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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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On 10/20/2022 at 10:48 AM, SnapHappy said:

Odd to judge her on?  Why not, as she does absolutely nothing of substance.  No job, no volunteering, no education, no personal growth, no contribution to her community. 

We don't really know what goes on behind closed doors in someone's home.  I don't do social media, but I'd hate to be judged by what photos are or aren't on social media.  

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm curious where this info is. I've only heard Jill and Derick say they support the way Jill was raised and will raise the boys much the same way.

Could you share a link to where she states doesn't want to subject her own kids to the kind of childhood she had?

I have not seen where they say they support the way she was raised. I recall them talking about things when they are doing or planning on doing things differently.  Not everything but many things. I just went back to a couple of the Q&As where they talk about the superficial things like clothes and they also talked about raising a daughter to be independent (they said that for a son as well) wanted to help support them on their chosen path to become self sufficient adults. They talked about things that were prohibited for her growing up that they don't believe the same.  I didn't listen to all of the q&as so if they said they were supportive it was not in the ones I checked out. Maybe they did say something like that but her being in therapy would be an indicator that they are not so keen on her upbringing.  But in broader terms they want to live a faith based life which is what the Dugs claimed to be doing in the raising of their family. I doubt she would ever say my parents were awful and she probably enjoyed many things about her childhood.  She still does (or did a couple of years ago) hang onto the young earth belief of her childhood. 🙄 That is what happens when you Michelle in charge of your education.  

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4 minutes ago, auntieminem said:

I have not seen where they say they support the way she was raised. I recall them talking about things when they are doing or planning on doing things differently.  Not everything but many things. I just went back to a couple of the Q&As where they talk about the superficial things like clothes and they also talked about raising a daughter to be independent (they said that for a son as well) wanted to help support them on their chosen path to become self sufficient adults. They talked about things that were prohibited for her growing up that they don't believe the same.  I didn't listen to all of the q&as so if they said they were supportive it was not in the ones I checked out. Maybe they did say something like that but her being in therapy would be an indicator that they are not so keen on her upbringing.  But in broader terms they want to live a faith based life which is what the Dugs claimed to be doing in the raising of their family. I doubt she would ever say my parents were awful and she probably enjoyed many things about her childhood.  She still does (or did a couple of years ago) hang onto the young earth belief of her childhood. 🙄 That is what happens when you Michelle in charge of your education.  

Derick cleared up the whole therapy thing. Jill, Derick, Michelle and JB were offered short-term mediation therapy through a court. Jill and Derick went and that is where Jill learned about boundaries. Michelle and JB opted out.

What I got out of the Q&A videos was they would treat their adult kids like adults, so if they were over 18 (or maybe 21) they could have their own courtship rules.

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I've been reading, snarking and commenting here in the Duggars threads for many years, its seems to me commenting on the Duggar females' hair has been a thing since they have always made their hair a thing. From the sisters' book: "Our hairstyle is our choice, and we choose longer hair based on our understanding of 1 Corinthians 11:14-15" 

And what about the nonsensical word Michelle used, which I can't recall right now... but something about focusing on appearance from the neck up.

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I've been reading, snarking and commenting here in the Duggars threads for many years, its seems to me commenting on the Duggar females' hair has been a thing since they have always made their hair a thing. From the sisters' book: "Our hairstyle is our choice, and we choose longer hair based on our understanding of 1 Corinthians 11:14-15" 

And what about the nonsensical word Michelle used, which I can't recall right now... but something about focusing on appearance from the neck up.

Countenance?  It is a running joke between me and 19 year old granddaughter when I remind her to use sunscreen to protect her "countenance" -

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3 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Countenance?  It is a running joke between me and 19 year old granddaughter when I remind her to use sunscreen to protect her "countenance" -

Yes! Thank-you. Michelle, Jill and her sisters talked about why they paid so much attention to their hair and make-up, because - countenance. 🤣

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10 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Countenance?  It is a running joke between me and 19 year old granddaughter when I remind her to use sunscreen to protect her "countenance" -

10 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

That was the first word that I thought of as well. But I don't have any funny anecdotes about it. 😀

I have a funny anecdote!  One time on these boards someone called it Michelle’s continence, rather than countenance!  😂

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Mod Announcement:

The thread will be locked until further notice. 

I would like to remind everyone take time and review the rules of the site-

1. BE CIVIL,  disagreement and lively discussion is expected, but this is not a pro-Jill/anti-Jill thread, individuals are allowed to express their opinions as long as they do so politely and do not violate other forum rules such as the Inclusion Policy.

2. It is a good rule of thumb, if you perceive the conversation has gotten so out of hand, a moderator needs to step in, do NOT add fuel to the fire by engaging, please use the report function, or PM a moderator to review. Mods have other duties (such as families, employment and other forums, so please be patient).

If you have questions please PM @deaja and @Scarlett45- we do not discuss moderator actions in the threads, other threads, including Small Talk, is not the place to receive clarification or discuss mod actions. 

Thank you.

