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S11.E07: Something's Fishy

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It almost pains me to see someone like Kelly on this show because she is a really unhinged, mentally ill, and probable raging alcoholic. Much like Kim Richards, nothing can be gained by doing a show like this exhibiting all your weaknesses and triggering your anxieties further.  Participating in a reality housewives show just pours gasoline over every volatile undisciplined crack in your life egged on by producers. There's no excuse for Kelly, and she is horrible to watch, but the woman is obviously mentally sick and out of control. What a disaster. I will say that I found it a little amusing to see someone stand up to Heather, and in that respect, if Kelly wasn't such a disaster I think she and Shannon would have actually gotten along.

And Heather, that horrendous act in the car without managing to squeeze out a tear was just pitiful. So glad Bravo kept that in. She's always been so fake and thinks she's better and more fabulous than everyone else and can command people to leave restaurants, parties, her house, blah blah blah. 

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I had a lol moment when Tamra told Kelly the "sucks dick"'comment, and Kelly's response was to arrange her mouth in such a way .....  well it looked like she was preparing to do it.  Kind of a Freudian slip - of course I never did such a thing (while her mouth is showing she did).   I actually rewound it because I couldn't believe what I saw. 

And as others have said, her labile emotions are almost incomprehensible.   After the first screaming fit, Heather jumped up and ran to the door and Kelly followed her all concerned.  Heather was saying her little rant, and Kelly was eagerly nodding in agreement. It was like Kelly didn't realize Heather was saying these things about HER.  Until Hearher attempted to toss her out.  Then, BAM, here we go again. 

Considering this franchise as well as NY, I feel the need to say - In case you've never met one of us, not all women named Kelly are mentally unbalanced. 

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3 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I had a lol moment when Tamra told Kelly the "sucks dick"'comment, and Kelly's response was to arrange her mouth in such a way .....  well it looked like she was preparing to do it.  Kind of a Freudian slip - of course I never did such a thing (while her mouth is showing she did).   I actually rewound it because I couldn't believe what I saw. 

And as others have said, her labile emotions are almost incomprehensible.   After the first screaming fit, Heather jumped up and ran to the door and Kelly followed her all concerned.  Heather was saying her little rant, and Kelly was eagerly nodding in agreement. It was like Kelly didn't realize Heather was saying these things about HER.  Until Hearher attempted to toss her out.  Then, BAM, here we go again. 

Considering this franchise as well as NY, I feel the need to say - In case you've never met one of us, not all women named Kelly are mentally unbalanced. 

This word makes me laugh.  I go my whole life not seeing it used (and I do read!) and am seeing it everywhere these days.  Thank you for the chuckle!

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2 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

This word makes me laugh.  I go my whole life not seeing it used (and I do read!) and am seeing it everywhere these days.  Thank you for the chuckle!

I'm a nurse so I'm accustomed to using it along with "blood pressure".  But it seemed so apt here. 

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1 minute ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm a nurse so I'm accustomed to using it along with "blood pressure".  But it seemed so apt here. 

Well, I DID see it used on a medical/hospice report to describe the behavior of someone taking care of my dad when we called for a welfare check.  She was apparently VERY labile the entire time hospice was there.  Warms my cold heart to see her so out of sorts.

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On August 16, 2016 at 0:39 AM, ivygirl said:

The heck with the GONG as they entered the restaurant? I was expecting Long Duk Dong to pop out.

"What's happening, hot stuff"?  "I'm so happy!   Now I have a place to put my hand!"

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7 hours ago, scribe95 said:

Also, with the big sushi fight we haven't talked much about the discussion between Tamra, Meghan and Shannon at the gym. First of all Meghan not admitting she said it was okay to invite Vicki and all that confusion was weird. But then I find it interesting that Tamra jumped on Shannon after Shannon brought up how they were all letting Vicky back in. Very intriguing dynamic. 

Something was very off with that discussion.  It was either heavily edited or certain arguments were forbidden by production.

It makes no sense that they were arguing over whether there was any difference in Shannon inviting Vicki to the 70s party compared to Tamra and Meghan asking her to the sushi party because there was just one giant point that Shannon never made... 'Look what happened when I invited Vicki to my party.  She got into my husbands face and was generally awful.  Still not as bad as Kelly but really pretty terrible.  We just had this conversation with gym guy witness five seconds ago.'

I did an actual double take when Shannon  and Tamra were talking about Vicki only getting one chance with Tamra before being completely cut off and Shannon said the cancer was Vicki's one chance with her.   The 70s party was Vicki's one chance with Shannon.  So what gives with not saying it?

