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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Well, there’s also codependency where otherwise amazingly smart women (and men) somehow decide to rescue this poor person who’s been so misunderstood. Happens all the time.

To bring it back to topic...Derrick has found a wife who’s too brainwashed to ever give him the side eye about his latest grand scheme so this could go on pretty much forever.

ETA: I can only hope they actually bought all four of those mangoes they were handlng. Every time I see Josie the licker near a public food source I cringe.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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11 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

Remember, as long as you’re enrolled in school you din’t Have to pay your student loans! 

No, but they start accruing interest from the day you get the money.  And the interest rates are pretty high- around 6%.  When you finally graduate and get a job, they base the minimum payment on your income. In most cases the minimum payment does not even put a dent in the principal- it only pays part of the interest.  So even though you are making payments, the amount you owe actually continues to rise.

If Derick has student loans he will owe a considerable amount when (and if) he graduates.  And he won't be making top dollar right out of law school- new lawyers don't get big salaries, much like resident doctors.  Plus he will have to pay to take the bar exam, get his license, etc.  There are all kinds of hidden expenses when you graduate with a professional degree.

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On 2/17/2019 at 3:41 PM, BigBingerBro said:

Is Cathy really that controlling and/or influential on Derralick?  I'm sure she'd rather have him around near her than in scary Nepal or Central America, but she's delusional if she thinks he can actually make it as a lawyer.  Honestly, IMO, I think Derralick would be the most successful as a preacher out of the three of them, (him, holy goallie and Bin)   He's obviously Batsh!t crazy, but he at least can keep up with an argument.  HG is all about the looks and supposed prestige, Bin is just clueless.

I see him to be the type to do the college preacher deal.  Not the ones in charge of Real Life or something normal like that.  The ones that scream fire and brimstone and Jesus hates XYZ type.  

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maybe someone at the University said something about Jill being there ??  They announce everything unless it’s bad for them.    And I’m thinking the Dave Ramsey quote could be Derelict throwing shade at Jill 

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I don't think Derelict would make a great preacher. I can see him being slightly more logical and pragmatic compared to Bin and Holy Goalie, but his orating skills are crap, as evidenced by the way he reads bedtime stories to his kids. 

Actually, I think the one who has the best orating skills (relatively speaking) is Nostrils, which is ironic as he is the one who hasn't expressed any aspirations for preaching.

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Perhaps a glance into Derick’s future:

My friend’s husband went on a prestigious scholarship to a prestigious school and double majored in physics and math. Then he worked as bookstore stocker for a few years. Then he went back to school to get a masters of art in religion, but only realized after he was enrolled that he would not be able to use that degree to teach in seminary, so then he switched to getting his JD. Again, a top tier school. Since graduating, he has changed firms every two years. A consistent theme is that the senior partners aren’t mentoring him well enough and it’s their fault he gets negative performance reviews. Another consistent theme is that he doesn’t spend enough time at work in general and specifically for billable hours. He thinks he should work only 8am to 5pm. I don’t blame him, but you have to do what you’re told - repeatedly - to do.

It’s not enough to go to law school, you have to be likeable to your employers and to your clients.

Last year I hired an elder law attorney to help me navigate very sensitive issues with a family member. I cannot imagine hiring Derick, who can’t even give straight answers. 

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14 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Last year I hired an elder law attorney to help me navigate very sensitive issues with a family member. I cannot imagine hiring Derick, who can’t even give straight answers. 

When someone is charging you by the tenths of an hour, the last thing you want is them haranguing you at length. I went through this with a wildly overpriced lawyer my late father hired. She wouldn’t shut up and you couldn’t get a word in edgewise and much of it was just social bullshit, to the tune of $350 an hour.

Derrick wouldn’t have many long-term clients, that’s for sure.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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Israel woke me up this morning saying he was about to throw up! 🤢We made it to the toilet before 🤮, then it was 🛀 time and back to bed. No more loss of fluids for a couple hrs so now it’s popsicle, goldfish, jello and 📺 time! 
Btw, this Indonesian jello is the best! I forgot I still had some...thanks @jennishartono and @jonathanehari 
Now, hopefully the rest of us stay well! 😷 
Note: Growing up we got popsicles as rewards, or when there was throw-up or blood....we do this in our house now too. 😊




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Uzzy’s Illness doesn’t seem to have affected his little brother- he’s just sitting there with that adorable grin... 

Izzy’’s Illness doesn’t seem to have affected his little brother- he’s just sitting there with that adorable grin... 

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7 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Not to mention bright yellow/orange goldfish vomit!!!

When my son was small one night for a snack he had string cheese and Cat/Dog shaped cheez-its. AFter he was asleep for a couple of hours I went to check on him. It smelled bad in his room and I asked are you okay. He said fine. It wasn't. It took me YEARS before I would give him either item or even eat them myself. Ever try to wash cheese out of sheets? Doesn't work. 

