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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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12 hours ago, Patti Jean said:

Was I the only one cringing watching those kids go all over that dock. They did have life preservers on, but watching Sam toddle all over and lean over the water scared me. Maybe I’m a overprotective person.

they were fine - an adult was with them. the water is shallow.

they had proper protective wear in the right size for them.

sam's is a swim vest. but it would work.

i have young grandkids and this is something we have done with them.


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The thing that struck me most about that video is how inarticulate Jill is. Maybe she has intelligence (and I know she isn’t educated) and just doesn’t know how to express herself. Maybe she is aware she is filming herself and is trying too hard. Maybe she is a - in her world - a well intentioned dim bulb.  I can’t imagine Derick, who I am not a fan of, trying to have any kind of discussion with her other than grilled cheese or tuna sandwiches. Yay! Are you having fun!  I wonder if she uses these phrases during sexy lotion time 

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Other than Sam possibly eating orange pieces straight off the wooden table, I think their trip was a video success. I had a similarly-aged grandson fall into a pool wearing the same swim vest Sam has on. He went in head-first and almost immediately flipped with his head out of the water. His dad was right there and pulled him out. Was he scared? Yep. But he was safe, he was supervised, and he was fine. So even if Sam had fallen in, unless he hit his head on something, the dunking would not have done much more than scared him. 

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This was posted around 12 weeks ago.  I couldn't believe that they posted this.  The little one looks so distressed.  This looks so cruel.  These people lack empathy along with good sense.

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13 hours ago, Barb23 said:

I'm right there with you.  I was also glad they were wearing life jackets but Sams' looked so bulky, I was afraid he would get off balance & go right over.  

Years ago we rented an apartment  that was on the Bay in Ocean City Maryland. It had a small dock & we enjoyed sitting on the balcony & watching every one come and go. I was fine until I saw a family where the kids weren't wearing life jackets. I drove my husband & son nuts pointing out the life jacketless kids especially the little ones running around on the docks.  One trip on a loose board & they would end up in the water.  

I also cringed when Sam lined up his orange pieces directly on the very old looking table.  It was cute he did it on his own but I hope Jill fed the pieces to the fishies instead of letting him eat them. God only knows what had been on the table. 

Maybe I’m under protective but if Sam, in a life vest, falls into the water, there are several adults who are there and will have him out  of the water within 10 seconds. I watched the video and didn’t once think the kids were at risk. If they weren’t wearing life vests I’d understand the criticism but it seems Jill can do just about everything right and still be nit picked. 

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I'd probably be over protective in that situation but that has more to do with one of my mom's old co-workers toddler sons both drowned in a horrible accident when I was a kid. They were on a boat when one fell out and the other jumped in after him to try and save his brother. She and her husband both grabbed them but it was already too late. Toddlers around a large body of water whether on shore or a boat make me too nervous no matter how many adults are around. 

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I was more worried about Sam when they showed him in the water after they were done fishing. I think he and Izzy were on a boat ramp or entrance to the lake, without life vests. No one was really close to him and he could easily have slipped in the water. (I don’t know if Izzy can swim yet.)

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I grew up around water and my kids were raised around water. I don't think you can ever be too safe around water. Iz and Sam did have floating devices on which is necessary because folks can drown even if they know how to swim, depending on the conditions. Izzy appeared cautious, or maybe even fearful, but Sammy appeared confident and ready to roll, which is age appropriate in regard to the possible dangers water can bring.

A 40 year old mom and her 8 year old son drowned in cold choppy lake water in Maryland last week.

I'm guessing that water was cold seeing as only Sam had his feet in it.

The younger Caldwell toddler, sitting solo on a dock, even if only for the time it took the pic, was ridiculous. Accidents happen even when you're paying attention.

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On 4/8/2020 at 7:15 AM, ginger90 said:

The Dillards drove around their neighborhood, as a birthday parade. Neighbors waved, with some putting presents out for them to pick up for Israel.