It smems like production is giving Tamra and Meghan some cover for having to invite "all the girls".  If the 70s party invite had gone out but the party hadn't happened yet it would have been nonsensical on Shannon's part to claim a difference in the invites.  But the party did happen so the argument should have been that giving Vicki a second chance is only going to blow up in your face.

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3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

As a woman that staunchly stands in support of women's rights and equality, I am very aware of the women that pretend to be about female empowerment but fall on a sword of double standards that only give way to many dismissing a greater cause because examples of individual stupidity. Vicki is a great example of this. You cannot advance on someone (regardless of their gender), get right in their face while insulting them or their family and then claim to feel threatened when that man stands by his opinion of you. David said nothing threatening to her. He insulted her character but that doesn't equate to threatening. He didn't tower over her and try to make himself appear physically dominant. He wasn't the one that was violating her personal space, it was the other way around. You do not get to provoke and then claim to be the victim just because your opponent didn't concede to you and let you berate them or their loved ones. I try hard not to be judgmental but Vicki is one of the few housewives who I see nothing redeeming to her as a person. 

I'm really glad that Tamra has thoroughly read through the Bible chapter on forgiveness. I really hope that the chapter on backbiting is next. Maybe she'll learn the dangers of gossiping. And also, just because you don't have a problem with Kelly doesn't mean that you should entertain her gossiping or speaking poorly of someone you consider a friend. You don't have to speak for Shannon but a good friend would shut the conversation down quickly and move on to something else. 

Kelly - if you have to tell people you're educated because your actions and communication suggests otherwise, then you probably aren't as smart as you think. Going to school doesn't automatically make you an intelligent person, just like not going to school doesn't automatically mean that you aren't intelligent. It's also rich to listen to act above the kind of comments that were made agains her when she's on record making racist comments and casually calls people the C word when she's upset. In Kelly's world, if your friend pisses her off, you get yelled at for being a c*nt. What a hypocrite. 

Heather - in a room full of losers, you were the only winner after that speech before exiting the room. 


Edited by Yolo
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Well, I am pulling up my table for one about this episode.  

* I enjoyed Vicki and Kelly's lunch/dinner.  Vicki getting stuck in the elevator is one of the reasons I love Vicki.  She just makes me laugh.

* I enjoyed Vicki and Brianna's lunch, and that chicken salad looked delicious.  I didn't take any of Vicki's comments about needing a man that seriously.  The banter back and forth, the suggestion of getting back with Donn, and the smiles they exchanged, showed me it was just a silly conversation between a mom and her daughter.

* There is something about Shannon this season that is just turning me off.  If she is so disgusted by being around Vicki, who is as much a cast member as Shannon, then perhaps she needs to consider leaving the show.   Scolding Tamra for choosing to be civil to Vicki was out of line.  She also had no business telling Tamra that her friend says Kelly sucks dick to keep her lifestyle...that was just gross.  And the holier than thou look she had on her face during Kelly's tirade made me want to slap her.  I am off the Shannon love train.  She is no longer fun or funny, and is hell bent on making sure no one else has fun either.  She seemed so grumpy when she was with Megan and Tamra at the "whatever the hell kind of doctor" she referred Megan to.  She is looking old, frumpy and unhappy.

* Tamra really stirred the shit by telling Kelly about the sucking dick comment.  That was a pretty crappy move on Tamra's part. Tamra is playing both sides against the middle, and I hope it comes back to bite her in her ass.  The scene where she raced out on her patio, put her drink down quickly, and took a call from Shannon seemed so fake.  On a superficial note, her blue curtains in her living room look horrible with the teal accents, and she needs to iron her curtains.

* Megan is boring me to death.  I do not give two shits about her nonexistent bloated belly.  

* Heather, you really believe the hype you have invented about yourself in your head.....if only you were so important.  And while I laughed until my stomach hurt at your fake sobbing scene in the limo, I was also embarrassed for you.  An actress you are not.  Please don't ever do that again.

* Kelly completely lost her shit and I did not blame her.  While she didn't need to name call, I don't blame her one bit for being so upset.  It was bad enough that whoever Shannon's friend was, made that ugly statement, but for Shannon to run tell Tamra was just wrong.  I believe the comment about Kelly's marriage was as vile as Kelly calling Shannon a cunt.  It was obvious Kelly was drinking, was very upset, and Shannon sat there with a smirk on her face.  Kelly did apologize to everyone, but of course, Shannon will not accept her apology.  While Kelly crossed a line, so did Shannon.  And Shannon is the LAST person to be criticizing anyone else's marriage.  Glass houses Shannon.

* This episode felt disjointed to me, like it was spliced together or something.  It just did not flow like other episodes.

* If I give up on this franchise, it will not be because of Kelly.  It will be because of all the fighting and tension and never a fun moment.  I loved last season with drunk Vicki, Shannon and Tamra.  Shannon sure has forgotten how supportive Vicki was of her during the whole affair debacle.

