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S03.E07: Week 4, Night 2

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10 hours ago, KnoxForPres said:

Men are pretty simple, dear Ashley. They like good blowjobs, great food, laughter and as a general rule not a whole lot of analysis.

It's sad how true this is.  I'll add that most of them have a pretty clear, "type," and the way Jared acted when he saw Caila clearly shows  that (to paraphrase Izzy) if he drew a picture of his perfect girl she would be short, small faced, thin lipped and with big voluptuous hair.  You're gorgeous in your own way Ashley, but you're never going to be Jared's dream girl.  Find a guy who fantasizes about your type.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, backformore said:

This is the same Jade and Tanner who are going on "marriage Boot Camp - reality Stars", a show where reality show couples who are having marital issues are put through the paces, to complete tasks to reveal their deep-seated issues so they can decide whether to stay together or divorce. 

So, which reality is real?

What's real is their love of media attention.  I would say only 1 or 2 couples on Marriage Boot Camp are actually in trouble and considering breaking up.  Everyone else is there for exposure.  But it's all forgivable in my eyes because it's reality tv which is to be taken with a grain of salt.  If they want to go on another tv show to promote themselves (I guess is the correct phrasing) then why not.  Both are generally likeable people and I will watch in Oct. just to see what's up.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

If they want to go on another tv show to promote themselves (I guess is the correct phrasing) then why not.

Because even in promotions you can't give out mixed messages. Either they want to promote themselves as a great couple who are the best love story out of Paradise, or as a trouble couple who need bootcamp to fix their relationship. Both and the only message people get is these are fame whores I shouldn't waste my time on because their love story is just for publicity.

I don't' care. They are boring no matter where they go. I still laugh at the fact that she flashed her cooch all over the internet and still managed to be one of the most boring people in the Bachlorverse. I'm guessing she told her family to call her a wild mustang to promote her "brand". When did people stop being people and start becoming brands anyway? *sorry, rant over*

  • Love 9
On August 24, 2016 at 10:57 AM, Madding crowd said:



On August 24, 2016 at 10:57 AM, Madding crowd said:

I know I am the only one here that feels this way but I actually liked Bachelor Pad better. They had games and activities and Power couples and this show has lots of drinking on beaches.. I do like this, but sometimes it goes by so damn slow. I really wish they at least had a rose ceremony each week. 


Bachelor Pad was my favorite show.  I loved everything about it.  I hate watch BIP because there's nothing else on, although this season is slightly less boring than last.

  • Love 1
Just now, OnceSane said:

Ashley is an asshole, her tears should be sweet nectar to Caila…they are to me.  I just need to have less of her n my screen.  She isn't good tv, she makes the show more annoying.

It seemed to me that half the time she was bawling she was almost laughing at the same time. Like she knew it was just a big put-on.

Ashley gives a reason for this in her blog, take it for what it's worth:



I'm sitting here watching the reality soap opera I've been part of for the past two summers and clapping my hands because I'm in love with how self-aware the show is. Self-awareness and self-deprecation, having the ability to make fun of yourself and not taking things too seriously — these are some of my favorite traits in people. I've got them myself. That's what the laugh cry is all about, people! It's me realizing in the moment that it's silly how upset I am, but I'm distraught nonetheless

Edited by ByTor

From Chocolatine (because I cannot do quotes here): "He did get a date card. Jared tried to sell him on Ashley so that she would leave him and Caila alone, but Ryan didn't fall for that and took one of the twins instead. The date was a total snooze fest though;" Thanks Chocolatine. I guess Ryan's date really WAS a snoozefest, I musta slept through it. LOL!

  • Love 1
On 8/24/2016 at 6:55 AM, Dirtybubble said:

Hey I'm not sure if this is the video the previous poster was talking about but I think it is...my Evan looks handsome here...maybe there is something there that we, the viewers, aren't seeing =)

In the video, Evan looks like a good-looking nerd, the type of guy who went to Princeton and then became a tech entrepreneur. Perfect husband material (I married one, myself).

He should've just stuck with that to stand out from the rest of the Bachelor guys. Instead, he went Hollywood douche, a look he cannot pull off, especially next to the ex-jocks and models he's surrounded with.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Fable said:

Does anyone really believe the Ashley/Jared stuff?  Or even the Chad stuff for that matter?  It may be that some of this stuff is real, but I think half these people are assigned roles which they agree to play along with (Ashley onion and a few others come to mind as well).   None of them need shrinks, but hopefully they have good brokers.  

