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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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JoyAnna's my vote for prettiest:




At least I think she's got the best shape face, that Reese Witherspoon heart.

I didn't realize that Joy and Carlin were close that far back. I guess the Duggars do allow the occasional "real" friend, as long as that person is also from a Gothardite family. Yes, Jessa had those bridesmaids, but I've never seen her pictured with any of those people on her own. Go Joy! 

I was talking with a friend earlier about the family,looks wide I dont really think there is one truly stunning Duggar in the entire bunch,which is strange,usually in big familys at least one kid Model material,Id say Jana is the best looking of the girls,dont get the fuss over Jessa.

Jessa has big eyes that photograph really well. I think Jenny and Johanna are going to be the beauties in the family.

Josie is not the only one with leggings under her dress. And they couldn't push them up under her dress for 5 minutes? Jana is slipping in her Mom duties.



To be fair, Jana probably has extra helper-mom duties right now -- for the four Mkids and Izzy (while Jill's busy trying to become a midwife).

  • Love 2

JoyAnna's my vote for prettiest:




At least I think she's got the best shape face, that Reese Witherspoon heart.

There's a picture on that page of Joy and Jana where they both look beautiful. I think all the Duggar girls are reasonably nice looking, with Joy, Jana, and Jenny as the stand-outs. Jessa has a certain '17 Magazine' look that won't hold up as well, but she's pretty enough. I don't think the odds favor producing a fashion model in even 20 kids -- if that look was that common, they'd be paid a lot less!

Wasn't she a little more lively before she spent twenty-something years raising a dozen and a half kids?

I don't know honestly. Back during the 14 Kids special, whenever she had to speak on camera her voice shook. All the other girls spoke with much more self-assurance. Of course, we know a little bit, surely not everything, about what was going on in her life at that point... The more I think about it, the worse I feel for those kids. And for the adults they've become.

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I think they said early on that Jana was very uncomfortable being on camera and wanted to stay in the background as much as possible. That could explain why people find her so bland or have a hard time pinning down her personality. Camera-shy people don't make very good interview subjects and Jana seems to have actively made herself as invisible on the show as she could manage or was allowed to. I think she's gotten a bit more confident with age but imagine being a shy, introverted, awkward teenager being pushed in front of a camera by her fame-hungry parents?


IMO, The Duggar kids seem to be split fairly evenly into extroverts and introverts: Jana, JD, Joy, Jenny and Jordyn come across as introverted (though Jordyn could just be neglected I suppose). Josh, Jill, Josiah, Jackson and Josie read as extroverts to me. The rest of them are a little harder to place, especially the Howlers because I can never remember who's who. I think the dark-haired twin could be an introvert, he seems pretty quiet and thoughtful, possibly the other twin too. As for Jessa and Jinger I can't figure them out; I had Jessa pegged for a confident extrovert for the longest time but the more I see of her the more it looks like she's fronting. That rose hunting scene in the proposal episode was a bit of an eye-opener. (Not that you have to be an introvert just because you're uncomfortable around strangers or that all introverts are shy.)

Edited by Vaysh
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I actually thought this was one of the more talented, competent fundie photogs of the ones we've seen them use so far.

The photographers are a husband & wife team in NWA, they are not fundies. They do "boudoir style" shoots I'll bet Amy did one and the pictures will come out soon. Or she'll do one for their anniversary and she'll show one or two less racy shots and say "the rest are for my husband's eyes only!" I follow the photographers' blog and I see this over and over with their clients.

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The photographers are a husband & wife team in NWA, they are not fundies. They do "boudoir style" shoots I'll bet Amy did one and the pictures will come out soon. Or she'll do one for their anniversary and she'll show one or two less racy shots and say "the rest are for my husband's eyes only!" I follow the photographers' blog and I see this over and over with their clients.

That's what I figured when one of his comments said he danced until his feet feel off. That is decidedly not fundie :-). I thought his pictures were beautiful.

