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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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6 hours ago, louannems said:

Around here, most parks have posted signs saying don't feed the geese.

The different places I've lived don't mind if you feed ducks, but once geese come in it's been a whole different ball of wax.  Mainly because the geese can become very territorial, especially if there are young ones involved.  Several places I've lived the geese at the public lakes or water areas were known to attack people.  I was shocked and terrified that they had Izzy feeding the geese and was just cringing waiting for one of them to start biting or snapping at Izzy.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

What's up with Derick's pit stains?

OMG.  I had just done a quick scan of the photos but went back to see his shirt.  Gaack!  I'm not even sure how that is humanly possible.  Jill put down the phone and grab some laundry detergent, oxyclean, bleach and everything else.  Shudders.

5 hours ago, Lunera said:
Is that a new table?  I thought the one they had for #besteverhubby made dinner and the one at Izzy's birthday was square.  Looks like this table didn't come with chairs though since Jill is using a footstool, but I'm glad to see they have both boys at the table and Izzy isn't in a high chair.


Edited by DragonFaerie
phone not food
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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

What's up with Derick's pit stains?

Derwood was busy on the cleanliness is next to godliness classes.  Posting hateful twitters is a full time job.

He must smell pretty ripe.  :-( 

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22 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

OMG.  I had just done a quick scan of the photos but went back to see his shirt.  Gaack!  I'm not even sure how that is humanly possible.  Jill put down the phone and grab some laundry detergent, oxyclean, bleach and everything else.  Shudders.

LOL...I had to go back as well...I had assumed someone was picking on a sweat stain on one of the shirts he was wearing in the videos, and was ready to actually defend him (or her) because, heck, pit stains happen while you are out and about. And while part of me was glad (in that sort of schadenfreude- related way) that I didn't have to stick up for them, ACK! Again, Jill, how difficult is it, when posting something which has the potential to be seen literally around the world, to actually take a quick look to see whether everything is at least moderately presentable??

8 minutes ago, Mollie said:

Would you post that pit stain photo here, please.  I can't find it.

It's in the set of photos of Sammy at 11 months. Scroll through - there are a few of them

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15 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

It almost looks like it could be poop stains (or holes) in his pits.  I don't even want to imagine how he must stink.

Judging by the paper thinness of that old undershirt, I'm guessing a hole.  But I've always gotten the impression that Derick most likely smells bad!  (Jill too)!

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8 minutes ago, realityfan26 said:

It looks like a different table to me, but what I find odd are the chairs. A desk chair for Derrick and a stool for Jill?

If you look close that table is actually in the living room. The bistro style table is in the kitchen. 

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6 hours ago, louannems said:

Judging by the paper thinness of that old undershirt, I'm guessing a hole.  But I've always gotten the impression that Derick most likely smells bad!  (Jill too)!

It looks the shirt is somehow infected. 

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I hate the way they bark orders at Izzy, who clearly doesn't understand all their warnings about the geese.  They're there to feed the geese, but he must keep his "bites" away from the geese.  Does anyone ever touch, hold, look this child in the eye and explain anything?  

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19 hours ago, Lunera said:



Good Lord. I hardly recognized her without her trademark raised-eyebrow, open-mouthed pose. Is it possible she's been reading comments and adjusting her behavior accordingly? Nah, probably just a coincidence.

Edited by graefin
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I thought bumpers in a crib were a no no ?

Same old expression from Jill. 

Israel homeschooling.

I wonder how far up the stairs Samuel got before someone got closer.





Jill must have missed this:


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Top-heavy strollers are a no-no too. Somehow I don't think they have the same criteria for safety most others do.

And it's pretty appropriate they'd be in the canned food aisle. Do they ever cook with anything else besides maybe frozen tater tots?

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Am I missing something, because I thought Sam was seated appropriately in the cart. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, crib bumpers ARE a no-no. Although the information they included as to why made sense, I was initially surprised. I thought bumpers would protect the baby from accidentally banging his/her head against the side of the crib. 



Izzy looks like he is playing Bingo - maybe to teach letter matching? But in the background, I noticed that there are several drawings depicting seven days - I think it's supposed to represent the creation of the earth?

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Bumper pads were ruled unsafe ages and ages ago. How can she be so stupid about baby safety when babies are, you know, her whole thing? I wouldn't be surprised if Jill also places newborns on their tummies to sleep and covers them with quilts. She's like a relic.

