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Season 4 Discussion

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Oh my! Where to begin?

Jorge and Anfisa: Jorge clearly likes to flash the cash. No one in their right mind would do that even if they only had to carry cash due to their shady dealings.  Flights to Russia do not cost 10K but a flight and some going away and leave me alone cash would total up to 10K.  Really I do not know what to make of this couple overall. I am not 100% sure if they are doing this for more air time or it’s actually true (based on the fact of what happens next week).  Jorge is a whiny putz and into the crap that Anfisa is doling out.  But comeon, no one is that stupid especially with him being in a shady business.

Azan & Nicole: Nicole is a whiny brat. Furthermore, I am hoping Nicole’s mom is on the tell all with Nicole. One thing I cannot figure out is that if Azan is so great and she wants May to meet him, why on earth doesn’t she just buy Azan a ticket on a tourist visa and have him spend 5 weeks in the States? That way she can still do her wonderful barista job, spend time with both Azan and May and not have to leave everything.  Also, Azan can spend time in the States to see if he likes it, and she can get her PDA’s as much as she wants (if he provides).

Chantel & Pedro:  I’m wondering if Familia Chantel has some elderly grandparent who is well off if inheritance is an issue for a prenup.  Papa Chantel and Mama Chantel seem to be young and fit so I do not see them leaving Familia Chantel anytime soon.  Again, I agree with posters above that the paper Chantel printed the prenup is worth more than the actual do it yourself document.   And to the poster above who said that they can leave the property exclusively to Chantel. Unfortunately , that can’t be done.  Inheritance becomes communal property so Pedro would have rights to it.

Matt & Alla: I saw this on the Happily Ever After page, why doesn’t Alla just say that she has affections for Matt? It’s close to love and I am thinking she must if she is marrying him.  Other than that, I am so jaded by this show, I think Patrick is doing this for added screen time.

Nykria & Lowe: I think Nykria should be introduced to Mo.  All she wants to be is a bride and the love rat needs another sugar mama.   Why do these people bother at all?

Loved the fact that they got more lawyers to appear especially the one for Nicole.  Can’t wait for this crapfest to be over. I really wish they would portray a few real couples with real problems.  The drama drums up a lot of discussion on the pages here but all and all is a ton of crap fest.   (See my wish list for the season).

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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Did anyone else laugh at Nicole's comment that she's "situationally sad"? (my spell check is questioning that being a real word) 

I couldn't even guess what she was trying to say!

10 minutes ago, greekmom said:

why on earth doesn’t she just buy Azan a ticket on a tourist visa and have him spend 5 weeks in the States?

Because it's near impossible to get a tourist visa from Morocco.

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6 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I couldn't even guess what she was trying to say!

Because it's near impossible to get a tourist visa from Morocco.

And if it weren't, why shouldn't Azan pay his own way to visit Nicole as she did for her visit? He can't possibly make much less $ than she does.

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Jorge's sister Lourdes is the real star of this season. She's level-headed, calm, and can say everything that needs to be said with just her eyebrows.

MrSmith, I agree! The Jorge sisters rule! He seems to come from a good family. 

I can't stop seeing the similarities between Jorge and Scottie Maples in A&E's "60 Days In," to which I am also addicted. Scottie could be Jorge's country cousin. I also can't stop seeing Ellen Barkin as Nicole's Mom. 

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19 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

And if it weren't, why shouldn't Azan pay his own way to visit Nicole as she did for her visit? He can't possibly make much less $ than she does.

It's quite possible to get a B2 tourist visa from Morocco to the US. Lots of my husband's family members have one. The impediments for Azan would be that the applicant must own a home and have substantive employment and/or other monetary ties to home that would draw them back. They also need to prove that they have enough money to cover their expenses here. If they can qualify, they are free to come and go for 10 years.

Edited by Virtually Me
Can't type
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2 hours ago, shockermolar said:

When Jorge pulled out the wad of cash and said, "It's a little under $10K, should be enough to buy a ticket," was I the only one that immediately googled flights from LAX to Moscow? You can get a nonstop, direct for under $1K, btw.