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15 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Maybe Briana finally realized that both Vicki and Donn cheated on each other, after all, wasn't it rumored that Vicki cheated with Donn when she was still married to Briana's/Michael's father? I think the rumors of Brooks getting physical with Vicki are true, which would add to Briana's hatred of him and I don't remember if Vicki or anyone else ever claimed Donn got physical with her, so that may be a part in Briana's mind set. It's a "The devil you know" scenario IMO.

I do think Vicki treated Donn badly. She was always cutting him down, making snide comments about him not only to his face but behind his back which got worse/more frequent as the years went on, he just could never do anything right in her eyes. Of course we now know that Vicki was already involved with Brooks before the fake vow renewal Vicki pulled and I suspect it was because she had been cheating on him for years, much longer than she wants us to know about. The only source that Donn had a "long term mistress" was Vicki and I don't trust her on anything, let alone that little nugget because she failed to mention her "side pieces" when she made that accusation. LOL

I honestly believe very little of what both Brianna and Vicki have to say about Donn. Sure he's Grandpa Donn to Brianna's kids now but she threw him under the bus on national TV talking about his supposedly known affairs.  And where does she get her information?  I am guessing Vicki.  (Confession:  I really think Brooks is a lying scumbag but I don't know that I believe he came on to Brianna. I think he could have and probably made lewd or crude jokes to her but I don't think he "hit" on her.)  I guess I just have sympathy for Donn being sucked into that Vicki orbit for so many years. Yeah....sounds like he got a nice divorce settlement but if you live with that for 20 years, maybe you deserve something. ;-)

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When Heather kicked Shannon out of her house it worked so well she thought she'd try it with Kelly! Poor Heather HAD to save face by crying hysterically. Girl was going for it!! Too bad she dry cried, and took it too far by acting like someone had been massacred at the sushi party!! 

They all put the drama on thick, but Kelly wasn't acting- her mottled skin on her face shows she was having an emotional reaction. This isn't entertaining anymore when someone that is obviously mentally disturbed is being used to boost ratings. Kelly's emotional distress and anger issues are made worse by the fact that she is very likely an alcoholic. Her past court ordered attendance to AA meetings apparently is not helping her. It is very likely her family lives with her because she needs looking after. 

Tamra can go suck a kettle ball- I'm not liking the new "Christian Tamra", and if she really believed the stuff she preaches she would remove herself from the show. WTF with her dragging Sarah to everything?! The girl has the personality of a gnat. 

Vicki has gone long past her expiration date, and her scenes with Briana are stupid. Briana getting wide eyed and telling us she and Ryan are using their $50,000 savings to renovate the house and that is SO VERY much money to her is just crap. 

With the exception of Kelly( who may be insane) - these women have all become too image savvy and fake- I wish they would scrap the lot of them and recast with the original reality format. It's a scripted drama now and none of them can act worth shite.

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Did anyone else catch Heather's comments about thinking David was out of line in how he spoke to Vicki- she also said Michael was also out of line with Shannon- was she talking about Kelly's husband 'the rat man'? Heather's Victorian attitude about how men should speak to women is funny- because I just know Terry could turn into a feral she-bitch in a heartbeat!! 

That Nina beast's comments about Kelly were low brow, but, sorry- if the shoe fits!! Kelly was "taking a break" from her marriage when she was seen at said party with another dude. Despite being "college educated", Kelly was rewriting the English language with her "natrotious" comments. 

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14 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

But are there 9? I can only participate if there are 9. 

HA!  What's funny is I first put 9 lemons in a bowl but then erased the 9 because I couldn't remember if that was the right number or not.  Clearly I should have gone with my first instinct!  lol

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OMG Megan quit all the dam whining. Your the one who wanted a baby. It's not comfortable. Deal with it. And I don't want to hear one more thing about her perfectly flAt tummy being "bloated" It's gonna get a lot more swollen hon. And what was with the "She can come' "no I don't want her there" Whaa Whaa Whaa. If these women ALL have a problem with Vicky (and I don't blame them) then band together and get her fired or quit. Your all driving me nuts. I've never seen grown women whine as much as this group. 

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11 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

Well, I am pulling up my table for one about this episode.  

* I enjoyed Vicki and Kelly's lunch/dinner.  Vicki getting stuck in the elevator is one of the reasons I love Vicki.  She just makes me laugh.