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1 hour ago, madpsych78 said:

Am I missing something, because I thought Sam was seated appropriately in the cart. 

Izzy is in the back. I personally don't have an issue with it, millions of moms put a child back there every day, but you really aren't supposed to. Honestly though, it's because people don't watch their kid and then the child stands up or tries to climb over the side and the cart can tip. Or, you know, you could watch your kid, keep them sitting, and lift them in and out. 

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15 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Wow.   My daughter graduated with her class last night. There was an error, and one honors student was called by his previous name. There was an audible gasp and he declined to stand for acknowledgement. They did catch themselves when they had the kids walk for their diplomas and called the correct name. 

It amazes me and gives me hope to see how open and accepting this next generation is.  

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40 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

Izzy is in the back. I personally don't have an issue with it, millions of moms put a child back there every day, but you really aren't supposed to. Honestly though, it's because people don't watch their kid and then the child stands up or tries to climb over the side and the cart can tip. Or, you know, you could watch your kid, keep them sitting, and lift them in and out. 

I was referring to that post of hers from a while ago of her "stroller/car seat hack" ;)

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8 minutes ago, graefin said:

I was referring to that post of hers from a while ago of her "stroller/car seat hack" ;)

Well, yeah, that was a total death trap for him, but someone else asked about Sammy in the front of the cart. 

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Derick, in the geese clip saying "Making memories with my family"...is that code for... I miss the TLC money rolling in like the tide.....so I have to make insincere videos for IG to try to create interest.

Did anyone else want to see an Animals Gone Wild situation with those geese?

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Crib bumpers are a no-no but every damn bedding set I looked at pregnant included them.  I think some are technically made of a breathable fabric that skirts the line between okay/not okay.  I didn’t use them, but have friends who did.

I wish more grocery stores would embrace the double seat carts.  Although Izzy is going to be way too big to sit in the front anyways.

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Doesn't Jill have any dining room table chairs? Derick is sitting on a desk chair and Jill on a foot stool... I agree that they're not sitting like a family. Izzy is out on the end by himself and Jill is right on top of Derick...doesn't look like a comfortable way to eat together IMO.

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On 6/9/2018 at 4:46 PM, DragonFaerie said:


This is revolting. Derick isn't cute, and this isn't cute. He's jealous of his kids and the attention they receive, and I think that this is a passive-aggressive swipe at Jill and the things she thinks are important. I don't have a lot of respect for Jill or her life choices, but I didn't marry her either.

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8 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

This is revolting. Derick isn't cute, and this isn't cute. He's jealous of his kids and the attention they receive, and I think that this is a passive-aggressive swipe at Jill and the things she thinks are important. I don't have a lot of respect for Jill or her life choices, but I didn't marry her either.

Not a Duggar fan, but I think the “351 months” picture is hysterical. Made me laugh.

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8 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

Well, yeah, that was a total death trap for him, but someone else asked about Sammy in the front of the cart. 

Yes, I know, but my phone (which would not quote properly) didn't :) I was referring to the below:

10 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Am I missing something, because I thought Sam was seated appropriately in the cart.

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When I see parents putting out this volume of socia media posts each day, I can't help but wonder whether they're managing to be "present" with their children in the midst of all the important work of planning SM posts. I know great parents  (my own DD included) who take quite a few photos and videos during the course of a day, but they don't share all of them with the public and they often wait till the child is napping or whatever to curate their pics and decide what to post. Jill and Derick might want to consider waiting for these quiet moments since their posts always look so half-assed.

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21 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

That teacher in the article above looked a lot like Dillweed.  They must be somehow related.  Ugh.

Yep..looks like a kissin' cousin.  He's just better looking than Derrick.?


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It's hard to fathom why they haven't been offered their own show yet when they've demonstrated the kind of high quality content they can provide. Where else can you see an idiot flying a kite while his kids wander around?

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8 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Wait up...which bridesmaid gave Jill her dress? I ask because that dress was from JILL'S wedding. Jill herself was in that horribly ill-fitting wedding gown. 

I think it's probably Joy's dress. She was pretty busty and bigger than her sisters. Jinger, Jessa, and Jana were really skinny then.

Edited by Lunera
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9 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Wait up...which bridesmaid gave Jill her dress? I ask because that dress was from JILL'S wedding. Jill herself was in that horribly ill-fitting wedding gown. 

My guess is Anna's because she had the longest add-on white lace modesty ruffle.  Or Jill told Jana she wanted more lace added because she is even more modest.

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