I think it's exaggerated for the show, but I do believe that Ashley and Chad are purdee nutballs.    Same as I believe Evan is a creepy dweeb, and that Carly is insecure and jealous of self confident women.   Actually, Carly is probably the most real of all them.   I don't really like her, but she doesn't put on a show for the cameras.  

On August 24, 2016 at 0:10 AM, Padma said:

lol. I kind of loved Caila with the (I think sincere), "We're trying to make you comfortable!" Oooh! Check and mate! (Well, almost). Jared's an idiot if he can't see what Ashley's up to. However, his little smile when Caila told him Ashley was still in love with him said it all. I've had that smile, too. It's pure ego! He absolutely knows how she feels and he likes it! Even though he doesn't plan to take it further, I think he  enjoys having her on the leash!  Hadn't seen that before.  Now I get their dynamic! It's really stupid!

Yeah, that was the most politely worded smackdown she could have used. WE have to manage YOUR (alone, solo, unwanted) hurt feelings, lol. I also liked the "so you're just going to interfere with everyone else to entertain yourself?" jab. 

Because really, Ashley's "well, there's no one else here right now" comment couldn't have been more self-involved.

Jared is getting more boring by the minute. I kinda liked him before, but now that I think of it, I liked him best when he was hanging out with the other guys. He, Ben H, Tanner and some others had a really nice friendship on Kaitlyn's season and he's more interesting in that company than he has been with any woman. Listening to him talk about feelings is painful, he's so monotone and his words don't match his body language at all. 


 I don't think she was looking for him tell her he loves her but just some indication that he was truly interested. Her issue seemed to be that Nick would be guarded and distant at times to where she had no idea what he was thinking or if he was even interested in her at all. And I can imagine that would be frustrating for someone.

Nick's conversation with Jade/Tanner (and I say Nick's because Jen didn't really speak more than to say she'd only been there 4 days) was very light on relationship talk. It was more like "hey, I'm sitting here next to this person because they needed to send us in here in twos, except for poor lonely Ashley I, so yeah, she's here and I'm here but I've fallen in love on tv twice and gotten dumped twice so let's talk more about that instead." 


I admit to feeling kind of soft and "aw" at Carly and Evan. Who'd have thought I'd be rooting for those two crazy kids. At least they seem somewhat self-aware and don't expect perfection out of each other. I find it interesting how Carly's feelings have changed as she's gotten to know him. It's like the infamous "they" always say... in general, (of course there are exceptions) women are turned on by emotional intimacy.

I just can't get on the Evan/Carly train. Her facial expressions when she talks about him still have the same "ew, gross" look she had after the first kiss and she seems to be trying so incredibly hard to make herself like him just because he likes her. 

Also, their personalities just don't seem like they mesh. She's very snarky while he's either being doofily earnest OR a shit-stirring, manipulative weasel. It just doesn't seem like she would have fun talking to him based on the persona he's been shown to have. 


Poor Vinnie. Yeah he and Izzie have only known each other for a few weeks, but it still REALLY sucks that she dumped him for a guy she has had, what, one conversation with. I thought they were actually cute and normal, and they seemed to really like being together and talking, not just sucking on each others faces, like SOME people. He has just the saddest eyes. 

I just thought it was shitty of her to act all coupled up and then flip the switch without even talking to him first. Not only is it hurtful, but kind of embarrassing, like if your friends saw your girlfriend out with another guy you knew nothing about. There were better ways to handle that. 


The twins are so dumb that they don't realize HOW d umb they are.  No adult should ever admit thinking Lincoln is the first president of the United States.  (I bet she still doesn't know the right answer).

I think they know exactly how dumb they are, or how dumb they want to present themselves as. Whichever twin that was volunteered the info about her thinking Lincoln was the first president, clearly those two are going to ride the "dumb blonde" trope straight into the ground. I'm already over it, but the show seems to find it hilarious as every end tag is now a dumb twin moment. 


Is Jared really that dumb , or was it producer driven that he brought those 'concerns' to Caila, or was he deviously trying to get Caila to be more interested in him, through jealousy?

All of the above, maybe? Caila's not falling all over herself to build up his ego (he has Ashley for that), so that may have been a way to drag some feelings out of her. 

  • Love 6


Caila. Sweetie. That is no way to confront the obsessed mean girl in love with the guy you are dating. Here's how you handle an Ashley:

(1) Lean into her space. Way in. Look her in the eyes with laser-like intensity.