Is it just me or are the girls who look the least like Mechelle treated the worst?  I don't know, Jana is the Cinderella Duggar and she doesn't resemble Mechelle very much and Jordyn the completely neglected one doesn't resemble her much either.  Jessa, Jill, Jinger, and Josie resemble Mechelle more and seem to be treated better - by her anyway.  That would be typical Mechelle to favor the daughters who look most like she does and ignore the others.

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I was talking with a friend earlier about the family,looks wide I dont really think there is one truly stunning Duggar in the entire bunch,which is strange,usually in big familys at least one kid Model material,Id say Jana is the best looking of the girls,dont get the fuss over Jessa.


Don't get the Jessa fuss either. She's at her absolute peak now, and even then it's ALL makeup. Too MUCH makeup and hokey poses. The bloom is gonna be off this rose shortly after Seewald One arrives, along with real life.

  • Love 7

Remember the show where Michelle was doing Josie's hair and she used the pink baby lotion stuff on it? I think that look is intentional.


Yes, so she will smell like a perpetual baby.


 I don't think the odds favor producing a fashion model in even 20 kids -- if that look was that common, they'd be paid a lot less!



Someone better tell Mom Kardashian.


With the show off the air, I wonder how JB is going to 'sell off' the remaining Jgirls.  Wait, that's probably what Duggar Studios is all about.....the camera will pan the room . Look, there's Jana sewing, there's Jinger cooking, there's Joy ironing, there's Johanna sweeping.  Wow, what a coincidence.

  • Love 5

Don't get the Jessa fuss either. She's at her absolute peak now, and even then it's ALL makeup. Too MUCH makeup and hokey poses. The bloom is gonna be off this rose shortly after Seewald One arrives, along with real life.

Joy and the Lost Girls are gaining on her too. This fall on TLC - Jill and Jessa: Two Hasbeens.

  • Love 8

I think Jessa is the prettiest daughter born pre TLC. She's got good bone structure and she managed to make it through the special/pre-series days without looking like a crispy haired joke. In no particular order, Jana is pretty but a bit soft and sedentary looking to me, Jinger is pretty, but I'd need to see her without the borderline Jersey Shore makeup, Joy is pretty but 17 so I'll refrain from critiquing her looks, and Jill is pretty, but she's clearly 4th runner up.

Edited by Kokapetl

Jana's "children" Jackson and Josie are both kinda feral. She may not be so good at being a sister mom.

As far as Josie is concerned...I'm not sure Cesar Milan could train the feral out of her.

It's hard to say... I don't really fault her so much because who's to say she ever wanted to be anyone's mom, Jill probably begged to be a sister mom from the time she could talk but I'm not sure any of the other sister moms ever really seemed too into it. But now that you say that it also seems like kinda crappy luck if the draw that she may have gotten some of the more difficult children to wrangle.

  • Love 5

Jana's "children" Jackson and Josie are both kinda feral. She may not be so good at being a sister mom.


In Jana's defense, I think Michelle had a very heavy hand in raising Miracle Baby Josie... and by "raising," I mean coddling her to the point that she has become a perpetual baby. No amount of sister-mothering could undo that. 

Edited by Guest

As far as Josie is concerned...I'm not sure Cesar Milan could train the feral out of her.

It's hard to say... I don't really fault her so much because who's to say she ever wanted to be anyone's mom, Jill probably begged to be a sister mom from the time she could talk but I'm not sure any of the other sister moms ever really seemed too into it. But now that you say that it also seems like kinda crappy luck if the draw that she may have gotten some of the more difficult children to wrangle.

I think there's definitely an element of (bad) luck. Josie's health was so fragile, I don't think Michelle or Jana dared do anything other than indulge her. If keeping 3 year old Josie from crying ensured she didn't puke her lunch, I would indulge her too. And Jackson's brothers seem to exclude him. If he'd rather be a "lost boy" I'd let him.
  • Love 2

Yes.  I agree.  This is what I thought you were saying. 

Someone upthread said it was some kind of cheescake.  Yum, but the cinnamon coffee cake sounds delish too.  I actually thought the cake looked kind of elegant in a rustic way, and fit the venue.  I do wonder if there was more embellishment not shown, like an addition of flowers or fruit.  I liked it, and knowing that it was a cheesecake, it seems a fitting look for it.