* There is something about Shannon this season that is just turning me off.  If she is so disgusted by being around Vicki, who is as much a cast member as Shannon, then perhaps she needs to consider leaving the show.   Scolding Tamra for choosing to be civil to Vicki was out of line.  She also had no business telling Tamra that her friend says Kelly sucks dick to keep her lifestyle...that was just gross.  And the holier than thou look she had on her face during Kelly's tirade made me want to slap her.  I am off the Shannon love train.  She is no longer fun or funny, and is hell bent on making sure no one else has fun either.  She seemed so grumpy when she was with Megan and Tamra at the "whatever the hell kind of doctor" she referred Megan to.  She is looking old, frumpy and unhappy.

* Tamra really stirred the shit by telling Kelly about the sucking dick comment.  That was a pretty crappy move on Tamra's part. Tamra is playing both sides against the middle, and I hope it comes back to bite her in her ass.  The scene where she raced out on her patio, put her drink down quickly, and took a call from Shannon seemed so fake.  On a superficial note, her blue curtains in her living room look horrible with the teal accents, and she needs to iron her curtains.

* Kelly completely lost her shit and I did not blame her.  While she didn't need to name call, I don't blame her one bit for being so upset.  It was bad enough that whoever Shannon's friend was, made that ugly statement, but for Shannon to run tell Tamra was just wrong.  I believe the comment about Kelly's marriage was as vile as Kelly calling Shannon a cunt.  It was obvious Kelly was drinking, was very upset, and Shannon sat there with a smirk on her face.  Kelly did apologize to everyone, but of course, Shannon will not accept her apology.  While Kelly crossed a line, so did Shannon.  And Shannon is the LAST person to be criticizing anyone else's marriage.  Glass houses Shannon.

* This episode felt disjointed to me, like it was spliced together or something.  It just did not flow like other episodes.

* If I give up on this franchise, it will not be because of Kelly.  It will be because of all the fighting and tension and never a fun moment.  I loved last season with drunk Vicki, Shannon and Tamra.  Shannon sure has forgotten how supportive Vicki was of her during the whole affair debacle.

I know what you mean. Vicki is such a silly jokester, always getting herself into these side-splitting tight spots. Like when she threw the Bravo producer against a wall because he wouldn't give her want she wanted. Or the funny way she spent an entire season pretending that her pathological liar, violence-prone, deadbeat lover boy had recurring Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and she desperately needed the gang's sympathy and casseroles. And he wasn't even sick! What a card.

And just our luck. It turns out that Kelly is the same kind of wacky cut-up as the Vickster. Give her a few shot glasses of sake and a long-simmering grudge against that bitch Shannon for encouraging her snooty friends to defame her, and Kelly will come out of the gate like a racehorse on heavy doses of steroids and flakka powder. It's amazing how that Kelly can scream the most disgusting epithets at her fellow housewives one second - her face dark crimson and contorted in hatred, spittle flying - then suddenly chill out and end up doing hilarious spot-on impressions of other snooty housewives. She's a real spitfire, that one. 

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4 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

OMG Megan quit all the dam whining. Your the one who wanted a baby. It's not comfortable. Deal with it. And I don't want to hear one more thing about her perfectly flAt tummy being "bloated" It's gonna get a lot more swollen hon

Word. At first I was like, "Please, just let her get pregnant so we can move past all this". But then I remembered I'd have to deal with pregnant Megan. 

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I watched this episode and I like that girl Kelly, she's about Teresa Guidice of HWONJ level nuts.  I'm glad she told those uppity bitches to fuck off. They're all the same as far as this viewer is concerned, they're all on a cheesy reality show. I'd like to think the real classy women of OC wouldn't be caught dead on a reality show, so any one of these women acting like they are above the other makes me roll my eyes.  I died laughing when that nut Kelly looked at Heather and all but said you get the fuck out of here. Like, who the hell are you?

The cherry on top was poor the "epitome of class"Heather, crying, oh the outrage, whatever. Lady please.

Vicki is still extra needy and full of shit I see, but I like her too.

Ah, I usually tend to like shunned housewives even though they probably deserve to be shunned. There's just something about a swarm of mean girl bitches rallying together around their hatred for one and in this case, two other mean girls. 

I still can't stand Shannon.

But I think I hate Meghan more, that bitch looks like a fucking twig. She looks like a nice swift wind could break her sorry ass in two. Yeah, I can't stand her, never could.

Edited by represent
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I didn't really understand Heather's outrage, but she has obviously picked on on Kelly not liking her very much. Kelly is definitely a party girl, which is why she likes Vicki and Tamra so much. It was surprising to see Tamra defend Kelly. I think it's only because she is friends with Vicki. There is no sadness there-- she drinks because it helps her be mean! Kelly comes off as nothing more than a snob-- a controlling mean snob.