(2) In a low, even tone, say words to the effect of this: Listen, you little bitch. Jared and I are together, and you are going to stay the fuck away from him and from me or I swear to God you are going to regret it.  Oh, and when I say together? I mean TOGETHER. So go peddle your crazy virgin ass to some other guy, because you are NEVER going to be with Jared. Nod your head if I am making myself clear. Good.

(3) Return directly to Jared and seduce him as publicly as possible.


If it were me, I wouldn't confront the obsessed mean girl at all. That just gives her power. I'd go to Jared (which would never happen because "ew", but for the sake of making a point) and say, "Listen, this girl is obsessed with you and you need to decide what you want more: to date me or to get an hourly ego blowjob from her? If it's the former, shut her down for good or we are done."


I guess we won't know until the other show airs. Until then, it's Schroedinger's marriage.

Ohmigod. You just won this thread. Maybe you should homeschool the twins. 

  • Love 8

God - watching the scene with Vinny and Izzy made me feel so bad for him. I know it wasn't a long time or anything but I do think he really liked her. And like I said in an earlier post - Izzy looks like a busted Rachel Griffiths so I think she's way overestimating her allure in this situation. I just don't find her very attractive at all. She kind of has that Seinfeld-ian "two-face" thing. In some lights she looks okay but in others she's full-on homely. JMO.  Vinny could do SO much better on all fronts. She at least seemed pretty cool early on. But now she's attracted to a dude who looks like the quintessential 'douche bro' complete with hipster beard and flip flops. Yuck. And the only reason Brett(?) is encouraging her infatuation is because he wants that rose. I have no doubts he isn't attracted to her in the slightest. And I really can't wait for her to be left out in the cold at the next rose ceremony.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

It's sad how true this is.  I'll add that most of them have a pretty clear, "type," and the way Jared acted when he saw Caila clearly shows  that (to paraphrase Izzy) if he drew a picture of his perfect girl she would be short, small faced, thin lipped and with big voluptuous hair.  You're gorgeous in your own way Ashley, but you're never going to be Jared's dream girl.  Find a guy who fantasizes about your type.

Yes, I completely agree. Jared's attraction to Jade early on last season also makes sense in terms of type. Both Caila and Jade are very girl-next-door pretty.

Ashley I. is very beautiful (in my opinion) and should have no problem attracting guys, if she tones down the crazy. She needs to learn that you can never truly persuade someone to like you (and honestly, why would you want to?). Even if they "give in," it's usually very short-lived until they find someone they actually like.

Edited by lavenderpenguin
  • Love 2

If Jared truly isn't interested in Ashley, he needs to completely cut her out of his life.   He's not doing any favors by saying he's not interested but then telling her he's glad she's still here.  Even his sad attempt to fix her up with someone else just looks to Ashley like he cares so much about her he wants to see her happy.  He even said to Caila that he has deep feeling for Ashley.  WTF!  Holy mixed signals.  Ashley--this guy is not your friend, friends don't jerk you around like this.  Jared--Ashley is not your friend, she's your stalker--you can't be friends with your stalker.  Caila-- You seem sweet but incredibly naïve, get out while you can.

Carly and Evan?  All I can think is that they decided somehow off camera to "get together" so that they wouldn't be sent home.  They are saving face.  Because a fake emergency shouldn't immediately lead to a make out session.  Who wouldn't want to hang out the rest of the time?  Free vacation! 

  • Love 4

Damn... *reconsiders*

So, when looking for Ashley I's "type" she should have no problem finding someone who will love and respect her for her being a clingy stuck in the virginal fantasies in her head, crying at the drop of a hat when thing don't go her way, jealous, meddling and vindictive bitch.

Better? *grins* I added a bit to round it out.

37 minutes ago, BbLlu said:

after watching this episode I feel Jen is trying to lead nick on and play him for a fool. No way should Jen be worried about nick not opening up to her after only 4 days. 

I don't think Jen's the type to play someone for a fool. She (correctly) noticed that Nick's holding back because he's been burned twice (and probably because he's just not that into her). She doesn't want to be the girl who Nick finally says no to on a bachelor show. It's like having Pepe Le Pew turn you down, even though you happen to be a black cat with a white paint stripe.

