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The Jim Gaffigan Show - General Discussion

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It's weird that they've put three episodes up online in advance, and none of them are the pilot. There was the one about the bible (on Gaffigan's website), the one with Ashley Williams' sister (on iTunes for free), and the one with the catholic school application (on Hulu).


I've liked some aspects of the show, but I don't think I'll watch regularly.

So I watched two of the three eps online and I just don't really know what to think yet.

I found the Bible one painful for the most part. Really unfunny and the line about the size of the book being that of a child's coffin had me gasping. Why? 


I was a big more ok with the school application one but again with him being a hapless idiot fucking up his wife's errands? They already did that one. Is the pattern going to be Catholic wife/fat stupid well meaning husband who is a good guy but constantly mistaken for a weirdo?


I love Jim Gaffigan's stand up so I'm hoping this won't go the way of the John Mulaney show. 



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I remember thinking that Gaffigan's character in My Boys (R.I.P.) must have paralleled his own life to some extent, at least in part because Jeannie also played his wife on that show; her character there was also something of a bossy chore. (Maybe it works as an inside joke for the two of them because the real Jeannie isn't like that at all?)

Edited by Sandman
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I was initially interested because of Gaffigan, but based on what I've read (here and elsewhere), it doesn't seem like the show is actually attempting to subvert any of the tired sitcom cliches it uses, as I thought at first it might. I mean, when I read that the plot of the pilot is about whether Gaffigan should get a vasectomy, I was half-way out the door: is there really something to cover here that hasn't been covered by the legion of other sitcoms which have done this plot? And now reading that the plot of the second episode revolves around how the schlubby husband isn't as capable at handling the kids as the shrewish wife...ugh. It would be one thing if they took these fatigued and fatiguing tropes and did something new with them, but since it sounds like the same-old-same-old, I don't think I'll bother checking it out.

From the Fire and Iceberg podcast the pilot that will be shown tonight and the script for the vasectomy episode were from the CBS development period and not necessarily reflective of the other episodes (not necessarily later because they are being shown in a different order), though I don't know think that sans the other episodes will be upending sitcom tropes. That said I love the cast and in the episode I saw really liked Ashley Williams in the role and her chemistry with Jim and MIB.

I put the show on because I've liked Jim in other things and a fan of his stand up.  That said this was pretty bad.  Plus really, casting Ashley Williams as his wife.  The only bright spot was Adam Goldberg.  It's sad because the cast is pretty strong (Goldberg, Ian Black, etc) but man was that garbage.  At least there was no laugh track.

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Well on this show the character of Jim Gaffigan is based on the real life Jim Gaffigan ala Louie, Seinfeld, Maron and is a fictionalized version of himself with a wife and children of the same names living in a too small NYC apartment (though because it's tv, their apartment would be specious if you didn't include the five children).

Edited by biakbiak

He did not want the vasectomy.  He didn't want anything sharp near his nether regions. 


I didn't mind this, but the more I think about it the more annoyed I get.  If they an afford a bigger place, then it's a real shame they don't get one. I kind of get the sentimentality of that being the place of many firsts in their childs lives, but it's not fair to cram all of them into a two bedroom apartment.  If they CAN'T afford it, then it's understandable obviously. But that beautiful apartment they were looking at was HUGE and VERY expensive looking.  So, either they were looking at things waaaaaaay out of their price range (which, why?  That’s a waste of time and can make you sad when you realize you can’t afford it.  At least it did me when we saw houses we couldn’t afford) or they can afford it in which case why the hell aren’t you living there right now!?!?!



Well on this show the character of Jim Gaffigan is based on the real life Jim Gaffigan ala Louie, Seinfeld, Maron and is a fictionalized version of himself with a wife and children of the same names living in a too small NYC apartment (though because it's tv, their apartment would be specious if you didn't include the five children).

I mean I get all that, I just personally hate it.  Jim (and all of the other comics who've done it in the past and are considering doing it in the future) can still draw from his life without naming his character his exact name.  Did/does he really live in the teeniest, tiniest apartment with all of those people, because...  see my above.


He did not want the vasectomy.  He didn't want anything sharp near his nether regions. 


