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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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I'm beginning to think Jilly Muffin's pregnancy is psychosomatic... brought on by the need to breed in order to have any value.


I can certainly see how it might be, but isn't she still technically in the due date time frame? Like even before traditional doctors are clamoring to induce or do a c-section? I think that's the downside of announcing things wayyyy too early, plus having sisters competing with you (if Jessa and Anna are - or for that matter her mom may be competing too, eek... but anyway) It makes it seem like a REALLY long time, when traditionally close loved ones are used to 'waiting' maybe 6 months and other people who aren't sure if she just put on a few pounds aren't even waiting that long.

Edited by NikSac
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Well, Jill had her first due date of March 24 come and go and now has a secondary due date of April 5. Now I'm wondering if she's going to go two weeks past her secondary due date, which will be April 19....good grief, it seems like Jill has been pregnant forever!

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I'm so glad I'm not any of them.  When I was newly married I got belligerent with people asking me about when I was going to get pregnant, resorting to finally responding "I can't believe you are so rude as to keep asking" and so forth.  To actually be pregnant and then have people feeling up your belly would totally do me in.  I'm not a natural hugger, and to think of people feeling free to make wise cracks and touch my belly would make me violent.  Yes, kind, polite little old me.  Normally courteous and try not to offend, but keep your damned hands off me.  

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I'd think maybe it was also a subtle clue that they were naming the kid Isaiah, but when have they ever been subtle.


Micks Picks, a friend of mine got so sick of being asked, she started fake crying and saying, really soft and hurt sounding "I can't have kids, I'm infertile" anytime she got asked. She hopes that's stopped them asking anyone else as well.

Edited by kalamac
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I think Jana should be first out the door if that's what she wants.  JB and Michelle might disagree with me.  They sound kind of desperate to get John David hitched though.


They should be feeling desperate about finding a wife for John-David. IMO, they have their work cut out for them... 

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My theory - Josiah is also in college, but they keep talking about Joe to cover that Josiah is actually courting Tori. Same as Jessa was the cover for Jill.


This - if true - would be Great. Josiah has been my favorite from the beginning. There's just something "brighter" about this kid, and I don't just mean intellectually - although I do think he's one of the smartest and most curious of the group. Maybe we knew each other in a past llfe - who knows? But I am really rooting for this kid!

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He made my mouth like a sharpened sword,

    in the shadow of his hand he hid me;

he made me into a polished arrow

    and concealed me in his quiver.

3 He said to me, “You are my servant,

    Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.”


The two verses after what Der posted. Yep, quiverful AND Israel. coincidence? YOU DECIDE ;)

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Well, Jill had her first due date of March 24 come and go and now has a secondary due date of April 5. Now I'm wondering if she's going to go two weeks past her secondary due date, which will be April 19....good grief, it seems like Jill has been pregnant forever!

Oh geez! My birthday's the 20th. Of course I'd rather have people mention that I share my birthday with the famous Dilly baby, than them stating I share a birthday with Hitler.

Edited by roamyn
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Sounds like Labor. Then Der takes a minute to ponder the end of times. Classy.


EDIT: Maybe not!



Now that I’m about to be a dad, I find it quite interesting that Jesus related the end of the world to the event of birth. And it’s easy to relate to because as much as Jill and I want to know when this birth will happen, the day and the hour of baby dilly’s birth is definitely unknown.


It's unknown, but you can pin it down to a reasonable window, unlike the apocalypse.

Edited by JoanArc
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The home birth midwives in my area will generally let you go to 42 weeks before they start talking induction, so Tuesday/Wednesday is probably the latest possible day (with the idea that if they induce on Tuesday the baby may not be born until Wednesday.)

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Some of it depends on what due date they really believe to be the most accurate but assuming she's overdue from the midwife's perspective it's unlikely they haven't at least been trying some basic 'lets get this going' kind of techniques. There are herbs, castor oil, stripping the membranes (this is not the same are rupturing the membranes) and a variety of other mild labor simulators. Waiting until you are fully overdue (42+ weeks) would require a medical induction which is not done at home so you try not to let it get that far.