Edited by huahaha
  • Love 2

I've been playing catch-up here, but gotta say, Izzy made herself look so dumb. Brett is not into her at all and, not to be a dick, but if there were an attractiveness scale, Brett would rank higher than Izzy, and people don't normally date down on the attractiveness scale (there are of course exceptions). She made herself look super wishy-washy and callus because she essentially dumped Vinny over the fact that she thought Brett was hot. And Brett does not want to date her on top of it! I know that Paradise isn't the real world and these relationships aren't really real, but part of dating means you feel attracted to other people but you still stay committed to who you're with. Vinny seems like a pretty normal person. Ever since he fixed his bangs and his 1990s Jon B. haircut, he's really improved in the eyes of, well, everyone.

It's complete horseshit they let Ashley back and it clearly seems that the producers felt they didn't get enough of her drama and orchestrated it -- but I'm so tired of this storyline already. Why would Jared go tell Caila that Ashley doubts Caila's intentions? Why would Caila react by confronting Ashley? This seems so, so scripted. First of all, Jared would've never told Caila about whatever Ashley said if he had even an ounce of sense. And if Caila were a reasonable person she would've said, "Jared, Ashley is in love with you and she doesn't want you to move on. Why are you even talking to her about me and why do you continue to lead her on? You need to make a choice: me or her. Be friends with her or date me." It disgusts me that Ashley calls Caila a whore and Jared doesn't say anything. How is Caila a whore because Jared doesn't want to date Ashley? edit: Also, why did he "vote" for Ashley to stay? What the fuck? On more than one occasion he has said he wants her to stay. Dude wants so badly to be the nice guy that he is really just being a wishy-washy jerk.

I don't care about Lace and Grant. I think Grant seems incredibly fake. I assume they started seeing each other before the show? There was no build up to their romance at all. It just seemed to be preexisting the whole time.

Jen has gotten like almost no screen time at all. She must be boring. Guessing whatever she has with Nick isn't going anywhere.

This is late, but I knew Daniel wasn't into Sarah. He seemed more amused than remorseful about her tearful exit.

Edited by Falafel
  • Love 3
12 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Ashley is an asshole, her tears should be sweet nectar to Caila…they are to me.  I just need to have less of her n my screen.  She isn't good tv, she makes the show more annoying.

I swear if her gross snorting doesn't stop, I am going to barf ...  Ugh. I was so relieved when she "left" but when she came back I literally was like NOOOO!  I really think she is a pretty girl, but come on, enough is enough. 

Edited by mcmrdh
  • Love 2

This is late, but I knew Daniel wasn't into Sarah. He seemed more amused than remorseful about her tearful exit.

I disagree. I think Daniel was into Sarah although he was not as serious about it as she was. If you watch his face after he gives the twins the rose and goes back to stand with the guys, he looks straight up for a long time as if he's holding back tears. I think he was into her, but decided they didn't have enough romantic chemistry and were better off as friends. You can't fake the looks he was giving her in previous episodes when he explained how she understood him. 

I don't think he went on the show to find a serious relationship, which is what being with Sarah would entail. He wants to be famous and be a goofball and hanging with the twins furthers that goal.

  • Love 7


Ashley gives a reason for this in her blog, take it for what it's worth:



Her blog reads like a crazy person.  it is so obvious that she was doing full on reconnaissance work leading up to the show to ensure there would not be anyone Jared would want, including going over this game plan with Jared himself?  Her quote from the blog:  "Without her in the mix, Jared and I both didn't think there'd be anyone in Paradise he'd really fall hard for — so I didn't prepare myself to walk into that.".  Why were they even having that type of conversation?  WTF with this guy?  He entertains this.




I just thought it was shitty of her to act all coupled up and then flip the switch without even talking to him first. Not only is it hurtful, but kind of embarrassing, like if your friends saw your girlfriend out with another guy you knew nothing about. 


Well that is kind of what happened, because when she was on the futon mattress with Brett, and some guy said to Vinny "Isn't that your girl?" and Vinny was "Yeah I guess they are just talking " shrug - he had no idea what she was doing. I don't even think he was honestly suspicious at that point.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

"Without her in the mix, Jared and I both didn't think there'd be anyone in Paradise he'd really fall hard for — so I didn't prepare myself to walk into that.".

Then why would he be there? He is seriously sending her some mixed signals if that is true because what, "Hey Ash, I'm going on Paradise, but there won't be anyone I like so I'll just hang out till you get there, but I totally don't want to be your boyfriend or anything, but I can't wait to see you there, but not in that way, you know, just as "friends"". No wonder she's so screwed up.