I didn't mind this, but the more I think about it the more annoyed I get.  If they an afford a bigger place, then it's a real shame they don't get one. I kind of get the sentimentality of that being the place of many firsts in their childs lives, but it's not fair to cram all of them into a two bedroom apartment.  If they CAN'T afford it, then it's understandable obviously. But that beautiful apartment they were looking at was HUGE and VERY expensive looking.  So, either they were looking at things waaaaaaay out of their price range (which, why?  That’s a waste of time and can make you sad when you realize you can’t afford it.  At least it did me when we saw houses we couldn’t afford) or they can afford it in which case why the hell aren’t you living there right now!?!?!



I mean I get all that, I just personally hate it.  Jim (and all of the other comics who've done it in the past and are considering doing it in the future) can still draw from his life without naming his character his exact name.  Did/does he really live in the teeniest, tiniest apartment with all of those people, because...  see my above.


They have since moved but up until a year or so ago they did in fact live in a two bedroom apartment you can see a little of it here. It was an issue of money because both Jim and Jeannie felt it was important to raise their kids in the city and NYC is expensive. He has talked a lot about it and the difficulty of finding a new place, in his book Dad is Fat he drew a map of the apartment and the sleeping arrangements. The kids are used to small spaces because they also spend a lot of their vacations traveling on a tour bus with Jim and Jeanie.


I also don't think that their is much of a difference in the attractiveness of Ashley Williams and Jeannie Gaffigan.

Edited by biakbiak
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And not that she married him for his money but he was somewhat successful when they met (as a comic who had regular tv guest gigs etc.  in the stand up I saw he did a bit about how he did standard clean comedy and cashed in when the rest were trying to find their level of dirty niches -- that secondary voice thing he did on what was dirty was hilarious).  I mean its not like he is some driver for a fake knockoff of UPS or anything.

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I like it. I'm surprised more didn't enjoy it. And for a pilot in particular, it was pretty great. I think the show will hinge on the supporting cast, which is fantastic. They need to be worked in like they were in the pilot, early and often. I like Jim, but I don't love him. So, it needs to be more than just him. The commercials they aired during Younger and the sneak preview they aired after one episode, were not nearly as good as the pilot to me. Not sure what that says about the show's tone and pacing in the future, but I guess we'll see. But a good start, and I'm definitely in for now and it's in no small part because of Michael Ian Black, Adam Goldberg, and Ashley Williams. Though Jim was much better than I was thinking he'd be, so just another positive sign.

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I thought this episode was funnier than the first because it revolved around Jim's schtick--food and love of it.  Countelss shows have done vasectomies episodes and it's really not funny to hear guys think they won't be men after the gonadal chop.  Grow up.


Anyway, I'm willing to give this show time.  Goldberg's character is funny and I'd like to see more of the MIB character.  My big questions:  why do they live in a 2 bedroom apartment with 5 children????  Years ago Jim and family lived in a 2 BR; I can only hope they've moved into a bigger space so 5 kids don't have to share one bedroom.


P.S.  I find nothing odd about eating a cake in one sitting. 

Edited by PaulaO
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I thought it was awful. Was terribly disappointed because I love Gaffigan's stand-up. But in just the first couple of minutes we had screaming, unruly children and background music blasting so loud I could barely hear the dialogue. So I was turned off to it immediately. Didn't laugh or even crack a smile the whole half hour. And I don't know if casting Adam Goldberg as the best friend is such a hot idea either. This guy has played nothing but wacked-out, scary crazies in everything I've ever seen him in. Granted, he's good at that, but that's why it might be a mistake for him to be a sitcom sidekick. I expect him to snap and kill someone any moment.


I'll try out the second one just to be fair but this was anything but promising.

Oh man I love Jim so very much. I hope this show ...... idk,... improves?


I didn't think I had feelings about Gaffigan the comic one way or the other, but I turned this episode off before the end and deleted the series from my DVR. Apparently a little of him goes a long way for me and the plot about an overweight person constantly eating set the comedy bar pretty damned low. They're also hitting the cliche of schlubby husband/lackluster father with a smart, cute, with-it wife a little too hard.


