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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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8 hours ago, JoanArc said:

My Two Dads (are going to hell)

Blossom: The Opiate Years

They'll milk this new baby for all its worth and that sickens me. Sad drifters through life.

Why is his knee shoved into her pregnant belly? Shouldn't she be displaying it?


7 hours ago, TaxNerd said:

I immediately though knockoff Blossom!  Derrick even looks like a knockoff Joey!

You two are nicer than me, I thought Blossom, the Flowers in the Attic edition. 

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Thanks for the education on men's sperm and Zika. I thought they were in the safe zone! 

As much as I dislike the Dullards, I do not wish a Zika baby on them. As if they will even be tested for it. Even if something were to show up at her 20 week strip mall u/s, she (and her clueless spouse) will be in denial. 


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Sew Sumi unfortunately I know yu are right.  If the ultrasound showed the most awful of outcomes, the baby with half a brain, the ones who are unlucky enough to be alive when born, and who are said to scream all the time because they are in pain, yes even with that awful of an outcome, they would continue with the pregnancy..  As  A-hole Dill's posts show, it's mom's body, and baby body, two separate entities.  After all, it isn't Jill that would be in continual pain and scream and suffer, so they could beg for donations for the poor child.  I don't think there is any real empathy there among the bunch of them  

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3 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

Sew Sumi unfortunately I know yu are right.  If the ultrasound showed the most awful of outcomes, the baby with half a brain, the ones who are unlucky enough to be alive when born, and who are said to scream all the time because they are in pain, yes even with that awful of an outcome, they would continue with the pregnancy..  As  A-hole Dill's posts show, it's mom's body, and baby body, two separate entities.  After all, it isn't Jill that would be in continual pain and scream and suffer, so they could beg for donations for the poor child.  I don't think there is any real empathy there among the bunch of them  

I may be wrong, but I don't think those strip mall ultraound techs are trained to recognize any potential defects in the fetus.

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7 hours ago, cereality said:

I think they're advising men to wait 6 months now if they've been in a Zika country. The initial advisory was only to wait 2 months if you had no symptoms which would make August to Oct ok - but given that they're just now learning about the virus and how long it can live in men even if you're a symptomatic and don't test positive - why on earth would you risk it when you could just wait 4 extra months?!

Because Duggar.

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18 hours ago, Marigold said:

I have missed you Jellybeans!

Yes, people say the stupidest things that are actually hurtful. Maybe just say that you're so sorry for the tremendous loss?  Nope...

Back to fundieville, about 2 weeks after my mom died, I was still wearing black (I'm old school, I guess) and clearly looked like I'd been through a train wreck.  Minister said "a real Christian would be joyful her mom is in heaven, not grieving like this"

THAT was my last time in a IFB church. 

And a real Minister would know  about empathy , grief and not being a dick .


17 hours ago, Marigold said:

So Jilly got pregnant in October?  

Were they in the US or DA? 

And why the comment about all the pregnancy tests?  I'm totally lost.  Jill speaks like an 11 year old. 

That's probably her mental age .

Edited by lianau
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18 hours ago, Kokapetl said:


Press photos for a tv show in 1993?

Is Derick wearing slippers?

I know that Jill made her bed and now Derick is in it, but from what I've seen, I get vibes of a young woman who went through strong post-partum depression on her own, in a foreign country, with literally no one to talk to and the mindset that her sadness and fear were somehow all her fault for not being stronger.  I also think Derick may have noticed his wife's sadness, ignored it, and used it as another excuse to run off somewhere on his own for hours composing his next sermon.  Jill strikes me as very fragile and having more and more babies isn't going to "fix" her - although she knows no different.  She makes me sad, and Derick makes me stabby.

Edited by laurakaye
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That's a strange picture. It looks like she's standing and his pose is weird. What were they going for?

Derek's recent tweets, all in the same day were in this order:

1. FRC @FRCdc

A Simple Pregnancy App Demonstrates The Humanity Of Abortable Human Babies. bit.ly/2hRuLoW

Then 2. The slideshow (donate!!), 3. pregnancy announcement, followed by 4. Abortion = sin.

Such a strange, strange man.

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I may be wrong, but I don't think those strip mall ultraound techs are trained to recognize any potential defects in the fetus.

Every 3D ultrasound place I have ever known about has a policy of not diagnosing anything. They take pictures and give you the gender. That's it. I did have a friend who went to the 3D ultrasound and was told to get to her doctor ASAP to get a medical ultrasound because something was wrong (and she was right, unfortunately). But the 3D tech did not give a diagnosis.