I took that as he was giving her a plane ticket and "severance package" 

But who in the world just goes to the airport without even looking up flights?

Even the production crew knew something was off because they even said to them when they came back "we noticed you didn't take any luggage"

That whole thing was just really BIZARRE. 

I wonder if Anifsa maybe knows some secrets or dirty laundry that Jorge is worried she will leak out if he sends her back. 

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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I kiss my wife with no problems, but I can't share a toothbrush with her or eat using a utensil she has used without first washing it. Strangely, I can drink from the same bottle or glass as she without any problems. Some people just have these little hang-ups and they (the hang-ups) don't necessarily make sense. In fact, when I first met my wife, I had very complicated rules about what kinds food could touch what other kinds of food on my plate. And some of those rules still apply. For example, beets can't touch anything else on my plate, except potatoes. In fact, I'll generally not take beets on my plate until I can make them the only thing on my plate because I don't want beet juice to touch anything else on my plate (except the aforementioned potatoes, which is fine). It used to be that only corn, peas, and beets could touch my potatoes, but I didn't want corn and peas to touch whatever meat was on my plate. Potatoes could only touch steak, not chicken or turkey (even at Thanksgiving), and gravy was never allowed on anything except potatoes. Deviled eggs still can't touch anything else on my plate, either. I've eased up on it quite a bit from when my wife and I started living together, at which time it was very strict and I simply wouldn't eat the foods that had commingled when they "shouldn't" have. (I would eat around the areas where they had commingled.) So, it may not make sense to you, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. Everybody's different and some people can share their spouse's toothbrush. I am one of those who cannot.

Mr. Landlord, is that you?

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Jorge likes to flash the cash the same way he likes to flash Anfisa, as if Anfisa was someone one would brag about being with.   But as I said before, to Jorge this whole thing (the money and the girl) is about asserting himself his school friends know that he has arrived.   ....his pathetic notion of having arrived.

He should be doubly careful given the line of business he is in.

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3 hours ago, shockermolar said:

When Jorge pulled out the wad of cash and said, "It's a little under $10K, should be enough to buy a ticket," was I the only one that immediately googled flights from LAX to Moscow? You can get a nonstop, direct for under $1K, btw.

You don't think that Anfisa flies coach do you doll?

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15 hours ago, peaceknit said:

 It's hard to tell if Nicole is willfully obtuse, or just plain stupid. Good on her mother for telling it like it is!

I think it's entirely possible that she's both, along with developmentally stunted.

Chantal is also a complete idiot and probably spoiled rotten. Pedro, get thee signed up for an ESL class pronto. His language skills are atrocious.

Jorge is not exactly a mental giant either. I really do not have any sympathy for him at all. At his age, it is pretty pathetic to be that desperate for a relationship and it doesn't look like he inherited a lick of the common sense that his sisters have.

I don't think that Narkiya is necessarily dumb, but pathetically desperate for a man if she is gullible enough to believe any of the cheesy moves of lyin' Lowo.

I think Alla is sweet - certainly the most rootable and likable of all this crew.  I think they might be okay if they remove that nosy asshat Patrick from their lives - although that is most likely producer driven drama.

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I realize the very brief preview of the "ever after" episode has been edited to fuel speculation about what has happened to the couples, but I'll bite. Even if they're still in relationships with their tickets to America, Azan and Lowo couldn't possibly be there, but why isn't Narkyia shown on the couch in the coming attractions? 

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3 hours ago, greekmom said:

And to the poster above who said that they can leave the property exclusively to Chantel. Unfortunately , that can’t be done.  Inheritance becomes communal property so Pedro would have rights to it.

Absolutely.  A co-worker and his brother inherited their family home in Los Angeles. Given that he has no intention of leaving Manhattan, my co-worker signed over his half to his not as successful brother. Long story short, the brother got divorce and now his ex-wife owns the home. 

Chantal’s parents probably own a lucrative business, and are hell bent on keeping it in the family. Can’t say that I blame them.  However, their treatment of Pedro was horrible. They made that poor guy seem - less than.  I don't think they'd like it if someone were to treat River the same way.