  • Love 3

I suspect Jared and Ashley had a conversation like this: (pre-show)

A: How about Amanda? is she hotter than me?  I'm hotter, right?

J: I guess

A:  You total wouldn't go for the twins, right?  I mean, I'm a lot smarter!

J: um - yeah

A: Caila?   Are you hot for Caila?  A lot of guys find her pretty, but she's  kind of boring, don't you think she's boring?

J:  I dunno.

A:  Izzy? Lace? Jen?  (names everyone else she can think of)  Are you like, in LOVE with any of them, like have a crush?

J:  No, stop it, I don't know.

A:   I knew it!  You love me!    You know what would be amazing?  to get married at Disney World!  (goes off to plan a Aladdin/Jasmin themed wedding) 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 15

After some consideration (I know...this show isn't worth it), I really think Jared likes the idea of women fighting over him and competing for his attention/affections.  Telling Caila what 'some people (Ashley) are saying' is really an attempt to get Caila to up her game or compete more for his attention.  Same with Ashley-telling her he wants her to stay, etc., there really is no purpose beyond attention and Ashley is more active in her 'pursuit' of Jared.  Some people may say that there are women who want to be pursued, but in reality there are a lot of men who want to be pursued.  I know as I dated one for a while centuries ago.  He even directly stated that I should compete more for him and that's when I broke it off, told him that love isn't a prize, and moved on.  Jared is stirring the pot just enough to seem to be a victim or innocent of Ashley's stalker tendencies, but not only is he encouraging those tendencies in an under the radar, low key way, he is trying the same manipulation with Caila.  Caila told Jared that he needed to set Ashley straight; when he didn't budge, she then said that she would talk with Ashley.  See?  By playing the victim he got the two women to interact and confront each other over him.  No matter what I may think about Caila, she should just leave-if she stays she is also buying into more drama.  I would like both Jared and Ashley to leave, and Jared needs to realize that he can't have it both ways-he cannot play the victim while encouraging the behavior.

  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

He even directly stated that I should compete more for him and that's when I broke it off, told him that love isn't a prize, and moved on.

I have to give this a standing ovation! You should never, ever have to compete or fight for someone's love.

I agree that Jared likes having at least one woman he knows wants him so badly she will pretty much sabotage any chance of ever being taken seriously ever and is willing to act the fool on national television over him. Sadly, there is a feeling of powerfulness that comes from that. It probably makes him feel desirable. When he's feeling down about himself he knows Ashley will be there to tell him how great he is, how perfect he is, how loveable he is. That he is not willing to give that up for Caila means Caila isn't the one. Because really, that is what you should be getting from your SO, that sense of value and feeling like you can do anything.

I am kind of curious why he isn't interested in Ashley sexually, since he clearly loves her as a friend. What is it about her that is "not his type"? My guess would be the clingy psycho thing but he's got that without getting any booty so I don't think it's that. It's just...weird. I thought maybe he was kind of asexual, since he really never seemed to be into any of the women who drooled over him but he is clearly into Caila, so it's not that either. Did something really bad happen at "second base", like there was a third breast that freaked him out or something? lol

I am dying to know, in that way where I will forget all about all of them as soon as the show ends, but right now I am dying to know!

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

After some consideration (I know...this show isn't worth it), I really think Jared likes the idea of women fighting over him and competing for his attention/affections.  Telling Caila what 'some people (Ashley) are saying' is really an attempt to get Caila to up her game or compete more for his attention.  Same with Ashley-telling her he wants her to stay, etc., there really is no purpose beyond attention and Ashley is more active in her 'pursuit' of Jared.  Some people may say that there are women who want to be pursued, but in reality there are a lot of men who want to be pursued.  I know as I dated one for a while centuries ago.  He even directly stated that I should compete more for him and that's when I broke it off, told him that love isn't a prize, and moved on.  Jared is stirring the pot just enough to seem to be a victim or innocent of Ashley's stalker tendencies, but not only is he encouraging those tendencies in an under the radar, low key way, he is trying the same manipulation with Caila.  Caila told Jared that he needed to set Ashley straight; when he didn't budge, she then said that she would talk with Ashley.  See?  By playing the victim he got the two women to interact and confront each other over him.  No matter what I may think about Caila, she should just leave-if she stays she is also buying into more drama.  I would like both Jared and Ashley to leave, and Jared needs to realize that he can't have it both ways-he cannot play the victim while encouraging the behavior.

