.

They flashed back to Kathy and Rosie's mom saying something to the effect - When you do bad things it catches up with you.  Theresa's panties are all in a bunch over that?   Pfffft.  Give me a break.  What Rosie's mom said is true, no?  Kathy and Rosie showing up for the book signing was super desperate but desperate times call for desperate measures.  Theresa was ignoring them so I guess they decided it was worth a shot showing up at the book signing.

The way Joe treated Rosie was a little shocking I thought.  

Girl scoot over.  Pfffft pretty much sums it up for me too.  I know there's stuff we "haven't seen" etc., but and however, I need for there to be some finality about this issue.   Be a grown up and say I don't wanna ever be bothered with you again in life OR work it out.   But to Kathy's point your Namasteishness is selective as fuck.   She doesn't have to make up, true.   Say that.    Joe needs to lay off the sauce.

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Siggy cracks me up. Her family dynamic is very interesting. I like that she and her ex, and his new family, can all go out to dinner to celebrate Josh's birthday. That's nice. I do think her kids are a bit spoiled, though. She cracked me up when she was listing all the things they had and then said, "I had a smurf collection!" This is what happens when people want their kids to have more than they had....and get carried away. But hopefully a lot of the smugness we see with her two is partly due to the nervousness of being on TV for the first time. I just hope Josh doesn't crash that car. He seemed way too excited to be driving home that night!

Frankie seems like a really good kid, to me. It's pretty normal to want to be with your friends all the time at that age. But he pointed out that he does well in school and is being safe, not getting into trouble. I think Dolores is just lonely. Siggy as well. It's hard to see your kids grow up and not need you anymore. 

Gorga is a real condescending prick with his crumbs and cake analogy. That's nothing new. He needs to realize that it's not about the amount of $$$ Melissa is bringing in, but that she wants to do something for herself. However, I do think that if they started their relationship with some agreement as to the roles, he has a right to be frustrated when things are shifting away from that. They need to find a happy medium. Joe needs to support Melissa doing something with her time, now that the kids are all in school. But Melissa needs to balance better. There hasn't been a home cooked meal around there in months? Not good. Can't she open the store after dropping the kids at school, and have someone else work the afternoon/evening and close? I mean, no one is saying Joe is more important than you, but he does have a point that his job pays the bills and he can't be missing out on bids because he's running around picking up the kids. Compromise. 

I really really HATE when Jaq treats Nick like a puppet. When people come over, don't make him say "hi", don't make him pass out roses. Let HIM decide how he wants to interact with others. Melania with Nick was EVERYTHING. That little ball of sass is a real sweetie underneath. She was so kind and patient with him, I hope they get those two together more often. 

I cannot believe Tre STILL thinks her little kids didn't know why she was gone. Delusional! I'm sorry, but they are all old enough to be told what is going on, even if on different levels based on their maturity. Hiding things from kids only makes them scared. This is a woman who does not appear to talk to her children. If you are afraid of honest, open conversations you're going to end up with pregnant teenagers and worse. TALK TO YOUR KIDS. 

I really could have gone without the Kathy/Rosie segments. They're just coming off so desperate and unhinged. All parties involved, Tre included, have done crappy things to each other, so whatever. But if it's true that Kathy and Rosie didn't reach out at all while Tre was in prison, but are NOW wanting to reconcile, now that the cameras are rolling, I'd be brushing them off as well. It was odd that Juicy seemed so cold with Rosie, though. Is that all Tre based, or did something upset him as well? 

All this.  I do think he's hamming it up and she can't say what she needs to to get him together, 4th wall and all.   Yes it's altering their deal but it still doesn't sound as critical as he's making it sound.   I missed a bid because I had to go to the bus stop today??   Bruh stop it.   Montclair (where Envy is) is a 17 minute drive from Towaco (where I'm presuming the bus stop is).   So you missed an auction that you had no previous knowledge of because you didn't think to drive 10 miles to leave the kids with their mother while you went to the site?    This is making me angry Bravo, do better. 

What's Delores' baby's name? Frankie?  He is a bona fide sweetheart.   She was getting on my last slick with all that damn clingy mess.   "I'm staying home on the couch so he should say I'm staying home too mom" -  said no 17 year old ever.   The fuck?  He is not your husband, he's a child with a car and his own life and friends and yet and still what he was saying was absolutely practical.   Bitch we don't have a kitchen, what am I supposed to do about getting something to eat?    Can't.