Okay, this parade is just odd. Not that it's happening, they are popping up all over. A couple of weeks ago a pretty good sized neighborhood parade came thru my apartment complex, had to be at least 2 dozen cars. But, I've yet to see one of one kid driving around for their birthday. Usually the other cars drive to the birthday kid. There's also been a couple police/fire stations that have done parades past a kid's house with a few cars and trucks in my county. What, did Jill call the neighbors and say that it was Izzy's birthday and they'd be driving past in hopes they would put out some presents? I'm sure Izzy loved it though. 

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I think Jill has it backwards.  There was a birthday parade in our neighbourhood  on Friday.  Everyone drove past the little girl who was sitting in her front yard.  Some of the cars were decorated, and some people, relatives and friends who would have been invited to the cancelled party, I assume, dropped off gifts. 

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10 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I think Jill has it backwards.  There was a birthday parade in our neighbourhood  on Friday.  Everyone drove past the little girl who was sitting in her front yard.  Some of the cars were decorated, and some people, relatives and friends who would have been invited to the cancelled party, I assume, dropped off gifts. 

Are these drives still allowed in the US? In my country you aren't allowed to use your car for unnecessary trips. You can drive to work, the doctor's office, the grocery store, the pharmacy and to visit relatives when they need help. Everything else would get you in trouble. 

Besides that I liked his birthday because Israel seemed to like and enjoy this day. 

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1 hour ago, Dirndl said:

Are these drives still allowed in the US? In my country you aren't allowed to use your car for unnecessary trips. You can drive to work, the doctor's office, the grocery store, the pharmacy and to visit relatives when they need help. Everything else would get you in trouble. 

Besides that I liked his birthday because Israel seemed to like and enjoy this day. 

Yes we can use our cars for the same reasons as you if we are going to be around others. We can also just go for a ride to get out of the house or drive to a park or trail. And each state has somewhat different rules and different consequences for breaking the rules.

Some areas this weekend had places to go to drive by and wave to the Easter Bunny, as well as the Easter Bunny driving through small towns to wave to kids. We've had 'teacher parades' where a group of teachers drive the school bus route (in their own cars) and wave to the kids.

We also have folks putting bears, rainbows and hearts in their windows and folks drive around and do 'bear hunts'.

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1 hour ago, Dirndl said:

Are these drives still allowed in the US? In my country you aren't allowed to use your car for unnecessary trips. You can drive to work, the doctor's office, the grocery store, the pharmacy and to visit relatives when they need help. Everything else would get you in trouble. 

Besides that I liked his birthday because Israel seemed to like and enjoy this day. 

This is Pennsylvania’s (where I am) story as far as driving around:



This is the situation in Arkansas: 


Edited by ginger90
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In Ohio, supposedly, the parades aren't supposed to happen anymore and if they do, there's a list of just insanely stupid rules.... to crack down on things that don't matter in the slightest or weren't even happening to begin with. No one is acknowledging the rules. Not even the police. Over the weekend my hometown police station dressed an officer up as the Easter Bunny and drove him around, if kids were outside, he got out of the car and danced for them, getting out of the car is against the rules. Yesterday a big parade went thru the parking lot of a nursing home. Those were specifically "banned" in the parade rules. Ohio has been incredibly patient with DeWine's shelter at home directive, but his rules to further cut people off of the slightest bits of joy they've been finding have finally just been ignored. Does it matter if the parade cars have a people in them wearing masks or not? Oh, and the viewers are supposed to wear a mask too... from their homes, at least 6 feet away. Does it matter if the people in the cars or the people watching holler and cheer? Yeah, that's not supposed to happen either. The only thing that concerned me when a parade came thru my apartment complex was a lady standing in the back of a pickup truck with a bubble wand. The cars had to exit back out on the street and started to back up and I was convinced she was going to bite it when the truck had to hit the breaks to stop. And in all the rules, standing in the open bed of a pick up was not addressed. LOL!

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Arkansas resident here, there's no restriction on driving for Arkansas residents (out-of-state travelers are being cracked down on), though a regular birthday party would not be allowed if it was over 10 people. People are doing the driving around and looking at bears thing, and though agree it would probably be more normal to have people drive by Izzy's house, I could totally see a 5-year-old getting a kick out of a parade just for him. I thought it was sweet and thoughtful of the neighbors. 