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3 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

It's more than just Robbalee paying for the K1. If Azan comes over and racks up debt or crashes a car, whoever "cosigns" for the visa would be held responsible because Azan isn't working.

Also not true.   The affidavit of financial support for the K-1 visa is only if the person winds up on government benefits.   In other words, the family has to pay rather than the taxpayers.   All other debt are solely the responsible of the person -- just like anyone else in America.   If you crash your car but are not working, your family is not responsible.   Now if she co-signs the loan on the car and is a car owner -- then should be responsible.   But she is not responsible for all his financial affairs.

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Jorge, someone once told me that you should never marry someone who would be ugly in a divorce.

That's who you're marrying.  In the COURTING TIME when everyone is showing their best lovey-dovey side and is on their best behavior she kicks you out of the house and keys your car.  Really.  Really? If you divorce her, she will drag it out until you're broke. Just don't marry her.

Family Chantal: I hope that was staged because you have no fucking business asking for a damn pre-nup if you can't actually tell the internet pre-nup from a legit one. Or, how about you use the "family attorney" since you have such a lucrative inheritance to pass down? I mean, you've done your wills already, right?

Nicole...oh Nicole.  I can't figure out quite what your issue is.  Mae is your first priority...and why do I even have to say that?  Did you try to trap the Texas guy by getting preggers? That worked well, huh? Thank God her mom was like "nope. not paying for Azan." And I almost choked when she mentioned the passport for Mae like applying and paying for one was some massive hurdle that Nicole wouldn't be able to overcome without her assistance. How does Nicole live on her own if she makes less than $25k a year? Get a 2nd job. You have free child care.  You have to be shitting me with this one.

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When Chantal found out she couldn't get a prenup from an attorney a day before the wedding. she whined that her parents would think that Pedro deliberately delayed things so that he wouldn't have time to sign a prenup. She is the one who decided to lie to them but once again, she throws him under the bus. She is a despicable brat.

And speaking of despicable brats, I have a sinking feeling that Nicole might just manipulate her mother into sponsoring Azan. Her mother has probably always caved in to Nicole's demands; where else would she get her entitled attitude? The way she spoke to her mother - rude and disrespectful - is probably the way she has always spoken to her, and unfortunately, her mother never called her on it.

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4 minutes ago, Montrealaise said:

And speaking of despicable brats, I have a sinking feeling that Nicole might just manipulate her mother into sponsoring Azan. Her mother has probably always caved in to Nicole's demands; where else would she get her entitled attitude? The way she spoke to her mother - rude and disrespectful - is probably the way she has always spoken to her, and unfortunately, her mother never called her on it.

Seriously you could see in that scene that she is so used to getting whatever she wants from her mother.

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4 hours ago, greekmom said:

Inheritance becomes communal property so Pedro would have rights to it.


1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

Absolutely.  A co-worker and his brother inherited their family home in Los Angeles. Given that he has no intention of leaving Manhattan, my co-worker signed over his half to his not as successful brother. Long story short, the brother got divorce and now his ex-wife owns the home. 

Chantal’s parents probably own a lucrative business, and are hell bent on keeping it in the family. Can’t say that I blame them.  However, their treatment of Pedro was horrible. They made that poor guy seem - less than.  I don't think they'd like it if someone were to treat River the same way.

Actually inheritance rules vary from state to state!  In Georgia, an inheritance constitutes separate property, even if it's acquired during the marriage. So, Chantel does NOT need a prenup to keep her inheritance to herself. Lucky her, because I'm pretty sure that prenup would be void.

One scenario where Chantel could screw herself over is if she commingles that inheritance with joint assets, e.g., puts it in a bank account she shares with Pedro (and I can totally envision this space cadet doing this). In that case, the inheritance would be converted into a marital asset.  



