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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Unless I've misread something (entirely possible), my impression is that the school year in Arkansas was pushed back statewide to August 24. That was announced in the summer and is still true of my area. I'm guessing Izzy's first day will be next week. 

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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Are they doing in-person classes, or is that a district by district decision? 

All the districts I have heard of have given people a choice of remote virtual classes or in-person. I don't know how many people are opting for what, but I figure if they are doing that in my rural county, then larger towns and cities are doing it too. I know for a fact Bentonville is offering virtual schooling and announced that pretty early. 

The caveat I have heard with the virtual schooling here is that you had to sign up before a cut-off date and that once you agree to it, you are locked into it for at least the first 9 weeks. But I've never heard about any of it being capped, and they were also offering Chromebooks and mobile hotspots to students without reliable internet. 

I'm not sure which Jill or Derick would choose. Things have sort of calmed down virus-wise in NWA, but things are still not great. I mean, if I had kids I'd be opting for virtual. 

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Just now, Sew Sumi said:

Worst case scenario...if the Dillards did in fact contract covid, would Jill even be up to homeschooling? 

I do hope they're okay.

Yeah, I was wondering how much interest she would even have in the virtual schooling since the whole going to public school thing was going to be such a break from normal for them. Most of the virtual school info I've gleaned is from older kids. I don't really know what that would look like for someone Izzy's age. 

I also hope everything is fine, and the radio silence is not from anything ominous. 

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44 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

When does law school start? Next week? Maybe they are on vacation this week and we will be inundated with pictures next week.

I just checked, and the U of A calendar shows classes starting next week. That seems like a late start (based on my experience), so I wonder if they were always scheduled to go back next week or pushed their schedule back due to the pandemic. 

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6 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Worst case scenario...if the Dillards did in fact contract covid, would Jill even be up to homeschooling? 

I do hope they're okay.

I too, hope they're okay.

Fortunately, remote learning for young students is not an all day event. In some areas its an hour or less a day.

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After checking the Dillard's IGs, I checked Cathy's, she hasn't posted since July. I checked Dan's and Deena's. Deena has posted this month, so hopefully the non-posts for the Dillards is nothing too serious. Although I'm guessing the Dillards having covid would not stop Deena from posting normal everyday stuff.

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8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Worst case scenario...if the Dillards did in fact contract covid, would Jill even be up to homeschooling? 

I do hope they're okay.

If remote learning works like it does for my child, she won't have to do a lot of homeschooling. My kid has virtual classes where she'll still be participating in actual class but from home. She also still be seeing her special teacher(she's dyslexic) over the Webcam.


Our school also starts next week, most of my friends kids schools start later because of damage to the buildings due to the land hurricane, but next week seems to be a common date I see a lot online. 

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I do not believe that: 

A. Jill has an actual, live-person therapist. ( Possibly a book with "theraputic" Jesus-type "lessons") 

B. Jill will be sending her child to an actual attend-in-person Kindergarten in 2 weeks.

C. Jill has Coronavirus (If she's sick, she still has a family of 687 assorted people that could tend to her.  Or maybe her husband.)

D. Jill's pregnant.  IF that ever happens again, it's after Deertick begins his stunning, electrifyingly altruistic and ground-breaking legal career.  

Just my cynical view.  YMMV. 

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I wonder if Jill is with Joy keeping her company before Joy goes to the hospital. 

(At another time, Jill could be there for support. Right now most hospitals let one person in as support and that is the partner. This is pandemic procedure.) 

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I watched the school shopping video. If I took a shot for every "yay" I would be dead of alcohol poisoning by now. But at least they're doing a normal thing like actually shopping for their kid going to real school.

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1 hour ago, Snow Fairy said:

They are buying school supplies for Derrick and Izzy. Hopefully his going to school will go as planned

I am also heartened by school supply shopping .. the future looks brighter for young Izz

Edited by Totally
Stupidity .. mine
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15 minutes ago, Genevrier said:

Jill’s smile and laugh are so relaxed and genuine. The video is way too long and tedious, but it’s nice to see Jill looking happy. She’s more natural than I’d ever seen on the show. 

Totally agree, and they treated Iz much better than in the past.  He got plenty of the attention that he craves.