Just wanted to clarify about the rules because, though one can certainly debate whether or not Arkansas should be under a stay-at-home order, a lot of times it's being covered by the media like there are no restrictions and it's a coronavirus free-for-all down here. 🙄

Edited by Zella
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1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

In Ohio, supposedly, the parades aren't supposed to happen anymore and if they do, there's a list of just insanely stupid rules.... to crack down on things that don't matter in the slightest or weren't even happening to begin with. No one is acknowledging the rules. Not even the police. Over the weekend my hometown police station dressed an officer up as the Easter Bunny and drove him around, if kids were outside, he got out of the car and danced for them, getting out of the car is against the rules. Yesterday a big parade went thru the parking lot of a nursing home. Those were specifically "banned" in the parade rules. Ohio has been incredibly patient with DeWine's shelter at home directive, but his rules to further cut people off of the slightest bits of joy they've been finding have finally just been ignored. Does it matter if the parade cars have a people in them wearing masks or not? Oh, and the viewers are supposed to wear a mask too... from their homes, at least 6 feet away. Does it matter if the people in the cars or the people watching holler and cheer? Yeah, that's not supposed to happen either. The only thing that concerned me when a parade came thru my apartment complex was a lady standing in the back of a pickup truck with a bubble wand. The cars had to exit back out on the street and started to back up and I was convinced she was going to bite it when the truck had to hit the breaks to stop. And in all the rules, standing in the open bed of a pick up was not addressed. LOL!

I'm in Ohio and I didn't even know about the parade rule.  This past weekend, a local business in my town, shut down because of the crisis; hired someone to wear a bunny suit and ride up and down the streets on the back of a convertible waving at the kids.  It came down my street, horn honking and music playing.  I enjoyed it and it seemed like the neighbors' kids did too.

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That's the difference between living in a small country VS a huge one. Here everyone has to stay home, no driving around. Only healthy activities are allowed like walking, cycling etc. Kids drew rainbow pictures and taped them on a window facing the street, so children walking by know that in this house another child has to stay home.

I think it's sweet how close they are to grandma and liked their picnic in her front yard. It's so hard for grandparents to not see their grandchildren. 

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24 minutes ago, Dirndl said:

That's the difference between living in a small country VS a huge one. Here everyone has to stay home, no driving around. Only healthy activities are allowed like walking, cycling etc. Kids drew rainbow pictures and taped them on a window facing the street, so children walking by know that in this house another child has to stay home.

I think it's sweet how close they are to grandma and liked their picnic in her front yard. It's so hard for grandparents to not see their grandchildren. 

Where do you live?


My friend is living in Taiwan right now (teaching) and its one of the safest places to be. They aren’t shut down, most public places are still open, she’s still teaching in person. Countries like Taiwan and Singapore really learned from SARS and they have handled it well. We should be looking at their models best we can in the future. 

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13 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Where do you live?


My friend is living in Taiwan right now (teaching) and its one of the safest places to be. They aren’t shut down, most public places are still open, she’s still teaching in person. Countries like Taiwan and Singapore really learned from SARS and they have handled it well. We should be looking at their models best we can in the future. 

I'm in Germany. We have lots of infections but our government has reacted very quickly and we are doing OK right now. 

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19 minutes ago, Dirndl said:

I'm in Germany. We have lots of infections but our government has reacted very quickly and we are doing OK right now. 

Glad to hear it. 

I am kind of jealous of people who actually get a spring. @ChiCricket can attest that it’s winter for a gazillion years here in Chicago, we sneeze and then it’s summer time (which I love). It’s still cold outside, winter jacket cold (although it smells like spring and it’s sunnier). 

To keep this on topic- Jill could maybe do some spring time activities with the kids. Learning about plants, side walk art etc. @Zella it’s pleasant weather yes?

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21 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I think Jill has it backwards.  

