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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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One of the things that is wild to me, per the depositions quoted in The Sun, is how multiple sisters seem to think that they're losing sponsorship deals because of the molestation disclosures or just for seemingly no reason at all. Jinger and Joy both stated either one or the other. Like, that's not actually why they've lost sponsorship deals. When people have written and complained to their sponsors and the sponsors have responded, it is almost always about the family's stance on LGBT issues. 

The more that has been revealed, I really wonder if their lawyer advised them not to go to court and they pressed onward with the lawsuit because they don't seem to be able to point to specific damages that they could sue for. Per other things I've read, none of them bothered to seek medical or psychiatric consultations over it, which could have been used to show emotional damages, and they can't even really point to income loss as being from the molestations. I don't doubt that they found the revelations very upsetting, but I feel like the prep for this trial was somehow even more inept than their brother's. His defense made really dumb arguments, for sure, but they had to mount some sort of defense and there aren't many good arguments you can make when you have as much evidence against you as Josh had. 

Edited by Zella
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18 minutes ago, Zella said:

When people have written and complained to their sponsors and the sponsors have responded, it is almost always about the family's stance on LGBT issues. 

Do they honestly not realize this?

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1 minute ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Probably not. They're insular and deluded. 

Hard to believe. Maybe they should pay attention to some of the negative comments they get on SM and figure it out. I have a hard time believing that Jeremy, at least, doesn’t know that people have issues with their anti LGBT stances. And if Jeremy knows, so does Jinger.

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Oh I think they know. They just don't want to admit it or acknowledge it. That is why they never correct the record when they are accused if being bigots. They know there is nothing to correct, and they keep hoping it will blow over. 

Edited by Zella
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1 minute ago, Cinnabon said:

Hard to believe. Maybe they should pay attention to some of the negative comments they get on SM and figure it out. I have a hard time believing that Jeremy, at least, doesn’t know that people have issues with their anti LGBT stances. And if Jeremy knows, so does Jinger.

I wonder if Jeremy tries to keep Jinger in the dark? I think he likes her kind of airheaded.

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Just now, emmawoodhouse said:

I wonder if Jeremy tries to keep Jinger in the dark? I think he likes her kind of airheaded.

I don't think she is that sheltered. I think she knows and agrees with him but keeps quiet because they keep hoping that sweet endorsement money will roll in. 

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Just now, Zella said:

I don't think she is that sheltered. I think she knows and agrees with him but keeps quiet because they keep hoping that sweet endorsement money will roll in. 

Well, they're the ones who are shut down the most when they manage to score an endorsement deal. It's really easy to lump Jinger in with Jeremy's publicly stated beliefs. I know I've tattled on the Vuolos, but I have left the others alone.

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2 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Well, they're the ones who are shut down the most when they manage to score an endorsement deal. It's really easy to lump Jinger in with Jeremy's publicly stated beliefs. I know I've tattled on the Vuolos, but I have left the others alone.

I've never reported any of them, but the fact none of them have ever responded to the criticism tells me that it's pretty accurate. I find some of his behavior toward her troubling in general, but I really don't think a Duggar daughter has very enlightened views about LGBT issues, indepedent of their husband's thoughts, and I also don't think Jeremy himself is winning any prizes for open mindedness, based on that petition he signed.  

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Well I'm not surprised the Dillards seem to have made the least on SM. Kind of hard to get multiple gigs when your husband is spewing hate. Jeremy did mention the sale of the book, so $100,000 makes a little more sense, but not $200,000.

As far as knowing why they lost SM gigs I think they know it has nothing do with Josh. Companies don't usually punish victims, but what else are the sisters going to say? It seems the only advice they got was to say they lost income, but it seems to ones who actually lost influencer gigs made the most money.

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

Companies don't usually punish victims, but what else are the sisters going to say? It seems the only advice they got was to say they lost income, but it seems to ones who actually lost influencer gigs made the most money.

That's why I'm so curious what their lawyers told them. You don't exactly have to be Perry Mason to see how weak their argument is. 

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1 minute ago, Zella said:

That's why I'm so curious what their lawyers told them. You don't exactly have to be Perry Mason to see how weak their argument is. 

Too true. I wonder if they at least offered proof of pain and suffering with all the articles about them that had Josh attached to them. But like you said, even if they have suffered, which I believe they have, no one sought therapy.

Its like they banded together and had a quiet hissy fit and thought they'd get paid for it.

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4 minutes ago, Zella said:

That's why I'm so curious what their lawyers told them. You don't exactly have to be Perry Mason to see how weak their argument is. 