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1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

Since Derek is so proud of have been a PP I think all his sons will finish public school. 

Derek is what 6’5. He is very tall.

I think Jill is on the shorter side, Derrick is about 6 feet even. None of the Duggar women are particularly tall. (I consider taller than 5'8/9 tall for a woman)

1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think Jill is on the shorter side, Derrick is about 6 feet even. None of the Duggar women are particularly tall. (I consider taller than 5'8/9 tall for a woman)

Jill's the tallest of the Duggar daughters. I think she's 5'7", so not short by any means, but probably on the taller end of average. She's not as tall as Deanna, Dan's wife.

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2 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Jill's the tallest of the Duggar daughters. I think she's 5'7", so not short by any means, but probably on the taller end of average. She's not as tall as Deanna, Dan's wife.

Yeah the average US woman is 5'4". Just for me personally as someone who is 5'4", when women are about 5'7" I consider that on the tall side. 

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I'm amazed somebody hasn't shut down the whole "Pistol Pete" thing.  The mascot was named for a murderer.  In retaliation, for guys that killed his dad, but still. 

Gun violence is at an all-time high in this country, and making it glamorous and fun for college students is unconscionable.  

Not everybody is so charmed: 


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4 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Jill's the tallest of the Duggar daughters. I think she's 5'7", so not short by any means, but probably on the taller end of average. She's not as tall as Deanna, Dan's wife.

3 hours ago, Absolom said:

Derick according the internet is 6'2"  

2 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I want to say he's 6'3". Could be 6'2", but no shorter than that. His brother Dan is even taller, and his wife Deena is around 5'10". They are a tall people. 😀

Oh okay thanks, he is a bit taller than I thought, as is Jill. A good way to judge how tall people are is next to appliances, because those are usually standard heights in North America and dont really change.

2 hours ago, Zella said:

Yeah the average US woman is 5'4". Just for me personally as someone who is 5'4", when women are about 5'7" I consider that on the tall side. 

1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

I’m 5’6 and consider myself short

8 minutes ago, BigBingerBro said:

Being tall isn't all that it's cracked up to be.  I'm 6'2" and wish I were shorter as the world is not designed for tall people.  North America is better than most in this respect.  Constantly being told I should play basketball when I absolutely hated sports was beyond annoying.  Just saying.

Taking my reply to Small Talk.

As annoying as it is to be reminded constantly that Derrick was a PP, as was his own father, it does give me hope that maybe Derrick will be so focused on his own sons doing the same that he'll really take their education seriously. I don't know if we found out for sure if the boys are in real school now in their new town or if Jill is "homeschooling" but I think it's more likely they are still getting a real education. 

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4 minutes ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

As annoying as it is to be reminded constantly that Derrick was a PP, as was his own father, it does give me hope that maybe Derrick will be so focused on his own sons doing the same that he'll really take their education seriously. I don't know if we found out for sure if the boys are in real school now in their new town or if Jill is "homeschooling" but I think it's more likely they are still getting a real education. 

I hope so too, and I think the prospects for that are good. Derick grew up as a mainstream Arkansas Baptist - public schooling, TV, movies, regular clothing, and all. With a mom who worked outside the home. He had a relatively brief immersion in Fundie-world, unlike Jill who grew up in it. She may not have moved completely away from her indoctrination that public schools are bastions of Satan with drug pushers and sexual predators haunting the grade school playgrounds, but I doubt that he thinks that way. 

The OSU homecoming posts from Jill made me laugh. I have a busload (or two) of cousins in Oklahoma (first cousins + their generations of offspring), and lived there as a child. Last weekend I drove down there to visit. The cousins I stayed with were of course home, but several relatives, covering I think 3 generations, were either out of town in Stillwater attending the OSU game or had set aside Saturday afternoon to watch it on TV. I'd forgotten that Derick went to OSU, and it cracked me up to see Jill's posts about the game. (BTW I saw some of it on TV; it was a good game and OSU won so my cousins were happy.) 

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

I have no idea either, if the older boys are in school. I keep waiting for a Jill and Freddy post about squeezing in errands after the school run like she used to do with Sammy.

I wonder if Jill's feeling conflicted about public social media after all the recent events in her life. She went through a lot: the trial and sentencing, pregnancy and childbirth, moving to a new town, Derick's passing the bar and starting a new job, with gallbladder surgery as the cherry on top. Oof. And, she has to be mindful that Derick is now working as a prosecutor so he's not only a government employee, he's dealing with sensitive issues in his work. (I know, right now he's new and probably handling bad check charges and DUIs but still, he should be careful about his personal and family security and reputation.) 

Of course I could be wrong, but my impression is that Jill is a naturally friendly and outgoing person who enjoys sharing parts of her life on social media. A much more open and friendly person than the super-guarded Jessa who IMO is a control freak, very insecure and scared of anything she or JB can't manage.

I also suspect that Jill may get enough income from it to keep from going private on SM. But OTOH I would advise anyone working as a prosecutor - even in a small town - to be discreet about sharing information on where their kids go to school, their home address, etc. Even if that stuff isn't top secret, why splash it around? There are too many crazies out there. Jill has shown her kids' faces on SM lately, so who knows what she's thinking or what limits she's decided to observe. 