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:


Maybe as part of Sam's escape plan, Yaaaay had to get sick so that he wouldn't snitch about said escape plan to the male and female guard.

(Seriously though, Sam really looks like Stewie here.)

Edited by madpsych78
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2 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Actually, I think the one who has the best orating skills (relatively speaking) is Nostrils, which is ironic as he is the one who hasn't expressed any aspirations for preaching.

 I guess we're limiting our field to guys since we're talking about preachers? But Jessa has them all beat when it comes to articulation, I think. As far as I'm concerned, Nostrils ain't never gonna live down "etiquacy."

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Israel woke me up this morning saying he was about to throw up! 🤢We made it to the toilet before 🤮, then it was 🛀 time and back to bed. No more loss of fluids for a couple hrs so now it’s popsicle, goldfish, jello and 📺 time! 
Btw, this Indonesian jello is the best! I forgot I still had some...thanks @jennishartono and @jonathanehari 
Now, hopefully the rest of us stay well! 😷 
Note: Growing up we got popsicles as rewards, or when there was throw-up or blood....we do this in our house now too. 😊




WHY all the childish emojis?

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Because Jill is a emotional stunted adult aka a big child?

I agree people should post less pictures and stories about their kids on sm. This stuff is forever. If I had kids I wouldn't even post pictures of them period.  Kids lives should be private.

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Doesn't Jessa usually do all the emojis within her posts? I feel like Jill may have stolen that from her, but maybe I'm just confused. I'm not feeling well myself, so obviously I'm here to make myself feel better by judging the Duggars. . . . 

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24 minutes ago, graefin said:

I'd think a dehydrated kid would be better served by Pedialyte. Doesn't a popsicle have more sugar than anything else? That'd just make dehydration worse.

Some IV's have sugar. Not an MD and don't no when saline vs dextrose makes sense though.

Although we did use it, Pedialyte is expensive. We'd also make homemade Gatorade popsicles.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Jill posts that she hopes no one else gets sick, yet the non-sick kid is practically sitting on the sick one.

And no, we never called popsicles "rewards" for throwing up or bleeding or stopping throwing up or stopping bleeding. We gave popsicles to encourage fluids and add a few electrolytes after a stomach bug or flu.

@DangerousMinds 🤢🍧🙂🤣😂

15 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

My thoughts exactly!

This just floored me! I know it's hard to really isolate a sick child from everyone else, and others may catch a bug (stomach bugs seems to be the worst) regardless of what you do. But Sam is sitting on top of Izzy! What a moron! 

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31 minutes ago, MzTori77 said:

This just floored me! I know it's hard to really isolate a sick child from everyone else, and others may catch a bug (stomach bugs seems to be the worst) regardless of what you do. But Sam is sitting on top of Izzy! What a moron! 

She's just asking for it, lol. 

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40 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Although we did use it, Pedialyte is expensive. We'd also make homemade Gatorade popsicles.

I didn't realize it was expensive.    I used to keep 2 bottles at all times when we had  children.   Of course, that was in the dark ages before they had it in popsicles , but you can get those at Target or Walmart for about $6 for a box of 16.  I think you have to order them, but you can pick them up at the local store.  

6 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Actually, I think the one who has the best orating skills (relatively speaking) is Nostrils, which is ironic as he is the one who hasn't expressed any aspirations for preaching.

Who is that?

22 hours ago, ehall1052 said:

I never could understand why Derrick didn’t just go back to school to get his graduate degree to become a CPA. It should have been easier for him since he had the undergraduate degree already, would have probably taken less time and CPAs make good money!

I would think so, too, but if he is a perpetual student he may do that after law school.   I know many people who are lawyers plus other degrees like doctors, nurses, priests, and CPAs.   I have no idea what type of grades he had, but to get in law school you need good grades plus a high score on the LSAT.   I think he is probably a good student, but lacks stick-to-itness in the real world.   There are various ways to do law without much interaction with people.   writing appellate briefs (which I love to do)  is one.  I don't expect him to become Perry Mason or become a partner in a fancy firm.

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6 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

No way no how would I give my kid anything with dye if it had been only a couple of hours since the kid last vomited. I would not want to take the chance I would be cleaning up green jello vomit.

OMG!! I remember, years ago, having the kids suddenly contract a stomach bug shortly after they happened to drink red Kool-Aid. And us in a rented house with off-white carpeting.  I ended up having to use bleach to get the stains out, then trying to mix up subtle shades of dyes to bring the spots back to something approximating the carpet color. That was the end of anything with red dye in our household. Never had to deal with the green. 

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34 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Deertick isn't going to a law school in the top 50, so his LSAT score only needed to be average.  I don't know how accurate this is, but it was interesting....


Is he attending in Fayetteville?  Because they were tied for #88 in 2016.  With over 50% acceptance rate.  I'm betting most of us here could have made it in.  

Yes, he’s at Fayetteville.