Derrick still doesn't look healthy. I think there is another problem they're not telling us. Its not normal that he would look so sick for so long. I also want to know how Jill avoided being pregnant for so long if they don't believe in birth control. Same thing with Anna.

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8 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

This tweet made me LOL 

"@jillmdillard I will always support murder ?"

ahaha. Poor Jilly prolly thought it was satan himself :-P

And yeah. SHUT UP JILL. 

Why is Derick on this abortion shtick? It seems new. Guess he's been sufficiently brainwashed.  Why can't these fundies be soooo passionate about something important. Like clean water. Or education. Food for the hungry. If all this effort went into educating and feeding the millions of needy already here, abortion rates ( legal and illegal) would probably go down as a result. 

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26 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

This tweet made me LOL 

"@jillmdillard I will always support murder ?"

ahaha. Poor Jilly prolly thought it was satan himself :-P

And yeah. SHUT UP JILL. 

Why is Derick on this abortion shtick? It seems new. Guess he's been sufficiently brainwashed.  Why can't these fundies be soooo passionate about something important. Like clean water. Or education. Food for the hungry. If all this effort went into educating and feeding the millions of needy already here, abortion rates ( legal and illegal) would probably go down as a result. 

I hate to think it, but it might be possible that the "abortion shtick" does indicate, as Gee Golly speculated upthread, that a zika-type abnormality had been detected and abortion had been brought up as an alternative. Or, since I don't know that Jil is far enough along fr that sort of diagnosis, that abortion as an option had just been brought up just because of the inherent risks of her getting pregnant so soon after being in a zika area. Of course, that would probably mean she had seen a doctor, and not only that, but one with an open mind, and I'm not sure how likely that is.

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19 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:


Hey now I beginning to think we've been too hard on them.  When we find out that they are naming there baby "DONATE,"  we'll fel bad. Here, they were just trying to tell us baby Donate was coming via their website, and we were thinking they were grifters that don't want to work!

Ok, well we have a name for the Dillard baby.

Baby Donate. 

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

That's a strange picture. It looks like she's standing and his pose is weird. What were they going for?

You'd think she would be the one sitting and he'd be standing - but even so, it's a lot of denim all at once (odd), his leg's tucked under him (strange), and then there's her hand placement (prayer closet).

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37 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Donate Dillard!

It's better than Spurgeon. 

If it's a girl I could see them naming her Faith, Grace or Noel, not because the names are pretty or anything, but because they prayed & prayed & believed God would NEVER give them a Zika baby. Yup, they're just that arrogant.

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2 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I thought she might choose the name, Selah, unless Jessa stole it from her.

There's so many different meanings to that name. It's either, pause, praise, lift up, to hang, or to measure.

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1 minute ago, poopchute said:

Can anyone fill me in as to why they don't seek medical care? Is that for all areas of health or just baby birthin'?  Like, do they go to the doctor for bronchitis or not?  

I wonder about this too b/c Michelle goes to the doctor/hospital for care/births....it's weird the kids don't....

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10 minutes ago, louannems said:

Are Jill and Derick going to spend their entire pregnancy sermonizing against abortion???

Derick seems stuck on this topic for the moment.  

It will keep up until he has another manic moment and gets excited about something else.  

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25 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Derek is on a roll right now re: abortion. He's coming across as an ass.

I thought he already was an ass lol

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22 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


I'm surprised he's letting some tweets of others appear. Or he just doesn't realize what they are referring to?


WHOA NOW, Heavy D!  Jim-Bob's gonna come a-calling and take away all your electronic devices.  Or cut off your fingers.

But why on earth is he going all rogue on social media regarding pregnancy, abortion, etc. while Jill is pregnant?  His timing and his choice of rant subject are both very odd.

Edited by laurakaye
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11 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

I don't think there is any real empathy there among the bunch of them  


IMAGINE THE DONATIONS. Hell, imagine the ratings! Nancy would spontaneously combust from joy and we'd be treated to hours of Brave Jilly Muffin (TM), soldiering on while Triple D puts product in his hair and pontificates on how Every Life Is Sacred and giving birth to a baby with significant birth defects and suffering every moment of his or her life is "God's Will".

We also know damn well they haven't had (and will not have) one minute of prenatal care or diagnostic tests beyond an ultrasound. Because Jesus.

I want to slap them both.

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5 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

I bet Jill is secretly relieved there's a pregnancy to complicate returning to Central 'Merica. 

I bet Jill engineered this pregnancy by any means possible to avoid returning to Danger America.