All of that is just to say, I wonder if Jill's going to be as regular with her "mommy and kids" SM posts as she was in the past, but I just don't know. 

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10 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

I wonder if Jill's feeling conflicted about public social media after all the recent events in her life. She went through a lot: the trial and sentencing, pregnancy and childbirth, moving to a new town, Derick's passing the bar and starting a new job, with gallbladder surgery as the cherry on top. Oof. And, she has to be mindful that Derick is now working as a prosecutor so he's not only a government employee, he's dealing with sensitive issues in his work. (I know, right now he's new and probably handling bad check charges and DUIs but still, he should be careful about his personal and family security and reputation.) 

Of course I could be wrong, but my impression is that Jill is a naturally friendly and outgoing person who enjoys sharing parts of her life on social media. A much more open and friendly person than the super-guarded Jessa who IMO is a control freak, very insecure and scared of anything she or JB can't manage.

I also suspect that Jill may get enough income from it to keep from going private on SM. But OTOH I would advise anyone working as a prosecutor - even in a small town - to be discreet about sharing information on where their kids go to school, their home address, etc. Even if that stuff isn't top secret, why splash it around? There are too many crazies out there. Jill has shown her kids' faces on SM lately, so who knows what she's thinking or what limits she's decided to observe. 

All of that is just to say, I wonder if Jill's going to be as regular with her "mommy and kids" SM posts as she was in the past, but I just don't know. 

Interesting thoughts. But we only know about Derick's job, Freddy's birth and Jill's gallbladder surgery because Jill and Derick posted about them. They also posted pictures of themselves on the steps of what looked like to be the courthouse. Derick was in his work clothes and they were with a crowd of local folks watching a parade. And of course her most recent post about former Pistol Petes. So, IMO, if Jill is trying to be discreet she's not doing a very good job.

As far as money, Jill has only posted an "#ad" for swimming lessons and a moving company in the last few months, maybe even a year. Her sisters, on the other hand, are doing some ads, but are mostly making money from YT views. Jill doesn't do YT very often, so I don't she's posting for money.

IMO, Jill posts for attention and 'likes'.

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2 hours ago, Jeeves said:

 He had a relatively brief immersion in Fundie-world, unlike Jill who grew up in it. She may not have moved completely away from her indoctrination that public schools are bastions of Satan with drug pushers and sexual predators haunting the grade school playgrounds, but I doubt that he thinks that way. 

If my local community groups are any indication, it is not just fundies who feel this way anymore. The pandemic and rampant spread of misinformation on social media seems to have made it more mainstream to demonize public education. I had a friend who is very lapse Catholic and her and her husband have taken their kids out because they believe all of the bolded. I tried to point out kids aren’t being abducted by strangers left and right, and no K-12 school has ever taught CRT,  and she was all “well the pubic school made them wear a mask and the teachers were too lazy during the pandemic” 🙄 

Edited by Trillium
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1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

I also suspect that Jill may get enough income from it to keep from going private on SM. But OTOH I would advise anyone working as a prosecutor - even in a small town - to be discreet about sharing information on where their kids go to school, their home address, etc. Even if that stuff isn't top secret, why splash it around? There are too many crazies out there. Jill has shown her kids' faces on SM lately, so who knows what she's thinking or what limits she's decided to observe. 

I agree with you Jeeves. I understand that social media provides an income for Jill, and for any parent these days, there is a balance if you want to use social media, but Jill isn't just someone who's sharing her life with friends/acquaintances and extended family. The kids being at public event is one thing, but sharing their school and personal information is another.

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2 hours ago, Trillium said:

If my local community groups are any indication, it is not just fundies who feel this way anymore. The pandemic and rampant spread of misinformation on social media seems to have made it more mainstream to demonize public education. I had a friend who is very lapse Catholic and her and her husband have taken their kids out because they believe all of the bolded. I tried to point out kids aren’t being abducted by strangers left and right, and no K-12 school has ever taught CRT,  and she was all “well the pubic school made them wear a mask and the teachers were too lazy during the pandemic” 🙄 

I have a sister-in-law and cousin who are teachers and they've been hearing a lot of that from parents' the last few years. Their are used to dealing with crazy parents' but they've hit a whole new level of crazy.  It's so completely insane. Parents' really seem to believe all this crap.

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Looks like Jill is on the mend and she’s posting again. She admitted to taking time to adjust and I’m glad she’s giving herself some grace. Her journey is not unique but nevertheless difficult. Her latest shill is oils. It does agree with her boho style.  They even celebrated Halloween. Good for the kids, who are still taking swimming lessons. 

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4 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Jill has posted about 30 times since Freddy was born in July. Jessa has posted about 25 times since then and Jinger about 40 times. Joy has posted about 20 times since she restarted in August.

It seems Jinger is the only one posting more than Jill.

My bad, I don’t keep track of how often they post. 

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