Meghan was egging Kelly on, and then was shocked at her response. Really? I was glad Heather left though. She was trying to set a precedence and she didn't realize how strong Kelly was, or stubborn. Heather also blew it when she asked Kelly to leave. Kelly doesn't need to leave because Heather said so. It was Tamra's party. In fact, I think Heather was crying because Tamra let her leave and had Kelly stay. I thought it was really telling that the people left at Tamra's party were Vicki and Kelly.

I hope Brianna's kids don't end up like Michael. But I suspect they will.

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On 8/16/2016 at 0:37 PM, Texasmom1970 said:

I never thought there would be another house wife on this show that made me think Tamra was sane snd calm. But Kelly wow!

She needs to either stop drinking, get her medication adjusted, or both!

Just wondering if someone asked Kelly's husband what his type is what he would he say. Oh I like a woman who loves to drink, has a mean streak a mile wide oh and has to have big fat blow up sex doll lips!

I never thought I'd start liking Tamra again (confession, I liked her first couple of seasons).  I still don't buy her Jesus routine.  But I think since she's become devoted to body building and not drinking, she's become a more likable person.

Edited by sasha206
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On 8/15/2016 at 10:47 PM, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Exactly. Kelly's behavior, while disturbing, was not the first time a woman has lost it on this show. Heather was just looking for HER moment.


This is Heather, hoping to get on some talk show like The Doctors permanently,  trying to portray herself as disavowing herself of this show and its antics.  

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On August 16, 2016 at 8:32 AM, islandgal140 said:


I think it is not so much the words Kelly's utters (although they are terrible) that I think disturbing but that it doesn't seem to take much provocation for her to go there and it goes left and escalates quickly.  I mean quickly! She is like a landmine - a feather landing on her can make her explode in such an ugly way. Who the hell wants to be around that? Even garbage person Brandi had a good season or 2 where she came off as likable and fun. 

I cringed during Heather's crying scene and I mean 'scene' literally. When the camera faded to black, I honestly believe someone, maybe even Heather herself, said "and .... SCENE!" Watching her face try to strain and contort while the botox and fillers fought to keep everything tight and immobile was like some kind of science special where two polar forces fight against each other - which one will assert its dominance? Hard to tell, but those veins on her forehead might quite the showing under the strain.  I think Heather wouldn't mind getting back into acting, however, it seems like she is going in the tv hosting direction as mentioned loving it. I think she is good at it and as Sophie Petrillo once said to Rose Nylon: she has the most important quality in a anchor - hair that doesn't move.

No wonder Kelly and Vicki get along so well. They both think they can speak other languages if they add vowels to the end of words. Kelly thinks adding an "Os" to the end of everything makes it Japanese, which what!?!? And Vicki thinks adding "Es" makes it Spanish - 'no scratchie the woodie' A match made in culturally insensitive paradise. Idjits! 

I know that Tamra is now team God but it is taking some getting used to and I am reserving judgement until the reunion. 

I think Shannon was both right and wrong with her advice prediction. Yes, Vicki will screw Tamra over but let's not act that that hasn't been a 2 way street in the past. Tamra has screwed Vicki over in the past many a time. 

Am I supposed to be more interested in Meghan's ovaries than her own husband?

Meghan's flip flopping over inviting Vicki to the party was ridiculous. Her "I think so" after being asked str8 out the 2nd time whether Vicki was invited after telling Tamra to invite her was just the worst. 

Let us all take a moment to blow taps over Shannon's pre-divorce ceremony next week ... aka vow renewal. 

Icky has come across as racist, Imo, many times. And stupid as a box of rocks, which tend to go hand in hand.

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On ‎8‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 2:29 PM, msblossom said:

It almost pains me to see someone like Kelly on this show because she is a really unhinged, mentally ill, and probable raging alcoholic. Much like Kim Richards, nothing can be gained by doing a show like this exhibiting all your weaknesses and triggering your anxieties further.  Participating in a reality housewives show just pours gasoline over every volatile undisciplined crack in your life egged on by producers. There's no excuse for Kelly, and she is horrible to watch, but the woman is obviously mentally sick and out of control. What a disaster. I will say that I found it a little amusing to see someone stand up to Heather, and in that respect, if Kelly wasn't such a disaster I think she and Shannon would have actually gotten along.

And Heather, that horrendous act in the car without managing to squeeze out a tear was just pitiful. So glad Bravo kept that in. She's always been so fake and thinks she's better and more fabulous than everyone else and can command people to leave restaurants, parties, her house, blah blah blah. 

Well if Mike ever divorces her again he's got great proof of how she acts. Roll tape!