Jill has it Duggar-wards.  Any way that's going to result in free things for her and her family is fair game.  As long as they don't have to foot the bill, reciprocate, share or pay-it-forward, they will find a way to grift whatever they can as often as they can.  And are teaching their children the same thing.  

Edited by leighdear
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4 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

In Ohio, supposedly, the parades aren't supposed to happen anymore and if they do, there's a list of just insanely stupid rules.... to crack down on things that don't matter in the slightest or weren't even happening to begin with. No one is acknowledging the rules. Not even the police. Over the weekend my hometown police station dressed an officer up as the Easter Bunny and drove him around, if kids were outside, he got out of the car and danced for them, getting out of the car is against the rules. Yesterday a big parade went thru the parking lot of a nursing home. Those were specifically "banned" in the parade rules. Ohio has been incredibly patient with DeWine's shelter at home directive, but his rules to further cut people off of the slightest bits of joy they've been finding have finally just been ignored. Does it matter if the parade cars have a people in them wearing masks or not? Oh, and the viewers are supposed to wear a mask too... from their homes, at least 6 feet away. Does it matter if the people in the cars or the people watching holler and cheer? Yeah, that's not supposed to happen either. The only thing that concerned me when a parade came thru my apartment complex was a lady standing in the back of a pickup truck with a bubble wand. The cars had to exit back out on the street and started to back up and I was convinced she was going to bite it when the truck had to hit the breaks to stop. And in all the rules, standing in the open bed of a pick up was not addressed. LOL!

there are different rules for different states and it seems they just make them up as they go along..and letting a lot of power go to a lot of heads..and it seems all rules should apply unless you are 30 deep in the drive through at chick filet...and social distancing does not if you are at liquor world , which someone on social media posted a pic of and it looked like new york at the ball drop at midnight...I mean wall to wall people....so maybe no big deal for a drive by birthday...and hubby and I social distance, wear masks and gloves and do not go out unless we have too....

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21 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I’m in Ohio and whenever I go out to pick up food, etc. there are still quite a few cars on the road at all hours of the day. Who knows why?

A lot of people are still working here.  Paper mills are running three shifts, we have countless food processing plants, trucking companies, all types of construction projects, lawn and garden, etc.,  along with the more often mentioned grocery, hardware, medical and all sorts of municipal employees.

For many people, even with stay home, it is pretty normal.

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Home Depot type stores and package (liquor) stores are considered essential here. Home Depot for things to keep your house running and package stores because folks with alcohol issues could die from unassisted withdrawal. 

There are some city construction crews out working, however most municipal offices are working from home.

Does anyone know how Jill's PO box works? Like does the key to their box also unlock the door?

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I think their PO Box is at a post office, so I don't see a problem with access, just potential distancing issues. The place didn't look that big from my best recollection.  It's hard to say if they close off the main area so that people with PO boxes can get in after hours.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

I’m in Ohio and whenever I go out to pick up food, etc. there are still quite a few cars on the road at all hours of the day. Who knows why?

I'm in Ohio too. My mom's still working, she's a supervisor at a wire brush company and they have government contracts and also make medical brushes. My sister's still working, she works at a savings and loan bank. My nephew's still working, he's a post man. My teenage nephew is still working, he works part-time at an auto dealer, oil changes, that kind of stuff. There's still a LOT of people working in the state. 

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19 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I think their PO Box is at a post office, so I don't see a problem with access, just potential distancing issues. The place didn't look that big from my best recollection. 

My husband feeds hospital patients, so his job ain't going anywhere. I keep forgetting to ask if they closed down the cafeteria.

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

My husband feeds hospital patients, so his job ain't going anywhere. I keep forgetting to ask if they closed down the cafeteria.

Yikes Sew. He's goes into the hospital everyday?

Most hospital cafeterias in our area are closed with the exception of grab and go cold meals like sandwiches, cereal and snack like foods.

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18 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Yikes Sew. He's goes into the hospital everyday?

Most hospital cafeterias in our area are closed with the exception of grab and go cold meals like sandwiches, cereal and snack like foods.