I'm sure their lawyer advised them to mention the InTouch article as much as possible when they sat for the depositions. Someone like Jessa would grab onto that nugget and run with it.

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2 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Well, they're the ones who are shut down the most when they manage to score an endorsement deal. It's really easy to lump Jinger in with Jeremy's publicly stated beliefs. I know I've tattled on the Vuolos, but I have left the others alone.

Until she states otherwise, I’m assuming she’s all in with Jeremy’s hateful, bigoted,  misogynistic beliefs. They’re the most dangerous because they work so hard to hide their true beliefs. Cowards who try to look mainstream but do everything they can behind the scenes to marginalize LGBT and women and take rights away from them.

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4 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

Until she states otherwise, I’m assuming she’s all in with Jeremy’s hateful, bigoted,  misogynistic beliefs. They’re the most dangerous because they work so hard to hide their true beliefs. Cowards who try to look mainstream but do everything they can behind the scenes to marginalize LGBT and women and take rights away from them.

They might be cowards. They might be politically correct. Or they might just preach to the choir. 

Could you remind me what it is they're doing behind the scenes to take away rights of others outside of their own circle?

Personally I like folks to keep their hate to themselves, because IMO, each time someone spews hate it emboldens the next person to do the same, and the next and then the next one might cause actual financial or physical harm, rather than only emotional harm.

Dillard thread - Derick's hate filled rants certainly could fuel someone to act upon their hate.

Edited by GeeGolly
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I haven't read the depositions, just the Sun article--am I right in my reading that when they talk about their loss income, it's mostly the social media income they're discussing? So Jessa's $30K and Jill's $10K is just from social media and not anything else? It's so darkly funny to me that they couldn't use the loss of TLC income as evidence, since JB collected the lion's share of that money.

It's takes some fucking nerve for them to claim that the lose of sm gigs was because of that article. They know damn good and well why people contacted those companies.

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6 minutes ago, lascuba said:

I haven't read the depositions, just the Sun article--am I right in my reading that when they talk about their loss income, it's mostly the social media income they're discussing? So Jessa's $30K and Jill's $10K is just from social media and not anything else? It's so darkly funny to me that they couldn't use the loss of TLC income as evidence, since JB collected the lion's share of that money.

It's takes some fucking nerve for them to claim that the lose of sm gigs was because of that article. They know damn good and well why people contacted those companies.

They couldn't use the loss of TLC income because TLC rebranded the show with their names on it. And then Counting On was cancelled after Josh's arrest, not because the sisters were outed.

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20 minutes ago, lascuba said:

I haven't read the depositions, just the Sun article--am I right in my reading that when they talk about their loss income, it's mostly the social media income they're discussing? So Jessa's $30K and Jill's $10K is just from social media and not anything else? It's so darkly funny to me that they couldn't use the loss of TLC income as evidence, since JB collected the lion's share of that money.

It's takes some fucking nerve for them to claim that the lose of sm gigs was because of that article. They know damn good and well why people contacted those companies.

For Jill and Derick, that's annual income.  

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21 hours ago, Trillium said:

We don’t need to invent things to dislike about him. There’s plenty to choose from things he’s actually said and done instead of throwing out wild accusations. 

He's said plenty of appalling things.   The lily reeks already, no need whatsoever to gild it.  

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While $10,000 for Jill and $30,000 for Jessa isn't a great income to live off of, it's a ton of money for how little effort they put into their SM.

If I'm not mistaken, they all identify as SAHM's in their depositions. It's hard to make a case that you've lost significant income when you state, up front, that your primary role in your family is not to produce income.

If they could produce a single instance of an organization dropping them because they were victims of abuse, they should produce the notification they received. I would bet that they have a stack of notifications saying that they were being dropped because of their public homophobia, and zero letters/e-mails/texts saying that they were being dropped because of Josh.

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12 hours ago, Zella said:

That's why I'm so curious what their lawyers told them. You don't exactly have to be Perry Mason to see how weak their argument is. 

The main reason their case is weak is because of their parents.  The girls don't want to say that their parents failed to protect them and let a predator roam free around the house.  They can't say that their mental anguish was increased by the failure of their parents to get them counseling.  All roads lead back to their parents being the source of their pain and suffering.  And they don't want to/ can't point the finger at them.  Jill came the closest to doing it, and even then she tried to protect Meech. I do feel that Jill will end up being the most mentally healthy because she got counseling.  Someone helped her articulate the lack of boundaries with her dad.  She didn't come up with that on her own.  So I have hope that she'll eventually realize what sucky parents she had and that children shouldn't be raising their siblings.  While I don't like Austin and Derrick's views, I do think they have a healthy sense of what Josh did to their wives.  At least they will make sure Josh doesn't get near their wives if he gets out of jail.