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Deertick isn't going to a law school in the top 50, so his LSAT score only needed to be average.  I don't know how accurate this is, but it was interesting....


Is he attending in Fayetteville?  Because they were tied for #88 in 2016.  With over 50% acceptance rate.  I'm betting most of us here could have made it in.  

Wow, I was shocked at that acceptance rate;  I am used to schools with 35% or less.    I  had a 47, but the scale was different back in the middle ages when I think 48 or 50 was the top score.   I wonder what the bar passing rate is?

I guess I shouldn't have said a high score, maybe just a decent score for the school.   I am not fond of Derrick, but I hope he makes it through. 

I have given up hope that any will fly the coop any time soon.   At least Jinger is living out of state.    When they first started the original program, Josh spoke of going to law school which was a pipe dream for him at the time with his pathetic home schooling and no chance of a college degree in sight.   I know Josh is a jerk, but  I wonder if he would be less of a jerk if he had received a good education and gone to law school.   I would think living in DC surrounded by so many people with advanced degrees would have caused resentment toward the parents who limited his education. 

I guess I will pin my hopes on John David with his airplane;  I think his wife is an RN so at least she values education. 

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7 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Okay, I’m not a parent nor an “influencer” (gag). But do normal people post about their kid vomiting and take photos of them when they’re sick?

Something else for poor Izzy to tell his therapist some day...

It’s not normal to do, but it is common. I always want to be like, let’s post of a picture of you (the mom) sick on Facebook and see how you like it. 

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The picture with Derick carrying Izzy on his back is the first time that I've ever seen Derick show genuine pleasure in the company of his son.

The picture with Sammy in the tupperware makes me nuts. Is Jill really that incapable of understanding what is and is not an appropriate surface for a child to stand on?

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30 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I guess I will pin my hopes on John David with his airplane;  I think his wife is an RN so at least she values education. 

She's an LPN, but she's worked and she has her AR license.  

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10 minutes ago, Absolom said:

She's an LPN, but she's worked and she has her AR license.   

Bummer.   Well, I can always hope she will go back to school and get the RN.   I just hope they don't try to have zillions of kids.  I hope getting married will be an advantage for them.  And maybe set an example for the younger ones that it is permissible to marry later.

3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Nostrils = Austin

Thanks, I forget he exists, and when I remember he exists, I cannot remember his name.  

10 minutes ago, Absolom said:

She's an LPN, but she's worked and she has her AR license.   

Bummer.   Well, I can always hope she will go back to school and get the RN.   I just hope they don't try to have zillions of kids.  I hope getting married will be an advantage for them.  And maybe set an example for the younger ones that it is permissible to marry later.

3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Nostrils = Austin

Thanks, I forget he exists, and when I remember he exists, I cannot remember his name.  

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6 minutes ago, Twopper said:

Thanks, I forget he exists, and when I remember he exists, I cannot remember his name.  

That made me laugh harder than it should have because I do the same thing with him constantly. 😂

Edited by Zella
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22 hours ago, JoanArc said:

reminds me of one woman's exploits that I follow online. She's in her late 30's and very morbidly obese (very!). She's a total narcissist who cannot admit that her weight is a health issue, and 'works' as a motivational speaker about weight issues. Her big shtick is that no one can lose weight and keep it off - ever! She's a complete grifter with no real job, and lies about having a degree and work history. She claims be an elite athlete, but never works out. She is in year five of a two year plan to run an IRONMAN triathlon. Oh, and now she's homeless - using air b'n'b for shelter.

Until the Ironman part, I thought you were talking about Whitney Way Thore...

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1 hour ago, Broken Ox said:

Until the Ironman part, I thought you were talking about Whitney Way Thore...

She's Whitney - without the sparkling personality! Like, Whitney, if her life hadn't gone so well..


Well, I can always hope she will go back to school and get the RN.

It will take a couple years (assuming she has no College pre-reqs done). Now's the perfect time - no kids, no need to work, and TV money to live on. Then, when the TV show is gone and Jim Bob Enterprises isn't paying so well, Abbie can be sole breadwinner, or even put JD though school. I know, I know, I dream.

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17 hours ago, graefin said:

 I guess we're limiting our field to guys since we're talking about preachers? But Jessa has them all beat when it comes to articulation, I think. As far as I'm concerned, Nostrils ain't never gonna live down "etiquacy."

I forgot about that! Yes, I guess I was thinking in their field only guys would be preachers, but Jessa does articulate relatively well within their group. Jinger has come close in more recent episodes, I thought she was pretty articulate in the episode where she gives birth to Felicity.

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Just now, madpsych78 said:

I forgot about that! Yes, I guess I was thinking in their field only guys would be preachers, but Jessa does articulate relatively well within their group. Jinger has come close in more recent episodes, I thought she was pretty articulate in the episode where she gives birth to Felicity.

You were right about that. Females do not preach the gospel or lead churches in the theological circles the Duggars and adjacents belong to. 

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