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Yeah, I'd assume they're doing lots of home inducement stuff (also sex and nipple stimulation) but most of the home midwives here will send you to a hospital they have privileges at if you hit 42 weeks and none of those have worked to do a medical induction.

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I have a question, if you have a home birth how do you get a birth certificate? 


I was a home birth and my father went to the Village hall and had my birth recorded. Which was fine and dandy but he posted the wrong birthdate and that has been my "birthday" ever since.

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That's the way my midwives worked too but Jill's midwives won't have hospital privileges so if she goes to the hospital she'll have her care taken over by an OB. Hopefully she has a back-up OB already, preferably one she saw at least once during the pregnancy, but she might not.

For the birth certificate you just send in the paperwork. My midwife mailed it in for us and they sent us the birth certificate.

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My theory - Josiah is also in college, but they keep talking about Joe to cover that Josiah is actually courting Tori. Same as Jessa was the cover for Jill.


Count me as a member in the Love Josiah Club, too. Is he at Clown College as well? I'd love to see something good happen for that kid. But I still suspect that the Tori-Joseph thing might be real; although I prefer Josiah's personality, I can see a young girl thinking Joseph is pretty hot.


I find Jill's lack of panic about the due date kind of refreshing, but I wonder if they're doing any monitoring to make sure Rick James remains healthy in there. I went two weeks over with my second, and my amniotic fluid ended up being low; she also aspirated meconium and we had a tense situation for a little while. Plus, she was 10.2 pounds AND posterior, so labor was a real party.


Jill does look exhausted in that pic with Jenny. I would imagine she's not sleeping well.

Edited by Literata
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According to Arkansas regulations at 42 weeks there is no longer any choice.  She has to go to an OB. If she doesn't her midwife risks losing her license and can't deliver her at home anyway  If and that's a huge if, the OB signs off on it she could still deliver at home.   Almost any rational OB will pop her straight into the hospital for an induction though.

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Has baby Dilly arrived or is Jill in labor?  Derick's tweet from 11 hours ago.


"...The LORD called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name." Isaiah 49:1

Edited by abseedee
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According to Arkansas regulations at 42 weeks there is no longer any choice.  She has to go to an OB. If she doesn't her midwife risks losing her license and can't deliver her at home anyway  If and that's a huge if, the OB signs off on it she could still deliver at home.   Almost any rational OB will pop her straight into the hospital for an induction though.


This is where due date comes into play. If she has any documentation citing a later due date she'll use it. 

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I'd think the ultrasound due date would be definitive here, and her midwife would be thinking seriously about her own well being, so I would be very surprised if some monitoring isn't going on.

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Aside from the TV personalities, the average age of quiverful children to marry is about 25-28. Only slightly younger than the national average. This is because most families take seriously the idea that the couple have at least some resources before they start having a large family of their own.

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From Derick's twitter - looks like it might be go time!! Maybe he just posted that to be a tease though! https://twitter.com/...847870127702016


And there's ONE guess left in the pool. ONE person who guessed 3/3 and no one later than that. The Little Gherkin messed with all of us!  Respect.


Sorry, I didn't count the ACTUAL final guess in the pool of March 36th. LOL. 


I know that Derick was just using Isaiah quote because it is appropriate to the occasion, but Isaiah is a cute name. Better than Israel. 


And as far as the mystery couple with the Dilly's last night, since the "informant" didn't know enough about the Duggars to know what sister it was, it could be Jana (smaller than Jill), a long haired Bates girl with a Duggar boy, or maybe even Dan Dillard with his girlfriend, who was a blond the last time we saw her. 

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This is where due date comes into play. If she has any documentation citing a later due date she'll use it.