Here's some boring legal mumbo jumbo from Georgia case law:


Property acquired during the marriage by one spouse by gift, inheritance, bequest or devise (made by a nonspouse) remains the separate property of the recipient spouse....' [Cits.]" Coe v. Coe, 285 Ga. 863, 864(1)(a), 684 S.E.2d 598 (2009)

Edited by JoJoPowerRanger
found better suited case example
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37 minutes ago, Montrealaise said:

And speaking of despicable brats, I have a sinking feeling that Nicole might just manipulate her mother into sponsoring Azan. Her mother has probably always caved in to Nicole's demands; where else would she get her entitled attitude? The way she spoke to her mother - rude and disrespectful - is probably the way she has always spoken to her, and unfortunately, her mother never called her on it.

Thinking generally probably yeah you are right. But this is major than a new off the shoulder top, new earrings or whatnot. And it affects May who I think Nicole's mom has a soft spot for and is protecting her more than Nicole. 

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Re: Chantal's internet prenup.

Now I don't own a printer. It must be almost a decade since I printed something off the internet. But. When you print, does the web address not appears in the top left corner anymore? (Exemple, if I was to print this page, it would say "http://forums.previously.tv/topic/49927-s04e11-are-you-ready-for-this/?page=4" in the corner)

Would that not appear in the corner of Chantal's prenup? Would her parents not SEE IT?

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1 minute ago, Landlord said:

Re: Chantal's internet prenup.

Now I don't own a printer. It must be almost a decade since I printed something off the internet. But. When you print, does the web address not appears in the top left corner anymore? (Exemple, if I was to print this page, it would say "http://forums.previously.tv/topic/49927-s04e11-are-you-ready-for-this/?page=4" in the corner)

Would that not appear in the corner of Chantal's prenup? Would her parents not SEE IT?

Now that you mention it, when I was watching I saw something like "This is a RocketLawyer document" across the bottom pages.

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25 minutes ago, Landlord said:

Re: Chantal's internet prenup.

Now I don't own a printer. It must be almost a decade since I printed something off the internet. But. When you print, does the web address not appears in the top left corner anymore? (Exemple, if I was to print this page, it would say "http://forums.previously.tv/topic/49927-s04e11-are-you-ready-for-this/?page=4" in the corner)

Would that not appear in the corner of Chantal's prenup? Would her parents not SEE IT?

Legal websites that create docs for you make a pdf document so the web address wouldn't show up.

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15 minutes ago, greekmom said:

And it affects May who I think Nicole's mom has a soft spot for and is protecting her more than Nicole. 

I believe Nicole uses her daughter to emotional blackmail her mother.  "Mom, May and I are going to Morocco for five weeks."  "You can go but May is staying right here." "Okay."  All Nicole has to do is to threaten to take May half way across the world, and her mother will cave and co-sign/give her the money for Azan's K-1 visa. 

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  56 minutes ago, greekmom said:

And it affects May who I think Nicole's mom has a soft spot for and is protecting her more than Nicole. 

I believe Nicole uses her daughter to emotional blackmail her mother.  "Mom, May and I are going to Morocco for five weeks."  "You can go but May is staying right here." "Okay."  All Nicole has to do is to threaten to take May half way across the world, and her mother will cave and co-sign/give her the money for Azan's K-1 visa. 

YES! And it is brutal to watch! Nicole's mom needs to start playing hardball and get FULL CUSTODY OF MAY.

Azan's family is wonderful but that innocent little tot will be terrified in a strange place around people who don't speak her language!

EVERYONE has told Nicole what a terrible idea it is to bring him over here. And, Nicole knows this but she still wants to do this. In other words, she's stuck on stupid. She knows her mom will not cooperate with the stupid, so in order to get mom to cooperate and FINANCE the stupid she throws up her daughter as a pawn.

It's cold, cruel and downright Daniellesque.

Find your backbone and make these wretched games stop, Grandma! Pull whatever financial sustenance we know you're already providing and let your daughter flounder on her own, really on her own.

Of course if her mom had a backbone, Nicole wouldn't have grown into the lady we see before us.