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On ‎8‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 6:16 PM, English Teacher said:

I'm going to be in the minority here, but I'm joining Team Heather along with Team Shannon.  While Heather has definitely become more precocious as the seasons have come and gone, she isn't a pot-stirrer.  She happily (and haughtily) keeps herself busy with her own affairs.  While she listens to gossip, she doesn't idly throw around insults to others behind their backs.  She is one of the few who will confront directly rather than throwing a grenade in a group of girls then acting surprised when it goes off.  She is usually the one who is looking for real evidence or corroboration before she believes what she hears and she generally tries to remain positive.  When she goes for the jugular, it  seems to be a planned group where she expects there to be fur flying like the reunion episodes (When you're dead, lie down).  Events like this, Heather comes in with a huge smile and, yes, she is very good at talking about herself, but I feel that is better than the venomous sniping, backstabbing, and duplicity the other women show.  Shame on Tamara for not doing what Heather did.  Tamara should have thrown Kelly out.  Even if the person being insulted in such a vulgar and crass manner was not a close friend, I could not allow that to happen at a party that I was responsible for.  She needed to be shut down or turned out.  If throwing her out wasn't a first impulse, Tamara (or Vicki -- or even Meghan) should have pulled her into the bathroom, slapped her across the face and threw some ice water to snap her out of it, and told her to go back and apologize for being disgusting.   Tonight's tears were.... uncomfortable (and unfortunate), but I'm not sure they were completely manufactured.  I'm an angry crier -- and I think that's what she was doing.  Because she wasn't a pretty crier - it was the ugly face contorting variety that I think was based in some genuine emotion.  

Kelly, quite simply, is a psychotic, angry, nasty drunk.  And the other women then allow Kelly to make fun of Heather when she leaves? Tamara & Vicki: I have news for you.  That's not Christian.  Kelly: If you were worried about what your daughters would think when they see this, perhaps you need to put down the cocktails and rethink how you are behaving.  

Shannon really impressed me by remaining quiet and above the fray.  And good for her for calling out Tamara for playing both sides of the fence.  

While in general I agree with your post, Heather did stir the pot quite a bit two seasons ago when she was at odds with Shannon. She even suggested on camera that Shannon was having a mental breakdown and acted so faux concerned. Shannon couldn't breath with out Heather finding something wrong about it. The pot stirring back fired on her, Terry and Tamra.

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On Monday, August 15, 2016 at 10:06 PM, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I think Kelly may have a drinking problem. Every time she has one of her outbursts, she is seen drinking. I did laugh so hard when she told Shannon to STFU. It was mean and undeserving, but her delivery was hysterical.

Now I understand why they recruited Kelly for the show.  She's this show's Brandi Glandville, complete with STFU!  It also explains why they have signed her for another season.  Andy always did love Brandi's vulgarity.  Now he has Kelly to continue the legacy.  I really didn't mind her telling Shannon to STFU though.  Shannon was being a smartass.  Making smartass comments to Kelly while she's on a drunken rampage is just adding fuel to the fire.  Don't poke the bear Shannon and you won't get cussed out.  And I'm glad Kelly didn't leave just because Heather was clutching her pearls and demanding her to leave.  How are you going to try to throw someone out of someone else's party?  And all of the crying in the car was ridiculous.  How old is Heather, 5?  Hell, she's heard Tamra say way worse than what Kelly was saying.  She's seen Tamra act way worse than Kelly was acting.  Heather really does need to stop acting like she's never seen bad behavior from these women before.

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On Monday, August 15, 2016 at 11:58 PM, njbchlover said:

And speaking of that word, I don't think this is the first time we heard it on a RH franchise.  Didn't Teresa Guidice call Danielle Staub that during the table flip in the first season of RHNJ?

And hell, Erika Jane of RHBH had a necklace made out of the word and used the word proudly.  Heather can take several seats with her pearl clutching.  She's not an ingénue on this show.

Edited by swankie
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4 hours ago, swankie said:

Now I understand why they recruited Kelly for the show.  She's this show's Brandi Glandville, complete with STFU!  It also explains why they have signed her for another season.  Andy always did love Brandi's vulgarity.  Now he has Kelly to continue the legacy.  I really didn't mind her telling Shannon to STFU though.  Shannon was being a smartass.  Making smartass comments to Kelly while she's on a drunken rampage is just adding fuel to the fire.  Don't poke the bear Shannon and you won't get cussed out.  And I'm glad Kelly didn't leave just because Heather was clutching her pearls and demanding her to leave.  How are you going to try to throw someone out of someone else's party?  And all of the crying in the car was ridiculous.  How old is Heather, 5?  Hell, she's heard Tamra say way worse than what Kelly was saying.  She's seen Tamra act way worse than Kelly was acting.  Heather really does need to stop acting like she's never seen bad behavior from these women before.


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4 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Maybe someone should get Kelly that unfortunate university coffee mug...


Where can I purchase this coffee mug? I need to have several so I can actually give out a few Christmas gifts this year.