I need to fall to my knees and thank the Sweet Baby Jesus for my child.   She would not ever in life at all or any point in time, walk into the kitchen whose roof I provide and say in all seriousness:   buy me a car.   She just told me she can't think of anything she'd like for Christmas and she's nearly 17.    That shit there had my mind blown.   Josh would've gotten a freshly imported smack across his chin, there's your gift.   Buy me a car?  Like in that tone of voice?  Then she did it??   Like ya'll her response was I'll buy you a car when I want to.   More opposite of can.    If that's how it goes down in your house, you can officially quit having conversations with your children about your parents being Holocaust survivors.   Pointless.org

Milania was the mvp of the episode for me, so sweet and caring toward Nick.   I can't blame her for being uninformed and inexperienced with autism but Gabriella straight up looked.....mmm.....disgusted? (at her sister) I don't know what other word to use, but she wasn't into it.  

  • Love 7

Those meatballs, YUM!

It's one thing to try to pull one over on the authorities and the audience, but it's another to do so with your own children. The ease with which Teresa lies to her girls is appalling.


Gabriella's face was also interesting  as she watched Nicholas, I'd loved to know what kind of observations she was making. 

"I cannot fucking wait 'til I turn eighteen."

Frankie is a little hottie.

  • Love 5

Please tell me that Tre's story of going to prison is all a part of her "I'm so stupid I couldn't possibly be a crook and therefore I am a victim of Juicy Joe" because it is hard for me to believe someone is so stupid that she would lie to her daughters abou something that takes a 5 second google search string that even her youngest could do.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, happykitteh said:


Has there been one episode this season where Jac hasn't cried? Milania was so sweet with Nicholas. Kinda points to the fact that she really is a sweet kid but her family situation/parents bring out the devil in her.

Siggy still gets on my nerves. I ff'ed through her first segment and most of the second one.

I have a soft spot in my heart for Milania.  Yes, she can be a terror, but there's something about her I love!  I love their kids.  Wish they had different parents!

Siggy is annoying.  Holy fuck, I know she thinks she's the relationship expert but enough already.

  • Love 1

I’m just going to fill in some dialog in the Joe Go/Mel conversation.

Mel: “Why are we in the movie theater?”   

Not said:  Because that’s where the cameras are set up.  When we are creating dramahz for the show, we need to make sure they get the best possible footage.  Besides, I’ll sit here.  You sit there.  They are getting our best sides.  Also, we get to casually point out that our house is so big we have a “movie theater.”

Joe: “I lost a big deal today.”

Not said: By “big deal” I mean nothing at all.  I am desperately pretending that I am still a sought after builder.  The market for McMansions is growing.  Everyone wants “marble tile” that crumbles in their hands, non-working fixtures and extremely tacky décor.  Plusses for rooms to big to heat properly and highly suspect plumbing. 

Joe: “I couldn’t make the auction.”

Not said: I was bidding on “educational materials” (aka porn) online and someone outbid me while I was picking up the kids.  I haven’t figured out yet how to use the app on my phone.  It works best for people who have mastered opposable thumbs. 

Mel: “What do you think I was doing?  Do you think I was at the nail salon?”

Not said:  I know you were standing outside waiting to make your big entrance so we could act out this meaningless boring contrived pivotal scene. 

Mel: “You’re so old school.”  Joe: “I’m so old school?”

Not said:  We are repeating the words we’ve used approximately 1,000 times before and “acting” like we don’t know what they mean.  Sure, Joe has previously bragged about being “old school.”  Mel has fluttered about how she likes her “old school” man, but for this season’s story it is suddenly an insult. 

Joe: “You bring in crumbs.  I bring in the cake.”

Not said: Your RHNJ salary far exceeds what I have ever “brought in.”  I build crappy spec houses hoping they sell.  You have sold the black holes that masquerade as our souls for a superior income.  The only cake Joe brings in is the Entemann’s from the pantry.

Joe: “I don’t want no help.”

Not said: I want to pretend we don’t already have people helping us.  No nannies.  No babysitters.  No family that jumps in.  No gardeners.  No assistants.  No stylists.  Then again, Joe’s use of the double negative for once makes him honest, since they do have help his “I don’t want no help” is accurate.  Removing the dueling negatives, Joe has told us “I do want help.”  If only that help was psychological counseling, anger management, general education, and acting classes, we could all benefit. 

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 19
12 hours ago, Giselle said:

So now apparently in 2016 Victoria fainted two times on the day of filming and Kathy's mind isn't focused on Theresa it's on her daughter. Of course Kathy would be nervous and worried but then why even film?

Because Kathy now has an ugly new McMansion to pay for.  I hope Victoria is ok. 

What the hell is wrong with these mothers that are afraid to let their sons grow up? It's sick. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 5

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