I'm warming up to Amy's cake now that I know it was a cheesecake. Mostly because I love cheesecake, and because the idea of a cheesecake with minimal icing etc is much more appealing. Personally I would have requested a few strategically-placed small white flowers - stephanotis, babies breath - but that's me. A moist firm cheesecake - with maybe a light lemon or Key lime flavoring going on - would be really nice on a hot Summer day. But I can't conceive of buttercream, Italian meringue or a ganache frosting on a cheesecake - way WAY too rich. Most people would take 2 forkfuls and then push the plate away. At least make something delicious that people really want to eat. 

  • Love 3

In Jana's defense, I think Michelle had a very heavy hand in raising Miracle Baby Josie... and by "raising," I mean coddling her to the point that she has become a perpetual baby. No amount of sister-mothering could undo that. 

It is interesting to wonder if Josie might have behaved differently if Jubilee had carried to term, and Josie had been handed off to one of the sister-moms for full time care, instead suffering Michelle's half-assed parenting.

  • Love 8

I think there's definitely an element of (bad) luck. Josie's health was so fragile, I don't think Michelle or Jana dared do anything other than indulge her. If keeping 3 year old Josie from crying ensured she didn't puke her lunch, I would indulge her too. And Jackson's brothers seem to exclude him. If he'd rather be a "lost boy" I'd let him.


I agree with all of this. 


Plus, if I understand their buddy system correctly, Michelle handed off all of the babies to Jana at 6 months old. She would raise them until they were toddler-ish ages and then passed them onto their permanent buddy team. Therefore, it seems like Jana has extensive experience mothering babies, but not a lot of practical experience (until recently) mothering school-age children, so she may be babying her own buddy team to some extent. But mostly, I blame Michelle for Josie's antics. LOL!

Edited by Guest

I agree with all of this. 


Plus, if I understand their buddy system correctly, Michelle handed off all of the babies to Jana at 6 months old. She would raise them until they were toddler-ish ages and then passed them onto their permanent buddy team. Therefore, it seems like Jana has extensive experience mothering babies, but not a lot of practical experience (until recently) mothering school-age children, so she may be babying her own buddy team to some extent. But mostly, I blame Michelle for Josie's antics. LOL!

Wow. I missed that. I knew the babies were passed off at 6 months but thought they went directly to their buddy. I didn't realize Jana got them all first. That poor girl. Does she ever sleep? There is truly nothing as horrible as being the oldest female Duggar.

  • Love 7

Wow. I missed that. I knew the babies were passed off at 6 months but thought they went directly to their buddy. I didn't realize Jana got them all first. That poor girl. Does she ever sleep? There is truly nothing as horrible as being the oldest female Duggar.


That was my understanding, but please someone correct me if I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong!


Er, should we move this discussion to the childrearin' thread? 

I am a former sister-mom myself, and i have to defend Jana here. Sisters aren't moms, and they don't make good surrogate moms because they are children. I thought that I was a great sister-mom and took great care of my siblings. I was crushed and demoralized when they became young adults and began having serious problems -- as far as I was concerned I was their parent and I had failed them. It took me years to really realize that their problems weren't my fault, and that I had been tasked with way too much responsibility at a young age.


I don't think that Jana is a particularly good "mom" because she's not. She has had no one to serve as a model for her behavior. She raises her current "children" the same way she raised her previous "children" based on a model she more or less worked out for herself before she was 10 years old. The person who is a bad mother here is J'chelle -- full stop.


I kind of want to like this post ten times over.

  • Love 15

I am a former sister-mom myself, and i have to defend Jana here. Sisters aren't moms, and they don't make good surrogate moms because they are children. I thought that I was a great sister-mom and took great care of my siblings. I was crushed and demoralized when they became young adults and began having serious problems -- as far as I was concerned I was their parent and I had failed them. It took me years to really realize that their problems weren't my fault, and that I had been tasked with way too much responsibility at a young age.


I don't think that Jana is a particularly good "mom" because she's not. She has had no one to serve as a model for her behavior. She raises her current "children" the same way she raised her previous "children" based on a model she more or less worked out for herself before she was 10 years old. The person who is a bad mother here is J'chelle -- full stop.