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Nevermind, I found it on a Google search. They also make one that reads "Cock"!

I was also wondering ( in reference to Heather Dubrow) why would anyone wear a tight fitting short dress to a Japanese restaurant where you know you're going to have to sit on the floor with your legs crossed? And for the love of God/Buddha or whoever, STOP pretending like you are a fabulous actress.  The fake crying in the limo when you were talking to Terry? Very bad acting. You Suck Heather! I'm going back to Google now to see if they make a coffee mug with those exact words on it "You Suck, Heather!" I'll bet Terry would buy a dozen of them.

But that scene in the limo I'm hoping will be played many times at the Reunion! Love Heather's ugly face she made while pretend crying. I want to see it again and again.

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14 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Where can I purchase this coffee mug? I need to have several so I can actually give out a few Christmas gifts this year.

Haha, it's looks like they fixed it:


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On August 17, 2016 at 9:00 AM, zoeysmom said:

Is it possible Shannon mentioned the "college educated" comment because neither Tamra or Vicki did not go to college?  So Kelly was putting herself above those without college educations?  The way Kelly said it, I could nor decide if she thought college educated people could not be prostitutes or non-college educated people were left with prostitution as their only option.

I also seem to remember that David doesn't have a college degree, I think I remember that being mentioned during the Dubrow/Beador fighting that went on last season, maybe Shannon bristled at Kelly's implication of superiority over the non college educated...

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On August 17, 2016 at 9:38 AM, zoeysmom said:

Well Briana admitted she knew about Donn's girlfriend during the time Donn was in the household.  Her hatred for Brooks seemed to take the place of common sense that Donnhaving a girlfriend hurt her mother.  It goes to Briana and the standards she sets for her mother.  Much like her mother, she has rather low standards.  It feels like it would be convenient for Briana if Donn were under the same roof.  I never really saw Donn get treated poorly. . .he seemed removed and dismissive of the others.  

Oh I saw him treated like crap! I recently rewatched an old episode where Donn came into the kitchen while Vickie was putting dinner together and she could not be more cold and rude to him, for no apparent reason. She would make him wait a beat before she answered his questions, like 'when's dinner', wouldn't look him in the eye, snapped in a nasty way, that it would be a long time for dinner, that she may not even be home from work so won't eat with him, was so cold and mean in a silent way. He just stood there, and finally said ok, he'll go wash the car and she said 'good! Go!' It was awful, she seemed like she just wanted to pick a fight. I can't stand people that look to pick fights instead of just being honest about their issues. She gave as good as she got. This was right before they divorced. They are both sad awful people and deserved each other. 

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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I also seem to remember that David doesn't have a college degree, I think I remember that being mentioned during the Dubrow/Beador fighting that went on last season, maybe Shannon bristled at Kelly's implication of superiority over the non college educated...

Shannon herself has taken jabs at David's lack of pedigree, imo (refer to their barbed exchange of the twins' cotillion preparations).

David has a degree from a state university in Michigan. The Dubrows were putting him down because of the professional field in which he works.

I don't really see what's so unreasonable about Kelly's invocation of her degree. Can four-year alumni turn tricks? Sure, and so can those with PhDs. But the assertion that Kelly sucks dick for money suggests she lacks other skills and/or education.

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On 8/16/2016 at 3:53 PM, WireWrap said:

I have to wonder if she hit him first, after all, she was also arrested for DV against her husband and had to attend AA and get therapy.

I listen to Heather McDonald's podcast, and Kelly was on last week.  Not sure why I listened to that episode, as I hate Kelly.  She was totally all over the place, and barely coherent.  She speaks like she's on crack.

BUT - she explained (kind of) that she got into a fight with her "fiance" Jeff because he wanted to go out one night and she didn't.  They were drunk, they argued, and fought in the car, and he hit her.  You know there is WAY more to that story.


On 8/16/2016 at 4:16 PM, telemachus2 said:

I hold no brief for Kelly (!) but Shannon was definitely classist when she snooted that SHE'd never refer to herself as "college educated"

I am with Shannon on this, I don't know anyone who says that, or would say that.

Do we know if Kelly graduated??

On 8/16/2016 at 4:35 PM, lizajane said:

Tamra is her usual shit stirrer self. That is all she has done the last couple of seasons.

Tamra is the worst, maybe worse than Kelly.   She is such a shit-stirrer, it is sick.


On 8/16/2016 at 6:32 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

Kelly has at least one dog.  There was a scene maybe last episode of her telling her dog(s) to give her a high five and I think her giving treats in return. 

That wasn't her daughter?  Sorry but they look so much alike...

I also reserve the right to make fun of that hideous Troy.  Yeah he's a little boy, and I admit that he does some cute stuff.  But he looks like his dad.