He still brings home muffins (well-wrapped), so the cafeteria is open to some extent. 

eta: He says it's actually slow. They have about half the patients that they usually do. I think he's pretty safe for now.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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26 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

He still brings home muffins (well-wrapped), so the cafeteria is open to some extent. 

eta: He says it's actually slow. They have about half the patients that they usually do. I think he's pretty safe for now.

I hope you both stay safe.

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5 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Glad to hear it. 

I am kind of jealous of people who actually get a spring. @ChiCricket can attest that it’s winter for a gazillion years here in Chicago, we sneeze and then it’s summer time (which I love). It’s still cold outside, winter jacket cold (although it smells like spring and it’s sunnier). 

To keep this on topic- Jill could maybe do some spring time activities with the kids. Learning about plants, side walk art etc. @Zella it’s pleasant weather yes?

It actually snowed where I live this morning in NW Arkansas and we have had freeze warnings the past few days. Was in the 80s last week. Lol Arkansas Ozark weather is pretty notoriously unhinged. 

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4 minutes ago, Zella said:

It actually snowed where I live this morning in NW Arkansas and we have had freeze warnings the past few days. Was in the 80s last week. Lol Arkansas Ozark weather is pretty notoriously unhinged. 


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3 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:


Supposed to be in the 50s/60s later this week, which is fine by me. Those really hot temps in the spring like we had last week are always associated with tornadic storms in my mind because when the cold fronts come through and hit that hit humid air, things really, um, light up. 

But to bring that back to the Dillards, in s couple of days they should be able to be doing stuff in their backyard if they are so inclined. 🙂

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3 hours ago, fonfereksglen said:

A lot of people are still working here.  Paper mills are running three shifts, we have countless food processing plants, trucking companies, all types of construction projects, lawn and garden, etc.,  along with the more often mentioned grocery, hardware, medical and all sorts of municipal employees.

For many people, even with stay home, it is pretty normal.

Yeah, that's the thing with my rural county in Arkansas--all the major employers are considered essential, so even if things did shut down more, most people here would still be going to work. 

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Jill and Derick might have had the right idea about using cave springs for their po box after all. Lowell postal worker has tested positive for COVID-19, as has a bentonville firefighter, per local news reports. 

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15 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

They may only use the PO box for fan mail. I remember Jill saying that they only went there once a week. 

I’m wondering how the economy is going to affect the grifting game. No one’s going to be sending gift cards so they can go out to eat anymore.

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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

I’m wondering how the economy is going to affect the grifting game. No one’s going to be sending gift cards so they can go out to eat anymore.

Sadly someone will 

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So Jill and Derrick got the boys bunk beds..From Facebook marketplace for $80. Including the mattresses! Am I the only one who wouldn't have my kids sleeping on used mattresses gotten off a Facebook ad? Also their room is awfully bare looking..

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16 minutes ago, katycat74 said:

So Jill and Derrick got the boys bunk beds..From Facebook marketplace for $80. Including the mattresses! Am I the only one who wouldn't have my kids sleeping on used mattresses gotten off a Facebook ad? Also their room is awfully bare looking..

I'm sure Jill Rodriguez would love to come over and decorate that room and every other in the house. It will cost just a few hundred dollars at TJMaxx, Big Lots, and the Dollar Tree, and several sit-down meals for a dozen kids and the big-glutton headship. 

Keeping it all dusted and out of your way is up to you, JillD. 

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I’m all for minimalist decor so I have no problem with the boys room

Bedrooms are only used for sleeping in our house, kids play anywhere else, I’ve said forever I need bedrooms to be the one place in the house not invaded with toys 

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I would use used bunk beds but not the used mattresses. The mattresses could have bedbugs or dried up bodily fluids.

The boys' bedroom does not need JillR's level of decoration or even toys in it. It could use a small bookcase, some nice curtains and a couple pieces of art on the wall. A room that feels happy and personal.

Since the Duggars are so into gender roles, the art could be as simple as pictures of trains or trucks. Then maybe a couple of bright colored bedspreads that match the curtains.

Just something to brighten up the room and make it look intentional rather than purely functional. Jill put more thought into how she decorated her master bathroom than she did her kids' room.

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