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  1 hour ago, Montrealaise said:

And speaking of despicable brats, I have a sinking feeling that Nicole might just manipulate her mother into sponsoring Azan. Her mother has probably always caved in to Nicole's demands; where else would she get her entitled attitude? The way she spoke to her mother - rude and disrespectful - is probably the way she has always spoken to her, and unfortunately, her mother never called her on it.

Seriously you could see in that scene that she is so used to getting whatever she wants from her mother.

Yes, she is used to getting her way. And, she goes from zero to sixty when she doesn't get her way, getting obnoxiously loud an unreasonable. Her poor mom probably never sees beyond shutting her up in the moment.

Seriously, between the interrupting, the tears, and the tantrums; the arguing and the inability to see anyone else's point of view, and the total lack of discipline, Nicole's mom has managed to raise a ginormous baby woman. What went right with Nicole's sister?

So, when Azan decides to leave her after a year and spend his life at Workout World instead of getting a job, Nicole's mom can spend her retirement money reimbursing the government for his welfare.

After all, from what we observed over the five week period in Morocco, we already know that Azan is completely comfortable with not having a job. And, it appears he is not putting any money towards the K1 Visa process. I'm guessing he's completely comfortable with that, too?

Three years from now, Nicole's mom will be truly struggling to make ends meet while her daughter shops online for yet another mate with a "trainer bod."

Azan, if you're reading, please, have a heart, and move onto a victim who doesn't have a child. A not-Nicole woman will be more pleasant for you in the long [short] run, anyway.

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Perhaps Nicole has special needs that her mom may have coddled. I'm not so sure she's coddled, yet. If Mom co-sponsors this mess, then she's been, & still is being, coddled.

Nicole's smileys are very Dani, which is very disturbing. At least Dani's kids could speak up for themselves.

Cute wedding for the show, but, I wonder if the Chantal wedding photos from the big bash they actually had will show up online somewhere.

Narkyia must have something against ice cream cones to torture it like that.

Jorge must feel his biological clock ticking. 

Edited by gonecrackers
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3 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Jorge, someone once told me that you should never marry someone who would be ugly in a divorce.

That's who you're marrying.  In the COURTING TIME when everyone is showing their best lovey-dovey side and is on their best behavior she kicks you out of the house and keys your car.  Really.  Really? If you divorce her, she will drag it out until you're broke. Just don't marry her.

Family Chantal: I hope that was staged because you have no fucking business asking for a damn pre-nup if you can't actually tell the internet pre-nup from a legit one. Or, how about you use the "family attorney" since you have such a lucrative inheritance to pass down? I mean, you've done your wills already, right?

Nicole...oh Nicole.  I can't figure out quite what your issue is.  Mae is your first priority...and why do I even have to say that?  Did you try to trap the Texas guy by getting preggers? That worked well, huh? Thank God her mom was like "nope. not paying for Azan." And I almost choked when she mentioned the passport for Mae like applying and paying for one was some massive hurdle that Nicole wouldn't be able to overcome without her assistance. How does Nicole live on her own if she makes less than $25k a year? Get a 2nd job. You have free child care.  You have to be shitting me with this one.

I actually thought she was struggling to tell her mom that she was pregnant again.

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I know Nicole has shown she can't think beyond the next shiny object in her path, but what does she HONESTLY think will happen if she took May/Mae to Morocco? She thinks she can ask the production staff to watch her kid while she forces Azan to have forbidden sexytime with her?  She'll feed her kid with what? "Azan, take me to McDonald's, May/Mae only eats chicken nuggets for lunch. Why doesn't this one have a PlayPlace and why don't any of the kids speak English? May/Mae can't understand them. Can you find some English-speaking children for her to play with while we go play video games?" She best not be thinking "Azan's mom will watch May/Mae just like my mom watches her!" because GIRL BYE. 

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  7 hours ago, Snewtsie said:

Nicole's mom & sister need to start building a case documenting all of Nicole's bad decisions, and go for full custody of May. 

For the nth time -- Nicole is not going to lose custody of her child because she is an idiot.   Making bad decisions not grounds for losing custody.   You have to have "extraordinary circumstances" such as prolonged drug use, being gone for months (not just 5 weeks every so often) at a time, or being incarcerated before you lose custody.    Just being an idiot is not enough.