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

They might be cowards. They might be politically correct. Or they might just preach to the choir. 

Could you remind me what it is they're doing behind the scenes to take away rights of others outside of their own circle?

Personally I like folks to keep their hate to themselves, because IMO, each time someone spews hate it emboldens the next person to do the same, and the next and then the next one might cause actual financial or physical harm, rather than only emotional harm.

Dillard thread - Derick's hate filled rants certainly could fuel someone to act upon their hate.

Jeremy was a primary signer of a little petition designed to take away the rights of the already marginalized. LGBT was specifically mentioned. Other fundies like Voddie Baucham and MacArthur were also on board. The petition made the rounds maybe 2-3 years ago. Perhaps @Churchhoney or @Zella could produce the document, their google-fu skills being much stronger than mine. 

Derelict has the public remarks about Jazz to his detriment. 

eta I found this article regarding the petition. There's a link to the actual petition therein, but the article pulls liberally from it. I can't believe it's been nearly 4 years.

Edited by emmawoodhouse
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3 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Jeremy was a primary signer of a little petition designed to take away the rights of the already marginalized. LGBT was specifically mentioned. Other fundies like Voddie Baucham and MacArthur were also on board. The petition made the rounds maybe 2-3 years ago. Perhaps @Churchhoney or @Zella could produce the document, their google-fu skills being much stronger than mine. 

Derelict has the public remarks about Jazz to his detriment. 

eta I found this article regarding the petition. There's a link to the actual petition therein, but the article pulls liberally from it. I can't believe it's been nearly 4 years.

The statement is not showing up. What are they doing with it? Is it about how they'll run their churches and what they'll preach, or are they using it in the community somehow? 

Its not like we don't what they believe. My personal line is when they start spewing/spouting/impeding on those outside their religious circle. Derick, Michelle and Anna are the only ones I know of that crossed that line.


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A couple things that I think Derick (and Jill) skirted around in his deposition. First implying he went to school for free. I don't think any scholarship money he received covered the full cost of attending school as he does not check any of the boxes for a full ride. Secondly, we know the Dillard's expenses were far more than Derick's monthly $800 Grub Hub income and Jill's $10,000 SM income for that year. Combined that's less than $20,000. It seems to me the Dillard's left out the fact that they received a hefty settlement prior to the year they were questioned about.

I'm guessing their property taxes alone would be at around $5000 - $10,000. And their food bill (even with "donations") would be at around $10,000 for the year. That doesn't leave much, or any money left over.

How would they have paid for utilities, two cars, clothing, vacations and the rest of their expenses?

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm guessing their property taxes alone would be at around $5000 - $10,000. And their food bill (even with "donations") would be at around $10,000 for the year. That doesn't leave much, or any money left over.

How would they have paid for utilities, two cars, clothing, vacations and the rest of their expenses?

Their property taxes were about $1,800 last year.

On top of utilities, cars, vacations etc. There had to be money for date nights and well, you know, all that lotion....🤢


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8 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

Their property taxes were about $1,800 last year.

On top of utilities, cars, vacations etc. There had to be money for date nights and well, you know, all that lotion....🤢


Wow, property taxes are that low it AR? Lucky them.

But yes, with everything you mentioned, $20,000 yearly income could hardly support a family of 4.

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

Wow, property taxes are that low it AR? Lucky them.

the tax was $2,100 something, but they qualified for some sort of homeowner credit of $375. But yes, low taxes.

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Yeah the property taxes here are very low. In my county, they are getting ready to increase by about 45% over the next 4 years, which has a lot of people angry and terrified, but it would probably still be well below what is considered average elsewhere. 

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9 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

A couple things that I think Derick (and Jill) skirted around in his deposition. First implying he went to school for free. I don't think any scholarship money he received covered the full cost of attending school as he does not check any of the boxes for a full ride. Secondly, we know the Dillard's expenses were far more than Derick's monthly $800 Grub Hub income and Jill's $10,000 SM income for that year. Combined that's less than $20,000. It seems to me the Dillard's left out the fact that they received a hefty settlement prior to the year they were questioned about.

I'm guessing their property taxes alone would be at around $5000 - $10,000. And their food bill (even with "donations") would be at around $10,000 for the year. That doesn't leave much, or any money left over.