I wonder if Heather is bothered by her oldest daughter's looks and size.  She is obviously concerned with staying a size 0, I wonder if it bugs her that Max is a bit hefty.

On 8/17/2016 at 0:40 PM, Natalie68 said:

She lost her fucking mind.  How she rallied after was equally alarming.  She is a bucket of crazy.  And looking at her history she has had AT LEAST 2 restraining orders on her.  And knowing what was reported about her harassment of the ex wife of her ex fiance she is just foul and has some very scary issues.

Oh - where is the dirt on the restraining orders?  I haven't seen any articles on them yet, but I keep hearing about them.

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3 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I also seem to remember that David doesn't have a college degree, I think I remember that being mentioned during the Dubrow/Beador fighting that went on last season, maybe Shannon bristled at Kelly's implication of superiority over the non college educated...

I think I read here that David does have a degree.  But he came from a blue collar family, and was dismissed by Terry for doing construction.  Which ignores the fact that David owns the very successful business.  

There also seems to be a misconception on this show that being from the Midwest makes you an unsophisticated rube.  Typical East/West coast snobbery. 

Edited by RedheadZombie
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2 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Shannon herself has taken jabs at David's lack of pedigree, imo (refer to their barbed exchange of the twins' cotillion preparations).


She has also talked about his unsophisticated midwestern palate. I know she is a health nut but I think it bothered her more than just that way.

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2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:


There also seems to be a misconception on this show that being from the Midwest makes you an unsophisticated rube.  Typical East/West coast snobbery. 

Which is something I find amusing, since most of these HWs are not from Orange County or even California.  The way Vicki talked shit about OK, you'd think she was born and bred in Newport Beach, not Illinois.  The others are no better.  It's been said a million times -- the vast majority of OC residents are normal people who have nothing in common with the fame whores on this show.

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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The elevator scene seemed fake to me, like the hoped for reaction would be "that's just wacky Vickie, isn't she funny and lovable? She's so zany!" Kelly was either pointedly ignoring her for attempted comedic effect (because I'm sure she knew her guest was on her way up) or is just that out of it. Either way, I smelled bull and rolled my eyes. The manufactured attempts at humanizing ole Vicks isn't working for me. 

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I have such a problem with the stunt Vickie pulled last season, and the fact that she never truly apologized for it, like a real sincere mea culpa. What she did was so horrible, and she just expects everyone to move on, she's actually frustrated that everyone is still holding a grudge! Yes Vickie! Until you fix it properly, it's unresolved! Nobody is over it because she hasn't addressed it, not really, spitting out some admissions while being pressed and medicated at the reunion isn't enough.

They just reran an episode of New York where Jill finally gets Bethenny to lunch after being so awful and hellacious to her, it was right after they came back from scary island and Jill brought her the greasy potatoe latkes. Anyway, at the lunch Jill says, "you said some things, I said some things let's move on and get back on track with our friendship " then in her talking head says "I'm not going to BEG her to be my friend!" Well yes! You SHOULD beg her after the shit u did! And so should Vickie! Sometimes the crimes in a relationship are so egregious that there does require much begging of forgiveness, and even then there's no guarantee that it will be given. But to just waltz in and expect to "move forward" after such transgressions is gross. And nobody can communicate that to this dumbass. She will just continue to whine about people not being able to "let it go"! 

Edited by VedaPierce
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On August 18, 2016 at 10:36 AM, eurekagirl mOo said:

OMG Megan quit all the dam whining. Your the one who wanted a baby. It's not comfortable. Deal with it. And I don't want to hear one more thing about her perfectly flAt tummy being "bloated" It's gonna get a lot more swollen hon. And what was with the "She can come' "no I don't want her there" Whaa Whaa Whaa. If these women ALL have a problem with Vicky (and I don't blame them) then band together and get her fired or quit. Your all driving me nuts. I've never seen grown women whine as much as this group. 

Just stop filming with her, like they did to Luann and Sonja! Something is in it for Tamra to keep advocating for Vickie party invites. She's prob getting a bonus. 

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Icky is a disgusting, horrible, unfunny, crass, coarse, stupid mess of a person. Not one particle of her personailty rings true. It is appalling to me that her toxic and ignorant ways result in a huge paycheck from this franchise. i can't even think of enough horrid adjectives to describe her.

Kelly is a nothing.  

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2 hours ago, Bebecat said:

Icky is a disgusting, horrible, unfunny, crass, coarse, stupid mess of a person. Not one particle of her personailty rings true. It is appalling to me that her toxic and ignorant ways result in a huge paycheck from this franchise. i can't even think of enough horrid adjectives to describe her.

Kelly is a nothing.  


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