It seems to be overcome by events, but Jill didn't.  That secondary "due date" was by her own statement one she made up to keep in mind so she wouldn't get so anxious when the real one passed.  

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I'd think the ultrasound due date would be definitive here, and her midwife would be thinking seriously about her own well being, so I would be very surprised if some monitoring isn't going on.


In my experience the ultrasound due date isn't always definitive.  My younger son's calculated EDD was December 6th.  The CNM who saw me at my appointment after the ultrasound (in that practice we had to see the CNM at least once) decided to move my due date to December 3rd based on his ultrasound.


However, at my next appointment my midwife (an LM -- Licensed Midwife in my state and in this case an RN as well) put it back to December 6th because a) I knew exactly when the child was conceived as my husband at the time traveled for a living and there was only one "incident" in a four-month window of time; and b) three days can make a difference when a woman has a history of holding onto a pregnancy for awhile after her official EDD... and I had that history.  It's a good thing the date wasn't changed, because the boy arrived 12 days past the 6th, and moving it back to the 3rd would have had me in the hospital being induced.

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Ok - am I the only one who thought Derick's mom's joke about becoming an 'insta-gram' when the baby is born was kind of funny? My dad loves to tell jokes like that. They make us all groan and roll our eyes but laugh too. 

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People posted it as breaking news that Jill is in labor. Will it be breaking news when she pops out 16 more?

Maybe if she goes a week or more over with each of 'em after announcing the due date two months in. When every pregnancy is record-breakingly long (sarcasm, I know this one wasn't), then it's breaking news. 

Glad she's in labor though. I wonder if she's disappointed it's not Easter.

Edited by Temperance
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The people article just parrots what Derrick posted on the web site. Nothing definitive yet!




EDIT : http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-moms/news/derick-dillard-confirms-jill-duggar-is-in-labor-talks-contractions-201534


It's just an echo chamber. Derrick's gotten good ad using the Duggar ambiguity to get his way!

Edited by JoanArc
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Derick probably wrote the blog a while ago and made it live today. I get why Derick blogged it. I mean, based on the posts here, people are clearly interested in the birth of Derick and Jill's baby and are jumping on any news, even reports of random ambulances. Heck, I'm excited about the birth and hope all goes well.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Hi everyone ! Long time lurker from twop days. I too am disopinated with Derek. I thought/hoped he would have not drunk to kool aid and been free from the control of JB. None the less, I hope she has a healthy baby.

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Looks like nothing yet -- as Jill just posted a pic with Derick that says they're out to lunch for spicy Mexican; apparently she's having BH contractions though given Derick's blog, I suspect that's been going on for a while.

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Ugh.  I wish Derick would learn to be more clear.  Giving a blog post a title with labor in it is exceedingly misleading when one's wife is post date.  


That was his intent.

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Jesus. Is People going to go "breaking news" when the freaking Royal Baby is born sometime this month (supposedly)? Speaking of, I saw a pic of Kate and she is about half the size of Jill and barely looks pregnant. I officially hate her (not really). 




Josh is messing with his followers on Twitter. His latest is about today being a great day to be born and tagging Jill and Derek.


They're all playing games now. 



"Jill, you're contracting. Should I blog about it?"

"Yes, totally".  And that's what he did.


"Jill, are you in pain?" 

"Yes, totally."


"Jill, do you want some ice chips?"

"Yes, totally." 


"Jill, do you want him circumcised?"

"Yes, totally."

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Oh for the love of God.  Here is a young woman whose only claim to fame is that her mother had a freakishly large number of children.  She gets married, promptly gets knocked up, and her impending labour and delivery is "breaking news"?? 


The Duggars have a well-oiled publicity machine, no question.


And while I freely admit I have been checking for updates, I think I am done.  I am going to look at  wedding dresses with my daughter.  


I wish Jill a safe delivery, but geez, it isn't the second freaking coming. There are over 4 million births every year in the US. That's close to 11,000 each day.  Hardly a unique event.

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