How would they have paid for utilities, two cars, clothing, vacations and the rest of their expenses?

I thought he said he received a partial scholarship and paid for the rest of education with savings and jobs?  Also, Jill mentions savings, so maybe they were paid more by JB than the cost of their house, which allowed them to put 25K or so in the bank as savings?  Also, Jill gave one year of social media money, correct? Or did I remember wrong?  Maybe the year before she made more money?  I don't know, it seems VERY tight.  But I won't ever make fun of her cream of crap recipes again.  If that's all you can afford, then it's all you can afford.  The great tragedy in this country is that high fructose items are cheap and fresh fruits and veggies aren't.  

The good news is, regardless of how truthful they are about law school loans, is that they made a great profit on selling their house.  They are moving to a lower cost region (compared with Little Rock that had been speculated) and if there are no law school loans, Derrick's salary will be a lot of fresh fruits and veggies for a family of six (if you count Fenna. And I do because my two dogs eat fresh organic food only, while I supplement my diet with carbs).   It's a good life for Jill, compared to some of her siblings.  

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22 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

I thought he said he received a partial scholarship and paid for the rest of education with savings and jobs?  Also, Jill mentions savings, so maybe they were paid more by JB than the cost of their house, which allowed them to put 25K or so in the bank as savings?  Also, Jill gave one year of social media money, correct? Or did I remember wrong?  Maybe the year before she made more money?  I don't know, it seems VERY tight.  But I won't ever make fun of her cream of crap recipes again.  If that's all you can afford, then it's all you can afford.  The great tragedy in this country is that high fructose items are cheap and fresh fruits and veggies aren't.  

The good news is, regardless of how truthful they are about law school loans, is that they made a great profit on selling their house.  They are moving to a lower cost region (compared with Little Rock that had been speculated) and if there are no law school loans, Derrick's salary will be a lot of fresh fruits and veggies for a family of six (if you count Fenna. And I do because my two dogs eat fresh organic food only, while I supplement my diet with carbs).   It's a good life for Jill, compared to some of her siblings.  

No doubt they've been living on Jill's pay out from JB and prior to that TLC money. Derick has only worked one full-time job, for one year, during the time they've been married.

Jill's cream of crap recipes seemed to occur during a time when they weren't struggling financially. Actually from the outside looking in, it has never seemed as if the Dillards had any money problems. They have cars, a home, they travel two or three times a year. They eat out, attend fairs and such. Jill seems to shop fairly regularly.

As far as fruits and veggies, I believe Jill has had a garden for the last 2 or 3 summers.

I've seen no indications they've been one step away from needing entitlement assistance.

My granddog, and I would guess Fenna too, eats bagged kibble.

Edited by GeeGolly
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My mind is still kind of blown that Jinger has reportedly earned the highest salary (my understanding was that the greater than 100K/less than 200K range excluded Jeremy). I realize they're the only ones who published a couple of books, but IIRC, there was more known banning of Jinger by the companies she had partnered with than with any of the other Duggar sisters. Like I didn't know Joy had the same experience. 

We only know about Jeremy signing that petition because there are some super sleuthers out there who found it, but I don't think it's been something that was really broadcast publicly - in contrast with Derick and his very publicized tweets about Jazz. 

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4 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

My mind is still kind of blown that Jinger has reportedly earned the highest salary (my understanding was that the greater than 100K/less than 200K range excluded Jeremy). I realize they're the only ones who published a couple of books, but IIRC, there was more known banning of Jinger by the companies she had partnered with than with any of the other Duggar sisters. Like I didn't know Joy had the same experience. 

We only know about Jeremy signing that petition because there are some super sleuthers out there who found it, but I don't think it's been something that was really broadcast publicly - in contrast with Derick and his very publicized tweets about Jazz. 

I think Jinger's social media presence is more organized and polished, and she therefore had more sponsors to begin with, that were paying her more because more polish =  more clicks, and so though she lost gigs, she still had others. Jessa's  and Joy's sm presences are varying degrees of hot mess. Neither of them seem to enjoy it at all and both are inconsistent posters, with Jessa going through periods of making some effort but ultimately flailing and failing, and Joy occasionally advertising something everyone knows she doesn't use (fake lashes? Really?!). $30-40K/per year in influencer income is nothing to sneeze at, but they're getting that purely from name recognition, not through any real effort. Jill's improved from her days of making her baby cry hysterically for the laughs, but polished she's not, her husband is unpleasant on every level, and they can be as bad as Jessa in that they do the worst damage to their own image when they're trying to make themselves look better. Remember that video they did explaining how they weren't anti-LGBTQ because they would be polite if they ever happen to be in a trans person's house? 