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I'm glad Izzy seems excited for school, and I hope he has a good first day. I still remember my first day of school (preschool) involved screaming like a banshee in the playground because I felt abandoned before some other kid calmed me down by telling me "They'll come get you at the end of the day." And for whatever reason little me was like, "Oh really? That's nice. Let's explore!" LOL I hope that he doesn't have as traumatic of an experience and that he encounters similarly kind random children. 

Edited by Zella
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10 minutes ago, Tigregirl said:

I remember being so excited to get new school supplies each year - picking out certain color notebooks and folders for each class, brand new pink erasers, markers, crayons, etc., packing your pencil case or box just right.  I still love office supply stores and finding a cool new notebook or pen.  I’m so glad Iz gets that experience and the new world of public school.   I’m guessing none of the Duggars or Rodrigues ever had the fun of buying new supplies each fall.  But hey the Duggars all learned the words bankruptcy and perpendicular so what else do they need?

And until Junior High and the need for new knee socks and a sweater, my favorite Christmas presents as well!

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I loved school supply shopping and seeing what teacher I'd have for the year, as well as, who would be in my class.

Jill seems happy and relaxed.  I think having just 2 kids has helped her from being overwhelmed..unlike poor Kendra will most likely be.

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I have always had a soft spot for Jill. She was so loved by her buddies and her emotions when talking about the Josh's molestation made me want better for her. Derick is well, Derrick but at least he has seemed to encouraged her to get help and escape the Duggar way. She has come so far in the time they left the show and JB's clutches. Maybe this is it or maybe she will grow some more. Hope her buddies/kids will  venture out too.  OK I know I am dreaming but who knows. At least their boys will have a bigger view because of public education. Now all I need to make me happy is for Derick to change his views on almost everything. However I am a big believer in the power of education so who knows. 

Edited by auntieminem
Derick is one R
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I skipped through parts of the video, but it does seem Jill is more on top of her game as a mom. More like she was with her buddies. Maybe she (and Derick) was taking the parenting thing way too seriously, meaning the 'responsibility' of blanket training, instant obedience and instilling the fear of god. Or maybe she does better with older kids who are already obedient. It would be interesting to know how she would parent another child after the changes she has gone through. The average parent tends to relax a bit after each child anyway, but it would be telling of how much Gothard/Pearl bullshit Jilly was able to let go of.

Yay for Izzy! However temporary his in-person schooling will be.

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I'm with the others in noticing Jill being more patient with the Izzy. Maybe early on, she felt she had to be like her mother(however that goes..lol)and she couldn't handle it all. It could've taken a lot from Derick and therapy(assuming she's seeing someone decent)to teach her she didn't have to do things that way. Whatever it is, it's nice to see. I think back to her insta stories where the boys were down for nap and she was completely beside herself. I think it helps that they are in their new house and in a neighborhood with kids for the kids to play with.

I'm thrilled that Izzy is still able to actually go to school. He looks so happy and I'm sure he will love it. It was a cute video of them getting his supplies. I always loved getting school supplies with my mom. I hope he is able to go for the majority of the year. Kudo's for Jill for branching out. Makes me wonder how Jessa will do with her kids. Spruge should be getting ready for "kindergarten" soon.

I think it's nice that they took a vacation, wherever it was. I'm glad she never posted during that time either. She was getting slammed before even going because of Covid and I'm sure she will get slammed again. I think it would've been a huge distraction had she posted while they were away and then seeing herself getting berated for it. I hope they had a nice time and I'm actually looking forward to her update on that(Hopefully that won't make me change my mind because it could've been an all Jesus all the time trip..lol)

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9 hours ago, Absolom said:

Jill relaxing is showing in the kids.  Israel looks the best in the going to school photos that I think I've ever seen him.  I hope the other families take note that he can go to school and the world doesn't stop spinning.

He is absolutely beaming, seems lit up.   He also looks neat as a pin, nothing drab.  I feel like you can see the potential here.  I only hope that he will be given the latitude to explore and learn, and one day pursue a lifestyle he sees fit and actually chooses for himself because he is entirely aware that he has many, many options at his fingertips.

His cousins might  truly need him to keep shining like a beacon, a successful, well adjusted, happy and productive light for their paths. 

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