It's just such a shame watching her try to strong-arm her mom just because she's yearning for that trainer bod! Clearly her loins are in charge.

The thing is, she's a BIG idiot, and big idiots make big mistakes ~ neglect, getting the electricity shut off, endangering the welfare of a minor, etc. Also, her temper is a force to be reckoned with. With her mom it was so predictable. She went from a smarmy smile to raising her voice and making irrational accusations. She gets unreasonably loud very fast. And we know she gets physical with others when she doesn't get her way. It's like the impulse control is just not working.

Also, it's safe to say that she would be completely incapable of raising May without Mom's help with babysitting, buying extra little things, etc.

I want to make it clear that I have NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that Nicole is an unfit parent, but it wouldn't surprise me if she were. And, if she is, her mom needs to play hardball.

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On 11/7/2016 at 0:16 AM, Teddybear said:

It was so weird when Nicole, after not seeing May for 5 weeks, didn't give her kisses when she first saw her at the airport.  She was so obsessed with kissing Azan, it just seemed really weird.   Such a disconnect with her own daughter, it seemed.  

That was Nicole's daughter? (I'm new the show. My hairdreser turned me onto it last week). Not only was the baby not sitting next to her, but she never even looked at May. I thought for sure it was her sister's baby.


On 11/7/2016 at 4:06 PM, NahorsNeighbor said:

Also, our theory is Azan is gay and wants to get out of a country where that is a death sentence. He picked an easy target and wants to come here to live the life he wants. It's the only explanation that makes sense. Come on over Azan. You be you.

I had this impression the first time I saw him. 


On 11/8/2016 at 3:36 AM, Real Eyes said:

For all who are speculating on "love" in Ukraine, I am ethnically Ukrainian, married to a Ukrainian man, and I have spent a considerable amount of time in Ukraine.


In regions in Western Ukraine now, electricity has been cut to tens of thousands of homes, because people don't have money to pay for it.  I don't know what will happen this winter, as gas prices, per the IMF, are no longer subsidized.  The country is mired in corruption, with no future.  That is why Alla is willing to marry a man she doesn't love.  She wants to get out of Ukraine, she wants to ensure her son has a future, and Matt is her ticket out.  From her perspective, she could do worse.  He is not as old as many Americans who go to Ukraine to look for foreign wives (20 plus age differences are not unusual, but those marriages rarely last beyond citizenship, and most men are looking for young women they could not score at home).  He is good looking and in good shape (very rare among Ukrainian bride seekers).  From what I have seen in the program, he is also far more normal than most mail order bride seekers.  So, from Alla's perspective, she has chosen a guy with a poor track record, but he is attractive and doesn't seem to be a control freak.  He is weak, and most Ukrainians are not, but I think she can live with this because he seems kind.

Thank you for dropping that knowledge, Real Eyes. I have always thought Alla was sincere even though she wasn't head-over-heels in wuv like the Americans on the show. And though Alla speaks wonderful English, I think it would be easier for her to explain her feelings and intentions if she were speaking Ukranian. I got that impression in the episode where she went out to dinner with Matt's family. Not that she needs to explain anything of this to Patrick or anyone in Matt's family. But I wish she and Matt had more conversations about their relationship. And they just might, off-camera. 

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43 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Lowo totally picked his nose and rubbed it on Naykira.

As soon as his "friend" showed up, Mr. Guilfoyle called out "they're in a relationship." I did notice the friend very carefully wiping the ice cream off Lowo's face.

At that scene my husband said "oh he's the Semi from Coming to America", thought....yup that's it lol.

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Things that really stuck out to me this episode:  

Nicole's whining... to her little brother, no less!  But-uhhhhhhh guyyyyyyssssss, uhhhhhhh

Nicole with the lawyer who was basically like, "you poor, sweet, stupid, stupid child,"

THOSE FUCKING WALMART SPECIAL SHIRTS.  Lord, I almost peed my pants (sorry, Danielle) when I read what the poster said about how she must breathe through her shoulders!