I like MIB and the other supporting characters, but not enough to watch.

Edited by lordonia
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I've enjoyed most of both episodes, but Adam Goldberg is one of those actors who always gives me the creeps no matter what kind of role he's playing. He just seems smarmy, and I hate the tattoos.


He always plays crazies and bad guys - he's just got that look like he's going to snap at any second.


Thought this one was better than the pilot, although that's not saying much since I found the pilot God-awful. I did think the french fry thing at the airport was pretty funny.

Well I've given this show three chances, and I feel compelled to adhere to the "three strikes and you're out" rule. The show just isn't very good. I enjoy Gaffigan's stand-up so much but it just goes to show, being a successful stand-up doesn't always translate into a successful sitcom. Especially when the sitcom is so pedestrian and unoriginal. A married couple with kids. Gee, there's a trailblazing idea. There's nothing fresh or edgy about the premise, no new angle here, it just sort of relies all on Gaffigan's delivery and that's not enough with a stale premise like this. The supporting cast isn't cutting it either. The wife is playing the straight woman to Jim's clown, playing the typical Mom to Jim's man-child. Adam Goldberg is creepy as usual and Michael Ian Black, so wonderful on Another Period, is wasted here as a disappointingly stereotypical gay guy. 


I'm done.

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I'm out, too. My brother texted me after the first episode, which I still haven't seen, to tell me how greet this show is. I've watched the last two, and I just can't watch another. It's terrible. The acting is awful. The writing is bad. And the food thing is completely over the top. I know that's Jim's act, but he's a much better comedian than this show allows him to be.

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Uh-oh. The four episodes netted 17, 10, 5 and then 1 lonely comment.

Don't quit your night job, Jim.

I thought this episode was just too unbearable and insufferable even to waste a comment.

Jim's food gluttony is over-the-top, but seeing him become a disgusting drunk -- followed by his wife proving she could keep up with him -- was not one bit entertaining to me. Since Jim makes his five kids a centerpiece storyline for this show, all I could think of was those kids with fools for parents.

And the CONSTANT eating, stuffing, pigging out have gotten on my last nerve. Obsessive-compulsive is tough to watch when it comes to food. Jim's addiction to food, 50x per episode, makes my stomach turn. On a sitcom?!

You know, since Jim's show is on TVLand, I've been watching their reruns of King of Queens. Kevin James plays a guy who obviously loves food too much, and his particular love of junk, grease and sugar is played for laughs. His thin wife often tries to get him to diet to no avail.

But as much as Kevin's Doug Heffernan loves to eat, it was never necessary to see him stuffing something in his mouth constantly, stealing a stranger's airport fries, or snatching a kid's fudge pop while she slept. Jim! A little of that goes a long way.

The main plot of Michael Ian Black's immature, loutish, misogynistic, drunken father, faking heart attacks and probably making his fellow diners disgusted was also hard to watch. Just.not.funny.

Edited by sleekandchic
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I tried, but I just can't like this show. Gaffigan is just plain unlikeable, and if this show is truly based on his life, I feel so sorry for his kids. I don't find a guy who lays around all day, stuffing is face, to be funny. Add to that his annoying voice, and that equals a total dislike for this show. TV Land cancels Hot In Cleveland, a very witty show, and they replace it with this sorry excuse.

Now, don't get me started on the flip side of this show, Impastor, another bad show.

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I wasn't familiar with Jim Gaffigan before this series started.  I'm really enjoying it.


Me too!  


This was the first episode I saw, weeks ago, as a preview episode on TVLand (I think it was around the time of the Hot in Cleveland finale).  I thought it was good enough to set up a series recording and give it a chance.  


Then I forgot about it, until I noticed all the recordings on the DVR.  So I binge-watched the first 4 episodes (sort of - it took 3 nights).  Then I checked out the forum and it seems like everyone loves JG's stand-up and hates the show.  


I had not heard of Jim Gaffigan before this, so I guess I don't know what I am missing.  Plus, this is a first-run comedy on TVLand, my expectations were low to begin with.  


I will keep watching.  The plots are not very original but the jokes generally are. 

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