I agree 100%. I also have a sneaking suspicion that Jared usually does the dumping in his relationships, and that's why the only two women we've ever seen him "gaga" over are the two that weren't 100% into him - Kaitlyn and Caila. And while he said he liked Caila right away, he didn't seem to pursue her with any sort of intensity until she agreed to go on a date with someone else.  And that's probably why he will never give Ashley the heave-ho - he likes the attention she showers on him.  I bet if she did ever say to him "I know we're never going to happen; I'm dating someone else", he'd probably be trying to get her back in a heartbeat. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Well, she did have that kind of odd 'full coverage' swimsuit bottom... hmm *grins*

I'm ashamed to say it, but that swimsuit set me wondering if she had a big tummy tuck scar or something, so I set my husband on a search for bikini pics of Ashley, a task he was happy to do for me.  He found several showing a very pretty tummy, so we'll have to continue to wonder what happened at second base.

Just seconds before the murder.

Edited by JudyObscure
2 hours ago, whimsey98 said:

This is where Evan (yes, the despised Evan) has an advantage....low expectations.

He also has the advantage of a handful of pills and supplements.

I was thinking that actually Jared probably had enough interest in Ashley to sleep with her but hasn't due to her being a virgin. In that he's into her enough to sleep with her (however much that he'd have with another person) but taking her virginity, at her age, is something he can't do as he's not into her enough to be forever chained to her as "her first".

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, whimsey98 said:

If I was to think Jared and Ashley were at all being honest with the audience (which, frankly, I don't), I would almost think Ashley's idolization of Jared may be what's stopping him from being intimate with her.  If she thinks he is Mr. Perfect, but he performs at somewhat less than perfection, he might fear her reaction and fear is not exactly stimulating. 

I doubt Jared is capable of thinking that deeply :)

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I was thinking that actually Jared probably had enough interest in Ashley to sleep with her but hasn't due to her being a virgin. In that he's into her enough to sleep with her (however much that he'd have with another person) but taking her virginity, at her age, is something he can't do as he's not into her enough to be forever chained to her as "her first".

I could see that. As much as someone like Daniel might see it as the ultimate conquest to bag a virgin a "good guy" like Jared would more likely see it as a burden. I mean, really, she's this crazy without sex, imagine how obsessed she would become if he did take her virginity? She has put far too much weight on that, saving herself for "the one" is a lot of pressure on a guy who thinks he might like you but isn't 100% certain.

  • Love 3

I have no doubt the Twins (or at least one of them) is as dumb as shown on TV.  It is astounding how so many people have little to no basic knowledge in their brains.  It can't be dumped on just 20-somethings either. Twenty years ago,  I volunteered in an after school enrichment program in an inner city elementary building.  I was assigned to work with a 1st grade classroom. The teacher was 26 (only 1 year younger than yours truly). She was very bubbly and energetic and everything you'd want for you kid's classroom.  Until she started to teach.  

* the Friday before MLK day, she had the kids sit in a circle to discuss the importance of the holiday.  She asked if anyone knew why we had the day off to honor MLK.  A few kids said, "he's the President?" or " it's his birthday?"  Miss T said "Noooo!  We celebrate Mr. KIng because he helped Abraham Lincoln free the slaves!"

* one project we did was learning about the 50 US states...where it was on the map, the capital, etc. Each kid was going to be assigned a state to study and share what they learned. To pick the kids pulled a state puzzle piece out of a hat.  After all 20 kids got their states, Miss T said she was disappointed no one got the biggest state in the US.  I was just about to remind her that both TX & AK were indeed picked when she said, "No one picked CANADA."

* while helping her correct spelling tests I notice she kept sighing and saying "Here's another one that got it wrong..."  I looked at the pile of graded papers and noticed she marked several kids wrong for spelling "pumpkin". I said " I think you made a mistake...these are all correct."  She looked at me and laughed, "Not you too!  It's P U N K I N!"

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, whimsey98 said:

 I suppose if you are gorgeous and blond, maybe you think you don't need to exercise your brain too, but it doesn't hurt to have a back up plan.

I think these reality shows ARE their backup plan.  They auditioned for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders twice, and that plan didn't work.  So they are cocktail waitresses normally.  Doing these shows is probably easier, so I'm betting we'll see them both again. 

  • Love 1

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