When Jorge actually uttered the phrase, "women are crazy," I feel like he deserves allllll this shit raining down upon him from hurricane Anfisa.... until the airport scene...

If Jorge was female, I would be thinking about calling the cops.  Anfisa has flipped from being delightfully cold and upfront to being sociopathic and cruel over the past few episodes.  Jorge seems truly scared, and I wish his terrifying and upfront sisters would show up at her door (let's face it- Jorge may be paying for the apartment, but that's ALL Anifsa's place).   There's about to be a girl fight!

Lowo is so full of shit, and Narkiya is abusive.  AWESOME match.

Patrick makes me want to slap the smug outta him.  Then again, so does Matt.  Alla, you are too good for this.  

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1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Lowo totally picked his nose and rubbed it on Naykira.

As soon as his "friend" showed up, Mr. Guilfoyle called out "they're in a relationship." I did notice the friend very carefully wiping the ice cream off Lowo's face.

That seemed a bit intimate to me too.   I was waiting for friend to dab the napkin on his tongue, then wipe Lowo's cheek.

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Why TF does Chantal's every comment seem to backhand blame Pedro?  He isn't at fault that she has no dress and her parents didn't pay for rings and the wedding. 

I just can't. Soooooo unrealistic and spoiled. 

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I find it interesting that Chantel can afford the K1 process with no job but Nicole can't and she has a job (Although not a lucrative one). The Chantel story is definitely fake. I think her parents cosponsored and have known about the engagement this entire time. 

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9 minutes ago, Kea said:

I find it interesting that Chantel can afford the K1 process with no job but Nicole can't and she has a job (Although not a lucrative one). The Chantel story is definitely fake. I think her parents cosponsored and have known about the engagement this entire time. 

I wouldn't be surprised if she did something incredibly stupid like use student loan money for it.  I knew a LOT of people that thought of their loan money as magic money and used it on all kinds of stupid choices.  There's also this mysterious inheritance.  Maybe she has it now, from a grandparent or something, and it's both why her parents are so concerned and how she has the money.

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Nicole is like a belligerent teenager with her mom, so she won't listen to her, & her mom spoke well. I'm not in the blame the mom camp, unless she's enabling financially somehow. Her parents are divorced, & Nicole chases men like crazy... there could also be 'daddy issues' going on there.

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9 hours ago, Cranky One said:

I think Jorge was going to give her the whole $10k wad. Who knows?

Yay for Nicole's mom for not giving in and being the voice of reason, BUT...somewhere in Nicole's upbringing she was allowed to get away with acting like that in my non-professional opinion.

I can't help to think that the fake prenup was signed with an "X" by both of them. My husband and I don't have one so I don't know what is on them, but is there also a lawyer signature on one as a witness or something? Are they notarized? I can't believe Parents Chantal would be all, "Yes! This will do!" about it...fake, Fake, FAKE!

Hey, Matt. Put your bride to be first. Don't allow Patrick to come to your wedding if he says he doesn't know what he'll do.

...and in crayon.

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16 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Nicole is like a belligerent teenager with her mom, so she won't listen to her, & her mom spoke well. I'm not in the blame the mom camp, unless she's enabling financially somehow. Her parents are divorced, & Nicole chases men like crazy... there could also be 'daddy issues' going on there.

Yeah, I'm giving Mom the benefit of the doubt, assuming she meant "no" when she said it. I'm sure plenty of people here grew up to be reasonably responsible people but have a sibling who is an entitled brat, as I do. I don't know how my brother and I turned out so differently, and you'd swear we couldn't have been raised in the same home. :/


What pissed me off the most about Chantel was the non-stop histrionics over her family possibly not showing while not showing an ounce of empathy for Pedro, who 100% was not going to have any family or friends there for him. The ONE single person he has to count on in the entire country treated him like crap for god knows how long leading up the wedding (all 90 days?). And then the strange prenup examination at the alter, fake or not, had to be embarrassing as hell for him. Dude should have run back to the DR. Estupido Americans indeed!

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