This... about a billion times! 


And I am so sorry cmr2014 that you were placed in such a situation. It was not your job to raise your siblings. It is not your fault if they have problems. (((HUGS)))

  • Love 5

Personally I see Jana as a gentle soul, who is gentle with her children, and encourages them to be themselves. She's not a rigid blanket trainer. Her kids are "feral" compared to those raised by the meaner sister-moms. They are true to themselves.

I think Jana is a great mom!

Jill has come a long way. If the were the type to be really into her appearance she would look even better. She looks better than she would've without the fame.

Jill reminds me, looks wise, of one of my older sisters.. Who was, and still is, the favorite. Still, I can't hate on Jill too much.

  • Love 2

Personally I see Jana as a gentle soul, who is gentle with her children, and encourages them to be themselves. She's not a rigid blanket trainer. Her kids are "feral" compared to those raised by the meaner sister-moms. They are true to themselves.

I think Jana is a great mom!



I agree about Jana. I think she's gentle and cares far more about her siblings than her mother does. But I don't think the kids are just 'true to themselves'. Some of them are seriously out of control. Josie licking the countertops and the pepperoni... that's just unacceptable behavior. But I don't blame Jana. Michele is the mother. discipline should be on her.

  • Love 3

That was my understanding, but please someone correct me if I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong!


Er, should we move this discussion to the childrearin' thread? 

No. Mechelle has clearly stated that once weaned, the baby would go to "the next buddy in line." You can tell that they rotated because of the last few buddies. James belonged to Jill, Justin to Jessa, Jackson to Jana, and Hannie to Jinger. After that, they cycled through again; all girls got their buddies at 6 months as prescribed by the woman who delivered them all. 


(edited because that was weird...)

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 5

No. Mechelle has clearly stated that once weaned, the baby would go to "the next buddy in line." You can tell that they rotated because of the last few buddies. James belonged to Jill, Justin to Jessa, Jackson to Jana, and Hannie to Jinger. After that, they cycled through again; all girls got their buddies at 6 months as prescribed by the woman who delivered them all.

(edited because that was weird...)

It pisses me off just to read this. Where is CPS when you need them?

  • Love 7

What's worse, she said this in one of the really early specials (maybe even the very first one), so this wasn't new information when they started filming the episodes in 2008. It was all laid out for anyone willing to listen to what they were actually saying, unlike the leghumpers who tend to ignore the bad and/or important stuff.

  • Love 6

What are the bumpers so freaked about?  It's not like Amy ever pretended to be full fundy.  Did they never pay any attention to her until after the show was cancelled?  From the beginning she was presented as what she was, the acceptable antithesis of the duggerites, because she was still family after all.  Dopes.

  • Love 10

What are the bumpers so freaked about?  It's not like Amy ever pretended to be full fundy.  Did they never pay any attention to her until after the show was cancelled?  From the beginning she was presented as what she was, the acceptable antithesis of the duggerites, because she was still family after all.  Dopes.



It pisses me off just to read this. Where is CPS when you need them?

We know they had contact with the CPS and/or other family services departments because of Josh, and supposedly they were signed off. It's not illegal to get your kids to help with chores and all J'Chelle would need to say is "they help them pick their clothes out in the morning and hair brushing and other things like that" exactly as she did on TV. She'll say everyone gets some form of homeschooling and age appropriate chores/hobbies.

Even if a social worker saw the full extent of how Jana and the other J'slaves have looked after their younger siblings it still may not be flagged up

  • Love 6

Personally I see Jana as a gentle soul, who is gentle with her children, and encourages them to be themselves. She's not a rigid blanket trainer. Her kids are "feral" compared to those raised by the meaner sister-moms. They are true to themselves.

I think Jana is a great mom!


Wasn't there an episode where the Jkids weren't listening. at. all. , and another SisterMom threatened to turn the offenders over to Jana, and they all jumped to attention???? Maybe I'm dreaming, but if so, it seems more like she's the stern disciplinarian.


I think she just likes babies...she's always the one holding an infant.  Maybe she's more like Mullet than anyone knows.

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Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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