I'm not surprised Jill earned the least out of the four. They have the same vile beliefs but Jinger has enough sense listen to whoever advised her to keep her instagram posts in the "nice," generic Christian category; Jessa is lazy and abrasive but hate followers count just as much as fans; Joy is...there, I guess; and Jill is a really "nice" Christian who needs people to like her and her her husband so she'll occasionally sit there and sincerely and nicely explain why being a bigot doesn't mean she and her husband aren't nice. You can't want to be espouse your shitty beliefs and be so needy for public approval at the same time. Pick a struggle.

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I still have PTSD from the week or so Joy plugged those hideous magnetic eyelashes on her IG nonstop.

I also remember Jessa plugging those pillows.

I think the lack of income from SM stems from the usual lack of Duggar discipline and structure. I actually know someone who quit her six figure job as a nurse to become a energy/reiki/crypto/yoni-wand-and-eggs healer. She's constantly plugging zoom workshops and "donation-based" tarot card readings on IG -- it's a nonstop job. You need to also constantly be hustling people for money -- she charges five figures for these "journeys" with her. 

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

New house 10 pictures:



I like the new kitchen. It's bright and less cowboy than the old one. 

The rest gives me a headache. ETA: The before pics give me a headache. The after is ok. 

Edited by Heathen
Clarification (which is not anything to do with Justin and Claire)
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36 minutes ago, Suzn said:

Really, really bland.

I mean it’s Jill she IS bland. Didn’t she post bland oatmeal shade family pics in the weeds? Of maybe it was Jessa.

Dereck married well got himself a wife with $. Let’s see if he keeps this job and actually builds his own wealth. 


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40 minutes ago, Suzn said:

Really, really bland.

Solid white kitchens are not so popular now.  What I like is when people have white upper cabinets, they have a vivid color on the lowers, such as cobalt blue.  I preferred the accent walls in the bedrooms, now they're just meh.

2 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

Didn’t she post bland oatmeal shade family pics in the weeds? Of maybe it was Jessa.

I think they've all done the oatmeal and weeds pictures with Jessa doing it the most.

Edited by sagittarius sue
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What happened to Jill selling sex guides/games? Lemon & parsley gig is over too? 

Hope she hangs her wedding bouquet somewhere 🤣

By the hashtags sure looks like they got the remodel discount/free.


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1 hour ago, Suzn said:

Really, really bland.

Watch an episode or two of HouseHunters; everybody MUST have white kitchen cupboards.  The after pictures look like any random rooms on that show.  Apparently, that's what sells these days; colorless.

Personally, I like the accent walls, but they are pretty vibrant colors, so I could see wanting to perhaps tone them down if only so as not to have to run out to buy new spreads and accessories to match them if the ones I already had clashed.

It does look like they cut a deal with the remodeler to help pay for the painting.  Good for them, that stuff is pricey.

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2 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

So they got this company from NWA to go to Stillwell for the kitchen remodel and bedroom repainting? Well, I guess they had some fun money after selling, and I imagine Stillwell is cheaper.

It's so close to the border that it wouldn't surprise me if the company included the Stillwell area in their service area or didn't even raise an eyebrow about the request. 

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3 minutes ago, Zella said:

It's so close to the border that it wouldn't surprise me if the company included the Stillwell area in their service area or didn't even raise an eyebrow about the request. 

How far is Stillwell from Lowell? I noticed it's a bit south, hugging the AR border,. IIRC.

Okay, I looked it up. It's about an hour away, maybe a little less if the company is in Springdale or Fayetteville.

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Just now, emmawoodhouse said:

How far is Stillwell from Lowell? I noticed it's a bit south, hugging the AR border,. IIRC.

I honestly didn't realize how close it was until I looked at a map. It's like an hour and a half away, maybe two hours tops. 

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I like their new kitchen.  I have a white kitchen.  Painted cabinets in old house and then got my dream white IKEA kitchen in this house.  Not tired of it at all and don't care what trends are. I'll bet they don't much either. have very few things out on the counters but do have tiles of the grandkids hands over the years, which are colorful, leaning up against the backsplash.    We also painted this house "bland" colors and have my colorful quilts around and also some colorful framed things on the walls.  So maybe Jill will upgrade from JB and Michelle in the bathroom and dried weeds around to something colorful that can be changed out as the mood strikes.  Tastes are personal and if we all went with the trends we'd be redoing every few years. 

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