And yes, there's a pitchfork with my name on it. #hell

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4 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

Why can't these fundies be soooo passionate about something important. Like clean water. Or education. Food for the hungry. If all this effort went into educating and feeding the millions of needy already here, abortion rates ( legal and illegal) would probably go down as a result. 


They (and the Duggars) don't care about anything or anyone but the unborn. Those babies can damn well get jobs. Or a reality TV show!

2 hours ago, poopchute said:

Can anyone fill me in as to why they don't seek medical care? Is that for all areas of health or just baby birthin'?  Like, do they go to the doctor for bronchitis or not?  

No health insurance.

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A Simple Pregnancy App Demonstrates The Humanity Of Abortable Human

What odd phrasing. I'm pretty sure I don't see a lot of humanity in the Duggars and their ilk, and they've already been born. Robots.

i bet Derick will change his tune on abortion toot sweet if Jill has a horribly deformed child. He's like a bloviating college freshman that knows everything about everything...then a girl he hooked up with comes to him with the pee stick. 

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Just now, JoanArc said:

A Simple Pregnancy App Demonstrates The Humanity Of Abortable Human

What odd phrasing. I'm pretty sure I don't see a lot of humanity in the Duggars and their ilk, and they've already been born. Robots.

i bet Derick will change his tune on abortion toot sweet if Jill has a horribly deformed child. He's like a bloviating college freshman that knows everything about everything...then a girl he hooked up with comes to him with the pee stick. 

"Abortable" isn't the word I'd use if I was trying to stop abortions. It's so doable/achievable. 

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So I wonder if Derick started posting all these anti abortion posts b/c a doctor got upset with them for not waiting the 6 months to start trying for a baby...maybe Derick did get Zika while in DA??  

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They're all about protecting the unborn yet they knowingly put their fetus/baby/child at risk for devastating abnormalities. Getting pregnant against medical advice due to Zika risks is akin to getting pregnant while using drugs. Either way there is a chance the baby will be fine, but there is a chance the baby will have problems. Why do that?

They're also putting their 40 week old fetuses at risk during haphazardly planned deliveries. For whose benefit? That of the vessel carrying the fetus, or the fetus itself?

So the female body not becoming her own body in relationship to baby making happens when? And pertains the the Dillard/Duggar ilk when convenient?

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35 minutes ago, Barbie said:

So I wonder if Derick started posting all these anti abortion posts b/c a doctor got upset with them for not waiting the 6 months to start trying for a baby...maybe Derick did get Zika while in DA??  


I don't know if anyone else here has been somewhat following news reports on the fight against Zika, but the last one I heard stated that doctors and researchers had no idea how long males can transmit the virus via semen, most males don't realize they have had the virus, and there is no ability to tell what may happen in the future to both infected people and carriers.

I'm also hoping that the Dillards ran into a doctor who was Not Having Their Shit and let THEM have it for being irresponsible enough to get pregnant less than six months removed from Danger America.

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2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

They sure do end up with a lot of pricey ER bills though.

If they're uninsured, it's up to the hospital to go after them to pay. I'm guessing that both couples don't have assets to go after on paper; that's all been tied up thanks to KJB. It's up to the rest of us poor schlubs to bankroll the Duggars' adventures in home birthin'.

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4 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Derick looks about as enthusiastic as Josh did when Anna told him she was pregnant with Meredith. 

Just now, Missy Vixen said:

If they're uninsured, it's up to the hospital to go after them to pay. I'm guessing that both couples don't have assets to go after on paper; that's all been tied up thanks to KJB. It's up to the rest of us poor schlubs to bankroll the Duggars' adventures in home birthin'.

The Bateses did the same thing. In the earlier specials, Gil proudly talked about using the ER as a free clinic. I'm guessing the hospital just writes off the bills, because you can't get blood from a stone. 

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If Dimwit does have Zika sperm, here we go with "miracle Duggar baby" 2.0. If the baby is fine, which I sincerely hope, it'll be all "the doctors told us to terminate but miracle!!!" If the baby isn't, they'll be those poor brave kids raising that poor baby...Donate Here.

I really REALLY hope I'm wrong...

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I kind of think that this is going to be their dynamic: one year in AR, the next year "on the mission field," another year in AR, etc. Jill pretty clearly wants to stay in AR, and I think that Derick wants to be a missionary. I think that this is the compromise worked out by Jimchelle Marriage Counseling Services.

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On 12/20/2016 at 2:13 PM, Kokapetl said:


Press photos for a tv show in 1993?

Persoanlly speaking I think that this picture is about as good a picture as they will ever take. Professional photographers simply do a better job than idiots with cell phones.

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